This Is Why You Need To Visit Vienna | Europe’s MOST Beautiful City 🇦🇹

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all right now hello and welcome we are in the city of Vienna this is the most beautiful city I have ever visited I promise it's absolutely stunning Anyway come along and explore it with me as always let's [Music] go now before we arrive to the breathtaking Vienna I spent a couple of days exploring the wonderful city of salsburg the birth place of moart nestled snugly at the base of the unfolding Austrian Alps but before setting my sights on Vienna I couldn't miss the chance of a day trip to see Austria's world famous Lakeside Town hallat it honestly blew me away and to have the whole place seemingly to myself was nothing short of magical Enchanted by its beautiful colors and Mountainside panoramic views the standard was set high for the next day when I set off for the 3-hour CrossCountry train ride from salsburg to Vienna we can finally begin our adventure in Vienna together all right so here we are I have just arrived in Vienna just checked in at my hostel there so we're pretty much already to explore but with there is a lot to do and I've only got about a day and a half so it's going to be busy busy thankfully the sun has just started to come out I think it was raining or cloudy at least earlier and already wow you can see we've got some stunning buildings over there but I've got a big long list for like 12 13 things on so like I said we're going to race through them it's going to be very busy but beautiful too looks absolutely [Music] incredible right now I'm a bit lost already I've spotted a beautiful Church dome over that way there's also something that looks like a very interesting building just there so I think I'm going to take a gamble go this way and let's do what we F wandering along I couldn't help but crack a little smile when I stumbled upon the Academy of Fine Arts Building impressed by its incredible Symmetry and placed behind a tall bronze Monument of a proud 18th century German poet though I have no idea if it's open to the public I decided I'll try my look anyway greeted at the entrance by two centors and of course it's Romanesque like colums the facade of the building was also adorned with a staggering amount of cute little statues now as I make my way inside if you want a really cool bit of History Adolf Hitler yes that's right moved to Vienna in 1908 and it was always his ambition in youth to become a professional artist I wish I had have known this at the time that it was this very art school which rejected him twice and I I can't help but wonder if the course of history may have changed right here had he become a professional artist anyway enough about evil fascist dictators I successfully managed to sneak inside and I'm glad I did Golden roof fancy pillars and marble Engravings enough to charm anyone so I wander around the building begrudgingly with impostor syndrome feeling like I'm somewhere I shouldn't be so it's back to the streets as I spot the next lucrative building but I'm spoed for choice and can't quite make my mind up of which direction go but as I'm teased by the city's Grand door I make my way around this massive building to where I think you'll be just as impressed as [Music] me right now I'm not even joking I've just turned the corner and just run take a look at this it's absolutely stunning isn't it we got this beautiful statue here I think this one is the uh it's like an art gallery and then you would think that would be enough but literally just facing it as well we've got another absolutely incredible building which is the Natural History Museum this one but I think this might be my favorite City already I'm absolutely Gob smacked it's insanely beautiful can't get much better than this [Music] surely [Music] right now believe it or not I have just paid €21 to go into this Museum let's hope it's worth it but I've only got about an hour and 20 minutes as well so I'm going to be sprinting around the place I think let's go heading inside I was honestly a little pissed off at having to pay a ludicrous entry Fe of 221 I don't think I was even interested in going inside at this point but upon entry it quickly started to make sense welcomed by this beautiful grand entrance hall I was blown away already from the floor to the pillars to the ceiling I am swallowed up in a world of artistic magnificence and lost for words but it gets even better Straight Ahead from the entrance is a staircase which seems as though it could have been sculptured by the gods emanating this other worldly Aura and the main centerpiece in pristine marble depicts the Greek mythological hero Theus sling a centor and what's also really cool is that this sculpture was actually commissioned by the French conqueror Napoleon and to be honest with you I didn't really get a chance to see any of the exhibitions because the building itself was just something else but despite the ridiculous entry fee I I'd still say it's well worth visi inside there were also so many other museums in Vienna which you can visit which I didn't have time to see myself anyway there's some great artwork and plenty of other sections to explore which I'll either just leave to your imagination or for you to explore when you come and visit for yourself anyway that nicely rounds off the end of day one let's carry on in the [Music] morning all right now good morning it's day two we're going to pick up from where we left off yesterday and as you can see it's about 8:00 in the morning and I'm pretty much the only one here which is insane this is why you've got to get up early and explore before anyone gets here anyway we've got a lot to take off today so we're going to race through it pretty quickly uh there's a palace thing to start off with uh there's about a million palaces but we're going to start off with one of the Palaces so let's [Music] go right and I know this is a big statement but I think this must be the most beautiful city I have ever visited and I've been quite a lot now but everywhere you look the buildings are just insane like next level uh but anyway we're going to head into the Palace of Justice cuz it looks really nice inside there so let's go there so now it's time to explore the wonderful Justice Palace where upon entering the columns interestingly look a bit like the chimney cakes you get in Prague and after a quick Security check the building was pretty much empty on an early Wednesday morning The satisfyingly Splendid symmetry was really a sight to behold and believe it or not anyone can get in for free you just have to go through a quick round of security and by now I'm really starting to realize that the architectural beauty of Vienna is just on a whole other level but there's still plenty more to see so the wandering continues until just R the corner I stumble upon the Austrian Parliamentary Building and to be honest with you I'm running out of adjectives to describe this city but there was something not so far in the distance which really caught my eye glorious Gothic stonework begging to be explored now this is insanely big for a city hall isn't it anyway I walk through the lovely arched doorway making my way into this vast open courtyard which anyone can just walk in and take a look but really I want to get inside though there doesn't seem to be any information about how to get in or if I can so I stroll around inconspicuously searching for an entry point eventually I find a door which brings me inside and makes me feel like I've managed to sneak inside Hogwarts or something with no idea of whether I'm actually meant to be in here or not I quickly find out that I'm not feeling severely out of place it turns out I've gate crashed some sort of school career fair but it seems I've actually been quite lucky you can usually only get in with a guided tour and I'm sure it'll probably come as no surprised to you that the interior was certainly worthy of the Grand and lavish exterior anyway it's unfortunately time to move on it's back out onto the streets and aimlessly wandering Blown Away by the extravagance of this city and then I'm hit with a sad realization that I really needed more time in Vienna to take it all in but to also properly explore the many sites and things to do in Vienna unfortunately I'm a little worried I haven't been able to do this city justice but hopefully I've at least been able to the insane architectural beauty of this city and as for food and culture well you probably shouldn't be taking advice from me now after casting aside the heavy feeling of Shame and judgment surprise surprise I pass more pretty buildings but perhaps more importantly the big Theater which has played a huge part in Vienna's rise as the soul of theater and Performing Arts I did try my look at having a look inside but that's reserved for guided tours and performances only but I think something you should really consider doing is going to to see a theater opera or classical musical performance somewhere in the city I wish I could have done so myself provided I had more time and a bigger budget anyway I'm going to shut up for a bit now and show you a few more things I saw while exploring [Music] oh unfortunately I was a little naughty went back for a nap and ended up sleeping for about 5 hours so I quickly headed out just before Sunset and saw a few more [Music] things [Applause] all right now I'm just wondering off what seems one of the main streets there but I just wanted to say only haven't had sort of a day and a half here I've only really had enough time to sort of scratch the surface of Vienna and as I've showed you it is absolutely incredible like one of the most beautiful cities I've seen probably the most um you know which I've already said I think I'm going to carry on of a little Wonder as it goes into the night I want to head towards the river and then there's also St Stevens's cathedral which is the main Cathedral so we'll see that in a little bit um yeah but just want to give you a heads up on that so to draw my time in Vienna to a close I saw the cathedral which looked incredible and my favorite part was probably the roof which was decorated in beautiful mosaics of course this is another must sea if you're visiting Vienna but you can also see some classical performances inside the church which would be pretty cool and to finish off the video there's a few big things I unfortunately didn't get the chance to see such as the famous shun Brun Palace just outside the city as well as the Austrian national Library which looks incredible inside and the badier palace and its Gardens well that rounds off yet another adventure anyway I hope you enjoyed this video and while you're still here you should also come along with me on my Adventures to salsburg and the incredible Lakeside Paradise of hallat I'll also link some things like tours and experiences you can do from Vienna in my description and you'll find the salsburg and Hall stop video linked at the end of this video see you there [Music]
Channel: Ben Robson
Views: 1,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vienna, Vienna 2024, Vienna 4k, Vienna Austria, Vienna austria 2024, Vienna austria 4k, Vienna city guide, Vienna city tour, Vienna things to do, Vienna things to see, Vienna tour, Vienna travel, Vienna vlog, Vienna vlog 2024, What can i do in vienna, austria, ben robson, europe travel, europe travel vlogs, is Vienna worth visiting, should I visit Vienna, vienna, vienna travel tips, vienna travel vlog, what to do in vienna austria
Id: DIg-HQrkV5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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