THIS is Why You Can't Shallow the Club

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so Walky Neiman is the hottest golfer on the planet right now right he's won three of his last four events he shot 59 in one of them last week he just came in second missed the playoff by one he's playing some phenomenal golf I took a little Deep dive into his golf instructor and how is it that Waco and many of the Great golfers that his his coach instructs are able to shallow the club so well and rotate so fantastically through the ball just really gripping and using the ground um what is he teaching these guys right and we're going to get into that we're going to show you some of the drills that he does and hopefully how they can help your golf swing right so we can kind of hit the ball and swing a little more like some of these great Latin American golfers so let's get into it so wacon Neiman's the hottest golfer in the planet right now shot 59 won three of his last four events came in second last week and here's his golf coach Eduardo Miguel right I was doing a deep dive into just you know some of the things that he teaches he teaches some of the best Latin American golfers in the world right here's him coaching um Carlos Ortiz he coaches Meo Pereira he coaches Waco Neiman of course Meo famously you know uh was leading the PJ Championship going to the last hole you know unfortunately lost to Justin Thomas watch how surprisingly similar these guys swing they all shallow the club great this is even one of his Junior golfers and they all rotate their body so well through the shot this this is christobal Del solar okay watch how poor his golf swing was a number of years ago how steep and over the top he was okay and he's a professional at this time so after working with Eduardo and him running through just some drills of connection some shallowing drills this is the guy that just shot 57 the lowest ever recorded round in a PGA sanctioned event so I really did a deep dive into just uh you know cuz you know how much I love shallowing the golf club and how much I believe in its its purpose and uses so I try to see what exactly the drills that he was doing and this drill here that Waco is doing with the the ball in between his legs was something that he runs all his students through this is Meo doing it and in order to use the ground as powerfully as possible because we know that the main key to shallowing the golf club is being able to rotate and use the ground here he has even his Junior golfers running through the drill and really getting that trail leg to behave correctly right to be able to squat kind of like Sam Sneed push into the ground and get your body to really have some some better rotational torque right many of the students I coach that's not happening so these drills can be really helpful in getting you to shallow the golf club and create a little more rotational speed so the two most common breakdowns with the right leg right or the trail leg in the swing is this first golfer is going to push up off the ground you notice how his heel comes up right there right the trail heel is pushing up so hard now watch the line above his head it starts to raise up generates a lot of Club head speed so he can hit the ball very far sometimes but this one he just pops it right in front of himself the next one is the right leg pushing laterally the right knee the right foot pushing laterally towards the target so hard that there's no rotational speed created with the body that creates a lot of centrifugal force adds to a lot of Club head speed if we can do it so this golfer will hit it relatively straight but he's going to lack distance hey it's your coach Zach Allen here and when it comes to the golf swing I've seen and tried it all but nothing is proven as effective as the concept I'm about to share with you now it is the single most powerful piece of golfing advice I've ever come across in fact I would go so far as to call it a magic move since I don't have the time in this short video I've put together a three-part web class where I teach you exactly how to put it to use in your game nothing held back I call it my magic move training series and you can get the entire thing free of charge by clicking the link in the description below you won't find these videos anywhere else so go ahead click the link right now and I'll send you the first session right away okay let's go ahead and get back to that lesson okay so taking a look at some of those great Latin American moves and how they all just effortlessly shallow the club right they're able to put that Center of mass behind their hand path to really come down into a great position so all shallowing the club is is a movement outward with the hand so as the club is going back I start to move my hand path outward and that gets the center Mass to get behind us now what creates that outward movement is exactly that drill that he's doing there I've got a little rubber tea on my knee here just so you can kind of visualize what's happening when he puts the ball between the legs and you can use a soccer ball volleyball any ball he's really getting his players to grip into the ground right this left knee makes this little it's called a Varys movement it makes a little bit of a circle and the trail leg really corresponds by staying steady and planted digging in rather than pushing up or driving forward right all the things that golfers do improperly and when they try to use the ground so get a ball out put it between your legs take it to the top and just before your Club gets to the top start to feel that dropping sensation feel your body really dig and rotate and I'm telling you that club is just going to shallow like crazy okay I hope that video helps you if you want another video about shallowing the club I've got one up here that would be great to look at Eduardo Miguel is a great teacher he's done a phenomenal job with these players and really kind of finding the key in the lower body to get that movement to happen consistently just amazing stuff see you next time
Channel: Zach Allen Golf
Views: 15,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zach allen golf, zach allen, golf instruction, golf lesson, golf tip, how to golf, golf swing, golf tips, joaquin niemann, joaquin niemann swing, joaquin niemann golf swing, shallow the club golf, Eduardo Miquel, eduardo miquel golf
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 24sec (384 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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