This is Why Programming Is Hard For you

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Hey everyone! Welcome to my channel!  Today, I want to talk about the real   lives of programmers and debunk some myths  that people get from watching YouTube videos.  Many think that programming is simple  and easy, but that's not quite true.  Main Part: When you watch videos  about programmers' lives on YouTube,   you often see a nice picture: programmers working  from home, traveling, and everything seems great.  It gives the impression that programming  is just leisure: you press keys,   write code, and earn huge money for it. Yes, it looks attractive, but this picture is   far from reality. Programming is not easy. It requires a lot of time, effort,   and continuous learning. The Reality of Programming: In   reality, a programmer's work  involves many complex tasks.  Programmers write a lot of code, deal  with difficult problems, and often face   errors that need fixing. The work process includes:  Extended hours at the computer Solving complex problems  Continuous learning of new  technologies and methods  Programming is a job that demands  perseverance and attention to detail.  To become a good programmer and earn good money,  you need to work hard and constantly improve.  Mistakes and Challenges: Mistakes are unavoidable.  Programmers often encounter problems that   initially seem unsolvable. This requires patience and   the ability to find creative solutions. Learning and Self-Development: If programming   were easy, everyone would do it. To truly succeed,   you must constantly learn and improve. The world of technology is evolving rapidly,   and you need to keep up with the times. Conclusion: So, programming is not simple   or easy, especially for beginners. To earn good  money, you must work hard and keep learning.  Don't be fooled by pretty pictures  from the internet—behind them   lies hard work and continuous development. Now, let's understand how to make this learning   process more understandable and effective. Choosing a Direction: Before you start   learning programming, it's important  to choose a direction to develop in.  This will help you understand which tools  and technologies you'll need. For example,   if you want to do web development, you need  to decide if you'll focus on front-end,   back-end, or become a full-stack developer. Each direction has its own tools and technologies.  For front-end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript,  frameworks like React or Vue. For back-end:   programming languages like Python, Ruby,  Java, and frameworks like Django or Spring.  For full-stack: a combination  of front-end and back-end tools.  If you decide to develop games, you'll  need completely different tools and   programming languages like Unity and C#. Learning Algorithm: Once you've chosen a   direction, it's important to  build a learning algorithm.  Initially, the information may seem  overwhelming, and that's normal.  Our brains get tired from a large amount  of new information, so it's important to   structure the learning process. Study Planning: Start with the   basics. Learn one programming language,  understand its principles and fundamentals.  Then move on to learning frameworks and  libraries used in your chosen direction.  Here's the plan: Decide on your direction  Choose a programming language Learn the basics of the language  Master key frameworks and libraries Practice by creating small projects  It's important to follow a sequential plan  and not jump from one thing to another.  This will help you avoid confusion  and better absorb the material.  Conclusion: In conclusion, programming  requires perseverance and continuous learning.  But with the right approach and a  clear study plan, you can effectively   master new technologies and achieve success. Don't be afraid of challenges, and remember   that every step brings you closer to your goal. Thank you for watching! Subscribe to the channel,   like the video, and share your thoughts in  the comments. See you in the next video!
Channel: Volodymyr In Tech
Views: 2,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: programming, beginner tips, coding advice, programming journey, coding mistakes, programming regrets, coding lessons, learning to code, programming experiences, software engineering tips, newbie programmer, learn programming, programming essentials, coding basics, coding, how to learn programming, how to learn programming for beginners, how to start coding, coding for beginners, coding resources, programming for beginners, coding tutorials, coding tips, free coding resources
Id: M4rDFgCyQq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 32sec (332 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2024
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