*Next-door 10x Software Engineer* [FULL]

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Cloud Edge is a hype we do true Edge we inject the software in the customers Windows to yo what's up with the camera dude did you put doom on the microwave this was was the microwave I finally found the CEO's email we can send the demo tomorrow I mean I also have a Social Security number if you need it yo or networks down perfect I was stress testing it oh did you see the new Marketplace I rolled out what the demo we sent out to investors doesn't work I know they're using Arc browser we don't need those investors I just came back from the Meetup on how to reduce our infra bill yeah infra bill is 0 somewhere did you move our entire AWS stack to our Mac Mini again you know how I'll be we had a working Cuda driver for Linux the whole time hey man have you heard graph DBS what if you use graph yeah okay yo did you see this new AR library on Twitter doesn't fit our use case it was out since today when have you tried it it's my library is this emac and Temple oh this is space Max oh what's this don't touch this it's part of our infra you lost all our money on this oh it's back up we're rich oh I did rewrite the whole thing to us oh I like the performance wasn't better so I I wrote it back why don't we use it I already destroyed all the code and burned the computer what yo I wonder if I could write this in dead fish no you fix the coffee machine patch the kernel yeah not everything need to come PCH I just turn it on and off what is this custom Linux yo our Network down no no this a different one I ran the script I found online and now the prod DP is missing oh don't worry we have a backup the whole backup everything is gone I have a backup you didn't know about can't trust humans this is our backup what about making it readable who else needs to read this oh on the production website I added like a homer button if you press it you can see the customer sta stcs all in one go it renders in 12.4 millisecond people can see our customer statistics publicly yeah but it's super performant people can see our customer statistics publicly man it still isn't working on 360 videos we don't support 360 videos we do in a few minutes how long do you think this is going to take 3 to 5 hours if you leave the room maybe two oh is that your diploma what oh yeah man I need that for my Visa yo I wrote the library from scratch what yo I roll our own crypto what just to be safe we missed the deadline CU I sent it out 20 minutes ago already did you want me to send the iOS or the Android version what the iOS version oh cool I sent both what is this oh it's just I'm debugging and asky I'm not going to waste resources we two JavaScript Frameworks away from actually launching this what I'm joking I'm joking it's all lost and hopeless what you need the feature today for the demo hold on my rest just broke let me just fix it first oh actually you know why I think it's just a Volcom Buck we don't need the UI we need the UI what okay okay let's isn't our demo on the PC yeah rip I'm horrible at coding Y what do you think about this UI design yo that's perfect how long to put in the app this is the app you're good at front and to we need to raise money I put all our money in Bitcoin we're good cool what else dude I meta vers is dead IC with the guy who built it I'm trying to hire more Engineers just let me know which ones you want no hire less Engineers less Engineers hire uh marketing people we need marketing people we already have 12 hire uh accounting we need accounting people what about product management no right okay it's a PlayStation VM written in h SSL is a joke I know the guy who built the back door what back door what oh salana is a joke I know the guy who's going to dump it what oh yeah forget that you're good at this too yeah so when he kept saying Cody that was actually like a Canadian reference oh actually what Kendrick Lamar meant when he was talking come on man we need the demo in 1 hour it will be done by then don't worry I got it I got it I will be ready oh my just broke just let me fix that first come on man I'll be done by then is this 2K 25 limited edition hijacked Edition what does that say oh that's just compiler small talk it's red compil always be complaining dude new lvm version that buil is failing though we have a demo coming up a don't worry I'll fix
Channel: Programmers are also human
Views: 328,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10x engineer, 10x developer, cracked engineer, cracked developer, 10x software engineer, l7 swe, levels.fiy, 10x swe, vim editor
Id: kKAue9DiHc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 50sec (290 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2024
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