What Programming Language Should I Learn First?

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hey youtube so what programming language should you learn first my short answer would be pick either Python or JavaScript and throughout this video I'm gonna explain why I picked those two particular languages and I'm gonna walk you through the process for picking the right first language for yourself for your particular situation and preferences so as you pick the first language for yourself one thing to keep in mind is that once you know one language whether it's Sybil's plus Java or anything else as long as you know one it's gonna be much easier to learn any additional languages because all programming languages are sort of related and similar so I would say if you already started learning one language and if you like what you're learning just keep going with that other than that there are three points you should consider as you pick the right first language for yourself number one the job market actually the job market is a tricky point to consider because it highly depends on your location and the industry you want to get into so for example if you want to get into a start-up in San Francisco good languages to learn might be JavaScript NGO or Python and if you're interested in going into gaming or banking a better option might be c-sharp or C++ so I would say just take a look at the job postings of the kinds of jobs you're interested in on websites like LinkedIn and indeed calm and just look at what their requirements are now the second point to consider is what you want to build and I'm just gonna give you a quick list here if you want to build I Oh s apps so whether iPhone apps or iPad apps I would go with Swift and if you want to build Android apps I would go with Java first and then maybe call in after that if you want to build websites I would get started with JavaScript HTML and CSS first and if you're into debt analysis engineering science or machine learning I would get started with Python R or MATLAB and if you want to game the moment I would go with C sharp or C++ so as you can see there are a lot of different options here depending on what you want to build and the third point to consider is the ease of learning like I say in one of my previous videos I would say Python is easier to learn than C++ or C and JavaScript is easier to learn than Java so what programming language should you learn first well it highly depends on your particular situation but I would say in general try to find something that fulfills all of these three criteria so ideally find something that's in demand in the job market lets you build something you want to build and is relatively easy to learn and that actually brings us to python and javascript and that's because they're both relatively easy to learn and they both tend to be in demand in the job market as well so which one of these programming languages should you learn first that actually depends on what you want to build so if you're more interested in the logic side of things than visuals then I would say go with Python Python is often used to build server-side code or back-end code of websites which is basically the code that runs on your servers many companies also use Python for their analysis data science and machine learning purposes for example when I was working at Google I used Python to visualize and analyze some data there so if you're interested in building websites instead I would first go with JavaScript and if you go with JavaScript first learn HTML and CSS so the way it works is HTML and CSS determine where your webpages look like and JavaScript allows you to add functionality to those webpages for example you can add a piece of functionality that says when I click this button right here it's going to change the color of this other button right there and you can see all of that HTML CSS and JavaScript as a set of code that runs on your device or on your browser and that's called a front-end code and that alone the front-end code alone is actually not enough to make a complete website for example something like Facebook because when you go to facebook.com Facebook needs to know who your friends are and that information is not stored on your device or on your browser it's stored somewhere Facebook's server so you need code that runs on Facebook's server or your own website server and that's called back-end code which I mentioned earlier as opposed to front-end code and to make back-end code developers use something else for example nodejs which is based on JavaScript or Django or flask which are something called web frameworks that are based on Python so actually to make a complete website you need to learn a lot of things HTML CSS and JavaScript as well as at least one web framework but I would say just start with HTML CSS and JavaScript if you're interested in building a website okay if you're interested in learning Python I'd recommend my Python tutorials for absolute beginners right there and if you want to see my top 5 language recommendation you can see my video about that right there and if you're new here and if you're not part of the CS Nostra community yet you should join us by subscribing to this channel I'm YK from CS dojo and I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: CS Dojo
Views: 2,092,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: programming languages, what programming language should I learn first, python, javascript, C++, java, backend code, front end code
Id: poJfwre2PIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 31sec (331 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2018
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