THIS is why I do it. Building the BUILD SHOW way.

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build show is on the road today guys i went down to houston for this video and i was already going to be speaking at the home builders association so i was looking for a builder that maybe had a job site with some cool stuff going on and i got hooked up with this builder you're about to see but this video is really what the build show is all about for me you know i started the build show 2008 as a way to promote my business and it's kind of grown into its own thing but i have been on youtube a long time i certainly have sponsors and it's a way that i feed my family and pay my mortgage but this video is really what it's all about we've got a builder who's watched a ton of my videos and we've got a homeowner who's watching my videos and is saying to his builder hey let's do that i'm willing to pay for that i want it built better and that gets me really excited yes i get to make money on these videos and do sponsor videos but what i really want is for us as american builders as north american builders to elevate our standards and to have clients that are willing to pay for better built houses and that's what you're about to see but not only that this builder blew me away with several really really good ideas that have taken what i've done in the past and taken it a step further including a few mistakes that i made at my house that he solved on this project today's video from houston had a really smart builder's job site let's get going [Music] ah this looks like classic houston tree-lined streets some pretty houses some big lots i like houston i could totally live here how are you good how are you i saw your videos on youtube okay the guard has seen my videos how about that i'm one of the subscribers i check everything because i did some changes in my home too no way oh my gosh that's crazy innovation whatever i'm doing by myself that's so cool thanks man appreciate it i'm so glad we were rolling that's fantastic all right so todd the builder met me at the gate we are uh todd was telling me that this is an established neighborhood that most of the houses were built but there was like one lot left all right i see a big green box this looks like home to me man look at this house what are we seeing what's all the um what's all the kind of blue striping at the nail head so we're we were always wondering how to cover the nail head having to do the you know we're debating between uh which zip system we're gonna use yeah so i used all three i used you know zip one zip two and some uh some additional you know liquid flash oh that's awesome i love it todd way to go my man man this looks great so what is this then what am i seeing here so it's a it's a liquid flash uh it's just we started with this process before um and then we decided to go with this oh i got you so got it the extra we do the better it is yeah that makes sense andy matt good to meet you brother how are you man this is a good looking house oh right in the water too i like it andy very nice beautiful holy cow this is big how tall is this four-year area in here so we have a 12-foot ceilings on the first floor okay 10-foot ceilings on the second floor that's big so that's probably what the flooring about and what's separating us from the garage here you've got sheetrock or sheathing up already no no we have ziplock oh is that right that's zip r all right how about that just like in my house not only that not only that what we've done we've sealed all the zip r because it has a poly yep so yeah you sealed it also that liquid flash on the bottom so okay in case of rod you know to hold it better for the future oh man that's great so uh some kind of a home office or study when you're first watching office and study we're about to drop the ceilings as you see right here we're installing the sheetrock because we're gonna have niches in there will be hard to reach so we're we're doing our sheetrock work and then we'll build the remaining ceiling after this way the hands can reach much easier at this stage yeah then later yeah smart i like it man look at that view through the back too that's really nice i like it todd and your uh already started mechanical as it looks like correct the mechanical gentleman right here behind me and it's all the mitsubishi system cool i like how you uh use some engineered lumber so you can avoid steel in there too perfect yes yes indeed we ended up using the steel for sharing purposes so all of it is on this side this neighborhood calls for a setback of 10 foot on the second floor so the engineer decided to use it right here okay a steel member going this way a steel number going this way and another steel member going this way okay yeah and i see your column coming down and then you're doing slot grills slot grills yeah pretty who did your uh mechanical design uh uh third coast he's uh he's right here outside he was curious to come in his run he hit her on ray burns that's his name and he's coming in i like your job site table with your sample board so you kind of know what's happening and then how about that lake view the zip tape that's good stuff all right we're in the kitchen here and todd had a great idea that he kind of stole from me but took it one step better uh he's got a sub-zero style or fridge and freezer here and of course you need the shot off valves facing those but what if you want a dual-sided axis so behind here he's got cabinetry uh and it's a little hard to pull out to see but todd do you mind pulling that out real fast so check this out uh when you put the cabinets in look you can see he's got holes to have access on the back side and these cabinets aren't in place yet but he pocket screwed uh some plywood on and now we've got full access to the back side of those to turn those off what a great idea todd super inexpensive and now we've got some really nice backup so we don't have to pull a built-in refrigerator freezer out to get the access valves all right so we looked at the shut off valves but check this out i'm not used to seeing cabinets in this early because we don't even have sheet rock and todd what's up with cabinets in here for your prior sheetrock well due to the shortage that we're having you know with with this economy we decided to go ahead and start building cabinets taking advantage of that downtime that we have it's super smart we have as a matter of fact we have a full cabinet shop up on the third floor in the attic and a paint job as well how about that so that's why all the cabinet grade plywood is hanging out down here including some pre-finish it looks like that's our ac contractor ray murray hey ray how's it going step lights is that what i'm seeing here future step lights just in case the owner decided here in this case we're gonna have a glass handrail we're gonna loot we're gonna edge illuminate the glass so it can glow at night it's gonna be part of the features one thing we're using here another another thing that this economy has hit us is the copper wiring right romex has is costing way so much money we're doing poe lighting in this house first time for myself really so power over internet ethernet cables basically correct so low voltage wire that's going to power your lighting correct so and and it's not only more on the cost effectiveness when it comes to wiring it also helps you as far as controlling your environment so you'll be able to have sensors and and the lighting would change from from you know a yellow white to a white white depending on the mood of the house how about that so then that ethernet wire i'm seeing right there is that going to be lighting correct neat yeah or cat5 i guess it could be huh we're doing cat six and cut sevens and where do those all terminate right here perfect timing just as i asked oh my god you have nine miles of wire look at all that lobo wire oh my gosh that makes my head hurt thinking about how to label all that and get it all oh my gosh what's the what's this all look like in terms of termination to get it all wired up so this covers sound security lighting just and all the controls of the house so every lights home run back to here then yes wow dang and are you doing that yourself do you have a subcontractor he's right here okay you can also answer all the questions and then these are your other more typical low volt boxes or maybe that's as a matter of fact alarm boxes we're building a we're building out these walls so he can he doesn't want to have any towers in here or any racks he wants to mount it all on the walls okay cool did you do all the louisville all right so we have a crew that ran all the wiring but uh we did the design and all that so yeah what he was saying so these are actually going to be for the dmx controllers which is going to cover all the led lighting for all the coping and everything so we're doing rgb plus tunable white and then we have 240 racks that are going to be wall-mounted pivot which all the wiring is actually going to be in that false wall coming up to the rack so okay everything's set in place there will be zero wiring showing whoa dang that's legit boys i'm impressed 47 000 feet rough of water in here so far that's a lot of wire how many miles is that nine miles away nine oh my gosh that's wild cool bonus room spaces for my homes in this area is a home theater a home theater yeah look at this fully integrated with the floor so you've stepped up we're stepping in and this has been engineered as part of the design that's really cool i like it so we've stepped down for the theater and then you'll have what is this two feet two feet and two feet is that what it is eighteen inches yeah it looks like eighteen fourteen inches and then what's the outlets behind four balance those are for reclining chairs oh wow [Music] and all the equipment's going in that room back here well the uh jeff thinks is gonna go in that main room that you just walk into he doesn't need he doesn't need that room anymore oh okay we designed it good storage room though nice place to make a cocktail and watch your favorite movie right here or your favorite game if you're sitting behind the board oh man that's awesome oh baby look at you pre-insulated already i like it by the way uh it's worth mentioning right now that it's 95 degrees outside and it's not bad it's super comfortable in here yeah so we have eight inch of insulation we already shot it with the fireproof material yeah so we're also safe dc 315 or what'd you use oh it's right here i bet it is no somebody else fire free 88 the first company ever certified for fire proofing i like your shop space up here this is really nice and i bet you you like these water yeah look at this we got a couple rheem heat pump water heaters i like the pan that you made for these too we we waterproofed the pans so this is far floods we don't have any rust issues that's really cool man we have a network of uh circulating loops so this way we're delivering hot water pretty quick to such a humongous home that's fantastic we build platforms for the acs uh-huh we've used some of the extra zip board okay for a platform for a vibration yep smart so it's up on foam and this is a horizontal mount but it could be a vertical mount as well all right check this out todd just showed me this he's got his kohler in-wall carriage right i use one of those in my boy's bathroom but if he ever had a problem he wanted to be able to shut that off so right behind that which happens to be his av room he put an inline shutoff valve todd super smart dude i love that so remember when it's in line it's on when it's 90 degrees it's off you put a little face board on there and to pretty that up and now if anyone ever needed to shut that off he's good to go all right i missed this when i walked by this is the study and i wasn't thinking there's a big piece of uh kind of thick metal here todd what is that this is a behind this room there's an in-wall tank for a toilet yeah and we're building cabinets in here so just in case when we cover this with sheetrock we don't want to have the trim carpenter shoot shoot nails into the tank and causing a water leak where did you learn that from your video from the mistake in my house that is so smart i love it dude what's this like fifteen dollars worth of protection maybe twenty dollars of the protection oh my god investment i love it todd way to go man that's really smart here's something else todd did he's got an aqua hose bib but check out how smart he was he put it on a loop on the inside so that he could actually pull that hose bib out from the outside service it replace it in 30 years and push it back in in this loop that he's got here with just a little piece of strap with some od strapping here will allow that to give some give to pull it out and push it back in that's really cool and then the shutoff valve for that aqua hose bib is inside the wall by a couple inches so when he spray foams this cavity all this plumbing will be within the heated and cooled uh heat it's really the more important space but inside the heated space of the house it won't freeze todd i'm impressed man nice build dude oh thank you if someone's watching this video and wants to get a hold of you or build with you or design with you how how can they get a hold of you uh todd it's in how about that we even got his email address and what's your what's your web all right guys if you're not currently subscriber hit that subscribe button we've got new content every tuesday and every friday that's it from houston i had a great day follow me on twitter instagram otherwise we'll see you next time on the build show [Music] you
Channel: Matt Risinger
Views: 238,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Matt Risinger, Build Show Network, The Build Show, Build, building science, high performance, zen homes
Id: 6C-SnjLzEzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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