Part 2: LOW BUDGET Details For A High Performance BUILD

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[Music] built shows on the road today we're in Bastrop Texas we're about to visit my buddy Scott true if you saw my last video with Scott he's a really smart Builder that does things on an incredibly low price point so we got a lot to learn from Sky the last video we made killed it and it was really long and I got a bunch of comments from y'all saying hey I don't mind the long format so buckle up we got a great video for you Scott true and some awesome details let's get going [Music] hey there he is what's up Scott how you doing good to see you brother good to see you man's got the last time I visited you you showed me some awesome details at some honestly really low price points with high performance I suspect you got a couple things over here to show me as well that's right got a few things so what are we looking at what is this house okay so this is my house okay we have really kind of a mix of you're going to see some budget things here yep but I've got some things I'm going kind of above and beyond um so it's kind of a mix of of stuff going on I like what I'm seeing so far I'm seeing that you've got a really nice detail of some tape from your foundation to your zip sheathing right so um this is the the siga tape that we normally use um I usually top it off with the zip tape I feel better about that being a terminating Edge there yeah because the sips made to stick to zip right right and then I'm noticing already like on these windows I love that you've done zip all the way in zip tape that is but I'm noticing that instead of stretch tape across the whole bottom you're just doing on that corner is that because that tape's a more expensive tape budget conscious about using more expensive tape yes that is that's how that started um because yeah exactly the guys would use stretch tape all the way across and it would this was actually a recommendation from a framer oh really he said why don't I just put it in the corner and I said yeah that sounds good makes sense um now this is this is more standard here because this is the garage wall which is not taking exterior insulation okay so this that's why it looks a little bit more standard but um yeah you've seen you know your your viewers are have seen this before um I go all the way around primarily for air because when eventually when I caulk the back side of the window it's cocked to this tape which is tied to the sheathing so it's an unbroken air barrier continuity of air bear really smart but you're not doing exterior insulation here which makes sense it's just your garage on the other side but then I'm guessing because I'm seeing some window bucks coming out that you've got some exterior insulation going on over here what's what's the plan so we're planning on uh two inches of poly ISO okay I've actually got one inch sheets because I'm planning to stagger the seams but that's why we kind of have what looks like a brick ledge it's really just so that the siding isn't sticking out so far when we go to finish the slab oh that's a smart detail I like that and yeah this is not complete yet this is just we've got some tape here to take to kind of cover the bulk of what's going on here but then we're going back and we're doing some liquid flash detailing um to you know to seal up like that spot yeah and to seal this corner right here right exactly in the inside Corners in a lot of ways similar to what I did in my house too where I did exterior Insulation at two inches rather than zip R let's say I'm just curious did you do the math on zip r as a material cost versus standard zip and then polyiso I did the math a while ago but you know these prices shift all the time yeah it's hard to stay on top I mean right now is that sheathing is super cheap which is awesome I called the other day a Builder's First Source told me it was 22 dollars a sheet yeah and it wasn't that long ago it was more double that cost really at that price there's no reason not to use it I mean you're crazy not to but yeah I had done I'd done the math a while ago at the time when I did the math it didn't make sense it was cheaper to just use the exterior polyiso separately that's also more in alignment with the perfect wall concept yeah that's right because it's surely on the outside yeah then everything now in there is warm but what happened is later um I redid the math and found out that there's probably not a whole lot of a difference if I would have gotten the zip R so I had done the manual J already and and plan the HVAC system and everything with that two inches considered so switching to zip R would mean that I would need to go with well not necessarily but just make sure that I'm doing the equivalent of the two inches now when you get in the two inch zip bar um I started reading because I wanted to make sure the guys were going to fasten it well um you've got to be perfect in order to get that Shear strength yeah and and I know I thought you know we're not going to be that perfect um it would take a lot like I'll standard this and I thought okay well maybe I can do the wind bracing with strapping or whatever but then that's going to require I call the engineer and ask him for help yeah and you know after considering all those things I'm just stuck with the plan of I like exterior insulation I like it now this it looks something like there's something going on here this is the Arlington inbox right right which I love compared to those crappy looking bubble covers that most Builders use What's Happening Here Scott that's different than the one I've seen before so if you've seen these boxes before I'm sure your viewers have seen them they come with the flange which is awesome because I love that flange because when you have a flange you can properly flash something yep um but in this case the box is all the way outside yeah so we're flashing it differently so in other words you're not penetrating with the back of this box your zip you're actually putting the box right on top of the zip and then where your wire comes out I'm guessing you've done some that's it's just a one small hole and in this case we actually used liquid Flash and tape to go around those wires just to make sure it was kind of you know thoroughly covered gotcha plus I had some guys that had never done this before so I was just making sure they they got it right they got it right yeah and now the wires are sealed from an air and water perspective and then all you had to do is make sure if water were to get back to the zip you could make sure that's water and it really was exactly more than airtight and so Scott did a nice job of taping in a shingle fashion starting at the bottom next piece of tape top piece and then for a little extra uh you know belt suspenders a little beater liquid flash right I had my yep right I had my trim Carpenter here helping out surprisingly these flanges actually break off pretty easily okay so and then he took a little planer like one swipe and that took the rough edge off and then your finished siding is going to be what a half inch or probably about a half inch behind that but that looks good to me yeah it looks totally it's really just going to be like at that point of like an accent accent you know No One's Gonna think twice about that way to take an off-the-shelf product and make it work for your build I like that and also shows that you made a mock-up uh okay airtight house but this is not a great airtight detail what's going on here Scott right here you're gonna see this big gaping hole um but this obviously this is this is what I tell the electricians to do because I don't I don't want to ask them to do anything special that is they won't um but I do have a unique way of handling this um so I just want to say follow me on Instagram at scottrue builds and I'm going to show exactly how I deal with that Shameless plug do you follow this guy right there at Scott true Builds on Instagram follow him and he's gonna show it on there I like it now Scott I'm also seeing something different that I haven't seen you do in the past last time I was here you showed me that inexpensive soffit detail uh what are you doing here what's going on here so um I guess this is what uh on your channel I've seen it called the and block method yep yep um Doug Cameron kind of introduced me to that years ago um and so yeah that's what we're doing here it's it's a little bit closer to Monopoly not quite Monopoly yeah it's close though and tell me if I'm wrong these are your roof Rafters not a not a special add-on tail so that's that's your structural right after coming through and then you had your framers tooth the uh you know cut some notches in the top of this uh ZIP piece which is actually on the top there slide it up and they didn't need to be perfect either because you came in with some prosecco joint and seam filler right which is that pink uh fluid applied you see there and the beauty of that joint and seam filler compared to uh Huber's liquid flash is there's a fibrous material in there and you can span a bigger Gap no problem right did I uh did I guess right on that yeah that's exactly right and so uh now I will say that I'm not using zip sheathing on the roof decking I'm using 5 8 OSB sure um but I'm confident that it's gonna be airtight what we do is we tape the seams of it and I'm mentioning that because it's important as we talk about this detail how it all ties in yeah right so it's it's 5 8 zip um I used it a little bit thicker and I've got after a 16 inch on Center because I don't want to see any sag wait a minute you said five eight zip on the roof or 5 8 OSB uh sorry OSB okay because we got some Drone footage we're going to lace in as we're talking about right well you'll just see the black underlayment on it right now okay gotcha um but yeah with that being taped um and then this wall being cocked to it uh that's what that's what completes the air barrier and so what tape are you using on top of that osc zip tape okay and it's been sticking good for you yes awesome fantastic and then just a standard online on top of that and then your roof yep it's a synthetic underlayment and then we're in this case we're going to have a metal roof okay awesome Yep anything else you want to show me out here should we go inside um just real quick while we're talking about air barriers um I mean I build a tight house almost every house we build is tight even the the cheaper spec homes um and I just like to think of it in three in three things it's framing to slab connection wall to roof connection yep and then the holes that that you poke through yeah I mean it's that simple if you kind of think in those three and when I say whole I'm talking about pipes wires Windows Doors anything that's a whole hole Yeah and um I mean there's so many ways to air seal for sure just pick one and but be thorough yeah and I have found that just by simply being thorough and making sure you get everything yep it can't not build a tight and I want to compare what you've done here Scott to standard construction you know standard construction where that wall framing meets the concrete slab about the only thing that is typical is to see a capillary break which is that crappy foam Sil sealer product which I found out as a young Builder does not air seal very well at all because I had a client at one point that said oh I don't want to do base in my living room and so we omitted it we basically had a drywall detail in a real modern house and I got a call from them a month after they moved in I Got This breeze at my feet in my dining room table anytime the wind blew the wind was blowing right through there because no matter how good your conquer guy is it's not perfectly flat across there right then I moved to some caulking details which are better than nothing but what you've done here means that not only will water not get in there air is not going to get in and where air can't get in you're not going to have bugs in as well so cockroaches that are super common and Texas houses I suspect one of the biggest infiltration places for cockroaches in-house is right here and if you told your clients hey I could give you a detail they will eliminate 99 of the Cockroaches that are getting not 100 because there's always going to be one that's going to get through somewhere at some point but this is going to reduce the need for them to use chemicals on the outside of their Foundation to keep that barrier away because you put a physical barrier for the lifetime of the house so when we talk air ceiling remember talk to your clients about bug ceiling as well good stuff Scott yep should we uh go to the back of the house or you want to go inside um wherever you want to go man this looks great look at these pipe details it's got it looks like I've got two tapes going on here what's going on here with this penetration I had to look at it because I have different guys working here but normally what I'm doing is I'm I'm putting a stretch tape on the bottom I do it in two pieces because it's just easier I think yep um I do go with the bottom and then the top so it's overlapping but then I like to cover the stretch tape with the zip tape uh that's just been a common practice in our business I think that's a great way to go just to kind of get that you know feels a little bit more secure to us same thing with your wire too exactly right we've got a little bit of that flexible tape then we've got the flashing tape right uh and then talk to me about your hose bib back here okay so um you saw that I have the aqua hose bib I got one that I want to try it on this little building back here sweet um they're expensive um I'll tell you one of the ways that I stayed within budget oftentimes is my wife is constantly holding me back and kind of uh keeping me in check yeah I get that and it's a system that works because you know without that you know being throttled um I probably would be the type to go overboard yeah so instead of the hundred dollar hose bib this is the 20 version exactly this is also a frost free meeting it's going to shut off into the wall cavity so the valve is all the way inside the wall cavity so that you know it's within the conditioned space I don't have to cover it in the winter time and what's this wood that you're using this is just a it's just Cedar that we that we sealed so it's like a four by six cedar post that you brought and just made a bunch of mounting blocks out of yep super smart and obviously it's poking out because we're going to have the the insulation um and the rain screen plus the siding so there's some thickness going on there but I also had to make sure because this thing is six inches long had to make sure that that valve landed right in that cavity there yeah it's really smart I like that and then he liquid Flash the top and he sealed it all so now we don't have to worry about uh water breaking down that cedar over time that mounting block is going to be there for at least 50 to 75 years for when you're ready to change your siding in 75 years you should sign your name on that mounting block so the next Builder someday knows what you're up to how about we head inside shall we oh we got a mock-up going on what do we have here I mean I'll tell you um you know with our with our jobs so many of our jobs again being on budgets and everything yep um we don't always have the the luxury of time and money to have a big thick book of fancy drawings sure sure um and so rather than than all that we show up and we figure this out on site and we experiment um and so I showed up with my my trim carpenter has been helping me with with stuff like this and we just started experimenting and trying to decide you know when the ciders come they come it's a crew of like 10 guys and they work fast yeah um and they'll do a good job but I've got to have this figured out before they get here I can't have 10 guys you know standing behind me waiting for me to figure it out in no doubt now this is interesting I don't see this very often okay what's your thinking here well this is at the advice of Joe stiebrick and Christine Williams both promote this having a drainage plane behind your exterior phone they recommend uh something textured so that it creates a little bit of Gap behind there and so I'm going with that recommendation okay I'm using two inches uh but I'm doing one inch sheets and I'm this will eventually be staggered seams is the reason for that yep and then is that because one inch is more available or less expensive than buying in a two inch or yeah I wanted to stagger the same okay I at my house I just use two inch and I know that foam does shrink yeah but I figured it's such little amounts of uh BTUs that it wasn't worth it right um but I could see one inch being more available to you it didn't it's off the shelf so use it yeah um I like this detail I did not do this at my house I also have a different kind of overhang and bigger overhangs everywhere but another option you could do instead of this is on the back of your sheet of foam you could simply put a couple dabs of liquid flash or even just a really thin bead of liquid flash it actually doesn't even need to be liquid flashy could be some cheap silicone caulk or uh you know whatever you've got laying around just so that this has a couple of dimples on it which would keep us off that zip with enough drainage plane that would do this and then you'd save the expense of this product which yeah I don't think that you need personally well yeah yeah I mean I might end up doing something different um before we it's about it's raining now before we leave this spot um what you'll see here is that after the insulation is in we do this the the seal tape right yeah that's just kind of like the pre-tape but yeah then we'll do the seal tape with this stretch so that um water will drain on what I'm calling the drainage plane this is like a primary water barrier but this is my drainage plane here it's exactly what I did in my house too I love that detail Scott oh check it out Scott's got a little show and tell for us I like it okay all right Scott left to right give me the rundown what do we got here so this is just um it's an access door that you mud in so it's completely flush with the sheetrock I thought this was kind of a cool idea so that is cool I like that um you can get easy so I can hide it you know it'll go behind like TVs um just to hide the wires so I'm just trying to think of you know cool stuff like that to do where'd you find this it looks like you got shipped to you I believe it is and is that an expensive door no no um it wasn't too expensive so on my door pans um I always side build my door pans okay because in the past I found that I would order them I got to get them from Austin if I order them and I found that if they if they arrive and it's a if it's a 16th off I can't use it right it just doesn't fit and that was a pain then I had to wait so I got into the habit of sight building door pans and I've done it in a variety of ways this is one I want to try I saw this actually at the Builder show in Vegas yeah brand new from these guys this year this is rated or whatever to stick to concrete so that's what I like about it just like the the siga tape that we're used to seeing this also sticks to concrete this is rusan yes yeah and they just started selling it cool um but I like this because these are kind of big I'll have to trim this to work yep but this would go after I've get got the seal put this here and then flash it on the back side of the door I'm using like usually the Prosecco liquid flash as the back Dam of that yeah smart I like that a lot now in my personal house I'm trying to do things kind of cool trying to find some interesting things to do what I want to do in this main living and like kitchen area is have a lot of things that are flush um and I said I've never seen that before yeah that's really neat there's several different companies that make these some of them are are like 150 bucks for one outlet and and I knew that wasn't going to fly that's not going to work I know I have uh somebody that's kind of in the background um saying no like I said throttling that kind of stuff but I finally found this one this one's like and they send you a sample um this was I think I got this for free they just send a sample you know that way you can get to know their product cool product that's something different oh it's different okay um so this is design mod yeah what's cool about this is like I believe it's like 20 bucks per Outlet it's all about it so it's really affordable and you're using a regular this is what it shows so you end up with a flush um Outlet that's really nice or switch or whatever I like that um oh cool design mod we'll have to Google them we'll put we'll try and put a link in the description for that one oh there it is okay it's a it's mudding mud in yeah this one's temporary you take it off after the mess and then they give you a final one yep gotcha now these ones real quick this is kind of the opposite it actually bumps out oh interesting now the idea is you know I hate when we do a tile backsplash and the plates never fit perfectly on the tile just annoys me so I've got these ones that bump out and they tile up to it so they'll they'll just tile up yeah so who makes this I've never seen I don't see a brand name I'll have to we'll have to put a leak we'll put a link and then you got an interview going to the house too obviously tight house so we got to bring some fresh air in right I mean building tight uh an Erv is pretty much a must yeah for sure and I've seen you use Brown before too right this is not your first Brown install it's my first Brony RV I've used brown other products like I've used their dampers a lot okay um in the past I've used a lot of fan Tech or ervs which are a good product um budget friendly um but these ones are almost the same cost I did a video on this this is some pretty sweet exactly this one is the AI series um and I probably will be switching to this series on a lot of the homes um I never say anything for sure because you know sometimes it makes sense to use something else and then tell me about controls for this thing uh so what are you using to control it yeah this is going to take place of your bath fans too yeah exactly so um this is exhausting as you know of your viewers you know we talk about this all the time this kind of a system exhausts 24 7 at a low speed the buttons in the bathrooms make it go in boost mode for whatever time you set it for yeah 20 minutes let's say I'm gonna have these in some locations but I'm going to be incorporating uh bronze Overture system um the Overture system is kind of a smart system where like in the button in the uh the bathrooms the buttons can sense the humidity it'll turn it turn it on by itself and then they have these really cool square that sit flush on the wall you put in the bedrooms they don't have them on the website yet they had them at the show okay um International Builder show but those can sense other things I've got to learn more about it like like CO2 or two levels yeah and those can also communicate and kick this on so that's pretty neat yeah I like I think that'll be kind of cool to incorporate these automated things yeah Brown makes some really good budget friendly ervs and then this is that Aqua hose bib that you were talking about super slick black uh you know they even have their own teak mounting blocks right not always the most budget friendly but man are they really nice so this is going on my little a shed slash office back there but this is so that I can see the product uh when I have clients ask me about it I can say hey I've got one come and look at it check out that mounting block too they've even pre-drilled on this teak mounting block that's ready to go for your Aqua so that you don't have to pre-drill it it's ready to mount right on there and then this is his Black cover that gets installed as well so what you'll see is this Black cover on the wall and that's it that's pretty nice they've been long time Friends of the build show right there um other than that on this table I've got the uh the fast Flash argart I like the Prosecco I think this is a good quality product that is and it happens to be a lot cheaper than zip flashing oh really interesting so you find it a little bit lower price probably that's quite a bit actually because this is sausage tubed so you got to get a sausage gun but yet there's basically no waste there's no cartridge to throw away here which is really nice and I also notice you have air dam too yeah this is the air dam I wanted to try it on the Windows um more often than not we're using Big Stretch on the back on the back of the window to complete that air barrier that's a great way to go I wanted to try this because I'm constantly looking for what's going to be fastest and easiest to do yeah if this proves faster and easier I might use it it might actually be more cost effective to use air dam than big stretch but they're both great products and what we're talking about is Scott's looking on this window there you go Scott's done a great job of bringing his zip tape into the jam on all four sides so we've got good continuity and if that window were to fail and leak it's going to only hit zip tape so there's nothing to to have a problem then he's going to backcock on all four sides here either with the prosco air dam or with the sashco Big Stretch and now if this window leaks it'll leak to the outside and frankly no one will ever know and if No One Ever Knows it leaks is it really a leak no it's not so you've really given both yourself and your homeowner and your house a really long lasting durable install in this window and I also love the fact that you're getting really tight blower door numbers with frankly very off-the-shelf Windows you want to talk about that for a minute yeah well I told you this is kind of a mix of budget items and some things were going above and beyond yeah well this is one of the budget items the windows um I mean we have had a lot of success with these I mean of course if you're going to spend more money you're going to get a better product of course sure but I will tell you that we have gotten performance out of these windows uh my the house that I live in right now I told you before it's 0.5 ach50 with these windows how about that just good Caulking and a good install right if it's if you're out of plumb and you know if the window is bent when you're installing it you may have some openings where the air leaks in so and again so in the last house we remember we talked about he eliminated more costly and frankly sometimes more leaky sliding doors or you know the the lower the cost when it comes to the sliding door the more leaky so you've got swing doors where you can use good components enduranceils and multi-point locks those are going to seal really well so we've eliminated that that's really smart good stuff man talk to me about uh your attic uh in your AC system because I'm I'm noticing you've got what looks like to be two return grills for your HVAC system right what are the other two returns that I'm seeing or are they okay the two big ones are the main for the main return [Music] um I've got one is for the makeup air kit for the range hood so the range hood um is going to be a remote blower so it's kept quiet I'll have the blower up way up in the attic maybe surrounded by rock roll or something to even further dampen the sound love it um because you know when it's quiet people use it yeah that's right great point when it's quiet people to use it um but yeah that that'll be sucking I think up to 750 CFM out okay um and then the makeup air kit can match the CFM no matter what setting you're at nice um and which which model are you using for that do you know that's what I use in my house too it's a great one I mean it also has a filter in it which is nice filter a silencer they make a good product yeah sure so then that makeup error is going to come in here it's close to the kitchen right but also if your furnace was on it would probably get sucked right up into your return and get conditions so even if it's makeup air that's coming at 95 degrees on a hot summer day that's the idea it's gonna get sucked right into the AC you don't want it to blow on people because it's uncomfortable you want it to be relatively close to the source and in this case I've got it next to the return so it can get conditioned love it and you're right here in a big hallway space so it's no big deal all right Scott what's the last one then over here what is this guy is that return or Supply or what so it's really a transfer Grill because it's serving as the return for the attic what I want to say about that is okay we if high performance homes we always condition the addicts I do see I I see some Builders doing that kind of by accident with either leaky ducks or poking holes in plenums and I think that probably could work to an extent what I prefer to do I prefer to calculate everything so we treat this as a room in the manual J it's a room we do a 3D model calculate the volume and then we understand exactly how many cfms we need in this case this addict kind of goes diagonally so I've got it's two six inch ducts for Supply I've got one on that corner one on that corner and then to promote that airflow that's why they're separated and then I've got the return here so you actually have two supplies in the attic and kind of the far ends and then this is the return so that air is going to gonna basically flow through the attic it's all open uh and keep that attic at a nice you know cool now a couple degrees hotter than the house and that's it if I would have connected directly to the return in the Attic we calculated that it would have pulled too much so we chose to transfer it here where the return can passively um yeah so just like have a transfer Grill on it uh you know on either side that's pretty much what you've done there yep that's really smart man dude this is such a good tour I'm slightly short on time so I don't think I can get everything but uh what else did you want to show me before we okay yeah there's the video unfortunately there's a there's more to cover than we have time for it we'll have to come back um what I will point out though is in this house us we have a dehumidifier sometimes we don't on the more budget-friendly homes and there are ways to make that work that's maybe a different discussion there now what I have here is I have an interesting uh makeup air solution for the dryer that's connected to the dehumidifier oh I want to hear about that okay so the whole issue with the dryer you know it's not sucking that much CFM out of the house but it's doing it for a long period of time right and because of that if you have a tight house that air is going to be made up somewhere at the path of least resistance sure in one of my homes the corbetta put a video out I don't know if you're talking about Corbett Lunsford right where I had an issue actually and we and he helped me diagnose it he has a whole video about that oh cool what was happening it that path of least resistance was through the doors I had that hot mid-air coming in and condensing on the floor and so we did a whole diagnosis to confirm that that was the issue and it was and was it the dryer that was causing it or was it just everything in general um it was the bath fans as well okay because this was before I had been using ervs I mean now every home gets an Erv this was way back sure um but the dryer by itself would cause an issue interesting um of course that's compounded with other things so an option is heat pump dryer like I did in my house there's not that many of them out there which we might be loved but there's only maybe two or three others yep but if you don't do that what's the other option or what do you come up with Okay um it's actually kind of two solutions here because it's sort of an experiment do we need to go up by the way uh not necessarily okay but right here one of these is the return for the dehumidifier okay and the supply is using the existing ductwork okay by the way the Erv also uses the existing ductwork nice for Supply as well that's a way to keep costs down yeah that's smart rather than having a whole lot of ductwork going on um okay so I've got the return one of these is the return the other one is a damper the other one is connected to a damper that um I can switch on literally with a switch right here so when I run the dryer I can switch that on opens up it's a big enough damper where I think it's gonna allow enough air to pass like an eight inch damper or something 10 actually 10. perfect because when it's passive you need to go bigger I mean fan forced obviously you don't need to even though his driver exhaust is four inch uh his passive vent is 10 inch which is really smart because if you did a four inch and a four inch like you might think there's not enough uh suction there's not enough water column you can actually move enough air out of there one's using some kind of force and the other one's not so it's not equivalent it's really smart Scout but rather than that dumping somewhere and just accumulating I've got it next to the dehumidifier return so that it can be dehumidified right away I love it that was actually the secondary solution the the what I really like liked is you know the dehumidifier has that extra part for ventilating makeup air uh well it's four or not makeup sorry for ventilation right fresh air fresh air right now normally I would not use that Port because I've got the Erv unit the Erv is doing that for me um but actually Corvette mentioned this and I was thinking about it and he said why don't you bring the makeup air into that that's an excellent idea great idea the only the only problem is we did a calculation we don't think it's going to be quite enough um if it was that would be perfect yeah but that's why I have the secondary so we can test and see and um but I'm I'm excited to have a solution for this because there's other appliances like a central vac for example maybe that's not a problem depending on what kind of system it is but there's times where you've got to figure out makeup error for something a tight house like this anything over 100 CFM I think you need to think about makeup and I think that's a really smart idea Scott I hate to say it I gotta run I got another meeting unfortunately I gotta get to but man it is so good to see you we need to make a plan to come back in the meantime go follow Scott Scott true builds uh on Instagram uh and we also mentioned uh our mutual friend Corbett Lunsford that you made a bunch of videos with Corbett and it has an amazing uh YouTube channel he's got a PBS series I'll link to a couple of those in the description below really really smart building scientist and he did all all of Scott's manual JS as well so uh shout out to our friend Corbett yeah and he does Consulting to help figure a lot of this stuff out he's a smart smart guy who's doing great work guys if you're not currently a subscriber hit that subscribe button below and oh by the way sign up for our newsletter because on we've got like 12 new videos a week and that newsletter that we'll send on Tuesday and Fridays to you we'll tell you what's new on the site follow us both on Instagram or Tick Tock otherwise we'll see you next time build show all right guys I want to introduce you to my friend Scott Key who is a former Builder and the inventor of this product called emergency floor Scott what are we looking at here so what you're looking at is is the first product of my non-profit uh every shelter emergency floor is a modular insulated flooring system that goes into Refugee shelters ah so this is the floor for a refugee tent basically right that's right yeah and the build show has partnered with every to help refugees specifically after the event that happened in Turkey as you know a ton of buildings came down in turkey and I feel honestly a little responsible as a builder if you've been watching the news they're saying that there's like 150 or so builders that have been arrested for not building the standard not building to code you know this is an earthquake prone Zone and a ton of those buildings that came down they assume because the construction wasn't up to the standard talk to me about this floor and how this could change the life of somebody who's living in a refugee tent yeah I think one of the misconceptions people often have is the duration of time that somebody will live in a temporary temporary shelter globally a refugees displaced for about 20 years wow so um you know there's variable forces that that you know mean that you're building with what you might think of as temporary materials but they really need to last for quite a long time yeah um and so a floor like this is able to retrofit really any shelter um it's it's installed by first time users I've literally seen five-year-olds install this floors it has to be simple nothing to do it but families can actually take it with them to the next place and often do so we've been doing this for about eight years in this region and we know the product well we know the impact we know that it really makes a difference for families and your non-profit that you found it actually has a factory in Turkey making these panels these are uh you probably know the meters on these but these look like a two foot by three foot panel what is the material and and uh is this have some R value to it yeah so uh it is about half a square meter uh the the material itself is expanded polypropylene so it acts a lot like a plastic from a sanitary standpoint it can be cleaned it's cleanable but then it also has that dual purpose of acting like an insulation which is really important in this area because as we all know now it gets very cold there and it freezes in the winter time and so expanded polyproplane is a really great uh it's a really great application for that and we're actually able to injection mold it and make it very rapidly and so we're already running the tool really literally as we speak 24 hours and we're making as many floors in this region as we can to help as many families as we can that's pretty amazing and of course the need is more than just what's happening in Turkey right now but I thought this was a great time for us to partner with every if you're watching this you're part of the build show family we'd love to have you consider donating I think a floor like this to cover one tent runs about 150 bucks right that's right and the build show has said look we think as a team we can raise fifty thousand dollars so I would ask you if you're watching this please consider donating consider donating 150 that would make a huge difference in one family's life in Turkey in Syria and Uganda in any one of these places around the world that every shelter is working right now this is an amazing organization and I think that making this difference in a family's life is not just giving them a meal or giving them something that's going to help them short term but this is going to be in their temporary shelter which is not really that temporary for maybe a decade or two decades this is really good work that you guys are doing Scott appreciate it guys we've got a build show landing page on every where you can place your donation we'd love to raise fifty thousand dollars total I think that's totally doable and if you personally watching this would consider donating 150 that's going to help one Refugee family for at least a solid decade this is a really big deal you're really helping your brothers and sisters out in a major emergency time in their lives everybody [Music]
Channel: Matt Risinger
Views: 502,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Matt Risinger, Build Show Network, The Build Show, Build
Id: G3wBb2Z1FSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 38sec (2558 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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