This is what happens when you drink bourbon with Pedro Pascal and Taron Egerton during an interview

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very good Sondheim song isn't it I think I'll drink to that or is it something like high society or something who knows no one really cares anyway I talked a little bit about good drinking stories do you guys have any good stories involve drinking stories yeah listen I'm I'll tell you right now you get me really really really really drunk and this is what you get or you get sleepy I just get smiley happy I think it's my drug so yeah exactly but I get still fun we can make out you know but you're a happy drunk I'm just as wrong this just made me really sweaty I don't know it's cuz it's hot me my baby the room might be the word look you don't look at at all or the company yeah but you don't look like your heart I mean you're hot two minutes left so might as well just make this a girl I don't ask the question why look for to know more about the good drinking stories but sorry I don't know if I go any good drainage stories he's always just you know me kind of India I had to come and screen test for this and Taran and and Taran and I had actually met randomly in New York at a sushi restaurant because I was doing a play with a friend of his who played a small part in the first yeah yeah and he was coming the first movie in Korea so it was just total coincidence that we met then we ran into each other at Comic Con 2014 and there's some drinking stories there possibly but I don't really remember and then I you know jump cut to a couple years later and I'm screen testing in the UK with Taran and before I get the job we he invites me out to dinner and then and then we went we went we didn't go crazy but we weren't drinking and remember I was quite drunk when I got a text from Matthew asking saying that I was gonna get picked up in the morning and taken to his house oh yeah I have and then all the I had to cut and get my interns like that's really good news man and yeah I'm glad I'm not a celebrity because every time you get drunk it's all over the news do you feel like a celebrity no I don't either no no you can't go anywhere without being recognized I got drunk no one would care get recognized more than I - you know that's not true at all but you say don't know until you get shit-faced and they'll be all over the news that's a sad part about being a I'm gonna try that tonight don't do it and don't blame me Freddie you know what blame Belgium that is by how many did you guys have today huh that's my first one best hangover trick uh just like the water isn't it for hangover eat before you go to sleep like like drink loads of water and eat pasta and eat like a fried chicken what pizza whatever just like you know I know it's not the best thing but last night in Pedialyte and Pedialyte Pedialyte is actually eating your life it's electrolytes it's for babies it's like an aspirin and fro Williams uses it every day don't know if he did it because he has a drinking problem I suppose he doesn't have one I suppose it's just for the electrolytes yeah I can't stop looking at the camera man who he's having biggest laughs yeah he's trying so hard not to laugh his face is so red or maybe it's because the room is really hot that's all it is warm in here isn't it it is really hiding oh my god I'm sweating my ass off well he's giving me the wrap he wants me okay it was very loving easier this bottle with yes
Channel: Kristien Gijbels
Views: 513,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pedro Pascal, Taron Egerton, Kingsman, Kingsman The golden Circle, taron egerton interview, pedro pascal interview
Id: jYoiXl2J34g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 8sec (248 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2017
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