This Is What Happened When Players TRASH TALKED Kobe Bryant

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if there was ever a person that you just don't talk smack to it was kobe being bryant some dudes out there however didn't get the memo and still decided to poke the black mamba well guys here's what happens when nba players tried to trash talk the legendary kobe bryant during the team usa camp back in 2012 the then sophomore kyrie irving walked up to kobe and challenged him to one on one for 50 grand pretty crazy right now kobe was 34 around this time and in a typical kobe fashion he shut down the 20 year old by saying john cole 101 are you crazy to which kyrie has responded the video went viral and if you watch the entire clip you can see that kyrie actually seemed confident in beating kobe but in actuality here's what ran through the mind of kyrie when he walked up and confronted the mamba i walk over there and my heart's pounding bro i don't know why and i'm like i'm about to go talk with kobe i'm like honestly i'd beat you one-on-one bro and i practice the line in my head like when i get a chance i could beat you one-on-one i practice in the mirror before i got there and i'm like kobe man like i could beat you one-on-one honestly we should get this one-on-one game honestly i think you can't guard me team usa went on to win the gold medal in the olympics but the one-on-one didn't take place until the lakers visited the cavaliers in december of 2012. but before we get to their much anticipated matchup let's replay what kyrie said earlier and now let's play what happened when they finally had their one on one anticipating a little one-on-one action behind the back couldn't shake him brian's still an all-world defender he blocked it man i've never seen anybody clamp down uncle drew like that and even though the lakers lost that night kyrie learned his lesson which is this is the guy that you should never ever talk trash too opening minute to play in a 2-2 ball game brian fires it off here comes brian open floor against kyrie [Applause] jay crowder is a solid three and d guy that has hopped around the league for the last few years or so but in 2012 when he was first drafted he made a rookie mistake when he uh decided to mess with the black mamba without logging in a single minute of court action yet kobe dropped by to say hello to crowder you ready young fella twitch crowder replied you ready old head kobe took it personally and when the opening buzzer sounded the old head just started destroying whoever was in front of him work at the baseline under pressure reverse now thinking too much because they got the new scheme in there they could be you know we talked about they have three different types while kobe was wreaking havoc left and right here was crowder's response [Music] anyway according to crowder's account he recalled blocking one of kobe shots and during the heat of the moment crowder said to kobe that was the second time crowder roasted kobe but this time around kobe responded you sure you want to do that crowder recalls the incident vividly and he said that kobe looked over at vince carter and was like you better get the young fella you better get the young fella and vince was like chill out chill out cobe the rematch between the lakers and the mavs happened a month later and right before tip off kobe and crowder had another brief exchange that went something like their previous interaction you ready young fella you ready old head some people just don't learn that third quarter kobe only had 19 points this time but he didn't need that many points because the lakers blew out the mavs badly now kobe didn't totally forget what crowder said to him in each of the pre-games and when the two finally locked horns the mamba went out for blood against the reggae-haired rookie brian though now with the dribble keeps the handle screened by powell bryant's gonna go all the way and bryant's gonna score crowder recalls that layup and here's what he said when he saw kobe going full steam on him he had that look in his eye he had that mamba mentality look it was crazy i'll never forget that i'm like i don't know why i talked crap to him before the game i should have said nothing but he definitely showed me yeah i'm kobe on the night of december 17th 2006 the guy known as hibachi cooked up a 60 piece to set the wizard's franchise scoring record at kobe's expense during the flight back home arenas was feeling good and was in full trash talk mode his teammate meanwhile karan butler was talking to kobe on the phone his other teammate brendan haywood saw and heard what happened next and here's the story in detail once he scored 60 gil got a little mouthy we're on the team playing and quran butler is talking to kobe and gil starts talking trash to kobe he tells kobe if you the black mamba then my new nickname is the black mongoose kobe said keep that same energy when i come to dc i thought kobe forgot two months later i'm not even thinking about it i put my hand out kobe walked right past me he did not shake anybody's hand he walked up to gil slapped him on the button said remember you asked for this and make sure you guard me the way i'm going to guard you arenas tried to talk trash to one of the best who ever did it well fast forward two months later kobe never really got back into the play this time how about a spin like that they were on their feet throughout much of this game in anticipation the mamba went down to business and did exactly what he said on the phone by unleashing 39 points on 53 shooting while knocking down two threes and hitting nine out of ten from the foul line the lakers had their payback by defeating the wizards 118 to 102 and right after the game haywood shared his experience about the whole arena's kobe thing so i've been a part of gil's 60 and i saw how that 60 translated into what could have been 60 for kobe bryant but he didn't have to play in the fourth quarter that's how bad that man was that night kobe and alan iverson were two of the fiercest competitors we've ever seen in the nba and both were gifted in the art of trash talking the two icons also had a long history together as both were drafted in 1996 and along the way they shared the basketball courts together in numerous battles 12 years he's got nine titles kobe bryant sneaks in now here's iverson dribbling going back and forth shoot the long outside jumper and hit but of all the wars that they had had the one that stood out the most was during the 2001 nba finals under a minute to go with the sixes up to iverson ai dropped 48 points in game one to shock the lakers and the rest of the world but during that game things between ai and kobe flared up to a boiling point they turn to basketball look at iverson and kobe talking to each other right now kobe was having none of ai's smack talk and here's his reaction to that incident with alan he's doing whatever he can to inspire his team and fire them up but i really don't care we're here we're the world champions and no matter how inspired your team may be the championship has to come through the city of los angeles well it seemed that ai's trash talk backfired on him because over the next four games kobe just exploded and went wild against the 76ers [Applause] [Music] oh after only scoring 15 points in game one kobe went nuts and unleashed the black mamba over the next four games to capture a second championship iverson talked about his relationship with kobe last year in an interview and though he admitted they were not that close ai said that he and kobe had mad respect for each other and that's what pushed them to be better ballers i didn't have a personal relationship with him but you know how killers respect killers that's what it was he knew who i was and i knew who he was he gave me that push and i gave it to him i wish i could have had a better relationship with him as far as how great other people said he was and what type of cool dude he was i want that energy around me he was the ultimate regardless if you're a legit baller or not kobe would not give you a free pass if you decided to poke the mamba just like the other hooligans who have tried and failed the rapper bow wow stepped up to the plate and challenged kobe to a one-on-one with a thousand bucks on the line no like the world know about me playing basketball he know one shot i could kill him with one jumper well as soon as he went up against the mamba bow wow soon realized this wasn't the set of like mike and here's what happened during the game kobe just manhandled bow wow like an infant child i mean he didn't even let him score once [Applause] and if that wasn't enough to humiliate the player wannabe kobe did lash out some words of his own to add insult to injury [Music] diamond shumpert was the 17th overall pick for the knicks back in 2011. a year later his top-notch defensive skills were finally put to the test against a prime kobe bryant at msg i guarded kobe in the garden i can't remember how much he had but i know i had multiple steals against him to wear in the game in my head all i'm thinking of is when i'm having this conversation with my brother after the game how i'm going to tell him i stole a ball from kobe how i stripped kobe before he was going to take a shot and how i drove by kobe and got a dunk shumpert managed to limit kobe to just 20 points in three quarters as he struggled on the field shooting just 6 for 17. however kobe just needed five words to turn things back around the fourth quarter started and kobe said you had a great game i swear i looked at the clock like there's 12 minutes left what are you talking about what was that you know what i'm saying you ain't said nothing the whole game i've been talking i stole the ball i'm hyped as hell it's kobe bryant he ain't said not one word to me as the fourth began kobe let his game do the talking and answered shumpert's smack talk by putting up bucket after bucket brian spins the ground the double team and you get that mismatch they've got to go to gaza kobe bryant again big thing with the lakers now you got to get good shots good shot kobe answers defenders on and brian gets away throws it off the backboard out to gasal and gaza knocks it down the man comes down he went shot fake shot fake threw it off the glass caught it threw it to the corner i'm like bro what are you on like bro you've been regular all game in the aftermath kobe scored 14 points in the fourth and ended up with 34 that night along with 10 rebounds and one assists another clear indication that if you triggered the mamba well the mamba strikes back anyway on a slightly different topic here have you ever wondered what happens when you trash talk not the mamba but the chef just like kobe steph curry is a killer on the court and if you trash talk him you better be prepared anyway click the video guys and like always i'll see on the other side
Channel: Hoop Reports
Views: 2,426,481
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Keywords: nba, nba news, nba today, nba trades, nba trade, nba trade rumors, nba rumors, undisputed, first take, espn, nba draft, kobe, kobe bryant, nba trash talk, lakers, los angeles lakers, magic johnson, stephen curry, steph curry, klay thompson, golden state warriors, golden state, warriors, nba on espn, skip and shannon, stephen a smith, shaqtin a fool, shaquille o'neal, nba highlights, kobe bryant interview, kobe trash talk, kobe bryant trash talk, michael jordan, kobe 1 v 1
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2022
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