Times Kobe HUMILIATED His Opponent..

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oh you couldn't stop it it was unguardable I was scared to death he has a Killer Instinct that's what makes him so delicate these are the times Kobe Bryant humiliated his opponents at first Kobe humiliated Chris Paul so bad it got him clowned by his own family [Music] [Applause] and Brian right here good health defense and then great recovery to get into the passing Lane God damn he just Sun CP3 and cp3's Son agreed comes right after the game Chris Paul tweeted sitting here watching the game little Chris says daddy let me see what Kobe dunked on you hashtag he got damn now look Chris's son might be laughing but Pau Gasol wasn't because Kobe humiliated him in front of the entire world see in the 2008 Olympics Kobe had one goal in mind when the gold medal at any cost and going into a matchup against team Spain he wanted to send that message to everyone especially his best friend how Gasol who was starting for the Spanish Squad and on any normal day these two would be laughing chopping it up you know being best friends but on this debt Pau Gasol was Kobe's worst enemy and just a minute into the game Kobe went for blood Bob said he gonna set the tone to start the game and you said I'm running through Pals chess first play the game I run into Pokemon we was like what and you tripping the initial teammate you tripping you ain't about to do that [Music] whoa we was like holy hello you just went right to the middle of my chest trying to get right through me to send a message Kobe set the mood from the jump and it worked because Team USA went on to dominate when it Kobe's first golden medal man Kobe was straight up scary and no one was more scared than his next opponent because Kobe once humiliated someone so badly it destroyed the man's life this is Smush Parker who in 2005 signed with the LA Lakers and became teammates with Kobe and for most people playing with the black mamba would be a dream come true but not smush cause in 2008 after being cut by the Lakers he tried throwing dirt on Kobe's name play with the leg of the an operator experience wow you know uh Bill Jackman was great I don't know I don't care what the media said you know they said I had a problem the problem was he never was uh with the boy 20 pulls wow formerly known as baby man [Music] um the the problem with that thing starts with them yikes yeah that's I hated playing with Kobe and he was making the beef public but Kobe he didn't give a smush a smidge of attention cause he ignored his comments for four years straight until eventually in 2012 a reporter happened to ask Kobe about smush man he finally Unleashed saying I almost won an MVP with smush Parker on my team that guy was the worst he shouldn't have even been in the NBA but we were too cheap to pay for a point guard so let him walk on the team damn the Mamba spit venom and it burned smush to the point where he started trying to expose Kobe every chance he got he told me one day in practice I try to talk to him outside of you know basketball about football and he looked at me in practice and was dead serious and said you can't talk to me you need more accolades under your belt before you come talk to me what personally don't like about him as another man that he is how he's you know his his personality how he treats his people I don't mess with that man I don't I don't like that side of Kobe Bryant but in the end smush came to regret everything he said about Kobe because by 2017 people thought he was just a clout chasing demon who started clowning him everywhere so after months of Torment smush was left with no choice but to issue a public apology and personally write an apology letter to Kobe himself man he should have just smushed his lips shut but he's not the only one because one time a celebrity tried talking trash to Kobe and it went horribly wrong see over the years Kobe's gone up against some big competition but in 2010 he came across a small challenge five foot three rapper Lil Bow Wow who was barking some crazy trash on Twitter saying Kobe's bum ass is weak he's average and he knew how to stop him one one yeah well Bow Wow was being a bad duck but he didn't pause there because in 2011 after being ignored by Kobe bow I went from bark it's a bite pulling up to one of Kobe's youth basketball camps unannounced to challenge him one on one and it blew up in his face five thousand a thousand thousand dollars I feel confident ready yes sir I'm tired as hell I'm sure you are about to go three [Music] [Applause] hold on what's going on oh did the black mama choke you out what happened man what's going on everything that he does on 2K that is real damn well Bow Wow got put down fun at least it only cost him a thousand dollars because one man tried calling himself the Kobe stopper and that cost him his dignity yeah in the early 2000s Reuben Patterson played some pretty good defense against Coke and he became known around the lead for shutting Kobe down earning himself the nickname the Kobe stopper they never learned and in 2004 Kobe's stopper was finally taught a lesson because in a game against the Lakers Reuben got matched up with Kobe when this happened Kobe Patterson in the air a wild three no I've told you before this is not the guy you want to let shoot the shot in this building it seemed to be home for him and with one one left Kobe Bryant ties the ball game up as only Kobe Bryant can do yeah Kobe shot it right over Reuben's hat and sent the game into overtime where the black mob went for the kill [Music] three [Music] [Applause] one second a catch and shoot situation they they got confused they switched Ryan was able to catch that ball cleanly Theo Ratliff comes running out it's a good shot and the Lakers have won the Pacific Division title man Kobe stopper stopped nothing and neither did Dwight Howard because Kobe once dunked on him so hard I left the man scarred for life the whole crowd was in awe and I was like man I just got dumped on and I got clown you know for the rest of the season not just by my teammates but my family and my friends and I could go to the mall and I would see a a guy asking for an autograph but he'll have a shirt that got a picture of me getting Dunked On by Kobe that's not a good feeling God damn that's my let's make Kobe and everything but sometimes he doesn't have to because he wants humiliated Matt Barnes without moving a muscle I think there's very few guys that can play both hard and punch seriously why are they running into each other why is Martin Matt Barnes doing that doesn't make any sense to me unless he thinks he can entice Kobe Bryant to get thrown out and he fakes the ball I mean you're not going to get into the head of Kobe Bryant so we wanted to bring this up the ball fake because from the one angle on the Baseline it looks like Kobe's a cold mother but from other angles the new angle that just came out like two years ago or something yeah it's weird JJ I put that right in his face you know me it was weird because I did see that angle with me it was two or three years ago it looks like it was just off to the side I know that went right in his face purely intentional Kobe humiliated a child in front of thousands of people see in 2011 kids across the country flew to Santa Barbara California for the experience of a lifetime the Kobe Bryant Basketball Academy where they got a chance to learn hoops from the Black Mamba himself and with an opportunity this special you'd think every student in the gym would be respectful to Kobe but no there was one kid who didn't give a damn and he called himself the white Mamba yeah and not only was he trash talking Kobe but he was also telling everyone that he could beat Kobe Bryant one on one so at the end of the camp Kobe taught this kid the most humiliating lesson of his life [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here we go trying to DMO black mama sizing them up oh my God I see it he was talking a lot of trash [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] found out the hard way because Kobe humiliated him on the biggest night of the kid's life back in 2012. mom was at Madison Square Garden for a match up with the Lakers and early in the game he was putting the clamps on Kobe bragging up two steals against him so heading into the second half I felt on top of the world I guarded Kobe in the garden in my head all I'm thinking of is when I have this conversation with my brother after the game how I'm gonna tell him I stole the ball from Kobe how I drove by Kobe and got a dump I'm thinking about all these things in my head I'm like soggy but if Kobe's taught us one thing instead of you step to the Black Mamba eventually you'll get bit that's why heading into the fourth quarter Kobe walked up to a mine and went for the throw the fourth quarter start and Kobe said you had a great game the man calm down you remember he came shot fake shot fake threw it off the glass caught it through it to the corner I'm like bro what you want like Bro you've been regular all giving over here spit back on the foot drop it off the glass I'm like bro what's going on then he pulled up from like 35 feet on some Steph Curry but what Steph was doing that he pulled up and laced it I'm like they called the timeout Dan Tony looking at me I'm like bro yeah Kobe called game before it was over but for Kyrie Irving it was over before it started because when he was a rookie he trashed talked Kobe and got humiliated seeing back in 2012 Kyrie got invited to practice with Team USA before the Olympics and with them being rookie of the year he was feeling himself so he walked into the gym ready to Sauce up any man in the building but when he saw his Idol Kobe Bryant standing at the end of the Court Kyrie made a fatal mistake because he decided to approach Kobe challenge him to a one-on-one game and while he thought Kobe would accept he was dead wrong instead Kobe said no saying that Kyrie wasn't even worth his time you're not gonna lie there's not been a Hot Wheel easy one easy one please [Music] yeah Kyrie thought Kobe was scared and was talking crazy trash but if we know anything about Kobe that's that he always gets the last laugh so in their very next NBA matchup Kobe got Kyrie alone and put him in his place on the challenge see if Kyrie does as well crowd anticipating a little one-on-one action behind the back couldn't shake it Brian sold all World Defender he flocked God damn Kobe took Kyrie back to school but you took Gerald Wallace to the bank cause Kobe didn't just humiliate him he robbed the man for 500 000 see with five seconds left in the game Kobe was at the free throw line with two shots to seal the win when all of a sudden he got yelled at by Wallace who said I bet you'll miss this free throw and while he was just trying to get in Kobe's head instead the Mamba got in his wallet saying this loves this time relishes it and he and Gerald Wallace are having a conversation that's Kobe and Gerald Wallace going at each other while Cody's on the free throw line Gerald's still talking to him as Kobe's about to shoot the biggest people tonight three-point game 4.8 to play man when it came to trash talking Kobe always went the extra mile in fact he learned six different languages just to Trash Talk other players yeah once Kobe made it to the NBA he started facing players from around the world and he wanted to embarrass them all in their own tongue so this man started learning languages left and right I'm taking Bosnian classes to disuse of nurkicch to learning French for Tony Parker I mean how in retirement Kobe even took up Slovenian the trash talk Luca From the Bench a fan is heckling him and he looks to see who it is and it's Kobe Bryant he was talking Slovenian so I was like who's talking my language and I saw Kobe and I was like really surprised man learning new languages to talk trash that's something only Kobe would do so is this next story because Kobe once humiliated DeMar DeRozan over a pair of shoes yeah see demar's been a fan of Kobe his entire life and when he hit the NBA this man became notorious for only wearing Kobe's fun in 2012 he was set to face the Lakers and wanted to get in Kobe's hat so going into the game he laced up a pair of Jordans instead and Kobe took that personally I was like no I ain't wearing a shoe and play against him tonight so I wore George okay and he said he got those on for he was mad at me for doing that and he ended up hitting the game with her owners that night too talking trash the whole night and everything on the offensive rebound here as well under the 24. Kobe Bryant pulls back Kobe Bryant makes it ever since then I ain't never put another pair of Jordans damn this man Kobe shoot him out of the Arena that was cold but what he did the shack was legendary cause he once humiliated the diesel over championship rings yeah in 2004 after winning three titles together Shaq and Kobe broke up his teammates wanting to prove they could win on their own and at first it was all diesel because in 2006 as a member of the Miami Heat Shack grabbed himself as fourth ring putting himself one ahead of coke and uh it must have gotten the big guy's head because just a couple of years later after Kobe lost his shot at a fourth ring Shaq started throwing Strays at Kobe at a local nightclub check it you know how I be last week Kobe couldn't do it already [Music] But ultimately it came back to kick the diesel in his ass cause in 2010 after winning his fourth title the year before Kobe got ring number five officially passing Shaq and putting him in his feelings do you think I was pissed when you got number five of course you were oh no doubt I told my house no doubt I bet you did I just went crazy because when I got four you got four I was like hey I got four he got four that's straight but you got that fifth one yeah hold on you said I just wanted to get one more absolutely she's got one more to Shack so you can take that to the bank nothing you can about it either man I'm glad they were able to laugh about the whole thing in the end well look after everything Kobe's done he's still got one final opponent that Kobe humiliated and he's the most legendary of them all Michael Jordan see during Jordan's final season in the NBA he led the Wizards to a one-point win over Kobe's Lakers but instead of just taking the dub and moving on Jordan wanted the Robin and Kobe's face one last time so after the game he walked up to cope looked him dead in the eyes and said you can put my shoes on all you want but you're never gonna fill them yeah Kobe just got humiliated by his Idol and all he could think about was getting back at Jordan so Kobe locked himself in the gym stopped talking to his own teammates into nothing but practice until March of 2003 when during their final match-up ever Kobe Bryant what Michael Jordan in his tonight Kobe's first jumper that's good long jumper three-pointer Kobe Bryant He is unbelievable they Trail now by one here's his jumper and that's the first lead of the night for Los Angeles [Applause] another three for Kobe they'll be guarded by Lou Kobe's long jumper oh no he is Burning Down the House can they go that night Kobe dropped 42 points in the first half alone and by the end of the night he had scored 55 on Jordan's Wizards marking this game is the passing of the torch from one goat to another damn that right there that is Mama mentality well look as crazy as that was the way NBA players are spending their Millions this is even crazy for spending hundreds of thousands on a tank to drop in millions on a castle these guys know how to blow a bat look if you want to hear more you need to click on this video right here this is how NBA stars spend their millions and uh this video is over so what are you doing click it
Channel: REBOUND
Views: 2,325,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nba, rebound central, rebound
Id: xppqra-sgC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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