This Is They | Brilliant Idiots with Charlamagne Tha God and Andrew Schulz

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it's so stupid positively brilliant idiots and uh you do this one guys the episode has been brought to you by and I just need to do a little warning here this product contains nicotine nicotine is an addictive chemical not for sale to minors satisfying yet simple no fuss with refilling liquid pods just choose from a range of flavors pop in a liquid pot and my glucose with you all day find my blue at a store near you or order online my blue comm website restrictive 21 it's got it's kind of crazy to tell people that this product includes nicotine and warn people yeah I'm smoking it because it's got nicotine that's why wouldn't be [ __ ] smoking I would just have an oral fixation real there flowers just suck a dick if I want my mouth just to be there that's the new vape you know why people even say nicotine why no it's not even close listen not close no say it again nicotine say Nicaragua listen turn your great idea into a reality with Squarespace also one of today's sponsors Squarespace 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gay friends yes just gay people really know how to party think about that a step back Oh could we talk about identity a lot and we think that somebody's identity makes them the person that they are or makes their level of you know are the ability to have fun whatever it is has nothing to do with being gay it's the fact that I was the rain is rich yes okay it is the fact that Elvis Duran was doing things I was trying to give away a car at his wedding he gave away a car to whom you first he told everybody to look under these seats Theriot buddy reached their hand under they see seems like nas ones to everybody look like he was digging in the ass remember how he get away to college but at this point you night I was a drunk yeah I don't know he gave away a car right to one of the lucky people that he invited to his wedding that's the level of that's the level of balling is starting that Elvis Duran was doing at his wedding it's the car in Santa Fe it's all I'm thinking about logistics how do I get the car he said he's gonna get it shipped back to wherever you are he said all of that on stage when the wedding was over yeah it's like a mariachi band comes through plays in the wedding I didn't feel about playing at the gate gay wedding I have no idea I mean Santa Fe is always is damn near majority Brown anyway yeah this is very progressive mariachis bent yes but that was the illest thing about it right forget all that it's not new stuff yeah you know when I read out was Durant's book it's not out yet it comes out October 1st I believe mm-hmm oh and it's called where do I begin and he talks about in the book how you know finding love you know which is one thing that anybody can do right you find love I think it's tough but yes so yeah talks about nurturing it no he talks about not knowing not not realizing like falling in love but realizing it can only go to a certain extent because at the time you couldn't get married in America right so think about that think about how out of the realm of possibility that is if you're a gay person and you find love and you couldn't even get married at a certain point so think about how fulfilling it must feel yeah to finally be able to do that and I just was thinking about that like you know we all live in our own privilege you know what I'm saying right you know whether you're straight whether you're white whether you're a male like you we all have our various privileges and you don't realize how much of a privilege it is to be able to get married and he was finally able to do that this weekend right and I just thought that was I just kept thinking about that like then we really all do living our own privileges and we take other people whose struggles for granted the things that we don't even give a [ __ ] about like we have the right to get married and we've had it for so long we appoint it with our whole life all they want to do yeah we want you know the forbidden fruit right you want what you can't have yes and you know I but you should be happy yes percent you should be able to have it like if you want to listen everybody has the right to be miserable that's the ring everybody has the right to be happy so here's how you look at your marriage is it true you guys are married is it true that once you get married you stop having sex hell no really so that's a gross stereotype I don't can speak for everybody else now I don't look like Chris I'm still attractive so my wife still wants to have sex with me so so do you have sex you continue having sex through marriage or not yeah I mean I would say it's slowed down if that's that's the stereotype maybe this is not You Charlamagne right maybe I mean it slows down but not because it's because of cosmetics okay you got kids and you know your wife is doing other things and you're doing other things you're busy being husband and wives and fathers and mothers comes practical you gotta for it and I know you got to make time for that [ __ ] you gotta take these vacations you know what I'm saying like you gotta you gotta go off for the weekend with just y'all two and and just keep that flame going right so this is what I never understood about like conservative America and their approach to gays is they were always like you know the gay sexual appetite is crazy all they're doing is just you know stuck each other's dicks and [ __ ] each other there's some bathrooms all that kind of stuff and it's like well you if you have the opportunity to let them get married and stop all that why not just give it to let's be clear yeah all men love getting their dicks up these men are gonna oh boy it's it's the male sex drive doubled right that's why that's why you would assume that there's so much going on right but my point is if we know a way to stop sex or slow it down and it's marriage just give gay people to marriage conservatives what you saying I don't think seems like an easy fix I just think it's about love I think marriage is the symbol of love like it's really making a commitment that's not that's [ __ ] the idea that's a symbol for love is nonsense you think you love someone more once you marry them it is a point it is letting the government know that you're married so that you can get a tax break how much you have to love somebody to say hey man you can get half I don't know what are you doing I'm just saying most people in general I don't have a [ __ ] prenup huh my wife you hear whatever she wanted [ __ ] don't work out with us you'll have a prenup you should have told everybody that before you put out that song black man don't cheat if they got the prenup don't you know Chief is it cost no that's it expensive now today I mean it costs when you talk about you know the heartbreak you're gonna call somebody that's loyal to you you know what I thought about man Nick dudes are more loyal to their homeboys than the woman that they go to sleep with every single night like I won't I won't cross you I won't lie behind your back I won't do you dirty but you'll do that to your woman that you go to sleep with everything that's the dumbest logic in the world yeah but we asked for less leave me your homeboys asked for less Oh your homeboy not gonna be upset if you hang out with another homeboy yes he will yeah yes they [ __ ] will what do you mean dependent out [ __ ] is yeah that friends will call you it like wax will call you up in bed yo why we hang out do all this weekend on me no not like that but if it's somebody like I say for example it's somebody that may have spoken some [ __ ] about me know what I'm saying I meant to [ __ ] you [ __ ] with that clown at that's fine yeah yeah but I'm saying all I have to say find you some gay rich friends and go to Deadwood how was the how was the cake because there's been this whole big thing about you know Baker's not wanna make cakes for gay weddings really oh yeah but I've always want to try a gay wedding cake how was it I hate a lot it was amazing they cut up in little squares yeah and they just had it sitting outside yeah I took a bunch of it I wanted the funny part in the old the irony is the only one I didn't like was when it had the cream in the middle but the cake was good are you talking about as far as like putting a bride and bride at a grooming room well they won't even do it at all because yeah yeah yeah there's a bunch of these Baker Christian Muslim religious bakers are often like listen Love Wins at the end of the day I know that [ __ ] sound cliche to shake to say but if you love somebody you want to spend the rest of a life with them you should have the right to do so I'm glad that they got the right to do so and that's the illest part about it when you look at that you just like oh that's just two people in love yeah I don't matter about sexuality the genders it's like that's just two people in love and it's so clear to see love it's something that is so easily recognizable if you just look at the people that you're in love you know it it's it's they're people together and be like look at their stupid [ __ ] they not even gonna last so you can see both energies you know what I'm saying yeah and you look at them you know your day in love that's all I saw yeah I think that's the trickiest thing with a relationship is like it's so easy to confuse like like and excitement yeah like the beginning is always exciting you meet someone new you want their you know validation in many different ways and you're like I must really like this person but you actually don't in a lot of times you just you just you're just so excited that there's this new person in your life and there's this new kind of like challenge goal and maybe they're getting this personal like you I think that's why relationships fizzle out at that certain point because once that excitement goes away you got to enjoy being around that person oh that's so ill because I remember the first time it was Elvis ever told me about Alex and we was getting drunk on the roof of some Hotel around here he was telling me about the young dude he had just started dating I think I liked him I say we have fun together he was like you know he got drunk the other night and woke up and he was blood all over the pillow and you know what they say it's not a good night if you didn't there's no blood on the pillow so I remember being like Elvis who the [ __ ] is day who would the day that says this but 10 years later they happily married you know I'm saying so it's like you gotta have fun with that person yes that's that's the number one thing for me is I have to enjoy being around you yeah it can't be a chore I can't be like art got to hang out my girl I gotta want to hang out with you yeah enjoy that time and that's tough it's tough to find a person as an adult as an already like made adult I often think like the relationship you're in is actually more productive in a lot of ways which is like you guys grew together you've known each other since you're [ __ ] 17 a SonoSite you now you're 40 and you guys have become the people you are at the same time yes you know it's you can't forget that though of course all the way of the journey you have to remember that people are growing and evolving so I'm not the same person I was 10 years ago she's not the same for that she was but you guys know all together yeah and you got to get to know the new you and I got to get to know the new her right every ever so often but you guys are instrumental in making that new thing yeah right it's like you guys are finding new things that you enjoy together you're finding new ways to communicate you're finding all the [ __ ] right when you're 35 right like before I met my girl right I'm 35 I got a hope that I meet someone who went through certain things in life that just so happens good things and bad things and just so happens creates this individual that happens to be what is it what is it a not synonymous but like compatible compatible yeah that happens to be compatible with me and all things I went through my life even though we haven't went through any of those things together that's like needle-in-a-haystack types you're like I think office I think we look at relationships especially in like New York and LA and we go like oh you're supposed to wait man like my parents waited forever you supposed to wait till you're 30 was way too you're 40 it's like I don't know before I got married for marriage I'm talking about relationship oh yeah yeah like you had kids you invested in this person's life but you give it enough the thing you can't predict that don't like you don't you don't like if you meet somebody right now you want to be with them y'all gonna be together yeah like there's no we're gonna wait no maybe that's what it is you know like I often find like you know girls will complain about how hard it is to date in New York City and it's like it's not that like all dudes are hos or whatever but it's like you're dating complete strangers you everybody you date had a completely different upbringing from different parts of the [ __ ] globe and you upset there you go on three dates and you're like damn why don't we have something from another part of the world would just get along with you provide away that person you meet got the same reservations that you got they've probably been in relationships before and relationships didn't work out people probably broke their trust and yeah Lodi so all you both y'all got reservations so then you gotta approach it and I think it's important to like have patience for reservations like anything I jumped into a serious relationship where you're responsible for feelings that's just stressful like when you're in some [ __ ] whether you like to believe it or not you're responsible for that person's feelings you can feel horrible but you know dudes I hear a lot of us are just like wow whatever she's trippin this that's the whole point about being submissive life people women hear that word submissive and men hate that word submissive we automatically think negatively all submission means is you're putting somebody else's needs before your own that's what I'm supposed to do with my wife and my kids that's what she should do yes with me and the kids like put if it's mutual submission submission is so wrong and you see that means you're weak no it just simply means you're putting somebody else's somebody else's needs before your [ __ ] on right yeah yeah they Taylor was saying that they use the definition wrong or they just use it only in the negative way yes like either being submissive is wrong no I'm opening the door I'm submitting myself to you that's right yes there's a fine line between the chivalry and Submission in like the no it simply means putting somebody else's needs before your own the same men should be submissive to their wives while I should be submissive to their husbands that's it my wife is my number one priority along with my children yes as long as there's a two-way street then it's fine if it's a one-way street then you could look like a [ __ ] then you could look like a punk and you probably are one but if it's two-way you can yo if somebody's willing to do anything for you it's very easy to anything for them if somebody said if somebody's willing to do anything for you it's very easy to do anything for them oh yeah yeah I got your good you know that person should I go I need this thing I got it don't worry about it the second they ask for anything it's like don't ask me twice will you tell it yes absolutely and by the way don't even ask me cuz you know all I'm trying to do is make you happy so if you want something just get what you want yes I'm easy breezy I'm not tripping yeah and by the way you know what I want cuz we've been together so long yes make the decision please yes I'm submissive as a [ __ ] yes I'm at the point where anybody who knows me they know to ask my wife hmm is he gonna be there you know what I'm saying is he conscious yeah just just call me we'll make it happen like yeah I think there are things that you have to be assertive about though I think it's a balance right I think like is that you yang [ __ ] it's like yeah I think your girl needs to know that you're submissive in certain areas but she needs to know you're assertive you put your anything life with defiance right anything that serious you know going to the wrong place God give you an example I remember being a grenade on one year and you know when we go out we get the boat you don't first and we were at the boat we'd be out on the boat whatever whatever yeah little light yacht something like that you know saying but for this particular moment we had two people a yacht I wonder grenade I went cuz you know Amanda silicon grenadiers she invited us to go in with the Grenadier so I didn't know the people to like rent the boat boat so I was just talking like y'all let's do a sunset cruise whatever whatever yeah and they pull up in like some D yeah I'm looking at this [ __ ] like a motor sound and my wife is like let's go and alike no nah we're not doing all that but if it was up to her she to me like [ __ ] let's get on the goddamn dinghy and then we might have all drowned right right so but little damn Sam's things that are life or death things that because women have blind spots because women are you know nurturer is innate they did I don't want to say naive but naive isn't the right word they just don't see a lot of the dangers that we see cuz they're not looking for them yeah when I walk in a room I'm automatically looking the way to shooter that yes where's the [ __ ] threat yeah in this room not doing it yeah you say what she's saying she looks at she looks at you to do that thank you we almost read I did not want to put you through that but Taylor was like let's read the comments to happen on the sound common creepy well listen I just want to say made me want to get remarried interest yeah yeah cuz you know financially I'm a little bit more better now and you know it's really just fun and I think that we're going like what we was just talking about when you've been with somebody for so long yeah and you're growing and you're evolving and you're constantly growing to love this new person you know I'm saying like I said I'm I'm not the same person that 20 that was a 30 now my forties it's the same with her so it's like we're constantly growing to love these people that we are it's like yeah why not do it again you look fly I don't want to have a [ __ ] mariachi band at my weddings and I love saying Marriott so I want people to leave my [ __ ] wedding and then go out and it's a bunch of vendors well he had all the New Mexico just in the hallway different ways here guitars and all kind of [ __ ] I want to give away a car I want to have donkeys walking around with shots of tequila on their back no I'm saying you got to take a shot at the killer off the donkey you know and say I don't like the carpet in here get rid of that [ __ ] and remodel the whole [ __ ] just because you can cuz it's your big day even though you got a house in Santa Fe any [ __ ] way that was the [ __ ] man so he really balled out man come on dude I was talking about a moment how to do how to do a wedding and I'm very fortunate right because I'm gonna create a field if I want to like flex my creative muscle I gotta stand up I got these podcasts I got these different products I can do it and I and I so I never felt a certain way about the wedding because it's like I already have all these outlets I don't need to like take that on if if my girl wants to do that when the time comes go for it I got you this is your day just flex you know and and I often feel like people who don't have those creative outlets when the wedding comes they're like oh no I got some creativity i'ma show you how ship rolls it's a good a good point I think it happens I feel like I dropped the ball you know what you did I was there my she was basically yeah it was basic I wasn't involved though it was basic it would listen here's the thing it was basic but it was authentic yeah and there's like distinct moments I remember about I remember Kinte trying to give a speech that [ __ ] was hilarious stupid but that was hilarious Jeremy the wedding itself was very pretty yeah you know I mean the the ceremony was a call reception no no the way I don't [ __ ] remember anything but um yeah whatever it was anyway point is in the town that you did it in was right that was romantic it was beautiful but uh what you can stock it's done it I could start a little hard and that's a different thing it's a different day so like so the other day I we're just having this conversation just about what is in general like what would you do it away right and you know what I would [ __ ] do if I was to do something let's just say I think I would like recreate a kind of Burning Man situation right where mmm it's a weekend I tell everybody the rules and the principles they we basically rent out like a place by a lake we rent out all the land and that we have a place where people can stop and you have to pick up your supplies now we pre purchase all the supplies and they're there but you have to grab what you think you're gonna need for the next three days and everybody surviving on their own that's what a wooden there's part of look like so I'm gonna have all the water to food this kind of thing you go stop there we're gonna grab it and then we'll have tents that aren't fully set up yet you at least got to put a couple rods we're gonna do most of setup but you need to be invested in your survival and then what I want to have is I have I don't want it to be one of those things where like you have to be here at 7:00 you have to be here at 9:00 you know be a today I'll have a few things that they you know we're gonna happen but I want to have like secret events they're like people find out about 4:00 in the morning by the water at Burning Man I want to recreate my own and have like my friends and like have a bunch of people who are aware of it and people who aren't and have people get lost in it because I have enough attention on a regular basis I don't need it to be about me my way so what it's not about you it's about the or my wife but I truly want to share an awesome experience with these people and I want them to have a [ __ ] great time with it what would what you'll realize is weddings are for your significant others yes it's for her hey not for you maybe it's maybe it's like a nice corneas joint bachelor parties are maybe there's some joint bachelor parties [ __ ] right there but like best part is the people who never got [ __ ] do not support yourself or your friends my life has been a bachelor party yeah but like it's not for you that's why yeah but they do get possibly they marry they're like you let me just live this life one more time okay one weekend it depends what floor you on the hotel don't pay what if your man paid for you to get your dicks though yeah you didn't you didn't wanna yeah yeah you did you didn't really have anything to do it true true I think that's faithful anyway I just think would be cool but I agree with you Chris is like if you're accommodating family that's not the one but I'll be honest I feel no responsibility or accommodate family in a wedding wasn't me that's what it becomes about nope that's what it becomes about I think if you're if if your girl wants it to be that her family's paying for it because remember back in the day the family paid for it so as I better believe we're gonna have a say we're putting up all this money for every say it's the dowry realtalk so but now if you're doing everything we're wedding I'm paying for the wedding we don't need to invite my third cousin to this [ __ ] wedding like this is just the people I want to be directly and the people that want to be there don't do me no favors by coming to my wedding that's why I'm no [ __ ] favors I'm getting remarried in five years okay destination wedding that destinations great cuz it weeds out the people that don't want to go and then you could fall out because regardless where it is yeah but you could pull out a little bit because they're like hey listen if you wanted to put all this money up to come here you must really fuss all I'm saying if you can afford to get here boom then you're supposed to be here I said if not I don't [ __ ] with you like that no way who's gonna have okay weddings are amazing really yes it was so funny I was all tuxes they both had on some both suits they're both what's so funny as I met I was with Angela Rai we was in DC Friday because we've done it for the Congressional Black Caucus right and I was moderating this panel about Kim cannabis license and be used for drug war reparations but Angela had this brunch and it was these two women in the brunch and I was just randomly talking to them having a conversation me at my wife used to talk to them whatever and they was like we all we gotta go to Santa Fe and they're like oh we love Santa Fe yada yada yada ya man I said I'm excited is my first gay wedding and you're like we were Angela's first gay wedding and I'm like oh I didn't realize y'all of this apni conversation then I feel like a [ __ ] and I'm like why not just randomly bring up that we was going to a wedding because it's it's a wedding because it's a unique experience yeah exactly right now you're right and here's the thing by going you're supportive what do you mean you don't go to a gay wedding if you hate gay people I don't even think no but I just love is there any meaning like when you bring it up like yeah I'm going to Smythe gay wedding there's no inherent homophobia in it because you're supporting the marriage of two yeah I just love it I I mean yeah you're right no it was a new experience in that yo you know that but think about this it's not just a new experience for me it's a new experience for America yeah how long is gay marriage been going on like for year three four years maybe no it's only a few years dude I watched this movie yes I called the Goldfinch right and new boo be coming it was really [ __ ] brilliant movie but it's it's how I have a say it's funny when you don't even know how to even word it it's funny when you realize your own bias I basically realized my own bias you talk to me so I watch this movie in part of the movie there these two kids I think they're maybe like middle school maybe like freshman in high school right and the movie jumps around a time a lot but they're they're doing like you know a bunch of drugs you know you know try an acid drink and smoke in their parents are neglecting them it's really [ __ ] up right and there's just one scene where one of the kids is gonna run away from home and go to New York and he's [ __ ] 14 years old or something like that and his best friend who's been doing drugs and acid within all this [ __ ] up [ __ ] you know stealing doing this one and he's about to get in the taxi and leave and his friend walks up to him and then kisses him on the mouth okay right a my initial reaction was like why the [ __ ] does dad have to be it they're their kids their [ __ ] kids he was a couple before no no they were like I was like what are you throwing this in here for their [ __ ] there's one way of looking like that right and I'm sitting there and then my girls is laughing I'm like why you laughing she's like because you didn't say a thing about them do an acid at 14 and do my own [ __ ] like [ __ ] you're so right no problem with them doing these horrible illegal things that kids should never [ __ ] do at 14 years old and the second thing though is that what this when you grew up in here mm say uh what did Eminem say yeah you know so you've wrapped about two guys kissing to be like oh yeah you know I'm saying like stupid [ __ ] like that I guess conditioning that's all what I think it's changing though I mean just watching my own kids they don't like every it's the new normal exactly so every year three times a year they get to choose their pronouns in school not just them the entire school hold that thought Chris we're gonna pay some bills it's a great conversation to start off yes when we come back all right now Boost Mobile all right support for today's show comes from boost mobile switching the boost mobile gives you more than surprising people with more at every turn because boost doesn't offer one great thing it offers many great things like super reliable super fast nationwide network and four lines for $100 a month with unlimited gigs for data talk and text and for free LG stylo five phones for the whole family is more than you'd expect from a wireless service and it all comes with no annual service contracts I switch the Boost Mobile and give super reliable super fast nationwide network so you can connect almost anywhere Boost Mobile the switch that gives you more office and coverage not available everywhere free phone requires port in additional terms and conditions apply visit Boost Mobile calm Audion airs retail or for details okay now Chris listen maybe I should start out with saying that's so dumb but that's usually my Christmas yeah yeah yeah so go so let's educate us on this pronoun sting and choosing VAE or the you all can say is that that's something that they each do three times a year and they don't really think it's a big deal so three times a year right everybody can flip their their gender well I think the idea is they're trying for somebody because kids change as they grow and I think they're trying to make the opportunity for somebody who changes their pronouns okay so Sam Smith came out this week as non-binary right yes explain to people non-binary is I do not [ __ ] but we had laughs you don't think you're male or female yes you just you just are last week we had a sexual because he's got a boy well here's the thing that's interesting you're non-binary right once your non-binary meaning you're not male or female you're no longer gay buddy you could only be gay if you identify as a guy and you're into guys yeah I'm not even about to go down this rabbit hole because I really don't understand it we had um we had last week we had my man David John's we had two people from the trans community niylah niylah niylah some cameraman Alice lastname pollutant Allah and Carmen I can remember common last name either and we had Malik Yoba and they they were on and they were trying to explain to us the trans world and the language and the latest offering I'm trying to understand this non but they were talking about that too because that's their whole thing and a lot of a lot of women got upset at them because a lot of women were mad because I think it was David if I'm not mistaken David said that there's no such thing as gender gender is a social construct gender is something that is assigned to you by doctors right okay if I'd if I think deep enough about it it could be a point there let me explain for everybody jumps down my throat gender is a label right so you're born you got a penis they call you a boy right whatever your nail male you're born you got a vagina it's on you a female they call you a girl those are just names right Yello gender yes that might be a soldier crunch growth but sex decide logic exactly the sex of what you are is not a social college credit you don't say right and I think people got mad at mad at David because he said that and it almost kind of like just dismisses you know if you're born a woman and you're you're happy with being a woman and you're proud of being a woman and you embrace being a woman it's kind of like just dismissing it and you know I saw a lot of women saying things like so I got ovaries for no reason I get periods for no reason I can get pregnant for no reason like you can't just take away he's separating the way you feel and what you physically are so the sex is what you physically are meaning I have a penis that yes my sex is male but gender is this idea that gender is gender is labeling it as male or female right gender is putting the color blue for boys and pink for girls where that's all social contact and you know what that is completely true social constructs like there's no reason why boys are blue and girls are pink that can flip look what Harlem did yet all the sudden boys became pink and girls you know I think probably still did pink but doesn't matter that we add those things now those things are indicative of traits that you see in the sexes for example you often see a more nurturing quality and girls like they're not playing with dolls because they want to they're playing with dolls because they have a natural instinct I wonder about this two daughters that hasn't stood out with my experience done extensive studies they've done extensive psychological studies about you know what kids will do when you give them these types of things and like you know if you give the the girls the dolls they'll start like making their hair and they're so like petting them we don't like did that what guys and they start making them fight each other and then they break their arms off like every guy knows how to take the he-man character's arm out of the socket what if you don't give the guy a Barbie how what's the difference cuz Barbie Barbie even got bigger tits than Barbie oh I'm saying Bobby is a woman yeah he may treat the woman doll different than he would the he-man dog you know I may be I don't know I don't think he would I think that they I think that there's a natural proclivity for most people not all scissor if you want you make the Barbie scissor oh I did that for sure the long legs and again I would love to have someone here to get us to talk to talk about it but how do you not feel like anything how do you know what you feel like I don't feel like a guy I just feel like I feel I'm always women and I'm like is it offending when I gonna when a person says I feel like a woman it's not like you can sit down with that person and then they start describing feel like a woman and then you'd be like oh yeah that's it like I don't know what I'm gonna be able to do yeah I don't know what feeling like a guy feels like and I can't act I could tell you I either like I can say something like I love everybody knows I love girlfriends I'm a girlfriends fanatic yes I know I love girlfriends yes but if I say that guys would be like okay let me ask you this question I'm gay because I like watching the show a black woman yes so I don't understand what that even means like I don't know what it means like that say I feel like a guy watch watch real man programming yeah foot boy tights that's what they think right well that gets back and that's why this [ __ ] gets confusing what what the non-binary people would say is the only reason you like football and these types of things as a guy is because you've been conditioned conditioned that way and I would make the argument that there are certain things that are inside of us that help us lean in that direction now I grew up in a dance family I went to the ballet young I watched my parents dance I was surrounded by this super effeminate dance world I did not gravitate to that even though that that was my environment 100% I was playing basketball never do it all this guy's [ __ ] now my immediate environment was all effeminate dancing it didn't affect me why you called that guy's [ __ ] but think about it no no girl [ __ ] I think that's all girls dancing his girl [ __ ] no you did a bunch of guys what I did I did the traditional guy so things they say your guys the things they say guys so there is something now granted maybe my outside environment my friends influence me more but my inside of media environment did not make me embrace these things more so clearly maybe there's something inside of us that guys that maybe yearns for competition or you know physical contact I got into fight sports I was really yeah when I came from family it was not about it so he's playing it you know what's so interesting about that I agree with everything that's just saying but think about when you get older and you start to like embrace your what they call sacred masculine or the I don't even know if I want to call it divine femininity because I don't know if it's feminine to just learn how to be vulnerable and learn how to deal with your emotions and start doing the healing work on yourself cuz all the things that I always tell women traditionally do but now you're saying that's a concept that's what I do I don't know if it's a I don't know if it's a contra know you've been told that that's a funny thing that's the social construct new all along by the way I don't even know if it was a feminine thing it's just that I only saw women doing that my Angley saw women doing the work on myself when it came to like mental health when it came to emotional well-being when it came to mindfulness I only saw women do that like it's like I got a pedicure manicure you only saw women do that and you like it's so funny because like women I know so many women that will just get a massage like there have a tough week and they'll just get a massage and my my reaction to that is women you just don't develop like a hunchback like a man like that that's what men do like our back hurts and then we just slowly curl up into intellect question marks because we never address any of the issues that we ever had not massages on just the women thing no bro we get them oh we it's very rare show come on that's what happy massage to be honest I'll make you lean into your back problems a curl I love getting massage I actually want to get massage this weekend cuz we was staying at a hotel in the Eldorado hotel and spa in Santa Fe Vantage like let's go to the spa I don't like calling him I'm like yo can I get in today my wife is like I don't want to go get a massage I'm like [ __ ] it I said Italy my wife doesn't want to go by and you say no yeah so here's a question have you ever done that couples massage they love it what is the point of that it's amazing my theory the only reason they have a couples massage is so that your wife knows you're not getting whacked off at the end why else would you be in the same room together this serenity peace but you're not together your face is in the donut no matter it's just the energy like if you all together you kind of like like you just want to experience it together like what it's done when you're both you often for that hour look at each other but you could do it in the room right next door what is the idea about the couples must say it has to be some marketing ploy there's no reason it makes any sense enjoy though more so than if you were in your own room there's anything different now cuz you zone out like it's a level of stillness is just a level of peace now maybe it's just the fact they're doing it together I don't know it's like it's like you know you don't take two different planes if you want you to think play give it you've got different seats you know each other knows you're not having a couple seat hey you want this couple seat you're not gonna sit on the plane and have your wife in commercial why I mean in coach why you in for a class you you it's my job to get us there I don't think it's something you decide you come I don't think it's something to do together but we getting off track though okay who's talking about the pronouns yes yes they what do you want yeah yeah what would they like what we don't need you to talk yeah I can hear you fine we're saving you we don't want the listeners to hear you that's the people who complain go go go you asked like what's being a guy and everything is like that yes does that take away from when people be saying or we guys say or a testosterone that's why I am this way about okay so there's a let's ask the question on the way we want the question go directly in your ears don't [ __ ] it up okay use the same word you just use all right thing about what is being a man so does that take away from being or having testosterone how guys say you guys have session that's why you act the way y'all do so basically you're asking about the web which i think is very very reasonable question is the biological differences men and women we know are different we have differences right so even if you're a man who identifies as a woman you truly cannot feel like a woman because you don't have the genetic makeup of a woman you you truly cannot know what it's like so like not do a pull-up you can't do a pull-up now by the way I know some girls that do more pull-ups than guys Simone biles my homegirls making at least a ball but it will wash you with pull-ups come on bro bro if I show you them on the grant you'd be like God with their olympic track runners they'd be how do they identify weight you want to pick a pronoun that Khalid has already made stupid my dad would make the data haters why would you do position that word like why you want to be vey vey 'aa is a trick one yeah this is the thing and it's more of a story for me when you need to get a say in here though can we ever think I don't know what it is because this is my thing I saw Santa Merced at one point he wanted to have a sex-change right yeah so if you wanted to have a sex-change and that means you're changing your gender identity right no so that means you're changing your sexual identity gender is the social contract no I think you're changing agenda but genders changes first and then you change your sex to meet the gender yeah right gender is the one where we could pick I don't even know although something to say it is if you want to call yourself layer them then why are you changing your gender you should have both genders is it to be whatever like it shouldn't matter is what I'm saying know what I'm saying if you want to be vague cuz that's multiple you gotta keep the dick and get the [ __ ] huh that's day that's them here's my thing with all here's my business what you say to you girl you bet y'all bring that [ __ ] over here right that [ __ ] but if you're like y'all bring them shits are you could just say bring that to me but if it's multiple you can't say that it's that's see those the story for me is this and I not and I thought about this after we had the conversation with David John's and you know Carmen and Nollan and Maliki Oh will I don't understand it right right and that's fine but this is what I do understand I understand their right to exist and I understand that they should not be getting killed for simply being who they are that's it nobody should be getting killed that's a baseline it's not some people would oh sure I know I know what but we all agree that nobody should be getting now we all don't agree because it is some people I hit as killing people just for being whatever it is that they are yeah they killing you because you're trans they killing you cuz you're black you got so much but my kill you cuz you're white like can we in Jewish but we agree that that's wrong yeah we in this room yeah we Grace and their sense are pronouns it does we us okay right we us agree so it's a lot it is a lot and that is my point we all must be patient with each other I'm telling you please read Malcolm Gladwell's talking to strangers book and it's about how none of us know how to communicate with each other because we're all too busy yelling at each other and we're all too busy acting like people should just be educated on these things that were not educated about but I'll tell you something if you don't have the ability to learn or if you don't want to learn everything all you simply need to know is everybody has the right to exist and nobody should be getting harmed discriminated against are killed because of who they are I already choose to be hundred percent agree with you if you're an adult do whatever the [ __ ] you want if you want to have those big [ __ ] holes in your ears do your [ __ ] thing always wouldn't whatever sit like that comes up I'd be like I don't care okay but i'ma tell you something he said something me that made a lot of sense and I had to restructure how I say it right yeah it was like when you say you don't care it's like you're just being dismissive yeah and it's like you're saying you're like you're like a white person who says I don't see color when you know racism exists what you should say is I don't care about your lifestyle cuz I don't because I do care about your life in San Jose yeah I do care about your life I just don't care about your lifestyle ooh you want to sleep with identify or whatever you want to identify as you you don't believe that yeah I mean if I'm being completely honest I don't care but you don't care about you care about them as a human being no but I don't but I also don't care about most human beings it's not like I don't it's like I don't care about the straight guy I don't care about the gay guy I don't care about the Trent like I just don't care I'm just being honest I really don't care that much we could act like we care about all human beings and then they're just bomb and hospitals and Yemen and we're all like no I think Harry we do love everybody but we're really only aware wasn't I sir exactly we're we're it's here so if you're in my circle guess what I don't know do Mexico you don't care about the slaves that are making our iPhones yeah when you're worried about how difficult for Professor X to hear all the people's thoughts in the beginning yeah that's Karen we want that when we hear about bombings in other countries we don't think about the innocent live that would kill we hear the word insurgents and we don't think man those are men women children these limbs that are getting killed you know what I'm saying I get what you say we only care about things that are in our circle and if it doesn't directly affect us and we not even think that's why we don't care about global warming cuz it's not in a circle yet it's an Arctic Circle I don't I'm not I don't care about global woman I'm just gonna simply say I don't think we can stop it breath and you know what okay tariff is the earth baby okay this [ __ ] opens up right now and swallows us whole did the earthquake in Lausanne there are quick a new you over right now homeboy what's up brother to see you man by the way I was the one at Elvis's wedding mmm-hmm he have somebody giving I forgot the guy's name and I told how great his speech was he was up I passed it when he was kamek alright yeah and he was talking about somebody's uncle our dad that died and he's like I know he's looking down or knowing him maybe looking up you know why that's a bar cuz we always act like people in heaven ain't on there everybody ain't in happiness we believe if you believe now I don't believe in heaven or hell I'm just saying that if you believe that's why I hate about religion yeah you can't believe certain parts of religion and not believe all of it roses people in hell yeah how much you loved him if you believe in hell it's some people that you loved did you see where is hell this is actually an important physical question where is hell because if heaven is in the Stars and in the sky and the clouds and we know that we live in a vehicle world yeah there's clouds surrounding the whole thing so where's the hell beneath the oil it's beneath the oil yes meaning the [ __ ] could why you say that was such confidence but you just know helmet came back so here's a question died of Lyme disease and so I think I was trippin but uh you know how like when you die you see the light yeah what if like you know reincarnation where you live again yeah so like when you die parent you see this white light I heard about it okay now what if that's actually not a white light what if that's reincarnation and that white light is just all the sperm that you're swimming this could be you ever wonder what all that slimy [ __ ] is that's all over a baby when they come pre-birth I don't know what it is I like to dance white light could be [ __ ] hell unless hell is inside the earth here's another crazy thing here's I've had a couple crazy thoughts of like okay I'm watching this building go up in lower Manhattan right and it's blocking the view of this other sky rise and I'm like man how much does that [ __ ] suck right there you bought this probably a million dollar apartment and all the sudden other buildings coming up in just completely blocked review and in my girl goes oh that's why you got checked for the the air rights and I know what and she goes yeah I won't air [Music] first of all help sir does that that you can buy the air yeah that's why certain buildings will only let you build up to a certain height because they purchased the air who do you purchase the air from who owns the [ __ ] yo Jesus you re cut inside you real talk yo God wants to know are you out inside in that moment I'm going oh that's how you become a billionaire you just got to invent a price for some [ __ ] that doesn't even have a price at all and isn't even sellable right you just invent money you sell air you're inventing money and then I and then it [ __ ] hit me I'm like holy [ __ ] what's Bitcoin what's cryptocurrency why cuz I don't know what the [ __ ] it is we have no clue right now I don't know more people try to explain it to me me too but isn't this great like we can invent the whole idea of real estate is fake the whole I was in Yellowstone I was reading I think it was a Crazy Horse's a book about Crazy Horse yeah and one of the biggest issues explained Crazy Horse again crazy one of the other Indian leaders fought back against the white expansion and one of the biggest problems was the Indians or the Native Americans had no concept of the idea of a border the whites would say this is the border they said there's no but we go over to buffalo mountain but this is the line crossing you own this room they didn't know it was fake to them dude Chris everybody goes like this and this corner joke about this but everybody's a you know when the the Europeans bought Manhattan for the Native Americans so everybody talks about how the Native Americans made this horrible deal right cuz like they traded Manhattan for a couple necklaces and some shells and some pearls right what idiots you have to understand the Native Americans thought they won that deal why you called me if they didn't know anybody no no no they thought the whites didn't know any better the Native Americans during that deal were going these idiots think you can own land right we got free pearls we have free necklaces because you think you don't know it's an old land and they found out very quickly that you can't but the point is we make all this [ __ ] up so if we want to be [ __ ] billionaires if the three of us in this room right now sorry you guys are cut out three others in this room want to be billionaires we should just think of the next thing there is nothing that people will be willing to buy uh or not even be willing to buy willing to use that's what social media is okay somebody looked at these smart phones and was like okay these [ __ ] got these [ __ ] in their hands all day long let's give him something to do so that's what these mobile games come from these apps these social media [ __ ] that just keep us on there all day long occupying our [ __ ] time holy [ __ ] Charlemagne because we have no errs like people buy followers and no it's not even a rights I'm actually buying the rights to your ego I've given you a way to constantly get your ego fed all day every day the validation that all of us human beings seek on a daily basis here you go there goes your Facebook here goes your [ __ ] Twitter Anton in ego no can you pay by food and ego no but we're still willing to pay for it yeah it's it's like does your dear daughters there are plenty of video games where you can like buy things within the video game yeah that's all for tonight is for tea my daughter don't play it yeah that's all for tonight stays rich think about that you are buying a fake thing you're buying a thing that doesn't exist in the real world like when I buy a hammer at least I have a hammer no harder for tonight oh no no you got to think though for tonight to these kids in the world so if you can buy like they call them skins so you could buy your fortnight character I had robbed I'm a new dance move we're living in the simulation talk to me drive with me early no I'm not buying something it doesn't exist but we do it secure for a lot of disease living on the game just because I'm sailing the Hale race to all your houses why do you think real estate is not a thing though you know I think it used to be a social construct well we've come to accept it as a real thing but historically you know you own this little lot it's something that a government or a group of people I'm reading a book a very interesting book called boom which is about the year the Oklahoma Thunder traded hardened but also about the founding of Oklahoma City itself which is insane I don't know if you guys know about how Oklahoma City was founded you know this is an interesting story so basically was Indian Territory and this is about 1870 1880 and they that it was Indians who admired they'd forced the Seminoles out of Florida all these different groups and they forced them out of what's now basically Oklahoma you have this wide open space that nobody's occupying into theory so the federal government decides on April 24th at noon 1889 were opening it up and whoever comes in grab right the land it's theirs now the Oklahoma City the Oklahoma Sooners right are the the football team the college football team right and the reason they're called the Sooners right is because they wanted to be there first they want to get there soon no bears were kicked off but they basically said to all the whites and I guess some black students but they're basically like you know whoever gets here first you put your spikes down that's your land because that's how I used to work back in the day right but there are people that actually camped out they were hiding in trees they were hiding in caves because you weren't supposed to start till noon yeah I had all sorts of outrageous cons designed to get there first they were gonna fly in on balloons and drop themselves so they did that's why they're called the Sooners by 12 noon somebody shot off a cannon and you had basically a hundred thousand people rushing into this area two claims that's literally the claim they put the stake in the ground and you could claim a certain amount but there was no government in there to organize it right he thank God from Realtors it laughter so you had armed groups facing off and somebody would claim this piece and then they claimed it and it was like kick your spike out who's the official to say no official and then the people who tried to claim to be the officials well that was challenged right I mean the way the book put is is like if you were trying to think of the worst way to start a city this is it's like they literally pick the absolute worst way and then it slowly sorted itself out over the next Burning Man every year that is the process what the map is is is set up so how do they avoid what happened in Oklahoma City it is that's why is the most fascinating place in the world man for one week it's the most fascinating place on the world dude it's people show up there's the map and you basically stake your claim you put your spikes down you create your territory and for whatever [ __ ] reason well this is because you know your leave and exactly where's in Oklahoma City this is this was every loser in America's chance to finally get rich you struck out in Baltimore you struck out in Santa Fe wherever you get the right piece of real estate you've just saved your life yeah so people would make their claims and then they were ready to die over because this was their last it's amazing how they keep records and stuff now they're like this is a it's actually a piece of property I'm trying to purchase now in South Carolina and I I thought I all but had it and now it's like old document that popped up and they're like hey this is a s property right so they got a contact everybody I'm some on everybody someone living summer day to make sure that nobody else wants this property because they have first right or refusal on right I'm saying so it's just like is this interesting how do you keep records now for real estate cuz it's not too much [ __ ] that's just unclaimed out here in [ __ ] America anymore yeah it's crazy and it's crazy on some level that like once it's yours you just get to keep it forever goddamn right and you should keep it in the family I'm a tab man look that's how you build wealth but it is also how you build disparity right because eventually you run out of [ __ ] and then there's the people who have it and then people who don't and they have no chance to get it and that's the story with Oklahoma City right like our there was a fairly sizable black population in Oklahoma City they weren't part of that first wave because there's no way that black guys were gonna try to rush in with a bunch of a hundred thousand white guys with guns in 1889 yeah an elbow of them out of the way they knew they had to stay back you don't think it's possible they just showed up late sorry anyway go on I'm not giving up Nolan you shouldn't you shouldn't because this is the way that this is the way the world is controlled this is way wealth is controlled 100 percent you shouldn't but what's what I'm sure maybe use happen to you what has happened to me in terms is in my life as I've gained wealth is the more I get it the more I start to realize how [ __ ] up the system is when you don't have no bro it's it's a little unfair man I'm gonna tell you why it's not [ __ ] up for guys like us all right because I mean even though you know my dad my dad had a construction company and he you know had his bouts with drugs and alcohol we grew up poor yeah nothing was handed to me and I mean I know your mother had the [ __ ] ass so I'm saying solidarity we both took career paths that had nothing to do with what they were doing correct so we had to really get it from the bottom bottom bottom but you more bottom to me I had I had I came from privilege my parents you know supported me if they pay for my college I had a huge advantage for comedy correct but I'm talking about like as far as like earning in my career I got that yes yeah yeah we talked about racial wealth gaps in this country the reason there's a racial wealth gap is because systemically is just it was they made it hard for black people to obtain well since systematically yeah yeah this is the best argument for reparations in my opinion yeah but we're talking about land and you were gonna say some that land but you were like I'll do it all the city eventually there was an african-american community that got established but hemmed in the white Oklahoma City everyone ran to the center and then when all the spots they wanted to push out and a black community emerged and they basically kicked everybody out knocked it down and then forced those people out even further I forgot what the [ __ ] I was wanting to talk about could not possibly have anything to do with and maybe we transition and it reminds you of it too with the summit that did he put on no no I was the race I guess I was saying I'm not getting rid of any lane he's the only way that you you close that divide is if you start increasing yeah generational wealth yeah think about you know back in the day they wanted the 40 acres route that's how important land was whenever I'm out to country man I'm having conversations with just random people around the pool or on the beach and they're talking to me about you know like how do you got there they're like y'all you know I got a I got a land lease and this is Walgreens is all my property and they pay me eight thousand dollars a month ten grand like that's really not my thing I like if I come I like to buy a commercial land right you can put commercial stuff on yeah because to me that's where you get your money well you signed in a hundred year lease when McDonald's comes in oh my god hundred they'll sign hundred years on the real estate company people they own everything talk about yeah they're one of the most brilliant companies in the history of like humanity but absolutely but because they're vertically integrated right they own the farm that they farm that the produce on all the way to the brick-and-mortar location where they sell that are a goddamn link that's [ __ ] impressive and they own the [ __ ] probably want to factory they making this GMO [ __ ] too but I get what you're saying it's like when you see the people who have made money look that we're not making any more land so if you own a piece of this [ __ ] you own a part of the world happier fatuity absolutely doesn't word that there's a bubble look I keep following there's a huge real so here's the thing there's there's a huge real estate bubble undeniable right but these billionaire [ __ ] they don't care about a ten-year drop this is a fifty year game for them like like look at all the people like even in Brooklyn right you live in Brooklyn you see these neighborhoods in Brooklyn did these communities went in bought up factories that nobody was in for forty years ago and now too sudden they're like luxury apartment buildings in Williamsburg and you're like oh that's the game the game ain't let me try to double up in five years although the game is my kids kids aren't going to be multi millionaires because of what we scooped up he's gonna be a real estate birds bellowing it's coming down dog Oh out of problems the people who are buying land and buying property but taking loans out to get it I don't do that you know a lot my property I podcast yeah that's a different story there's a different game I just [ __ ] on a realtor last week really after what happened cuz we was on the phone talking about a piece of c'mon we own a piece of property a morning that we've had for years and it's so much development around it right now like you already see the vision and I know what's about I'm like a gas station has to be a convenience store has to be here just because of all the new neighborhood just stuff that are on this property so it's a piece of property next to my mother's that's for sale an eight-time appraised I'm like I won't get that this is going to have to hold or acres and I'm talking us she's like why you know why do you want it I'm like why not and she was like what do you see for it and I said to say anything I just said like I mean I'm like looking to all the development around it all the new neighborhoods and I'm realizing that is the nearest gas station is four or five miles down the road and then to three miles on the other side so it's got to be something smack dab in the middle right here yeah and I just could hear hurt yeah yeah yeah we can see that too so now you try to buy my mom's property crazy like they like name the price oh now they wanna buy a tree not just I I know what's about to happen okay this list tongue [ __ ] who didn't go to college got some vision I know what might happen no we not said we keepin it will do at least something comes and I want the other piece of property you know what I'm saying now she's talking to me and I was telling her about some other properties out on in most corner and she was like well you know if you're looking to you know lease out that one of those buildings you know that could help you with your mortgage every month I'm like I don't have a mortgage if you don't mind me asking and I did not mind telling her what what what what long time brilliant are witnessing is this must be pretty cool for you guys is you're really witnessing us grow up in front of your eyes it's no it's kind of odd we got a little truth no no 100% but it's such a crazy experience when you start this podcasts star shame enterprise first episode ever with jazz flash as Lyons Avenue waters like us like you really coming into your own in the business and you really kind of have in your moment and now we're talking about like real estate and land purchases to set up like future generations this is a crazy journey huge idiots oh for sure didn't matter it's not to spread this wisdom bro I want the next generation to have [ __ ] you money early mm-hmm so you don't never have to Sin City so feels like when the next wave of comedians come next wave of radio personalities next wave of [ __ ] I know whatever the [ __ ] it is yeah they awesome like suck my dick y'all can't stop my bag if you try gosh it just my bags from this yes you know I'm saying yes so it's like [ __ ] it let's go and and not even not even on on on a level of I'm gonna offend you and I don't give a [ __ ] because I don't think either one of us try to offend people on purpose but you know when you're trying to figure things out and you're having conversations about certain things and you're discussing certain things you may offend along the way yeah so if that happens you know and [ __ ] try to jump out here no you cancel this no you got to worry about that you know can't cancel me if I got 50ml you can't you can't catch me if I got three move sacks thanks bye 150 I got three now we spoke about McDonald's let's pay some bills and come back and talk about Bill Maher and James Corden in fat shaming oh oh I think is gonna do guys nine times out of ten you're overpaying when you shop online unless of course you use honey honey is a free browser extension that saves you money wherever you shop on line just think about like this okay the average honey user saves about 126 dollars per year free money that you safe you don't have to do anything different you just use honey and you get to save 125 dollars every year hundreds 25 cups of cold brew right there a pair of air pods because you know you're gonna lose them or 126 tacos from your favorite food truck it's no wonder honey has over a hundred thousand five star reviews on the google chrome store Time magazine even calls honey basically free money funny cuz I just call it that Time magazine great minds think alike listen there's really no reason not to use honey it's free to use installs on your computer in just two clicks and it'll save you money so you can treat yourself to something nice get honey for free at join honey calm slash idiots that's join honey dot-com slash idiots and now we're back oh my god I got some church announcements I'd definitely like to tell you guys about very important big deal big deal big deal Australia we are coming to you this week matter of fact by the time you guys are listening to this I'm already in Australia me Alex media Marc Gagnon okay a bunch of great Australian comics are gonna be open on the shows we're gonna be an Adelaide Perth the perched show is almost sold out so get that real quick Adelaide we got a few tickets left / shows almost sold out might be go checked out Brisbane first show sold out we added another show Sydney two shows sold out we had a third show Melbourne to show so that we added a third show go to the end results are con get those tickets I also got I also got two big announcements New York you guys sold out Town Hall that's the biggest venue I've ever played man I'm very excited about it show is show is over two months out so we said [ __ ] it we got add another one okay I was nervous I was being a little bit [ __ ] I was like but what if we don't sell it out again not we going for it okay so New York Town Hall first show sold out we're adding another show November 22nd the tick is just went on sale by the time this is out there the end result com same thing with Boston sold out the Wilbert theater that's amazing we're gonna come back we're gonna do it again another one at the Wilbur theater in Boston I was being a little bit of a baby I was being a little scare but now we're gonna [ __ ] go for it I appreciate you guys for supporting a lot of you guys been reaching out asking for tickets asking to add another show so you know we did exactly what you want so the end result calm for all those let's go for it Matador tour new dates new cities being added every week to the to the torso go to the addresses comm get that Charlemagne any church announcements remember that's all go to [ __ ] am I going I don't know that's all good I really want to talk about I really want to talk about a killer Mike's oh yes speech it's not even a speech it was just his like killer Mike being killing my dude we've been a long time killer Mike fancy you've been like celebrator of killer Mike who's one of my favorite rappers of all time top 5 top 7 favorite rappers of all time and all the reason I think tops are gonna have a top 7 but he's one of my favorite rappers of all time he's just a great human being yeah first met killer Mike in 2003 maybe o2o3 maybe I don't remember back in Columbia South Carolina hot 1 2 3 9 and I just remember the first time I have a medal cuz he was a big boy and it was doing the purple ribbon all-stars album and he's he seagulls you I love you J's cuz I don't have Jordan Therese and it might have been fake but I don't even know right but he gave me a compliment I was like okay nope and it's just like that whole day we ended up hanging out cuz you know I was doing radio and Clemens like a lot of times my interview dim and then yeah we hung out at a club later on and he's a yo killer Mike has never been anything but killer Mike the killer my geologist witnessing now and saying how brilliant here that is that yes he has he has never been another way is what it's it's pretty amazing what what we're seeing it's like we're watching the message and the messenger unite and you get to see this like every so often in history where the time requires a message and a messenger and sometimes you get the messenger and sometimes you get the message and you get them separately but right now there is a time in history where this message is needed and we have a messenger who can deliver it and the message that needs to be delivered well and it is [ __ ] yeah yeah so [ __ ] brilliant he's the most dear anything about killing my great I've killed Mike has always been killing Mike and I've seen people react to him in different ways everybody tried to cancel kill him like a couple years ago for some [ __ ] because he decided to do exactly what everybody's applauded him for right mm-hmm kill him Mike when chat with another black man on NRA television to discuss to a would kill Mike's a big to a guy and everybody was killing him simply because he was on an hour a television but you're applauding him now cuz this week he told y'all at the revolt summit [ __ ] all that bickering [ __ ] all your differences [ __ ] you know arguing over which master to serve he was like if even if you don't agree with this person take the go to what they're saying if you don't agree with that person take the good of what they're saying and let's all put together those good ideas and come up with an agenda that could benefit us all you know how I know that that this really touched the court talked man is I had different groups of people reach out I had conservative friends reach out I had really goober liberal friends reach out unbeknownst to each other with the same thing yo if you listen to this killer Mike then yo disguise the truth it was zero pander you're late first of all listen they're late but doesn't matter yeah remember a time requires everything it would have been too early before you know it's necessary to extract the laws that got killer Mike's message registering with all at all different people who Candace almonds interesting when I saw Candace Owens was gonna be at the revolt summit people start hitting me sending it to me saying this is [ __ ] up whatever I would on why you need the boy like it's not [ __ ] up yeah I'm gonna tell you why I've not [ __ ] up you may not agree with everything Canada's always says you may not agree with who she chooses to support Donald Trump but sometimes candy says some things that are accurate and not even sometimes she says some things that I agree with yes and she said some things that I don't agree would guess what just like everybody [ __ ] out just like your parents just like your article just like your bonds everybody go through Thanksgiving dinner you can listen to a political jello Mike said someone that stage man and I would tell you tell man this all the time when it came to reference to Canada's own because there's certain things would say and I'll be like bro that's exactly what the nation Islam says that's exactly what the Honorable Minister was frack on say that's exactly what I'll roll out of Mohammed says she may not know that you know what I'm saying what told us some of the things like Mike's pointed her and said everything she's saying the armament at the Lewis fryer card has been saying and four-year and what did when he when he challenged the audience he's in pain he was like he was like this is your homework go out and study these people and he said one person and then Candace was like trying to give some pushback and no she can't say yes oh no no go go study these people and then I think Candace said one thing he was like hold on I got you know what he told her to her point he was saying to her because when T I asked her when when was the win with America ever great right right and Candace was like we can make black America great again and T I was like no answer the question when was America ever great yeah you know for black people whatever whatever you didn't give Kansas a chance to answer the question which I think he should have but if you go back to listen kill Michael Mike actually answered the question right till Mike gave a moment in time where he thought it was great until black people in this country and if Candace was like that's what I was trying to say he goes no this to you yeah saying you didn't get it let me get this yeah I know man killer Mike is just a brilliant do it but think about that right it's like here's this guy up there who's sitting with what seems to be mortal enemies when they're talking right like a TI in Kansas when they're talking to each other they seem to be mortal enemies they say because of the way the media have painted it no no no I know I know but what I'm saying is like even in there even then their debate they're not really having dialogue right they're both like kind of talking to each other and nothing nothing was really getting done doesn't mean the TI doesn't truly believe and want to help with his idea and so does Candace she wants a help with hers right this is what I'm talking about message and messenger Mike comes in and says something and then both Candice and T I agree if you watch ti when he's talking to Candace with like and don't get me wrong he had his moments when he pushed back on Candace hard yeah yeah but it was a lot of times with Candace was talking when she was talking about fathers not being in the home yeah the legal immigrants everything tea I was shaking his head like okay that's the point she got a point and even when she said what she said about the immigrants tea I put back on that was like so what killer Mike explained why she was right Mike was like I agree with her you know what it one thing she said that register with me a lot black people haven't had black people haven't realized their own political power yes like you know it would be dope if we learned how to vote in these blocks when you take the 13% of the population and we moved like how the Tea Party move and what she was trying to say was yo y'all got all this political cachet now black tea we had to salute cachet now but the brown people about to have that in a minute you know I'm saying so get on board but what killer Mike was saying to her was you're right when it comes to jobs and all that stuff like that but when it comes to illegal immigration they're not just looking at brown people they're looking at black people too you know what I'm saying yeah and he said America is always going to have a slave class and if the slave class in black people if the slave class and your brown people it'll be able to get out of mass incarceration snot America that's capitalism what that's America the capitalist country right yeah it is it is bigger than just America meaning like we had a Marisa a capitalist system is always gonna have a quote unquote slave classic when we developed a minimum wage that just replaces well America yeah cuz it at 13th amendment the 30 of amendment literally said if you're in prison you're a slave illegal immigrants if it's not them it's they're gonna take those people that are incarcerated which usually are higher levels of power populations of black people right and they'll be the new slave class rabble killer Michael saying we can't just be so good about keeping everybody out and saying [ __ ] all illegal immigrants right but outside of imprisonment it is gonna be part of a capitalistic system where you're gonna have a certain amount of people work for the other people I mean that's just what happens and then I mean there's an interesting I mean I like the political aspect of it more so dude I just love and we can get into a discussion that later but like I just love the idea what he said was stop trying to pick stop bickering over who's the best master what we need to do is come together and decide what we want and we need to ask everybody here that disagrees and find the things we already on and we need ten points and then we need to serve those up to every single politician every wants our votes and say if you want to vote to be with me and you know what [ __ ] ya do that [ __ ] because that's literally think about this what every other group does right and they have advantages on you guys right there's like shared history that kind of stuff like that but there's literally when an immigrant group moves to America they vote in blocks they vote in blocks and that is why these certain immigrant groups they they have a small you know area that they occupy it might be in New York it might be in parts of Brooklyn it might be Downton wherever it is and they'll vote in blocks and they'll get representation from there block in you know state assemblyman and then eventually that kind of moves up but at least they're understood now are they gonna have to sacrifice some things yeah they are you all we've got a always got a sec but listen it does nothing to just complain and yell get it on tweet and [ __ ] hash to start making moves and in this game I agree and that's why I said Candice was the ex back because when I saw this he was gonna be on that revolt stage people was hitting me saying oh this is [ __ ] up whatever whatever and I said the beauty about this right here is they're gonna have a conversation right and they may get at each other whatever whatever but I lose Candice was gonna say some things that was going register cuz Kansas I don't think any has ever been in front of a audience that black you know what I'm saying I think she's been in front of an audience of black people but you got a black I'm talking yes said how is that you revolts black don't say bulls you Showtime at the Apollo keep digging your brain David living black alright okay but I knew that she was gonna say some things that was gonna connect and I knew that people that check for her we're gonna see killer Mike yeah and even see I don't know Tameka was gonna be on the stage but I knew that they were gonna say some things that was that killer Mike was gonna connect with people to you know say and I think that helps to bridge gaps and make people realize and we could all you need is a couple things in common with somebody to realize like one thing yeah one thing in constant every time you're in Ella you're in one of these fancy resorts and you'll connect with you have a it's one thing that makes you just right you start kicking it when you start telling each other your whole [ __ ] life story it could be it by the way could be something similar with your kids that's it I'm - my meta dude the other day I miss mine in Turks and Caicos this guy and he's from Long Island I wish I could remember his name he had three daughters I got three daughters that's it so I'm like yeah he was a hole to past life huh and he was like you know I'm talking to him I'm talking to his wife we just kickin at me laughing we joking we sharing stories and experiences that's all it one thing that's it simple is that okay yeah yeah gone but no that's what that's what I loved about it and I thought um I thought it was a great conversation I want to see revolt do more that I feel like can we salute Diddy or the producers whoever put this together with what the idea behind it was you got a salute did he I mean he put his network network the name of the network revolt yes I just think that for the next year because we're wearing such a weird place right now I'd only one call away there's actually a great time where hip-hop and politics are colliding on a mass pop-culture level even though hip-hop is pop culture right but I mean if you listen to hip-hop for years you've always had your Chuck DS you've always had your ice cubes you've always had your killer mics you've always had these guys that talk about social commentary they talk about things that socially devalued they've always talked about political things that's been going on like killing my cat songs like [ __ ] Ronald Reagan like they you are impeach the president I see you've always heard this in the music but now it's like you said it's being presented in such a digestible way you know I'm saying you gotta give Angela a lot of credit for that - Angela right whether you agree with her or not she knows how to talk that language that connects with that hip-hop audience when she's on CNN and she's using hip-hop references it makes it people embrace it in a different way every Nikkei Williams she's on state of the culture with Joe Budden and Remy she's an attorney she knows politics but she just knows how to put it in a digestible way yeah killer Mike super academic yeah you know I'm saying but he just knows how to spit that [ __ ] in a digestible way he's using the language yeah he they know how to communicate yeah yeah it wasn't part of that a part of that conversation no it was Tamika Mallory coach was Katrina's last name Pearson I think Katrina Pierson killer Mike Ti and I cannot remember the other brother name I never saw him before that and who madhuri summit jeff johnson suited Jeff I was on a plane with Jeff this weekend cousin Jeff you know I'm saying and um yeah I just thought it was a good conversation maker that was just it showed black people are monolithic we are we are witnessing a profound time in black America to listen even if it's not it's like that conversation right there will be it could be talked about in history did you watch the wow wait a minute done I did I just and I will I watched several chunks of it but like that conversation right there could be talked about in history in the same way they talk about you know when Lincoln spoke at what was the school that they have right there in East Village Cooper Cooper Union you know what I mean like like this transition in ideology this transition this kind of like removal from like this dogmatic approach to politics that black people have been expected to have for so long which is I'm black I'm Democratic because the Democrats knows when it's like no I'm black and I have my issues that I care about and then whoever the [ __ ] cares about my issues is gonna get my vote away flute the killer Mike none of that is new rhetoric you know Mike's been st. Institute we're not not even from yeah hey this is Elijah Muhammad this is Malcolm X all of that is old rhetoric that's why I love nipsey so much right mm-hmm because nipsey is a new symbol for old values cuz nipsey used to study the Honorable Elijah Muhammad sure he used to study Malcolm X he's to do for self motto he's that guy you know I'm saying so it's just like when people look at him and what he's doing that's that's been going on so and killer Micah's the same way he fought his fruit off that tree but everything he said is absolutely right you free act like it make a free decision are you free don't be chained by your ideology don't be chained by your identity anything like that and I'm gonna say about Candace she opens a door for that she is very brave like I don't care if you disagree with 99% of her [ __ ] yeah the fact that she's willing to say some of it and open a little bit of your mind to a different idea right it doesn't mean you're gonna go along with everything but one of those ideas might profoundly change the bike experience here in America economically people say this all the time I have these conversations with my people all the time behind the scenes and I always say that if somebody is speaking about the liberation of black people which Candace is saying is her ultimate goal whether it's free of mine from the Democratic Party whatever my biggest issue with Candace is that you're telling people to come be Republicans but for what yeah cuz I'm more with Mike yeah I don't give a [ __ ] about either party unless they doing something specifically for us now if you could tell me what Republicans are doing specifically for us the Trump worse then I'll pay attention a little bit more I agree so just tell them you would exit Democratic Party to be Republicans whatever but my point is if you're speaking about the liberation of black people I gotta listen yeah regardless if I agree with your course of action regardless if I agree with who you support regardless of foot if I agree with who you choose the attackers I don't like when she comes at the Jamel hills and the Angela rides of the world I don't like I'm not gonna say that I don't like I don't like the way she comes it that she could do if you want to challenge them challenge them when you call them babbling idiots and this and that whatever because that's one thing I would never say about Candis I would never call her an idiot even if I don't agree with her you know why right cuz I do think she makes a lot of sense sometimes right you know saying but your approach could be totally different because if your real end goal is deliberate black people you'll say a Democrat or Republican whoever's gonna actually and if that person's goal will deliberate black people as long as y'all got the same end goal no matter what the course ask you know you know what I see there's she does that on the right and then there are certain people that do it on the left where they are like dogmatic about their approach to their politics it's like it's almost like they're like the environmentalist people and I don't say this is a joke you know how like they're so extreme they're like we only have ten more years to switch the environment we need to stop using all plastic things right now stop and you're just like dude that's a little crazy like we're not gonna stop using all plastic and stop you know eating all chickens and cows we're not gonna do that why don't we figure out a reasonable approach to this [ __ ] and I think that's where killer Mike is killing Mike is a guy who comes along he's like hey listen yeah we're [ __ ] up the environment a little bit killer Mike his Center everything wrong Center yeah that's why I say like even want to come to some I like a little before and I love Elizabeth for and I think she's dope I just don't think she could capture enough people in the center right I don't think you could be too far left well you could be too far right and if you're being honest and you go look at Barack Obama Barack Obama was sinner on a lot of [ __ ] you know he was and when he wasn't man when he was laughs he was like you might say okay legalizing gay marriage is left with yeah yeah it's not really a political issue anything I mean if you want to look at his war record is she like that very conservative human dropping a bomb yeah it is uh it is interesting I was texting Chris yesterday we're just talking about like Chris goes do you think you're gonna start hearing killer Mike for governor and while I think that he could be great inside of politics I think Mike's I I think what happens is once you become a politician you're not beholden to just black people you're beholding to all the people of your district I think mike has liked it yeah but here's the thing I think Mike's I think Mike's great service in power right now is to the liberation and like the further progress of black people and he can't just focus on that if he's working on the whole state the reason I got so mad at killer Mike man not mad at killer Mike mad at the detractors of killer Mike when he was trying to cancel killer Mike well you ain't gonna find nobody black oh the [ __ ] is wrong with you boy in Atlanta Georgia barber shop yes his his grandmother had him banking black since he was a kid he went to Morehouse like you not gonna find someone blacker he's been owning black owned businesses he's married a black woman he raps here at him he's got killer and his first number I the way L killer Mike gets to this other thing that y'all not paying attention to you maybe you do run the jewels has quietly been one of the biggest groups in hip-hop for years yeah LP is white yeah you go to these running a jewel show [ __ ] diverse man and but its rate is majority white people he connects you know why cuz we all love radicals and by the way killer Mike's thinking isn't radical to me but to this [ __ ] pussy-ass generation that we live in he's a [ __ ] radical and he's willing to walk through the fire he don't give a [ __ ] I always I always look at people who I always watch people who respond to their first cancellation and I watch them closely and it's it's an important reaction that they have and I remember we had him here after they tried to cancel absolutely and his reaction to it was great he didn't back off he didn't you know whimper he didn't do an apologize and I think that it was like a lot of people calling me black need to look at who they lay in bed a lot of my critics did not yeah by the way killer Mike you still have now put that on a t-shirt this morning I said I said um you free act like it and I said yet another slogan you have yet to put on a [ __ ] t-shirt I said I'm have to start doing you like I said dude above all shouldn't put him on t-shirts and act like I was telling them to make him move he's a great [ __ ] quote I married a black woman most of my critics did not [ __ ] you hell you won't ever tell me I hate black women you [ __ ] [ __ ] my wife is black my daughter's a black I never wanted anything else what is wrong with you yeah you mean why you out here with a white man not you you a married to a white woman if you'll get the [ __ ] out here to [ __ ] you talking to God I felt chill of Mike when he said this yeah you said that you don't stage you freak and act like act like it whoa that's a bar yeah I know as a bar because so many of us we allow our setbacks to become our identities yeah but yeah you're going that going that but that's a period do they allow you you allow your setback to become your ID and you you become so entrenched in one issue that you can't even see the other it's like here we are right now celebrating a guy who is pro-gun when a week ago most people listening to this right now are probably maybe not most people but lobule listeners how do we even still have guns how we even do it we got to get rid of all guns etc you can agree with somebody on one thing and disagree with them on another and that's okay doesn't still that's the way life is yeah why any other way these retards want to cancel everybody when they do one thing that they disagree with because there's social currents and currency in cancellation you're a [ __ ] parasite all these people that are out there cancelling are parasites those things cancel coach oh yeah wait nobody can cancel don't nobody gives a [ __ ] as a bolshie just because you're mad doesn't mean a person doesn't have the right to exist yeah that's because you're mad I disagree with it it's almost like having real low emotional IQ because you're not able to defend why you are upset you're not able to defend why you don't agree if you don't agree the state another point hey what about this what if it's not about them disagreeing what if it's they validate themselves by getting corporations to bend to their whim what if these parasites cancel people just because they get an ego stroke of going watch I bet I can get Bounty paper towels to stop advertising on this show because I expose them they do it so they can feel good they don't care about your empowerment they don't care about the for progress your people they don't care about none of this [ __ ] they care about their own [ __ ] retweets they're disgusting [ __ ] parasites do something I'm I'm just tired of us uh like it could be a great point right a great point can be made and then the person could say one thing and we focus on that one thing instead of focusing on the overall point that's like this Bill Maher James Corden [ __ ] yeah get into that because I watch Bill Maher everyone if we pay a bill I can piss and then we and then know that today I got you oh yeah widow Squarespace my peoples everywhere I go people always running up on me saying like yo man I got a website on Squarespace you know I'm saying some salute to Squarespace they turn your dreams into a reality okay Squarespace makes it easier than ever to launch your passion project 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match your first deposit up to $1,000 you what that even means do you know what it means that means you put $1,000 in they match it you're gonna gamble all that money that's only at my bookie calm my be oh okay I calm you wanna like good stuff you gotta use our promo code that promo code idiots my bookie calm tomoco idiots all right so so James Corden so yeah a couple weeks ago I watch Bill Maher every week reason I watch Bill Maher every we could I think Bill Maher the only [ __ ] that's I hate telling the truth okay I just really do like Bill Maher I was out here telling the truth about what's going on without compromise [ __ ] democracy you know he was talking this he always talks about how we are normalizing so many things that we shouldn't normalize anymore especially in government and he was just talking about how Trump was at the point with trouble just committing crimes your face Democrats are just like whatever he's beaten them into submission to the point where they're like [ __ ] it you know what I'm saying and I just I just like watching him but um he did this about a couple weeks ago he did this whole rant and the rant was really about hold on it was from a New York Times article okay now he was referenced in the New York Times article was entitled our food is killing us and it was a quote that reads poor diet of the leading cause of mortality in the United States then he listed all the terrible health conditions that are called by obesity and he talked about how obesity is a huge part of a health care debate that nobody is is having right and he actually said something that we have said on this podcast a million times if I'm not mistaken the first Brenda T of the podcast the star shame Enterprise was actually about how shame works I've had plenty of people come up to me and say Charlamagne you shamed me into losing weight whatever whatever not by the way I wasn't attempting to shame you you know I'm saying but if you have something you know that's about you that you're ashamed of if I say it to you you'll be ashamed right and I think that's the thing with shame right the thing with shame is it don't matter if I say it publicly if I pull you to the side if you're ashamed about something and I say it to you that's inside you it's inside you you can't be offended by something that you don't feel like you care about that's it I don't give a [ __ ] I'm talking what a list for 30 years you can say whatever let's joke you got give a fire and I'm saying I you you can say whatever Bob don't bother me yeah if it don't bother me exactly right yeah and the thing about being fat are obese whatever that's something you can actually change yeah and people like to say oh what about people who are sick and may have disease not talking about them talking about you eating [ __ ] dumplings all that majority of the people in America who are fat are fat because of overeating that's in lack of exercise that is a fact you can argue with me to the cows come home there's nowhere you're gonna read that doesn't tell you otherwise I've never met a fat person that works out more than me you know so so the problem with Bill Maher is he's a political pundit he actually also happens to be a comedian yeah when you're giving people this medicine you throw a little candy in it yes even though it's Trufant jokes yes when he says fat shaming works I don't think I think he's looking at at this and I can I can't speak for him I'm just saying that's the way we also look at right because that is what is called right if I tell somebody oh you fat lose some weight they'll say stop shaming him I'm not though I'm just telling that person yo lose some weight you want to be here right you don't have a heart attack or whatever yeah so I'm not doing it on purpose so I think what Bill Maher was saying that that's what he was saying he's not saying go around just be teased and fat people think of teaser families is telling him yo if they big let him know yeah if they're obese let him know like you encouraged him to get in the shape James Corden nobody ever lost weight because of compliments yes and James Caan said I have none more respectful more I think he's terrific I watched his show last night but he said what he said what the James Corden actually said fat shaming oh no Martha if a team doesn't need to end it needs to make a comeback and James Corden basically said fat shaming is wrong and he all I'm saying is he made it all about fat shaming he made it all about fat shaming but this whole conversation was big in well being that we're only focusing on this the one line Maher said about fat shaming we're just missing everything else about obesity in health care overeating and lack of exercise like we get so distracted you know what I mean not distracted he's been a parasite you think he's just a parasite a man mmm that's all he's doing he's finding a bite that he can use to virtue signal on and then he can you know pat himself on the back and all his followers can be like oh my god you're so good you're so right look how evil that person was you shine some light on how evil they were parasite behavior did Maris I did yeah I'm not mad at James Corden for his opinion you know what I'm saying he had the right to his opinion I am because you enabled people being fat as [ __ ] and that's an unhealthy thing it is and I know would you let your kids be obese I would I would have liked for him to have that conversation about Bill Martin saying I have no problem with you pushing back on the fat shaming thing if you equally big up all the things that you agree with that he says yes because you did James did say he's right obesity is a real thing and lack of exercise and people are not gonna be but big that up just as much as make a point about the fat shaming yeah you could tell Bill Maher yo you could do all of that without encouraging fat shaming whatever yeah but just big up the good and what Bill Maher said yeah as much as you big up what you deem is negative yeah you know it's tricky with the show like that with Bill Maher because he's a comedian but he is serious yes and I think you get into trouble there be as a psych well you can't just be a comedian ii [ __ ] give you pushback and then all the other stuff you say that's serious you go no that's I meant to me I mean that all of that yeah you know and I think that's where a lot of comics like is I think it's tough for comics and most people in general just to be content and just to be entertainment but just cuz it's a joke doesn't mean that it's false absol absolutely don't just joke just means intention yes but if he only did jokes he could joke about that all he wants and but the fact at the beginning was serious and he was doing serious points it's almost like he's using the comedy as like a way to get out of jail free that's why I like Bill Maher that's cool that's why I love I think Bill Maher's the best host on television he's not Stephen Colbert yeah I'm saying but you got something totally different right there's nobody I liked it the only other person I used to like to hear that did what Marv did with Jon Stewart yeah John was phenomenal more is more that's why did more has killed Mike on your show because he gets it Horace Center yeah as much as like Mars left-leaning no Marv Marv is Center well Hawk criticizes the left just as much as he considers the right it's just that right now the right needs a lot more criticism right and but he's also heavy on the left like he's heavy on the criticism the left needs right now to he hates the listen yeah he thinks the left is responsible for the pacification of society yeah all these cans will coaches [ __ ] yeah he called the left a shooting with a circle of shooters what did he call it Sheehan basically if everybody's shooting each other in a circle everyone's dead not a circle jerk of a circular firing squad yeah yes everybody's killer finds themself everybody's shooting each other you end up killing each other canceling each other out and [ __ ] it is yeah you know I mean so he's just as hard on him as he is on the right but I just like him because I feel like there's nobody out there that's stating the obvious more big [ __ ] Bill Maher yeah and he's like yo y'all focus on such a trivial [ __ ] like I really don't care if Donald Trump tell somebody to go back to their [ __ ] country right I care about the legislation Donald Trump is implementing that might really sing you back to you [ __ ] yeah we got to start dismantling systems yeah I'm gonna [ __ ] about glow colorful language that's used here and therebut systems don't get retweets bro well gets a retweet is calling someone an [ __ ] for what they said well I know that I'm not into retweets I'm into actual work now we talking you know what I'm saying and building systems takes time dismantling systems to take time and they both take hard work dude yeah yeah no it's true man it's it's true I keep heart I keep thinking about what you're saying before just about you just need one thing in common with somebody that's it there's this it's so true man and we're really if we can have one thing in common anybody can get along anybody can have a good time I was doing this how do we do that why do we why do we why do we get around each other can figure out all the reasons we told like bro you know what I realized it I I was had I was at New York Comedy Club shots a New York comic a great comic Club in New York City here and um I was doing this Schultz and Friends show that I do every once in a while and I put the clip up on my YouTube this week and I was basically there was a bunch of Muslims in the crowd there was a bunch of Jews in a crowd and I was just doing Muslim and Jew jokes and they were both laughing at themselves and they were laughing at each other and here these two groups that like the world is pitted against each other and they think they can't get along and instead of comedy dividing right it's really comedy uniting and then everybody's having a [ __ ] good time and having a sense of humor why because in that moment they just agreed to have one thing in common they agreed that they were gonna laugh they're gonna laugh they're gonna let they weren't gonna be sensitive they weren't gonna be offended and they were gonna [ __ ] laugh and it's just crazy you just need one [ __ ] thing you need one [ __ ] thing just so why isn't that the state of political discourse why is the state of political discourse like how separate we are yeah why don't Republicans and Democrats extend the olive branch instead of like [ __ ] all over the competition why don't they be like hey don't you agree on this well why don't why don't you come [ __ ] with us because we both agree on that thing like what is maybe it's up to it like us to decide what we find most valuable what do you find most valuable as Charlamagne tha God what do I find most valuable as Andrew Schultz and then just vote that I like funny and I like love yeah I mean I like that's what I like I like I like laughing so if you make me laugh bro yeah and I like inappropriate laughter yeah you know say hey yeah and the people people that know me know that yeah that's why I'm not gonna repeat some of the jokes I heard at Elvis's wedding yeah because the context matters yeah all right dude it does matter in like there's this there's this SNL controversy obviously you heard about the SNL controversy yeah you should check in with our Asian correspondent about that Chris what did you feel about the you gonna make me speak for Asians I mean you're the closest we got everybody up there's SNL hired three new cast members one girl I forget her name Bobo and yang is the who I think was a writer last season now he's a full-time cast members he's the ACE okay and then Shane Gillis who's a first time being involved in the show outreach and a clip came up from a podcast that Shane was doing where he was making fun of Asians in Chinatown he used a derogatory word for Chinese people right one that rhymes with sink I think you know which one is right and Grimes is blink anyway rest in peace Chinx drugz ah Chinx drugz exactly his name or this armor there was a [ __ ] in the armor by the way you can say that because you're not saying I know I'm not calling them yeah so but and and the thing about what was happening on the the the the podcast is that like it wasn't really a joke being told it was just kind of like [ __ ] that was inappropriate being said about Asians right so where is like because I was asking you know Asian comics and their friends their take on it and most of the times a comic responds like this they're like listen I'm a comic first in a lot of ways so usually I'll look at the comedy and then I look at you know the substance afterwards right and this situation really wasn't just kind of like just kind of derogatory [ __ ] set right so people you know we're tweeting that out and there's this big outrage and [ __ ] the post is writing about it and what happens is a narrative gets set yeah what's up who gives a [ __ ] Asians he's Asian Oh Ari Shaffir said an interesting thing comic artists appear very hot very funny guy and he said he's like listen if you hear anybody any comic sorry if you hear any comics say anything racist or insensitive on a podcast that he knows be knows is being recorded he is doing it to be funny only for content and that is not how he feels right and I think that that goes beyond just comics like you and I have said horrific things on this very podcast but it's never in the guise of being horrific it's in the guise of entertainment have we failed yes yes hundreds of times we just got to fucked-up view sometimes we [ __ ] up that being said it's in the guise of entertainment and if we're talking to a [ __ ] professor or a politician we would word it in a different way maybe not I think I made a living off it that's the only reason these presidential candidates that's fair that's fair I guess I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's it's a tricky thing but what happens is after an agenda set they started going through all of Shane's podcasts and everything he ever said and trying to find other bites that confirm this anti-asian there it is the [ __ ] I'm not gonna say anti-asian narrative because if there the history of I guess anti-asian rhetoric then there's probably something there no but here's the thing they can create a narrative oh yeah yes so what they do is they go through your entire history and then find the little things throughout history yes they could fulfill the narrative so they're starting to do that with him and there was like this this article that he was being referenced in where he was basically saying that and the thing that they take out is he goes uh you know you can make fun of Asians and then the audience laughs they don't think it's okay or something like that and they cut out the context of it which is how hypocritical is that that there's one group that you can just make fun of in other groups you can't make fun of but again that context isn't good the context isn't good for the narrative that set which is oh my god this guy hates Asian so much and it's a tricky thing with comedy it's and this is the hardest thing to defend because what he said in the podcast wasn't funny at all that's a problem it's not if it was funny then as comics we're like dude this is a joke you don't get the joke with the Dean of Hashem girl when she did the joke about xxx at least it was funny at least there was a comedic context to it when there's no Communitech so it you can't go on median it it was like the premise there was a bait-and-switch yeah the execution wasn't as good as you wanted but you could at least go that was an intended joke that was written for the intent of humor whereas this one wasn't and that's where it's the worse thing because it's so [ __ ] but what about podcast though 100% on stage your structure and you have to set up you've built this joke out podcast we just talk and we just kick and [ __ ] John and you know what Patrice O'Neal said this the best he goes and unfunny joking in funny jokes start in the same place yeah they start knee except we don't know and probably most funny joke probably didn't start off as they start on funny yeah [ __ ] I know this is a premise and you're building it out you're building it out you building it out you're building that next you know you got this great bit that's like oh okay it starts bombing yeah they're people I'm sure I've seen me start with a joke that bombed and then eventually see me again and seen that joke change and them in like holy [ __ ] that you can't start with why people are buying pit bulls nests you kind of bill who you gotta build up to that one I'm sure by the way I've seen Damon tell that joke again yeah it was a big kill it was great but in that moment enjoyed the garden too fast been into it was still cold you tried to warm it up bro like you're living ready wasn't ready middle still frozen ifs middle still frozen man gotta build it out but on podcast you don't get to do that cuz podcast is really just your first thought you're perfect I'm reading this I'm reading Ryan holidays a new book called stillness is the key and he talks about thinking deeply hmm and he says how hard it is to think deeply especially in this era because we always want to throw our first thought out there and that's why I love these tweets and [ __ ] get us in trouble because any posed to be like that it's supposed to be I got a thought that's why a lot of times I hate the group chat I'll call you bring this to the masses and give it to them like that's why I enjoyed the classroom I enjoy talking to you enjoy talking to banner we enjoy talking and I reflect with fleshing things I talk to my wifey flashing things out here often like when I say some salacious [ __ ] in in the group text I'm saying it purposely to trigger so I can see what I'm missing the all sides I know that van ru is gonna come with an angle I didn't see and if you guys don't then I'm like oh maybe I'm onto something that maybe it's good but if you guys do now I at least know the reaction yes I know what I'm up against and I can prepare for the dumbest [ __ ] people ever told us we don't overthink things that's [ __ ] ah you should overthink over things what you say I bet you overthink things period don't overthink you're not gonna act on there's no reason there's no point in sitting there and everything is very true that can kill you but you want to stand behind you want to talk that you want to do [ __ ] oh by the way figure it out and you may not you may not even get it right after overthinking it but at least you gave it a lot of thought able to live with it more if it doesn't go right if you know I really really gave it some thought I prayed on it this is what I came to the conclusion if I did my best yes it's like well yes a fight but you know you train so [ __ ] hard there was nothing else you could do yes you can't feel that baby's still gonna be disappointed but you gave it every David everything but when you go out there with like a half-baked premise oh it's the worst it's like that's on me that's my I [ __ ] that ass and I'm guaranteed that's what Shane got to be thinking right now he's like man like who Shane's a funny comic and he's like that was not represented of me as a comic at all and got my worst work my boy wasn't work you got more being [ __ ] unfunny and I am funny the kid is funny I'll tell you that and it's like and that's the thing that I'm gonna be judged on that's what happened with the rape culture conversation we was having here on the bug yes if people could say whatever they want but years ago before I was the I don't want to say trendy but the trendy thing to do brilliant Eddie's was ahead of the curve and we were having these conversations about rape and rape culture and what is rape culture and questioning a lot of things that went how big certain [ __ ] is [ __ ] a lot of our [ __ ] behavior fast question in the gray areas yada yada yada and speak in a way where we speak but think about we were trying we were figuring those are conversations we should have been having amongst each other so once we did bring it to the masses we had a better understanding but we were working it out in real time on these podcasts what we always what we always know why it's interesting because you know what we're fleshing out these ideas that everybody listening also has yes so they're like the people that listen you guys come so you get this all the time yeah I just feel like I'm in on a conversation cuz it is one yes this is not structured every single week Taylor brings in five pieces of paper that have topics on it and we never use this matter of fact we did one today we don't know she did one she had to type all this this is tight yes every week it's tons of these papers is this one that's the Bill Maher James Corden I I don't ever do you ever even look at it she hands it to me and then I put it right in the garbage right over here every single week some good ones on you today toe the SIBO drawers national criticism after saying collegiate athletes shouldn't be paid he he needs to shut the [ __ ] up forever Felicity Huffman sinister 14 days and no Emmy for me I'm saying OK about that life Jenny calls out CTG for joking on his song and ok about the Kim case that CBD saved their life I agree see I love CBD hmm helps me sleep yeah now do you think that's her setting up a CBD line absolutely hundred-percent right shorty does not play around she knows exactly this week when to wait when drink starts tweet and you know he got the album or some singles coming out this is her version of that well I just want the record to show that my favorite DVD line is green roads those are the products that I like to use I think they're a great company yeah shots of green roads yeah green roads is great I used the gummies I used to surf I do the drops under my tongue it helps my anxiety it helps me to sleep I take it with me when I travel it I [ __ ] with CVD I put CBD on my joints after I workout I can't speak for all CBD products yeah but that green road [ __ ] that [ __ ] works for me you got to bring something for me oh absolutely hey Sam I got boxes of that [ __ ] here give me some I want to try it yeah [ __ ] with green rose actually went dr. oz on dr. oz was talking about one of the studies that they did on these CBD companies and a lot of these company companies don't really have CBD in oh yeah they're finished advertising it yeah three roses not one of those companies actual oh yeah yeah Green Road is a one I mean this is this is the real way that you make billions of dollars because like selling marijuana is a limited market right you can't sell marijuana to kids you can't sell marijuana to adults it's always gonna have like nem you can't to adults like old people she's like that's gonna be always going to be scrutinized you just have a little bit of a taboo thing attached to it but if CBD is in a drug you know the question is when is Johnson and Johnson it's not illegal but it's the same thing they don't know how to regulate it yeah as far as my food co-op has it but it's in a sealed case and you have to get somebody to open the case which doesn't make any sense to me what I'm saying is that's the real moneymaker because that's the difference because marijuana is always gonna be looked at a drug just like alcohol always gonna be marijuana and I think in 50 years it's gonna be the same as oh yeah but but here's the thing let's water guess purchase a lot more debt Heineken they got CBD water - that's what I'm saying so CBD can be the non-alcoholic version of alcohol you know may see CBD can be the water but I I don't want to see Johnson & Johnson gobble it up because I think a lot of people have been doing good work in the space but there is a situation also where it is unregulated a lot of it frankly out there is both Leakey [ __ ] when you go to the dregs coffee in New York they're like do you want a CBD shot in your say you know damn Liang I don't [ __ ] is CV Rho it sounds like it's one of the world's great Charlotte's Web is definitely one of mean there are certain my favorite books solid but read loves what never read it a psychopath well great did you say you're a pig oh Jesus Christ but you're not getting F it listen I'm just saying that there's gonna be a construction and it's gonna unfortunately get gobbled up but I think it's the same thing I mean I think you'll see Big Tobacco gradually ease out to backbone replace it with marijuana I was when I did the thing when I moderated a panel uh Friday at the Congressional Black Caucus thing it was about you know cannabis license be using reparations and you know you'll see so many of these digital [ __ ] the first thing they say when you post something like that is yo all black people don't smoke and this is some racist [ __ ] and yada yada yada as if there's not a million other ways to use marijuana you got CBD you got hemp you know I'm saying you can make clothes out of hemp in rope all types of division it's all type of different uses of the marijuana plant THC does one thing CBD does one thing to help another nothing I get so many different ways to use the [ __ ] marijuana introduced to America I mean you know George Washington grew hemp you know it was a staple crop for a long time it wasn't really until black people started smoking you that it became a problem yeah one be honest with you that cherry tree [ __ ] is [ __ ] now in order for like you gotta have jobs or watch and shop down to marijuana treat my G that's how I treated some bulls because brother I never seen a cherry tree I didn't know cherries came on trees you ain't seen the [ __ ] cherry tree yeah it's so crazy don't you think cherries you think [ __ ] I you do that you reference to cherries actual cherry and I do really yeah that's usually what I think about raisins like y'all let's go eat some cherries I don't think Nemus hold somebody's got you some cherries me and my boy sharing a bag of Terry's really yeah but me if your buddy was like dude I had some like I had some cherries last night you think he was just eating hyman it's not not insane and nothing like that but you always say in reference to something oh you pop your cherry right up in a chariot yeah why your papa cherry it's the first time I'm doing something maybe happy yeah yeah I don't think I've ever pop it sherry you know took a girl's virginity I have but I think there cherry got popped through like gymnastics or equestrian oh you never broke that hymen I don't think I broke that hymen yeah yeah yeah I get it no you could bust your hymen doing gymnastics or equestrian I've definitely broken a couple harms in mind a really very overrated experience I bet never one is that yeah everyone everywhere two reasons I never wanna sleep with a virgin number one I know I'm not gonna build you for the rest of my life so why would I do that to you yeah and number two is just like hey I need experience when you young like hey yeah give me a [ __ ] bro yeah I'm with you on saying I want to go on a woman that's been in a few times you know like I know when I took my virginity taking a woman that took Marvin II was already having sex yes some prior was whack to her to somebody got to know what their do some buddy gotta know what the [ __ ] they over radio let the Muslims fool you and they say they're gonna bomb something and they get ten virgins where I don't want none of that yeah to give you three horse over 72 virgins three horse for the afterlife what would you rather it's a good course three horse 72 virgins three horse the people I met having three horse three horse yeah three of them if I'm in hell I'm taking the 72 virgins like I want more company there's nobody down there so we have this [ __ ] poppin you know this idea there's nobody so we're gonna get a root I thought you knew heart gods like I do and I know that you didn't really trust the group chat he didn't put what you was really thinking in here that's what the [ __ ] happened all right guys I think we're done anything else I think that's it baby all right as always if you listened to the podcast you think we're smart you think we're intelligent think you were brilliant can we at the end of every podcast go through the topics we didn't cover this tebow drugs national security not touching it no Emmy for Beyonce not touching it for the decade yes and I don't even think that he knows that he's being a dick yet I just think that he's a privileged person who doesn't understand the circumstances that some people come from because he may have been playing football for the love [ __ ] playing for money you know they try to change they circumstances and by the way if you want it to be so much for the love or tell the colleges to stop charging admission for games until the college is to stop charging for merchandise until the college's to stop charging people for concessions tella college and stop doing licensing deals with video games it's TV revenue it's a billion-dollar business I'm not gonna how can you how can you justify making billions of dollars in something and telling this person hey man do it for the love yeah I mean she was an idiot yesterday man give me a percentage of my charity says what's wrong with that yeah if you're gonna use me in a video game use my likeness and a video game like who gives a [ __ ] imagine I went and I went to Duke made that school all that [ __ ] money got hurt and never went to the NBA now you just sitting in socking line of getting fat cuz you know he would get fat with an injury exactly so you just sitting in South Carolina getting fat you don't have nothing to show for it except for a [ __ ] Jersey that don't even got your name on the back I love let them college [ __ ] get paid man it's it's it's a brilliant thing there that's what we were suggesting on flavor 2 which was let them make money on their likeness colleges don't even got to pay him you're just letting them make money on their likeness so now the colleges you don't got to share any or money you cheat [ __ ] but what you can do is allow these kids to not starve and actually they'll stay in school longer because some of them ain't gonna make it in a video yo I said that this one on the radio it's like the incentive is if I can make millions of dollars in college somebody's well safe before you might as well be here for the full [ __ ] force but see if I'm not gonna be a top 10 you know I make 2 or 250 grand a year with the sponsorship from Home Depot or they get me come on no this is this is gonna make in my opinion this is gonna make college sports on revitalizes the NC double-a especially the double-a basketball all about this yes they're not gonna go overseas they're not gonna come in from one year and be out they gonna stack this well amber Cabrera by the time they get to the NBA guess what this why the NBA should be all about it but I get time to get to him it they had four years of the marketing machine that is the n-c-double-a they're more mature the game they learn how to manage their money and they're famous think about how famous Diane got from one year imagine four years or at least two or three years playing for Duke making legit money get your game legit right these kids will come out of school and they're not gonna just be like you know what is it the crash and burn stories that you hear constantly how famous you get when I invest in you meaning like oh not by your Jersey oh when I bought your Williamson Jersey I'm wearing this everywhere so now I'm making you larger than life I don't win no college jerseys why cuz they don't [ __ ] names on the back it's just numbers no yeah I remember when I remember when tell you gotta recommend more stories pretty good I remember when Allen Iverson played in Georgetown we wanted that number three hi yeah cuz it was so synonymous with Allen Asatru I can't think of too many college I can't think of too many college players who were who made their jerseys larger than life I can't think of me bro Allen officers the only one that I can think of off the top of my head college players that made their jerseys what Taylor get the [ __ ] out here yeah I can't think of nobody but Alan Hobson bro in my in my lifetime I can't yeah in my lifetime but yeah t what and I'm less I'm not even mad at TiVo for what he said he had the right to say whatever the [ __ ] you wanted to say but it's just like you're being it for you to be a Christian you're being very selfish yeah okay dude here's one thing then we got here but this Felicity Huffman [ __ ] where she only got sentenced for 14 days this is so this is the woman who paid for her daughter's to you know get the SATs faked and like basically game the system to get into USC was it Chris yeah bellezza okay so this is what's so funny about this to me is for years wealthy families have been buying libraries and donating land to these universities so that their kids get in with lackluster grades for years is going on the bushes all these libraries named after some rich family and a school we're donated so that their legacy can continue go to school matter of fact the schools even have a term for it it's called legacy meaning if your parent parents went to the school you have easier access into the school because the assumption is whatever you're part of that tradition bubble it doesn't matter so the reason Felicity Huffman is going to jails cuz she tried to do it too cheap way we got a policy [ __ ] build a library you get your dumb kids in or be smart and get to school you tried to go around the system so you got to get locked the [ __ ] up how [ __ ] hypocritical how can the school go this is wrong it's not wrong this is how your [ __ ] I think it would be a legit criticism if it was a public institution yeah hundred percent but a private so a lot of people who are making the comparison between the woman who was sent to jail I think for five years for trying horrible that's total [ __ ] you're trying to get a better education for your kid the worst thing that should happen is they take your kid others that's it absolutely I'll tell you right now I was trying to pull that [ __ ] to get my kid into a better problem everybody does somebody jail for that is outrageous but to me what Hoffman did is you're right she just [ __ ] up trying to game the system she she tried to take a shortcut now she had done that at UCLA I think it's a different story because UCLA is a public institution and then she's stealing public money but I'm kind of like oh if you do it of privates the college is [ __ ] for acting outrage because they do it their entire you know financial wealth is based on shaking down rich people right for admissions it's it's a lot of hypocrisy on that no it's complete [ __ ] yeah and if the facts you only got 14 days look man pay pay and privilege baby you know say hey [ __ ] privilege if she got the money to spend on a goddamn school how much you think she got to give to a [ __ ] lawyer to get out of [ __ ] off [ __ ] you talking about maybe she doubled up that money she could have got her kid in the school no problem why don't [ __ ] would you want to send your dumb ask why would you pay this in your dumb ass kid to school anyway well you know what this is gonna pop oh not a school thing done but you know what the saddest [ __ ] about all this is so is these kids end up going to these schools that they're cheating to get into and doing fine sure so what does that tell us that you don't need good grades to be successful in these schools everybody I ever met that went to Harvard has told me way harder to get in then actually do the work there sure all it is is creating a border if you will for a very privileged society where you can build up these connections to do things in a railroad do.we algebra is algebra at the end of the [ __ ] day if you can't really make the math problem that much harder I mean I'm sure there are plenty classes at Harvard that are you know more difficult than the classics was me told me that the class he learned the most from at Harvard with the class that was a three week course right didn't cause it's no less yeah he didn't learn nothing but he said the classes that had the three week course he'll is learn more from it and those who think that he utilizes right now well that's the thing when you go to an institution like that you're going there for the connections right yeah like the same thing when you get a master's degree right it's not only the information that you learn it's the work that you're now part of its you need a job in finance you can go to that teacher that you worked at a finance with and here's all these connections in the financial world and he can get you at the bare minimum a meeting about a job and is that worth $200,000 maybe maybe this will be going forward maybe not forward but maybe it maybe it's not college right now $200,000 to have no degree that gets you an actual job I'm sorry but I already told my kids I was like if college is important to you you gonna have to start thinking about a scholarship because I'm not coming out of pocket for this is the least Asian thing you've ever said this is a least Asian thing you have ever said I don't think it's a smart investment to be perfectly honest and forward I think I think if you could get into the Stanford's and Harvard's and Yael's because of the things that Andrew just mentioned it's a smart investment to get into the type of college I went to I think you know I don't agree with that I think I understand what Andrew saying but you can network at any of these places and like you know you never know where the next big tech guys gonna come from you never know where the next head of a fortune 500 companies gonna come from you never know where the next senator is gonna come from that's hundred percent true but being in part these institutions allows you access to like VC funding so for example like when you're a Harvard guy you're a Yale guy or something like that you have this network that you're connected to and when you're ready to start your business you could make excuse me do you think you can connect me for it with a meeting with these venture capitalists so they might follow my project when you go to Manhattan Community College you don't have those same be worthwhile and the bottoms gonna be worthwhile because it doesn't cause I want especially with the HBCUs I think that we should start putting more money in our HBCUs and I got something coming uh next month than I'm going to announce okay yes Luther South Carolina State can't wait to your homecoming I got enough for y'all a Homecoming weekend so I come on the state cuz I'll be down there that weekend but yeah I don't I can't believe you know what I look forward though I look forward there were two things I've loved looking for my kids to go to one of those schools yeah but I'm saying I look forward to knowing my child it's not gonna happen though student loan debt like go do you think wherever you want to go but I think when I grew up at least in my personal situation it was just kind of always accepted like I was gonna go to college I was gonna try to get into the best one but no matter what happened yeah I was gonna go to a college and you know my parents the college that I went to probably cost seventy five thousand dollars a year right now what what is it Vassar College at the time when I went it was like 2025 I'm sure it's close to 75 that's insane said I just can't oh yeah they got two kids so you're looking at a million no way cash for a five Chris I'm sure it is you still owe 80,000 well what Charlamagne want to tell you something today Charlotte say you haven't figured out what it is that you want to do or you don't have another skill set look if you have a skills like Andrew you got a skill set I got a skills if you have another skill set that can make you some money right take your ass to college no no but no I disagree I disagree I think if my kids want to be a lawyer or an engineer or a doctor something this requires a very specific type of degree to practice and yes I need to go to college what entrepreneurship is very important to acknowledge still the fastest way to increase your status in American society in most societies is education 9:19 in 2018 you gonna shift and that's fair but you're currently the fastest way you go from lower class to middle class in the world is education and historically that's been the case but and it still is for example if you go to school you get it you get an engineering degree sure you will go from lower class upper middle class the second that you get out of school so we can't say let me go over to college let me frame it slightly differently I'm talking don't dance thank you that's what I was about to say people like ya who had a vague sense I wanted to be that's easier yeah I want to be a writer right right those are things that don't exactly require it acacia luxury but you literally can't afford if you're literally just trying to scrape yourself out of poverty like so many people use college for it is incredibly valuable and those people often have a specific thing that they're trying to get it's privileged folks that go to like your kids who might go to school going I'm gonna study poetry let me try to figure it out let me figure like me I'm an administrator psychology or something like that let me try to figure it out that is the waste of money because we're not climbing out of something not the poor people climbing out of [ __ ] and their end up being dentists or they end up doing these things you change the trajectory of your family after goddamn Lulu yeah damn Taylor you really coming through the topics yo Taylor said that one up telling said that 100 yeah that was Felicity Huffman and we did the Kim K CBD [ __ ] god damn Taylor oh wow what else you got general care about the life yeah life Jenna's well in Japan I didn't even provide even though that was like getting song I saw I didn't I saw Amanda seals posted video and I thought her reactions to the song was funny and I literally was like this song is the most horrible song I ever heard of my life I was like this is terrible and I had no idea was life so I posted it and I put you know whoever I said songs like this let me know people don't have friends and keep life got on Instagram it was like yo use yo you were dead you don't support my positive music and me singing about Sakura I don't care if you sing about sex 6 you see my sex all you want all I'm saying is the song was horrible in life Jennings your life Gina's is great life Jenna has been grateful it ever live Jennifer got dope ass records I don't even think it was life Jennings I literally saw people saying that in my comments he sounds like life he sounds like life I like life Jenna's would never record no [ __ ] I honestly thought that in my mind so when he did he did the video getting at us I'm like oh oh no no harm no foul cuz he said we don't support his music life you've been on The Breakfast Club a few times like you come on the burbs Club now if you want to if you got a new project I don't give a [ __ ] like why would we not support your music all I'm simply saying is that record was whacked right had nothing to do with anything have anything to do with you selling sex selling negativity I didn't care about none of that it was just like what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] hey what did you apply now okay here you apologized but still got mad at why did you apologize but and still got mad at us and by the way I'm not I don't even care I see everybody saying stuff like the song's called PT like a slave you shouldn't make light of slavery and it's an act no I was just listening to the song listening the [ __ ] that said like make you hop like a frog you shake make you make your legs shake like a wet dog like life come on bro you know you wrote must be nice my G like come on man hey you can't you argue you're good you're a great artist but you can't make love like a frog shake like a wet dog I feel like shake like a wet dog have you [ __ ] dripping like it just got off the shower do [ __ ] drip come on show I know my balls drip but they're not designed like that like yeah I don't know don't drip when they come out the shower I mean you might drip as a human I'm still getting over this frog thing don't think what do you want but outside of the master the Frog thing help me understand hop like a frog are you hopping I don't remember to lie a little eyes I don't know all I'm simply saying is life if you're listening I had no problem I didn't care if I didn't care for the content that if you see yeah I just thought it was a terrible song like I didn't it's not that deep I didn't think he was being negative I don't care if you're saying why would I care if you sing about sex like but the wrongs just odds yo it was so bad that I I would never have thought and not once did I think oh this is really life Jennings I literally said to myself who was just doing this bad life genius impersonation and just literally thought that in my mind yeah you know I'm saying so life salute to you god bless you wish you the best even said something to and he was like inshallah me you bet and how dare you speak on me with your charges I don't have no charges right if I did what the [ __ ] that got to do with your song not being good right the false equivalency got your ass hopping like a frog I don't know what that means let me read it okay yeah go through all this but got your ass happened like a frog got your leg shaking like two wet dogs this ain't the part we fall in love this is the part we kiss and [ __ ] do all the things we said we'd ever do I'm gonna beat it like a slave so don't you run away can we go back can we go back can we go back okay hop in like a frog I just need to understand what that meat like is that you have sex with a girl so well did she's like she just starts bouncing around I don't understand what why'd that [ __ ] dripping like you just got out the shower okay that makes sense dripping pussy's I get it you made the [ __ ] wet what how are you [ __ ] a girl and then she starts hopping around like [ __ ] out of you I would be if a girl too started wearing it and just bounce it she just snatches a mosquito out the sky with her tongue I got to hop in like a frog but frogs don't bounce up and down no they don't they jump forward they don't bounce repeatedly so hopping like a frog would imply that she wants to get away from him she's trying to leave bad she's hopping off the dick now let's go - I got your legs shaking like two wet dogs by the way that's eight total legs by the way how many legs do you need for your metaphor that line makes perfect sense get like - it's not sexy when two wet dogs if a dog walked in here right now you say white people smell like or wet dogs huh but but you have dogs legs already maybe dogs legs shake already but I understand what you're saying so the legs are shaking that kind of makes sense just to say the code is the part we kiss and [ __ ] cool things we said we'd never do but then you go I'm gonna beat you like a slave so what you run away it got the whips and chains call me master I'm gonna beat it like a slave worked you every day you do everything I say hum yo master I'm just like kind of like a part in final album yeah okay thank you see why I'm just saying life you know I'm saying but once again I don't have a problem with the record other than it's just not a good record that's it you I'm not gonna listen to it for sure you got some [ __ ] on 777 cuz life can sing yeah but that's just not a record so you know what I need I need air from women is there ever been a moment where you felt like hoppin during sex I just need to understand that I'm really I'm trying to understand that if you said bouncing like a ball I would get it yeah hopping like a frog you want to show us yes I'll apologize in life as you show me how to [ __ ] hop like a frog [Music] [Laughter] cuz frogs hop off yeah they go away a frog does not happen please now back in my day I did used to make girls hop like a frog try to do that position Taylor used to do yeah my dick so big no I'm say I'm lying it's made of [ __ ] under came I ain't got that kind of dick ever come on listen as always if you listen to this podcast you think we're SWAT my fault bro alright as always you think we're smart you think more intelligent you think we're brilliant absolutely right if you listen to podcast me think with just a couple idiots I don't know [ __ ] you're right - mr. brain in his podcast thank you for listening pigs Oh guys by the way this podcast has been brought to you by none other and warning this product contains nicotine nicotine is an addictive chemical not sale for minors satisfying it simple no fuss fulfilling liquids just choose from a range of flavors while you can pop in a liquid pot and my blue goes with you all day find my blue in a store near you order online my blue com website restricted to 21 and over
Channel: Brilliant Idiots
Views: 274,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew schulz, andrew schultz, comedy, comedian, stand up, brilliant idiots, flagrant 2, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, charlamagne, charlemange, breakfast club, interviews, wax, paige, taylor, alexx, alexxmedia
Id: woqYCTmU168
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 3sec (8883 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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