This is The Most Incredible Table Design Yet

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[Music] hey it's Ken from MoonPie  creations and today we're going to   have a lot of trouble making something over a  six-month period that should have taken about 3 weeks so this is just one of four buildings where  I have wood at Leanne likes to jokingly call me a   hoard and I always tell her no I'm just a fine  collector so here they are these are 33in white   oak cookies I got them about five years ago when  a tree collapsed in town they gave me a call asked   me if I wanted some of it I've made a few bowls  out of it and I got some of these right here these   cookies I went out and cut them actually one of  my I think it was our third date lean helped me   load these into the truck to get them back to my  house it bruised up her legs so what I'm going to   do I'm going to take one of these cookies and  we're going to we're going to try or attempt   to make a pretty nice coffee table out of it  let's get started with this these things are heavy when we first got these cookies I  couldn't even lift one up and roll it let   alone pick it up and put it on a table it  was so heavy now that they've been driving   for about 5 years we're going to see if I can  lift this sucker up on the table I got to get   the uh CNC out of the way by the way that's  a Gatten CNC and I put these pieces of wood   on the side right here to help with getting  the wood chips to stay in there yeah didn't work so I did get it up on the table now I'm  positioning it and then I realized the screws   on the bottom of my my Gantry are in the way so  I'm sitting there thinking about what I need to   do and what I need to do is go to low or  to Ace Hardware and grab a couple of new   screws and that's what I'm I'm thinking about  right here as I I batten down this piece of wood I ran the Tractor Supply and got a bag of4  20 1 in screws and put them on up there I still   had to start from the back there so I could get  it to clear because that cookie is so thick it's   about 5 and 1/2 or 6 in thick because of the  height of it I had to control the CNC manually   right here that's why it doesn't have a dust shoe  on it so I can see but it has its drawbacks first   of all it's really messy I mean these were going  everywhere and you just saw that I accidentally   went down on the cookie I meant to go down but I  meant to go further off of the cookie there but   that's okay that little notch in there is going  to go away because I have a lot to cut off for the   top here to get it flat I had never flattened  anything this large on my CNC before and it   was going fairly well you can see right here it's  getting fairly flat and going and I'm still doing   it manually but in a minute you'll see me I'll  switch over and I'll start having the machine do it now you see that I have the dust shoe on the   CNC and I have the machine doing  the actual cutting for the program you'll see me go back and forth checking it  uh quite often if I let you but we're going   to flash a little bit forward and see it a  little bit more flat and then we're going   to talk about me getting a little bit too cocky  and uh what happened I was doing this and I hit   zero to do another pass and the blade was  spinning and went down into the cookie uh   that's not supposed to be like that that's not  a 45° blade right there you can see it's bent   going to have to order another one I don't just  have to change the bit I had to go change my pants now you're not going to see all these little  whisks of wood but you still want to clean them up   and I get them all cleaned up as best I can  don't want to poke them through the resin or anything I'm about to do something that all  of you are going to freak out about but it's   a necessity for the the project that I'm  looking to do with this cookie here and   you'll see how come taking the bark off as we  move forward in this project this took quite   a while because White Oak has this membrane  under the bark that is laying against the the   actual wood of the tree there and you can see  me scraping it off with the Chisel and it took forever I think in all it took me 5 to 6 hours just  to clean this piece of wood up enough that I   could start sanding it and then filling all  them cracks and whsts with res [Applause] even after all that clean up I realized  sanding it wasn't ready for it so I had   to switch over to a wire brush and that  wire brush really did a good job getting   all the little whiffs of bark off of there I  guess I'm not really sure what that stuff's called once I sanded it it was time to seal up this  big crack here with some uh corrugated plastic   cardboard and I sealed it up not sure if I did  this prematurely yet because I still have to   fill all those little cracks on the other side  so once I get this all sealed up I go ahead and   I flip this sucker over and I start filling  the small voids and cracks on the top of it   when working with resin it can get everywhere and  what you really don't want to do is sit your resin   project on a $3,000 to $5,000 piece of equipment  and something go wrong because resin does get   everywhere and I have a moment of sheer panic here  and I run and go get some plastic and yeah I throw   it up under it and it pays off in the long run and  you'll see that in just a bit if you take time and   prepare when you're working with resin it's going  to pay off you're not going to ruin your project   or any of your equipment so make sure that  you're preparing because sometimes things just happen these little cracks are taking up a lot  more resin than I thought they would this is   almost a half a cup of resin I put in here  so far I just hoped that I taped it up good   enough underneath I wasn't sure where the resin  was going but apparently it's going all the way   through so I'm going to stop doing that I'm  just going to let it sit there this uh this   should contain it on here I'm hoping I'll end  up having to resurface down there peel that off   but this one does fill up so we're just going  to stick with that one I'll finish that one   another time I thought I put enough tape on  the bottom guess I did not put tape on that   one oh well I wasn't sure what to do at this  point and I had some crazy idea about taping   this up with metal tape and then flipping  it over and yeah I I just don't know what to say that didn't work oh my hey it's not stuck to the   table that's the best part I'm  glad I ran out and got this done up so the good news is this big one and this one  are now probably sealed uh there's no resin in   them I just need to fill them back up then  we can move on and I can start filling all   the small little cracks this is going to  take a while so yeah you can see all the   cracks I filled where I attempted to fill  there's still a lot more there so kind of   gave up on that I have a plan of attack to  fix all that down the road and you'll see   how that goes in just a little bit but  what I'm doing here is I'm going to go   ahead and fill in the big crack you can see  I already put some in it hardened up and now   I'm going to put in the big pore here and  I used I think probably about 3200 [Music] oun I ended up having to mix up a little bit more  just to get it to the top and I don't even get it   up to the top of the crack on this um once I  get it all poured up I let it sit for about 30   minutes 40 minutes and then I hit it with the  blowtorch just to get all the bubbles off the top whenever I edit my videos I notice  things that I do wrong I may say the   wrong thing or do the wrong thing or I may  want to change up how I did it next time   it's a learning experience every time I do a  project but there's always those individuals   that need to make a derogatory comment or  tell me what I'm doing wrong I encourage   those people to start a YouTube channel do  a video make sure it's perfect send me the   link and I'll go over there and I'll thumbs  up it and leave an encouraging comment I used   the corrugated cardboard to block the resin  from leaking out everywhere unfortunately it   is very hard to get off I've even sprayed  it with mold release it just sticks to the resin I'm really not sure where I  learned this little trick of using   the heat gun and a chisel to get off the  big pieces of resin but man does it work good as I fumble around trying to get this  corrugated plastic cardboard off of here makes me   realize why after every time I use it I say I'll  never use it again and then I forget and I use it now that I've got it flipped over and all  the corrugated cardboard taken off I'm going   to seal up the sides and then I'm going  to fill the larger cracks with resin uh   I have a plan for the smaller cracks  later as I said earlier in the video as every woodworker knows it's important to  put a little bit of your heart and soul into   a project and when it comes to my projects  I need to put a little bit of blood into it oh yeah that one down to the knuckle right  there H damn it that was stupid go give me a   Band-Aid all right got my makeshift Band-Aid on  get back to work we'll start flattening this if   you're not really sure what just happened  let me explain it to you there are Sharpie   things on the router where I was chiseling and  I kind of pushed my finger into it and it cut   me at this point I was kind of done filling  cracks because I wasn't feeling I was getting   anywhere so I started to flatten this thing  and again it doesn't quite go as planned and   I'm still not sure why it did it and I'm I'm  getting a little bit frustrated at this point [Music] damn it so again I don't believe this   was equipment issue I think  this was a Ken Moon issue as in I don't think this thing was tightened  down well enough and I think I think it   kind of moved in there and caught and  just destroyed it so got to get another   one boy this thing's costing me a lot  of money so looks like I got to get a   new router this one you can see it  is totally jacked it's not coming on I ended up fixing the router threw on  my 2.5 in flattening bit threw it up on   the CNC and got this thing flattened out  that's actually got a super smooth finish wow the CNC worked like a charm after I took  my Precision gauge and made sure that it was   trammed up flat you can see there's not  even hardly any lines on there and that's   pretty good the big issue with using the  2 and 1/2 in flattening bit is the dust   collection doesn't work and this is everywhere  took me about 45 minutes to clean it up here's   the the cookie I'm bringing it over to my  table and we're going to start filling this up so as I'm looking for the resin you see the  water there it's all the way down over here and   back there and it goes all the way over there  and it's coming from my AC machine right here   for some reason it is leaking and it's all over  the place if it ain't one thing it's another I   had some big cracks that I still need to fill  in once I flattened it out it opened them up   uh then what I'm going to do is we're going to  grab some 2: one and then put some acetone in   it sorry about saying acetate last time had a  lot of hate about that one but I mix it up and   I start putting it on the wood and what that's  doing is filling in all those small holes and   cracks that are in the wood I'm going to do  a few coats of that probably three or four so I've got something planned that's either  going to step this thing up or completely   ruin it but before we do all that I need to go  ahead and sand this thing down and get it all   this stuff sanded down so let's go ahead and  get that done ah the joys of sanding ingrain   boy this took about 45 minutes to do and I just  used 60 grit but it helped me think out my day   I'm usually sanding or doing stuff about 3:00  or 4: in the morning till about 5 maybe 6:00   in the morning and then I head back in work on  editing for about an hour and then I head on to [Music] work what I do next is put a/4 inch roundover  around the entire cookie then you may see the   little bur box right there that's a  Cuts all Burr and what we're going to   do is we're going to put little dimples  all over the top of this thing and then   we'll fill it over with resin like  I said to the next level or ruin it completely I used my teser laser to cut this  little template out and I started doing these   circles all around the top they were just a guide  took me about 48 minutes to do this and as always   my famous last words I'm either going to make  this epic or I'm going to screw this thing up so this doesn't seem to be working very well  I'm going to have to figure out a different way   and a different angle to come at this I think  the big takeaway from this is the router doesn't   go fast fast enough to do a good job at cutting  these out because it's burning it and it as you   see it's catching this is about two weeks later I  tried a bunch of other stuff and I landed on this   little die grinder right here with an angle total  time so far is about 2 months on this project and   I'm not sure I'm any closer to getting done than  I was when I started putting all these dimples   in took about 4 hours or more to get them done  then I had to go back and sand them again with   the finer bur so it took a long time then the  time came to start sanding all these dimples   and it really wasn't working out well I tried  a lot of different methods to get into those   dimples so I took to the internet and asked you  guys what I should do whether I should fill them   with a red resin a black resin or should I just  leave them clear and just continue to sand them   which would take forever as you can see in this  clip you guys came up with a lot of ideas but two   of them intrigued me one was a radiant uh polka  dot but I decided that wasn't what I wanted to do   I wanted to be able to see these dimples and  so what I decided to do was burn it that was   the other suggestion and that gave me a lot of  options because I didn't have to sand as well   and it would cover up the black burn marks here  the one issue this does cause and I should have   known about it is as I'm burning it it's opening  up all the cracks and it's also melting some of   the resin that are in those cracks and it causes  me to have to fill those again but I'm just going   to dump resin on it and hopefully that resin will  seep into those cracks and then we can go on with   it whenever I'm doing a project sometimes it  hits me and I want to do something else as I   turn away from my vision and then this one is  no different I originally thought about a flat   table there and then I thought about the dimples  and right now I'm thinking that it needs needs a   larger roundover on the outside of the cookie so  I may do that I know this is the moment everyone's   been waiting for let's throw some resin on here  we still got a long way to go this is just the   base coat I still got another flood coat or two  to do and what I'm using here is tabletop and I   really should have done acetone and resin 50/50  minut because there's a lot of bubbles that keep   coming up I ended up throwing another leader  in here and that makes about 2 L and for the   next hour or so I'll be on Bubble Duty so we're  entering the home stretch with the tabletop here   and it's time to do the sanding to get it ready  for the final coat that's what I'm doing here   I sand it up to about 120 I had been debating  about the small roundover so I put it on there   and then I decided to go ahead with the larger  round over and I think I made the right choice   what do you guys think I clean the whole thing  off with some denatured alcohol and it's time   for the final coat of resin uh you have to use  your hand to work this stuff in or it'll start   spreading and then you have to work it on the  sides and then you let it sit for a few hours   got to make sure you get all the bubbles out  though I had originally planned on doing one   more coat of resin but it looks so good that  I went ahead and flipped it over and I took   off this tape I sanded it up to 180 on the back  side and then we use some Rubio monoat for the finish I let the Rubio mon Co sit on it  for about 15 minutes and then I wiped it   off clean you got to make sure you  get it all that's the key and I'm done I found the base of this table coming  home from work one day on the side of the   road it's a standard sewing machine and  and I thought I'd make a good basee for   a coffee table but as I bring it in I have  some visitors and a little bit of trouble   what are you doing in here Clark get out get  out CL out out get out of my shop you know better Clark you doing get out of here I don't  want you pooping and peeing in here look at this   fool hey and what Oreo get out out get out Oreo no  get out get out out Clark don't eat those shavings   come here you can't get away from me you're not  you're get out open this door get out get out God shut up Clark those little jerky  asses I said get out of my shop this   is getting old you guys are going to  end up pissing and pooping in here I   want you out no hey get your ass out go go  Oreo you too get out get out stay out damn it and as I turn around get out out get out you  too hey get out Oreo get out get your butt out   oh my gosh well there's something having goats  I guess so Clash forward a few months and here   I am I'm using the wire wheel to get all the rust  off of the metal and it's going pretty well but I   decid to go ahead and take it apart at this point  just so I'd have an easier time when I paint it I went through about four wire wheels trying  to get all the rust off of here and it actually   worked fairly well I guess I could have gotten  a sand blaster but I didn't want to spend more   money doing in that alog together if you count  the time I got the rust off and degasing and   wiping it down and painting it took about  4 hours to get this base complete I use a   flat black on these because it's going to match  the furniture that is going to go near and it   wasn't minute uh dry time here and then I can  put it all back together and this went fairly easy to connect the base to the table I  decided to use inserts and I was terrified   that they wouldn't line up and the screws  wouldn't go in correctly but spoiler alert it did guess what it's done woo for that
Channel: Ken Moon
Views: 5,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: resin casting, wood turning, total boat epoxy resin, resin, honeycomb aluminum and resin, bowl, laguna 1836, lathe, turned bowl, pen blanks, wood, turning bowls, mpc, moonpie creations, ken moon, how to, how-to, diy, shop project, bowl fix, incredible bowl, hand made, hand crafted, working with resin, working with resin in art, tatoal boat, Resin Art, resin shavings, resin in resin, casting, resin bowl, Epoxy bowl, coffee table, Resin table, sewing machine base, oak
Id: 7Ykaqcuuek0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 42sec (1602 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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