I Bought The Most Expensive Burl On eBay - Woodturning project

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hi everybody welcome back to the channel now this  is the most expensive B available on eBay the   search I did was wood turning B uh sorted it from  prices highest to lowest and this came out on the   top I did filter it to those uh in the UK because  I didn't want to be paying AB Fortunes in postage   uh from around the world so anyway this is it uh  it came a couple of months ago and I've sat on it   until now because I've been kind of scared uh I  did consider having a peek at it but that would   kind of spoil the fun and I wanted to do it in  front of you lot so this is it right let's have a look that was pretty so this is a a thya b it grows in the  Atlas mountain range in Morocco and   this one is actually from Morocco you can  also find them uh in the south of Spain   and in Portugal as well but this is from the  Atlas Mountains in Morocco uh and it cost me £50 oh it's written there uh 14 in wide 4 in deep  and it looks absolutely gorgeous I've only seen   pictures before and the pictures looked amazing  but this is really quite beautiful now the thya   tree is a softwood tree which the rest of the wood  is has no real commercial value but the burs which   are generally taken from the basee of the tree are  renowned for their beauty and this one seems to be   no exception now as I said I've just opened this  and I've got I've had a few ideas I've looked up   the photographs obviously before I bought it  and I got a few ideas what to do with it but   until you actually get something open and have a  good look at it you never quite sure exactly what   you're going to do now this weighs an absolute  ton so it is going to be interesting we've got   quite a lot of B we' got some beautiful figure in  the wood round here absolutely gorgeous we've got   a small bit of bark inclusion obviously a knot  there bit of a hole there now when I looked at   the photographs this area here looked like  normal wood grain but now I'm looking closer   to it there's still quite a lot of figure in  there which is good to see look at the other side plent of figure obviously we've  got some bark on this side so initially   thinking this is going to be the bottom so  the bowl can turn upwards let's look at the edges right we got a few bark inclusions in  a bit there wow that looks nice that looks   incredible nice and beautiful and clean that's  the by conclusion EXC we've got a a swirl there   obviously from a protrusion or sorry a a branch  coming out so okay looks pretty good right now   I was going to give myself a few moments to have  a good think about this cuz like I said this is   the first time I've actually seen it live in my  hands so I'm going to have a a little think about   what to do with it and I'll bring you back in a  second okay I've had a good look at this uh and   I'm excited but still quite nervous uh it's a big  imposing piece it's 14 in across and I want to try   and make as much of this area usable as possible  in terms of functionality uh the bowl area itself   is going to go from corner to corner from edge to  edge so as soon as you finish the outside shape   it's going to go straight into the bowl shape  there's not going to be a lip as it were now   given that shape in mind the outside of the bowl  needs to be something fairly robust and blocky to   keep it uh balanced as it were balanced in terms  of design not Balan as in terms of wobbliness so   I did consider having feet on this uh but with the  weight the feet I would feel will do damage to any   surface it's left on because it really is quite  heavy so the outside I'm just going to do a nice   gra gradual curve curve into about 50 mil from the  center something like that we'll have a a put an   external Tenon on this as opposed to a recess uh  and then we can turn off a nice flat foot at the   end and that flat foot as I say it's just going  to gradually curve up to the rim now that's going   to keep an awful lot of the weight in the piece  so it's going to feel robust strong uh and then   we can put a nice finish on it as well it's going  to look absolutely stunning so I think the best   way to get started is find the center uh we use  a face plate I'm not going to use a worm screw on   this because it's a little bit big so we'll put  a face plate on uh get it on the way we'll get started okay we're on the L tail stock is locked  off to keep us nice and safe uh initially   we're going to be turning about 500 RPM  I've got a halfin B gouge all sharpened   and ready now I did quickly check online to  make sure that there's no safety implications   with turning THB uh and it's all fairly fine  so there's no extra precautions we need to take sorry that really hurts  some of the chips coming off   there were uh really painful so  right glove on and we'll start again that's beautiful okay we're only cutting this  half at the moment we still got to take it   down to that so I want to get this bottom  flat first now first initial Impressions   that it turns absolutely fine the little  bits coming off really hurt the hands so   taking precautions that way but also the  smell it's almost identical to Cedar if   you've turned Cedar you know that very  very strong smell you get from that and   this is virtually the same right let's uh  get this flat and then start working up the sides okay we're working in nicely from the edges  this needs to all come out so we'll work our   way through that not quite sure how deep it goes  but we I'm sure we're going to find out now this   is quite a deep piece it's 4 in uh thick and  I quite like this heavy side here here this   depth so I might not take this curve all the way  to the top I'll see right carry on around the side okay I'm just going to go and sharpen  up again to see if that makes much of   a difference on these Cuts okay I'm all  sharpened up again now I've just put a   mark on there where the Tenon is going to be  I'm going to be using the larger Jaws because   obviously we've got a larger piece here so  I'm not taking any risks with uh the Tenon   breaking off or anything like that so that's  where the Tenon is's going to be so the foot   it's going to start just on the outside of that  to give me a shoulder to rest the Tenon into so   continue working down we're going to get rid of  that and we're going to be stopping around that area right I need to I'm getting to  a point where I've got to start   making a decision about this Edge what  I'm going to do with this so I think   initially I'm going to get it round  and then take another quick look at it as I was turning that I had an  idea if I take this curve up to possibly around that point maybe a little bit  higher and then this top Edge just put a little   curve a little shamer in to the edge to the  inside that might work look quite quite nice   okay I think it'll look quite sophisticated right  so I'm going to work this curve up to that yellow line and then see about the next bit okay sharpened up again but I noticed that  there's quite a a buildup of the uh the resin   the sap inside the the flute so just P spend a  little while try to pick that out we'll carry on okay let's go it up to that point let going to  quickly have some lunch and then we'll figure   out the next plan okay I've had my lunch I've  come back and I've been thinking about this   a bit now I want to put some sort of decoration  on here I'm not entirely sure about my original   idea but I do want to do something so I  think the first thing I need to do first   is to try and get this top bit all of the  same level because there's about an half   an inch difference in the the height of the  rim at the moment so I'm just going to get a   skew and just cut in to try and make sure  that the the top of this piece is all one height so now I know where the top of the bowl is going  to be I can make well I can take a look at where   I can put a pattern in and I'm thinking of just  getting a a rown scraper I'm just putting a small   Cove in here this area so we got this is just a  this is just a/ in round no scraper which I'm just   going to present the surface and just take it in  it's going to be more towards this Edge than this one I like that in fact I like that  so much put another one in next to it right that's going to need some  fine tuning a little bit later on   but at least I know what I'm doing  with that top Edge now right so I   will get my gouge back out finalize  this curve and make the 10 at the bottom right I've been thinking a bit more about  this top Edge I like these two Coes but I   think we can do a little bit more about it to  accentuate the bowl uh uh what I'm going to do   is this rather than it being flapped here  I'm going to angle it in slightly and put   the two Coes back in so they're they're more  visible from like above the bowl then just the side okay I'm happy with that it looks awful lot  better A lot sharper a lot more interesting   the uh the CES were easier to cut that time mainly  because i' sharpened the scraper i' uh I was using   it the first time around and it was still fairly  blunt so that's why I struggled the first time   around with it right I've okay so next thing  is I think sanding I think we're there right   so I'll set up for sanding I'll let you watch  a bit of it like normal but I shall bring you   back when it's done okay I've had a request from  Michael gayen about how this works how I managed   to turn on my vacuum with this little device  it's quite simple it's a little kit of uh plugs   that I got from Amazon and they're literally  just remote control plugs uh for instance my   compressor is on number two I can turn it on and  turn it off likewise the vacuum's on number one   turn it on turn it off it just makes life an  awful lot easier in the workshop I don't have   to walk all the way around to turn on switches  and stuff like that now this one came with three   plug sockets this one's currently unused  uh but you can get them I think we got to   about five or six plug sockets so you got about  five or six sets of buttons on here and they're   actually quite handy I'll put a link in in the  description below in case you're interested in these okay I just stopped for a quick second  just to quickly show you something which I've   never come across before in my history of  wood turnning uh I put a a brand new disc   on my drill now I'm going to sand this little  area for about 3 seconds and then show you something the resin in the wood  is just filling up the disc as   fast as you can sound it it comes off you can just uh use a compress it to blow it off  but it's going to make life slow going   I think it's going to make things  very very slow going but we'll get there that was not a fun sanding  experience it's uh this is the most   horrible thing in the entire world to  send it's borderline impossible but we   got there right cleaning it off with  a bit of isopropyl to get any loose residue and uh I think I'll put a shellac  sealer over the top of this and then we're   going to go over with an abrasive paste  okay we're going on with a blonde sealer   a schlack sealer that we've used plenty of  times before now F your boil will darken   over time it will go much darker than  it is now but it'll do that naturally you can't help but be amazed at this  intense figure in this absolutely mind blowing right I'll put on two coats then  I'll bring you back and we'll uh put an   abrasive paste on this normally I wouldn't  use abrasive paste on BS because it tends to   get stuck in all the holes but there's no  holes in this it's all those little black   dots aren't holes they're all full okay  that's a time to dry so I'm going to go   on with the True Grit abrasive paste and  give this a good going over with plenty   of past to make sure we can try and polish  out and give it a nice high shine at the end okay we'll start it off with  a slow speed and then Build It Up okay and now we're going to wipe off all the excess excellent right let it preparate and  I'll put some shellac over the top okay I'm   going to put on two coats of this shellac cut  it back with a bit of wire wool and then put   on another one or two coats I'm not going to  make it sit through all that so I will once I   put this first coat on I'll bring you back  when we start to hollow out the inside now   because of the problems we had with the sanding  if you look very very close you can still see a   couple of scratches in the wood but there was  just no way of getting the M you couldn't sand   in a prolonged area for any point any period  of time because the uh you saw what happened   to the Sandpaper it just instantly filled  up with with Gunk and then he was SCU it again but it does look rather nice so I'm happy okay right I'll bring you back when the  outside's done and we'll start the inside   okay we turned around and all set up again using  the tail stock support at the start CU obviously   this is still quite a weight uh I've sharpened up  we'll get started uh starting off we're going to   flatten off the the surface and then figure  out what we're going to do about this bowl okay got it flat well flattish anyway that  grain is just absolutely amazing we've got   this kind of uh a bark inclusion there to worry  about possibility of one there it's looking okay   with burs like this you're always going to find  this kind of bark inclusion so we're just going   to almost continue as if it wasn't there right  I'm just going to sharpen up again I'm going   start hollowing this out and then I've got to  rethink my thoughts about do I take this bowll   right up to the edge or do I allow myself a little  Rim there and put this same kind of float that   I've got on the side so little way off before we  decide that so sharpen up and start hollowing out B awful lot of chattering going  on it doesn't like being cut I   may just switch to a carbide for a  second just see how I I get on with that okay time to decide do I replicate the flutes on the edge on  here or do I take this bowl right up   to the side I think I'll put in one flute  see how that looks and it'll decide after that do I put another Ed okay one more see how that looks right I'll stick with these two  floats as time progresses if we   don't like them or if I don't feel  it bounces and sits well then I   can always come back and take them  back out okay back on to hollowing oops okay she's all right she will live oh blim  me no I'm going to have to redo that edge so   obviously hit uh the wall or something there  so that edge is going to really need to be sorted and there okay okay right it's had a  bit of a t cracky that edge as well right had   a bit of a tumble looks like I don't know I  think I'm must have got a yeah there you go   I've got a catch with the carbide and it's  just kicked the whole thing off it's torn   it out of there so right proceed with  caution what should we do first should   we fix problems or shall we right I think  I'll just take this down flatter put the   tail stock back in and then start repairing  the damage we've done to the edges okay no worries okay we've recovered and we've got  an extra feature right let's carry   on hollowing out I've got to figure  out how deep I want this to go when I   was cutting that fine Edge there I was  mirroring the angle on the outside so I guess probably got another inch down from that point okay glad that's over right I'm going to sharpen  up my big scraper and sort out the inside of this okay and I want to try and get this as  perfect as I can before sending because   sanding is really really really really hard on  this stuff as you saw at the start so there's   virtually no imperfections in this at all  there's no tool marks so I'm going to be   able to start at a much higher grit because  it was the the heavy grits that put me uh   back so much on the other side uh because once  there's a scratch in there it's very very hard   to get off because the sand pad the sending  disc just builds up with wax soorry with the   they kind of sap from this so quickly that it  uh becomes useless in moments right I'm going   to set up for sanding I'll let you watch a bit  of it and then she'll bring you back when it's done don't think I've ever come across anything  quite so horrible to sound if you've used   this one before if You' come across the same  problems that I'm having if you could leave a   comment as to what you did and i' be very very  grateful right what I'm going to try now it's   a reasonable surface it's a nice finish but I  want to go a bit further so I'm going to put a   bit of shellac on uh just a shellac sealer let  that Harden and then try and go over again with   some higher grits I think I must Ed about 20 lb  worth of the sanding discs so far so it's getting expensive this is a blond  slack sealer that we use on the outside I'm just hoping it giv is  a kind of a more stable surface to   be able to sand on I don't know if  it'll work but anything's worth a try I've done the final bit of  sanding and we're ready to put   on the abrasive paste again as usual  using the True Grit abrasive paste   it may get stuck in a couple of these  holes but we'll be able to blow it out afterwards it's looking quite nice  though isn't it I know it's been   an absolute pain and we haven't quite  ended up with the design we wanted to   at the start but that's the nature your  wood turning things change you have to adapt okay we'll clean this  off with isopropyl give it a   good clean make sure we remove all of the abrasive paste okay that's nice and dry now add  a couple of coats of full strength shellac I'm not going to put it  on too thickly I'm just going to   put nice thin themed coats on  and then build it up to a nice shine okay right we let that sit cut it back  a little bit with a bit of very fine wire wool   and then apply a few more coats I'll bring you  back and we can look at the finished article   well there we go a th B Bowl it's certainly been  an interesting Pro project I'm in absolute love   with the grain of this wood it is just absolutely  phenomenal in so many ways but I'm not fun with   trying to sand it because there's so much sap  in these Woods that sanding is so unbelievably   hard that it's uh it does slightly detract from  the experience of turning it I mean turning it's   wonderfully you get beautiful clean lines you  know it does pretty much what you want it to do   but when you com to to finishing it to a standard  that you would really hope to get from something   so beautiful you know it really was made just  that a little bit harder because of all the sap   but anyway we got there it's still a very Hefty  piece we kept the walls about an inch and a half   thick so it's still got that wonderful heft to  it there's nothing you can put in this really   that's going to tip it over and that's really  what I wanted from this piece I wanted it to   be you know completely imposing and I think the  design we did in it really helped that along now   I don't usually sell my pieces uh unless asked  to do so but uh I've had quite a few requests   recently so what I'm intending to do on the run up  to Christmas is to put a few pieces uh online for   people to buy I'm not quite sure whether to put  them on an Etsy page or something like that or to   put them on eBay uh an auction no Reserve no uh1  start or something like that and if you want it   you want it uh eBay is probably slightly easier  for me because it does handle the international   shipping and I think the international shipping  through eBay is a little bit cheaper than uh   going through the normal methods so if you are  interested in that please leave a note in the   comments below and also please let me know if it  would be uh better Feud to go on Etsy or on eBay   but apart from that thank you very much indeed  for watching now our prize giveaway is going to   be this Thursday this comes out on the Tuesday  the prize giveaway is on Thursday and that's for   the bog Oak bowl that we did uh a week and a half  ago there's still chance to enter uh all you have   to do is like subscribe and leave a comment on  any of the videos since our last giveaway and   you're going to be entered and like I said the  draw is going to be do on uh Thursday the 19th   of October AP from that thank you very much indeed  for watching I hope you've enjoyed it uh one thing   I've certainly learned is that in the future  I'm going to stick with hardwood Bulls no more   is softwood for me but apart from that thank you  very much indeed I'll see you next time thank you oops
Channel: Mike Holton - hand made crafts
Views: 105,305
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Keywords: wood turning, woodturning project, wood turning project, yorkshire grit, woodturning for beginners, woodturning, epoxy resin, epoxy resin art, epoxy resin projects, easy project, woodturning videos, woodturning projects, wood lathe, wood lathe toys, epoxt artwork idea, wood inlay, resin inlay, wood art, wood art ideas, asmr, hybridsphere, diy wood art, ASMR woodturning, ASMR, ASMR turning, thuya burl, unboxing, most expensive item on ebay, woodturning burl
Id: bIlEtb9rXag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 1sec (2281 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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