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hello everyone and welcome to the greatest game you will see uh today most likely it is Daniel darta versus K alexenko from the Minorca open round six and it features uh such a such a wonderful opening such a wonderful middle game and such a such a uh well a brief end game uh that every part of this game is uh uh very enjoyable to present so I'm sure you guys will enjoy it and I've even set three pause the video moments for you guys to to solve uh in um increasing order of difficulty so first it's going to be a pretty easy one I'm pretty sure all of you will be able to solve it you know including your uncle then a bit more difficult one and then uh well if you find the last one uh you you are definitely Grand Master material so let's check it out Daniel Dara versus a formal candidate member K alexenko uh let's see what happened here comes as a suggestion from a subscriber named Joe so thank you Joe for for or maybe it's um yo but yeah thank you for this one really an awesome game so Pawn to D4 by Daniel we have Knight to F6 Pawn to C4 E6 we have Knight to F3 and the D5 okay the Queen's Gambit declined is on the board we have Knight to C3 and D captures on C4 so the Vienna variation uh and now E4 is the most popular but E3 a very close second uh the so-called quiet variation uh we have A6 uh stopping um uh preparing Pawn to B5 and of course uh Daniel stops it so a pawn to A4 we have Pawn to B6 and Bishop captures on C4 uh Bishop to B7 and castles King side and now okay Bishop to B4 is the top move here C5 uh also very much playable uh Queen to E2 and now Queen to C7 uh we have Rook to D1 uh Knight B to D7 and now Pawn to D5 so this has all been played before nothing new here uh but you have to really know how to play this we have e captures on D5 Knight captures on D5 and now the way to play this is to play Bishop captures on D5 it's the only way to play it uh but it was not played in this game to give you an example what you have to do after Bishop captures on D5 is play Rook captures on D5 so you give up the exchange and after captures captures attacking Black's Rook here black will probably play Rook to d8 you will play E4 at solidify here on D5 and after a move is made then you will play G3 and after let's say castles you will play Bishop to F4 and the mighty Bishop pair will be compensation enough for the sacrificed exchange and this is already been played and it's very strong for for white but also can be played by black but here Knight captures on D5 was played and this simply does not work for a very particular reason uh feel free to pause the video and figure out the the first solution of three uh that I will present you while I give you a couple of seconds so for those of you who were able to do it congratulations on finding the this beautiful idea and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show it is Pawn to E4 and now you're wondering uh okay uh uh that's the first thing I thought of but why is it so strong well what do you do with the knight uh let's let's try Knight to B4 why why is this wrong well Bishop captures on F7 and you can resign uh look at this King captures Rook captures on D7 check and that's it the Queen the queen Falls and if Queen captures Knight E5 check with a fork H wins The Black Queen so obviously we can go to B4 we can't go here we can't go here we could go to E7 that's definitely a possibility but again one that is mad with Bishop captures on F7 and then just Rook captures on D7 okay now you're not forced to take with the queen but even if you don't take Queen C4 check and it's a game over so you can't go to B4 you can't go to E7 what about uh what about Knight to F6 well it seems like the only uh real idea and that is that is exactly what what has been played here unfortunately you cannot play that Bishop to D6 is the only move to sort of continue the game but even that is we're just giving back the piece and then you hope for the best but here Knight at the F6 was played and now Pawn to E5 and again what what do you play here uh if you go back Knight to G8 then again Bishop captures and F7 is deadly King captures Pawn to E6 check King a captures on D7 check and that's it with Queen to E8 to follow so here Bishop to E7 was played uh airel says all right I have to give back the piece doesn't matter uh how I do it I just want to Castle and you know be done with this opening nonsense but of course Daniel does not allow it feel free to pause the video for the second time and try to find the only move that wins the game uh for white while I give you a couple of seconds uh this one was a bit more difficult so hopefully you were able to do it but here Bishop to F4 and it doesn't look like much because uh oh it doesn't seem like you have time and especially if you move the pawn the bishop will be hanging so what's the problem with just castling well the problem is that after you capture and queen captures here there's F captures on E7 and now the rook and the Knight are hanging and black will simply be down too much material there's no way to do it if you throw in a bishop captures on F3 first we play e captures on f8 with check and only after this uh has been taken then Queen captures on F3 and now if you count the material white is up a full Rook so obviously you can just Castle here and if you can't just Castle here uh then you have serious problems here Knight to D5 was played so getting the Knight out of Harm's Way But now comes Rook captur on D5 Bishop captures is also fine but um Daniel was obviously very very inspired here uh and now if you capture The Rook which of course can be played then Bishop captures attacks the rook and after Rook to d8 again you fall victim to Bishop captures on E7 on F7 is just it's just that powerful E6 check King wherever Queen Bishop captures Queen on C7 and that's it so this is this is a really big problem for black so here castles finally happens and now Pawn to E6 uh again doesn't really look like it should be possible because the bishop can be captured and that's exactly what what what was played here Queen captures on F4 but now Rook captures on D7 with an attack on both Bishops and Bishop captures on F3 uh e captures on F7 with check you can't really capture back because then Bishop again captures with check so you have to move the king and now Queen captures an F3 Queen captures G captures and Bishop to F6 so you have this end game now uh where white is up a pawn and it's a very very strong pass Pawn on F7 and it seems like okay it seems like a game that could uh very well be played for the next 100 moves I mean it's Bishops of the opposite color uh but believe me this game will end in the next four moves yes that's that's how how strong this POS pause the video will be so Rook to E1 the idea is of course uh you want to play Rook d8 at some point especially if the Bop Moves Like if you captured the pawn maybe something like Rook to E7 followed by Rook to E8 uh uh but first Pawn to B5 we have captures captures and Bishop captures on B5 uh Bishop captures on B2 and now okay like I said you could play Rook D t7 but that would again be something very very dull with King G7 and you can't really Force anything so here after Bishop captures on B2 Bishop to C6 was played attacking the rook and now comes uh uh the the the the great mistake of this game even the engine doesn't see it until you allow it to to go up to depth 30 for some reason here Rook A1 was played and now you have a chance for a most brilliant finish feel free to pause the video for the third time and win the game for Daniel dka while I give you a couple of seconds so uh for those of you who were able to do it congratulations on spotting this one uh like I said it's it's not an easy one those of you who found it are most likely grandmas material uh so let's see what happens uh Rook captures on A1 of course everyone saw that is the second Move That Matters Bishop captures and now comes Rook to d8 a beautiful Rook sacrifice that will prevent black from uh preventing white from queening so here Rook captures and the it's the only move otherwise Rook captures just happens and you're going to be upper Rook so Rook captures on d8 this of course was not played after Rook to d8 um it was in this position that K alexenko resigned the game as there is nothing more to be done here but if the game had continued Rook captures on d8 then the idea is of course Bishop to E8 you stop The Rook from guarding the f8 square and also the king cannot approach so H there's nothing that can be done here you're going to make a move of course the queen will come into the game and now after King to H7 or something you will just play let's say Bishop G6 check take the Rook and you're I mean you have a queen for a bishop of course completely winning so brilliant brilliant stuff by by Daniel DHA of course this was all preparation up to a certain point the uh even this of course D5 and all of this was still preparation uh like the first real move where he uh uh started thinking was this uh where I asked you to make the first pause the video moment here he spent five minutes uh then the second real uh move where he spent some time with this bishop to F4 move where he spent 10 minutes and okay later on he started wasting time but yeah great preparation but he had to solve some real problems during the game he was able to do it and he took down very very strong Contender like I said a former candidate K alexenko and uh which was very impactful for the final standings because here you can see that Arjun Ari K alexenko and Maxi uh all finished with seven and a half points and this was K's only loss of the tournament so uh also Daniel Dara finished number eight with 6 and a half points uh a very very strong event for him uh so yeah that's the game I hope you guys enjoyed it first I thought I would cover the the finals of the Tepe Sigman but they went into tie breaks and the tie breaks I mean from a classical event to three minute tie breaks uh I didn't find the games to be that exciting to to cover for a video I'm sure they're much more exciting to watch if you're watching it live uh but yeah I didn't find them exciting enough to to cover and then I saw this game as a suggestion from Joe or yo and and I was like wow this uh this is what my sub subscribers deserve uh so that's the game hope you guys enjoyed it I would like to thank very happy I would like to wish a very happy birthday to flavus and I would like to thank Michael hildbrand Johan hyai Loreno deor and Fred Fred akan for your contribution to my channel thank you a lot I really appreciate it as usual you can check two of my previous videos here thank you all for watching and I will see you soon continuing to check up on your wonderful suggestions such as this one and whatever else happens in the Chess World uh so thank you all I will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day by
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 76,208
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Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess,, play magnus, magnus carlsen, best chess videos, learn chess, best way to learn chess
Id: eejDVbQENV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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