A Game of Chicken!

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hello everyone and welcome to another very nice game from thee Sigman chess tournament of 2024 uh round three arjuni versus World Junior Champion Mar Andrea Mai and in the previous video I mentioned that Arjun broke into the top five and has overtaken GES uh on the live ratings list but now let's see how that happened it's a very nice game and you guys will have a lot of fun enjoying it and also I've prepared a very nice pause the video moment uh this game uh not you know the usual one where you find a force m in three or you win a piece in five here is just a a move that uh uh well you have to soak in the entire position and just play a move that uh is in the spirit of the position so it's going to be a little bit different and I believe much harder but who knows maybe you guys are are up to the task so let's check it out Arjun with white opens with Pawn to D4 we have Pawn to D5 uh Pawn to C4 and E6 uh we have Knight to F3 and Knight to F6 so standard Queen's gamb be declined Knight to C3 and now uh Pawn to C6 the semi slav defense is on the board we have a trade on D5 C captures e captures on D5 uh and now uh the by far the top move here is Bishop to G5 a close second is Queen to C2 but here we have Bishop to F4 uh it's a move that has been played around 300 times alt together in in top level classical chess and um interestingly two of those times by Magnus cin himself he played against ding Len this year in the grank HS classic the game ended in a draw and he also played against Yan pishi in 2022 in the singfield cup where he won a very nice game so okay not that often but it has been used by Magnus so why not we have Bishop to F5 also continuing with a symmetrical setup E3 Knight bat to D7 and now Pawn to H3 and in that game against Magnus nippo went Bishop to E7 uh but here we have Bishop to B4 uh and uh well not a new move right away there is a game where Bishop to D3 was played there is a game from the year 2000 between two unrated players uh but here uh we have Queen to B3 and it is now as of move nine that we have a completely new game so okay uh Queen to B6 and defending the bishop while also maybe setting up for a queen trade also uh you know that's why I use the title G4 attacks the bishop Bishop to G6 and Knight to H4 hinting at the Knight captur on G6 but maybe also Knight to F5 in some Lin so okay Bishop back to s Mar Andria offers a queen trade and okay Knight captures on G6 and you could trade queens now and then recapture on G6 or you could recapture on G6 right away Mar Andrea decides to go with the ladder and now Pawn to F3 just strengthening the center also controlling the Knight on F6 uh so a nice idea and as you will not be castling you might consider artificial castling with something like King F2 King G2 Knight to f8 Shifting the Knight over to E6 we have Bishop to G3 and and now Knight to E6 we have King to F2 and Bishop to d8 now both players trying to make the queen trade as favorable for them as possible uh King to G2 and now Bishop to C7 uh going after the bishop on G3 and here Arjun plays Bishop back to F2 it does strengthen his Center and also if the White Queen moves you might have some tricks here against the queen on B6 but it also gives up the this diagonal over to Mar Andrea we have Bishop to D6 and now Pawn to a H4 so interestingly the Queens have been staring at each other for the past nine moves uh and here Queen back to C7 now I would just like to point out that stockfish uh in every evaluation of O over the course of the past nine moves wants to play Queen captur some B3 uh but uh that move is that played and for the moment Arjun wins the game of chicken we have Bishop to E2 and Castle's King side we have Rook eight to E1 and now Pawn to B5 so okay it's a very nice position uh Mar Andria can definitely be very happy he has something to attack in front of arjun's King the the pawns are fairly Advanced uh but Arjun says not nearly as advanced enough he he goes Pawn to G5 attacks the Knight here and the question is what does Mark Andrea play does he just go back but if he goes back there's really no more way to go forward then the Rooks will be double on the C file and you the game will basically be about the the backward C6 Pawn where Arjun will probably win it at some point and then maybe he will win maybe he will not but it will be it will be suffering for Mar Andrea so he has to accept the challenge he goes Knight to H5 and here is the the moment that that I really wanted you to soak in feel free to pause the video here and try to find the only move that doesn't hand over the advantage to Mark Andrea while I give you a couple of seconds so for those of who were able to do it congratulations on finding this incredible idea and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show it is Queen to a I only kidding it is Pawn to F4 that is the move that that was played and it's uh it's so complicated that uh no time in the world is enough to calculate this position uh when he played it Mark Andrea had 21 minute on the clock Arjun had some 35 minutes so Arjun is playing faster here uh but I will just show you what was played or rather first I'm going to show you what should have been played and then I'm going to show you what was played so the way our good friend the engine plays this is uh First Pawn to B4 as in every complicated position and this and also a simple one uh so attacks the knight uh Knight moves and then you open up the position with Pawn to F6 and it makes sense as you want to open up the Rook to attack the black king Now Pawn to F5 goes after the Knight Here and Now F captures on G5 Bishop captures on H5 G captures and F captures on E6 so uh you have to sacrifice I a piece here and then Queen to E7 and after Pawn to E4 going for Pawn to E5 because if you capture then of course this diagonal opens up and D6 Pawn is defended Queen captures and now Pawn to E5 let's say Bishop to E7 and H captures on G5 and you you get this black is down a piece but the Knight is on A4 White's King is completely wide in the open uh you can play this with both white and black depending on what kind of a player you are however in the game after arjun's F4 Mar Andrea decided to sacrifice a piece but not in a way that we've just seen he played Knight H captures on F4 right away delivered a nice check and okay we have to capture captures captures again with check King to F1 uh and now Pawn to B4 uh asking where do you put the Knight so putting the Knight to A4 now with so many pieces on the board would be would be very dangerous he plays Knight to D1 which is the correct way and now comes Rook 8 to E8 and uh you know how in every video where F6 was played I say playing F6 is always a mistake you should never play it and so on and so on here F6 has to be played and the only way Arjun can avoid a terrible loss here is by preventing F6 from being played and by uh by playing Knight to D1 he does exactly that because if you try F6 now and you really want to open up this file for The Rook all of a sudden Bishop to G4 happens uh going for that E6 square and now you see problems here now if you open up the the file h captur on G5 opens up the H file and now Bishop to D6 well that will be a problem especially if the Knight moves if the Knight moves that's pretty bad because you also gain access to E6 that's game over also Queen to H3 becomes possible uh and if the Knight doesn't move then there's really no point to having the the open f file for The Rook so for the moment F6 is not possible so Rook 8 to E8 he will prepare it we have Bishop to F3 now offering a trade of Rooks again not allowing for for any quick F6 ideas uh Rook captures on E1 we have Bishop and now Queen to C8 again uh you have to be engine precise here with six minutes on the clock not an easy tax for task for Mar Andria he has to play Queen to B6 here uh and take the D4 pawn and then uh the pawns March forward that's the way you play it uh because you cannot defend the pawn if you play something like Queen to A3 then Queen B5 check and if King to G1 then C5 and you really don't want this diagonal opening up so okay he played Queen to C8 uh now the queen has access to the king side but now Bishop to D2 of course Arjun wants to eliminate the Knight you know have as as little attackers to worry about as possible Queen to F5 and an immediate capture we have Bishop captures Queen captures and queen to E3 compliments of the Knight on D1 we have Queen to F5 declining the trade and now King to G2 and again uh we have to ask the question can we play F6 now no no you can't because the Rook is on H1 there is just no way you you're playing it if you play F6 here then let's say Knight F2 uh F captur on G5 and now Bishop to G4 and uh yeah that's pretty much it Bishop to E6 is coming followed by H captures on G5 uh you have nothing better than to play Queen captures on F2 but you're already down material so yeah that's not going to work in your favor and if you try Queen F4 and like we said Bishop D6 check King moves you open up the DH file and it's going to be a nice Checkmate here with the bishop covering the G8 Square so after King to G2 we have Queen to C2 with check Queen to E2 blocking and now Queen to F5 uh and now Queen to E3 and uh I thought that here we're going to see a repetition as uh well it is Mark Andrea who's defending here but no he he he wants to uh finish the hunt here he goes Bishop to F4 Queen to F2 and now Rook to E8 an an interesting attempt here would be Pawn to B3 the the point being that if A3 or A4 is played you will have already a Pawn on B3 and later on maybe even with queen straighted of the board maybe you can eliminate the B2 Pawn or if a capture occurs then you can shift The Rook to the B file and uh start collecting or or you know just paralyze the Knight so yeah that that would be one way to do it but Rook to E8 was played and now comes Rook to E1 the The Rook no longer serves purpose on the H file Rook captures on E1 Queen captures and King to H7 we have King to E2 uh and now Bishop back to D6 uh we have Queen to D2 and now Now Pawn to A5 so now now Mark Andre is just down a piece down a full Knight and it's a matter of technique can Arjun win this so we've seen how an engine converts over the course of some 60 moves now let's see how uh Arjun does it who who is a human so here Knight to F2 we have Bishop to C7 Mar Andrea can't really do anything here he can just wait um for arjent to make some sort of a mistake here or if he can somehow grab hold of this diagonal uh but with E5 and F4 covered there's really no square for the black Queen to do it maybe if you try D6 but still it can it can easily be avoided uh Bishop back to D1 Shifting the bishop over to this diagonal Queen to E6 and now Queen to D3 uh we have King to G8 uh as the the king here is in line of the queen so H5 is a terrible threat we have Pawn to B3 and now Queen to D6 again trying to go after the white king but a nice Knight to G4 stops everything G3 is covered H2 is covered and no infiltration for the black queen Queen to E6 now comes Queen to E2 offering a queen trade and now Queen to D7 uh trying to maintain pressure with Queen to D6 doesn't work due to the simple Queen E8 check King H7 and Knight to E5 and uh there's no more attempts here for black whatsoever if you try F6 then you lose control over G6 so F6 again not playable so after Queen E2 Queen back to D7 and now Queen to E3 Knight to E5 uh could be played but then you allow this trade and well having the knight in the game definitely works for Arjun now as we all know Knights are tricky bastards especially with a little time on the clock but time control has already been reached here so Arjun here at this point had some 20 minutes on the clock and Mar Andrea had 16 minutes uh we have Bishop to B6 now trying to do something about that D4 Pawn Knight to E5 attacks the queen puts pressure on F7 Queen to E7 and now Queen to F4 with um well uh Everlasting pressure on F7 Queen to E8 and now Pawn to H5 now it's time to go after the black king G captures Bishop captures with a triple attack on F7 Pawn to G6 and now just Bishop to G4 now we have Bishop back to C7 going after the Knight and queen to F6 nicely unpinning Bishop to d8 and now Queen captures on C6 uh offering a queen trade and there's really nothing more to try Mark Andre has to capture and hope for the best maybe maybe a miracle will happen Bishop captures on G5 Knight captures on A5 and now Bishop to E7 uh so you don't have to worry about losing the B Pawn uh otherwise Knight to C6 Knight captures could be could be fairly dangerous uh Bishop to F3 going after the D5 pawn and now Pawn to F5 Bishop captures on D5 with check King G7 Bishop to C4 King to F6 and now Knight to Knight comes to B7 we have Pawn to G5 okay you still have two connected pass pawns that you can push so it's not all over D5 and now you can see that D6 and d8 are covered and if you gain control over this square that means that the pawn can just March forward so King to E5 uh gaining more control over this square and now Pawn to D6 saying I don't care if you win a pawn the position will still be winning for me as I will be up a piece uh but there is uh there is nothing better if you move the bishop it's a matter of a simple D7 d8 so Bishop captures Knight captures King captures and King to F3 we have King to E5 King to E3 and pawn to G4 we have Bishop to A6 and now Pawn to F4 with check King to D3 Pawn to F3 and now King back to E3 King to F5 now comes Bishop to C8 with check King to G5 and Bishop to B7 and he was in this position on move 68 that um uh Mark Andrea macii resigned the game as there is nothing more to be done here once you move the king it doesn't really matter where of course Arjun will just take the pawn and that's pretty much it now you're going to win this Pawn as well and uh that's game you will have two connected pass pawns which is of course completely winning uh everyone uh everyone can win this uh fairly easily I'm pretty sure you could win this end game even blindfold so yeah very nicely done by Arjun and for those of you who haven't seen my previous video between Peter swiler and women's world champion jjun do check it out it's it's a master class uh by Peter uh but in case you will not here are the uh the uh world top 16 after this game was played so like I I said Arjun overtakes GES as world number five with 2766 and now only four more people for Arjun to tackle that's nepo he needs some three 3.3 points to to reach nepo then it's Hikaru at 2794 and the only two 2800s in the world dingl and sorry Fabian corana and Magnus Carlson uh so yeah well first okay he has to overtake nepo and then if he if he does that uh then it's a long way to to to hikaro Fabian Magnus but you know then the real the real questions uh must be asked and answered uh so that's the game hope you guys enjoyed it uh hope you enjoyed the the the bit of a different pause the video moment you know it's not a fancy one that we usually have but uh you sometimes you need to make that move uh and you know even invite your opponents to to go for the sacrifice uh but yeah it also uh you know sort of uh forces you to expose your king and allow your opponent to the attack and you will you will probably be forced to defend for 50 moves but if you're 2756 and you want to go further that's what you have to allow and yeah that that's what happened in this game yeah big win by Arjun I hope you enjoyed that uh if you have any other favorites use hashtag suggestion and I will gladly go over them I would like to thank rudiger Osterman BJ Bartel Michael hildbrand Steve Schwarz and Casey Jones for your contribution to my channel thank you a lot I really appreciate it as usual you can check two of my previous videos here thank you all for watching and I will see you soon continuing to check up on your wonderful suggestions and whatever else happens in the Chess World uh so thank you all I will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day and yes this was a game of chicken
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 74,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, chess.com, play magnus, magnus carlsen, best chess videos, learn chess, best way to learn chess
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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