New Update - Full Patch Notes! HUGE Changes!

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hello and welcome i extremely buff women with five heads and welcome to bloon's tower defense six new update patch notes today we're going over all the changes that have happened or are happening can all that stuff it update 28.0 of bluetooth tower defense 6. to start you guys off you're probably going to notice right from the get-go we've got the halloween background this is not actually new this has been here for the past few years but it's still fun to have this back in action and all that good stuff they even went as far as changing all these monkeys and everything which is kind of cool shooting pumpkins and stuff like that it's always fun to see so the very first thing that's probably the most important for everybody is i think going to be lich this is the new boss blue this is instead of blue darius we're gonna be using lich the grave lord and uh what's cool about him is he can um uh be played single player but he can also be played in co-op mode so if you start it off you can play in co-op you can kind of join somebody else's match or just quick match with some other players over here and kind of have some fun with with all this that being said with all of that you can actually go and play in ranked mode so you can rank yourself based on how good you do and how fast you can kill this guy so uh it's kind of fun to go and like just fight against other people if you want to you know there's even like uh different ranks for how people how good people did in four player and three player and all that kind of stuff so it'll be fun to kind of test ourselves out um with all this kind of fun action here in both normal and the elite version i don't want to touch on this guy too much but i did end up beating the original just regular version here up to tier five he was not insanely difficult as a regular version but i can see a lot of newer players who are struggling against balloon areas or even possibly elite lunarius struggling against this guy until you get used to the fact that you're gonna have to come up with different strategies because the main aspect of this guy is that he sucks away the buffs of your towers specifically the overclock the alchemist and the villain middle path village buff is just completely worthless so uh figure out a way to pop this guy without using those buffs and see if he can pull it off in addition to that he does have some weird aspect breaking sort of to become invulnerable for a little while while other mobs are on the screen so you have to be very careful how you take this guy down i'm gonna be making a completely different video where i show off this guy in the game but you cannot show off paragons in sandbox mode so today you guys are just going to see me unlock the ascended shadow which is the new five five five or six tier depending on how you want to think about it uh paragon monkey in balloon starter fan sex this is gonna be a five five five uh ninja he's pretty freaking sweet looks really cool i've not seen an action yet so um we'll see if he's actually worth it but he is 600 000 that's extremely extremely expensive this guy better be powerful there's a new beginner map here called the cabin looks pretty cool very halloween like and uh in addition to that we do have asada's new skin here so you can check out soda's new skin she turns into a our barbarian here which is pretty cool i like it um looks fun looks real looks like those actions actually do the amount of damage that should be done to the balloons compared to the sword this word just looks kind of weak this thing looks strong but oh yeah drop an axis down love it looks great man they definitely did a good job with this one i don't see it on here but supposedly there's a new achievement called perfect paragon so you must need a level 100 paragon maybe it's this right here who knows no that doesn't make any sense there's a ton of new trophy things these are all fun these aren't things that i'm really really really interested in but at the same time i do have a thousand trophies now that i've been beating lunarius every single week so we can spend our spend these up and have some fun with it you know we've got this new haunted house music um we've got a bunch of new avatars and icons and anything you want to get here guys it's ready to go and they also made sure that you were remembering the previous halloween stuff from last year which is kind of fun ooh this is kind of a wild one uh i don't know how i feel about this but personally i like it but i don't know if this is going to affect some of the racers out there races now have a pause delay which will incur a penalty for pausing too frequently the idea of a race is a strategic sprint one fast run with your best thinking in the moment that's me i mean i think in the moment i'm not thinking like for five minutes about well what tower do i want to place and how am i gonna strategize this guy perfectly i just go you know so for me that's actually helped me out a lot but for other people that might really really hurt you so i'm going to skip all the bug fixes and general changes most of those are just things that kind of already are supposed to be working that didn't work now should work kind of thing so what we're going to focus on is instead of the balance changes these are things that are going to be completely new to the game that uh uh we really have to pay attention to and understand to use them uh properly the very first thing that we're talking about here is this right here this guy's got cam detection right but now he has the ability to supposedly let's see if i could do this which what upgrade does it take here oh there it is you have to just click it to prioritize uh camos instead of prioritizing other balloons so if i've got uh i don't know a ceramic here and a camo balloon thingamabob we're gonna be aiming the camos rather than trying to hit the ceramic let's see if we can like actually show this off here so let's do um a couple ceramics and then a couple of these camo balloons over here and uh see if we're gonna keep on aiming the camo balloons instead of the first ones we are we're still hitting those camo blues instead of hating fighting these blues that's actually really important now i should mention that we will talk about this in more detail later on as we go over the other balance changes because there's a few towers that this happens to not just the ninja specifically towers that are meant to pop camos when you need them to pop camos oh boy ninja kiwi is on an absolute rampage right now they hate these stallers they hate the people that abuse the game they want to get rid of the abuse and the one abuse that they're really angry about is stall farming now there's no clear cut one way to stall farm but there's a lot of a variety of different ways that you can kind of just slow down the balloons for a really really really long time while you you know just farm really hard whether it's with druids or uh trying to use your banana farms and selling things and all that kind of junk over here there's so many ways to do it so they're on a rampage they do not want this to exist anymore they want to stop it so instead of just letting the game kind of last forever over here they're gonna make sure that they don't allow you to stall forever and uh even if you do there's like a three minute timeout for these guys to uh prevent you from kind of just abusing the the cash production over here which is pretty weird you can see it in action here's the camo filter right here allows you to aim just camos if you're into that kind of thing um it doesn't mean you won't kill other balloons but now you're gonna prioritize camos rather than just hit camos kind of randomly over here because camos are kind of a pain but realistically i don't think this is super important but you know what it's a fun addition to the game over here and i'm also glad that they did not add it to the first last close strong aspect i am glad that they gave this us a little button here we can click if we want to turn it on or off all right we got a pretty uh crazy amount of changes here for the boomerang um i think uh generally all welcome changes they seem fair here uh one thing we're gonna notice is that the base zero three bionic boomerang is gonna increase its mob damage from one to two so actually a fair moab popping power tower now it doesn't just pop blooms it can also pop moabs in a reasonable way the uh zero five two is going to have a bonus damage increase from eight to ten so that's pretty sweet in addition this is kind of pretty wild change here uh moab dumb i thought dump is already pretty good it was kind of expensive so it was hard to get but uh it still was pretty good when you actually were able to afford it but now the mob domination damage on a mob per hit is uh changed from 20 to 25. pretty fantastic again i cannot get this in sandbox and i don't really have any that i'm available to show you off right now but i can still read it out for you guys uh boomerang paragon damage generally went up the wazizle they realized that dart paragon was just better than boom paragon and they had to fix it so uh burn damage increased from 50 to 100 shred damage increased from 250 to 750 and paragon rotating glaive damage increased from 20 to 42 so oh my god that's just insane right there um they really wanted to buff this buff this boomerang paragon which is sweet and in addition while i'm on top of that they did not actually buff or nerf the dart monkey paragon but they did make it so it should lag less when you finally get that guy so that's that's pretty nice oh hot diggity dog these are some fun changes here for the bomb shooter a little bit cheaper now for the base bomb shooter uh in addition uh going from 600 to 525 so yes decent uh price decrease in addition the moab muller is now more expensive from 900 to 1100 i did not see that many mob muller spam abusers but you know maybe people played differently than i do uh in addition what's really really odd is normally a mobile still can't pop black blues here but any sort of zero uh zero two upgrade can now not only just have the frags pop blacks but now the canon itself can pop blacks which is really really cool here so now the canon used to have almost no way to pop black balloons now you can notice that even with just a random frag over here our original explosion can just randomly pop like 10 black blues over here which is freaking cool you know i really like this uh this change to the game because now it gives you a reason to go over the bottom path here instead of being almost forced to go for the top path uh almost every single time pretty interesting changes here for the ice tower i'm again not sure if i think they're 100 necessary but they're kind of fun to add into the game here uh generally kind of a nerf though to the ice tower uh what we've got going on here is this uh this uh metal freeze upgrade is completely changed it is no longer metal freeze it's called cold snap and the cold snap can freeze and pop lead and camo balloons over here so leaving it with less weaknesses overall it's actually really sweet now when you think about doing some sort of you know uh icicle and pale with cold snap you will be able to pop ddt's which is really really really cool you can not only hit them with uh uh just the damage you can actually hit the camo balloons themselves and this is a really really really good tower now i think you guys should keep that in mind when you're thinking about these upgrades all right but that being said um it didn't really make too much sense when they're talking about the kind of other upgrades at least to me so embrittlement can now target and debuff moabs what they can't slow them down but uh now if we could do more damage to a mob that's gonna be pretty sweet normally a sniper can only do two damage but now we're gonna do uh three damage per shot hey i'll take it man um you know every little bit it's gonna help us out here uh in addition the larger radius got a price increase from 100 to 175 almost doubling it but it kind of made sense it was a pretty good upgrade already um and then the refreeze upgrade from 200 to 225 so again another small change there and then in addition to that another change is the cryo cannon price is going to go from 1750 to 1950 so they really really really really wanted to uh uh make you realize that guess what guys this combo right here might not be too bad and this is gonna be able to pop leads and camos and balloons up the wazizzle this is a good combo now and they had to change that to make up for it boy oh boy some crazy seriously crazy changes to the snipers here guys uh i think a lot of people are gonna realize how big of a difference this actually is very very soon but for now just realize that snipers have some crazy crap happening to them um the one thing you're going to notice is again we're going to get a camo detection filter so we could aim specifically camels if we want to again we could put him on strong and aim just the strongest camos which is a really cool addition to the game niche kiwi again on a gigantic uh hate for any sort of stalling spammer uh players over here so they're gonna say you know what supply drops now have a three minute timeout if you're trying to spam those abilities on a single round but the cooldown is going to increase from 60 to 90 seconds but at the same time now instead of just randomly getting us a crate a crazy random amount of money between 500 and a thousand now you're gonna get a standard exactly twelve hundred dollars every single time so it's gonna be more standardized now not just random do you get lucky if you get unlucky whatever it's always gonna be the exact same amount of money um with the fifth tier it's gonna be very similar now we make three thousand dollars instead of the random amount of money of fifteen to three thousand every single time which is pretty nice kind of like it kind of cool i guess i like it a little bit but but all right i'm not i'm not sure that i fully understand what they're talking about here but the shrapnel shot can now gain um external buffs so i think that they mean that you can like make shrapnel shot better by alchemizing it uh i don't know if i want to test that out right right this very instant but it seems like that's probably what's going on in here i'm guessing you know if we can uh shoot from one to the next one i mean that seems like a pretty fantastic buff if you ask me i mean we want to actually alchemize snipers now all right all right that's kind of cool normally you wouldn't want to do that that much but what's what's interesting is the bouncing bullet does not receive external buffs so this guy's just kind of stuck where he is oh wait excuse me external bluffs to the number of bounces so we can still actually alchemize this guy but we can't do it to uh the number of bounces all right i mean that seems fair if we're still getting uh elk buffs over here for this guy this might actually be a really good new strategy um but what's interesting here is this is what this is what's going on guys this is this is where it's all about uh the bottom path oh no the fully auto rifle if you knew one thing without a rifle you knew that it could hit lead balloons no longer can this guy hit lead balloons but what's even crazier is no longer can this guy hit lead balloons the reason why they change this is a hundred percent because i made a video a while back where i just spammed uh either one elite defender up to shrapnel shot here uh using some sort of village technique with a few under extra dollars and i beat deflation on every single map with just one strategy percent i think that's when you did this they did not like that video or they realized that uh this guy was just too good or in addition to that one of the other strategies that you could use was just to use two two four snipers now what's hilarious about this is i was actually in the process of making a video about deflation that i was going to sort of go back and show you guys that it's still possible you should still do this is an easy way to make monkey money and now it's no longer possible so uh thank you digikey before destroying my video ideas all right really quickly about buccaneers i don't have water on this map but they're such simple things it just doesn't matter long range gains plus one pierce two buccaneer uh projectiles actually giving you a reason to go for the longer range and the camera detection on this guy instead of just always going top path middle path combo um crow's nest is going to give you that camo prior priority prioritization filter very difficult to say by the way uh which is nice gives you a reason to actually get that and then the favorite trades no longer stacks the sellback rate buff to other towers so you can't do any sort of weird farm selling favored trades combo things that make you make extra money more than you should have oh hot diggity dog we had some crazy monkey ice changes as well i wouldn't i wouldn't necessarily say super crazy but there's so many of them it's like they really wanted to almost rework the monkeys in its entirety uh what we're gonna see is that the fighter plane missile pierce all right uh on this guy right here is increased from three to four the operation dart storm disappears remains at four though the fighter plane missile piers increase from three to six when you get a an exploding pineapple there is a reason to go for this guys i've always going for that bottom path the missile radius increased from 30 to 34.5 i'm getting the exploding pineapple so again another reason to go for this guy and then the uh appears to increase from four to six on a four one zero so uh it's weird because a four one zero to three one zero both have the same pierce on um on these guys when you do get the exploding pineapple on this this guy so it's kind of weird that they left it like that but i think they thought operations not that expensive but at the same time i'd be like well why not just spam fighter planes at that point man just get like three or four fighter planes there's no reason to go operating start storm almost at all but that being said we still have to go a little bit deeper here because now we move up to the sky shredder the missile piercing grease from five to seven when you get a uh exploding pineapple and that's it for this set of towers but we still gotta worry about the bottom path the monkey aces all right now let's talk about the spectre so this is uh the other kind of wild changes going on with this guy they're not that drastic but at the same time they're almost reworking this guy and how he's going to actually function in your game one thing you got to keep in mind that the the spectre does have two different types of attacks it's got the darts and then it's got the bombs and basically they're getting just a change to how they work so the dart damage is going to be increased from two to four doubling it but the pierce is reduced from 30 to 15 having that so we're doing more damage we're going through less balloons now the bomb damage the ceramics increase from three to five but the pierce has reduced from 60 to 30. again we're increasing our damage but we're lowering the piers so we do more damage or uh doing more to the the higher tier balloons but we're going through less of them overall now what's interesting here is that when we finally get a one four every or excuse me a zero one for an exploding pineapple uh the pierce has bruised from 60 just to 45 and the bomb radius is increased from 20 to 23. so this changes it a little bit to make the exploding pineapple again a more viable option for us we might want to go for a random spy plane spectre this might be a reasonable thing to go for and then just buff it up a little bit with some juggle drums and an alchemist and you might actually have a pretty darn good tower over here i'm kind of excited to see if this guy's gonna be a worthwhile tower to go for there's almost too many changes for this to go through but we gotta go over it guys we're talking about the support chinook um again very similar to the sniper upgrades they decided that they don't like how random this stuff is they did not like the way the cooldowns work they decided that now we're gonna make the cooldowns a little bit longer up to 90 seconds but now our money dropped is definitely 1800 bucks instead of between and 1000 to 2000. in addition the amount of lives that we gain from a drop is going to drop down to only 10. that's pretty low from 50 75 to 10. that's pretty rough man and then uh quick changes here for the fifth tier uh we're gonna be dropping 4 500 bucks and 25 lives which is pretty cool also i should mention they do drop them together so now you actually get both things at the same time instead of just um one thing or the other so that sex should affect a lot of challenges that you have to like use two of these guys in a row or something like that could be weird again with the war on the abilities they really really really really did not like people's stall farming so uh they you know the moab shove had one thing to do it just it shoved moabs a little bit now we added a random missile onto this guy that's supposed to like help pop the mower up so you can't just stall forever it's not very powerful though so i'm not sure what the point of this thing is it's just me it doesn't really change much at all but i guess it is what it is and then the uh oh i see what they did okay so they made it so it can go through 10 different moabs at the same time so it can go through quite a few of these guys um if you want it to but at the same time it still doesn't really do that much but still pretty decent against grouped moabs especially in the later part of the game here then when you finally get up to the uh comanche defense the uh missile pierce is gonna go to 30 and the damage up to three so actually not a terrible addition to the game you know i mean for not many other changes here we're just getting a small buff to both the third tier in the fourth gear and also again a war on the stall farming honestly one of the worst upgrades in the game i still think it's probably pretty stuff even with these changes i'm not sure if it's gonna be worth it but bernie stuff uh duration increased from three to three point seven five the tick interval interval reduced from 1.5 to 1.25 so you're still gonna need a pretty long time for these um blues to burn down but at least now it's a much more reasonable thing to expect i guess um it's better to show it off with higher tier balloons like pinks and blacks and whites and everything but you can see it's actually going to burn and it's going to last a pretty long time here it's going to do three layers of damage just as it currently is reasonable but it just takes so long to get this guy to work can't see it really working in my favor what's interesting here though is that they did decide to buff the blue incineration uh the interval is reduced from 1 to 0.75 and if you get that extra burning stuff monkey knowledge is 0.5 down to 0.25 now that is crazy i completely respect this change buckshot seems weak i probably still seems weak even with this change but you don't want to go too crazy with it the uh cooldown is reduced uh on each attack is reduced from 1.8 seconds to 1.5 seconds uh giving us about what about 10 more popping power or something like something like that um seems pretty reasonable but it's nothing insane i i guess in addition i guess another welcome change for me ray of doom is a tower that i don't use very often because obviously it's really expensive but also just doesn't really work well with a lot of your other towers so they changed this in a weird way they changed the damage from five to twenty five that's freaking insane right except what you got to watch out for is the moab damage reduced uh uh bonus moab damage is reduced from 20 to zero so that we just lost any of that that would have helped here at all and then the uh shock uh damage is increased from 15 to 20. so realistically all we're getting here is we're getting a smidge better uh damage against ceramics but we're not gaining anything else against higher tier balloons at all so realistically this guy if you do get him super ceramics and stuff will no longer be an issue at all but the mob still will not be super easy to pop or anything like that seems fair uh welcome change for me i know guys there's a lot of changes here but i have to go over them i mean there's just so freaking many i like to give my opinion on them too not just say oh this is the change uh maybe you guys don't like that but it's what i like to do so uh summon phoenix ability is going to have a uh ability uh cooldown reduced from 60 to 45. when you get them up to fifth year it's gonna be from 50 to 45. uh in addition the damage on the fourth tier is going to be increased from four to five and the ability pierce increased from six to ten so pretty wild changes on both of these uh wizards here both the fourth tier and the fifth year get a pretty major buff um the ball travel distance on the fifth tier here uh i never really understood this but it's from 180 to 250 so it's basically off the screen no matter what before it was like not off the screen no matter what i guess if you get it all over the corner here maybe he won't shoot it across the screen but hey whatever you want to do ninja kiwi whatever you feel like doing in addition this uh monkey sense upgrade does give us that camo uh prioritization filter as well which is kind of sweet uh what's oh my god look at this guys they finally did it they finally did it necromancer bonus grave after round 81 reduced from 7 to 13 to 7 to 10. oh crap man oh man that bonus grave was nice now it's down to just that measly little ten okay seems fair i guess it was a pretty freaking good tower so you better nerf the crap out of this ninja q he's still good he's probably still freaking amazing i'll be honest it doesn't look too much different to me but supposedly these are now smaller i guess supposed to be 25 smaller okay that seems different and weird but all right for the sake of visual clarity i get it i completely understand there's just so much going on here i don't think the planes were the issue though let's be honest here um i guess they're also maybe getting best with other projectiles as well like the blades and stuff like that let's see if we can get these guys uh in range over here um yeah maybe maybe those are a little bit small those little balls and things like that a little bit smaller there so all right i'll take it i'll take it you got uh what's weird here is i never i don't understand this i don't understand this at all this guy was not that great in the first place but for every reason the dark knight led ceramic slow down amount decreased from 100 to 90 that kind of sucks and the dark champion led slow down uh remains at 100 so for whatever reason they did not like that this slow ddt's as much as it did or something like that i i don't know master bomber flash damage increased flash bomb damage increase from 5 to ten so making him a bit stronger here kind of makes sense and uh we also get this uh nice little camo filter again this is a pretty cool change i really think that uh thorn swarm is no longer going to be the main druid cross path hard thorns now allows thorns to pop all blue types now this is really really really important specifically for ddts when using the open druid combo strategy ddts for whatever reason just kind of sneak through the druid strategy i don't understand why i guess the thorn swarm doesn't really allow you to pop leads as a bottom path druid even as an avatar of wrath it just does not seem like it does enough popping power uh but now when you got this guy with this guy the heart of the thunder is going to be better with this guy in the heartthorne's levels and pop every type of balloons that is going to be sweet for us now what's interesting is there's other druid changes here as well actually kind of a lot of druid changes going on the uh true the storm all right i mean they really wanted people to use the top path through us guys uh blowback distance increased from 33 to 100 uh the minimum 33 to 100 and the maximum from 300 to 200 so we're really kind of lowering the randomness of the game here he really wants to just throw it between 100 and 200 distance seems fair um got to do it guys got to do it the tornado radius increased from 13 to 16 so we're more likely to hit the random balloons kind of coming in here there we go whoa hitting blues guys it's nice super storm got a price decrease heck yeah baby 90 to 80. i'll take that any day of the week man super storm it's one of those weird towers you almost never use and because it's too expensive just can't get it a real game now we have a reason to get it kind of a weird change here but i completely accept it the druid uh vine grab now drops of spiky thorns on the map here so if we uh set up some balloons over here you can see it's gonna drop a random thorn and like as it's uh grabbing things it's also going to like pop some balloons a little bit here it's it's really not bad you know it's pretty cool actually i i generally like this um it really feels like this guy's gonna be an actual tower that i'm gonna want to build to pop balloons rather than build him to try to get a jungle bounty or something like that so i really really really like this change i think that's really gonna make me want to use this guy a lot more often here it's got a damage of one and a piece of 30. so it's got a pretty significant amount of pierce that it can do a lot of extra popping power just kind of all around the uh the place for the fourth tier we actually get some pretty awesome changes here guys uh jiggles bounty again ninja kiwis on a war against those uh farm to layer people they they don't like them they hate them i don't know why but they just they absolutely hate disgust that type of strategy so what they decided to do was now allow jungle's bounty to hit two balloons at once so now you can see if we send out a bunch of purples in here you can see we're gonna not only grab two blues at once but now we have these random thorns i can kind of just jump all over the place i love this man this is freaking awesome in addition it still can make money it's not like it doesn't make money anymore but the ability cooldown is reduced from 40 to 60 but in that sense it also changes the amount made from 200 to 240 so it evens out a little bit and makes more money per farm in its radius so it seems like you can go with a little bit less druids if you want to and just kind of get them going where you need them to but there still is that three minute timeout thing so you can only use it once per round basically um so keep that in mind when you're using these guys don't think that you're gonna be like getting six abilities per round or something like that just ain't gonna work oh my god all right the banana farms man i did not think they were gonna change banana farms they have not changed banana farms in quite a while um they they change banks like a minute to mount to stop monkey knowledge from working but other than that they really don't touch banana farms very much so uh this is gonna be interesting this is cool uh the bank before freaking terrible to use but uh now the um bottom path three two zero three two bank is going to collect at the end of the round and fills with no delay so automatically making money with this guy makes it a much more valuable tower to use in fact probably one of the most efficient banner farms to use at this point just getting a zero three two farm and just kind of letting it ride never touch it just give me my money and we'll move on with our lives it's great but they decided that uh the bottom path doesn't make any sense easy collect kind of sucked balls and then you know there's almost no point to going for the banana salvage so it was like unless you're going to for a marketplace you just you didn't buy these they didn't they wanted to change that so the easy collect now uh salvage has been asked for 50 if uncollected so for whatever reason you're not paying attention at least you'll get some money back um for those lazy mofos that don't use banana farmers and suck at the game too and now banana salvage uh is increasing 50 to 85 so realistically if you get this upgrade you just don't even collect your bananas you're still making a pretty good amount of money i mean 85 man it's not bad this also increases the farm's sell-back rate from 70 to 80. so if we do decide to sell you know marketplaces or something like that we're actually getting a decent money back for it um compared to the other banana farms so selling these guys is gonna be more efficient which is kind of weird but kind of makes sense and then uh last thing here is that the monkey wall street now also generates 10 lives per wrap okay sweet all right so some weird changes there but uh i guess welcome from me man the last of the oh the second to last second second to last tower all these towers man they've got a lot of changes here uh we've got the perma spike pierce increased from 80 to 90. so making the purpose bike again a much more valuable tower um a bigger stacks uh perma spike a much more valuable tower instead of requiring you to go this middle path upgrade with fast production uh still not sure which one i want to go for but that makes it probably almost even now it's like which one do you really want to go for i don't know go with whatever one you want and then the superminds oh baby superminds price decrease from 162 to 150 it's still really ridiculously expensive so i don't really know what's going on here but uh any which way this guy's pretty cheap and the small explosion pierce increase from 20 to 30. got a lot of uh a lot of reason to get these guys look at that oh i thought that was like a new projectile it's just an old one on top of a new one it looks really cool though i like it all right guys a monkey villages we've got small change to the monkey village here and then a few uh hero changes which i'm not going to talk about much so the primary expertise cooldown buff for primaries was increased from 10 to 20 percent so there's a reason to get primary expertise now instead of just chilling with primary mentoring um 20 seems like a pretty good number you know now for using something like a mouse drum or something like that in addition with this guy we might be able to get some pretty fast cooldowns going over here guys we like combine this guy with an energizer we might actually have almost infinite strom infinite stromage i'm kind of excited to see how how close we can get to that because look at this school downs back to right about there is where we got it to and we could use it again probably use it like two or three times per round on this thing pretty freaking crazy man all right ben level through biohack no longer picks paragons as valid targets great zealy zealy has some weird changes and she's a little bit stronger they basically did not want to have um stacking be an issue with the zealy because her a lot of her attacks kind of had to stack on top of each other to be worthwhile so no longer will that be an issue now her damage is just generally stronger because she can hit balloons more regularly uh anyways if this helped you guys out at all make sure you press that like button for me make sure you subscribe i know there's a lot of changes to the game here guys hopefully this is going to help you guys out a little bit and understanding what's going on here but these are this is a huge update this really is one of the biggest updates i've ever seen and some of the most changes that i've ever seen in this game even though they are usually kind of small changes they still will change the way you play the game so thank you guys so much for watching and of course have a super duper delicious day
Channel: SJB
Views: 140,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloons, tower, defense, sjb, superjombombo, aliensrock, isab, btd6, bloons td 6, bloons td battles, best strategy
Id: hfqENrIq7kQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 53sec (2033 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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