The Ritz Christmas Afternoon Tea London

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how does it feel is it squidy yeah oh yeah  okay so we're going to dive into the cake   now that is a Christmas tree and a half  is afternoon tea in particular Christmas   afternoon tea a total ripoff or is it  worth it we are going to find out yes   today's video I'm meeting up with my sister  Natalie and we're going to go to the Ritz the   world famous ritz for a Christmas afternoon tea  but first i'm at claridges it is a pretty grey   and Bleak day today but their Christmas  tree is up so let's go and check it out out every year clares does a Christmas tree  that is in collaboration with some kind of   artist or designer and this year is Louis  Vuitton my Gosh it is popping up in here   look at the staircase it's stunning love it  very modern different interpretation of a   Christmas tree I guess lots of silvered silver  luggage boxes which is pretty cool yeah it's a   wonderful beautiful staircase but you can  always come in here and have a look and it   smells amazing in here and yeah they have all  these pictures with Royals and famous people   who have stayed here but definitely a good  one to have lunch in I have visited before   and I've done a vlog on it but they've  got a few Christmas trees oh wow just   in the the kind of side part of the hotel I  always love the floor in here but yes fancy hotels now very quickly if you're new to my  channel I'm Hannah hi I live in London and I   like showing things in London I love it here and  all things christmy so every Friday and Tuesday   over the next few weeks in December I will be  doing like vlogmas but not vlogmas because I'm   only doing it twice a week so make sure you  are subscribed and I guess Silver Linings of   it being very Bleak it's so dark and dingy today  guys least it's not raining as you can see some   of the decorations and fex looking very nice and  sparkly there with some old school tinsel oh let   me show you the little cafe I love an old school  truck like that but yes it will be open later we   are a little bit early and there's a little cafe  outside which is it's always a nice one to people   watch such a simple technique but yes the lights  aren't on but imagine them all right ibly won't be   able to show you this at night so imagine them  all lit up so this is new Bond Street always   a good one for a mooch and it has all like the  fancy shmancy shop so we're going to have a look   up towards the Cartier store Ralphs and then we  will head on to the ritz I love a Garland around   a window those look so cool oh look at Loewe with  all their little penguins that's so cute oh I   wonder what else we've got down here some of the  brands do go all out the world famous sotheby's   Auction House wow look at this like foliage oh  my gosh Sothebys always reminds me for one thing   or one thing only Only Fools and Horses when they  get the pocket watch and it's worth millions and   they get into their little yellow Robin Reliant  oh Gucci I quite like that they are starting to   lean a bit more into their iconic Hardware that  shape there a couple of d-rings and next time   you're in the queue for Primark don't don't worry  cuz even if you're a millionaire billionaire and   you want to shop at heres there's a queue for  Hermes as well that is absolutely Bonkers but   yes this does make for a really nice walk oh  what have we got here Chanel and Dior they're   always good ones oh wow look at Chanel with the  gigantic jewelry hanging off the end the side   of the building even that's so cute I like that  it's not particularly Christmasy but I do like   it Dior showing off over here Dior always does an  exceptional job they've really kind of pushed the   and Christmas decorations over the last couple  of years especially that overlay that they did   at harrods but look at that absolutely stunning  and yeah coming on a grey morning you can still   get to see some of the decoration fancy Florist on  the end always has the most stunning displays look   at the little wreaths or wreaths I keep saying it  wrong in videos what am I like got got a bit of a   lisp at the moment but yes very nice I count the  hours and minutes till the last week of December   for me the Christmas Spirits flow as early as  September so you do have another Chanel store   this is like the jewelry area now but the  one that everyone wants to see oh the van   has parked in front is the Cartier store they  did have a bit of a musical show last year so   if you're coming down at night there's often  music A vibe down here grab yourself a coffee   and yeah look at all the beautiful decorations  and and then I always praise this place in a   coffee place it's really good they have really  really good coffee so aside from Christmas I'd   recommend it and if you're lucky you can get  a seat outside and watch the World go by it's   a very festive thing to do and then you've got  Boodles over there as well looking fabulous but   yeah I would really recommend this as part of a  Christmas walk and the Ralph tree as well it's so   stunning I don't think we're particularly early  Tiffany usually put something up but really late   so if you come maybe they'll have something  we are all about Christmas foliage this year   look at look at this O Let's have a look down  Burlington arcade oh it's like what Clementine   spice very [Music] nice and there's lots of little  like coffee places there's another one down the   end get your shoes shined there we go very old  school so Burlington arcade is as you may have   noticed mainly male shops gentleman shops that's  been around for a very long time but I love these   wreath they're really cool ooh I really want to  get a black pair of the flat Manolo blanhnik shoes   I've got them in nude and they're really really  comfy so I would highly recommend and one of our   faves I have to show this we are going to the Ritz  don't worry guys this place is absolutely stunning   it's like a little golden oh you got see with the  windows little shop Nat just said that these look   like soap Nat's here hi she is obviously joining  afternoon tea and look at these cakes yeah maybe   pause this video and go get yourself a snack guys  wait how much are these like oh gosh I really need   to start wearing my glasses can you read that  about a tener don't know they are beautiful and   yes 270 I have done a video on selfridges where  I show the store I don't know what order I've   done these but the packaging off the painting  on the window old school which brings us to piccadilly oh typical now it's so Sunny how did  that even happen I didn't see that happening   that's crazy but yes we are outside the world  famous Ritz we did come here in February which   was like a life time ago but let's have a look  at the Christmas [Music] decorations oh it looks   so festive it's really lovely I think that you  do same decorations every year but yes it's a   nice little Corridor very busy ooh fancy ride  but yes we're going to have a look at all the   decorations inside this is a Christmas specific  afternoon tea but as I said earlier you can come   into um most of the hotels and have a look I went  into clares just before we came by the way just   so you know yeah I the Christmas tree but yeah I  did look online and apparently you're not allowed   to go into the Plaza Hotel in New York oh really  yeah you have to be has it always been like that   I don't know so let me know in the comments  is that true my gosh we hungry now but look   he polishing the banisters this is bougie guys  let's have a scoot in morning everyone [Music] well oh my gosh now that is a Christmas tree  and a half got to zoom in hopefully the iPhone   15 it's not the best camera I've realized oh look  at this get you in festive mood yeah it's really   cold outside Nat's got a puffy coat on I got my  Wooly coat on oh look and it smells incredible   in here those bows like I said we did come here a  while ago and you guys love the videos but I feel   like I didn't really show everything I well  I try to but there are these beautiful little   kind of glass display cabinets there isn't a shop  or anything like that but if you go in to I guess   guest services and that's just having a little  pre mooch they do have lots of kind of touristy   bits that you can buy oh there we go we'll quickly  scoot through the cabinet so everything was what   like 20 to 50 give or take so if any of those  take you fancy just asking guest services are   super nice about it so if you want to get like  a little mug I will be honest we got the candle   and I thought it kind of smelled like soap so  wouldn't recommend that I don't know you like   yeah no it's nice for a display yeah maybe not one  that you want to actually use yeah it wasn't great   but obviously the other knickknacks look quite  nice but let me show you the other decorations   have a scoot round on her stuff we like bag  ladies today we've got things to do after   this turn closes captions on nat is sorting her  hair out we have we're the kind of people that   have like crazy partings that don't work but yes  there obviously is a dress code so it is smart we   just dropped our stuff off in the cloak room which  is free you get a little dangly thing but I've got   this dress that I bought from self portrait they  have really good sales by the way guys and then   Nat's got on a cute cardigan as well from self  portrait oh super nice very Chanel esque kind of   wish I bought that now I'm going be showing you  all the same stuff as last time but with a few   Christmas decorations a few little presents down  there there we go try and get the camera in focus   and they do have like I said those cabinets  showing some of the the goodies you can buy some of the cake bits of it random we'll show  you in a minute I'm not sure it goes they've   gone really traditional with the gold and red  and then they've got these gingerbread houses   and these cake stacks and they're those pinky  like this well that's still red yeah I'm not   sure down not sure that fits yeah I do love  the traditional I was saying like everything   is gold and sparkly at the moment this year oh  look at the fairy lights warm lights everything   aren't yeah I told you I'm going to take you on  every step of this look at these lights and this   Corridor is magical I'm trying to do it with not  many people in the shop oh I'm excited it's so   festive in here they put they put a Christmas  tree in every one of the Planters yeah oh yeah   they have haven't they and they have these  gorgeous kind of panel there is I'm know an   interior connoisseur not sure some of you guys  will appreciate little gold details let me know   in the comments have you been to the one in Paris  someone commented the other day that we should go   to Paris now on the eurostar should we yeah just  do that do next weekend little chandelier moment   it's like the one you got from Laura ashley I'm  sure it's not sorry guys I'm trying not to film   people but yes there is this kind of like Lounge  area that you can get normal tea I guess if you're   a hotel guest oh we had a drink here last time  didn't we we did yeah let's walk through and was talking about these Planters oh was see  yeah they're cute with the mini crackers but   yeah the pinky macaron be is random  [Music] them oh wow it's so beautiful [Music] oh look at the teacup I've just seen that  panning shot without be talking for once Merry Christmas guys Merry  Christmas in the comments [Music] there's some like cozy seats they're usually  reserved understandably for guests people are   actually staying here not not people like me who  are just coming for afternoon tea everything is is   bigger than it looks everything so Grand it's  really nice in here and like it's not stuffy   I know people are saying it say it is bougie but  look saying that word are we looking at look like   these oh yeah they had fresh flowers here before  oh here's a sneak this is the restaurant that you   can go to they're just setting up but yeah this  is like I don't know their ground dining hall   I'm not exactly sure what it's called but  they often have a really good set lunches   and dinners by the way guys so if afternoon tea  is not your thing oh my God look at that brief   definitely come here you got be on it look at  that they're literally ironing the tablecloth   I mean we are at the ritz little drinks carts oh  I feel like this might actually be more of our   thing cute isn't it next time next time but yeah  they do have okayish you know this is a premium   hotel right and just a quick 60 seconds from  today's sponsor I know exactly what you guys   are doing you are looking up afternoon teas and  fancy Christmas things to do where you live I   know you are uh but before you do that make sure  you are doing it safely with the help of nordvpn   today's sponsor I know you have heard of nordvpn  they are the fastest VPN in the world and yes they   have this wonderful threat protection which is  going to keep you safe while you're looking up   things like cozy Pub lunches checking out menus  you know I love that maybe looking up a handbag   that you've always wanted to buy or looking  up Christmas presents to see maybe if they're   cheaper in another country or maybe a different  color is available other reasons I use a VPN is   also to watch my favorite shows from other  countries so we all have streaming Service   so you can virtually pop yourself I don't know  in Canada in America in Germany I don't know and   watch some shows that aren't available on your  UK stream or vice versa so the offer today is   a whopping 4 months for free on a 2year deal so  check out the link in the description below and   yeah if you're not sure don't worry about it  Nord Vin have a 30-day money back guarantee so   you can change your mind if you need to which  reminds me I was looking up what afternoon tea   is available at the Plaza Hotel in New York I  really want to go anyway back to the vlog[Music] amazing thank you very much I did ask us  to be like the outside so nat is in the bush Okay so this is the setup you have this  cute little teacup so many people ask like   where the stuff was made hold on let's try and  get it in Focus B China England exclusively for   the red sorry the low Lighting in here is pretty  dark the phone struggling but nice little knife   and for for your cakes and scone and for your  pastries I'll show you the menu in a second   don't you worry guys and the little sugar thing  you've got candarell and a little oh those are   probably going in people's purses I don't think I  showed the last one did I I don't remember those thank you and you got the little ritz  logo like etched on it I was going   to show you before I had of drinking it  but maybe you can kind of see it [Music] there so we are here for the Christmas specific  afternoon tea so it has a specific menu we like   the pearl of the card last time so let's have a  look I know you guys want to see this so the teas   you can pick one last time we were only allowed  one which is very strange for afternoon teas   usually get to try a couple we had the Royal ritz  last time so I might try something a bit different   oh the Christmas one in the middle there but it is  loose leaf tea I always say when you're shopping   in London in these places like fortnum Mason  always check you're buying tea bags or Loos leaf   in the UK 12 1/2% is the service charge that's  the tip if you're in America I think some people   still find that quite surprising but that will  be added yes this is £105 the normal afternoon   tea previously in the year did check we paid 70  so plus that 12.5% and then you can upgrade to   other drinks if needed including you can get a  non-alcoholic drink you have the smoked salmon   of lemon butter chicken and Chestnut stuffing  we also have the ham and mustard cucumber cream   cheese and egg mayonnaise with scones they'll  come a little bit later for traditional mince   pies and then your pastries you have the red  and cherry tart spiced chocolate finger and   then also the orange and Brandy shoe bun as  well later there'll be two other varieties   of cake as well ladies they'll come a little bit  later on our cake trolley okay I hope you enjoy   thank you my God we need to remember all the  additional cakes after additional cakes that   was a bit quick I didn't like that I'm going  to be honest with you like they like we've been   here like 2 seconds but when we've been before  do you do you not normally get the tea first I   don't know I kind of want to drink my tea but  anyway maybe maybe that's just our preference maybe literally in the bush here we are sorry  the lighting cuz it's dark I'm here my phone   struggling a little bit but yeah so they came  around with a drink really really quickly I don't   know I I think my expectations this is an hour  experience I think that's what it was last time so   in and out so they're kind of quite quick at doing  it so we got our drink which is included there   wasn't the option to not have a drink we didn't we  didn't want a drink but it is 105 as you saw with   one drink included so do check this I did actually  look I did look at quite a few afternoon teas and   they're all way way I was when did I book this  like August this was August booked and it wasn't   the time slot that we wanted either or the day  that we wanted so if you're watching this I said   this last time and I always forget I tried to post  it on my Instagram which is why you should follow   me on Instagram but yeah the crazy the highest  one I saw was the Dorchester which is a very very   premium Hotel on Park Lane that was I think it was  125 plus that 12 and half did they include a glass   of champagne I don't know but that you're getting  towards 300 quid for two people we'll see whether   this is worth it it smells christmasy now we have  our tea though we' both gone for the Christmas tea   as you saw the tea has a ride and they did pour it  for us which was we did my own last time that they   didn't pour a tea cuz we kind of like that it's  a nice thing to to do yeah we weren't really sure   whether we were supposed to be though that was  the awkward part yeah and like how long you brew   it for so we've got the Christmas tea I'm going to  try it without so black and then a little bit with   the milk they came with milk and then extra hot  water and everything has got this little is it a   lion which is the logo of the Ritz and we have  been given we just wanted to have a bit of tea   before our cakes came oh my gosh this is amazing  the orange I don't usually like orange orange   apple and cinnamon is absolutely lovely are there  people singing outside it sounds like a carols [Music] [Music] so each table has got like a little  flower thing which is quite nice so let's   dig into the sandwiches okay it's time to dig  into the food we're going for that second one   cheddar cheese and Chutney on tomato bread cuz  that's the first one and if you watched the last   video wasn't the best was it it was stale and it  had like no chutney in last time what would we   like I'm just guys you got to understand we're  critiquing this based on it being how much is it but sandwiches and cake so yeah let's do the  filling check oh we have Chutney this year oh   well this was a early year I'm not going to open  it but it looks like we have got chunk this time   it was a bit thin on ground last time but it  feels oh now that is a good sandwich this is   delicious so much better than last time you  can actually taste the Chutney it was a bit   crunchy last time a bit kind of reduced to  clear label nothing wrong with the yellow   label sandwich actually people are not going to  know what that means what does that mean reduced   reduced cuz it's going out to date I'll show  you again this time they do put the serviette   down for you oh it's not coming out not coming  out there is a beautiful design with the ritz   on the napkin which is very special Scottish  smoked salmon with lemon butter on sourdough how does it feel is it squidy yeah oh yeah feels  good oh wow that salmon is amazing someone asked   me to open all the sandwiches that sourdough is  beautiful oh she guys it just like dumped out of   my skin so we set wear this plant pot which is  very nice I thought there was like a mirror I   thought it was a miror I thought there was like  where that lady was sitting down I thought there   was like a cat in the bush or something oh my God  okay I'm just going to drink my tea and be quiet   okay ready for the next one yeah we've got chicken  with Chestnut and Sage stuffing on malt bread so   in the UK we love something that we like to call  a Christmas sandwich I think a lot of Americans   I know Americans will be watching this it's more  of like a Thanksgiving leftover sandwich but yeah   you in all the supermarkets you can get like  a version of a Christmas sandwich good I like   the stuffing really nice feel like it needs  something a little bit sweet you know like a   cranberry no it's just chicken and stuffing just  chicken and stuffing okay it's very Savoury let's   give it a go it's beefy I mean it's big not beef  obviously yeah you're right it's a really nice   little sandwich but it seems dry because often  whether do you have chicken or turkey it was   usually turkeys you would have obviously cranberry  stuffing cranberry sauce in there and like I said   whether you go to Tesco Sainsbury's pret I can't  think of any other places everyone that does   Christmas sandwiches and Baguette or whatever  they always have yeah sauce in it so I think   it needs a bit of sauce just saying I wouldn't  rate that one too highly but just needs a dash [Music] something so a little plate of more sandwiches  just did you order these no so we've only had   like we're trying to pace ourselves we've had  three sandwiches and they bought another okay   quick one these are free these are included  this is in the price this is the number one   question you get afternoon teas the ones that  cost I would say more than £50 to be honest   cuz you already paid for the sandwiches you can  ask for a full tray of the ham ones a full tray   of the salmon ones if you wanted I reckon how  many refills could you prob not you personally   but for Price perspective I you can get three  or four refills if you went for it so if you're   a fast Sandwich eater you could pie quite a lot  that wasn't a very lady like think that you can   pie the lot but no cuz people will say like oh do  you get two the same places savoy claridges like   all those Bougie ones that are like 50 to know 105  at Christmas yeah you can have yeah I reckon you   can have three or four trays of just the savory to  start with the scones come later people always ask   that same with the cakes they're all refilled but  we'll get to that some point so we've got ham with   grain mustard mayonnaise on Brioche bread which  I think might have been the one that last time   I said was Tesco meal deal but so far sandwiches  are a lot better than we thought yeah and there's   I'll sing song out there little boogie Christmas  vibes actually very quickly people do ask about   dress code so this is a smart dress code men  have to wear jacket I made that mistake last   time if you don't have a jacket when these tables  are so close had a casualty on the flowers if you   don't have a jacket they basically have some in a  room for you like a p lost and found but I think   they're all so unfortunately guys you do have to  wear a jacket like a thin linen jacket even like   a Twill Chino fabric is good but yeah everyone's  a bit more dressed up this time I like it yeah it   was a little bit casual last time and you wanted  to your outfit to be special yeah you're beautiful   dress kind of bit tight after these sandwiches  like ready and they are finally coming around   and Topping up the tea which is really nice that's  a nice it's all these little things of in here a   bit bougie isn't it thank you and this is like  the softest bread ever so very impressed with   this in a big big chunk of ham what do we have  next all right our last traditional sandwich we   have got started we haven't even started the  No I know my goodness we've got cucumber and   cream cheese dill and mint on Granary bread how  does it feel okay yeah I haven't quite eaten all   my sandwiches and pasting myself guys and know  ooh oh that's a healthy slab stuff looks nice   I do love a cucumber sandwich and then last we  have the egg and Cress on a Brioche bun a lot of   places do this so it's kind of the standard combo  sandwiches okay so we're going to dive into the   cakes which I can't remember I can't remember  either and it doesn't say so surprise so let's   have a look at these absolute Beauties we'll cut  them in half don't worry we love a cross-section   no pressure nat it's like last time cut it oh  look at that that I'm not totally sure what was   it a cheesecake well I can't remember Dome or  something I'm not sure it is now I'm not sure   it is cheesecake it looks it looks beautiful  though and then I have cut in half this little   chocolate something or other let's dive in your  scone as well I hope you enjoy okay thank you   this little chocolate moment is amazing how is  your little festive dome absolutely lovely so   nice so yeah as you put a team they brought the  scones out I think this is the only place where   they don't wrap them in like a thing to keep it  warm oh they singing out there and yeah clotted   cream and did you see the little Ritz branded  China yeah super cute but yeah the trolley the   trolley is over there oh well you get even more  cake actually hold on we've got little little   minced pies hiding oh they're warm and now I'm  going to have the little chop bun and it's got   ritz branding on the little chocolate which is  cute guys this looks amazing and the crack of   the chocolate was beautiful that little shoe on  10 out of 10 oh my God it's amazing so light this   is way better this is better than last time if  you haven't watched last videos the last video   when was at in February yeah we gave the overall  thing like 7 and a half 7 and a half the service   already has been way better they weren't rude  or anything else a more like on it pouring your   teas they even said I know they bought the they  already singing that in the background goodness me   it is a loud one by the way I said this last time  there's no carpet it's super loud especially with   a whole Choir but anyway I'm can't remember  what I was going to say but yeah so far the   sandwiches and the service generally has just  been a little bit more premium [Music] [Music] thank you a quick one as it's December shout  out to all the December birthdays happy birthday   birthday in a couple of weeks so you happy  birthday during Christmas happy birthday that   was spiced something and that's this was something  spiced we couldn't quite hear the man but yes he   has got the little trolley but it doesn't quite  fit through in his corner it's absolutely fine   like how thick the icing is oh she's thick we're  going to be we're going to be thick after all this   food okay what we going for first this is the  question that I always put in these videos do   you put Jam or cream first so Devon I this right  Devon is cream first and the of cream that you   get has got that like proper like crust crust  it must there must be a technical name for it   so cream first and then the jam was it raspberry  jam strawberry jam I don't know we'll find out   in a minute won't we we'll find out or are you  a Cornish person and you go Jam first and then   cream but anyway I'm going to make mine up I  might do one half with one and one with theother [Music] oh I haven't done that very well sh sh don't  even comment I don't want to hear it I'm going   to delete you if you comment on on have a go  at me for my jam and cream skills there we go   oh my yeah that's not this isn't elegant  at all is it let's put a little bit more oh comment below which way you have it also can  you give this video ding a thumbs up I know why   you say this but it really helps the video and it  also helps people who are subscribed to actually   see the video because the YouTube algorithm is  very oh with the fork yeah yeah yeah cuz look   oh yummy we're going to go to fortnum after and  get a box cuz I bought a box of petit four it was   only four and I've eaten them already actually  even though we're some people like to go savoury   sweet sweet savoury whatever you can ask for more  of all of this I think the Posh cakes on the top   I reckon you can probably get two or three yeah  just saying and you cannot take sandwiches home   with you because they've got meat and what not  in they most often won't let you take sandwiches   for health and safety reasons but cake you can  take we just sat here chatting away look at this   light me zoom in a little bit more oh my gosh the  detail in here I prob not going to come across   the camera done my best but oh this head sorry  about that mate look at all the little flowers look at all of this detail anyone knows much about  this I do apologize can't say I know much about   the interior here but there kind of antiquey  pink coloration up there is white something   so the music comes on the piano is playing it's  loud and it's quiet so even though it is loud is   not horrendous I know some people don't like loud  but yeah you've got the little light everywhere   around the room see last time we sat really  close and now we're like the scones what do   you think I absolutely loved it yeah yeah really  good they were nice we at them they they weren't   quite as warm by the time we got to them they  don't wrap them well they don't wrap them as   well as you said thing I would say yeah if they  could wrap them in like a napkin thing that that   would been that would have been a real bonus  absolutely delicious the cream the jam the jam   is amazing is it strawberry think so yeah think  yeah this so far we nearly done has been better   than I thought it' be it's been a real Step Up  compared to last time and not just because it's   a Christmas theme everything has been everything  I think has been better don't you yeah so what's   the Christmas element layer on so like I said  it's £70 normally it might gone up 75 they've   all really gone up um so it's 75 normally this is  105 it includes by default glass of fizz glass oh   my God sorry we have a very quickly the tables are  quite near like where we're at but this flipping   flower is being knocked off twice already now so  every time someone walks fast I'm like oh mind   the flower the glass of Fizz the value is like  20 and then yeah you're paying like an extra 15   oh look at that fast maths christmas decorations  the music the carol singers slightly Cr nearly   went over again lightly Christmas themed cakes  Christmas tea being available mince pie and a   little mince a couple of mince pies you do get two  traits cakes from the trolley at Harry Potter we   did how many did we get last time was it just was  it two it's just their Christmas theme this time   yeah so we'll see I would I'm going to say I think  that when we get our doggy bag that there should   be a Christmas card in it just saying oh I'm just  saying if was in charge of the Ritz for a little   gingerbread man is that too much I think that  would be a really nice little like pie off you   go but here's a Christmas card the team I'm not  sure I'm not sure we will but what's yeah I still   think it's a smidge smidge expensive for what is I  think it should be at the moment we shall see food   out of 10 9 out of 10 yeah I would agree with that  they just need a little bit of something in that   Christmas sandwich that's it atmosphere oh 10 out  of 10 10 out of 10 thank you get for the bill yeah   10 out of 10 I would I'd say some people probably  give it just cuz it is quite noisy but we need go   into this so it's basically it's a hard floor  it's not carpeted and a lot of afternoon teas   and hotels are crafted so it just depends whether  it's your Vibe um service oh 10 out of 10 yeah 10   out they've been fantastic 10 out of 10 really  nice by the way it's not snooty it's not stuffy   it's just like a little like little bit prim and  proper but that's what you're kind of signing up   to total 9 out of 10 9 out of 10 yeah yeah you  don't have to ask for a doggy bag this is not   something that usually happens in UK restaurants  by the way guys but it is totally okay look at   the size of it oh my God got to carry that home  yeah you can have it girls love that my nieces   will love it is included so that's why you kind  of want to get as much as possible physically on   your table cuz then you can take it all you're  welcome I hope they enjoy them anyone in the   comments do you want to maybe you know oh it's a  clean one this time I feel like we had a really   grubby One Last Time right so oh my gosh no I'm  joking we knew how much this was going to be so   yes we're in the Palm Court we had a few different  servers we've been here an hour and a half yes I   did film this a couple of weeks ago an hour and  a half but they are saying to people right the   service has ended so I would say though now you  could get here a good 15 20 minutes earlier than   your slot so say your slot is I don't know I'm  going to make a time up half past one I reckon   you get here at like 10 past one and then let you  in we were actually one of the last people to be   seated because I was being really slow and taking  photos but we were dead on our our slot at 11 two   Christmas afternoon teas 210 plus service yes so  £235 thank you for dining at the Ritz London we   were saying we did I did request on my booking you  can just type in a request that sitting around the   edge is really nice time got 2 46 I think that's  the biggest table so yeah if you can get ask if   you want to be in a two I would recommend the  outside we were sat in this seat last time which   is cute I don't feel like these fit in yeah I see  what you mean but yeah it doesn't really all work   in the photo oh no oh look the animals at the  top I feel like we can like take a second to   look a bit of the decorations owls have got Little  Gems in their eyes smell amazing in here yeah it does right we're going to scoot Into The  Powder Room people quite like seeing this   last time got the the little paintings  which honestly last time some people   really did not like so yes these toilets  did bring out quite a little debate last   time we filmed them some people said  that they were beautiful some said   that they were really old fashioned and  tacky so let me know what do you think Christmas shopping to do oh look at that tree  that's mental isn't it get that in my house   not yeah my stairs right let's have a look at  these little knickknacks and do you want to get   something out oh let's have a look oh there's no  one up here oh yeah they have little like boxes   like hampers I don't remember oh you can buy  all the little set yeah so they're definitely   branching out on the merch who you can actually  see it but yeah you can see it properly you can   get two little flutes there that are other  there we go in the cabinet as well but it is   one of those things where they're not going to  whack prices on everything that's really nice   beautiful like I'm going to have a look yeah I you  could buy crazy that's probably a couple hundred   quid to be honest okay I'm waffling on now but  yes we do have a playlist where nat and i have   gone to lots of we done got a few now we have  now yeah tea or little like lunches out so we   can have a bit time together but yes make sure  you're subscribed to see more Christmas videos   in London or maybe you're watching this in 2024  and just getting into a christmasy Vibe like the   video I'm tired now full of carbs full of carbs  we're going to go to the shops and we will see   you next week or this week Tuesday and Thursdays  at 600 p.m. through December Merry Christmas or   happy birthday oh yeah both whichever one  or both and I will see you soon bye guys
Channel: Hannah Ricketts
Views: 718,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: things to do in london, free things to do in london, london, london tourist, london guide, london tour, london parks, london tips, travel guide london, tourist, london vlog, anglophenia, anglophile, travel vlog, travel day, uk food, uk vlog, London 4k, London travel, London street, moving to london, London walking tour, uk vlogs, London walk, London vlog, vlog, travel 2023, vlog 2023, London 2023, luxury, shopping vlog, shopping haul, lifestyle vlog, English, learn english
Id: atWp4j8DQyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 34sec (2374 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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