Is this the Cheapest Dawless Setup? // Nothing but a PO33, Track from Scratch.

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[Music] all right so i'm gonna attempt to make a track with just this now i wish that uh somehow this cable magically provided all the sounds i was going to use which in a way it kind of is but of course i'm going to be using my studio so immediately you might be thinking yo you're cheating you have all these sounds in the world but at the same time you kind of do too because you can use a lot of the sounds throughout all of my videos just as long as you're doing something cool with it i don't mind if you sample my videos as long as there isn't i don't know maybe get into some tricky water there if it's something that i've sampled that i probably shouldn't have but sample my videos as much as you want or another option of course i have the free db01 sample pack for the for this the baseline i made a free sample pack on that and i also just sell sample packs and merch and stuff like that at this site if you're interested in case you're wondering 10 of all profits go to help fight climate change all the shirts are made with 100 recycled fabric in case you're curious but anyway let's kind of uh let's make some sounds with this and um yeah i was going to do this earlier and then my internet died so i decided to make mac and cheese for a little bit so let's see i'm going to get some samples from splice just because it's easy and they got all the cords i already have drum samples on here that i've taken but honestly everything else is completely cleared out like if i were to hit sound i literally just have one two three four four little drum kits and this how how do i want to do this this is like a insane adapter situation here we'll do that into oh come on man into this look how crazy this is here real quick it's a quarter into eighth from eighth into two uh quarter female into a quarter male to rca female into male rca back to an eight [Laughter] quality 1000 still there radio shack special all right let's see what sounds we have [Music] that's kind of cool i literally just typed in chords in splies [Music] i like this one a lot and actually since my internet is a little busted i do want to use the sound because it's one of the sounds already put into my library so that'll work and actually fun tip i just realized um someone left a comment on one of my po videos i can't remember which one it is that you don't have to hold down record and whatever pad you want to record on indefinitely while recording um i always thought i had to like hold down record and the button to record but if you just hold down record and then tap what button you want so let's say i'll tap two and then i'll play this back cool stop that and yeah yeah as long as you hold down record it'll it'll keep it in there [Music] ah this is gonna be so good um and then for good measure let me get a sound from oh that's going to be the npc oh boy why don't i have pro 3 audio my appleton's giving me the spinning death ball awesome okay okay this is coming in on like what is it 8 19 please don't be too loud please don't be too loud all right yeah we'll do that so record i'll do a four let's say record [Music] sure that'll work right awesome all right sweet let's head over here and try and make a track with this oh man this table is so lonely look at this this is it honestly i could say that with something like this you have so much power when it comes to making music i mean just take a quick glimpse at dibiase's instagram this one and it's crazy what he does with this thing it blows me away actually reminds me i need my headphones because i mean you know with the sampler you're just good to go i mean sample whatever and then you have the internet or your phone or whatever you're watching this on you have more than enough to make all the music in the world all right so let's see so i'd say first and foremost at least for me when i'm making uh tracks on this thing i want to start with the drum sounds oh let me turn this up i'll go to 11 i like the kick in there yeah that one's cool so what's our tempo at uh oops i am in the wrong thing let's do swing and we'll do about five sure tempo i've been chilling lately let's keep it at like 117 if i can even get to it that's one thing that's kind of tricky about these knobs is they're hyper sensitive because they're so small [Music] sure easy oh that's the baseline [Music] okay so there's a little bit on the end there that i don't want so what i'm going to do is a reference to this video here which is where you can sample into the melodic tracks and then copy that sample from there to a drum track and it'll apply 16 perfect slices from the start between the start and the end point that is set this is how you can easily chop up samples it's incredible and a lot of times i love just sampling straight into this thing and just do like copying it over and then just seeing what happens because the way that the drum sample engines here work they will detect transients and they will add slices there but if you copy from the melodic into here it ignores that and just goes straight into just applying perfectly spaced uh sample slices so let me chop this little end point here we're gonna go to trim a little more so it's really small maybe there and i have the pitch sped up so it'll play faster hmm you know what i want to go a little less i swear this is the last time and if it's not [Music] okay so now that i've chopped this up the way i want all i'm going to do is hold down right sound and that's going to be flashing because that's the sound we currently have selected and i'm going to copy that to 14. so cool now if i go back to 14 here and we'll just play its chops [Music] it's almost there and it pitched it down [Music] so i have this chop here are some are kind of funky but what's great is that this is still one sample how do i explain this so this is still one sample and these different pads are just different parameter locks to that sample's attributes so four has a start point of right there but if i wanted it to be a little bit more on that blah blah or this one for example we can go to trim and i can move the start point you see those two little dashes watch this [Music] it's really sensitive though because these knobs really suck [Music] so this one i want just to be longer this one can be longer too okay so hopefully this works let's go to our drums again i accidentally erased um our drums a second ago so i'm just going to go ahead and just uh clear this pattern out and we'll take a new drum kit let's uh yeah this will work i like that super low key and i'll go to uh tone turn the volume up on that [Music] and then what else sounds we got in here [Music] okay just hold down right play that in so i'm gonna go to our sound [Music] honestly sometimes i love playing the tail end of the cord that just kind of has this little bit of movement going on um repeat repeatedly so like [Music] right this is kind of tight it's really quiet i like this okay so i like this a lot i'm going to save this as a pattern and we're gonna need to double this pattern so right pattern one is flashing copy that to two go to pattern one into two so now it's going to go down so now that that's done i'm going to go to our tone and turn the volume up on that and i'm just going to keep wiggling it because i'm just recording automation what does even louder sound like and now i'm gonna go to filter [Music] oh okay so now we still have our drum or our bass sign which is way too loud let me go turn that down and i sampled this with a filter completely open because i actually really like the filter sound on here so [Music] uh hold down record [Music] down same thing we can then say this is cool we'll take um this pattern one you can see one is flashing there i'm gonna copy one to here and then i need to go to two and right pattern and copy that there and now i can tie these two and i'm just going to add some more drum sound so we can say that one's cool so i'll say uh tune and then the volume of that way the f down cheesy stuff oh [Music] all right so what else do we have in here sounds cool ah that was clean [Music] i almost liked it twice maybe three times yeah let's turn some swing up on here [Music] okay okay so we're getting somewhere we'll go to pattern i'll go to one again and i'm going to write that and copy that here pattern six right copy that to here and we're gonna go tie this tie this and what is our kick drum right now this is our kick so we'll select that sound and i just want to remove the kicks [Music] all right [Music] so this is just like a little breakdown section [Music] and then if i really wanted you to end up doing to kind of maybe create some sort of a dramatic effect i'll say right pattern that one will go here pattern this one will go here boom boom and i will just clear out this drum track and i will clear those out and let me go to the second page ah okay cool so it's not going to work that way so we'll go here and now i want to clear these out i'll clear those out and we'll go to sound and clear all that out so now it should be just the synth part the baseline and that little percussion [Music] okay cool so i also want to clear out the baseline so same thing uh how the hell did i end up on seven eight i'm moving too fast for my own brain to work oh right patterns not sounds so i'm gonna go to sound our bass line here and see where these sounds are remove those [Music] cool so now i want to go to our actual sample track and i'm going to do like a little filter sweep up so we'll go to filter right there hold this down we're going to start low again and then i went into the high pass i didn't want to do that again we gotta wait for it to go around cool that'll work and then we can just go dang i want another sound in here i just don't know what like a little bit [Music] just like some weird thing i wish i could do more polyrhythmic things with this or adjust the um the pattern length i mean again you're kind of limited okay so what else can we do oh you know what we'll do what i like this pattern i'm going to write this pattern here and i'll write this pattern here i try to work in this weird like left right left right left right and these kind of become variations of this so like this would be an alternate breakdown this is an alternate main part i don't even know if this is the chorus or whatnot so while this is playing back we'll just go and select those two patterns go back to our sound but sadly the volume is going to be really loud on it [Music] that's cool [Music] so another great thing is record sound i can just copy that here and now we have this sound [Music] oh [Music] do i hear the voices choking you hear the kick drum just going away maybe i'm maxing this thing out so now let's go to our baseline [Music] that's cool same thing we'll go filter turn the filter up a little bit and then same thing we got this pattern here i'm going to say right pattern here and then go to this pattern write that one here go here select our kick remove all the kick drums let them play all the way through go to the second page [Music] dope and then little breakdown [Music] and back [Music] so then okay that's basically it super easy i've effin love this thing a lot it's so fun and like this is all you got make it work and you will make it work one way or another and just i use a thing on planes um traveling i mean r.i.p flights i use it traveling anytime i'm going anywhere that's like i'm going to be there for a little bit even to the laundromat i'll take this thing because i can sample things because it has a built-in mic if i wanted to just say uh yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo then watch it's gonna come back yeah there it is i'll put that one there and we'll put it there let's see what that sounds like a little cheesy what about here oh that was terrible [Music] yeah that'll work i mean how awesome is that that's really it so if i wanted to take this even further i i feel like i'm weirdly addicted to sample degradation and the destruction and i find that this can easily achieve that same with the octa same with most pretty i was going to say pretty digital samplers but all i mean find me an analog sampler i guess a tape machine kinda sorta anyway modern ones as long as they're kind of digital they're they can get pretty gritty so this one gets really fun if i were to go and say actually you know what let's let's let's um let's hear this back really quick just before i ruin it we got this pattern then the no kick [Music] and then the alternate oh that little bass line so what i would do is i'll say go here here here here here here here here here you hear e and then it will go here you hear me and then back into it so let's see where this is at right here yes okay so what i would do is because you can actually record those effects i'll say pattern this one copy that here pattern this one copy that there we'll go to these two or i'll just say f it we'll just go to this one and i'll say the baseline we'll get the baseline out of there and i'll just add let's say another percussive element okay so then i can find these effects and they kind of are rhythmic but are really strange [Music] i love that one so once i turn record on i'll see i hated that one i'll go ahead and erase that and then ah so then i'll say sound which is this sound here this is where i just completely destroy things and i'll go to tone and we'll just pitch this down [Music] and then keep the volume up filter up a little bit of resonance [Music] same thing back to the effects [Music] you can use these to just kind of trip things out so again if i like this pattern right pattern that pattern here and i'll just copy this new one bar pattern that i jacked up and have it be jacked up again on the second pattern but just i've just created two bar pattern basically if that makes any sense i'm getting ahead of myself [Music] yes this is so good and then let's see if we can find a baseline to match [Music] oh yo this is absolutely beautiful i'm gonna leave it at this it's always good to see you i appreciate you coming by thanks again if you want to support the channel you know what to do check out the uh this website but you being here is more than enough and i'll see you in the next one until then you already know the drill share the love share the knowledge [Music] you
Channel: Ricky Tinez
Views: 148,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ricky tinez, enrique martinez, ricky tines, po33, pocket operator, po 33, teenage engineering, pocket operator jam, pocket operator only, po33 tutorial, po 33 ko hip hop, po 33 sampling, po 33 tutorial, pocket operator ko, how to use pocket operator, how to use pocket operator ko, synth, drum machine, pocket operator street fighter, free sample pack, sample packs, how to sample music, how to sample music legally, po33 lofi, po33 lofi drum kit, po33 house music
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 18sec (1578 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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