Let's Make a Lo-Fi Track - Stepping Stones Tutorial - PO-33 *Free Samples*
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Gar Hoover
Views: 62,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PO, Pocket Operator, po 33, 33, TE, Teenage Engineer, po 12, po 14, po 16, po 20, po 28, po 32, po 35, ko, po ko, knock out, synthesizer, jam, synth, sampler, sample, cover, lofi, beat, remix, Tutorial, Beat, Let's make a track, LofI Tutorial, Po33, PO-33, po33 tutorial, tips, tricks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 47sec (3347 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2019
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