OP-Z Mega Tutorial - Level 1

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hello this is cuckoo today I'm getting up close to the camera because I want to show you something tiny it's huge it's gonna be huge but it's really small look at this this this is the ocuzi by teenage engineering it's really small as you can see doesn't even cover a cup of my beard it's very small and it's so slim as well I look at this yeah I want to show you how it works in this video but first before we go into detail just want to give you a brief overview so at first when you see this you can see a lot of buttons and some colorful and code is up here it might be a bit overwhelming at first like what what how does it work wait why isn't there a screen many of you might be asking yourself well you might be familiar with this this is teenage engineering previous flagship product and this is the new flagship product and they're gonna coexist there's two flagship products of teenage engineering well this has a gorgeous screen and is designed around the screen so everything is presented really well of that screen this doesn't have a screen and it's got many many powerful LED it's got an LED interface so if I'm turning it on like this this is the volume knob and the power switch we can instantly see that we get some led an LED interface come in here so the top row is the sequencer the second row is the keyboard like black and white keys if you hold this button up here P as in projects in pattern we can see that the information shifts this is the mixer buttons this is the tempo and stuff this is where you see the charge of the battery yeah this is a shift button has extra functionality this is pitch Bend now you can see on the LED that you you get some additional information on the LEDs so the LEDs is the screen for the most part and this is really really well thought through so once you get used to it you don't need the screen where the screen could be useful you can use little app here so you press this little button and the blue LED starts flashing which means you can connect it to the app currently on Apple phones and iPads and what you can do in the app is to get additional sound engines onto the machine you can also do visuals with the machine with with the app and where it's helpful in the beginning over the app I think is to understand what these means you see these little icons here these are step components in the sequencer which is very very rich and powerful and fun you can per step enter as many of these as you want to kind of alter the playback style and to repeat and to to do tricks on every trick which is really really fun and powerful I'm gonna show you in a bit but that when you have the app you get a brief explanation of every every step component but you can also use the little guide ok show you on the back side of the guide you can see an overview of all of those step components as well so so this is really helpful too cool yeah well let's get going shall we I don't want to make some music okay I'm gonna show you how to do stuff that's dead alright so here it is that episode it's really beautiful super nice design by teenage engineering really like how they put it together and look at this it's so thin like just putting a pencil there so for comparison it's slightly thicker than a regular pencil and packing so much power it's really incredible really and yeah so I'd like to go before I start demonstrating the actual soon I've made some no it's mostly for myself actually but might as well show you this is yeah there is a structure there is a structure of a sudden this is the opposite structure and if you see here let's put it there that's good yeah there is a structure here it's like zones user-interface zones like there's a zone here this Row is one zone another zone is this black row and this is a zone like that the lower part here this I'd say this is a zone and this one is on the side as a mic here these four buttons here that's a zone this is a zone like and if you divide it up into zones like user interface zones then I think it was so helpful to to understand the user interface because it doesn't have a screen but it has got a well thought through interface with lots of LEDs that show you what's going on so I'm not using the app much because I know this synth very well so I don't need the app that all all the LEDs in all of the buttons are the screen basically so yeah without Vince a let's go through yeah that's one thing I just want to show you here before I take the iPad away projects and patterns this is like a fundamental part of how you structure or the content of it so I'm gonna show you more in detail after I took the iPad away but there are 10 projects and each project has 16 patterns one project could be seen as a song but you can you know depending on how many patterns you use for a song perhaps you use like six or seven patterns for a song then you've got a lot of patterns left there so you can baking as much stuff as you want into a pattern oh sorry in the project and the only limitation of a project is that one project shares the same BPM so if you want to songs with two different bpm it's better to have them in two separate projects otherwise every pattern can have vastly different settings so yeah it's a lots of memory so that equals up to you 160 patterns in total every pattern has mute groups so you can store different mutes States basically in two groups has got ten groups ten music groups for pattern so every specific pattern can have like a different yeah array of mute remembered okay and this is really cool 14 chains per pattern sorry no that's wrong is per I'm gonna delete that project 14 chains per project this is really powerful it's very simple to to set up a chain which essentially becomes a sound like a song mode and you can have 14 chains in every project this is super powerful and very easy to set up and really dig it yeah I just wanted to show you this like before we get going to have this in the back room head so off you go the life ad and there we go so first of all let's connect it whereas the audio there is so it's connected here turn you up like so so as you can see this yellow thing here on the side this is where you turn it on this is the volume master volume and the power switch so there it's on I'm just gonna make some sound there we go let's go through the the user interface and try to iron out what the different zones are in the user interface to get a structure really early on now in this video um I was mentioning there is this is like one zone another zone and a third zone a zone here this is a zone this is a zone so that's distracted viola this is where the sequencer is this is also where you select what track you're on so if you are pressing this you select the track you want to work with if you don't press this this is like the track selection button and if you don't press this it's the sequencer so if I press play here now it's some kind of sequence running here and this particular tract is well on right now pressing this we can see we're on track this one called chord so the cool track doesn't have anything on it now there's a lot of other things going on I want to go to an empty pattern so by doing that I need to press pattern button the player by just holding that I can see that this other you know different information out on the LEDs so when oppressing that we can see that the pattern that I mean right now is this pattern it's flashing I can see that these are red means that these have pattern data in them these are not red it means that these empty I'm going to move to an empty pattern that and press play again it's empty let's move to another one this press play stop this one nice yeah a play and stop that's very easy to understand what they do but this has become this has not shown you three functions of this row now first it's the sequencer it's the track selection and when holding this one is the pattern selection going to an empty pattern there okay empty so pattern select track select I'm going to select the bass track okay and these two rows there are two different zones but they can also be one zone like if there is nothing pressed the this is the keyboard white keys and Black Keys it's the piano layout so so if I want to make a little sequence here of a bass like like that I could do like press it rig press the desired note another trick okay let's press play how about that if I want to empty this which is often the case when you do stuff and then yeah I don't like yet one empty it start from scratch pressed track and hold stop this is a called a power feature where you make it a little shortcut to to access really good functionalities hold track and press stop now you can see that animation building up there the LEDs are telling me that they're gonna do something but only when they reach the end here stop means erase when you hold it with it when you hold this so now I erased that track what would happen if I if I kept this button pressed instead a pattern button and I pressed this stop it would then erase the whole pattern its own race pattern a race track it might be a bit strange to start here but you know I just mentioned stuff as it pops up okay I'm gonna show you a different way of making a sequence now the first way we made it there we selected a track we pressed a trick press the desired note by holding down a tree you can review the note by keeping it pressed you can even hear it but you can see their note and by pressing it swiftly you turn it off and on so if I turn them on in turn turn them off individually like that another way of building a track is to keep record like you can press record and you can see that something is flashing it if I keep it pressed I can build like a sequence like that [Music] so it was you know going through the sequence there and building a little track [Music] yeah how about that I'm gonna empty that so there we go okay we can hear this bass track now so let's head into this zone of the user interface these are the parameters it's the encoders the discs there for them green blue yellow and red by twisting one of them I'm altering the sound engine and you can see that these are brightly white now this zone the the encoders they've got four different pages the white page is page one and page one is a synth parameter one and two filter [Music] oh yeah that's pretty well as you can hear when I go to the left it's like cut off low blow pass I go to the right it's high pass so essentially it's two filters like one going like that and then that one going like that Multi it never goes like this it's like this or that and if you was paying attention there you can see that oh it was flashing green in the middle a green on these LEDs means that you've reached the middle point if you go all the way up it starts flashing and that means you've reached the top if you go all the way to the to the minus side the LED will go out but I think it's not actually no it's slightly on but yet so that's my that's like the lowest point middle point is the green and the top point is the flashing yep [Music] that's page one so how did I change the page two well you you press this little button the shift button this is a different zone we've pressed record and playing stop as the transport zone and this one is a little zone of its own it's the shift button just by pressing shift is actually a function to that so pressing shift will shift this into green and if you was paying attention you you also noticed that this flashed two three four one two three four so this is changing the colors here and changing the number here if you've got problem reading colors you can check this out to know what page you're on I can see the colors quite clearly so for me I can read the color and I know exactly now what page I'm on because I've grown so used to to the colors after better testing this unit for a long time and so what is page one synth parameters one and two these are macro system it's not like a big open synth engine it's a macro for that particular end engine filter and resonance page 2 is the elder sorry of the envelope and for most of us since this is a straight up attack decay sustain release type of envelope [Music] yeah [Music] and this it is the octave and you can see there as well you can see a number of shifting here to indicate what octave you're on the next page is the purple one purple is the LFO so we've got an LFO that is something that is a value that is constantly shifting in a nice way like a sine wave over triangle stuff and this value could be sent to different parameters in the synth engine for instance this one the first one is the the depth this is the speed so now the the depth is at maximum so I'm sending this this value to the maximum amount somewhere is that the filter is the sound engine I'm not sure let's try the next one this is the destination of this LFO behavior to it this is now the green destination this is blue this might be the filter or so I'm not sure actually it might be synth for at 2 1 & 2 let's try the next one yellow yeah this is the filter okay the next one is red might be the resonance perhaps the blue in the second blue or cyan is a clear stereo panning and then white is tremolo like master volume [Music] and I believe this is gonna affect the shape so right now it's a smooth wave form I believe it's a triangle sine square triangle I'm not sure I say big you can see it's going from something smooth to more and more square and then to something rather smooth again so this could be nice with a stereo panning maybe more subdued okay the next page of these parameters is page number for the yellow page this is the master page hmm effects and one effect sent to and panning and volume so we can see just by looking at the intensity of these LEDs we can see that this one is sending something to the second effect and I could guess that it's a reverb because this sound has reverb on it so let's dial that down [Music] indeed there was a reverb so now it's totally dry the effects are placed on these tracks effect one and effect two and they are global effects so you can send to them and then they give off their effect sound so there is there's not one effect per track but individual sense to these effects so what about Effect 1 let's turn on it okay that's a delay currently [Music] yeah yeah so those are the tracks or the track parameters that you can set page 1 page 2 3 4 synth engine and filter envelope and LFO and the master stuff yeah volume panic okay let's make a little bass track I'm gonna make this base of a bit less sharp you know it's actually pretty basic and with a bass track I might not want that much reverb okay let's make it totally dry almost okay let's make something and you could live record and you can make sequences just like we did before let's turn on the the metronome shall we can see a metronome here gonna press it and this is the level of the metronome this is the type of the metronome till you feel Swedish English I feel like the woodblock is probably the most useful okay it's okay another way of recording something is to press rec and play rec and play and whilst it's now waiting for you to press the button so whenever you press something it starts recording I didn't like this I'm gonna change it now we're dealing with timing my timing might not have been perfect and we can actually review that we could review my timing by just pressing and holding and we can see a little purple dot then on the right side it's indicating that I was a bit late if I want to nudge it back I can press - to make it it's flashing slower and slower and eventually it stops flashing and that means I'm right in the middle right on time if I hold him continue I'm good I could yeah and fix the timing basically individually this is also late this well if this is late it's hard to tell I guess if it's the last one yeah I could do if I'm if there is a lot of timing that I just wanna fix then I could use some quantizing a quantized to quantize one track you need to press and hold the track button and while you're holding down you've got access to a number of features it the yellow one is quantized so if I crank it all the way up it's gonna be fully quantized if I just crank it like half way it's gonna be half quantized so this is a fluid way of and gradually quantizing something on the track so if I were to go to say the hi-hat track let's go there and I'm gonna live record a hi-hat now I know it's gonna be a terrible timing so wreck and play yeah not the best timing in the world you're gonna press and hold this one race the quantize is now fully quantized there as you can hear also to there to the the metronome by the way there is swing and I believe you press and hope this is a global setting you press and hold this imagine button and I believe which one is it is this the same then this is the swing so now it's fully swing as you can hear if you go to this middle point in the cream there is no swing and now it's negatively the swing which is a bit strange so let's apply just a tad of swing yeah okay a tad of swing that cool now if I was if I want to make a coach of this let's press it in the hold track and select the cold track okay okay let's record it let's press rec and play quickly quickly now we've realized that oh that's just one bar that's really really short it's nice it's short so if I want to make one of the tracks longer than the other tracks let's erase these there's another setting here if you hold track you get different settings here if you hold track and shift there is even one more page of settings per track so it's rack and shift first of all you can select the length of that track so it doesn't have to be the full 16 it can be like 14 no 13 let's keep it full now and down here you can see on the numbers if I press - it's gonna be playing at half speed if I press 3 it's gonna be a third of the speed which is a bit odd odd timing and 4 it's gonna be a fourth of the spinning so maybe now you're thinking okay that's really great but if I only got one trick to trig it's gonna be a bit limiting but no you actually got full tricks / fractional trick so if you're recording something real-time you've got four times the amount of buttons to enter your note currently the only way of entering notes in that timing is to record it live so let's see rehearse a bit Sarah we're in G okay let's do something record and play and so if I was gonna play a succession of notes really quickly let's say here whilst we would still see them as as like and this is another example of my timing being slightly not that great so in this track let's do some quantizing and now this is a really good feature now we've slowed this track down this feature like track and shift it's playing at 1/4 of the speed and this was that effect the the quantizing so now it's quantizing at a different resolution - to adjust for that slow down speed so now let's see what happens there we quantize this fully here [Music] this was quantized in a suitable okay let's turn off the the click now we don't need it it's served its purpose its purpose okay so one thing you might be wondering now how are you selecting the sounds a very good question thanks for asking I just mean picking the sounds that happen to be on the tracks now let's select a kick drum here so it's rack and kick you might be you might have noticed them when I keep them hold the track button you can see these flashing not only do you know what track you're on but down here you can also see what sound plug is being used and also how many sound plugs are available on that particular track so every sound track or every track has the potential to holding ten different sound engines and and also fourteen different presets so let's go to another track like the kick track a we can see that now there's the kick track sound plug number one it sounds like this like a nice selection of boomy cool kicks second one [Music] a bit different third one which is mine and by the way the third is yeah of all of these sample tracks the third one is is produced by me it sounds not as perfect as the other ones which has this professional dance floor sound but to say mine are more alternative cuckoo sounds again Sir Francis Destin kind of a nice little if fed yeah okay okay create some kicks here yeah nice I'm gonna create a kick you there as well and the you know just put perhaps this one yeah I want to let this one to be random and see what happens so I'm gonna introduce something else now there you see these little icons here down in the white zone here they're called step components every icon there means something so the idea behind them is that on on this timeline you can create rigs that create special rules per trig and you can stack them so you can crate I'm not sure there is a limit actually perhaps you can just stack as many as you want on every tree can be really odd so this one I want this to be random I happen to know that this particular one is random this might be a bit difficult to first to kind of decipher what these are but there is a manual and one side of the manual you can see a little you can see an explanation of all of the different icons and what they do like pulse pulse hold multiply velocity and so forth and random yeah and these are the different values that they can have I'm gonna show you that worth now so this one I want this to be random so I'm gonna press and hold shift press on the timeline on this desired trig where you want a specific step component keep it pressed you see it is flashing green now this is a staff component and this one is the random so I'm gonna press random here and the default value is 4 I think it's I'm freely playing this note by applying some random to it you will gradually it will play stuff around that note so if if the random is a high value it will be stretching out as further and further away from that note with it's random yes so right now random force it's gonna be something like that I guess the random range so let's play another kick deep kick yeah the high kick step okay let's increase the random there press and hold the bit and make it totally random let's pray that something here yeah it's a bit septal let's do it on something else so I'm gonna go to this track the effects track and I'm gonna choose my pack as well which is my my buddy Andre who was in my studio and make some slaps and multiphonics on on the saxophone he's amazing so glad that he's in the open one or is it okay so I'm gonna make another like random inquiry here okay okay then let's create a random stuff there's a random maximum [Music] [Music] cool that's pretty nice and yeah let's head over to the patio our patio track is a bit different from the other track because it's an arpeggio as you can hear that the arpeggio is affected by the global swing setting [Music] you know I'm gonna go through that effects track and turn it down a bit yellow track debit add some reverb maybe even cut the filter and bring it to the background back to their page of track I [Music] think this is a bit too much of Swing so I'm gonna remove that swing again back to just a tad [Music] okay and one thing that's different on the project records at the thing that is usually the purple track is now blue track and the blue track or the page parameter page base three is the arpeggio settings so this doesn't have a LFO page so speed playback rate range this is range yeah so you can mess around with this have to affect the way their arpeggio behaves [Music] okay so let's pick another sound their path track track to a sound plug to yeah perhaps a string that's keep importing this is actually a sound that I imported from the op1 I want to mention this because on the open one let's turn it on here and the open one there is two sampler formats one is the cinch sampler and one is a drum kit sampler both of these formats are supported on the opiate sort of limited I mean they'll play just exactly as on the open one but they won't use the op1 the only one effects and every one LFO so if it's just if you create a sound here and you like it take it out on the computer and put it on the open one okay they had open one opposite point upset okay and I'll play just like that so that it's really good to know yeah just wanted to mention that so this sound is the sound coming from the open one let's see yeah yeah that's kind of nice okay I definitely want to play this slower so I'm gonna press track and shift and for to just slow it down okay let's record rec and play [Music] like that nice okay yeah that's pretty nice perhaps I'm gonna dial down the volume of this and also that effect track it was a bit too much random so I'm gonna change that random down to a bit less random okay I'm gonna get to snare track select my own snare track after this one [Music] Reba bring down the monster yeah I'm gonna get to that cool track bring down the master that volume maybe some [Music] it's a more repack yeah yeah let's come to the melody track as well it works just like the other words so let's check out the different sense yeah this is it let's check out the parameters I believe this comes from the upper one and the one called digital it sounds very similar yeah so some of the sounds they sort of dry out and come from the upper one and then they've been changed a bit to fit this two parameter input as thing but most of them are just specific sense for a specific needs like this one really good for bass sounds some other ones particularly designed for our videos but you can select where you want them to be with the app now this I'm now on this track the lead melody track and well let me change it back to you unless distorted sound and we can hear now that there's actually belief in here three yeah three listen believe me you can play three notes but there is a setting to turn it off and to go into mono by holding down track we get some different settings for track and this one is I believe you can see it's green purple and yellow green is believe me purple is mono yeah and the next one is yellow which is continuous mono gonna turn on there like that [Music] and the third one we're holding that track is a fourth one this one is the portamento yeah so let's fool around and add some reverb or delay maybe not that much okay so half of that yeah very nice and you can freestyle let's turn it turn the tempo really slowly hit and Rec and play and then delete this remember yeah we've been making a really cool track hair so if we would like to make a copy of this track and make a variation you can hold down the pattern press shift and you notice it's now yellow this flashing yellow that means copy so it's going to copy and paste to a destination so that's how quickly you can make a little copy yeah there's actually several modes of coffee someone holding down P here pressing yeah the shift button if you press it again you can see these are flashing now so now it's just gonna copy the parameters if you copy again you say that this is flashing so now it's gonna copy the track settings I think all of the track settings I guess yeah another powerful feature here that you might find useful now is that if you want to save this it's continuously saving all the time so you every time you turn it off in 10 a.m. it's gonna be there where you left it but if you if you want to make it back up you can do that by pressing a hold P and pressing + so I'll doing that it's gonna do that kind of animation again when it reaches the end it's gonna do something so pattern and plus will make a backup point like a free State or that that pattern or not the pattern actually the whole project so every project also has a backup so now if we make a lot of stuff here and accidentally delete something we could like if I were to press P here and stop and then I realized that oh no I deleted the wrong road the wrong pattern or something I could recall that same state so pressing P and - will collect that same state and bring it back to life again and yes there we are this is really useful there's also a different another setting related to that so a setting that makes it not save while you're using it by holding down P and pressing the track button keeping it pressed you see the animation is much slower here because it's gonna perform something more when you reach the end there dish it's now you can see it's red it's glowing red every time you press the pattern or project button that means it's it's not gonna save stuff now so when you turn it off nothing will be saved if you do it again you turn it off do ya so when handing it off to a kid or to someone that you know will mess it up and then ya turn it on cool yeah where are we yeah that's okay let's let's explore vase for instance the same with that okay copy okay so you can hear that the delay there the delay is currently on on effect one for go to track effect one we can also see that there is a four different plugs available here now and on the effect I think number one is currently the delay so if I change it to plug two it's not a delay anymore what is it message ooh some sort of yeah it sounds like a spring reverb something let's try im3 [Music] nice yeah some crunchy effect that so let's try it the next one for ya okay I'm not set it to maximum here let's go to a track to let's say and turn on effect send one maximum yeah yeah it's it's a bit crusher so let's record that okay and head over to the effect 1 and change the settings again yeah let's just just hear only that track now I'm gonna introduce this button there mmm this is the mixer by pressing it you can see all these white dots that means all of these are now active so now muted all of these rights i'm gonna unmute this one we can clearly hear what's going on okay yeah so how about taking this parameter and interest like different points like here I want this here I want this fact there there I want different intensity the ring time yeah okay let's see if we can animate this prime tahina [Music] that's intense that's intense say I'm gonna go back to this and also add some more reverb which is not affecting okay let's unmute everything again okay another thing I want to highlight now that we're familiar with this the mute the mute mixer is that one when you keep this press you can see that number one is currently active that means we're currently at at the mix group or a mute group number one and if we only use the kick and the bass and the cool like that so right now we only got these three tracks active yeah and then I could create if I leave Group one now I can go to group two and so Group one is remember this and don't need to save it it's just there Group two could have liked the hi-hat and also that effect track yes Group three could be everything okay so let's go from Group one to do and Row 3 so that's a way to to prepare different news groups it's really great hmm yeah another of this track that I particularly like to fiddle around with is the tape let's go that track and tape the tape is a sound buffer that is continuously filled with the music as it's playing so if you're playing a really long a long track I don't think the sound buffer is long enough to cover everything but it's covering like 1 bar or so I think one or maybe two bars I'm not sure and this buffer can be reached into and played back and then the keyboard becomes the the playback like when pressing the keyboard you select a different range in the sound buffer to play back No check this out some on the on the tape track now pressing play so now I'm pressing press and playing back this segment of the sound buffer so you can see this line now as a representation of the whole sound buffer this being they had this pain in the beginning [Music] now you can see this number three is currently active and this is that the length of the slice that you're playing back so if it's one it's gonna be really short and while you're playing back the tape you can also change the speed with this this will change the playback speed of the track of the tape and it really fast really quick so big changes here this one will change it gradually and green is normal speed so let's check this out [Music] and with this one it's more gradual [Music] this can also be sequenced so let's change the playback speed of this track to half tempo and change the catch it to maybe two rec and play no change that by holding down a trick by the way you can see this blue the blue means the lane so right now it's pretty long shorter doesn't make any sense you're gonna take them away make shorter entries like this okay right can play so I like to fiddle around this live a lot and another thing that's active on the tape track is the pitch Bend yeah we had talked about the pitch Bend it's right here so the pitch man if you if you press it the level of pressure it's gonna dictate how slow how fast and like the speed of decreasing time so [Music] so basically it's trying to capture the exact moment where I activate this and slow slow the tape down yeah yeah another thing I want to show is something on the next track here the master track I think right you know that distortion that it's a bit crazy and the student distortion is coming from effect number one just to make sure that it's not accidentally cracking up here but on on this master track I can transpose so I can transpose the whole thing the whole piece I'm gonna go to that this track again it was a bit too much of that nice Distortion just okay so we can hear what would they go there and demonstrate the transposing see this is lighting up there the opposite has kind of analyzed the sounds and the music on the tracks now essentially starting out with a base to figure out what key it is and I think reaching into the different tracks and seeing what notes are being played and trying to analyze what course it's playing and if I'm striking another chord it's gonna transpose so that's where you can sequence that - I mean if you're playing more monotonous sounds it it's easier to do stuff like this but now I'm kind of all over it so you'll be a little bit strange sometimes but it's trying to not transpose everything equally but try to keep within the scale of the music yeah okay also on the master track here while you keeping this shift button pressed you can see yellow dots here and this will dictate which tracks you want to be affected by that transpose so if I don't want the base to be affected I could keep the bass in its original key [Music] the transpose everything else and basically by default the the sample tracks are not like the percussive samples are not transposed but if a turn turn on that it's surprising it's pretty cool but it's a bit unpredictable because it's not transposing the pitch of those tracks it's transposing the notes so if you're using one particularly snare drum it's gonna be transposed to another strain room so that could be cool but it's also bit unpredictable just so you know yeah yeah this is nice okay another thing on the on the master track is the filter so basically the filter is on the master as well yeah cool let's get to next one this way this sort of pocket operator punch in effect on the pocket of right you hold an effect button and punch in an effect like momentarily and then you release it you can do the same here on this track so this track it's got it's divided into two sections this is for the sense this is for the rhythms so track 1 to 4 and track 5 to 8 and they're identical so starting up here and the second one starts out here is the two octaves of effect so what are they doing well actually this is a good time to connect the app because it's got some funky visuals let's try it out the app you say the app ok this is an iPhone and currently only works with apple's devices like iPhones and iPads and if we turn upside down there is a tiny tiny button there I press it turns blue and then I can go into the app and press scan go to the one you want to connect and then it's connected you're done and then press this little app here like hope is that but I could just show you like whatever track you select it's gonna bring up the settings or an interface for that track I mean lately the tape looks like that and the effects they don't look like much but this way you can select you can actually touch this one to enter values like that and all of these track they look the same it's the same interface on all of those currently and if we go to the track that I want to showcase the performance track if I now press this duck yeah so this [Music] as sometimes it's it's actually a bit difficult to hear it because this is a general generic input like this loop is doing something to the to the rhythm so it's going to loop a section and a on this octave is going to do the same for the synthesizer and some of them are a bit tricky to hear what they're actually doing and then the next time you try it in a different song it sounds much more pronounced and that's because they are doing stuff to the tracks that might be very obvious and some sort of sounds and then it's some other sounds it's perhaps not that obvious but basically what's doing is reaching into that the different tracks and manipulating the the Triggs manipulating the settings it's not doing audio processing effects currently it's more like changing the different yeah trigger settings so that's cool and also I think they're like yeah that's tacky yes yeah so cool yeah I almost forgot let's go press the pattern here and go to the beginning of this song which is something I prepared a couple of weeks ago got one one one pattern there second one there more intensity a fourth one like a different part of the cell fourth one third and a fourth even more intensity I'd say so what I can do here is to quickly show you first of all how you change patterns just changing it will instantly jump that as you can hear it's instantly jumping straight there and it's trying to be exactly within the same place like if the pattern is reached at this point and I'm changing to another pattern the next pattern will be at that point and continue but since you have the power to create different lengths and timing total tract it might sometimes be a bit a bit surprising because another another pattern might have totally different lengths of other patterns so jumping there Midway's could cause the independent play heads position to be a surprising place and this is just the weight in the way it is because in order to be at the correct playhead place per track you need to be on the track and start from the beginning on that pattern I hope you follow me now but basically it allows for doing something a bit unexpected and cool and messy which is cool but then if you want to do it more controlled you can press play impress pattern and play and whenever this is flashing and you change to another pattern it's gonna play till the end and then change so press a pattern like that to instantly change press play first and then the destination pattern to play to the end before yeah plays it basically queue it up so let's try it out here I'm gonna start there I'm going to queue up this pattern so this has a long one two three yeah so one of the tracks there in this pattern is actually much longer it's gonna wait for the longest track to finished I believe and then change and this also impacts how you want to create songs so if I go into the small press path that the P button and play it's flashing now I can start building up a chain so this first then this then this then this and then this a couple of times and you can see in the app that I'm making a list here and then when I release it's gonna follow that it's gonna start here on pattern one now [Music] okay I see so now number two so now I made a little chain there it's really fast to make it so how do I say that well press pattern again a P button and you you might have noticed that these are houses lighting up here if I press and hold one of the white keys and little animation comes and well I'm saved there so basically the quick way to and make a little pattern a press or a song a chain to press P play one two three one two three one two one two and save it there and now we made song this is so powerful and the way to quickly launch one of those one of those chains is just hold P and press one of these so it's very very powerful you could do it Midway's while you're playing without anyone noticing and yeah it's really cool so for instance and if you if you want to break out of the chain you just select a pattern like that against straight to it so basically if I'm here now and I want to create a place where I go and chill for a while I could um it'd ways when this is playing like yeah I want to do this now one two one two I saver there okay now I'm gonna go there now see so now we're there I could go do some other solar system and then now I could do that again I could do these two again save it here and now I've got that like stored [Music] hesitate you know I might want to go to this again [Music] and after this I want to go to that high energy pattern again so now it's queuing up yeah and this was actually played four times I forgot that yeah there you go I could keep going and going but yeah I think I think we'll leave it about here I'm gonna create more more stuff in the future and specifically when the modules come out chair what are the modules on the back here you could see these these are the the module the outputs and inputs for the module the only module that teenage engineering has currently announced is a CV and MIDI module and it's a big I'm not sure which one is which but it's gonna be like media out MIDI in cv cv in or a gate to stuff and the modules you can imagine how small the modules are they're gonna fit here it's like a smaller compartment here at the size of a an old Game Boy cartridge sort of that kind of size but a bit slimmer I guess it's really tiny so in the future we'll see a lot of modules come out I'll be really exciting and currently I think this track is that in our track I guess it says see here like as a picture of a card and so this is gonna be an interesting track and this track is the C DMX track lights controlling lights and colors yeah and and this track is the motional track a legendary emotional track an emotion track is something I have talked about and yeah there's a lot of stuff to say about the motion track but basically let's exit here go to the motion basically it's graphics the whole Unity engine is inside the app unity is a very complex gaming 3d engine and you got access to I'm not sure if it's all of that but you get a lot of stuff for free with that engine so you can put a heavy intense 3d graphic in it and yeah and create different cues that you can do with these parameters yeah and then it could run in time to music [Music] I think in the end I'm hoping that more and more people are going to create their their own custom graphics so from now only seem like a couple of engines let's see how did I press that try another one like that so right now we've got some experiments and stuff in here from the same machine is intense stuff ok one last thing I'm going to show you with you so when I go out here get this thing called configurator and go to any of their tracks like you can see there's a lot of plugs there available for me to to download and I'm not sure that's gonna be paid packed or not but probably gonna be some paid packs in the future I don't I don't know but right now we can get go check them out so this is snare snare track let's check out there this one is called lead no ku-ku-ku-ku porn this is called digital this is called electric so what I can do here is to take one of these I can take the electric here and drag and drop it to a free slot so right now it already had it it was already there so it doesn't duplicate say hey we got one it's not there batsto yeah this one like put it there and then when I'm happy with my setup here Petrak miss Petrak I kid commit do now it's sending that pack to the synth over it's gonna be really small packs because it's Bluetooth light some Bluetooth le so don't expect like huge packs like huge backups and stuff over Bluetooth le because it's gonna be take too much time but yeah so this is way you create you manage the stuff here [Music] yeah it's so cool yeah that's basically what I wanted to show for this first video there Oh busy what do you think I think it's absolutely brilliant to be honest and now some people you know I've been just showing music that I'm making now but would go through some of the of the preset packs here sorry that smile like this one number four intense drum and bass [Music] let's go to another pattern it sorry listen to this this is sync so you can do stuff this you know it doesn't need to sound like cuckoo just because you have an oppa said it sounds like cuckoo because I'm doing the music and it's gonna sound like you when you are making their music so don't rest assured it's gonna be taking care of your style too yeah cool oppa Zedd is finally out it's gonna ship in a few weeks I think from making this in early October 2018 finally they've sold out the first batch and they going out into customers hands really really soon yeah it's been a pleasure taking part in the beta testing I'm so proud of what the team has accomplished and yeah especially a big big applause to join us is the lead developer of this machine he is just amazing and the amount of work that he's put into this and all of the team but I think Eunice you've done something really remarkable and yeah I think this will live on forever yeah cool well if you like my channel please you know like and subscribe and do all this stuff I rarely tell people to to like a subscribe but I've been told that as it's actually helping the algorithm to find my videos and stuff recommend them to relevant people so so don't be shy to to hit thumbs up for to Like and subscribe and stuff and also if you like what I'm doing with my tutorials and my different videos in like going to super booth Dylan I'm sure talking to industry people and interviewing them about their work with synthesizers there's a way to support my work and it's through patreon patreon.com slash kuku music it's going to take you to a place where you can sign up and become a patron for as long as you wish and you can you can select the amount that you want to donate every time I create such a video like this so I have something else and you can also set like a monthly maximum so that you rest assured not to be overly charged if I'm something going to name and create like 10 videos or something one month so it's a really really nice system and if you're my patron you also get access to all of my downloads but I've noticed that the people that I support on patreon I I did because I think it's important I do it because I find their work important and good and I want to support that and I don't even have the time always to digest everything they do but I think it's important that it feels relevant to support them so I do that but if you support me you also get downloads access so there's something in it for you like your reward - if you're not up for this monthly commitment I fully understand that but I've also got my webstore which is stored on true kuku calm and if you go there you can download my packs and buy them you can also add tips there if you want to pay more for my packs I'm gonna make a lot of packs for this and also just so you know that I mentioned in this video that the open one sample packs they are also compatible where the opposite so if you have open open one sample packs you can put them in here and if you charge if you open this on a computer like when you boot it you press which button is it now I can't remember is it the P oh yeah I can't remember you you put it into like this mode and then you get a disk basically telling you what folders are open to what content so so that's also something like a little bit of a bonus there is also already packs that work with a of P Zed which is fantastic because it's compatible we open one samples yeah and for a long time I've been wanting to create new t-shirts and I've been making t-shirts in the past myself and I love the high quality that comes from creating a like screen printing stuff yourself I really like that but it's taking a lot of time and effort and I don't have the necessary machines there's a lot of Labor but I'm now trying out a new service so if you go to t-shirts through cuckoo vidcom it's gonna take you to my t-shirt store that's currently just a few designs up there and I haven't even got the t-shirts myself but I've ordered like about three three or four of them just to check out the quality but I'm seeing some prints I've seen some like Nintendo has got official t-shirts there so I guess it's high-quality teachers but I can't go to you because I haven't tried them on yet but yeah if you want to see my my designs on a t-shirt and you wanted it maybe if you want to order them yeah check out that channel t-shirt shukaku calm and I'm gonna update it regularly because I've got a lot of designs and I want to put on t-shirts yeah and tank tops and sweaters and all that cool that's it for today really cool that you wanted to hang out for such a long time and check out the Opie's ed in action I'm gonna make more and more videos to this this is such a lovely machine and it's so deep so it requires a lot of attention I think on the on YouTube so more of the Oakley one and why I keep saying everyone I'll be Zed Zed and now Zed looks like a number two it's not - it's not okay - but it's like a this is cousin of one it's opposite yeah psi everyone and yeah I hope you have a wonderful day cheers be curious stay curious ask questions and never give up peace [Music]
Channel: True Cuckoo
Views: 386,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: op-z, synthesiser, tutorial, teaching, learning
Id: r87f_gQKlxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 4sec (5524 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 03 2018
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