PO-33 Meets SP-404SX // Lofi without a cause

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Dora the explora so the other day I was kind of just thinking about I don't know what I was thinking about just I guess everything meditating or whatever you want to call it and I realized I haven't messed with the ESPE 404 in a hot minute and I was looking for these audio cables earlier guess I got ahead of myself so I've messed with this for a while not sure why and I definitely have not messed with this in a while because it's my main travel piece and our IP travel for 2020 so I kind of wanted to just mess with both of these at the same time sorry I asked before before I just slammed you on the table and see what would happened I don't really know what is gonna go where or what's gonna go into what but yeah let's let's try it out all right so I guess I'll start this with excuse the cable mess like I said I have no idea what I'm doing right now pío 33 knockout wait is this the 32 I always forget the name of this one 33 cool knockout favorite one next to the tonic and if you haven't seen that video check that one out right here really good for drums this is like I said a second ago my main travel piece I got some really weird wonky beats if you want to hear them not for the faint of heart super trippy but or I don't know move they're normal just sketching you know ideas it's so fast let's see what else I got on here again long flights bring up weird ideas that's kind of one we heard already these all kind of in a way go together a little bit because they're all kind of from the same samples they're not that many samples that I use simple idea order cheeseball there's like a buku buku buku buku buku i remember hitting the water bottle while i was waiting for my flight okay hey there okay let me go to this pattern yeah we can yeah we can definitely get rid of that get rid of this pattern there cool nothing how do I want to do this I will you know what I'll run this into the SP for now I'll do this forgive me I'm just gonna go to the headphones I was loud there goes my hearing I couldn't tell if I wanted to go from the SP into here well I guess the benefit of having these like RCA to eighth inch adapters just allows you to go back and forth between the two so and I'm an external source I select a sound I hear nothing whoa wait what am i tripping out oh that just not feel good what is capable super loose I'm only getting out of one here is the sink setup weird sink zero okay so let's try this if I plug left into right all right into the left okay get it out of both ears all right so you can hear that these are super crunchy right so I like that kick maybe I'll do this now what's your tempo BPM I shall keep it kind of slow yeah that's cool so if I find I promise I'll try to not get too carried away with this okay so that's the beat I guess we're gonna do something different so heads up I live in LA there's a million helicopters in the sky lately so if you hear a helicopter like that that's because of where I live you just kind of get used to it and tune it out welcome to Michael Collins so this sample here I actually sampled in it's like a disco loop but then I did that weird copy chop paste in this video I did that here so this disco sample here was originally in a melodic section but if you set your start and end point appropriately or correctly well that's all yes and then you copy and paste it from the melodic section into the drum section it'll actually create 16 perfectly cut slices or perfectly time slices to that sample so now if I select this sample it's cut in two right but the thing that we are not hearing is a perfectly cut sample because I purposely copied and pasted it with the start and end point all jacked up so I can try to find new samples within those samples but the great thing is that they're all still in the same key I like the sound but I like this on too but it has that kick which is coming from here so if I go to effects I can actually trim I actually destroyed the start point but whatever oh I like that pattern copy that here now we're on this pattern I'll say well go do it drums same drum kit I use the same drum sounds across almost all my samplers at this point I think I have these same exact drums whoa here as well I'll turn that down so you didn't blow your ears out but again my napkin so let's see what sounds we have on here [Music] okay okay okay okay okay we're getting somewhere I actually really like this beat so that's actually tired I'm gonna go ahead and copy this pattern here and I'm gonna copy that pattern there again so I've just duplicated it twice and in this pattern I really like hitting that effect that's that kick again jacked up I lost it so now actually that's not cool at all we're doing and I forgot to hit record [Music] nope so I'll go to this pattern now and find a new effect I like to report off [Music] sometimes you can layer the effects too or we'll just record everything in like I am doing right now so what's cool about this is when you record the automation of you selecting effects there ice I held down this reverse scratch DJ effect from this step to this step but then I immediately went back and held down clear from that step to that step but it still holds the information of that button being pressed on these bottom four steps so I can erase the initial press of the button but then still have the button be pressed for the bottom steps so then what I would do here is kind of do a rough song and just hold down pattern and say play these twice this twice actually you just do twice here there there there one two three four [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I've been thinking about this and I like you a lot so I'm going to share one thing I do on the SP a lot and yeah share the knowledge right let's do this so one thing I do on the SP a lot to kind of really freak out a beat and Minh is kind of like the chopped and screwed REE mixing of a track even though it's nothing close to that but let me turn this down so don't blow my ears out like I did a second ago [Music] remember these samples okay I can delete I'll delete those cool so I'm gonna resample this onto track one I'll set the auto trick level of four why choose four I just prefer it I say record here it's recording kind of quiet huh okay that'll work so record delete record here on there then I'm gonna stop it here so I gave myself that a little bit of a kick at the end the reason being I can create a perfect loop if I hit reverse on this sample and I cut that look out because that is exactly the kick I want to cut out so I go to end point again it's gone hear that pop that's just the tail end of the kick now that that's gone I have a perfect loop level the compressor that's mainly because these samples have a lot of low end and that low-end hogs a lot of headroom when it comes to the compressor on the SP which is why it's great for doing side chaining if you turn the kick up really loud but when you're just trying to add a little bit of a compressor to everything it kind of goes haywire push you can turn it back but it's still just yeah that's just like it's not good attack sometimes if the compressor on here isn't working for you go to your effect limit and set it to on this will put a limiter on the effects which doesn't cause such a loud popping sound when it comes to the compressor of the SP you can hear now there's almost two compressors there's the main compressor squashing the crap others but then a limiter really fighting the volume and putting that down and then the other thing too is it takes away the attack the attack parameter and replaces it with a release me personally I like mop does I do my limiting later but sometimes it just doesn't work in this case is not working okay so what I do on the 404 a lot is I turn on the DJ effects looper which is what you typically do this right [Music] but this middle knob here it's kind of like a tape stop DJ pull the record back right what's crazy about this is if you set into I don't know seven or eight right so it keeps the tempo information but it's applying reap itch to the sound and it sounds bad like it does not sound good it does a lot of weird freaky alias II kind of you know an Ableton used to not do time stretching that well but it only has a set buffer time that keeps resetting and I don't know what time it takes for the buffer to reset but because the buffer resets every let's say second it still keeps the tempo the same even though it's holding the pitch down so is it's not even time stretching it it's just slowing the sample down so listen almost trying to time stretch it [Music] see how I can pitch it down and still have the same tempo that's what I love about this it's just kind of adds this weird a little bit of randomness to the entire track like that I want to resample that to hear you hear a lot of it's lost now okay so we have a lot going on there I'm gonna just set to right in the marked points I'm gonna wait for myself to reset it back down okay so what's cool here now that I set a new start and end point 112 was the tempo for this because it takes the start and end point and puts it to a relative bar number in our case it happened to be I think 16 bars and if we look at the PIO that was tempo wise at 112 112 damn spot-on I didn't realize it was that accurate so this one weird it says 92 but that's because I set the start and the end point completely random right so I can then go and try to find a new start and end point somewhere in there go there's kind of a weirdness with the two kicks going back and forth after I've set that you can see our tempo changes so we're at one oh come on doggy oh poor thing he just wants a hug somebody give the dog a hug dude I gotta go hug a dog right now I gotta go hug a dog couldn't find him so where was I yeah right so at this point you can kind of go in a couple different directions you can say cool we're at 107 set of Ableton put it at 107 record your loop in do your thing you can go back on here and maybe find a new pattern let's say this one no I like that pattern Oh we'll go here I think I don't like this pattern record and let's make a beat at 107 right so I'll say uh uh just to kind of test this theory right so 100 108 okay sound here I'll say okay I just not work yeah this is somewhere way off dude it's like 117 okay ignore that has nothing to do with anything I guess maybe on the initialized or the incoming loop or maybe that this loop is so short that it's registering something else because it was sounds like it's at like 117 or something like that so yeah take that with a grain of salt or a tall glass of salt or acid because it definitely does not line up with that all right this is all kind of just about exploring looking for new sounds and new rhythms there's a ton of different ways to do things on the SP a ton of different ways to do things on here for example the the that gets the main take away of what I'm trying to get at is on the ko the way I like to use it is not only just as a sketch pad to kind of get some ideas down but where I really like using it it's kind of getting the the idea of a track or just getting a sample chopping it up randomly and trying to find new rhythms and patterns within that sample so that little disco sample I might have the original actually still on here let me see I know so crazy pitch down but in there I think we just found our new track [Music] swing okay this is exactly what I'm talking about just mess around with stuff send stuff elsewhere which I sound like with this sumbitch down thing that we're doing earlier how ugly that is not resample ugly Oh with the compressor okay okay okay we're onto something you hear that noise compressor goes off I'm going to copy this sound to hear and then I'm also going to pitch that up we'll say where's it at 21 [Music] okay yep that works sweet copy or actually you know I need to resample down here [Music] done pretty sure these are in my expander sample pack also is you want to take a listening out okay resample that here [Music] there's a tonne in there though so it's not gonna work what if we added a ton of delay to this deleted these two sounds recorded that here [Music] cool and then took this with the delay on it and added reverb to it [Music] we settle down here [Music] cool and then instead of gate [Music] that tone is different that's gonna bug me forever [Music] I'm believing that this just have fun kids just go explore have some fun destroy your samples I want to hear them post some SoundCloud links down below y'all do some really cool stuff I want some inspiration let me hear it yeah I hope you're doing okay good to see you as always thank you for coming by don't support the channel got some merch here hope that sounds alright don't get the headphones on but you kicking it's more than enough and you ready know the drill show the love share the knowledge knowledge is power peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ricky Tinez
Views: 98,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ricky tinez, enrique martinez, ricky tines, sp404sx, sp404a, sp404sx tutorial, sp-404sx, sp-404a, po33 tutorial, po-33 jam, po-33 hip hop, po-33 tutorial, lofi type beat, how to lofi hip hop, pocket operator ko, teenage engineering pocket operator, roland sp-404, dawless hiphop, hiphop, lofi girl, dawless, best sampler, tiny sampler, roland sampler, sampling, splice, splice samples, pocket operator, free samples, free samples 2020
Id: V-kdOukSsJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 39sec (1779 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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