Thick and Juicy Chuck Roast that eats like a Ribeye for a 1/3 of the Price. #animalbased #carnivore

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[Music] welcome back to animal based in your face today we're going to talk about a cheaper way to eat animal-based or carnivore now this is a chuck roast I bought this at Audi um as you can see it's 3 and2 lb 5.99 a pound chuck roast now you can also get chuck eye which will also work but this is basically the roast that you would throw in an insta pot a crock pot um you would cook slow and you would shred it or you know chunks with with your your roast your pot roast basically we're going to show you how how you can make this just like a ribeye steak you know everyone loves to eat a ribeye I mean it's the most compact beef and fat put together in one piece of a meat that's a meal that's delicious you try to cook this like a ribey it's going to be tough but we're going to show you how you can cook this like a ribby first we're going to cut this baby open now the first thing you do when you get out of the package is you want to take some paper towels and you want to dry off whatever's on that piece of meat just dry it off best you can have to be perfect then we're going to wash our hands got my hands washed now we're going to Salt you want to Salt your meat because that is going to open up all the pores in the protein it's going to help start breaking down some of the fat tissues breaking down the fiber when you salt you want to salt a lot if you ever watch chefs on TV they're throwing it on there and what you think is a lot of salt really is not a lot of salt when it comes to a steak for you that are on a dash diet or something like that um I I would recommend that you do some research cuz that's really not good for you your body needs salt now we're going to flip this over and I'm going to wash my hands again and salt the other side all right we're going to Salt this side cuz yeah the uh every animal needs salt that's why you see deer and stuff going to Salt Licks we we need salt we need iine we need things like that in our diet the DASH diet has nothing to do with lowering blood pressure you should do some research on that now we've got this nice piece of meat we've got salted and look how thick that is and you're thinking how in the world are you going to cook that like a ribeye and it be done all the way through I'd have a bloody steak well I'm going to show you how now this is the jewel by breel it's called a sue V and what it does and this box is different I mean you can you buy this piece and you can do it in a big pot we bought this nice little insulated Box off of Amazon we'll put it in the description comes with this nice lid to hold the heat in and it comes with this rack where you can actually put your steaks or chicken or whatever in their long ways and it's weighted so what the SV does this little unit heats up your water to a certain temperature say you want these steaks or you know any steak to be 131° which is going to be about medium rare little over little over rare and it's going to heat up the steak throughout the whole piece so not just the outside but the inside all the way through will be cooked at the same temperature and it's cooked in this water that's heated all right I'm going to put this in this zip lock we salted it very very well now you can put spices in here as well um Rosemary th whatever you wanted to put in here um we're just going to do salt on this one now what you want to do if you're just using a zip lock is you want to try to get all the air out when you seal it so kind of just seal it to the edge and just kind of press all the air you can get out of it and seal it on up and double check it because you don't want the water to leak in so now we're going to put this in our water see how the air flows to the top so you just open up a little bit and get the rest out make sure it's sealed now you could leave that down in there like that I kind of like to go go ahead and just stick this on there weight it down cuz you don't want it floating to the top now we're going to cover it up and we're going to turn the Jewel on and what it's going to do is is start heating the water and it's going to heat the water to the temperature that we desire now the magic secret of how in the world do you get this to be tender and juicy like a RI by steak it's because we're going to cook this bad boy for 24 hours it's basically a slow 24-hour cook kind of like how they do [Music] um kind of like they do the prime rib they slow cook it for a day or two and if you've got more than 24 hours I know people cook them for 36 hours sometimes but we cooked the thin ones at 24 hours and they were fantastic now we're going to open up our little app here now we have our Jewel app and if you'll notice on here it actually has what we're looking for you go to beef most people will cook the basic or the ultimate steak burgers burgers are delicious through the souie if you look right here Ultimate Grilled chuck steak that's exactly what we have in the video load look at that see they they've seared it already but see how thick that is and look they're going to cut into it look at that it's delicious let me tell you this is just like eating a ribeye but you get a big p piece of meat at a third of the price so we're going to set the temperature and here's where you set the temperature that's their favorite this 131° kind of shows you on here that's a medium rare we're going to bump that up to 136 you still have some pink in there but it's more medium uh my wife doesn't really like anything that's you know got any blood in it so we're going to go with this temperature right here and we're going to set the timer and it's fresh you could do frozen if you wanted to it just takes longer and it says let's go we're going to cook it for 24 hours and you start her up and it's going to start up here it's going to heat the water up to the 136° temperature and then the timer will start and see right here add your food now and your timer will start automatically we're going to go ahead and do that because our food's already in there now once it's all going you just let the app you know on the back you know leave it running on your phone but you can just turn your phone off it's still going to run and everything just leave it running in the background for that 24 hours and you actually could probably turn the app off and it will still work I'm not positive about that so I don't ever do that I just let it run in the background but this is going to go for 24 hours and then we'll take it out and I'll show you chuck roast that we have sved for 24 hours that you can eat like a ribeye that is the magic of being able to eat a chuck roast which right now in today's prices run about $5.50 a pound compared to 16 to $19 for a riy this is a svie we bought this on Amazon we'll put a link in the description this is insulated with a nice little lid this is just actually the pot when you buy Su SUV you're going to get this little Dandy thing here this is the jewel brand from Breville there's other kind of brands that don't connect to your phone that you can actually just punch the time in and the temperature but what this does is this Cooks at whatever temperature you put it on now we put this in at 136° the water heats to 136° and the whole steak Cooks 136° throughout the edges the middle they're all cooked at the same temperature that's what is such magic with this we're going to take it out here now it's cooked in this bag you can cook in uh glass if you like if you don't want to use plastic if you're scared of that you can cook in glass if you can find something that's airtight also probably the best way to do this is if you put it in a vacuum seal bag and it it sucks all the juices and everything in into it um it's probably a little bit better but most people don't have a vacuum sealer you know they cost $100 or more so I put it in a Ziploc for everybody to use now we're going to take this over to the sink and I'm going to pour out all the juice and we'll be right back all right I got our chuck roast out of the bag drained off the juices now this doesn't have anything on it but salt you can put seasonings in yours if you like we're trying to make this one carnivore Style with just salt now as you can see it's kind of a grayish color that's how they come out when they come out soused now we want to put that nice crispy burnt texture that's on the outside to get it a good crispy crust I'm going to show you how to do that you want to dry it off because if it's wet it the water will prod Steam and you won't get the crispy crust on your steak and that's why I have the paper towels on the bottom of this just going to turn it over and we're going to dry it some more now this is like I said already cooked at 136° all the way through now we're going to take this out to our griddle you could cook this in a pan get the pan really good and hot with some butter in it but you're going to have to have a pretty big pan for this nice chunk of meat so we're going to take it out to our Blackstone griddle and I'm going to show you how we do it out there okay we got our Blackstone griddle here and like I said if you don't have this at home it's okay you can do it in a pan cast iron skillet is the best we can't use a cast iron on our cook toop so that's why we have this now you want to get this really good and hot you want it on high you you want this to heat up for 10 15 minutes this is ghee clarified butter you want to use a clarified butter or beef Tallow because of the high smoke point so you want to use clarified butter we don't use seed oils of any kind beef tall will work uh bacon grease will work bacon Gree so give it some good flavor and we're going to have this big spatula here because when we sear this we want to put some pressure on it to make sure that the whole steak is touching here we go Sizzle look at that you going to take this you going press down on it going to get a whole surface of that on that Hot [Music] Grill and you want to do this for about 4 minutes on each side all right we're going to flip her over it's a big piece of meat there to get these tongs to help me out here I'm going to push this side down now I'm also going to lift this up with the TS when this bottom is done and kind of sear the edges since this is such a thick steak all right FP around this side and just seal in all the juice we ready let's head inside all right here we go we got a nice crispy crust on our chuck roast steak we're going to cut into it and as you can see it is cooked medium all the way through that's the magic of a SUV is you can cook something this thick the same temperature all the way through then we just threw it on the The Griddle to get the crispy crust on the outside now before you cut into your steak you want to let it rest for about 5 to 10 minutes and let it soak all the juices back up into it we're going to cut us off a piece here and as you can see it's nice and tender just like a ribeye you can actually just pull it apart look at that now let's give it to the good old scot t [Music] test that is good that is delicious that tastes just like a riy steak this actually tastes better than the thin cut ones that we did earlier because it's so thick and juicy I I mean this is delicious this is a third of the price of a riby steak this was like $21 for three and5 pounds I mean you can't beat this you want to eat cheaper on carnivore or animal base this is the way to go this is basically the same price as a pound of ground beef you know decent ground beef this is the way to go guys that's all for today on animal based in yourf face check us out for more videos subscribe click the bell for notifications when we come out with new videos check us out on Facebook where we have a private group where we talk to people and help those people out called animal based in yourface tribe we're also on X and Instagram thank you
Channel: Animal-Based in Your Face
Views: 301,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roast, Chuck roast, Carnivore, Animal based, Carnivore diet, Animal based diet, Keto, Keto diet, Low-carb, Steak, Ribeye, Chuck roast that eats like a ribeye, Sous vide, Brevelle, Joule, Eat cheap on carnivore, A cheaper way to eat carnivore, How to eat carnivore cheap, How to eat carnivore on a budget
Id: iNf78Q4xAQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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