This is RIMWORLD and it's PERFECT. - ep1

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well hello everyone and welcome to rimworld yes that you heard that right we're gonna be playing some Rim world I know you guys know me through alien Dawn which is a very similar game and actually inspired by this game so we're gonna go in we are all vanilla experience we are on the crash landed map and we are going with Cassandra classic the strive to survive and we are gonna allow that one whatever I will not do that where possible and let's get in so let's go for a random seed here I'm probably just gonna randomize we'll see what we get let's go with rocket that sounds cool if you guys wanted to play along there we go we'll keep everything as normal alright so let's select where we want to go I think I want to play kind of forest I think we yeah let's go with here so coordinates are there on the screen right there let's do it okay in we go let's create our character so I I have been playing around with this a little bit and what we want is someone well there's our fighter incapable of caring social or intellectual that is okay I believe the blasi that's actually an amazing uh character right there almost makes you a bit void but we can have two social then so you can be this pretty good all-rounder and let's get rid of this guy so we're looking for a cook all right we might have Coburn here the reason I want that the mining of 13 is pretty damn good and there's four of cooking and a passion for it's got kind trait and a bloodlust as well so doesn't mind having a fight which is pretty cool so uh yeah and incapable of nothing so let's go with it we've got Ben Coburn and de blasi is there anything that we're gonna struggle with I think crafting isn't going to be great but we can work on that we can get one of these leveled up where needed as well there's no passion I get that but we do have this too smart person as well that could also be crafting we'll see though let's go with these three all right here we go let's bring these guys in and let's get started so I'm going to go straight into our orders Tab and we are gonna I believe if you right click on forbid all items boom we are good so let's get the weapons and things on the go so we've got the blasi is gonna be our main shooter Coburn you are gonna have to go with that and Ben is incapable of fighting so we've only got two fighters that is okay I think we are good let's get some Harvest going as well so I'm gonna put this out here I'm I am by no means an expert I've got about 10 hours so far of practicing got hundreds of hours in Alien Dawn and a little bit in Clan Focus as well which are similar games so um yeah we're okay I've managed to build a normal City and survive like a first year or two on that as well so I am okay let's start with getting some trees and we got a lot of trees so I will grab those because we're going to start basically building everything we can so we're gonna go into our work here I'm gonna go manual priorities and set this up just realized we have no one that's good at construction here which is going to be a problem so we're going to set up just a couple of them with that the good news is we do have these guys that are highly smart here let's just go into the bio so we can double check I think Ben is going to be our intellectual here all right we've got that going there we've got something a little set up and we're going to the schedule as well let's get rid of this let's go anything here and let's start the sleep schedule from here so they always start a nine I think we'll leave it at that for now and let's slowly start to play so they get this cut down and what we'll do is set up first a stockpiles Zone let's go let's go here let's also have a dumping Zone to the side as well for the other items foreign yeah I messed that up all right let's get it going we'll go stockpile Zone just over here and we'll get that one maybe there and then we'll get a dumping Zone just to the side we've got the two and what we'll do is begin our structures here so yeah as I said I'm not in any means an expert so tips are welcome but don't be an ass about it please do keep he considerate when suggesting I'm just going to go straight away and use let me go pretty long we're gonna go with something like that and let's go how do we want our rooms here so we're going to want some kind of corridor and we'll get our first lot of rooms I'm gonna go like this that's one room and then we're gonna do the same like that is that the same size that should be and then we're going to get our doors in so I think we'll go doors this side we'll change these up these are going to start to be some kind of bedroom now because I've got them all just cutting and doing that kind of thing I think we'll be fine and we want a two a two restriction there and then we'll bring this up and then we'll have like a main room here that we can potentially split into two there's gonna be a lot of wood cutting that we do need to do for this but that is okay I think let's have a look around as well see if there's anything useful knocking about there's a bit of ships and what we're going to want to do oh there's some Jade over there we're gonna want some machine compacted steel there's Jade there as well there we go there's a bit of compact Machinery in here so I'm actually going to uh dig that one out we'll start collecting that and I think there's a little bit over here as well I am going to go ahead and mine both of those as well and uh we'll let them carry on there's a lot of animals around here we've got some Ibex's lovely I will be getting into the team when I can there's some kind of room over here as well that's all right it looks like it's a little bit far away for the mining but that is okay is there a better spot for oh there's a compact Machinery spot here hold on let's do this first let's cancel those I know there are hotkeys for things I'm still learning that so if there are any particular hotkeys do let me know just bear in mind that I am still learning and there are no mods but I am open for suggestion of mods as well let's go mine there we go we'll grab in all that and we'll just play 2x at the moment whilst they quickly do that and what I am going to do off the bat is I am going to put in some beds so I'm gonna go ahead and do this and I know getting the three in straight away might not be the best thing but I want to make sure that happiness isn't affected that's the plan that room I think that bedroom's slightly bigger actually let's do that there we go and we've done this one wrong as well so let's uh get a cancel on that and just bring this up here the beautiful start you are base here and let's get a couple of doors in so I'm gonna go there and there and that'll be the start of our bedroom here what I probably need to do is cancel that actually let's build a copy this end so we can get the bedside tables in there as well and then we'll set that's all these things so they come out of there as well that's uh bad for bad for view you know and I think we'll set to probably hunt a day or two when we can because food wise we are gonna have to go with some kind of fueled stove and I think we'll go kitchen there and then we'll get a butcher table in another room so I think we're gonna have to go pretty small actually now that I think about it there's going to be a lot of uh building stuff to do so we're going to do something like that they like Comfort while they're working I know that much from my playing and there we go we've got 30 components there compacted Machinery which is really really good so that should be good for getting our first bit of stuff in we're going to get a growing zone as well I know we don't have anyone amazing but we do have some pretty good oil over here I think this no we can't go on there let's pick oh where do we want to do farming so kitchen e kind of area and a store for that is going to be over here so let's try let's go here do a nice Farm section let's go slightly smaller five by five and then another five by five and this is gonna be I don't think we have that no we don't okay so we're gonna have to stick with the potato plants and I probably will go with corn plant there get the two going and yeah construction already being botched here Unfortunately they will level up eventually Let's uh let's check in the bio here so construction you're not good you probably shouldn't be doing that although we have no one doing actually Coburn o'burn should be the main person then on construction let's do something like that they'll stick to hauling and stuff and we can probably get the research bench in quite early now I don't I think I want to build in do we want to use that steel I don't think we do we're going to stick to Wood and we'll get that chopped down let's get a research bench over here and what I'll do is the researcher I'll make this their bedroom here so I'm going to try and be somewhat optimal if you guys have run with that and then we're going to need a indoor storage as well but if you can kind of see what I'm trying to do here I'm going for some kind of setup where we actually have a hallway here so they stay inside that's the idea especially for like the winter purpose and things like that but yeah do keep the tips coming as well guys I I would appreciate that and obviously if you could smash a thumbs up if you are new around here as well do consider subbing we are trying to push the channel out as much as we can and all things Builder slash these types of games are what the channel is all about but yeah I do if the if it's well received as a game I will be bringing a lot more of it to the channel so please do keep it coming on that front I don't think we're going to go nutrient Pace but we can't build that anyway so we are gonna stick with let's get in who's chopping cut cut the de blasi should be doing that so that's fine he'll go out and do that then we did start with a bit of a rubbish dog so we got a Yorkshire Terrier that is okay though we'll get a uh we've got a little animal sleep Spot somewhere there we go and we'll uh de blasi have the dog in with you and let's get through the night just setting a few more trees to be done now they are waking up so how are we doing on meals we could do with getting our storage inside so how do we want to do this butchers here itchins here we need a dining place and we also need to consider what else we're gonna do so I am going to go ahead I don't want to build too much but at the same time I want the storage to be off from the kitchen so we're gonna go something like this I know we don't have the wood at the moment that's probably too big actually all they're going to do in that little room is cook because it needs to be clean right so we're gonna do that then we're gonna have the freezer room over here so we can always extend this what I'm going to do is actually put this as a Zone stockpile but now we'll just do a stockpile but what we'll do is clear all and we'll only allow food and let's say animal corpses as well that should be fine beautiful so we got potential for a freezer room here and I'm gonna want to get in a wind turbine one where the wind turbine is we need a section no maybe up here around by the Farms I'm thinking you know then I can extend that field I think that's a good spot and what I'm going to do is actually expand this Zone to come all the way down here it should clear this out and that will leave like no wind problems for that guy and then I'm gonna go ahead I know that I'm building Lots at the moment but please do bear with I'm just trying to plan it out so we're going to go into there and for the time being we just need it to come it'll bring it just through the walls things so we're gonna go like that I know that's a lot of Steel at the moment so we might need to mine a little bit more and then we'll start on the Stone Cutters and get an early wall up but that is something to not worry about too much here I'm just gonna find some steel I think there's some yep I'm going to go into the orders here and we are going to go ahead and mine out let's say four of those get a little bit more stealing how are we doing oh the planting has done so all potatoes are in De blasi is on that and he should be leveling up I do like to watch this type of thing I know that you probably shouldn't be doing that actually I know he is he doesn't have a thing for it but he does have the two smart traits so luckily it's not too bad he should learn at an okay rate he's gonna hit level four real soon actually I think by the time he's done that so that's really really good I do like I said like to keep on this mine is always going to be good for you who's our construction again so we've got this my friend Austin over here but we do need some cutting to occur or we can do anything we do have wood though construct hey burn I know they are your mining as well yeah we got him doing a lot but that's fine then so when he stops mining he'll do this part here so that's cool he is getting it all in just decided he needs to do all the pipe work but we do have our first two beds so I'm gonna go ahead and copy in another one oh no we got it here actually what am I on about we need to get Lighting in here is what we'll do eventually in the bedside table I'm seeing Ben his needs aren't great slept on the ground slept in the cold slept outside ah that'll be all be gone soon so he should be okay and same with the Disturbed sleep eat without a table we need a dining area also so let's go I know a lot of this is just going to be me building the stuff here but this is a pure butcher room I don't want anything else going in there uh I do think yeah we're gonna need a door there as well so that should be optimal nice and close to come through here and dump the uh the butchered meat raw meat inside of there and we're going to want a cooler now the cooler I'm actually going to have here so it's going to heat this room right I'm gonna go there and we are going to turn that down to say -10 when we can as well and we uh you know what oh yeah I'll let this finish before I get all of this out from under the rain here I think at the moment it's okay it should last a while and they'll haul it into here so what I'll do is turn food off this one just untick the food there and that should bring all the food into this little room here when he's built it I'll speed it up we'll get through that little bit and it is going to be night time as well and we'll put in a bill for the food as well gonna have to be the simple meals and we're gonna do until um I like the until option for that we'll start with just 10 here nice simple thing there we go hopefully they get all that done and then we'll look to flooring and all that type of thing afterwards not too concerned though a bit of ship chunk down there these are ideal when you want to have a go as well I'm trying to think how we're going to wall this so I think I'll probably build a big wall there one across that fill in that little bit there's a lot of uh compact Machinery in there and then I might even wall inside this water because I like the idea of having my animals or something around by that but we'll consider that when we're done here all right up they get they are onto the building here as well and we will again once the research is done we'll select what we're gonna do so This research tree so far I've tested a few things but I did go with like the smithing originally but one of the first things I will set up I know we don't have a research bench is going to be the battery because we're going to want the batteries for this now I think building wise this is going to be our main little starter Hub right I'm gonna have a Zone where its roof area I'm gonna go build the roof area and what we're going to do is set it up along here so we're gonna have a little battery section that will go here when he's built that right so he's going to do that now and where it's shaded there I can set my batteries when they're researched there we go Coburn is flying through though this is really good how are we doing de blasi you guys relatively happy let's check you now your needs here you're still unhappy though I might Force the construction of the bedroom first I realized that I built steel beds but we do have loads of it I'm gonna cue this with a shift like I do believe that is the case yep there we go we'll cue that up with you and we'll get all this done hopefully so there's no more um sleeping on the ground that little bit extra helps the world are good I have turned on in the settings a slightly larger UI and I've selected being able to see the weapons as well because I like the idea of seeing what I have always ideal right and uh the good news the good thing we have is a decent shooter here and he loves it so yeah we can get him hunting soon hopefully we'll test that out the food has been brought in as well which is really really good uh how are we looking here okay Burns you want to continue these my friend I need all these doing but we'll get just happiness you know Bianca it's not your bed and I've just noticed there's a good amount of berries over here so I am gonna go ahead and harvest five of those we'll also grab the meds potentially [Music] yeah let's grab grab that for Harvest as well just in case we have the extra and then I will get like a med bed and a prisoner bed done and all that stuff as well okay we have our first visitor as well let's have a look she's named Bren rat bralan she seems to have a few items to trade so I believe Ben is our social so we are going to go ahead and set up trade here let's see if there's anything useful we can buy I don't think the first Trader has much and this botch construction isn't great based on the amount of wood we do have but that's okay building is coming along nicely though someone has one room and it's very dark all right let's go into the trader here then so we have components no we're not doing any of that is there anything we want here they have steel plate armor wow that's pretty good only one that's a bit expensive I don't think there's anything we want I might grab some of this though actually let's grab in 25 emekin but if we go out on the world we will have some there because I know we're not researching that straight away there we go he's full on botching the construction here I'm sure he'll be level three soon so every little one will help not the happiest doing it but it is what it is right gotta make do with the the crappy furniture that he makes as well so the beds will be poor completely poor yep poor normal bed there not bad all right they're just getting up and the trader is leaving as well so hopefully what are you doing you just take your kit off then what are you doing mate what did you move up hmm I don't know all right let's uh let's actually get the table sorted as well so we're just going to go with a small two by two hmm 3x4 is huge actually we need just a two by one there we go uh kitchen area hmm where do we want it I think here makes sense just a little seating area for now I know it's not the biggest room but I'm gonna go like this right we're gonna have a couple of seats here let's just do three for now what this means is okay officially two bedrooms but what that does mean is they can grab the food from here straight into here right but all these are relatively close the only thing I'm not happy about is the little butcher room here would make sense for that to be there hmm we could move that of the butcher room here with a door here so it can go straight into there right and from there the cook can grab it yeah I have it planned in my head a little bit for the efficiency there which is good um but yeah just noticed a whole chunk of compact Machinery of it we got quite lucky with that there is a lot of it across the map so that's really really good I'm gonna prioritize this last bit of a building here from uh from Coburn as well he's just moving in the wood but we are almost done and then we can work on the flooring we have loads of wood for that so that's really good he is botching it though and we are losing out on that unfortunately I know the wood does deteriorate outside so we are going to need a store room and I'm thinking about just making this whole section A store room but with the door over here rather than through the bedrooms a dream is smaller these are all different sizes hmm if we go with that one isn't it base 33 38 40. they're all different sizes whatever it is what it is right they don't need to be perfect we can extend it this is just the first bit so we will be changing that I will get the bedside tables and things like that in as well I do want to building this soon a mad hair our first little attack so what I'm gonna do is actually draft up these guys and we're gonna attack this straight away I know we don't have any defensive sections here but I might I reckon we could stand out in the in the cold here you should start pinging at it so what are you guys doing are you gonna shoot oh it's dead already thank you guys here's it first shot what an absolute Legend and based on what we have here I think we can go ahead and get in our wooden flooring it's not the best but it would cover I'm gonna go like this right first bit here a lot of building to do but it's almost instant and he has done the outside so I am going to force the Coburn to work on the walls first please do these rooms thank you he's got to be leveling up okay on it surely I'm just gonna watch him here just to kind of see he's loading more up don't get a lot for building him wood I don't think he's gone to bed that's fine as they're waking up I think this hair might be my food all right say goodbye get out my house all right Coburn's flying there let's check in BIO construction yeah you're getting a couple hundred that's cool as we're a little bit of a pain to shoot but he has managed to get it as he's got a high shooting skill so that helps on our hunting early on doesn't it let's go Coburn yeah yeah he's doing well he's doing well right let's Force these then let's get all these rooms completed the reason I want the kitchen and butcher all separate is for cleanliness right and then we can haul these guys as well get those moved out of here we've got enough room for that we do they'll dump it on there perfect oh here we go since it looks like you'll be here for a while Ben thinks that you should give your faction a name what should your faction be called lust of lonzy Ben also thinks he should give this settlement a name all right we're going with home from home there we are perfect we are named luster Blondie beware everyone right all right here we go he's done the flooring and the roof in here so that is technically a room now as well which is really nice he is getting all this done as well botching it might I add but I I do think he let's prioritize that please buddy get the outer bit done and that one is annoying me a little bit so let's do that come on mate get on the walls and why can't you build the cooler construction skill too low what's it to build one of these oh no that's annoying have a look destruction five okay so we kind of just need to get this guy leveling his Construction Three we need two more levels it's gonna take ages oh major break risk from Coburn okay okay what am I I pushed him a bit too hard here needs intense pain oh God uh what are you in intense pain for Make It Stop what's this problem Oh food poisoning decade or unclean food I'll Coburn I'm sorry my friend well not a lot we can do about that I'm hoping him going to bed is going to help a little bit his mood is going up which is good so when he wakes up he won't be at Major break he will be is it medium break we'll see though and there we have it but guys that is going to be where we end out the first episode so we have got our little settlement started I am excited to be playing this so if you have enjoyed smash that thumbs up for me and obviously keep the tips coming it but be nice about it and if you aren't subbed please do consider as well if you want to support the channel That a little bit extra do check out the join button option as well as always guys do take it easy see you in the next video
Channel: TheOnlyL0nzY
Views: 8,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KynV2OWg8eU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 27sec (1527 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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