Stable Diffusion - Negative Prompts in Fooocus - Do they make a difference?

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Welcome to Kleebz Tech and another video in our  Fooocus for Stable Diffusion series. In this one,   I'm going to be discussing negative  prompts and if they have much of an   impact. Do you really need those super  giant long negative prompts. I'm also   going to give you a tip on how to endlessly,  continuously generate images. Don't miss my   other videos covering all aspects of Fooocus  from installation to poses and face swap. The reason I'm talking about negative prompts is  that I see a lot of people put a lot of effort or   focus into that negative prompt. The idea of a  negative prompt is if you don't want something,   you put it in there, and you're less likely  to get it. The problem is with that is it   seems to be somewhat hit or miss. At first,  I thought it wasn't really having barely any   impact at all because I'd put things in there,  and it just wouldn't have any effect on it. So,   I did some more testing today. I've been  doing some testing over the last week to   try to narrow down to get an idea of what's  happening with the negative prompt. I'm going   to show you some examples, and I will actually  show some things work and some things don't. So, the first one I'm going to show, for example,  is a woman walking in the rain. Now, this was   actually the first one I had run into. So, I'm  going to have this set on speed. I'm going to just   do two images, nothing in the negative prompt.  I'm going to use the same seed on this one. My   styles and everything are all set to standard. I  did test this with style enabled and disabled. I   didn't see any major impact by having the styles,  but I would assume that it could have some impact,   but I didn't find any major impacts by changing  the styles or anything like that when it came to   the negative prompt. But for some things, that  could have an impact because if your negative   prompt is fighting against your style, then that  would definitely have some impact. But for my   testing purposes, I concentrated on certain things  that wouldn't have anything to do with the style. So, this one, let's go ahead and generate a woman  walking in the rain. Now, one of the problems   I came into whenever I generated these is I'd  always get a woman walking in the rain or a man   or whatever with an umbrella, always umbrellas,  even though I don't want an umbrella. I'd always   get an umbrella. We have our two women walking in  the rain, and both of them have umbrellas. Now,   you'd say, okay, that's just two images. I've  actually tested this with about 100 images. I did   multiple variations, probably about a thousand  images in total. And one tip I will give you,   since I'm on the subject, is if you  ever want to generate endless images,   you can right-click and generate forever,  and it will generate those images forever.  For this one, we're going to now let's say I don't  want an umbrella because that's the big thing. I'm   going to just put that in the negative prompt,  and now we're going to generate again. In theory,   if I put it in the negative prompt, I don't want  it, so hopefully, I shouldn't get it. Of course,   hope is a big thing when it comes to Stable  Diffusion or any of the image generations;   there's a lot of hope involved in  what you're going to get for results. And we have our women walking in the rain, and  they still have umbrellas. If we actually look   at the images, you'll see that almost nothing has  changed. There might be some very slight changes   if you really look at them, like if you look at  the feet, those have changed very slightly, but   it's not having any big impact on that image, and  it definitely is not getting rid of that umbrella. So, the next thing we can do is actually  try increasing the weight of "umbrella" in   the negative prompt. As we've mentioned  with the prompts and negative prompts,   the weight emphasizes it more or less. So,  we're going to tell that we really don't   want an umbrella. I'm going to put that as 1.5.  And just to let you know, in my last tutorial,   I had talked about using the control and plus  up and down arrow to increase and lower the   weight. When you go back to adjust that, you  don't actually have to highlight the word;   you can just click anywhere in there.  You can just hit control up and down,   as a few people have mentioned in the comments,  so you don't have to select the whole thing. So now, we're going to go ahead and generate  this without an umbrella. Now, we've stressed   here that we really, really, really don't want  the umbrella. So, you're going to think, okay,   we're not going to get an umbrella, but I'd be  willing to bet when I hit this generate button,   we're getting umbrellas. Because I've actually  generated hundreds of images for this ahead of   time to test if this would work or not.  And I've tried different variations,   I've tried with styles, without styles, you name  it. And I didn't find any drastic differences   when it came to the styles enabling  or disabling. I did get some different   results but not enough to determine that the  styles had an impact on that negative prompt. Now, I'd imagine certain things, if it was in the  negative prompt, and then you had it in the style,   then it would definitely have an impact  on it. So that would be something to   consider. But obviously, no style is going  to have "umbrella" in it. I wouldn't imagine   there's any "umbrella" style, but if there  was, then that probably would be an issue. And again, let's pull up these images for  comparison, and we have all three of our   images. We start off with just walking  in the rain, all the way to walking in   the rain and no umbrella in the negative  prompt and heavily weighted. Very little   differences between these images, and I saw  that consistently when I went through and did   a lot of testing with this. You wouldn't really  get, I mean, you can see the difference in the   images. There are very slight differences,  but it still doesn't affect that umbrella. Anything you put in the negative prompt is  going to have some sort of effect, and that's   why I say you don't really want to have anything  in there that you don't need. So, in this case,   I would say, why would I be putting "umbrella"  in there? Because it's not going to probably   have any impact. I can tell you that right now by  looking at all these images that I've generated.   They almost always produce with umbrellas. So to  me, that would tell me that I don't need to waste   my time putting "umbrella" in the prompt.So, is  it worth putting anything in the negative prompt?   Well, that really depends on what you're doing. I  did some testing with houses and trees. This is a   similar test; I did a lot of images here and the  same seed. The one on the left had just a house   on a hill, I think is what it was, and then  the other one was the same prompt, same seed,   and I had put "trees" heavily weighted into the  negative prompt. Obviously, it had no impact as   far as the trees were concerned. It did change  the image slightly, but it didn't reduce the trees   that I wanted, so that really isn't going to help  there. Why even have it in the negative prompt? The question is, how do you solve that  if you can't remove something? Well,   you try to push it in the regular prompt.  You might say "an empty house on a hill,   an empty field" to get no trees instead of  putting the trees in the negative prompt.   So when you run into things that don't work  in the negative, try to change the positive   to push that. I haven't been able to do that  necessarily with the woman walking in the rain,   but it's a lot easier with some of  the other ones that I've tested. I'm not going to say that the negative  prompt has no impact because, in my testing,   I have discovered it does have an  impact. It actually does definitely   have an impact on certain things, and  that's why I say it's worth testing. Let's do a woman reading a book. So, we're  going to do four images here because I just   want to get a little bit of variation,  and I'm just going to use that seed,   just so I don't forget to uncheck it. I'm  going to go ahead and generate four images. Okay, so we have our women reading a book. Now,  one thing we're going to notice is almost all   these women are pretty much darker hair, which  actually works out for what I'm going to test   here. So, I'm going to put a negative prompt in  here of "brunette, brown hair, black hair, dark   hair" because I want these to be lighter-colored  hair. Now, obviously, I could put a specific hair   color; that is one option if I want a certain  hair color, but I was trying to find what works   and what doesn't work with the negative. Let  me show you what the results are with this. Okay, so we have our generated images. Now,  we want to see if there's any impact on these   compared to the previous ones. If we look at  these two, you can actually see the hair is a   little bit lighter in the second one than  it is in the first one, and in this one,   slightly lighter but not drastically different.  Pretty much if we go through them all,   it made the hair a little bit lighter  but not drastically so. That definitely   does have an impact compared to what  the umbrella had no impact whatsoever. Now, the question would be if we add weight  to these, are these now still going to have   an impact, or is that going to change anything  at all? Because with my other testing with trees   and with the umbrella, nothing seemed  to impact it when I changed the weight.  I think you can already tell that there  was definitely some impact on the results.   Let's pull up these images. This is our  first one we had, and our second one,   and then our third one. This actually demonstrates  pretty well the difference how the negative prompt   is impacting this. Obviously, as we can see, it is  having an impact. My first assumption was that the   negative prompt wasn't impacting anything the way  it should be, but in my testing, it definitely,   in these circumstances, the negative prompt  does work for some things. It doesn't work   well for other things, so some things are kind of  pointless. So, hair color, I would definitely say,   would be useful to have in that prompt if you  feel you need it and don't want to specify a   certain one. The other ones like trees, umbrella,  those didn't have any impact that I could find,   or at least the any impact that we were I was  expecting. Hair length, I tested a little bit;   I couldn't find any difference with hair length.  I really suggest before throwing things into that   negative prompt, test to see if it actually has  an impact on it. The biggest way, as mentioned,   is to use the same seed. That will at least  allow you to look for it and figure out what   you should be putting in that negative prompt and  not overloading it with things because everything   you add to a prompt or negative prompt will have  some sort of impact. It may not have the impact   you're expecting, so I always suggest never to  put anything in there that you don't need. The   shorter the prompts or negative prompts,  the better they are. I honestly don't use   the negative prompt an awful lot unless I really,  really need it for something, but in most cases,   I find it's pretty rare that I've actually  needed to put much in that negative prompt. One thing I do want to mention when I mentioned  previously about right-clicking on the generate   button to get generate forever, do keep in mind  you do not want to do that if you have this   unchecked and a set seed. Because what this does  when you right-click and hit generate forever,   it'll do where I have four images selected here,  it'll do those four images and then it will reset   and do four more and then reset and do four  more. If I have it set on the same seed, I'm   going to keep getting the exact same four images.  So you definitely don't want to do that, generate   forever, when you're using the exact same seed.  Then you want to have it random, and then you   can set it to whatever you want at that point, and  then it will just keep cycling through that batch. I think I have covered what I wanted to show when  it comes to negative prompts. It really comes down   to each; some things work, some things don't. Try  it out, and it really comes down to continuously   testing things. Whenever you're experimenting  or trying something new, use that same seed. If   you found this video helpful, please do consider  clicking the like button because it does help. In   questions or suggestion for video ideas, please  leave a comment. Thanks for watching, and don't   forget that I do have other videos on Fooocus, and  we'll have more in the future. Have a great day.
Channel: Kleebz Tech AI
Views: 4,878
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Keywords: stable diffusion tutorial, stable diffusion, controlnet tutorial, stable diffusion secrets, controlnet stable diffusion, automatic 1111, fooocus tutorial, inpainting stable diffusion, stable diffusion install, foocus, run ai local, fooocus consistent character, fooocus negative prompt, focus negative prompt, stable diffusion negative, stable diffusion negative prompts, focus ai, focus ai tutorial, Negative Prompts in Fooocus, negative prompt stable diffusion, negative prompts
Id: zu3QsixY2u8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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