How to install New StableSwarm Beta.

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stable Swarm Beta is officially out it is made by stability Ai and my good friend Muk monkey so let's go check it out and see how you get it installed on your computer oh and what do you call bees that live next door neighbors AI so if you're asking yourself what is staus war well think of stable swarm as comfy UI just with a beautiful user interface slapped on top of it so you can use use comy without all the messy strings and uh have it look like well a regular user interface and it's been in Alpha for quite some time now it's in beta mcmun posted this on Reddit and it says beta status means I now feel confident saying it's one of the best UI out there for the majority of users majority of users pretty powerful statement it also means the Swarm is now fully free and open source for everyone under the MIT license good news beginner users will love to hear that it literally installs itself we going to check that out in a second no fussing with python packages just run the installer and select your preference in the UI that pops up it can even download your first ball for you if you want on top of that any nons super Pros will be quite happy with every single parameter having attached documentation just click that question mark icon to learn about the parameter and what values you should use and this kind of nice because now I don't have to make a tutorial about every single setting now I'll just tell you look at the question mark when is it say if you're the type of artist that likes to bust out your graphics tablet and spend your time really perfecting your image well I'm so sorry about my mouse drawing attempt in the GIF below GIF GIF GIF that hopefully you can see the idea here integrated image editor Suite with layers and masks and Regional prompting and live preview support Etc a lot of etas there easy aspect ratio and resolution selection no more filling that dang 512 default up to 1024 every time you use an sdxl it literally updates for you kind of nice control One support I wouldn't expect anything else let's see let's see a clip tokenization utility to help you understand how clip interprets your text anyway too much fuzzing about let's get this installed uh you're going to find the link in the description below if you like these guides please help me out and support me on patreon when you find this link scroll down here installing on Windows that's we're doing there is like Linux and other stuff as well you can even try it on Google collab but we're doing it on window today we're going to download this little bat file here put it wherever you want accept the program files folder run it it says Windows protected your PC just press more info and run anyway it's not scary I promise and if you don't trust me you can just go into virus total and you can drop that file straight into there and you can see someone has already analyzed this 3 days ago and it says undetected now this one actually started installing so that's just automatically it says found an existing package already installed trying to upgrade and it's just going to keep going oh it actually installs get for me so that's kind of nice I already have gits I always checking if it needs to do anything or updating the one I currently have so no more fiddling about with python git net whatever and here we are so we have went further into the stable swarm installer we have a legal legal notice as per usual we're just going to click agree and don't read any of it you can do just install and just press next or you can check customize settings we're going to do that just so you can see what's going on here if you click next here you can select the theme you want I like the dark dreams here the swiber Swarm and the gravity blue looks kind of nice as well if you're a lover of the white background you have the I white here then press next who is the stable storm UI installation going to be used by now I'm going to say just yourself on this PC but if you want to run this remotely example from your phone or your machine you need to select this one just yourself with L access but I'm going to just use this one I'm not going to remote into this and now it says what back end would you like to use and this can be a quite daunting question for many users but don't fret I got you covered if you have no idea what this is just press comy UI local it's pre-selected and then press next now the other options stability API remote is that if you have an API key for example from RE studio and you're using like a Cloud solution to power this you can put your API key in here this is just if you know what you're doing if you have no idea what this is you're not going to be bothered with it and also for this for experienced users get back back in install you can actually have a pre-existent comy and use that as a back end but this is uh for advanced users for 99.9% of you you're going to use confy UI local press next we're going to deselect all of these models because in all honesty they are less good than the custom train model so I'm going to show you how to download one of them later past next yes I am sure install now now it's going to download some stuff and it says 1.35 GB while this is downloading I'm just going to go into civi I'm going to search for epic realism I'm going to find this and I'm going to download the natural s model here and once our install is finished we're going to put that into our stable SW if you want to download another model or an sdxl model or stable Fusion 3 whenever that is released and that will probably be inside of the installer here but you know download any model you want from Cai and here we go stable swarm has launched it says backends are still loading on the server but we can see the user interface it says you don't seem to have download any models yet please download the model or go to the server configuration tab to set your models folder and if we press this little thing here we can see where everything is going and this is inside the paths here let me zoom in a a little bit there we go so we have our SD model folder which is stable diffusion if you press the little question mark here you can see that the model folders we use within model root and that means we are going to find our stable swarm folder and it's going to look something like this and then we're going to find the models folder and then the stable Fusion remember it said STD model folder stable Fusion so we're going to find stable fusion and this is where we're going to put all the downloaded models so I'm dragging and dro my epic realism model here goes into this folder and now it is available so if we head back here let's go to generate if you can see anything in the model's drop down down here you can press the little refresh button in a second or two you should be able to see your models here so now we have a model we're going to want type here cat in a hat we have one image we have resolution set here at 512 by 512 just going to leave it at that for now we might change this to four images and we're just going to generate and now we can see our cats and a hat coming in live here so this is how you get stable swarm running as you can see here we talked about the comfy stuff right so this is the regular user interface that is more similar to like you know regular applications automatic 11 11 whatever you have your models down here you have your Vees you have the luras control Nets and you have most of that up here as well you can enable able to control that here you can check your settings you can upload the input image and whatnot if you click that comy work for editor here you can see you have your comfy there's one thing missing though and that is the manager if this is not installed you can go into your stable SW folder we're going to go into DL backend we're going to go into comfy and comy UI then custom nodes and in here we're going to go up here we're going to type CMD that will get us a terminal window and we're going to type git clone and this URL for the comy UI manager which you will be getting from this link so if you just Google comy UI manager scroll down you can s find this one here get clone this one I'm going to put this in the description below as well so just put that in press enter that's going to clone the manager into your stable swarm why do you want this if you drop in your workflows and they get red nodes you need to be able to install them I'm just going to close down my swarm here there's probably a better way inside of the user interface then I'm going to find my swarm folder again just to show you how you can start it if you are lost or if you forget there is an update Windows File if you want to update and there's also a launch window so we're just going to double click the launch window if you want to you can right click drag and drop this to create a shortcut in a launch our windows we have a new one launched here and if we go into the comfy workflow editor now you can see the that we have the manager down here and that is very very very very very so very important for any user interface running a comy back in because if we drop in a workflow here now let's take this stable the video diffusion workflow most of the time you're going to be end up with this you have a red node that you miss so we're going to close this we're going to go into the manager I'm going to press install missing custom nodes this is the one that's missing so we're just going to press install there that is installed so we're going to press this restart button sometimes it doesn't restart fully so you might need to like close down your terminal and start it again so we're going to do just that we're just going to launch a new one and as you can see now we have no red nodes so this is image to video workflow for stable diffusion can drop in a random image let see something I have on my desktop is put this in one here the idea of this is that you can use any workflow and you can swap from the generator Tab and the comfy workflow editor so that's uh it's a pretty cool feature so go check it out let me know what you think in the comments below this is in beta it's better than the alpha still a little buggy but uh honestly very very cool as always have a good one see you
Channel: Sebastian Kamph
Views: 46,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: U6-oCKD9yG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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