This is killing page builders, and it's the future of WordPress

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what's up everybody patrick here from wp builder helper and in today's video i've got some kind of rather disturbing news i'm noticing a trend with everything and it's not the trend you think because there's some stress and things going on right now in the wordpress community there's some inner conflict that's happening between two groups and uh you know it is what it is i am going to talk cadence in this video but it's not what you think it is in this video we're talking about wordpress and even more than that we're going to go as far as talking about the future of wordpress and what i think is going to happen and what i'm really really worried about going forward into the future so i'm going to do a little bit of a blend of both i'm going to have you know some things that i'm going over in this so uh let's get started and let's hope that this doesn't happen all right guys so here we are we are inside of the library and as you can see i've got elementor here and when you're looking at this did you know i want to point out this this is not an indication that anything's going on but you know whatever we're looking at data that's what this is going to be uh you know a video about so looking at this data we can see that elementor has five million websites active installs they're doing pretty good they're getting a lot of downloads every day and this is just for the free version this isn't for the page so who knows how many active installs they have on paid but when you look at this growth chart you can notice elementor is kind of on a trend downward right now now they're not doing bad by any means especially when we start looking at the other page builders that are on this list but when we're looking at this growth chart we can see that page builders or at least elementor which if you want to call it the king daddy of page builders are kind of on a trend downwards and so let's look at some other page builders we've got page builder bus site origin now they're on a trend upwards but you can see they're at a negative four percent growth since what is this since may so they've really really been they've been trying to make up some ground they were negative four percent now they're negative one percent so they're really trying to climb out of a hole but for the most part when we're looking at the growth even the total downloads you can see it's kind of wavering a little bit it's kind of that chart starting to tilt downwards so then we take and go to beaver builder and once again this is kind of you know it's it's there they're getting downloads but you can see their spikes here and there but for the most part it's even on it's even higher negative growth than the other page builder which is just amazing now it is clawing its way back up and as of currently it's only at a negative three perc point three percent growth and then you look at brizzy it's kind of climbing a bit it's got a lot more downloads that are happening probably because people are talking about a lot more still nowhere near as many as elementor obviously because it's got 70 000 and it does have a positive growth which is good it's showing that it's growing at about one percent and so we'll look at king composer and we'll see kind of the same thing oh look it's kind of sliding oh look it's kind of it had negative growth for a while and now it's kind of upwards into a little bit of positive growth so what does all this mean well i've noticed a strange trend and i'm sure that you have too if you're anybody who's been dealing with anything that involves gutenberg or wordpress but gutenberg because of the speed indications has become one of the more popular options for building sites and now we're getting all these cadence blocks we're getting we just got gp blocks and we're just getting more and more pro block features and as these people keep coming out with block features my theory and something that other other um news articles that mentioned is that i think we're going to start to see page builders start to slide and someone would basically say okay why is that happening why are we why would we care if page builders slide why does that make a difference because i think that we've reached the tipping point with page builders i mean somebody could come on and say no that's not true we haven't but i really do think we've reached a tipping point with page builders i think page builders were a cool fad and they were kind of going on and now the newest fad is gutenberg now does that mean that page builders are going to go away by any means well let's take a look at gutenberg and you'll see why i don't think that's going to happen anytime soon gutenberg is getting a number of downloads but look at these abysmal ratings for the number of people who hate gutenberg it also has positive growth but you can see that growth is slowly trending downwards also so then you take and you go back and you say okay well if page builders you know okay it's getting downloads that doesn't mean anything well you know it it kind of does and it kind of doesn't it just depends on the way you read this data so you know if i'm looking at elementor elementor for me is more of a growth thing than anything else now elementor has stayed in positive growth for a while they've they've constantly been in positive growth which is a great thing because elementor is just one of the big daddy page builders but you look at the story with all the other page builders and you just don't see that they're climbing out of this growth span but it is nowhere near where it should be some of these page builders are actually in negative growth in terms of where the free page builders are that i don't know with the paid so i can't i can't remotely start to take and guess with those type of things but these growth cycles for these type of page builders i think we're seeing a trend so let's take and let's break this down even further let's look at some gutenberg trends so we got gutenberg here and as we can see that's not really growing that much but then we come over here and this looks you know this is uh get with which is another gutenberg it's a popular gutenberg block and we go over here and we say huh well they're sliding down they're definitely on a downward trend but they're on a more positive trend so they weren't four percent and they're just now hitting a 1.8 percent so they've still got a massive growth curve obviously they only have 20 000 installs so it's not like they're they're that old of a page builder and they're only up to version 1.6 but i think this kind of starts to go to show you what's happened with gutenberg let's look at cadence blocks or and we look at cadence blocks and we can kind of see here they're definitely on a positive trend and they're definitely in the positive sector now these are two these are only two block programs we could start going through them all but here's what i think is happening people are fed up they're tired of the slowness of page builders page builders we all know for anyone who's an affiliate marketer or anyone who is anyone in the wordpress community knows that if you can build a website and you do it with gutenberg it is going to load tremendously faster than a page builder ever will these page builders have to get on the ball and start doing improvements to their speed now if we take and we look we can see that this is a post from divi divi took and improved the page builder but no they didn't they improved the inside of the page builder so they improved switching to desktop view from six seconds to one one and a half seconds switching the tablet view from six and a half seconds to one and a half seconds switching a smartphone view from six and a half seconds to one and a half seconds nobody cares about any of this i mean they do they don't want a slow experience so they do want things to be faster but i think one of the bigger problems is people want website performance they don't care about how the back end runs not to say that they don't care because that's not true one of the bigger complaints with oxygen has always been how slow it runs on the back end but regardless this goes to show you that some of these page builders are completely out of date with what's going on by this year if you do not have a faster site with within the google arena if you're trying to get on google or whatever i think everybody is you're going to be left in the dust because google's going to start ranking speed as a more is a bigger factor than it ever has before and google has come out and said that is is speed is going to be a factor now we don't know to what extent that speed will be a factor and we don't know how bad it's going to affect websites that do not have a fast speed but i can tell you this the uh the age of a 5 second to 10 second loading website are gone those websites will not get ranked on google and the first site they just won't if you've got a website that's that slow it's gonna start falling down in the ranks you'll never make it to rank one it doesn't matter how good your content is it's just not gonna make it to rank one i don't see it happening because i think speed is because is becoming such an important factor for reiki and it may not happen now it may not happen this year or next year or anything like that but i think we're starting to see a shift from page builders from you know elementor to gutenberg now if you're like me i don't like gutenberg i still don't like gutenberg to this day i know there's some people who do this is a cadence page and i wanted to take and show you cadence makes some some decent uh blocks they're probably one of the uh more decent block builders that's out there i like it a whole lot more than some of the other block builders i think their stuff is clean and it's it works good it's it's got some standard features and it's just really really good in terms of blocks but what happens when you start building a page so let me take you on a a road of frustration let's call this an about page okay so we're going to publish this page just publish it just so we have it and we're going to choose some blocks from the cadence from the cadence menu so let's choose some blocks and just play with it and see and i'll show you where the frustration lies so let's choose this and we're going to do another row layout and let's choose let's choose another block let's choose this okay and we're going to do another one and let's choose let's find another one let's choose this and let's do another row let's choose one more let's choose one more just to call it uh let's not choose tabs let's choose this okay so we've got four different blocks that we've loaded onto this page here's what i got a problem with let's see if this actually works or if i'm going to look stupid and here's the problem do you see an issue with this this is the ugliest thing that i've ever seen now i reached out to cadence and i asked him and they gave me some insightful details about what's going on with this so apparently wordpress has been lagging on the mobile view side which is what's causing this which in fact there that's 100 accurate if you go and you load almost any website into this that isn't a wordpress website the mobile view is garbage so in order for you to see what a page looks like you actually have to go in you have to copy the page and you have to go open it in another uh viewport like say here and then we have to take them we have to view this page alone so i'm going to open this page by itself you can do it with google or whatever i'm not google uh inspector or whatever and then you load it like this and you can kind of see what it looks like still doesn't look good by any means mobile wise but you can see this doesn't represent what we saw earlier this isn't even remotely what we saw it looked similar but the gutenberg page builder doesn't emulate what you see on the front end it looks similar but there's certain things that break there's certain things that don't work um they are working on this so they're aware of this so i don't know what the other builders are doing with this crap but this is what's driving me nuts gutenberg feels like a broken page builder it feels like a page builder that is very much in the alpha phases and i commend uh cadence for going out of their way and actually taking and building blocks ahead of what needs to be done in gutenberg to fix the problem but this drives me nuts i don't exactly understand why anyone can design in this because this is so much harder to design if you pop open a page builder you can design in mobile in the mobile first i'm seeing more and more people on the forums and everything like that who are going to a mobile first design meaning they design a mobile first and then they switch to desktop to clear everything out they're not doing the desktop and then to the mobile because they know more people are going up to mobile and so for me this is like going back to like a almost like a 1995 field where the mobile preview of this is just terrible now i'm sure wordpress is going to fix this at some point but for me it feels incomplete so why does that worry me if wordpress really is kind of putting it into a page builders and i think we're going to see it i do i really think we're going gonna see it i don't know if they're gonna ever end page builders so that's probably the wrong thing to say because like i said i enjoy the experiences of elementor brizzy oxygen even divi more than i enjoy working in gutenberg i don't like gutenberg i think it's a clunky menu it's a clunky setup and i think everybody's jumping on the bandwagon to do it because they know it's the future as soon as gutenberg comes out with headers and footers it's going to start the in-game trend for page builders i don't care what anyone says once you've got native header and footer builder technology in gutenberg i'm calling it quits like i don't think the page builders are going to be around forever i just don't at least not in the not in the fashion they're in i think that's why we're seeing a shift with elementor and brizzy to go into things like the cloud i mean brizzy is building their own cloud system and i think it's very very intelligent because i think that they're seeing holy crap like you know i don't know if wordpress is going to be the way to go for us for very long because i don't think that this is going to work now the great thing is people are saying well yeah but you have no control over it you have no this you have no that that's true you don't you don't have any control over this whatsoever you can't change your host so it's very similar to something like that of um it's very similar to something like that of uh webflow or squarespace or anything like that but for anyone who likes the brizzy builder they like this there's a lot of people who do like the cloud it's a it's a great way to build websites for your team it's a great way to build websites for everything they're mobile ready they're nice it works great you can get great speed scores on them i mean they're good websites as soon as brizzy starts developing more of the blogging and the woocommerce and all of that built into it or should i call it commerce because it won't be woocommerce then it's going to get more impressive because it's going to make people start going to the cloud just because it's going to be such a great deal so you know what is the point of this website i mean what is the point of this discussion so the point of this discussion is not that you know uh page builders are dying but it's more of the fact that gutenberg is now taking a lead in the page builder market they're taking slowly but surely bite-sized chunks out of the page builder market and if you don't think that when headers and header and footers come out and smart uh companies like cadence and smart companies like motopress don't start developing those headers and footers that's going to be it once you've got headers footers and pop-ups why do i need a page builder and that's what people are going to say and that's what they're going to do they're going to say why do i want this when this is already super fast and in fact that's what they're saying right now now to me once again this is just my opinion i still like the page builder experience i always have always will i think the page builder experience in the most part for most page builders are uh superior to that of gutenberg i don't like the gutenberg experience i don't like this layout i don't like this and this isn't their fault this is the way gutenberg's set up so i just don't like it it's a clunky feel i mean i wish that i had the experience like i did in brizzy if they could somehow find a way to combine gutenberg with some of the aspects of brizzy or oxygen or something like that because well this is very much like oxygen but more like brizzy where you can see the whole page and when you hover over something kind of like this but take away this part but somehow make managed to fold this into this i mean if you could do that you could you could just make this design so superior because you're just looking at the page and you're just clicking on things and you're just adding this and that and there's little menus that pop up that just makes everything so much better take this away or at least make it to where i can take it away maybe i don't need to adjust these settings maybe i could adjust more of these settings in here i mean that's what i'd like to see but it's just not there yet for me and this is too clunky for me as a whole now like i said cadence is improving this so i am going to wait to see what cadence does but some of the other uh gutenberg uh page builders that are out there i've just given up on them because i've been so disappointed with the quality of the blocks and everything and how they work i just didn't like them i just didn't like them at all and i mean it's yet to see if we ever see a gutenberg block that looks something like brizzy where you're going in and you've got this type of development i don't know it really could be the end of page builders i mean something like that would totally destroy page builders as a whole if you could do something like that they've still got the side but it's just not as in your face as as gutenberg is that's just my opinion but that's what i think let me know down below what do you guys think like i said i'm seeing more and more people wanting more and more gutenberg tutorials and they're asking for gutenberg tutorials and how do you do this and how do you do this and i think that it's only going to grow so i think that you know gutenberg builders similar to cadence and similar to the moto press they're just going to get more and more popular and i don't see it stopping they're already at 90 000 active installs they're technically just just this is already beating uh brizzy it's on its way to be beaver builder it probably won't take that long they're not going to reach site origin or elementor anytime soon but i wouldn't be surprised if within the next year this number skyrockets because i think gutenberg's only going to get stronger and stronger as it goes and part of me can't help but feel a little bit scared about that i'm hoping i'm wrong i'm hoping everything ends up working out i definitely like the direction that some of these block builders are going i just don't like the experience inside i wish this experience was so much better but it is what it is at the end of the day let me know about your experience and i will see you guys next time
Channel: wpbuilderhelper
Views: 3,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best wordpress page builder, gutenberg wordpress
Id: QV-Wj56Y5nY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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