This is How you Learn! Solving a Huge Dilemma!

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hey guys we've got the hot rodding is not a crime shirts up on the website pick one up today and bring awareness to your community and let's let the government know that hot rodding is not a crime and that it is not okay to take away the sport we love all right guys let's get to the video [Music] i mean camera girl right now [Applause] [Music] ready almost got some tip in it all right so we're back in the tips car we're gonna see how much power we can make with this j series and then uh pull the power away [Music] thing again yeah it's like as soon as you start getting warm and starting getting real see if there's any i don't think i have any compensation i think they're all zeroed the other ones are way out there [Music] what do you think went on there [Music] that's why i was just saying to jamie something's choking down or something changed so we have we had an issue a few a few test days ago where the car was uh at the top end we were getting i think i told you jesse it was it was getting fuel cut over like six thousand and i took we took all the philson apart and the fuel filter was clogged so i put a new element in it that's definitely what's going on it's like 5600 well even even idling we're down 12 psi on the regulator okay well that's definitely a problem okay yeah well and actually the next pull you did i was like it sounds just like it wasn't trapped where it just knows over hard yeah you know so i started short shifting i'm like what the hell is going on i brought another element with me but i'm a little bit concerned because i just put a new element in it before we left so i'm tempted to basically try to just rerun this thing yeah what are you doing jamie um the o2 sensor is on the passenger side bank so we're gonna pull the plug from the opposite hand perfect i should shane we're gonna run back and grab the dash six there should be a roll of it cross is over yes sir and then it comes back to the right thing yeah okay so so these should be lean compared to the those sizes right what problem are we trying to fix well if it's leaning on that one we got a lean bank because we got lack of fuel yeah it is lack of fuel but at the same time that side is still good this side is running through fred show him but once you guys get up to red line once you guys are getting up to red line we're running out of fuel on the rail yeah this rail is going to starve before that rail that one yeah right but the solution is to fix the fuel filter yeah well that's part of that i mean that has plenty of pressure you never want to start but now if you bring that up now you bring that up this crossover line is the same nascar ship and that so this could very well yeah which is the screen which would have pushed it in these injectors i didn't even think about that i think the real solution is to get rid of that dash six crossover that's that shitty line and put a good piece of line on there and that's fine and clean these injectors yeah no no right right all right so we've got all the fuel lines off we're gonna get the filter out clean these injectors and uh get prepared check the top hats check each injector check the filter kind of kind of run through it all because we got something clogging this whole bank is lean that side is pretty good and uh that's why our powers started acting all funny so yep get her checked out and keep working on it all right so we got the injectors out there you go over here at the machine we're getting ready to set that all up and see what's cooking do we got those in order we still got those in order yes so these three are the bad side and then this one is one of the ones from the good side okay do we know which one two three is or not i don't i don't think he brought him to me that way okay he said he just brought me bad ones and good ones fly in there yep there was i was wondering if you'd notice it oh i noticed i know they're good yeah they're good good yeah look good looks like brent sold us some good injectors thank goodness they're they are my favorites 50. uh [Music] yeah i did sounded much better i think it's just [Music] from where we just set [Music] [Music] just not consistently the same so basically you can see right here so he stabbed it it was a little more power it just depends on where he stabs it but you can see right here like 46 4700 they match but the red one it just kind of started tanking after that he did say it was really rich through there so it might just be fuel killing the power but who knows [Music] okay yeah and the regulator didn't budge let's do it again [Music] [Music] i mean that one's definitely leaner than the other but not by a lot but i mean these were pretty fresh too as we pull it the plugs on this side are a little darker than on that side but we don't have an o2 sensor reading on that side we just have no two sensor reading on this side see what happens [Music] i heard it right away [Music] [Music] hey turn vtec off and see if that's the curve it makes okay man what i would turn v-tech off and see if v-tech adds 50 horse on a j-series wouldn't you i'm just saying i'm not with you but on a k i'd be impressed i mean where is vtech three three but if but vtech probably wouldn't add anything at three though you know he didn't do anything until round five stock and where is it where's it roll over and where's it roll over 5 000 but that doesn't explain the spark plug no hold on let's check the oil real quick i already checked it you did you're good okay if it's low on oil vtec will stop working i'm only on three cylinders which would make it rich not lean i mean we've seen everything do weird vtech doesn't work i agree i agree no it could not be that easy it could be anything tiffany but electronics love to do stuff like this yeah yeah well apparently that's what this car that's what happens with me tiffany made the harness it was i did make the harness and i'm literally running through my head like that did you forget those wires i told you not to forget the side all right so our our process of elimination here we're thinking shut b-tech off this time yeah then we can pull the intake off and watch the watch and film the throttle blade make sure it's not actually closing even though it tells you it's not you know you're in your little cave in here so yeah i figured i'd pass on to you what we were thinking fear what the heck is going on here yep i mean that's pretty damn close yeah but why but why why isn't it rip out why did it rip out he just didn't rev it out no it did not really oh 230 but it wouldn't rev out right which typically get warmer because it was probably pig rich right brent um it wasn't big rich but but it definitely didn't let me go past 65 as i see but i mean the curve is pretty close yeah and it sounded very similar it did very similar so we might be narrowed down to v-tech which part of v-tech who knows um v-tech auth is the blue one it looks very similar to the red one interesting but it wouldn't rev past 6 500. so uh let's try this one more time this is with vtec on the battery like as soon as you get to six i'm like nope yeah that's what i felt to you so if the mechanical inside like trying to take a valve cover and try to figure out we have a solenoid maybe to test what's that let's just swap the solenoid maybe we just swap that some to almost 280 or whatever and it's using 275 pounds an hour and then we just move it over to this one this is when it just tanked off yeah and we're using 207. what's that the fuel flow is like dropping the fuel flow like over here when it made that good power it made 277 pounds an hour okay and we move it over to this one and we're making 204 okay well here well here doesn't make sense which would make sense with both here's something mixed in even was sticking it would still give the same fuel flow [Music] you well it's corrected what do you mean it's correcting for the air the o2 sensor is correct so it wouldn't but the correction would be different right so yeah so minus 20 here so it's maxed out on this one yeah is it saying how much is correcting it and this one it's adding 20. okay one is pulling that's 40 difference yep that's why the map you can't really when i was moving it around i would it would max it out one way so it'd really take off so it's something to do with air then right i mean it's obviously due there so maybe it has to do with vk are we are we which one we pulled 20 on the good on the good pole because because it's the o2 sensor keeps correcting for the amount of air that's there one has air one does not the cam is the air yeah but yeah yeah you're not wrong uh is adding 20 on the good pole or the bad pole adding 20 is the good pull subtracting 20 is the bad boy what's your name i just want to make sure that was a backer we got a lot of crazy yep that's where yeah let's try a vtec let's get rid of that solve stuff see this is not factory to the vtec actuator slide so that it's a bored hole yeah and the piston sits in there so there is a possibility that it could be getting gold up and sticking let me grab a magnet let's see if this one seems like it's free in there that seems pretty uh pretty decent gonna pull it out we'll just see if there's any funny grooves or anything on it one little scratch on the side there but that's that's pretty new and this has a lot of miles on it yeah but you can't even feel this thing yeah it's a little toasty damn thing can we find anything i mean the other one's got a little scratch on the side but minimal let's see if you can find it oh yeah right there got two got a long one and a short one they don't look like enough huge so we said we got another one no scratches we got 300 thousand mile later that's solid yeah put this in and put the spring on top i'm gonna have to detect all the time i'm gonna put the spring in on top do you pull the whole rocker the rocker's arms off right yeah yeah but you have the right pins you can't flip the pins on this one we could figure it out or put washers behind something that's right i have no idea i think these are the same as the feet so we could use our locking pin oh we got some of those two we've got our b series locking pin kits if there's do we have a rocker assembly sitting out somewhere real quick just grab a rocker assembly set i'll grab a pin kit the pins on the j are very very short so then it might be like a single cam pin all right so you guys got some b and h and k pins here yeah like are we going to lock them for real yeah i think we're going to lock them trying i think it makes the most sense honestly for consistency at least we'll know if the problem is see that's all you need one side loaded yeah yeah yeah now do we have enough of those though because we need a lot i got more one from this the long b on this side okay so a long b so i got them all right so the j and the long b so here's a long b long b yep all the shorts are all the shorts are going to pull out and we're going to shorten these and a medium size c all right so let's no i don't think so but it is worth like fixing that line too okay so we'll do that because we found that there's a line that does have a little leak an oil pressure line yeah so that would be worth yeah it'd be worth solving as well we've got a lot of hands i need to we need you got an oil pressure sensor we need to put in we'll get her solved all right what do we got going here because you and me have had some conversations about this and it kind of led to what we thought well so so here here's what and here's what gets confusing too is when we bought we bought these short blocks brand new from honda no heads and we bought brand new heads from honda but they don't come left and right because the head is the same they just flip one head they're interchangeable so so the dowel here come on this side because that side is tough that side's wrong but it's when you get the head from honda they're not left or right side specific but you have a stop you have a roll pin here hollow that oil has to go through and you have a dowel solid here oil does not go through if you switch them vtec does not work because that oil the oil from that pin is what runs actuates vtec so we have one head that has not had vtec the entire time but yet it makes 280 horsepower on a whim is there okay so so explains it so let me dive in now so okay so the oil needs to go through this one i know i don't want to look at a head that's awful so wait no i know this one's all messed up though so do i have one curry with that do you think maybe there's enough oil pressure to come around that pin sometimes there has to be something right it's just how could we have it let's pull this pin real quick but yeah let's look at the rocker can oil go from either side or something there's a hole on both sides so maybe it's getting oil from just the wrong side and that one is just messed up yeah something like that so it'll get pressure sometimes and then won't sometimes yeah wow those do not look great if you don't feel that oh i see it that's not good you want to see if you can track me down and roll in i'm pretty sure we can brent did you have a head back there where you found all the rockers and stuff do you want to oh yeah we just need uh one of these roll pins might as well solves all the issues we need a roll pin yeah see that pin right there it's jacked so maybe it's just getting enough oil pressure to sometimes have all of vtec oh there's no internet no there's no way i was going around that yep but that one could pressurize sometimes and then it could be bleeding sometimes you wouldn't even think that you would think tobacco i know i guess yeah you would think the back side of the block wouldn't feed one side since there's already a dowel there unless that's their plug yeah i think that's their plug like that's what dead ends it well it doesn't matter which side it comes from okay here's something else yeah the rocker spit on either side yeah so the rockers are made to go from either way because they have a hole on both sides because they interchange on the heads so but they're made to get fed from one side for some reason well no i guess it switches if it's on the other side it gets fed from the other direction so it doesn't matter which side we get it from honestly the roll pin being messed up was probably our i don't know this is a sporadic issue exactly it didn't have oil pressure yeah that's exactly what it was there you go that's exactly what it was it doesn't matter okay all right kids it doesn't matter where the roll pin goes it just matters it just matters it's not yeah it just has to well even even this is like questionable yeah you know like we can't get a sealed dowel yeah hollowed out which yeah our heads were both in the front they're both the front right back there so we just went through all of the hamilton it doesn't matter honestly which side it comes from because this just deadheads it it doesn't matter because the reason why you think about it the other way sometimes it's because that roll pin was smashed yeah makes sense why she was always complaining that power just disappeared well and then and so then i drove it we made some change went to the track and i drove it as soon as we got there straight off the trailer and it ripped like i came in i was like wow and then by the day i drove it i'm like it's garbage again yeah let's just switch it okay and then let's lock it okay then we never have to worry about it again it doesn't matter we're locking it yeah all right cool lock away no don't just walk away no lock away oh walk away well you lock away all right you were the one with the design todd let's lock so is tiffany's fault all along now let me push this over yeah i put them together pretty soon no no that wasn't the problem the problem was just that that roll pin just got that's a long one that needs to go away but you put it together i did put it together but it wasn't your fault i'm just giving you crap it it really there was no way to know the roll pin just got caught when the seven went on and it just pushed that corner down okay but what a ridiculous oh yeah and then flip it over there okay then um okay one's done okay i've got the middle one this close okay i'm gonna make sure we don't smash the roll pin yeah okay there again the front one's the loose one again you ready for this buddy i've been ready for this and i can probably take the stuff out of my individual cylinder corrections well not only that but now the now now all the low end stuff is going to be off oh yes under 3 000 which we're never there we could push it i'm excited i'm not worried about pushing it i think this is actually the way to go anyway you just have to give us a little a little dramatics every time right you know that's what i'm good for just call me when you need it when we need a little challenge yeah i want to make sure you guys really knew what you're doing what did we put on this thing 30 pulls trying to find this 30 all right okay hold on we were at 30. okay so hold on we're at 73 minus 37 whatever that is 73 pulls total minus 37 is this car thank god we were off the dyno no no but she's sure she's pissed a little breaks are oh okay 36 pulls on this and 37 on the other car and we're just getting to tune this one we're just getting solved where we can [Music] now hopefully we're just consistent now what we're chasing [Music] that was that was a struggle we got there that was awesome we're struggling pretty hard with how things are good and uh we're gonna start tuning it now and get a good and then do our throttle changes and we're done all right we've really worked hard on these ones i've got to pull some power from this 80 horsepower to be exact because we made 282 i got to make 202. these gotta go back here so let's do that [Music] what were you hoping for on that one two or two you're close 204. oh 204 with a little tip what's the can you take a picture of the valley and highlight it because i need to see the peaks and then where it came down and everyone came back because i got it [Music] i am [Music] 800. oh yeah [Music] we got there we're a little over what a challenge man what a challenge how easy was that [Applause] literally four dino pulls later i mean 40. i think even 40 is low maybe 50. that was a lot but we got there we got it did we do it better than a hundred poles between the two cars wow 100 exactly 100 on the dot oh hold on 101 because there was the one glitch oh yeah hunter wait on just her car no 101 pulls to make 200 horsepower wow we've got the same power we had with this we gained 100 pounds of torque yeah but we gained all that torque right it's gonna be huge it'll rip off the corner now yeah we don't pass them going into the corners we pass them coming out and down the straightaways or setting them up for the corner and coming off right we don't pass them going in yeah so super stoked man that was a challenge but it was fun we got there dude it's going to be so fun i'm so excited i am tv i mean even last year we had we had great success we put a motor in 24 hours and then we won the top 10 shoot down and took second place yeah and that was with a hundred less pounds of torque yeah because i just got raped getting pulled up on the banking it's going to be interesting this year but we got some i mean swenson will be good so there's two vets this year the same c5 from last year ann swenson and then high cotter who's a pro in uh carbon fiber 370z with no budget but you still gotta have the same amount of power so i mean it's all even no no right right but but he's good you know he doesn't make mistakes you're a driver i've seen it we're gonna party hard i might make yeah i'm scared and you got this guy behind you in the corner so he's in my ear yeah he just goes why are you being up just go faster all right well tell me don't you suck yeah i'm crew chief this year this weekend yeah awesome yeah i'm stoked awesome you ready for the weekend it was gonna be real boring until we had that debacle yeah now we're good my car was pretty boring that's how i like 40 pulls later it was i bet it was something after last year i was good with boring hit by that yeah no you're done one of them that's it thanks for watching like subscribe guys subscribe to team kelly racing as well kelly racing yes because we see this guy more we do once a month from now on and once a month that's what we need get our get our fix didn't we put it on the schedule going to do a new engine every month all [Music] right [Music] you
Channel: PFI Speed
Views: 61,700
Rating: 4.9567814 out of 5
Keywords: PFISpeed, BoostedBoiz, Street2Track, PFI, Boosted, Boiz, 1320, Cleetus, Mcfarland, Brent, Turbo, Sho'nuff, Honda, Civic, Acura, Integra
Id: IWJpVbwUxcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 35sec (2015 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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