We Got An $18,000.00 Fine for Selling This.

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This dude might be cool af but cutty is a bad businessman. You cant be doin things that are verifiably illegal and creak when you get caught up. If he didnt know it was illegal... Bad move. If he did and is just now crying about it.... Bitch move. I immagine it stirred up the base of his followers enough that he breaks in the black all tolled in the end. I have a hard time feeling bad for these people that put themselves out there like this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sickcat29 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Doing something you know is illegal, getting caught then acting like a victim is some next level shit. This is akin to getting pulled over for obviously speeding and acting like it's the cops fault he gave you a ticket.

It sucks, I think the EPA should be focused on the real polluters like giant corporations who ravage the planet not someone selling devices to make street cars a little quicker. There's red tide in Tampa because the berm on a giant lake full of leftovers from making fertilizer almost failed so the solution was to dump a ton of nitrogen rich water into Tampa Bay. The business that left this pollution closed and the current owner isn't being fined for it.

Sadly, they know by picking on the smaller, independent businesses they will get their fines because these people cannot afford to drag it out in court indefinitely like a big multinational corporation will.

Don't think the RPM act is a lifesaver for this, it will only help with being able to turn a street car into a racecar and not tuning your street car with devices meant to bypass emissions controls.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 38 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sometrendyname πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I am from the UK and cannot make any sense of why in the US it is not allowed to upgrade the ECU on a street car. Here, cars have to go through an annual test that includes emissions. An ECU can be changed and the engine tuned - providing the emissions are still within the limits set by the test (MOT) then everything is ok.

To me, looking on from afar it looks like the EPA going on some sort of shakedown to justify some wonky laws. Marching in with armed agents at Lund? Someone needs to give their head a wobble and take a close look at the EPA and adjust federal laws over there!

The RPMact seems to me to protect one set of enthusiasts but not another.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Digirium πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 29 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

At least he had fans pay it. How many shops go under that we don't even know about.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/afloridaman69er πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’d like to see them build a good car for a change. Instead these haggard ass pieces of shit with grease, dirt, and leftover parts all over em.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KennySmith224 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 22 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] what's going on guys welcome back to pfi speed a lot of you guys have seen the video where i talked about epa giving us a fine eighteen thousand dollar fine for selling some hon data s300s now i never went into what the s300s are what they did or why this would be a problem so i want to do that real quick with you guys and uh share that unless you know what we use them for why we need them and uh why they actually are an improvement over the stock ecu all right so this is the s300 these are the products we sold we sold 37 of them what it comes with is the s300 itself a cable to plug in to it and a couple input harnesses and then the kit to solder it into the ecu and the honda instructions and everything else so that is the kit inside here is the s300 so this is the s-300 itself this is the part that uh got me in trouble for selling i'm not this company i don't make the product or anything else we use these on the little turbo civic projects this allows us to run a bigger fuel injector allows us to change timing parameters allows us to put in a bigger map sensor up to seven bar it also allows us to tie in a wide band o2 sensor which actually is quite the upgrade these older ecu's had narrow band o2 sensors back in the mid 90s they used narrow band o2 sensors because they were cheap but they were also very slow in how they would react and make changes to your car and what the ccu also allows us to do is tie in the wide band o2 sensor that way you can always run and close loop and keep it in lambda 1 which is kind of always the goal on any of these cars even your late model stuff i'll show you real quick what they go in how you put them in and then what you use it for this product is not a black market device it's actually a really good product these guys have worked really hard on the software this company actually took the old ob1 ecu's out of the stone age and uh made a more late model so these actually work really good for these little cars so a lot of these guys are going to the junkyard they're pulling these stock ecu's out of old salvaged cars and once they've got the ecu they'll take the s 300 and they'll solder a board into it all right so far all we have is a little computer component and we've got a recycled ecu all right what you got going on over here gorda actually just finishing up soldering up this ecu yeah yeah just got the rails for the honda in there and that looks like it's a little ease with chips and resistors and transistors diodes capacitors all kinds of good stuff and they're all put on a circuit board so they can all read and talk to each other and then what are you putting in then i'm putting in this on data board okay the aftermarket board that goes into these rails and then this one for data logging just plug it in then you have your port that's what this hole is for so you can you actually modify this ecu by cutting a little hole in it so you can plug into that little part there that's it that's it this is something you're doing for your own little hot rod oh yeah cool something toy you're playing with yeah you're interested to see that yeah dirt car yeah that's what the dirt car needs yeah very cool so gordo's back there and he's got it going on and you can kind of see now what it takes to actually get one of these things going these guys actually do it enjoy soldering on these little boards and creating something of their own almost like when you're building a computer that you bought from the store all your solid state drives and all that stuff you change around make that computer perform just that much better i'll show you guys how you download the software and how do you even make these things work so you go to hon data's website you download the software then register and you have to commit to making it a competition use only vehicle then you have to strap your little hot rod race car down to a dyno 594 594 once you finish with the dyno that's when you take it to the track and you start making those passes and uh really dialing it in crisply hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] what a good race you can see this is not a plug-in device this doesn't plug into an obd2 port and it takes a little bit to get this thing all worked out and right and once you do you're able to actually have the ccu work more like an obd2 where you can read check engine light codes all from your cell phone and in real time you're able to check your temperatures your pressures and monitor the overall performance of your vehicle and that's on data and that is what i got in trouble for selling it works great for all these guys with their mid 90s civics and really makes these cars perform like a late model vehicle truly believe it's good product and i still disbelieve that this little thing has stirred up this much trouble so on the epa side they see the s300 as a defeat device so what warrants a defeat device a defeat device is something that alters or render the emission parts inoperable that means deleting any of your three-way catalyst that means deleting any o2 sensors that means deleting egr or deleting any other mission control that your vehicle may have we're actually about chasing technology that goes right along with the emissions although we don't take ours on the road or street we take it to the track but at the same time those o2 sensors and those types of tech actually help these cars run just a whole lot better so you don't want to get rid of it you actually want to embrace this technology and use it to actually make the cars run that much better and cleaner because a cleaner car is way more efficient and efficiency is power we're more race car oriented you guys follow our psca class and other things we've done and we're more about taking to the track be involved with your community at the track we want to build a safe environment for these hot rods to come out be able to rip their little vehicles and have a good time and grow friendships bonds and be able to participate in a sport we all super enjoy so i can't really go into all the stuff we've talked about with the attorney just not the right time for that yet but i will let you guys know what's going on we started our own coalition as well some of the most hardworking guys in the industry which we're getting ethanol guys the agriculture guys and all the hot rod guys all together and we're all working on this together because it's affecting all of us and it's a pretty big deal i also want to get into stuff later on that you guys will need to know to protect yourselves and run your business in a way that these guys will stay off your back which is also important in this world right now if a sale like this has this big of effect on the community and uh what we're all doing then uh really there's no bounds on where these guys could go what they could do to you or how they could get you and that's also something really sit back and think about we burn clean fuels we're all about clean fuels i think everybody in this industry is pretty much moved that way so i've thought a lot about this stuff as you guys could tell it's just it's in my mind every day and i'm trying to get understanding i come from old school you know we're we're hot rodders we're adjusting carbs and you know it starts there and then you turbo something and then you just build up from there and up from there and we've really trying to advance the industry and really make this stuff so good we have a real passion for the internal combustion engine and how it works we have a real desire to make things clean to make them good to get better mileage i mean isn't that the gold mine at the best air fuel possible and keep the racing cheaper besides make stuff really cool and clean and and rad so yeah just mind blows me that this is the stuff we're living through i may be from an old school of thought you know i'm not a greta i'm not any of these political people out there i'm a little mechanical tuner a guy that just really enjoys what he does i have a great big passion for all of this i got great guys that that surround me and really lift each other up and make each other better men and i think that's part of this we have a short time in this this world and uh and passing this stuff on to the next guy to the next guy so so young guys know understand the mechanics side of things and how things work and how to make them better and they will they absolutely will this stuff will get way better as chips get better and programming gets better i mean there's no reason you can't make things just just the way you want them perfect what's coming in the intake or exiting the pipe as great as you want to be with the advancements of running an ethanol fuel where detonation just simply goes away and it's not the garbage you get at the pump that's so hard to work with you know it's no wonder they have all these crazy rules for emissions you're working with a really hard dirty fuel and that's really hard that's not that's not an easy thing to do and people that tune in and understand the engines you know they understand that some a politician that gets these facts and they can skew things the way they want it's really hard to compete with that some of it doesn't make sense some of it doesn't have any logic to it and i'd love to see the tests in a real a real way and i'd love to perform these tests and get involved with all that and do some things we work a lot we have a lot of race cars that we've got coming in and out we got some clients that we service and we want to always give them our time attention good product and i want to keep making you guys just rad videos i want to keep young guys like boost boys and all them successful and always try to steer them in the best path possible that all these guys will share in some success and really achieve their dreams and share their passion with you all i think that's i think that's super important it gives us all a hope and a sense of pride and energy and builds a whole community together which i think is just absolutely important a lot of people associate being rich with with money and things and and all this stuff that's not what's rich what's rich is doing what you want in this life enjoying it loving it being the best at it you can be and keep working on yourself and be a better person every day but i want to let you guys know that we're working hard to beat this case i way appreciate the donations the all-around community support it has been just so humbling and awesome you guys i you know this all of this i owe it to you guys the fans the friends the people i've met at the shows and all the memories along the way it really means a lot to me and everybody here we want to bring you guys rad content we want to bring you guys great strategies we want to teach you guys how this stuff works i want to continue to work on my own projects it's it's hard but i'm i'm aiming and it's just it just takes a bit i'm pretty backed up and i've been busy it's been since race week that i try to make a video about more of this and try to keep you guys in the loop so i'm glad i could do that for you guys tonight and i really appreciate you guys watching just like subscribe oh we way appreciate you guys buying all the merch that has been awesome the hot rodding is not a crime shirt they're absolute killer so we've got those and we've got the rpmx shirts and you guys crushed on those it was really overwhelming there for almost a month where we were just it britney brought in a friend and they really just went hard at it the screen printer placed shut down completely for us it was truly amazing and i can't thank you guys enough for your support from the donations to everything i i'm super humbled and i way appreciate it so we appreciate you guys watching give us like subscribe and we'll see you guys all tomorrow thanks a bunch [Music] like that you
Channel: PFI Speed
Views: 643,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PFISpeed, BoostedBoiz, Street2Track, PFI, Boosted, Boiz, 1320, Cleetus, Mcfarland, Brent, Turbo, Sho'nuff, Honda, Civic, Acura, Integra
Id: b454Q_FvQ2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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