This is How you Become INVINCIBLE in Hogwarts Legacy!

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even though Hogwarts Legacy is relatively easy compared to other games there are still a few ways to become pretty strong and basically Invincible on a high difficulty the build I'm showing you today is even more efficient and more powerful than a build with Avada Kedavra and crucial and you will find out why in the course of this video and because the majority of the people that watch these videos haven't even subscribed to their Channel yet I would really appreciate it if you subscribe to the channel because there will be a lot more Hogwarts Legacy in the future we surprisingly start with a potion that makes the build possible in the first place namely the Maxima potion with this potion the damage of your spells is significantly increased whereby the regular attack can now also break Shields making the appropriate spells basically unnecessary so you will never need another accurate or the pulso to break a purple shield and you also won't need yellow spells or red spells to break the other Shields and by the way in addition you will also be able to defeat every single opponent in about two or three hits but now let's move on to the Spells the main spell is defindo the cutting spell we also combine this directly with the traits of the clothing because I don't really want to go into detail that much because the traits are very easily explained you just choose traits that increase the damage with the findo and there is a big difference in damage of course and combined with Maxima it just makes a very big difference when it comes to the damage but the second spell that second damaging spell is confringo I chose this one because you have to fight an inferious for example from time to time and you have to attack them with fire first and confringo has a very good effect on basically all opponents as it is a blasting spell a blasting curse and has fire properties the third spell is glaciers to further boost the finals damage you know it's very simple to explain first you freeze the opponent and then you cut him or them with the findo and this is just perfect if there are enemies that are just too strong for a normal defendo attack such as jolts for example and probably the most interesting spell though is the Transfiguration when used correctly it is much stronger than you think and in order to use these spells effectively enough we need skills obviously first let's look at the spells here of course we improve the spells that I just mentioned the findo can now cut through multiple enemies and hit them at once which is very very effective if you have you know large groups of enemies quadrango can now jump from enemy to enemy making it very effective in groups as well and Glaciers is now able to freeze another enemy around the Frozen enemy if you attack them with a basic spell and further enhancing it with the finno you know when you combine everything together it is just basically a destruction of groups of enemies it is just abnormally strong I can just say that and the probably most interesting and one of the most important skills in this build is the skill for the Transfiguration because you have now the ability to turn your enemies into a fire barrel and you can also throw it to enemies and a fire barrel of course explodes and you will now not only you know defeat the transformed it will also hit the enemy and then defeat them as well and needless to say if you hit multiple enemies at once with the barrel you will also defeat them as well which makes it also very effective for groups of enemies and you just have it at a very very quick rate because you have to wait basically no time at all because the cooldown is so fast and this makes it so effective for the core skills you should improve Stupify and protocol so that you can just you know defend yourself against enemy attacks just more effectively this is optional you don't have to you can just dodge because this is what I do for example but if you want to deflect these spells then you can do that as well upgrading the Maxima potion in the room of requirement talent tree is probably the most important thing you can do in this build because this is the only way to actually break enemy Shields with normal attacks with the normal Maxima potion you just have an increased damage but when you upgrade the Maxima potion you then have the ability to break the enemy Shields with a basic attack which is just crazy and I personally consider this build to be kind of a heroic build even though you are still you know beating your enemies unconscious but in my next video I will show you how you can become the greatest villain in Hogwarts Legacy which is kind of the contrary built to this one
Channel: The Gamerunit
Views: 21,987
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Keywords: hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy gameplay, hogwarts legacy news, hogwarts legacy release, hogwarts legacy dark arts, hogwarts legacy common rooms, hogwarts legacy companions, hogwarts legacy dueling club, hogwarts legacy gameplay showcase, hogwarts legacy ravenclaw companion, hogwarts legacy preview, hogwarts legacy beginner guide, hogwarts legacy tips and tricks, hogwarts legacy guide, hogwarts legacy house choice, hogwarts legacy build
Id: I3c-1a0QAb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 43sec (283 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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