This Hogwarts Legacy stealth build literally ONE SHOTS ALL ENEMIES, do this NOW - strongest build

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I'm going to show you how to one shot any enemy in Hogwarts Legacy with this totally overpowered stealth build it's actually insane how much damage this thing does and if you're able to pull it off you can literally one shot just about anything in the game there's a few things I'll survive but most things Infamous foes whatever they'll literally get one shot just to demonstrate how powerful this is this person right here Infamous Pho gone before I was already missing half HP but still gone all right so check this one out so this is this is one of the highest level random Infamous bows in the game One Tap just like that that easy this build is so overpowered guys it's actually insane how much damage this does so that was the boss on the map way down here on the coast one of the highest level areas in the game relative Journal level so yeah this thing's crazy guys let me show you how to build this thing it's actually nuts how strong it is it'll make your game so easy okay so so to make the strongest stealth build in the entire game there's a few things that you need to do when you put a bunch of things together first off with your talents uh if you haven't already you'll definitely want to get all four stealth talents there's only four of them anyway so you might as well get them since you get like 35 Talent points it's really a good tree to invest in main things that makes it easier to sneak without getting noticed and also lets you sprint while sneaking which will just make this build much more versatile and useful and be able to get away with it in like 80 90 of fights even fights you're not supposed to use stealth on like when you slide down a thing and it starts to fight if you use it fast enough you can usually stealth and just stealth fight every every scenario in the story almost all of them okay so first off you are going to need after those talents we're going to need the vivariums and the room of requirement now you get the room of requirement as part of the main story if you don't know how to fast travel to you go to Hogwarts and there's this Mark right here click it and then go to this food flame to get to your room of requirement so after you get that at some point a little bit later on the store maybe a little 12 or 10 or 14 or something like that if you look at your side quests there'll be one with this guy Deke it'll be called like the elf the knab sack and the something I can't remember you do that and that'll get you this bag which is super helpful to have and it'll also then after that there should be another Quest either with that or right after that that'll get you these vivariums where you'll be able to put these rescue bees I think it's part of that same Quest so you'll end up with these vivariums where you can put beasts into them which is really important because then you can get items from them by grooming them and feeding them as you learned in Beast class in this game so once you have all that figured out that prerequisite then that's that's important you're gonna need that in order to get this built out as strong as you possibly can so then so I think the quest right after that one or sometime right around there will get you this Loom there'll be one more from Professor Weasley and she'll walk you through some stuff in here and then you'll get the Loom or it was deep but I thought it was Professor Weasley yeah so once you do those quests then you'll have the loom you have the vivarium you have the knabsack and now you are good to go all right so what does the loom do the loom lets us put traits on gear and lets us upgrade the gear okay we're gonna combine this with an exploit where you can get legendary gear and combine this with an exploit where you can get whatever trait you want whenever you want obviously it is possible to do everything I'm going to show you without exploiting the game but you might as well exploit the game so when getting this all set up I would recommend opening up your menu going to settings and just changing the difficulty uh right here the difficulty down to story mode just while doing the setup just to save yourself some time make this a little bit easier on yourself so now that we have all that prep done we're gonna do some more prep so we go to the world map and we go to this medium Bandit Camp uh ideally this one unless you've already cleared it but then just find a different medium band at Camp the main thing is I know for a fact you can get what you want at this medium Bandit camp but I'm gonna show you this other one instead to show you what it is that you got to do with that Medium band at camp in order to get what we needed okay so I'm going to show you what to do with this band at camp but I might as well while I'm at it show you just how overpowered this stealth build is so first off if you near someone it will petrify two at once that's pretty standard just normal stuff for this build but if you're actually sneaky and you have all those talents you can uh just run in and one shot literally everything although the targeting is a little weird sometimes all right there you go I killed literally like was it like 10 enemies and I don't even know like 30 seconds or something so after you've killed all the enemies in the Bandit Camp what you're gonna do is you're gonna go to the collection chest so wherever this one is it's this one okay you see it on the compass at the bottom left so get right in front of it then start your game or hit set start or whatever go to settings save game pick whatever save you're playing on and now what you're gonna do is some save scum magic so there's this exploit from another video I posted about if you haven't seen it you can check out the description but it's pretty straightforward but actually that video has a lot of other details I don't talk about in this one so you can check that out has lots of more good stuff also check the description for other Hogwarts Legacy videos that are really good okay anyway uh you search the chest Venom one okay so it's not what we want so then we're going to open up the menu settings load game and oh it's right it's not okay sorry up here load this one and so when you reload and then open it it'll be a different item and you're going to do this over and over and over until you get a um a talent or whatever they're called I already forgot the name of the things uh you want binding three but I wasn't binding three so I would just keep resetting at this point if I was actually trying to get binding three and you have to do this in a medium band at Camp because the small band at camps I'm not sure they can actually drop them but I know the medium ones can and very specifically I'm not sure if they each have their own loot pools or not but if this one's available definitely do the trick on this one because I know for a fact you can get there because I got it there anyway uh so once you have that one you can see it under your collections there's the traits and then in the traits there is binding three so what this one does is it significantly increases damage with Petra petrificus totalus and that is the one you use when you stealth attack someone like what I just did to kill all these Bandits so once you have that things can get real crazy and I'm gonna combine that with some other stuff here and it's just gonna get nuts so the next thing you're gonna do is you're going to do the gold Farm if you don't know how to do it check out the description of this video I have a video how to get 30 000 gold per hour but the long story short is capture these Moon caps right here and sell them okay but there's much much more to that if you want to check out that video it's in the description along with other a lot of other awesome videos uh once you have enough money which will not take long literally like five to ten minutes you have enough money for anything you need you'll go to hogsmead and you'll go to this food flame right here the North hogsmeade and you'll head over to Glad Rags wizardware and what this guy does is he sells gear and once you've done the gold exploit you have like you know ten thousand gold whatever well legendary gear only costs 500. if you want to see more about that video and more about that check out my legendary gear exploit video in the description of this video but the long story short is you sleep five times the shop resets you can buy more legendary gear so you combine that with the money exploit to get a full set of legendary gear at your level and then you'll look something like this full legendaries equipped which is really important when you're trying to combine buying things with what we're gonna do here I'm actually missing one I don't even realize I'm missing one so how much I one shot that one thing I showed you without even having everything I'm gonna do here all right so we're gonna go to the map and then we're going to go to Hogwarts map we're gonna go to secret rooms and then the room of requirement Foo flame now so we got full set of legendary hopefully at this point and we've got the level 3 binding and we've got all the talents that we need all the stealth talents so now we're gonna go over this Loom and every single piece of gear we're going to view traits and we're going to put on it binding three now if you don't have nasal fur uh I'll show you how to get that real quick put that on all right so uh nasal fur is the little cat guys and you can find them many different places and you check out my video and description about all the Beast locations if you want to know where any other bees are but nasal specifically here's Hogwarts down here by Brock burrow uh there is a nasal spawn nasal Den right here do you go there catch a bunch of needles come back throw them into one of the vivariums and then pet them feed them and collect the stuff and you'll have enough needle fur to put on as many of these as you want because it just uses one in order to equip it so then you'll have binding three on every single piece of gear it has to be legendary to put binding three on it if it's not legendary you can only put binding two on a purple and binding one on a blue whereas you put binding one two or three on a legendary or you put one or two on a purple basically love blue level one purple level two and legendaries level three and that determines what you can put on it so you're gonna need a full-sided legendary to put full set of binding three on your stuff then there's one more step we're gonna take here ideally which is every single one that gives defense so the hat and then the spectacles glasses whatever and the uh um the shirt I guess uh those ones give defense so when you upgrade them they'll give additional offense so if you want to Max this build out you're going to take this legendary gear that gives defense and you're going to hit the other button to view upgrade and here's a piece I haven't upgraded for example and what it will use is jobber null and then I'm just gonna upgrade a random one here jabber no feather three of them then you'll need three more jabronal feather and a niffler fur and a toad war and I'll show you I'll explain all this in a sec and then your last one you'll need a graph horn a hippogriff feather a job or no Feather niffle niffler Fur and Toad warts so for most of this you can just go buy them actually so one thing you could do to get these if you don't especially if you only have one vivarium is you can actually just go to hogsmead and you can go to Brewton Peck and you can just buy out the shop of all the ingredients and then wait five times which is two and a half days and the shop should restock and you can buy them all again and so you'll you can just do that for like I don't know what is it you need six pieces of gear I guess so six times you do that it'll take a little while but you could do it that way you can also buy the pieces up at pit upon Ford there's a shop right at the center of town at Pitt upon four that also sells them please do that until you have six of each of all those pieces or as many as you want to get uh and then after that your um the other ones is the toad warts and the jabernal feathers and the niffler fur are the big things that you're going to want to get so if you need a job or no spawn there is a jabernal spawn right next to Hogwarts it's like not marked but there's one right here there's tons of other ones too you can go there catch a bunch of jabernals I recommend catching like four driver Knowles or five or something and then you immediately groom them and feed them and get a whole batch of joppernel feathers which you will need in order to do this and then the niffler fur there's a bunch of different spawns for nifflers I remember where it was I think it was this one yeah there's niffler down right up there there's more than one you can go to this one though catch a couple nifflers and then if you need the Toads there's a toad spawn right here a giant purple toad then and there's also a giant purple toad then over here and then there's another job renewal there and another giant purple so lots of options there you choose any of those you want in order to go get them throw them in your vivarium in order to get the pieces you want and then uh once you've interacted with them and gotten your stuff then you can upgrade all all of your gear if you do want to go catch all the other ones though instead of buying all the graph horn horns and stuff like that you can check out my video in the description this video about all 12 Beast locations and that'll show you how to get everything including the Phoenix but anyway so once you've got all that prep and you've upgraded all these things you'll look like me where you have this one upgraded the offense the Hat the glasses and the shirt which will give you an even more offense now you're just maxed out on offense and every single one has binding three which if you don't know if you might have assumed at this point yes these things do stack these trades stack so each one of these will just keep increasing the amount of damage that you do with petrific callus totalus or whatever but once you have all of those done all this prep now when you go to your gear you'll see it you'll have crazy amounts of offense it doesn't really show you anything about your binding bonus though but uh you'll be totally cracked out insane damage now at this point you are just the most overpowered thing in the entire game let me see if I can find one more Infamous Foe for us to take down on a one shot all right we got another Infamous foe here let's see if I can find a way to get behind him I don't know which one is this guy I'm just gonna rush in and grab him bam one shot this build is so nuts guys it does so much damage it's actually insane like oh my God you can actually just clear the entire game so quickly and so easily like it's it's nuts guys the stealth build is the most overpowered thing in this entire game it's actually crazy how much damage it does the only thing that I found that I can't one shot with this build out of all the standard stuff in this game is not just a troll but a forest troll I'm sure the armor trolls might be a pain but it looks like I can one shot him too so the last time I tested it I wasn't fully upgraded let's check out the armor troll see if I can one shot those all right one last time let's check this build out in actual action here let's see if I can sneak up on this fortified troll I definitely cannot one shot a fortified troll oh I guess I can one shot a fortified troll I take it back we can one shot a fortified troll that's actually crazy well I literally can't find anything I can't one shot with this build I mean the only thing I can't one shot are things that can't be hit like this like the final boss things like that cannot be hit with petrified Collis whatever so um that's it guys stealth builds totally op I hope this video helped you I know it was a lengthy one but I did my best to try to explain all the details so you don't miss out on something get confused uh but yeah so that's the stealth build totally broken if this video helped you out definitely definitely check out the description of this video guys I have tons of other awesome Hogwarts Legacy videos I also have little walkthroughs for different things and stuff so just browse through that description of this video see what else you can find that might help you out and then also if this video helped you and you want to help me out just check out the game that I'm making on Steam it's called Art Gallery simulator and the link for that is in the description this video below the first paragraph so you just go check that out wishlist that that would help me out a ton but either way I hope this video helped you out guys now you know this awesome fun stealth build I think it's the most fun build it's literally what I ran for the whole game because it's so much fun uh but yeah so now you know the busted overpowered broken stealth build in Hogwarts Legacy
Channel: Kibbles Gaming
Views: 5,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy one shot, hogwarts legacy one shot build, hogwarts legacy builds, hogwarts legacy build guide, hogwarts legacy stealth build, hogwarts legacy stealth, hogwarts legacy stealth gameplay, hogwarts legacy stealth finisher, hogwarts legacy best build, hogwarts legacy best spell, hogwarts legacy strongest build, hogwarts legacy strongest spell, best spell hogwarts legacy, one shot hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy invisibilty, hogwarts legacy guide, fun
Id: qaUjsG23xp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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