THIS IS BAD: 1981 DeLorean Engine Tear Down | Can It Be Rebuilt? | RESTORED

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hard to believe parked over 25 years ago because of that little thing yeah supposedly now these cars are notorious for having what they call the Valley of Death we're hoping that this car is not one of those but we really won't know until we dig in oh gosh I'm going to fill just this pan up with just the water rats Miss for sure huh they we live down in there weren't mhm God just don't want to come's got a hole in it ain't that a hole oh yeah yep that ain't good no hey Mike this is Lance again did you get those pictures I sent over oh yeah I'm looking at the first photo that's uh of the valley of death and uh yours looks dead so I guess at this point with locked up crank and the timing chains probably all rusted up down low and then a hole in the Block it's it's pretty much done for a block that would be my assessment yeah I think bringing that engine back to life is more trouble than [Music] course that's bad oh goly look at all that rust down there can you see it on the back side that piston there oh yeah Dodge all the mud in there goly oh wow I mean that looks like someone just dumped straight dirt down in there like but that ain't coming off with it on this engine stand no sure not that ain't good that ain't good at all I think that'll work now I think that yep I believe so just something where we can get these pulled out out you know right should I go ahead and pull them out just to make sure probably so hopefully it don't try [Music] flipping smart I guess take these out there's some there and then you those those across there and wait on these to the last to see if they have to come out or not two more there too [Music] yep let me grab that rubber mallet and just see if it tries to come loose you want to give it a whack somewhere over there it's just a gas get kind of holding it something dipstick dipstick there it goes yeah can see that a lot better now sure is nasty [Applause] mhm wow big old chunks huh yeah get the vacuum I guess and just try probably so suck it up best we [Music] can that's better yeah still a lot of crud down in there though you think you think it would hold any kind of fluid if we filled it up yeah I mean with something to clean it with I mean to a certain extent I mean it's going to it's going to leak some off I believe well the only way that little hole May yeah it can go through that little hole I guess yeah it might leak out pretty fast on that it's got that little hole but then the only other spot it' have to leak past the Pistons right which if it's doing that then we're doing some good you know at least it's cleaning around them I think we just top it off with I'd say some evapo R Us but I think there's still too much oil down in there so maybe we can fill it with some vinegar first let it set a few days and then see what it looks like and clean it let it set clean it let it set clean it right and it might it might turn over I don't know so we ended up topping this thing off with around 3 gallons of vinegar uh once we got it poured inside we found out that we were indeed leaking fluid through the hole in the valley of death now we went ahead and just put some catch pans up underneath this engine so we could go ahead and try to recycle that fluid and allow that vinegar to set in there long enough to clean and do its thing once we come back a month later we found an extreme mess that looked like expandable foam so we decided it was time to go ahead and clean this up the best we could and for all you guys that say that vinegar will never work on cleaning up rust in this case it did really well as you can tell on our Rod right here it's cleaned up pretty good also on our crank area right there every place that this vinegar touched it cleaned it up just a pretty much bare steel now in our cylinders as well they were also super Rusty and it appears like most of that's cleaned up where we can get a toothbrush in there and kind of scrub it around it cleans up real easy now on the bottom side of our crank here still pretty Rusty but obviously we can't get fluid to that point to clean it so at this point I think we're just going to go ahead and clean up the bottom side of the engine the best we can bolt it back together flip the engine over where we can fill it up with vinegar allow the bottle to soak and hopefully she'll turn over for us then now where we go from that point I really have no idea we need a bathtub or a swimming pool what a mess let's go ahead and go with [Applause] it they dry yeah you know what's crazy look that's where it look like it come through more than that it looks like it come through a different spot in the valley than then the hole it don't even look like the hole anything any vinegar come through through it kind of wondering if we don't pour vinegar why we got it like this right in that those those and then in that and see if it goes down or yeah oh look at that golly oh my gosh it's a lot of rust [Applause] mhm just like oh yeah yeah there's a hole I you can feel that go all the way through it I see it about the size of a baby yep mhm but you can't really tell vinegar come through that one there like I know yeah I said that one there you can definitely feel that it's what if we pour vinegar up in these and then pour it down in this these cooling ports which should fill up you know that cavity around the liners it's going to go through those obviously that's I mean that's a hole right but that's what we're trying to see if we can fix now if it comes through where these liners are then we're going to have to pull yeah the heads pull the the Pistons and the liners and all that mess I was hoping we could get it to turn over though and you know patch that hole somehow but now we got two of them yeah and that one's kind of in a weird spot weird spot it's not at the bottom it's on the side so sure enough more vinegar and more waiting I [Applause] guess going somewhere nothing coming out of the bottom yet nothing yet no still good huh still good well that's good good our liners might be okay or it might take a little bit for it to start leaking out me to fill up the valley yeah I think we're going to have to check something on it instantly huh yep H I think that was our main problem not the hold that let me wonder if this one comes through should nope it's taking air though I can see it bubbling here but yeah the hole that we found was not the I mean it's still an issue cuz see you can it is taking it but just real slow but this one here as soon as I put it in yep it wouldn't take long if you were washing it off or it got in a heavy rainstorm to right yeah fill that up yep that's taking in quite a bit through that hole I guess we'll still just fill it up the most we can and let it clean up in that Valley right never know there could be even more stuff we're not seeing got that set we may end up having to pull these valve covers off though and cuz as much I mean that's where the spark plug goes in though so that come through around the Piston but I see when you pulled this one that that one's on the is going to be on the intake valve yeah mhm you can see a little rust kind of coming through on wow yeah yeah that don't look too good same with that one so we probably need to pull these valve covers off and see what it looks like on the top sides of the heads before we know it we'll be pulling these heads I'm sure look at that Rusty but that had to come through the the Piston as well around the Rings and then that valve was open and so it come out of this right yep come out of that instead of that the spark plug ho yeah we just need to fill fill it up let it keep soaking is all I know to do all it's costing us is a little time and vinegar at this point [Music] [Music] right so it's been about a week we've been allowing this vinegar to sit down in our Valley here uh this first hole that we found to begin with doesn't look like it's lost much vinegar at all now this new hole that we found that thing's Pretty stinking big and it almost looks like there's two of them there the one on the left is all the way through the one on the right is right there at it and it's pretty close to our oil passage there now inside we went ahead and put some vinegar inside of our heads here down on our valves you can see it's starting to get pretty nasty there but doing a little bit of cleanup down inside of our uh Pistons where we've poured vinegar in there not much as seep by so I don't know how well it's cleaning in there I don't know how bad those rings are apparently they're pretty rough for that vinegar not to pass through them there and we also put some vinegar down in the block here that goes around our cylinder liners and that should be cleaning it up as well uh we're going to go ahead and try to get that back on that crank maybe let Dad get on this flywheel back here see if it tries to move any at all and then if not make a decision of where we want to go from there have moved yeah nothing back here it moved up here it moved about a 8 to a/4 inch here like it always had yeah I'm not getting nothing no movement at all back here really put yeah we are right there a little Mark we put with permanent marker and it's right there on the timing mark [Applause] there ready yep no nothing here did you get any movement yeah it moves some yeah there's nothing back here still yeah I wonder if just the pulley is moving on that key some with this nut which ain't good either yeah but this is smaller it's going to be easier to see it move then out further that is but regardless it doesn't seem like it's it's still locked up Pretty stinking good it moved that much to begin with and it not being on something you can actually get some good pressure on we're fighting all of our our strength just losing it in the engine stand right oh man and we still don't know is it the bottom of the crank still not clean well enough or is it the I think it's going to be the Pistons cuz they should have took down some of that to say you would have thought with and they were rough shape anyways mhm uh I don't know if we pull the valve covers off I maybe might as well see what it looks like on these these cams and stuff and then the next step would be to I guess pull the heads off and you're right there at the Pistons and Liners in you can check them out yep but regardless we still got a big old hole in the block that's bigger than what we thought right we had right I guess where i' pull that ice AC that's what I was just looking [Applause] at [Applause] you want that impact uh no I'll just I'll go the old hard way that one scares me I don't think the top end up here is going to be too bad but it may look it because when we had the motor flipped over and filled it full of vinegar right should have got all up in this area too yeah worse way worse than I thought it'd be yeah man yeah I don't look good at all thought that was a master link I said it had all that vinegar G come through here and was sitting in here makes me wonder what it looked like before though I know it yeah guess we'll get the other side off my go just go ahead and PE it it off okay your size's worse than mine man maybe this thing was in a flood or something look at that that's that's not good at all uh tell that chain is it's rusted that way you know what I mean it is bad Rusty which I'm trying to figure out it looks like the head bolts hold on this these rocker arms but I don't know how you get the the cam gear off to pull the cam or to pull the you know which normally you would be able to turn it over and find your you know your key and your chain and take it Loose there but with us not being able to turn it over we've got to figure out how to get this gear off the R I guess we could cut the chain might have to do that I don't know I don't think at this point we got a lot to lose let's just pull the headbolts off and okay um I don't know hopefully we don't regret it but with a hole like that I don't think there's going to be no regrets unless we don't do it okay [Applause] great I don't know what the torque says on these but they're pretty tight I say it's a little more than finger typ let me get a chip yeah I guess I can use this one got that cheater torque on [Applause] it [Applause] starting to lose some vinegar oh yeah coming through where the head and the block beats together I mean this thing ain't going to come off though until we get that right chain on [Applause] I I we just cut [Music] it if that'll come through there now just don't want to drop it down in there got it wow look the chain just fell apart where I didn't even cut it yep wow yeah that thing was never even if it would have turned it would have broke yeah mhm would have been into issues pretty bad yeah feeling the Shop's going to be smelling like vinegar for a while I guess I got to pull these out of the I wasn't thinking about all this other stuff I got to pull off this alterator and all these out of the timing C let me tighten those back up just a hair so all the weight's not on it pull those out head ends right there right yeah okay I guess if I pull this one out alternator should come off with it it should allow that to come up with the head okay yeah thank loose go ahead and take them out them things are long good great uh it's going to be stuck on this timing cover just see let me just pull that off so it's not in the way [Music] loose coming Ain it yeah that's definitely coming uh there it goes well don't look as bad as I thought it would right but the head gasket is that's pretty pretty tough right there I andan it ain't like it's soft it's still hard coming got a lot yeah it's it's so bad up in there where that timing chain goes golly I mean even the guide thing that's what there's another guide over here that's real Rusty does the head gasket actually go now I guess it ends there let's get it off and see what it looks like around the liners head gaskets don't look bad though don't think that was an issue have to go from that bottom side cuz look there's that L looking stuff yep huh I have to say I expected worse honestly them liners are thick ain't they is that them or is it that thinner one right there no it's this whole golly there's like oh my gosh look this thing had to been there's shells down in there isn't that what that is that's what it looks like but how could it there ain't no way they look like little seashells like little snails or something maybe dissolve now yeah it's just that cool and stuff take the other side off think so see that's soft there but where was that one oh right there you can feel that just it's hard rust in there where's that little light at that little one up inside [Applause] there kind of hard to see but man it's pretty bad yeah it's rusted bad in there I can actually see down in around these liners man it just keeps getting [Music] [Music] worse break off it can you break this link first I have a feeling we're going to to take this Tim on cover off too no way to keep from it figure it just break like the other side this side look worse than that side to me so the distributor is in the head there yeah it comes I'm not sure but it's said it right it comes to the oh yeah yeah see to the cam there huh so that'll come off with it yeah you can try to break them loose but I bet we got to get actual ratchet and cheap bar got one beat you I got two on my side [Applause] they don't feel like they break when they turn loose I think it's got it [Music] I can't quite get on that one okay I think that's all of them I believe so it's kind it oh we making a mess like I'm working under a waterfall there goes W about dropped it got it set it on that board over there yeah oh this Piston's got some weird looking stuff in it more that large [Applause] stuff yep I know part of the problem of trying to get the head off was I was trying to pull up on this oh so yeah dumb Dum on my [Music] part [Music] that looks a little little Mash here on this side yeah mhm I wonder what the radiator looks like on this car that's hard to say yeah it could be it's got to be terrible and then once again what is that lard looking stuff in this one sure way to find I start say taste it and I thought you were going to no we've seen some pretty bad stuff but I don't know if it's been in so many different areas yeah this thing is messed up all over I might as well pull the time and cover off see what all that stuff looks like at this [Music] point and just think when we started we thought we might just have a few fuel problems easy enough to pull the water pump off though yeah we're going to have to pull this pulley off I wonder if the motor would actually turn over now but it's going to probably try to push these liners out of the block true yeah it's got to come off though so short of putting the heads back on it well keep the you could hold it back there on the flywheel true I could do that but I don't know that it's going to make any difference if the liners pop loose at this point true see if he'll come off with the impact with just a quick hit to it it's not going to do it I'll have to try to do it with this brake over my goodness coming thing is though it ain't it ain't trying to move it ain't trying to move back here it's still stuck bad I never felt any pressure coming against [Music] me only thing that's come off easy so far yeah trying to make sure where that the key still up in it let's pull all those we're probably going to lose more fluid right [Music] h [Applause] I think it'll come off going to make sure there ain't nothing missing got that pry bar over there I can get right here oh oh never mind I was going to say those ones go into the block what about those you think I wouldn't think so mine acts like it's being held right up there it goes little pins got it yep look at all that that's just more dirt and stuff man that's bad and the the Chain's just rotten it's super stiff oh yeah yeah this thing was just completely full of water mhm yeah it looks pretty rough don't it mhm I don't know that we've ever got anything up this high right which when it was upside down it should have though and maybe it just needs a good clean off maybe the vinegar was cleaning that let me get some brake cleaner and spray it just to see what it looks like I me a lot of it is is coming off see mhm yeah I don't know what I'm trying to prove to myself at this point it's still so bad yeah still froze up and it's still still locked up still got a hole in the valley two holes I think we need to learn how to give [Applause] [Music] up oh yeah that's clean as can be think it have a little bit of a rust color to it use that it don't look dirty at all does it figured that bottom part of the crank would have tinted it some little bit of nastiness there grab that impact and I guess we'll go ahead and pull this pan off in case there's any gunk in it we're not flipping it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] over now let's get yours I've got the corner one still left there [Music] [Applause] so and you still got one more in the corner oh okay look I look beyond that one yeah let me just dump it in this yeah there some CED huh yep all [Applause] right grab a bag for these and then flip it over and make another huge mess this is the direst of Shop's been in a while some of an art to this yeah so in order to pull out the rods and the I believe you pull the the rods loose and pull out the Pistons with the liners but we're going to have to get this bottom part off again to do that M that old oil and vinegar has a funky smell that I don't even know I could explain to somebody I know yeah they slick too think just run some of them bolts through the some of those yeah cover bolts back just a little bit more cuz we're need to go forward just a h more something I C yeah I think so let's go like right there there Jack it up a little bit about right maybe a little bit more she got it [Applause] is always want stubborn one [Applause] m this is one way to do it yep man all that's just rust it back up I think when we flipped it off over everything that was clean didn't get vinegar at it so it just started didn't have nothing there it just started rusting back needs to be completely submerged every bit top to bottom we want to try this one first probably going to be the easiest not necessarily the easiest but yeah that Piston's at the bottom of the liner think you can get on that one that may be a yeah I get at it good graef those things are tight my goodness say busted knuckles in the feature of that right there let's uh give it a little tap see if it'll come apart got behind just [Music] hammer those look pretty good don't they MH wow yeah those look pretty good I found a good clean spot to keep this there it goes ready yep is it just a piston that's what I'm um yep it's just a piston moving you just take the Pistons out and try to get the liners out later uh wonder if we could get to all of those and just loosen off of them that and see if the crank will turn or if it's you know bump the Pistons oh yeah see if it's a crank or cuz it may not be the Pistons and the sleeves it may just be that crank it's got to be start loosing them on now that one might be fun to get at yeah same with those those are kind of way down in there um yeah those are going to be tricky we turn it over and get them up there I wish that's what we need to do you would think let's just try to take this slice and see if that one drops down oh man looks great too crank looks good bearings look good no movement whatsoever on that one I don't want to move board's a little bit too big let's take the rest of these [Applause] off little bit on that one yeah but not bad at all not bad at all at all Piston's moving Pistons moving yep yep let me go back to this one never did see it really move I just can't get on that one it's too far down in there Piston's moving moving okay as long as we know it's it's moved some yeah it I thought it just a little but it did move uh maybe I can get on that like that swivel or [Applause] something don't know about this right here already as tight as they want I would I would say probably just with this one being loose will help some so if we can't get that one then I'd rather know that we didn't round it or anything I'm going to have to be where you're at all right I don't know I'm kind of scared uh man I wish it would turn have we've done that one yeah that one's loose okay I haven't got that one but I don't think I can it's just I can't get on it good enough so and two bottom ones got it no sound like your throat worked out hey I did see a this Gap or something I feel like the Gap open on that Rod to Gap my teeth uh only other thing I'm thinking to do is you could get up here and hit I mean I really don't want to go to that but right but it seems like the the Pistons once you get them to move in there they are sliding in there yeah mhm I wish I could get this one out but uh it's just not in the right [Applause] spot no I just see something bad happening um all right so we got got three of them loose what's bad is to get to this one it needs to go this way counterclockwise and to get that one it needs to go clockwise and to get to which other one is it that one we need to go so I guess we got two that need to go clockwise M I don't I don't want to but we could get right on that with a piece of wood and see if it tries to move any think I think it'd be worth a try that one won't need much before I can get on it that crank is stuck stuck it is stuck stuck you would think with these being loose though that that would yeah if we got all the main bearings actually loose on it that one's I don't know unless you think we start trying to get them main bearing caps on and then there there's no reason why the crank won't turn in right I mean we still got this one chain here if that Deal's locked up which I guess is your old pump maybe we can cut that chain um we might have to get it off this engine stand pretty soon right to get that flywheel off but let's try to get see if those will come off I guess there it goes now them ones look pretty pretty Rusty there on the crank MH very dry find another place to store this see some movement in yeah I'm not on the best spot this is where it's going to be why it was locked up so bad yeah you can kind of your super dry there yep all kinds of rust on the crank think we can get lucky enough that with that being loose it might turn way we need need it it might try it just let me kind of Center that up there want it to go back my goodness is still that stuck got turn that down got a little bit more I can get on it to help that okay let me see if I can get on that one that's definitely Headway yeah [Applause] those two are loose so that one yeah I think you can get it that one it looks like yeah that's on bad thing or a bad thing yeah it's causing no it's just turning the the bearings with it guess I need to help you don't I all right so all we like is that one right there yeah I'm going to try to see if I can go ahead and get this one off though cuz we're going have to turn it back the other way right uh yes I just don't want to be able to not be able to do at this one please don't drop it got it yeah I mean it is moving tell me what you [Applause] think now it's need to come some a second we're about to lose our what you call it the broad cap y yeah let's try to get that out of there too tight for my fingers unless you want me to tap it down um let me see if I can get it that right there that go on there I think it's cuz that right there the Piston it's the rod cap staying where it's supposed to be it's the Piston itself that's it's coming away from so I need to try to hammer that piston up yep okay you're you're coming out of the sleeve there we just I still can't get on that uh that nut that I'm going to have to come far enough that I can get on that nut right so we're probably going to come all the way out that's fine okay I can't see though still coming nope I can stop there man it's one thing after another maybe if we rotate a little more that'll bring up past that maybe it's something to De with where we're at mhm it's like that's getting in a bind I wonder if we can go back a little bit and get that off or it could be this these are right against that too that's what it is let B though get it off of that there you go all right that's good I sure wish I could get that out the last one can't get on that go down with that one then so we have more room to turn it go down with the Piston yep little more if I can yeah you can you got still got another inch to go before it that may I can't remember which way we're [Applause] going oh the oil oh man yep dang it lifted up didn't it huh did it lift up it broke I know but did the crank lift yep yep yep which that's external let me cut that stupid chain I well get all that out of the way if I can huh yep yeah that crank's coming up out of there yeah Ain that duct tape can't fix yeah that Russ wasn't stronger than us um well I don't know if we just don't I still need to get that Rod loose though to pull the crank all the way out right let me see if I get that socket on I said it's pretty close there oh okay moment okay fin well I looked down on that one let's see if we can get that off there it goes last [Applause] one okay so we only lack the last one but it it's we're going to have to turn it back what need to go yeah we're at the point though where we're we're going to have to pull this crank out but we're going to have to get off this engine stand to get that flywheel off right you want to get that right there first this Rod cap yeah yeah if you can going the right way yep got it come right out huh mhm that's good cuz we're right there at the point of we're pulling the crank out I guess I mean it decided it wanted to come out on its own so yeah we need to clean it mhm but you can tell that is just yeah I mean it's just it never got anything to it clean it just seized it just rusted solid uh I'm trying to think what's going to be the best way of holding this engine to get it off this stand get the Flyway off but not be in the way of the crank coming out go ahead and take that one off you think we can run a chain what what about up here to like a headbolt headbolt yeah run it where to here yeah to the well it's going to be all kinds of I don't know how it's going to pull it it's going to work either will or it won't as well as it can work yeah what days a maid come by she going to need a raise after this job pull them out huh probably Joker's probably heavy kind of got it there yep got it yep okay our rear seil popped loose broke or something yep so I guess this little thing here be the only thing take that off and should come out I think not very tight [Music] silicone hold it a little pin yeah she's about to come out of there put this in a bag it's the last main cap ain't it yep I'm wondering now if we if it would just pull up out of there yeah now it's going to be this right here that's [Applause] it's there it went ain't going to come all the way out on that one though is it no but it will once we get it out the a screwdriver to try to tap it down in there more yeah maybe that clear okay uh I'm going have to try to do the same on one of these which one you think would be easier or better uh I just feel like you can get a better swing at this one see it going just going to wave that nut on that one there I think it'll come out it's just barely man take that one out take that one out too I guess it's not against that crack is it there you go come on that [Music] good if it don't come out now then we'll have to try something else there we go those little puzzle games oh my goodness I'm glad that's out of there so after fighting and fighting on tearing apart this engine uh needless to say we're way deeper in this thing than we ever wanted to be now that we've got this crank completely pulled out of the bottom of the engine we still have all the Pistons and rods that going to have to remove as well now all this stuff has just been extremely Rusty so trying to get these rods and pistons through these cylinder liners was an extreme chore in itself so after hours of hammering on these things we were finally able to get the Pistons and the rods out of the liners but the liners themselves they just didn't want to budge now that we've got everything cleared out of the way on the bottom of this engine you can actually see the Valley from the bottom side and that right there is another hole that we had no idea about so on this side over here was the bigger hole we found right down there and it is very close to our liner as you can tell now on our actual oil passage there it really doesn't look extremely bad but you can tell the block up above there is starting to actually kind of corrode through quite a bit there so originally we had hoped that we could just get some vinegar down in this block allow it to soak and clean up the best it can and we were honestly hoping we could just get on the flywheel or the crankshaft pulley and see the engine turn over that way never in our wildest dreams did we ever think we'd have it dismantled down this far now we knew that we had a pinhole in our valley of death but honestly we were just hoping it was something small enough we could fill over with some epoxy and move on from there but at this point the deeper we dig the more rusts we found the more holes we found and the more problems that we're going to have to deal with [Music] with so as you guys know if we were going to give up on this thing we would have done it a long time ago at this point we're literally going to submerge this entire block down into evapo rust in hopes to be able to move forward now if this thing actually cleans up as well as all the internals in the engine will we be able to actually put it back together and see this thing last will the Valley of Death be something that we can also repair all these are still questions in the air that we have no answers to so I guess at this point your guess is as good as ours now this thing has definitely put up a good fight but at this point I definitely feel like me and dad still have a little fight left in us as well as always thanks for watching as we walk through this Valley of Death together now remember stay confident in the Lord and you shall fear no evil be sure to like subscribe ring that Bell and we'll see you on the next one work and then we just go I know I I I'm sorry about that I'm I'm going to give you hug I say you you take this now that he has all these parts big jug or not jug a laundry thing of vinegar set the whole motor in it yeah that there somewhere in there [Music] odd that it was on your back time you like uh Court last night had this little thing and he just threw it and Audrey's like where'd it go and I looked down it was stuck to my shirt I'm breaking hearts every time I sing my song cuz people love my voice what people love my voice you're going to accident but the deeper we've dug into this engine the more rusts we found the more holes we found and the more problems that we've got to work our way around Found Hound [Music] down [Music]
Views: 343,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1981 delorean, 81 delorean, abandoned delorean, delorean will it run, locked up, will it run after 25 years, dmc-12, delorean dmc-12, valley of death, delorean valley of death, restored, roadworthy rescues, vice grip, vgg, roadworthy rescues delorean, ls delorean, delorean nation, will it run, painted delorean, first start, abandoned, turnin rust, car restoration video, barn find, restoration, vice grip delorean, legitstreetcars, prv engine, delorean, dmc, rebuild, tear down, volvo
Id: Q-eosE18U7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 36sec (5076 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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