This is a proper BODGE UP!!***WHERE DO I EVEN START?*** (part 1)

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hello everyone so in today's video I'm going to show you some work I'm going to do internal work on this property that we put a little extension on I did a video fitting some Steels and some Joy switch if you've watched thank you I didn't do a video on the roof but I did do a little video on how I work out the difference in length uh on the Rafters when the hit when the plates are different heights so I often get comments on my channel when I'm showing me working on lovely news straight Square buildings that everyone else has come in and is on top of their game and it's all super perfect and they often get comments saying or would like to see you working on some dodgy old building that's been sort of bodged up for 100 years on end well today's the day I'm going to show you a little bit of this we're going to go inside this little lean two bit here he's got a kitchen going in and it's a bit of a mess I've got to make a wall sort of straighten it all up and this is single skin wall here so we're gonna make an internal wall out of stud work we've got to catch a purling so I'll take you inside and you can have a look so here we go this is the floor that we've already done the steel that I already did a video on this back Wall's not been taken out yet got myself some Timber so into the the kitchen area it's a bit of a Devastation obviously as you can imagine customer wants a vaulted ceiling here so this is sort of where the the fun starts really so we've got this external wall excuse my shadow we've got this external wall here as you can see it's it's a bit of a horror story and this has just probably been years and years of add-ons and people coming in and not really doing a thorough job as they could have done the floor sort of been made up and anyway it's all going to sort of be ripped out the rot's all going to be cut out and we're going to make a nice neat clean job with this so the sort of issues that we got a couple of weeks we've got Ah that's a single external skin we haven't got any damp problems which is good um that's been treated for Dam so we've got an external brick skin there we've got this nine inch Pier here which look doesn't go right to the ground so it's not giving much support to this at all in fact it's I'm not going to say it's going to go anywhere because if it if it was going to go and it would have gone by now it's probably been up here 60 70 years and we've got this ceiling binder coming through here that'll obviously be tying into that wall we've got this post that goes up to this purling as you can see here this original purling look is not actually in the brickwork it's just on that that post there so it's been re-roofed at some point so you know there's some new timber in there looking sort of been cut sort of chopped out that end down and sort of scribed almost to that pearly but obviously we can't take out this beam here because then there'll be nothing to support that post which supports that purling so what I'm going to do is I've got some treated forward to here and what I'm basically going to do and excuse those wires and parts of where the spark is not coming yet what I'm basically going to do is build a 4x2 stud work wall all the way across the inside of here and what that'll do is uh it'll do a few things what I'll do is it'll give us a nice straight wall to fix the kitchen units too it'll give us an opportunity to insulate the wall it'll also give us an opportunity to tie put some ties back a bit like a timber frame it also gives an opportunity to put some ties back to this four inch brickwork which will hold that uh you know tie that in as well and also what I'm hoping to do is put some some maybe a couple of double studs up underneath this Purl in here to catch that so that we can take away this so yeah it's um it looks probably a lot worse than it is but I say I'll rip a few bits and Bobs of this out get the floor plate set in there we're only going to go to that Pier there get a floor plate set in put some DPC under it and then hopefully get some Timbers up and we can sort of see what we're doing as we come to it so yeah that's my job for this morning or today so let's get on with it right so I've cleaned away all this uh Old Timber and oh gosh it's like years of just bodging um really not very good at all but you know I won't say anymore about that so the it's all nice and clear on the floor here now and we've got a slight little step here I don't know what that is maybe just just floor's been screened up to the I don't know what it is it dug a hole here I think there was a water main supposed to be coming up here you can see the footing so what I'm going to do now is get a measurement for a plate all the way through here a sole plate all the way through here I might have to pack it up a little bit so it's it's fairly flat get the DPC under it and then as I said we can then see what we can do to get sort of maybe try and get uh one timber up this side and then maybe sort of one timber up this side see what the level says for Plum um we might have to sort of go with it a little bit but yeah and then maybe we can get a line through or something I don't know uh we'll work it out as we're doing it so I've got my bottom plate in now and what I've managed to do is uh put the level on to plummet up you can see you might be able to see this pier kicks out quite a lot so what I've managed to do is obviously what I need to do is if we get that about level there where is that about plums I should say so that's about Plum there look down to that bottom plate and we should then the back of the plasterboard should just miss that um that brick Pier there what I'll do on the back behind there anyways maybe use four back plasterboard I don't think there's any damp penetration from this wall but I'll probably use ball back um just uh if it's going to touch here obviously I don't want to touch any of this at all so it's super dodgy look the bottom part of this nine inch Pier uh this sort of reinforcement Pier here has been taken away with just a piece of Timber in itself knocked around that rather than knocking that out so what I've got to try and do now to get my first starting up against this wall here is again this is all going to be chopped out but at the minute it's still live the customer's trying to live here so I've just managed to tease these pipes off when I've got to get the my Timber down behind there what I've done here is cut my my stud here I've cut it to the length between the pipe there and right up into the apex of the roof there um and hopefully I'm going to better push it up and then drop it down behind that so oh God it's going to be fun I know uh I think a lot of you guys maybe see me on my other jobs where it's all going really smoothly and everything's square and as it should be maybe some of you are going to enjoy seeing me struggle a little bit here but I'm going to put uh my other camera time lapse in the corner but I'm not sure how much you're gonna be able to see because the it's quite a tight space but anyway let's get on with this right that's horrible I don't like it I want to go in there's some black like tanking or bitumen all over that that's the mains feed Cable in there so I've got this like look black stuff all over my hands uh oh it is horrible the cover of the um consumer board fell off on my head um but anyway that's it now what I've got to do here is it's just catching on this bit of timber here so I'm just going to nip a tiny bit of that out to get that back so that's then uh that's in Plum and try and fix it I'm not going to hold my breath for fixing into there um but once I get that one in I said we can I can then put some sort of braces or fixings back on some brackets back onto that brickwork so it's uh slowly but surely unfortunately on a job on a job like this but that's one in now anyway so I don't know whether I might just work my way this way or put one in that in like I said but I don't know I don't like it got a couple more studs in it's painfully slow going because there's just live water and one of those compression fittings starting to leak so to nip that up there's just uh they say the wiring got me sorted out yet but I'm here before the Sparky a couple of studs in there now my next stud is coming on this side but as you can see we've got this post here that I talked about um I've removed that now look it's full of sort of wood worm and you've seen better days obviously it's quite old I suspect so what I've just done temporarily there's this sort of a beam that runs across here sort of partly in the wall I've just cut a prop under that which allows me to get my next stud up which actually works out to be 1200 mil from the wall there so that'll work board centers I'll get my stuff up there and then there'll be another stud to come in line with this window reveal and then probably try and put a double stud in there and make a nice Cut to catch that purling up and then it's a simple case of a couple of studs on this side and we'll frame out for the window and then put the rest of the studs in so yeah it's just slow going um it's one of those things I probably could have done a half studied out a three bedroom house by now but there you go it's the nature of the Beast we've got a few studs in here I haven't been able to put that one in because the sparkies needs to get to move all of this consumer board electrics and everything exactly unfair to at that end uh I see there's wires and stuff going everywhere this is all to be sorted out her so I've got a few studs in uh got these these two in here got one on the end there what I want to do before I put any more studs in is get like a top plate up on the angle but what I'm looking to do now is basically uh looking to support this Pearl in here so I've got a couple of options and I think I know what I'm gonna do so I can either put a double stud under there which basically I think is a waste of two starts considering I've got these are you know quite heavy duty 4x2s they're quite Stout Timbers so I think what I'm going to do is basically put a fixed piece of Timber in between them to support that purling now what I've got here is a bit of rafter left over this is 175 mil uh seven for two basically and this gap between these two studs here is 155 mil so I'm going to rip up maybe one or two of those down to 155 mil and then basically sort of fix them and screw them I might even glue them in there as well maybe some maybe 400 500 long get plenty of fixings in there I think that'll be more than adequate to catch up that Purl in there and it's not taking you know ridiculous amounts of weight I think I can see this rafter here has actually got if you can just see there's a noggin uh fixed to it so that'll go into the brickwork as well so it's all helping to tie it together but yeah I don't think I'm going to waste another two studs in there the price of Timber at the minute so I said I'll just uh rip it this down there and cut that in the arm I'll make a nice cut on the top so it has like a nice seat cover to sit down but yeah that's what I'm going to do next and you'll also notice that the temporary prop that I put in I've taken out I put the original post back in because I couldn't get this next studying so um I only have to take that one that uh original post out to get that stud in once that's in I'll put the post back in but yeah that will eventually obviously come out so some of you might have spotted that rip that bit of 72 down that fits in there a tree cut it put a nice Cut You See seat cut for that purling so really happy with that it's going to be super strong so I think we've got some polyurethane glue kicking about from the floor so I think I'll pull everything glue that and screw it as well um potentially if I fancy it I could also put a stud down under there but I don't think it's gonna be necessary I could put brackets because if I if I change my mind and think I want a bit more there's so much more I can do with that so get that done and then I'm going to put this top plate up here and then that knits the whole thing together so it can't obviously sort of move uh laterally uh and then we're sort of starting to get boss of it a little bit put ahead through this window uh put a sill plate through whatever you got on what you call that plate through it windowsill level start to fill that out we start to start to look like we've actually done something it's been a long morning to get these what one two three four four studs fitted so yeah slow progress but it is as I said um it's kind of par for the course on jobs like this hopefully I'm gonna get covered in it is the question oh I think so what's up what oh fingers out of it lovely Rock getting through on the top okay laughs excellent check this up right a couple in there brilliant man it's not to get under my hands hey right uh progress update let's see what we've done I've done this support underneath this uh purlin here so I'm happy about that progress is slow as I've said uh I've got my heads in here now as you can see here look something doesn't look right there does it so the one of the guys if you can see that one of the guys that I did my printing finder said to me don't ever put your work wrong to make someone else's work look right now you can clearly see there that that window is uh not gone in right obviously that head a bit of stud there is level um so yeah uh I'll see what the customer wants to do I mean they may want to make it run with the window I wouldn't personally but um we can either put affiliate in there or I can only screw it we can refix it so yeah it's all looking good now sort of sort of tamed a little bit um I'm gonna have my lunch now put some studs in there I didn't put a plate across the top because actually what I'm going to do is cut it over that sort of outside existing rafter because what we're going to do I think we're gonna have a 75 mil they're 100 Mil raft of these it's gonna be 75 mil insulation in between and then there's going to be 75 mil all the way across the front so what I'm going to do is just cut those Rafters uh cut these studs I should say over that rafter until they hit the newer rafter and then what I'll do is just put a piece of Timber 75 mil down if that makes sense and screw it all the way up and that'll take the end of the plasterboard but be the same height as the 75mm installation that's going across the front so so yeah it's it's looking right it's a bit of a you know it's a bit of an effort but you know we get this sort of nice straight plane all the way through here uh get up probably a little top plate on up there or something because there's going to be a flat ceiling all the way through there get all this sort of bound together and then I can get some of these little brackets and just put a few in here and there just to sort of help catch this Gable water because again sort of tradition not traditionally I should say if this was a newer property obviously there'd be um Gable straps going out onto here it's not going to go anywhere now it's been like it for years as I said earlier but we've got an opportunity to put a few extra ties in there I'll be I think it'd be silly not to take the opportunity so anyway it's lunch time now I'm gonna have a cup of tea so I've got these few studs in above this window here and I've got a nice straight line as I said what I've done is cut them around that sort of existing outside rafter and you can just see here if I put my level up I've got a nice straight up we can just see that I've got a nice straight line that they all just touching the level lovelies that's nice and straight down there so I think as I explained earlier did you put that down as I explained earlier we'll have 75 mL of insulation here which leaves a 25mm air gap and then what we'll do is probably measure down 75 mil here probably stick like a uh a two by two one or something or maybe a baton or something I don't know and then there'll be 75 million installation to go across the face of here um up to that baton and then we can obviously screw in uh the plasma into that and then what all I need to do there is put a few logins in in between to take the plaster as it comes up the wall so yeah really happy with how that's all looking now it's all just much more tied in you know every stud I've put in and every screw and fixing I've put in has made the whole thing just seem much more sort of bound together so like I said put a few brackets back onto this brickwork and it should all get tied in lovely obviously I've taken that I don't know if I mentioned already taking that post out now not going anywhere this beam here can come out he's not doing anything to be brutally honest it's to see there look it's it's more or less loose so nothing's going to happen when I take that out other than it making a nice sort of open uh space here nice it's going to be a veluxe and just move back here I've got a Velux big Velux Windows going in the middle here so this is going to be a lovely vaulted ceiling well I don't know if they're going to encase that purlin or leave it exposed and then we'll just put a small flat ceiling in there so it's going to look good level when it's done it's going to be Kitchen in here so kitchen units all the way around the outside across the back and then up this side big cooker and stuff going here but that's for another day so yeah starting to look a bit more healthy now than it did when I got here this morning get these bottom ones in now and then we can start to get this top tidied up right so that's me done um it's not a like ta-da here's a finished job um I've done what I set out to do which is basically Square this wall up this as I said sorry if I'm repeating myself this stud here I can't quite fix in you can see I'll put a top plate up there can't quite fix it in because this board's all going to be moved I think that we're probably talking about putting a bit of uh board in there 18 mil board in there and then a new consumer going on there so yeah I've just show you basically now if you can see down here you just see we've got quite a nice line where all these on this side look do you see that we've got a nice level straight wall to work with there now look you just see up there a bit like looking at a roof isn't it it'll come into the same plane so you know it's a much we're sort of in a much better place we can insulate all of that and the only obviously the only thing that we can't insulate is this nine inch Pier here um so maybe speak to the customer if it's something that bothers them I know they're a bit um concerned about space here because it's sort of a galley kitchen there's a potential we could put 25 mil celetics on the face of that but let's see what the what the customer wants um I'm not sure how much of this job I'm here to do I mean I know I did the the floor joists over here and I've done the roof uh but I'm not sure what point the customers kind of kind of take over so but what we can do now here and I haven't taken this beam out just because it's supporting some wires which will be dangling down otherwise really happy with how that's all gone up there that's super tied in just got to get a few brackets like I said and in a few places maybe every sort of 450 or 900 or so get some brackets fixed to those to that wall just to help tile that in I think it's been suggesting again whether I'll do it or not I don't know that all of this lot's going to be stripped out and this will be lined along the back here possibly with um 4x2 again um again if it was me I'd I'd do a similar thing to what I've done over here and put forward to either side there so we get a nice upright clean straight wall all the way through there again this wall here I think is going to be suggested that we've got this sort of plaster issue here so it's that horrible anyone who's done any jobs like this knows I mean I think that's been put on with uh what's that that's the old bonding look um gypsum so that's not the right stuff so the point is trying to fix any of that so I think the suggestion will be that all of that gets stripped off back to brickwork and then again if we're worried about space probably put 25 mil Batten on that uh sort of lining it so it lets it breathe if there's any damp in there and we can carry that 25 year old buttons all the way up build a frame in behind it so that'll make a nice straight clean wall as well there I think there's some sort of from what the customer's saying is a big sort of uh stove type cooker going there with the pillar on this side and a pillar on that side so I'm not 100 sure and again if I do get asked there's all there's this top section to frame out I think possibly put something look at the brickwork above this is unbelievable isn't how people done jobs in the past I've always open this out and someone thought that was an acceptable way to leave that jammed in there look but um it hasn't gone anywhere for a long time but we'll take any opportunity we can to kind of Tidy all that output if you have to Bricks in and stuff so again I think I'm probably going to be asked to uh to fill out that web and then I think what we'll do is probably come maybe maybe two or four by two on edge up here and to make that all nice and neat and clean so that we can class the board that so probably put a little bit of sealing in as well so uh anyway uh depending on uh how much interest I get in this video and depending on whether I get asked to do any more um you know I will do another video if anyone's interested if I get asked to come back so uh if you've watched this video thank you very much thank you for persevering it's not been a tidy job and it's not been like the jobs I normally do but just go to show that you know I am like everyone else sometimes you do have to do these these jobs that are less than perfect but it's it'll be interesting I suppose so I think as I say let's spin around their way like Kylie spinning around so like I say at the end of all my videos I hope you found it interesting and thanks for watching
Channel: The Tall Carpenter
Views: 15,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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