Using Metric OSB and a Tru Stud System for stud work made easy

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yeah I'm gonna see a mate of mine and someone is well known to a lot of people actually Matt Esley I'm going to his Workshop because we're going to do a little bit of partitioning for him I'm looking forward to actually he's a really good guy we've known each other quite a while [Music] so after a bit of an Epic Journey I managed to get down and meet Matt although I know him through YouTube and also I've interviewed him on the radio it was just great to get down have a look at his new workshop and of course no one none of his viewers have ever seen this before so I felt pretty privileged to come down the first thing we had to do was to understand exactly what he wanted me to do so we had to sort of go through and work out all the gear and everything we needed hello how you doing just got as it just got here I'm good I'm glad it's here we'll start moving it in a minute you know why it's looking good you've got all your gear in here now mate shifted all this around it was a bump just to make enough space to get everything done that's all right Matt it's like everything Matt you just have to make it work don't you [Music] so that's it's going to be an issue there isn't it let's have a little look ah there's 16 sheets keep going to the um go on the floor though you just want to go to 4.8 yeah so I knew roughly what I needed to do and we got down there and basically just started setting out now we had to set out to suit Mass requirements and although we had a loose plan all of these things are set to change so I literally did a proper sketch on the floor in my book and we discussed things how to move things to suit walls we also then had to calculate just about where the doors would be going where the walls would be coming into each other and exactly how we'd join into the Steels and everything else above us just like a lot of other buildings this particular steel was all over the place knowing Not only was it out of level because it was running out of level built out of level deliberately for the roof behind it was also so out of straight so once the Lorry arrived it was just a matter of getting all the material in and we stacked them all out now this stuff was so straight it was such a nice thing to have some straight sawn material I was saying to the guys have a look down these they're like arrows but the real showstopper on this job is this particular material this is true stud and it's an engineered stud work which we absolutely love [Music] let's have 20 of these in there Lloyd we will save hours and hours and hours using this gear you don't have to look down it you can just literally pick a length up measure it Mark it and cut it [Music] Lloyd and I started setting out for real now and we got all the material in and what we thought we'd do was start by putting the longest wall through under the really bendy steel we had some lights in the way but the first thing to do was get all the sole plates in place and literally do the layout normally in an industrial Unit A screed floor will be nice and flat but this particular one was all over the place thank you [Music] all right I'll do this but that's good because it gives us a bit more scope now yep with our wall position instead of having to avoid the light we can creep it this way a little bit and it'll be a much nicer much nicer job so that light there mag just on clip so we can now bring our head plate favorably more into this the steel line at the moment most of us hanging out there because of the light yeah so we'll start at the tightest Point both ends so we're just going to take that that way 50 mil all right so once we established exactly where we wanted those walls I made a door Rod this is something I always do when I'm doing Stud work I don't like to keep measuring the same thing over and over I'd always use a bit of Timber so we strung the lines down and started drilling the sole plates in we use a very simple concrete screw without a plug there easily removed incidentally everything we're doing here one day if Matt moves on to bigger places he's got to take all this out again so we need to just screw everything together we're not going to even use nail guns on this job we're going to literally cut the studs and fix them in minimal holes in the existing fabric are what's needed here so you can see us using a very small HSS drill bit here to fix the head plates to the steel and just enough screws to hold it all in position [Music] foreign [Music] place in our sole plates in we can start marking out for our doorways and all of our studs that will catch our boards [Music] so I was measuring Lloyd was marking and cutting I was saying at the top of the steps and between us we were getting to start doing this was the quickest way of doing this we had some really good kit with us as well we had loads of new kit that Matt had there we didn't even bring any of our power tools on site which was quite nice and we basically went through putting all of our key studs in so this is all the doorways first the corners then we start filling in ready for the sheen material so every single stud we put in we put in strategically to catch a board joint or a door Edge to make sure we've got minimal cutting of all of the sheet material [Music] thank you putting all of our studs through at 600 you can do that with true stud like this because they're so straight so true and then all we've got to do is put four sheets up there's nothing to mess around with um tomorrow we'll hit the ground running and we'll get back the padded and then I'll build this all through here put this on or you two are doing all the other bits and pieces I've done so much work today [Music] yeah no thanks guys that's all right we'll see you in the morning [Music] inside [Music] bright and early the next day Lloyd and I got stuck right in and we're using this metric OSB so this particular sheet material it comes in at 1200 by 2400 indeed it's actually three mil under in each Direction which allows for the correct expansion join that you should always use with OSB so you'll see we've used spaces there to get it all absolutely perfect then there's a lot of scribing in to do [Music] big head turned up with this day as well so I set him and Lloyd the task of getting crew and building the timber store they had to go around all kinds of Steel work we also couldn't fix up into those roof boards as well in those roof panels so the guys were doing a great job just actually pinching it into the steelwork minimal screws and then they were cladding [Music] meanwhile I was on the outside just setting up the smaller area which was going to have the mezzanine so I've got my pole plate which is what I'm going to bolt to the wall Matt was happy on the PPN nailer putting all of those Hangers On he really enjoyed himself doing that and I was making the first of the frames which formed this wall so because this doesn't go up to the ceiling I was able to make these as frames and prop them up and get them all in situ so I was building this from one end to the other the reason I wanted to do this was so the joist overhead could hold it all nice and true so here's me making a square panel you can see how much out the floor was having to jack it up against our new wall then I Enlisted the help of Matt to get the first of the pole plates on so these fixings are fantastic there is sleeve anchor these blocks are quite soft and we we don't want to make too much destruction in them so the idea of these is it's a through fixing we draw the same size hole through the timber straight into the block work and the sleeve anchor just pass through and you don't have to over time it acts like a pin so all the force coming downwards is actually supported by a solid fixing so great fixing we really enjoy using these foreign the third day and I was starting to feel a bit tired now because we've been grafting on this job and I felt like I had a mountain to climb I had to get through all of these walls here and all the ceiling but I just got straight into it the lads were still doing some work on the other side and I absolutely steamed into it just getting all the stub work done getting the joists through straightening all the walls up and as the guys were finishing I started getting help from them as well which was quite useful it was really nice because sometimes I actually like working on my own the guys can work as a team and then they can look over their shoulder and say God he's doing all right he's on his own and he's doing all that I'm a bit of a fanatic about construction and structural Timber work so it's a piece of a breeze to me I almost feel like I love the challenge so I'm slotting the joyst in and what I always do is start at the ends go to the middle get everything nice and true nice and straight and basically start filling it all in thank you [Music] start bringing the other pole plate there on the other side of the steel work and we're cladding it all and we're getting ready to put the ceiling boards on foreign [Music] to give us a nice Square Edge flush with that OSB on the outside we fix that down through the top [Music] so there was no cutting on any of the chip wall panels over so all we had to do when we started laying them is Lay one sheet across the back use the offcut of the far end and just carry on through [Music] Lloyd was doing an internal partition there and before you knew it we had got all the floor down Lloyd had finished the internal stud work and we were nearly ready to pack up and move on we probably used about 3 000 screws while we would screw in this all together and we used the same screw for everything it's a spat screw it's actually one of their flooring screws and they're great because they're so reliable and one day this may all need to be dismantled that's why we're not nailing anything together as I've mentioned and then we got to the point where we're done and Matt starts clearing up saving all these nice bits of wood for something in the future this has been three days of working super fast and super hard for a particularly nice individual I might add Matt is just one of the nicest people I've ever met I think he's just lives and breathes his craft he appreciates everything that people do to help him and spending a couple of days with him and I know the guys Ed and Lloyd really enjoyed it as well it was epic [Music] mate we're done two and a half days for this is mental it was good fun I mean I've got my top team here you know anyway so uh you know I mean it's just a matter of getting stuck into it but I suppose the thing is because we had the time to think about it didn't we we met here we talked it through I was able to go away and work out what we needed in the way of the materials um and we were so lucky to have the metric OSB because that saves so much time I'm not joking you you know you're building everything through at 400 centers or 600 centers if you've then got to start cutting rips off the sides of OSB it's an absolute nightmare yeah so it's really nice to look out for metric OSB um most Timber Merchants can get it but a lot of people just haven't got a clue about it and the other thing is the stud work of course yeah I mean it's clear the difference that made in terms of your workflow and the speed that that you know that gave you yeah you're just not being able to sort through Timbers and all that sort of stuff it was just you know it's dead straight and I know that it's um it's more expensive okay so you could go on the internet and you could go and search for you know structural Timber four by two 100 by 50 whatever and find it at a price but the chances are it's not going to be brilliant okay whereas true start you buy this gear it's got a fantastic moisture content the levels are about 14 to 16 they'll they'll never change they'll always stay like that I mean they're not going to dry out much more but it's super straight because they engineer it you've seen this obviously but for the sake of anyone who's not seen this before it has joints all the way through so each length is made up of many other lengths okay so instead of them having to have long lengths and the trouble is with soft wood it just goes all over the place just by Nature it's going to start bending and bowing and cupping um whereas this isn't going to do that at all and it's much nicer so you can get a pile of Timber you can say I want 50 at this length 30 at this length pick them up and cut them stack them and work with them and the difference is phenomenal so okay it might be more expensive but at least the labor saving I wouldn't have been able to do this in two and a half days sorting through all that sawn tantalized Timber which is all over the place you know and I would probably said if we need 100 lengths we need 120 links because the child I mean especially when you've got walls which are 3.6 or whatever meters tall yeah so this is going to be your fabulous Workshop yeah this will be it the studio the machine this is where you're going to teach me how to do Fine Carpentry yeah you guys are more than welcome more dovetails yeah staff room wood turning room metal working room I'm fully set up now and brilliant so all of these all of this wood you're going to turn into stuff yeah I'll be Furniture it'll be some marking knives it'll be I've got a lot of it to get through so you have yeah I tend to accumulate quicker than I deplete so it's a bit of a problem now I suppose so yeah and this is going to be your store in there your Timber store in there and the other side of that wall so you'll have benches in here assembly benches and assembly bench maybe doing a bit of teaching a bit of furniture making you know something like that teaching tutorials with that and yeah show us your leave show us this amazing man relief I don't know if it works yet yeah welcome to the woodturning room the idea with this is that I wanted to keep dusting closed because woodturning is just a it's horrible and I've got metal working stuff in here and yeah I just wanted to keep it all in one area so lathe lathe all enclosed in here it's gonna be brilliant well I'll tell you what you might want to do then because I mean everything's all of the mezzanine is screwed down nice and secure and we also take it straight over it meets the OSB there so it's fairly airtight okay you might want to put a cork joint you know not decorators mate or something like that painters mate and just cork it there and that will be almost airtight there I mean this is way better than I before but yeah I'll go along and do that this is such a difference do you have to put a dust extraction on it do you or do you tend to clean up as you go you can't extract from a lathe yeah that's just it launches Material off and you're stuck with it but yeah it's a CNC lathe I got it delivered a couple of months back haven't plugged it in yet so I'm assuming it works is it a three-phase machine it is three phase I've got to get a board and stuff installed but so no slaves only have one spindle yep or one axial well what happens here well you load two bits of wood and it cuts in at the same time okay so double the output um but yeah all CNC driven somehow this thing controls that and it does a rough cut on the front and a clean cut on the back you see it actually Cuts both spindle twice so so one's removed in stock the other one's actually making a nice job of it yeah it's doing a lighter cut on that second pass but obviously on half a rotation so it cuts I've seen demo videos on it and it cuts really quick yeah I like it yeah it's a neat back here yeah so that's the thing with your generation you're into technology and um you know you know this doesn't phase you whereas this thing here with all these buttons numbers dials controls that to me is absolute nightmare I mean it interests me that doesn't mean I know how it works I know that that's the off button yeah yeah and the green is go I think go and stop is that a button or is it a light oh it is a button yeah yeah no I think it's interesting I mean and imagine if this is now what's it going to be like in 10 years yeah yeah I mean you gotta start somewhere in you yeah it's gonna be uh yeah no it's brilliant I love it it's going to be great and uh and you're going to make all of these little lovely blocks into your knives are you yeah oh wow look at that that's amazing so joiners and Woodworkers they tend to mark you know they do everything with a scribe they scribe it all before they cut it's a very gentle many things to do and when I was at College marking knives were always what we used you know we'd use a really really sharp pencil to age normally and we'd do very faint lines and then before we got our Tenon saw out or our dovetail saw we'd always Mark the shoulders with a knife all the way around and we'd cut them through yeah so um yeah they're a permanent extension of your hand in the furniture making world so yeah I thought it would make my own yeah and I think they're absolutely beautiful I think they're absolutely I mean when you find something as beautiful as that made by hand by you made by hand and uh yeah I think that's really nice so um I can see why they're popular that's for sure anyway so I've enjoyed this it's been really good fun yeah I really enjoyed it and um I'm looking forward to coming back seeing it all done and ready and yeah more than welcome back we'll have to hang some doors hang some doors get some Linings in we'll make some nice OSB architrave beautiful how about that OSB skirting OSB architrade you can't beat it can you love it love it all right anyway thanks mate let's go we're gonna get going in a minute yeah all right thank you again
Channel: Robin Clevett
Views: 69,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stud work, Robin Clevett, stud work wall, stud work centres, stud work spacing, stud work for media wall, stud work for door lining, stud work corners, stud work spacer, stud work screws, matt estlea, timber stud work, building a stud wall, OSB, metric osb
Id: Lh16_tRhDd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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