This HUGE Calf is REALLY Stuck! - #4 30in30 2023

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good morning guys it's uh one o'clock in the morning and we are heading out to check on our heifers got my handy dandy flashlight but it is really dark outside so let's stick close [Music] [Music] good [Music] [Music] please [Music] you're slimy oh yeah you are all right that's number 48 right there and uh I have a feeling she's getting really close the Tails swinging back and forth she's really slimy [Music] utter is getting full of milk [Music] pretty sure we're gonna have a calf before too long [Music] [Music] [Music] stop all right here we go oh [Music] please don't die on me oh hey is there any chance I can get some help [Music] okay we've got a calf it's another breach cap and it's not good so sun is just coming up she's working on get it out we're gonna get her into the shoot and uh start seeing what we can do here we've got to get some of these cows moved around come on guys alrighty girly come on you gotta move come on get come on let's go come on you gotta go good so some I'm not sure why these heifers this is our second breached calf I'm not sure why these heifers are doing this it's not good obviously it's not making me happy but we're gonna work fast here we're out here by ourselves [Applause] come on girl move your butt foreign hopefully we can save this cat let's go we're gonna help you out here [Music] I apologize for the bumpy camera work here we'll get you guys settled down here in just a minute Burr we're gonna bring her up get her in the chute we're gonna start working on her trying to get this calf out um come on let's go come on up it's a girl good girl let's get your head in good girl I gotta go grab my chains we're gonna get set up with the puller right away oh well let's get to oh you went back in oh dang it okay calf sucked back in oh my God you can do this actually no we're not backwards not backwards yeah it's just that giant [Applause] okay I'm gonna try to help you out here kiddo I need you to have some contractions for me that's all come on Mama there's the tongue of the calf this doesn't look good okay come on Mama this campus humongous I do believe we're giving birth to a calf that's already passed away but we're gonna find out come on Mama you can do it [Music] come on Mama well maybe not I just saw movement from the tongue there I think maybe I don't know if it is still alive we got to get it out of here pretty darn quick that tongue is so swollen not good we just gotta get it out there we go stay up stay up don't fall down keep pushing mama keep pushing come on baby no no no no no calf is alive tongue is really swollen here we go cap is now out okay first thing we're gonna do is get her I'm gonna let this calf lay here for just a second I want to get her out because she stuck up there [Music] and then we're gonna get this calf inside and then we're going to get her inside okay because I'm I don't think I'm going to be able to carry this cap by myself I'm gonna go grab a sled really quick I'm gonna get this calf out of here calf is alive mom is playing down which is not good but we're gonna have to get her up and out of here cow's trying to make noise that tongue is extremely swollen but we'll deal with that in just a minute I've got our sled here this is our calf sled I rarely I don't use it a whole lot mostly because calves try to stand up in it and they fall out I don't think this one's going to try to stand up at least long enough that it takes to get to the barn Plus usually I can pick up a calf this one might be a little big I hear you Mama okay buddy come on out we're gonna get you in this thing okay sorry drop your brain yeah you just lay in here lay in here and relax be a chill chill mama's still laying down there we may have to pop the side to get her out but I think she's okay we're gonna grab this calf and give him a quick ride to the barn donkeys and emu trying to help [Music] and she turned around oh and bring you in here where I'm Gonna Get You Out of the sled and we're just going to lay you down ready to tip here we go get ready for a roll big roll look at that [Music] okay now let's get you turned around here and sit now there we go good kid your boy or a girl you're a boy of course you are you're a big old boy now taking a look here tongue is extremely swollen you can still see it kind of stick it out of the side there the swelling has gone down quite a bit from what we saw when the calf was first coming out but what I'm going to do is actually give this calf some banamine before we even bring Mom in the banamine is anti-inflammatory will help bring down some more of that swelling I'm gonna run to my medicine Locker to get it it is a controlled substance so you do have to have a uh prescription from your vet but it is one of those things that I do keep on hand just because when this kind of situation when you have a rough birth you're gonna see that swelling of the tongue here it's just it just happens through stress and everything else so we want to make sure that we kind of cut that off at the pass and I didn't always know that uh first couple times we had calves with swollen tongues like that I didn't know what to give them called the vet was told what to do and that definitely definitely helped out just being able to contact your vet and have a good relationship with them so this is our medicine cabinet banamine it's right here and we're just gonna grab him a couple cc's of this hopefully bring down that swelling [Music] Bagels ready to go and honestly off the top of my head I don't remember the exact dosage per pound I did have that written down on a piece of paper in there and for some reason it's not there so we're going to start him out with two cc's get Mom in and then um I'll be able to double check and verify when we come back out and check them if we need to give him a little bit more we can do that I know I hear you mooing you want your mommy I'm gonna get her in just a minute for you okay first though I got to do something you're probably not gonna like but it's okay we're gonna just do this really fast give you that so it's done all done okay you hang out here for just a little bit we're gonna get the donkey and the Emu put away here really fast come on Ethel let's go get Mom it's an exciting way to start your morning that's for sure I don't know why I'm going this way because I gotta open Gates going this way um can't say I love it I love having a calf that's alive that makes me feel good and of course this being a boy means that he'll go into the feedlot foreign that gate up I need to get a strap or something for this gate so it'll stay open a little better open up our back door oh it's frozen there we go I don't know what I'd do if that was frozen shut okay the sun's a little bit higher in the sky now I gotta tell you that uh the fact that that cow is alive is actually pretty pretty amazing to me and it shows the the resilience of these animals when I got a look at that along with you actually for the first time and I saw the uh how cold the afterbirth how Frozen it was um I gotta tell you I did not have a good feeling in my stomach about it I thought I was gonna end up showing you guys our first last calf of the season honestly I'm really happy I didn't but not a not a good feeling getting a couple Gates closed here so that when we bring Mom out of the shoot we can get her right down into the into the barn because I can see over there she's still down in the Chute not really a good sign not a great thing in the world to happen we're gonna get her out of here though hopefully we can get her up there's a calf in the barn so we got to get her up and out of here so I'm gonna pop the side she's on the bar come on Mama you got to get up come on yeah she might fall out so hold on hold on just in case she's gonna fall as soon as we pop that so we'll get this all out of the way I thought it was it was not but [Music] okay mama you got to do something come on either fall back this way and get all floppy or you need to get up come on come on mama get up come on there we go good girl come on anyway go that way or go for it [Applause] come on Mama [Music] there we go good girl okay now don't go out that way ah okay that's okay that's fine okay good job Mama all right we gotta get her out of here now um can you go down and maybe open the gate that's right down there we go we got her okay let her go perfect good job thank you there you go good girl good girl it's a ball so he had extremely swollen tongue so I gave him a shot of batamine and uh the swelling's already going down once he was out his tongue was oh my gosh huge and just hanging out of his mouth so the abandonment hopefully will bring swelling down we just really got to keep an eye on him today if we have to we can get him um we could tube him we can get him whatever we need whatever he needs we can do that but yeah alrighty guys we are gonna get these guys set up for water let them sit for a couple hours see how they do obviously keep a really close eye on them and then we will do all the things that we got to do so we'll be back in just a little bit and see how it's going thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign news to see that little guy sucking his tongue is still a little bit swollen uh we're gonna have to keep an eye on that but hopefully he's getting some of that colostrum for Mom which he really needs while I was checking on those guys I took a little peek out this back door and I see a cow out there that's looking a little suspicious she's wandering away and it looks like she might have something in tow oh we gonna jump in the gator and head out there we talked uh yesterday about barometric pressure and how the dropping of pressure can start to affect some of these cows and their labors um while I think what it is it's not so much the drop in barometric pressure although that's what you usually hear about I think it's sometimes just the swing like yesterday it was snowing and cold and crappy today it's not bad sun shining it is uh 33 degrees already out here today we're going to have a decent day so maybe it's the the change in barometric pressure the up and the down that's going to cause some of these cows problems or at least cause them to go into labor now we looked yesterday at the cows and their Udders I remember we talked about 17 green and 130 white she was one that was probably getting pretty close I'm interested to see who this cow is that's decided to uh to wander away from the rest of the herd the herd itself right over there grabbing a bite to eat this morning but she pop up over this hill in fact we're just going to follow our tracks here there she is oh and look as we get closer it's got a calf with her we're gonna stop here for one second still don't know who this is but we're gonna go ahead and get geared up I haven't tagged the calf that's in the barn that we just worked on this morning so this will actually be cap number four right there we're gonna put this tag on this calf we'll see how cranky mom is I've got some cake so hopefully and get her stagged and get this calf tagged it's snagged and tagged let's see who we got here the winner is look at that number 130 that's the one that I called sweet good mod good job Mom good job Mom good job [Music] all right [Music] it's okay not hurting your baby not hurt your baby just gonna get it tagged here and it's a heifer good job Mama he made a cute little baby number four good job Mom there they go mom and calf heading off to do Mom and calf things but we did get it tagged and just like that we have started calving Cows as well as heifers which puts a little bit more work on us uh and makes things a little bit busier which I guess is exactly what we want during the 30 and 30. so I'm going to finish up with feeding we're going to keep an eye on these guys she's taken off on us which is fine we're going to keep an eye on her and make sure that she's okay and of course with the storm on the way we want to make sure that that this calf is taken care of as well so now we have heifer calves we've got heifers calves which are in the Corral in the nursery now we've got our cows calving out here it's uh it's shaping up to get a little busy that's for sure all right gang welcome back it's been a couple hours three or four hours actually uh since we were out last well you and I I've actually been out I came out to check on these guys uh once again the number 130 and her calf out here in the field 130 it actually left her calf at that time and uh had come in to get something to eat which is fine this is the Bale that I fed this morning now we're heading back out also while I had her while she was eating and I had I was alone with her calf I got the uh umbilical cord sprayed down with iodine and also gave the cap out here in the field some ogh paste right now we're heading out though I want to make sure that she made it back to her calf and uh picked her calf up and then got that calf in I don't see her back in here so we're just going to kind of go cruise around I thought maybe we might have to pick up the calf and uh and take it back to Mom but we're gonna see what we can find looks like most of the cows are heading out here into the pasture where they can wander around a little bit weather's not horrible today 45 degrees but the wind is blowing it's about blowing anywhere up to about 40 miles an hour so here's Mom right over here and I can see the calf looks like it's laying down let's just swing over and make sure they're okay that's not her but there she is there's mom looking uh a little thinner [Music] and here is her calf hanging out so mom is here with this calf and that's a good thing we're gonna leave these guys alone now like I said when the storm hits here I don't have anything for you guys you guys all think I have cake uh when they're coming or running [Music] all right like I was saying with the storm hits here in a couple days we are going to have to uh figure out what we're gonna do with her and her calf whether we leave them out here or we let her you know keep them with the herd or we maybe try to separate her off and uh her and her calf and then try to bring them a little bit closer to home maybe even putting them in with the hacker caps not exactly sure what I'm going to do yet Aaron and I will have a lot of those discussions a lot of what we do here on the ranch my wife Aaron and I you know we try to sit down and come up with uh plan together so that we're both on the same page with a lot of stuff unfortunately sometimes I get a little bit ahead of myself like this morning where you know I came out I grabbed the camera but didn't grab a radio and then you know she was a uh worried about me came out to check on me and see how I was doing but you know that that won't be a mistake that I make again I can almost guarantee it I'll make sure that I have a radio or at least my phone uh with me at all times so that I can get a hold of her if I have any trouble or anything like that especially during night checks because uh you know you don't want anything to happen to you so and if it does you want to make sure you're in contact with folks so that was my bad for getting my radio this morning won't be a problem uh ever again I hope [Music] one problem that we do have is with our calf that's here in the barn number 48 and her calf are still doing pretty good the calf is up it's sucking although we're not quite sure how that swelling is doing on its tongue so in order to take a look at that we are actually going to try to kick mom out one more time come on Mom come on out come on Mom scootron out come on good mom good Mom now just hang out there and wait for a second okay next up is our calf here I'm going to take a look at his tongue and see how he's doing he is a big calf I'd say he weighs probably about 100 pounds or so let's see how your little tongue doing here buddy oh yeah we're much better oh he's even had a bowel movement which is great um the tongue and I very much doubt I'm gonna be able to get to show this to you guys but we can try oh you're going to lay down for me okay yeah lay down that's great good boy good boy let's see if we can get in his mouth here and take a look tongue swelling is way down way down you can't really see it but anyway um the swelling of the tongue I I'd say it's 100 percent back to normal which is exactly where we want it two milligrams two CC's whatever of banamine is actually the recommended dose per 100 pounds of body weight he weighs right about 100 pounds so I think I hit that one right on we don't have a tag I don't have a tag for him yet but that's okay he's going to hang out in the Corral here with his mom for at least another 24 hours if not more I want to make sure they bond really well before they go back out we did see them up and drinking so that's great and uh I'm really happy today has been a day we've had two calves today nowhere near a record I think our record is like 10 calves in one day but we did have two so uh and one that was unexpected this one we kind of knew even last night was on the way and I'm glad that we were able to save it there's nothing like pulling a calf and thinking that it's gone and then when it hits the ground and it looks up at you and it blinks um it's uh it's definitely a feeling that I wish that everybody could experience at some point in their lives it's like it's a feeling like none other so thank you once again for hanging out with us we do appreciate it the 30 and 30 continues uh we are moving right along this is uh what number four and uh number five is well it's only a day away so make sure you subscribe follow along as we explore the ranch life and escape the ordinary right here on our Wyoming life get your baby [Music]
Channel: Our Wyoming Life
Views: 104,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ranch, cow, cows, horses, cowboy, gardening, farmers market, Wyoming, our Wyoming life, animals, animal videos, peacock, farming, planting, cattle, ranching
Id: IY2Is1EGbso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 12sec (2052 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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