Calving Season Begins with a Winter Storm!

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welcome back everybody hope you all are doing well I'm just feeding our cows this morning we've got all of the cows in the same pasture so we brought them all here to what we just called behind the house so they're all back here I'm feeding them all now it got pretty cold it's 15 degrees below zero we got eight to ten inches of snow over the weekend all of our cows are back here except for our replacement heifers which are in the orchard which is our camping lot oh they're all in there this cold weather kind of brought some along and we ended up having a couple calves this weekend which we were expecting maybe one or so and we ended up having three one was a premature one which ended up passing away but the other ones are okay gonna start having to keep an eye on our heifers as they're gonna be coming in more and more all the time they're synchronized so this is when they're supposed to start calving our cows they've still got a little time probably a couple weeks [Music] if you do see any cabs out here like that little bugger those are just our little accidents from the neighbor's Bull and they're doing good they're going along well they look good staying healthy [Music] but it's cold like this 15 below zero and it gets below freezing cows requirements go up quite a bit we're giving them probably 40 30 40 pounds for per animal [Music] thank you so if you remember in that video when Casey Miller and I went up looking for those cows on Crow Peak you know we found those two with orange tags but we thought they were two with white tags from the picture that he had taken on his drone you know after we got our two we thought well maybe his are still up here with the white tags we weren't really sure my dad noticed something when he was watching that video that there's a point in the video where we're bringing those cows into the trailer and they look back at us and the way the Sun hits the tags it makes the tags look white so even though they are orange tags so we're pretty convinced that you know there probably isn't Two More Cows up there it was just those two with the orange tags and just with the picture he took on his drone how the Sun hit it how something with the phones and technology and the Drone and the picture it just made the tags look white so we're pretty convinced there aren't any more cows up there we haven't heard anything from him on anybody seeing him or if he's gone up and got him so we're gonna mean we're gonna take that as meaning nothing that's showing up yet so and with this kind of weather they would show up somewhere so we're pretty convinced that there aren't any more cows up there last Bale [Music] [Music] all right cows are good and happy now we went through a couple days ago and sorted all of our heifers so all the ones we thought were pretty close to calving we left in the in our cabin lot which is in here the Orchard and then the ones that we didn't think were very close aren't a pasture in front of the house but we've been working really hard the last week getting all the calving facilities ready so we hold a bunch of manure out of here so a lot of you might recognize and remember the mean green asbestos machine so we have been driving that a lot this past week we're we're done with it now we just need to pull it out of here then we've been re-betting and you say everything setting up some pans and such and we're not quite done so Jack and I will probably go finish doing that right now let's just bring her in we want to get her in first okay what's that okay sounds good yeah and she just calved but he looks a little cold hey buddy how are you doing how's your mouth the fingers are pretty cool though yeah he's a little he's a little chilly he needs to go in the warming box let's take this little bugger in this warming box nice and warm and he'll like that yeah buddy he'll be okay so that'll keep him nice and warm don't get his mom in make sure he sucks so we're constantly walking through the heifers checking them making sure not aren't calving and this one here she's starting her water bag hasn't quite popped we'll just put her in the barn for now and give her a little time maybe if we have to we'll pull it later but we'll put her in come on come on girl hey I know come on in there it's nice and warm let's see should we bring a couple at the same time maybe come on Mama come on girl all right I'll go see if I can find that other one and the other one was 2009 who is starting to calf we'll find her here she is got a leg poking out come on honey nice and easy that one after that was calving since her water wasn't broke till we came out we just put her in the barn we're just gonna give her a half hour so we'll clean some poop but if she doesn't have it in a half hour yep we'll just pull it then duck jack is back and Doc Jack is back [Music] you know especially running around after her I don't know why she didn't want to come in young and dumb foreign [Music] it always sucks when you start and it's cold rough start to the season yeah I'll just run her in Jack we decided to just pull this calf then you know we got a live cap and just kind of uptight anyway going in there oh you might have to work here a little bit foreign a small foot small foot yeah that's good these are not use these small feet like that in Alaska they were big big feet I hope all these are at least we know that these AI heifers that are coming first will be smaller yeah she's pushing oh yeah oh he's he wants to come to you foreign no one was like that give it a second yeah there's one ring that's kind of tight yeah there we are pressure oil she's pushing she's pushing good first calf pull of the year yeah hopefully we don't have to do too many first of many yeah but we will hopefully we don't have to do too many people what hands cold steel yeah foreign it's nice come on man little by little oh no please oh it's right there it is a good size come on buddy hey all right hey little dude you do it Man compared to last year yeah that's dying a lot better size for heifer yeah especially those last ones you're having from those Bulls should lay that out so she can yeah foreign there you go she'll lick him off and decide if she likes him or not but she'll have to there's a cat hey buddy how are you oh yeah you're good don't need to worry about you how are you guys it's cash they look good sleeping hey buddy good I'm good nobody's getting a drink oh sorry some idiot has to come and blow it all up yeah get in there buddy it's a little Miss Penelope is kind of becoming a troublemaker I've chased her out of here twice she's supposed to be back behind the house with the rest of the cows but she keeps coming in here hanging out at the hay who knows maybe she's gonna calf soon but I doubt it she's not supposed to calf for a week or more so she's kind of a little trouble me hey buddy are you a little warmer got a little guy out of the heater he's doing a little better still a little cold but he'll be okay foreign just calf Jack and I pulled my mom's not really taken to him I don't think he sucked yet so got her in the head catch I'm gonna make him suck let's see if we can get him up there get her tit in his mouth get some milk going to get that dude in there you wanna open your mouth buddy you know it's hard to see but he wants to suck see we've got some milk get your face up foreign excited couldn't get the little bugger to suck so I'm gonna milk her into a bottle and then probably two feet foreign [Music] you might have to help hold this up it's going so you want to get them Plastering right away right some of this stuff oh you got oh a couple hours or so okay but fairly soon yeah I don't want to be too long I think it's what is it six or eight hours at the stomach wall starts changing okay they can't take in the antibodies as well sure this kind of goes down and down the ability to ticking the antibodies yeah oh all right there you go little buddy foreign well we're getting more and more little cavities all over the place a little bit of a bumpy start to the camping season but it's getting better let her out I'm bringing the heifers in the night [Music] [Applause] foreign we had a pretty successful day other than a couple hiccups which is always to be expected with the first week of camping best way to end the day of calving is to come hang out with my little bull calf thank you guys for coming along today really appreciate it we had a pretty good day hopefully tomorrow goes even better but we will see you all in the next one till then take care
Channel: Sleep Ranch
Views: 45,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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