Pulling a Calf with a Surprise at the End!

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[Music] got a cow right now that has been in labor um see if she's progressing or if she needs any help we had two heifers born one was born right around 1 30. one was born a little bit before that if i had to guess it would be around noon it was up and drinking um and dry so we'll go check on her in a little bit but i just want to check on 51 here she's way down there got my new binoculars that jim got me so all right let's see what we got going on here i got chains hooked up by the gate i do have my nylon strap if i can get that on got my ob gloves just to uh check the position of the calf i got this awesome new ob handle that my neighbors got me for helping their daughter pull a calf last week so let's see what we got going on and we'll see if we have a normal position calf she kept trying to claim everybody's calf in the yard so rather than sitting down and pushing she's been trying to claim everybody else so we'll see what we got going on dogs get been watching her for a while now and there just hasn't been any progression so i figured it'd probably be best just to bring her up in the yard patrick i'm gonna tie her tail off the side so i don't keep getting slotted falling apart you guys falling apart all right so now that's out of the way i'm gonna go get my hands all right so i'm feeling the nose i got the jaw and there's two feet so it is in normal dogs get it's a normal presentation so i'm gonna go ahead see it doesn't appear to be a very large calf by the size of the nose um but it could very well be wrong fingers crossed dogs well i guess it's patrick she's definitely dilated the only thing i don't like about nylon is that it is super slippery when uh you had afterbirth or not after birth but all of the uh yummy gooey stuff coming out [Music] we got one foot hooks try and go in for the second one you should have had this thing popped out like 20 minutes ago cheese guys there's a second foot around the dew claws there above the knuckle that's where we like it of course exhale so we got both feet presented and i lost the other one i knew that was gonna happen see if we can get this one above the knuckle here there we go calf is kicking so that's a good sign it means it's alive in there all right so i'm just going to pull gently here and see if she'll work with me just kind of help push this calf out make sure it's nose is down there we go move this over here so you can maybe get a little bit better view i've cleaned my gopro after this so you can see she's got contractions and she's pushing and helping with me so i'm going to just put apply a little tension downward [Music] come on honey push there we go there's the head i'm gonna give her a second to breathe here baby's blinking if you can see that come on mama push hardest part's over honey there we go keep it coming there good job mama see it's not so bad so i'm going to drag calf out of the way here we have what looks to be our third heifer of the day take these chains off make sure everything is okay untie mama's tail here easy peasy now i'm just gonna pull him or her off the side just a little bit more so that when i let mom go she won't accidentally step on her there you can finally claim your own now you see babies already starting to try and stand up it's amazing how fast good mama yeah i don't know if she was just too busy concerned with everybody else's babies or what but she shouldn't have had a problem delivering that one it's extremely easy pull good girl mama all right well we'll just let them be and we'll come back and check out him in a little bit she's a really good mom we've had her she was born and raised here she was born in um i believe 2016. i'm not i'm not mistaken so she's a few years old she's a really nice cow so we'll let them be well it's been anything short of a interesting evening the heifer in the yard decided to cast herself and so i was able to get her back leg flipped over and spin her around a little bit just to get her feet underneath her and then anyways back to the cow that i uh had pulled earlier today we had her up in the yard here and she had her calf nice and dry and uh she was just hanging out in the barn while i happened to be out here with um trying to get that heifer on her feet i uh came out to this so ducks get so that one over there playing with the pink tag is the one that she had earlier that i pulled and this little fella just happened to pop out while i was working on raina's rabbit cage so yeah i guess uh the reason why she was having problems kevin is because she was pushing out two and they're both uh really nice sized calves so she looks like she is interested in both but we're gonna keep her up in the yard for a day or so and make sure she's keep taking care of both of them but yeah that's what the surprise was and why she was having problems cabin so i'm glad that uh we figured that out so i guess i should have checked to make sure there wasn't a second one in there i had just assumed by the size of that calf that uh there was only one in there but anyways let's check and see what it is quick easy mama oh oh we got a bull calf well that's a bummer i know i've kept a couple of calves out of her but now the little heifer that we pulled um this evening is now gonna be considered a free martin so anyways that's my treat for the day [Music] [Music]
Channel: Rollag Ranchers
Views: 407,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YjAp_RuRdHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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