This Hole Can Turn You Into Dust

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what happened to the crab what was the strange force that sucked it in like it was no bigger people call this thing a pressure difference or Delta P if you think that this stuff can only happen to professional divers you may be surprised that it can be dangerous even to people who go for a swim in regular pools the pressure difference can be explained simply by this imagine two bodies of water connected with a small pipe these two bodies of water would be trying to equalize the pressure creating a suction which Powers depends on the amount of water and depth and how big is the hole which separates these two bodies of water so imagine a diver working near a plugged hole for example near the water dam imagine him clearing a hole which is not entirely closed a sudden increase of pressure would pull him and cover the hole completely with his own body creating a perfect seal this happened to a Luke sebr who was working in Nova scota power Anapolis tidal power plant as a commercial diver his job was to inspect and fix things that are underwater and that is quite dangerous when he went down near this tidal power plant Dam he was inspecting the gates controlling the floow of the powerful tides of the Annapolis River just 1 minute in he was shouting to the team of above him to pull him up but quickly he went silent and no other diver could have helped him because they would also get trapped underwater you could be 10 m away from your dive body and see him seemingly stuck in one place but if you dared to come closer you could feel water flow increasing exponentially sucking you harder and harder only when tide calmed down and pressure equalized they could retrieve this Luke body one Nave diver Ste Donovan himself almost got stuck in the 1990s BF for Basin he said that you really can't see water flow towards these holes during operation where they were salvaging a sunken tog boat the water in the hall was being sucked out so that the sunken boat could rise to the surface such technique also created a pressure difference Steve was smart guy and when he was diving he was carrying a carton of milk milk unlike water is pretty visible and when he released some of it he could see where the water flow was occurring he noticed a small about a fist-sized hole in a sunken vessel this hole was way too close and immediately sucked the Milk Carton and his glove inside the hle according to him his arm was almost grabbed by the hundreds of pounds of pressure the reason why I dived right into the subject was that I have read quite a few horrifying stories and was pulled deeper and deeper into the abys of of information not only divers are prone to Delta P I was also reading about people being trapped in pools which eventually get them dead I read a story about a girl named Abigail Taylor which literally gave me goosebumps apparently this 6-year-old girl went into a children's pool at the monopolis golf club little did anyone knew is that pool managers were greedy bastards and wanted to save money so they used some old broken frame and fixed a pool drain cover in place with cheap metal screws which eventually rested and uncovered the damn drain the poor girl got her bottom part stuck to this hole and her 6 M or 20 ft of small intestines were sucked into the pool system absolutely horrifying the greed management managed to save couple hundreds of bucks but what at a huge cost the suction even small pools is so great that even a grown man probably couldn't save anyone the only way to stop this would be to turn off pool pumps another incident happened when five divers were pulled into an oil pipe in 2022 these guys were doing a routine maintenance work in poter appear a town in Western of Trinidad on the Gulf of per and the site of the Island's biggest oil refiner divers were working in a depth of 18 M or 60 ft to make it easier they were inside a special diving bell which surrounded the oil pipe Ending by the way this u-shaped pipe is used by all tankers to unload their cargo anyway the guys were in the Bell which was submerged in the water to compensate pressure and stop water filling up to the bell's ceiling pressurized air was pumped inside the working area to counter the pressure of the water the only thing that separated them from low pressure inside the pipe and high pressure in the Bell was a plug which once opened unexpectedly sucked everyone inside the pipe there is actually a GoPro footage when this stuff happened they got sucked in so quickly that light seemingly vanished in the blink of an eye as this men were pulled inside with immense [Music] Force they were tumbling towards deeper end of the oil pipe this pipe was not full with oil since as it is the only used to transfer oil to the refiner then the oil tanker is unloading however there still was some oil left which burned the eyes mouth and nose of the divers luckily there were some air pockets in this pipe and the guy closest to the exit Christopher Budram was able to crawl through all of this he also found an air tank and managed to reach the end of the pipe where he banged the metal walls to be heard and rescued sadly he was the only Survivor since companies responsible for them failed to get them help for more extreme difference in pressure I would like to cover the infamous B for Dolphin incident where the situation is no longer called the difference of pressure but rather uncontrolled de compression it happened in 1983 while working at the drilling platform in the North Sea deep sea divers are often surrounded by great pressure and their bodies are absolutely saturated with gases if they were to surface normally they would 100% die because gas bubbles that are trapped in their tissues would expand one way to decompress divers is for them to decompress or release gas very slowly so they live in a cramped diving chamber for up to 28 days these Chambers are very pressurized and their pressure during this de pressurizing days are slowly lowered anyway in by for the dolphin four divers were living in diving chambers which were pressurized to nine atmospheres since this man worked in the depths of 90 M or 300t while the two divers were chilling in diving chamber number two other two divers did their mission at the bottom of the sea floor then they climbed the Bell locked the doors were pulled up to the surface and got their Bell connected to the diving chamber tired but probably happy after grueling work they entered the chamber but before one diver was able to close the door behind him for some unknown reason the diver which was outside the diving chamber opened the diving Bell's door I presume they were able to do that even if they were outside the Bell so immediately nine atmospheres of pressure rushed outside in order to equalize you can imagine the whole situation as a very inflated tire and someone stabbing it with a knife what would happen right the force ripped and propelled the diving bell which struck two diers that were outside killing one and injuring another now for the people who were inside the things were a little bit rougher TRS helic a diver which was inside the chamber one and who was also closest to slightly Open Door well the force of nine atmospheres ripped him apart and sucked all of the internal organs of his chest and abdomen except the tracha and section of small intestine and the middle section of the spine apparently it all happened in under 0.1 second other divers were not killed as violently as trolls helic since they were further away from the hle but they were still in a bad shape since their bodies were saturated with gasin and they were filled with internal bleeding and also they were dead their veins and cardiac Chambers were filled with fat mixed with gases that according to investigators looked like sizzling butter on a frying pan way to ruin butter forever there are actually photos online of the bers but I seriously discourage you from looking at them not the worst I have seen but still pretty bad the whole situation happened because of human error and faulty equipment which was old and it was made in 1975 the lack of similar incidents means that new safety standards were implemented and work quite good besides this thing so what have we learned in this video Don't Go close to pool drains especially if they are uncovered that will probably end you for sure then don't be a commercial diver although the pay is pretty good some reportedly make over $1,500 per day but the risks are very high and you have to talk in chimpmunk voices for weeks w
Channel: MR SLAV
Views: 688,104
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Id: VSP_5a1AdRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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