The Fear of Space

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[Music] this footage is the first ever recorded footage of the Earth from space as the image distorts and you're felt straying away from the planet Earth a certain consternation is felt almost like you fell into a deep pool of water and you're slowly straying further away away from the surface straying away from what is known from what isn't nothing whilst this footage is nothing spectacular in the world of astronomy it highlights the feeling of impending Terror that space portrays its vast emptiness is more than just lonely it's constricting seeing the pure and utter powerful size of empty space in our universe is so perplexing that it twists my throat into circles it's as if the universe is slapping Us in the face saying your simple body couldn't possibly dare to imagine the sheer size and complexity of my creations and it would be right because the truth is space is horrendously [Music] scary it is until you compare the planet Earth to others that you realize we have a perfect planet Jupiter a gas giant a planet made of thick never ending storms there is no surface on Jupiter its massive scale consists of deep Heavy Gas you can not land a probe on Jupiter because it will fall into the gas for days until it is burnt and crippled essentially getting dissected by air I'm sure the Raging red spot of the storm on Jupiter is nothing new to anyone watching a storm that has lasted for at least 400 years and potentially longer a storm that itself spans a wider distance than the Earth itself imagine a heavy raging Storm bigger than the earth all of which is Heavy Gas ripping anything near it apart a storm so big that it puts our Earth to shame everything that we know know love see feel smell and think all exists on planet Earth and the fact that a storm just a storm on another giant planet puts our entire existence to shame is embarrassing similar patterns can be seen with Saturn and Neptune the other two gas giants in our solar system worlds of nothing but storms and chemical reactions storms that can reach up to 1,000 mph storms that would tear your muscle fibers off one by one but the scary thing is this is just one example of one planet AR system space is chaos but there are more than trillions of planets many more each with their own chaos the sheer complexity of size of planets in just our galaxy alone makes you think what other monsters are lurking in the shadows indulging in heavy size in Chaos on The Daily what is happening behind the scenes in our universe the sheer size of some of these planets and the chaos that each and one of them participate in is actually quite spectacular but if you think planets Even Shine as much of a laser pointer on the unbelievable able backdrop of our more intense celestial objects you would find that you are catastrophically naive because ultimately our bigger Celestial counterparts shine and behave so drastically intense that they themselves are making a statement to the universe that they are the definition of power a star as we know from our sun to put simply is a luminous ball of gas composed of mostly hydrogen and helium held together by its own gravity stars are unbelievable they Shine for eons and create a habitable zone for planets to play stars are the reason we are alive as humans without our sun we wouldn't even be close to existing the sun is incomprehensible and most stars are incomprehensibly huge millions of times bigger than the earth sometimes I feel the numbers don't really portray how big the sun truly is like okay who cares 1 million times bigger yeah I get it woohoo big son so I always feel that A visual representation is a proper way to show the true scale of these things this is the earth comparable next to the sun all I felt when seeing this is fear again that is everything we know and love on one Speck of matter compared to the Sun ridiculous sizes like these are what lead my fear of space but what if I were to tell you that the sun is unbelievably small laughably small so tiny that it seems like an atom in the eyes of the even bigger what I'm about to show you is an image that evoked a sense of hopelessness and fear inside my soul it's an image of the sun compared to one of the biggest known stars in the observable universe uy scooty [Music] the pure monstrosity like sizes of these celestial objects is unfathomable to see the size of our Earth alone compared to something like the sun and still have the biggest thing in our solar system be dwarfed significantly is a statement once again from the universe that we are nothing U scooty is 325 million M deep yes 325 million miles of nothing but a hot hydrogen and helium pool of convection and radiation if you were to somehow construct a suit that would allow you to safely go deep into this massive star you would most likely feel that at a certain point the star itself is the new universe the universe doesn't mess around with size because even what you just saw uy scooty the star is absolutely tiny if you compare it to things like T 618 the biggest black hole or S5 the quazar it isn't even a speck of Dust trying to conceptualize and explain size any further than this is absolutely pointless as our feeble brains cannot give it the actual Justice that it deserves for a couple quick mind wrecking references you can fit our entire solar system all the way out to the orbit of Neptune which is measured to be roughly 80 astronomical units wide inside of ton 618 32 times laterally and for one last Quick comparison ton 68 18 is 2,66 astronomical units wide now if we compare that to just 1% of the diameter of a galaxy you could fit 23,000 ton 618s laterally inside just 1% of the Milky Way galaxy and I'm sorry to completely kill your ego but the Milky Way galaxy is a feeble useless Speck of nothing in comparison to the Clusters which are nothing compared to the superclusters and so on but let's step away from sides because it's obvious that our universe is huge but on the other hand it's actually quite breathtakingly beautiful while we might not understand the scale of it very well I think everyone can at least acknowledge the beauty of the Stars we see in our night sky everyone has had at least one experience of looking up at the stars at night and just admiring them but the problem doesn't lie in the Stars ironically few people dare to realize the strikingly obvious monster that lies right next to them right in front of our eyes at all [Music] times 2.5 million Lighty years is the space between our Milky Way galaxy and our closest neighboring Galaxy Andromeda let's imagine we wanted to travel to Andromeda it takes light 2.5 million years to travel between our galaxies that scale is freaky so are there any pit stops you can take on the way nope is there anything at all nuh-uh it's all gas in vast open space once you leave the Milky Way galaxy you are met with a dark cold vast space of nothing for 2 and a half million years here Darkness the reason this idea of pure vast nothingness scares me so much is because of how our brains work we cannot handle the thought of essentially nothing in the vast dark spaces between celestial objects is the closest thing you can get to nothing I'm not just talking about the spaces between galaxies either even the spaces between Stars inside the galaxies are so vast that it's incomprehensible vastness has a certain taste to it it's not bitter it's not sweet at all it doesn't really taste like anything but fear it's kind of like like the fear of the ocean and the massive unknown drop off cliffs in the deep sea however space is much bigger and the drop offs never end and it's not so much unknown as it is lonely because the truth is space is horrifically lonely every single part of it just like the Sun versus the UI scoote picture I want to show you a picture picture that perfectly describes what I'm talking about it's a picture of what is commonly referred to as a super [Music] void this is Boots void and for reference to scale it is 330 million Lighty years across 330 million light years of essentially nothing boots void makes up for 2% of the entire universe 2% of the universe is a deep unknown void of nothing fear dismay and discomfort is all I feel when Imagining the center of such things what is in that void why is it so lonely that vastness is crippling every everything in space is this vast separated by long distances of nothing distances that we as humans couldn't possibly dream of Crossing invisible barriers that laugh in our faces and spit on our space fairing dreams and to add to even more of the hopelessness to this already seemingly depressing fact everything is growing farther apart as we speak because the universe is constantly expanding and as the universe expands like a balloon everything in it stretches and becomes farther apart and at certain points these voids will grow so big and the universe will expand so far that we won't even be able to reach another galaxy as it will be moving away too fast for us to catch up so the only thing we will have is ourselves surrounded by an infinite and seemingly growing void that advises us to stay where we are but we may plead and ask for Mercy from the universe but it won't stop and over the course of billions and trillions of years the universe will grow and it will wait and while the scale of vast empty space is scary in and of itself as the universe continues to trudge through time with no stoppage not only will the distances become a problem but everything else will too because with enough time everything will slowly start to burn away the stars and the black holes and planets all have a limited amount of energy to burn once the universe starts its clock it doesn't stop and it waits and the true and perfect horror of the universe becomes [Music] time 13 billion years is the age of our universe in our age we were luckily born in an era of rampant star growth and intense celestial events we are observing and participating in the universe's First Steps but unfortunately it will likely never be this way again according to the heat death or also called slow death Theory the universe will continue to expand and as it expands everything will continue to prosper Over time however and I mean a long time the raw materials required to make stars and black holes and everything alike will be exhausted out into empty space into colder and wider areas where it's not possible for hot and Dense Star formation to occur and once the universe gets to this point it will will face a poisoning demise where star formation will come to a halt it will be faced with the intense reality that it will meet a cold dark death but this will take a really long time to happen right spds right you couldn't be more right in fact I would argue that the scale of time is the most brutal one because with this scale Infinity is no longer a concept it's a derivable truth but some objects will meet their demise much faster than others consider super giant Stars you would think the biggest stars would last the longest right well actually they live the shortest lives due to their intense Gra gravity and unstable nature they're likely to explode and go supernova or exhaust their energy at a very fast rate they could even become black holes through the right conditions these are likely the first things to say goodbye to most things like super giant stars and most other celestial objects will Decay fairly quickly in the grand scheme of things however there are three celestial objects that will hold on much longer three objects that will face the void head on so I would like to introduce you to our candidates for eternity the brave Heroes that will valiantly trudge towards the end of the universe the final objects that will make a stand once all star formation stops firstly we have black holes the fan favorite these stubborn balls of theoretically infinite density will be one of the last standing celestial objects ever second we have the underdog white dwarfs these stars are the remnants of great stars that exhausted most of their energy and just remain as pitiful ancient balls of gas that emit so little energy due to their low luminosity and low size thirdly we have black dwarfs the final product of a fully exhausted dwarf star a ball of gas that will likely turn into almost solid iron more on these guys later because they will prove to be very important according to physicists it is estimated to take upwards of 100 trillion years into the future for All Star formation to stop and all raw space material exhausts into nothing so let's begin our thought experiment there when all star formation comes to a Hal let's start with white dwarfs according to physicists white dwarfs can actually burn for trillions of years as well and the smallest and most low output ones could possibly survive for up to quadrillions of years but eventually they will die likely going Supernova or possibly turning into a black dwarf you probably see where I'm going with these guys this time scale is unbelievable but we are just barely scratching off the tip of the iceberg because the truth is I lied white dwarfs are easily taking last place here and it's not even close while they ran a good life the true race between black holes and black dwarfs begins black holes are what I view as endgame objects because they're so intimidating and so scary for good reason these ridiculous balls of mystery are so dense and so heavy that having them Decay is like telling a kid with ice cream to throw it in the ground nearly impossible but as all things have to these two will eventually Decay according to Hawking radiation black holes Decay but just very very very slowly picture it like this according to quantum physics there are two particles constantly popping in and out of existence on a normal basis anti-particle and a normal particle I know this sounds crazy but bear with me now if these particles were to pop in and out of existence right next to a black hole's Event Horizon theoretically one of the particles can get sucked into the black hole whilst the other will perfectly and barely escape this actually makes the black hole lose an ever so slightly minuscule amount of mass so tiny that it will never be noticeable for trillions of years but they do Decay and that's important because Infinity doesn't care as long as they Decay at all their fate is all the same the theoretical amount of time it would take for a black hole to decay under these rules is scary the time would be roughly somewhere between 2 * 10 to the power of 93 or a Google years this is ridiculous because at this point in the universe everything else would have decayed galaxies would have dissipated Stars would have all died everything would be gone and forgotten except these black holes that are silently buzzing towards the end of time so I actually lied black dwarfs aren't even in the picture of black holes because they don't even come close in fact they will last so much longer than black holes that it is actually embarrassing for the black holes to even try to compare black dwarfs are pretty much a fully dead white dwarf these guys are on the final stage of a star completely exhausted they do Decay but it's so insignificant that it's almost immeasurably small these guys give off almost no heat or light and they are ancient these poor guys will have to endure for so long and eventually they will have to go supernova but the time scale that it will take for this to happen is paralyzingly ridiculous so let's take a journey into the unfathomable for one last time as we watch the final stand of black dwarfs and their statement to the universe I know this sounds like science fiction but these stupid little stars will theoretically exist for 10 to the power of 32,000 years once everything else is gone that is 32,000 zeros all of that once everything else in the universe has already disappeared the universe will be single-handedly vacated by these black dwarfs that separate each other with unbelievable distances these cold baseless almost pointless Stars will float through the rest of existence as the final stand of our universe as the last form of tangible entropy as the remnants of us and what we once had eventually however these Stars too will die and go supernova after an almost infinite amount of time these poor Celestial statements will be put to rest with a Tiny But infinitely powerful being that will light up the universe once more as it once was almost forgetta infinite ago as the final black dwarf SC Supernova their fireworks throughout the vast Wasteland of nothing will give hope to a potential new beginning but as the universe has always done it will wait and it will watch as these ancient remnants of the past give way to the final ending of our reality it will watch as the final black dwarf explodes and opens the path to Eternity because from the beginning of time the universe has waited it has waited so patiently from its conception it has waited for the first Stars the first planet planet Earth it has waited for you waited for your bus stop waited for your life waited for all the stars to die all the black holes to die all the black DS to die it has waited all the same and on a much more infinite level than we could ever imagine and as the last black dwarf explodes the universe can now rest because now it has reached its ultimate contribution so it's my [Music] else
Channel: Spds
Views: 1,457,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: space, world, outer worlds, worlds, outer, educational, entertainment, engine, space engine, comedy, writing, inspirational, science, sci fi, neptune, earth, sun, moon, universe, galaxy, galaxies, nasa, editing, music, family, friendly, time, planet, planets, solar, good, great, family friendly, fear of space, curiosity, phobia, horror, philisophical, outer space, the universe, astrophobia, cosmophobia, video essay, spds video essay, spds, space phobia, phobia of space, universe size comparison, black holes
Id: teG1dwOFejY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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