Live 2023 NFL Draft WATCH PARTY | Around the NFL Podcast

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hey oh live from not Kansas City and truly live it's around the NFL 2023 NFL draft first round live stream we're going through all 31 picks Dan Hans is here Greg Rosenthal mark zesler what's up guys well we've never done this before this is a a test run of the highest order you can feel the room this is yes this is amazing um I'm loving all the people in the chat right now we got 2600 plus strong you know they tried to bury us as like the fourth ranked uh live streaming show on NFL media right now but we're gonna move the dancing and moving I move that's what I do a sign of potential abuse of uh certain things but are you okay I'm good and to answer some of the people in the chat that are concerned I didn't stay home to watch Hawks Celtics I'm not even going to put it up I don't know don't worry about it this is about the NFL draft this is the center of the universe Mark sessler and I know this is a big day for you especially because it is the mock draft yeah I mean it's uh you know the mock draft used to be an isolated event where whether I succeeded or failed there were almost no Stakes attached to it but now I'm taking on Grave Digger and so the there's a heightened sense of um needing to drop a hammer on our producer not only are you taking on gravedigger you've got his lovely uh girlfriend here keeping score of the draft competition as we go and some some thoughts uh you know in the air tonight that if you beat Justin that just will change the way she looks at him I and I think it it should be it's stated uh to everyone out there and again by the way once again setting the table here we're going to be here for all 31 picks starting with pick one the Carolina Panthers everyone believes it will be Bryce young we don't know I think it was interesting we're gonna Jessica is gonna be joining us a little bit later it was Mark really pushing this uh to have Jessica involved is there something there Greg with like you're saying what you're hinting at that Mark what was looking on some way to take Justin's dignity and maybe his girl uh I've appreciated the confidence on both fronts not just in terms of stealing um his manhood but crushing him in this competition Marcus walked around this building with a quiet confidence this week that I love I mean Technically she's providing very invaluable service because we are landlocked by our headsets and one of us was going to have to get up to the dry erase board and tally votes and tally changes and all of that and she's willing to come do it instead so it actually just makes us we have to move as much yes did you hear that I did hear that hey I just wanted to squash this whole weird thing about Jessica and Mark it's this like okay me uncomfortable over here okay okay we're five minutes in you know NFL Network's at commercial there's nothing else to talk about now what else is happening you know the bigger problem is Jessica doesn't seem uncomfortable at all about it totally comfortable with it so another subplot to track so much going on yeah we have of course uh first picks coming up in just a little bit uh Mark Jackson that deal gets done and uh that and Greg congratulations to the the entire lemarmy uh you guys are Marching through the streets sorry to the smarmy all the people who just like to you know pick on us well it was it was a bit of a sloppy uh road to get here but in the end they did no it's um it's a shocking development that a quarterback contract um you know took a little bit to get done and that oh who's he smart me now he had to briefly had the franchise I got it oh wait that's exactly how every quarterback contract has gone uh essentially for the last handful of years it's almost disappointing what a traditional ending it is for me he he got Jalen hurts his contract you were absolutely right to say does this Jalen hurts uh deal impact Lamar I did not think that it necessarily did oh yeah we're all up in arms about that no I just said like Heavens I don't know and then uh he basically got Jalen hurts his contract plus 10 so who needs an agent for that I mean I would Craig that's that's one way to to sum it all up it was a little bit sloppy I don't know if it's the it's the road map for every quarterback to go at all as well and if I'm a Ravens fan I'm feeling great about it wait Did Rod come out what's going on right now Rog is on this that's the girl from Saturday Night Live she's a big Chiefs fan we've got Eric Stone Street's always there this is like his full-time job now the Chiefs fan guy and if you're watching yeah it was it was the uh what's the show Modern Family yeah Modern Family and now he's just full-time he goes on he's uh I think he's on Rich Eisen show four times a week now it appears to be the case it's a it's a lot of Stone Street but I have to say he's legit I I went to the um NFL store at the Super Bowl on like a on a busy early week uh Day last year and I just saw Stone Street tired as hell with his family with bags over his shoulder sitting out in the hall just like you know it's real even when the cameras aren't and you know I this is a great Rock move and I hope everybody's watching along with NFL Network the coverage here Rog who famously gets booed when he comes out for the NFL draft uh has started bringing out celebrities and and it's one thing to bring out an SNL Starlet but bring out Stone Street and you're covered I mean the crowd's gonna go Matt are we allowed to use salty language on on this live stream no oh Greg I didn't ask you Justin our producer can we use big time salty language we're not supposed to do that but we're live if something happens by no one we weren't sent to the draft there's another major digital property going on right now in the building right you know there's actually two two right no one's watching this connected to the company I am certain of it it's like a broadcasting Rebellion I wouldn't essentially do whatever we want I don't know about certain but you know if you want to try like probably I do like though it it is bringing me back to um how we started at the this company sneaking around uh of you know from our bosses to head upstairs as we now see uh Patrick Holmes and Kelsey uh hit the stage I just like one way to look at it I'm feeling comfortable I think that's a that's a healthy way to look at it Greg but you know still surprising here's Patrick Mahomes and uh Travis Kelsey coming out with the trophy this is getting the crowd amped uh we're just minutes away here on the stream uh from the first pick in the 2020. from even them going on the clock they're going to do the thing where the Panthers go on the clock and then they you know waste 10 more minutes that's what they do I guess for the people that are just watching us probably we shouldn't just have like long seconds yeah there is there is people just watching us watch television there's it's uh well that's what they that's what they signed up for they're gonna be elements when Neil zeuser as an example is going to check out The Telecast yeah yeah and then maybe one of us picks it up um yeah we can take a little take a little nap we want to show the people our bingo card sure well sure yeah we got some yeah that's let's start with a bingo card this is the NFL draft uh Trope bingo card draft cliche bingo card we have here and uh we're all gonna work together on this all the people on the live stream right now uh whenever you hear any of these phrases there's some examples I'll throw it out they're undersized Behemoth or as Mark says uh generational High motor lunch pail whenever you hear that brought up uh by anyone on The Telecast do we want to do the the NFL Network telecast or any telecast well I think the NFL Network's NFL network is our official Telecaster I'd be a little rude and weird uh to watch another one plus the NFL network is much better than ESPN I would say at the NFL draft I'm not being a company man yeah yes you are but that's no but I would find an opinion but yes man in the shadows with a suit on Pat's Greg on the head twenty dollars it's a rare time I feel like I'm I'm just speaking my truth to be a company man with this is one day we Crush everyone including us I mean you're gonna watch some other live streams I fought hard to get um young man onto the bingo card because I have been hearing that literally left and right about all these people that are like the same age as the players this young man is going to come in and transform the culture of this team well too like part of any sentence like there were some like that like value was one of them initially if we could take a look at it again uh where it's like yeah well of course they'll save value that that's not fair that's not fair um how many people are in the chat right now by the way Gravedigger we are we're over four thousand sorry yeah about four times 4091 and I will say to the people out there take a screenshot of this maybe so you can refer to it because otherwise I don't like unless they just remember all 25 of these they're not going to be able to help us much well I think this is uh we've got a pretty big stacked room here I mean it's also on our Instagram story if you check out our Instagram story um Jessica can keep track of uh these I'm sure I'm sure she'll be live Greg has shifted very comfortably into I'm gonna sit on the couch and Order people around for the next four hours gotta fill the air he's fired up he's fired up right now um do we want to say hello to Jessica I think I should uh since we brought her up multiple times though can you go uh right where we go where the scoreboard is and the scoreboard of course is for the big competition the mock draft off between the quiet storm and the gravedigger and say hello there's the shot there's the money shot folks uh there she is Jessica uh the great um mysterious uh Starlet uh Justin gravers don't cover up the tattoo with the graphic though I mean I'm I know I'm bossing around there we go a female beautiful beautiful assassin uh and why is Jessica here seriously why is Jessica here so I mean Jessica is going to not only track our bingo card but you can see right behind her we've got the mark versus Gravedigger mock draft contest and she's gonna do an excellent job automatically sound job uh keeping score all right can we can we this production is going to be unbelievable folks can we talk a little about um maybe how this mock draft is shaping up early because we have had some developments Dan at least in the betting markets and we're not going to spoil any picks here tonight we're not gonna uh tip any picks hopefully we won't know anything but I think this is fair to point out this was out in over the last hour the betting markets have CJ Stroud as a monster favorite suddenly to be the number two overall pick with that would that hurt both of you either one of you had it but I think it would give me a sandwich wouldn't it I think so but it depends on if the Texans are the team that picks them at two or if they trade out of that pick obviously if the Texans because I didn't match CJ Stroud with the Texans at a different point in the month draft so wait yeah that would give you that would give you a point it'd be a slight coup d'etat first of all I just realized anyway our lovely Jessica can we get her a stick mic or anything is there any way to interface there's a fourth headset over here it's the one for our surprise guests okay okay um we do have at least one surprise guest I was a telephone Network employee who has joined this show before I was told expect just one of the two because yeah there was a we we had a potential second guest who um I would say has the vibe of a bit of a wild card and it may not be that is the one that won't be joining that's the wild card will not be appearing all right well that's unfortunate but it's still going to be a great show um all right by the way since uh the the Panthers are now on the clock why don't we bring up for the big mock draft which we're going to be tracking throughout uh this stream which by the way as a reminder will uh where am I looking is this the camera I'm looking at yes all right where's my camera uh the the uh we will be here for the entirety of the first round unless this sucks right in in which case we'll we'll probably still be here but again there's nobody in this building that knows this is going on other than the people in this room which is beautiful yeah so we could really do whatever we want I mean it's not on like CNN under the tables in the uh first Iraq war where like some you know it's hard to track us and we're just simply somewhere in the building can we bring can we bring up salty language is coming by hour two that's all I'm saying can can we bring up the rules uh and regulations of uh the mock draft off between oh wow uh sessler and Grave Digger there's no way Mark can read this Mark let us know earlier he's not wearing his glasses here that he can barely see the screen and this is I can't see anyone else in the room I can read it if that helps go ahead go through a grave digger all right you know Grave Digger cam by the way there is can we spin this bad boy you don't need it now we don't need it now do you honestly think Grave Digger would not have created a cam about himself in the middle of the show um okay here are the rules so the first rule no changes to your mocks under any circumstances okay which we don't even think about it I mean if this engine or mock drafted this had been another year my mock draft this morning would have been way different from the one we did on the Pod but you know why are these rules totally different than the rules I sent see so the ones you sent no these are exactly what you sent I copied and pasted out of our messaging clients sorry ridiculous go ahead all right the next rule three points for a match of players to the team and the pick spot okay makes sense two points for matching the player and the team but in a different spot Fair three-point bonus this is big this is where a title could be won here a three-point bonus for matching a player to the team to the pick spot with a trade okay and um if we're tied after the first round the first mocker to correctly hit on a second round pick will win I mean that where first of all was identity of just specifically the number 32 over a pick and then tiebreaker 2 was a jumping jacks competition so you sent conflicting messages then because these are the rules that Dan presented in our uh in the group chat chat uh yesterday yours where you sent uh yeah Dan asked me to send it I did so I did I did I like the jumping jack challenge yeah what was the other one that was it because they had already done the number 32 overall pick uh and then so all right one of them was right it would raise some tension on Friday and if not jumping jacks competition I also have my sports locks in there so oh you have your sports locks of course one of them has already been nullified because I said that no human eye would ever see Lamar Jackson ever again on our planet and he's 10 hours later he's signed a contract it was a yeah very much a big figure today all right the pick is in for the Carolina Panthers first overall pick there is no way this isn't who we think it is right like there's no scenario like the will Levis thing from Reddit like that there was like a 15 minute period today where some random agent said that Anthony Richards is going to go higher than you think and then Jeremy Fowler from ESPN was like Anthony Richardson you know what he actually was considered by the Panthers and for like that 10 minutes there was some tension and then it was quickly destroyed by every Insider saying it's going to be Bryce young and so we expect it to be Bryce young and if you are only watching us and I'm seeing in the chat some people that are like how do we actually watch the draft um we will tell you what happened but you should probably have both screens on yeah you could you gotta figure it out just put them on mute and then listen up yeah NFL Network on your TV and then get a phone a laptop a tablet any other device to watch YouTube with and put us up on that easy that's just essentially modern technology that doesn't seem like something needs to be explained what about the cord cutters are they in a bad spot the cord cutters well the bangs in the biggest of all spots I would say they can pull out their phones go to the NFL app and watch the broadcast there so just watch YouTube you know watch oh yeah it'll be uh on NFL fast channels uh the chord Cutters it's everywhere all right here we go we got Raj is up looking good getting booed all right Bryce young there you go is indeed and you know what look at this in a beautiful beautiful suit no tie like the move he's casual but serious about his career um interesting uh here we are finally for the Carolina Panthers and shout out to any Panthers fans uh in the Stream right now uh because jeez this is a long road this was a long road oh by the way we need to one other element here we're going to uh one to ten grade the draft pick this one's pretty easy to me is that what we're doing one yeah I'm going 10. I feel great about this I'm gonna go 10 right after um this is the kind of content you can't just get on the podcast it's visual cues uh oh eight all right ten ten eight why eight why not a perfect move for the Panthers right now it's not that it's uh not illogical or not a perfect move um I I want to see where you are a couple years so I think Anthony Richardson yeah but so then I'll give every pick a 10 Then Greg I'm trying to add a little bit of nuance here and like uh is it do you mind if I was very excited about it like three tabs of LSD 45 minutes ago and we're all dealing with the Fallout uh I just think it's like his size I think is is an issue um I want to see how they plan an offense around it but for the Panthers who've been in a Wilderness quarterback wise for years um if it works there's no looking back yeah I hate it I'm just giving it an eight yeah I think the uh there are reason it's not if to I think what you're saying it's not Andrew it's Trevor Lawrence if it's Andrew Luck if it's Peyton Manning Joe burrow but there is some concern here about the prospect however man what a what a great day this is for the Panthers and their fans who ever since Cam Newton got old and beat up in a hurry have been in the wilderness this is the team that a few years ago pivoted to Sam darnold and then if that wasn't enough they said let's get some Baker Mayfield in our life too that didn't work they even had Cam Newton back and the most completely forgotten stretch of games in the history of the NFL Cam Newton's return a couple years ago to Carolina um and now finally they try to get Matthew Stafford uh that didn't work out we we heard that they were in the mix for Deshawn Watson yeah correct that obviously didn't work out and now finally after trading up they get the guy that they wanted so good for them apparently it was him all along and the the reporting was they knew that it was him when they traded up they wanted to confirm it and they confirmed it I really think back to that Davis Mills game because he would have been a Texan and I think we're going to look at who the Texans take next and we'll see if it's going to be CJ Stroud and we'll think about those two guys and maybe Stroud will be better but I give him a 10 Mark more because of the process it was a totally fair trade they made it happen and they out Fox the Texans more reporting came out uh just today from Jay Glazer that the Texans really thought they were getting that first pick and they they kind of hemmed in hot and they weren't willing to like go quite over the the goal line at the very end the Panthers um traded all the way up to one at one point uh the bears actually believe that they were going to trade down to two with the Texans and then trade down to nine because the Panthers were desperate to get up to either one or two they really wanted Bryce young and at some point they they ended up being the one that closed the deal I love that and we we we're gonna hear from uh one Panthers fan we actually have an official statement from David Ealy famous Panthers fan um we have it now at NFL media we do we could we can see it hopefully on our board uh Lonely no More David Ely I mean famously bought a champagne uh bottle for the Cam Newton Super Bowl never drank it oh he drank it alone in a hot tub after his girlfriend broke up with him we uh we love our short King QP keep pounding simple but effective Ely not the tallest man um but neither is Bryce young as he gets interviewed um by Melissa Stark he's not that short if he's if he's eye to eye with Stark oh that is you know yeah like uh she's Dikembe Mutombo or something well she's Melissa Stark I would say she's 510 you know and so is he I love how like in his you know where they quizzed him all week about this he would really just backed up and said look at I'm not I'm not about to get any taller I am what I am and like he's been this player his whole life and he has found incredible ways to work with his own physical limitations on that front has anyone ever tried to use like um risers in their cleats you know like give yourself a little bit extra yes they make you a faster runner though go like two inches and just like put the put the cleats underneath it yes I just throw it out there like he's a short King and I don't think we need to change him but maybe it's worth trying I'm just throwing it out there he he answers at night it's like their idea like this is not a typical this is not a typical number one overall pick type of Team nice offensive line nice head coach in Frank Reich who can really I think develop a quarterback and a nice looking defense like there's a reason they had the ninth pick they're not one of the worst teams in the league it's a good spot for a Young quarterback to land compared to Houston if I was priced out I'd be much happier getting in Carolina well it was a couple weeks ago that we asked like pick a team that could quickly transform from previous fortunes to this year's and I think the Panthers are that team you know they had good players under Matt rule I just think that you hope that Frank Wright can come in and completely reorganize the offense um all right now Jessica's getting up Jessica who is officially in charge of the scoreboard on the mock draft off that's a three-point score for both men who and congratulations to both guys uh who picked the player picked the team pick the spot so that's three points three to three early on in the mock draft I'm more um interested in the pick is in for the Texans which is the most uh talked about pick oh I got sandwiches here if this is if if this is CJ Stroud sandwiches baby what is your prop again they stay at number two and take CJ Stroud wow so after all the talk by the Houston Texans and there was a lot of talk in the ramp up uh to uh this draft that they didn't want the pick that they weren't high on CJ Stroud that they were going to trade out of the pick that they might not even pick a quarterback they take the quarterback CJ Stroud and uh good for them I uh based on your the the Glazer reporting yeah you know I I'll I'll take it down a notch um and I'm gonna give him a nine here I'm gonna bang out a nine on this one when I one of uh the people in the chat said that the Jessica segment is a 10 out of 10. a nine for similar reasons you didn't get the guy that you want but you made the right choice taking a quarterback here and I loved the top three quarterbacks in this draft Anthony Richardson Stroud and bracing I think it was a great quarterback draft I don't know what people were talking about and they get it and can I just add with uh you know with the way it worked out with Bryce young all that Hokum all that garbage about the Panthers getting fleeced uh because DJ Moore is in that trade no they were aggressive they wanted their guy and they got him and Texans did not get that guy but Mark and I see you have a perfect 10 score here yeah they end up getting CJ Stroud who some people believe is the superior quarterback to Bryce young and a better Prospect so he might be I thought watching his tape his his ability his throwing ability was one of the more enjoyable things to watch of any player in this draft and I know the S2 testing uh raised concerns we'll see how that plays out I thought that he answered questions about that pretty well this week too and I give it a 10 because if you're the Texans and you went defense here that's fine you can get like miles Garrett type um but miles Garrett minus a quarterback in another year of Davis Mills leaves you in the deep forest if you're the Texans I mean you had to go quarterback here um I'm kind of surprised they did because it seemed like all the reporting up to now was that they were going to go against that concept but you've given yourself a chance in a league where if you don't if you have Davis Mills you're going to win five or six games all over again we already know what Davis Mills is you had to do this I think you got the second best quarterback in the draft can we back up to the reporting for a second the reporting was terrible the reporting is always terrible in the draft when it comes to reporters that are saying League observers from other teams believe this I I give the Texans Credit that no one knew what they were doing the whole time they didn't have any leaks and yet there's just like a vacuum of information and people were doing a lot of back slapping hey like hey I I had the news that they wouldn't take stre you know a quarterback early and it's just like it was just everyone chasing their own tail no one knew at any point it's bad reporting and everyone just kind of like forgets about that and when they're wrong you know who they should have listened to was the old zeuser because Tugboat laid it out Jeremiah cares about Jeremiah I think you're right there they should have had um their ears turned to what you have been saying for a long time well all I was saying was after last year passing on a QB sitting at number two to pass again it just to me didn't pass the smell test and that's why I felt good about this and I'm looking at go get my lunch it's Nick Nick Fortier by the way yes or 40a Nick yeah our numbers are going up by the way up to 4800. you can call your friends let's break five thousand um call your mom can you imagine calling up a friend and being like log on to this YouTube event right like there's a very small man uh just lying back like Lineback really makes me look smaller I'm looking at the thing right now it's like special I think you look good this is uh look at that look at the emotions of uh CJ Stroud very cool uh no but I do that that was kind of why I didn't put as much into all that smoke around it because it makes so much sense now for the Texans to have the quarterback uh to make another move here and and look like a big uh to look like a big winner in night one dang you didn't even say Strat you just said quarter stay and draft the QB wow we took you up on it that was a great job by you so I got two sandwiches right off the bat all right so that so Jessica does not write a big fat zero when you get it wrong right we'll just update it when when it's right okay because that's what yeah well let's remember in in the mock draft I also have Stroud going to the Texans it was not a spot but so you did get some points absolutely with you either big zero you can tell you pick zero that's two points according to our scoring system when you have the player all right let's update the scoreboard here uh Justin was hoping nobody was gonna bring it up when you have the player I mean I'm locked in on the on the results and the team but not the draft spot now Justin you got two different scoring systems sent to you one for me one from Dan was there even a conversation of like I'm gonna go with dance or you just assumed like that's how it goes I don't want to upset Dan I'm just gonna do it without even I think you've laid it out correctly I think there's one way to look at it not upset Dan or he could have just been like oh dance is way better so I'll just this they were pretty similar they were similar what was yours mine was you got a half a point um yeah the trade for the trade spot basically I gotta say the handwriting Jessica's uh numeric handwriting is an A plus can we get a close-up because good people see the score here uh because uh can I can I suggest something else Jessica can we really let's explore the space on that board do you want to make that why don't we why don't we get a little you know fill out fill out that five give us bang out a big old three let's get crazy next update you don't have to do it now by the way uh the Texas are gonna be watchable again I think this is a nice thing for America they're going to be watchable again I think CJ Stroud fits Bobby sloke's scheme that's like the very similar scheme and we're seeing a lot of excitement from the Texans draft room I mean they knew Stroud would be there the whole time so but uh it is nice to get your franchise quarterback it's interesting though because it's got a trade here Stroud had that S2 score oh the Texans are back on the clock at three which means Gravedigger lost sandwiches that's it that's why they're going crazy they have traded in they have traded into the third spot the Cardinal spot um which Justin's back in the top three now we both if this this is Will Anderson it's probably well we would once again get points both of us yeah oh I love the Texans getting super I wonder what the terms are um getting super aggressive here and picking when's it when does that happen they have that 12th pick so maybe that's what's been shopped in Reverse but right I'm sure they gave a tour their 12th and something next year that's the future pick but I love that I gotta think it's Will Anderson just because of the Alabama connection yeah because of everything everyone says about Will Anderson Nick Saban said it uh on Thursday that if you asked everyone on the team who they would most want to be like like Will Anderson is their pick like he he's like incredibly productive there was a lot of Tyree Wilson uh talk and and I have sandwiches that I'm gonna lose if it is Will Anderson but I think Will Anderson makes sense as the pick how exciting for the Texans it has been a rough ride and he Houston for a few years now and now they're going to come out of this night I don't even care who they pick it's obviously going to be one of these top prospects unless they do something truly shocking and people are going to say you know this team is ready to kind of get back get back into contention and remember the AFC South no offense Gravedigger no great shakes I mean that is a division uh the Jaguars who just lost their left tackle to a uh ped ban for some length of time like this is this is a division that you can get competitive very now the old Texans would take will Levis here and completely confuse the whole process I'm assuming that's not what they do uh now it comes right here comes bot is still very good uh he's he's looking great on a bag well yeah I think he can afford a personal trainer that uh he's built like a gallery like a inverted triangle sneaky big dude like 60 years old it's not that old is he it's got to be close pick three there it is Will Anderson Will Anderson Edge out of Alabama so there you go uh you have the Houston Texans going back to back 2-3 getting their quarterback and then getting this super talented Edge rusher I love what they're doing here I love their draft here that's a 10 for them that's an easy 10. yeah the the key to getting high draft grades in general like on uh are we tabulating these scores I love it first perfect tens and who's the tabulator that's that's the that's the trades there that's coming in the key to having a good grade on these uh post draft grades is you just have multiple first round picks if you have two first round picks you usually get an A uh if you have one less less likely uh how are we doing on the score to the scoreboard of the mock draft you guys get uh we both had Will Anderson of the Texans so in the and not in the spot though no so two points each yeah all right now really explore that space on the Whiteboard Jess here she is gotta do that rug look at that seven that's a nice job there see she's she listen it's her board I am not gonna get on Jessica if she doesn't want to really go big with the numbers that's her move that's her I mean she's working within the framing of the uh right the camera structure there I think but she has plenty of work within the frame okay I see what you mean but again that's her it's yeah oh Jessica you got it dude she's meant to be at her actual job right now so it's you know anything I mean the chat room wants more I think they want her to just become a co-host that's something we we will consider for future shows we will I kind of love this because I think that one reason I thought they might go defense at number two was that you give to Miko Ryan's like his guy to build his defense around 10 minutes later they've gone and done that it's like if you're they're not going to go through this uh rotating coach situation anymore I think this is the guy who's going to be here for years and will Anderson's someone you can just build the entire operation around I love it there is this whole idea of like Tyree Wilson has a higher upside than Will Anderson because he's longer and he looks a little more like like the 275 crazy workout numbers guy that the team that teams Love Will Anderson has been incredibly productive every single year he's been at Alabama like he he's had sacks year after year after year he's been one of the best defensive uh players at one of the best schools and so it seemed like people were overthinking it he's also 21 years old Tyree Wilson's 23 so he can get a lot better maybe a Khalil Mack type you know not he's not the tallest dude in the world but he's strong as hell this is very exciting very exciting I I'm looking by the way we got this is a Flashpoint moment in the draft coming up as Will Anderson is interviewed by Melissa Stark um this is the Colts pick and uh I think Mark I'd be stunned if it's not a quarterback well I think it has to be because I Chris Ballard although he's swung and whiffed and missed on like seven quarterbacks at this point there's no other way they can go um it just comes down to like there's so much they haven't done this yet they haven't had this kind of a this haven't had this high of a pick since Andrew Luck they've tried to go in other directions with veterans it's not worked um there's been a lot of Buzz around will Levis I just I there's something about the Anthony Richardson with Shane steichen that I really love the idea of but we're four minutes away from finding out I would be shocked if the Colts do not take a quarterback here I I don't think this worked out perfectly and we're seeing that the pick is in I I think they were hoping all this shroud smoke was real and if you want to put any you know thought to why that this would have been out there I don't know because the Texans if they knew they were going to stay at two and take Stroud they have nothing to gain by putting anything fake out there but certainly the Colts could have hoped for Stroud I think to get to them I think he would have been a natural fit I really hope they take Anthony Richardson uh I think he would be I do too a lot of fun and and uh there's there was reporting that Richardson has information he's going to go a little higher than people think that could be the Colts that could be the Seahawks that could be the Lions we'll see the showy draft board that the Colts war room has they used to call it a war room I hate I hate this stuff it used to be the war room and then it was deemed I guess it was insensitive to call it a war room because there's war okay it's a draft room um the entire wall from the floor there is it's always a war it's it's a fair point there's been a lot of War um from floor to ceiling the Whiteboard and at a certain point it's like that doesn't seem like it's it's helpful in terms of what you're trying to do like how do you even get to the top of the Border it feels showy it is it's not it's not less fun a little more more uh for show I'm digging him a point right off the bat for their overly showy uh draft room I don't and you could say that's unfair I don't care well I think you have that power here on the steel power here in this venue can we use drops on the live stream is that something that we can do that's fun I uh I feel power there we go there's something weird about hearing the can we drop I feel power on video show we have some time here it looks like a minute maybe so I'm just gonna quickly cycle through some of these sandwich props I already lost the one I had Tyree Wilson so that's a big owl Justin already lost one with I got trades at the top here we go Mark Mac Jones isn't a patriot by the end of the Draft Packers draft at least four wide receivers tight ends uh a non-human non-animal makes a draft pick that's probably a day three scenario that's gotta be Greg has Tyree Wilson is the first defensive player taking on the draft that's out all four of the top QB's young Stroud Levis and Richardson are drafted within the top ten in play Greggy in fact you might have three out of four to start so I think you're gonna yeah okay DeAndre Hopkins is traded to the bills by the end of the draft here is the cult selection I feel like this is the first true Flashpoint point oh yeah yeah it is that's what I'm talking about Anthony Richardson this is a big swing for Jim ursay and the Cults and Shane steichen um can I note one thing that Gravedigger over there it's been very quiet because he's watching the AFC South transform before his eyes over the last 15 minutes and he's not liking what he sees oh what do you know as uh someone in the chat said put Gravedigger Graves uh Justin's uh mock in the grave it's over I'm giving this an 11. is that allowed uh we I think we Max it at 10 but that's showing how much you love the pick you know I would have given it a nine but that doesn't work you can't see the one I think it's bold I mean I know he's you know there's something about college quarterbacks with limited starts um that's an issue maybe but Richardson just has this incredible potential and I think he's with the right coach it's a big swing and there's we talked about in the most recent podcast there there are concerns about that was at 11 when I held up the one people sure saying the bit turns against you in the biggest spot um that their short game accuracy is not great but he is quite simply in many uh respects the most athletic quarterback the league has ever seen entering when you look at what uh he did in the combine his college game so if he does develop Greggy this is if he develops and Josh Allen is kind of an outlier but people keep on bringing up Josh Allen because of the size and the speed and the skill set um and the ability to get better in terms of his passing game especially that short game he'll be able to throw bombs Greg if he can learn how to be a QB in other Realms yeah watch out I love this pick because he can play right away too there was this whole idea of like oh Anthony Richardson should sit a little while and like he's a project he hasn't played a lot of football I don't think you want to put a guy like that like a Trey Lance on ice for uh more games he was a redshirt sophomore so he's a young guy there's a reason why he didn't play he was behind another player at first and he didn't get a lot of starts but he did a lot of Next Level stuff I really trust my guy Nate Tice over the athletic and the way he went through his progressions and can do some pre-snap um adjustment of his offensive line they asked him to do a lot at Florida in terms of what real quarterback can do and then more than anything I think he moves really well in the pocket he does not really look to scramble I think he's very different than his reputation he tries to make a play and he can make people Miss in the pocket kind of like Patrick Mahomes to throw the ball and I think steichen and the Colts are a perfect match for him athletic freak the future of the quarterback position and I love that they didn't go I think Levis is probably viewed as a maybe safer lower ceiling guy um yeah but was he even well I don't even I think the Colts the Colts just basically ignored all that and went with higher price I think everyone has a lower ceiling in the store well than Richardson well what I mean not even the lower ceiling but like the safer because that's part of the reason I think I'm I like the move is like yeah Levis was no slam dunk he was a guy that didn't play well you only gave it an eight what gives I gave it a nine but they have the draft board yeah you talk to the ceiling the Aesthetics it was the aesthetic a little braggy yeah a little braggy you know what do they have one of those uh at the old libraries where they have the big ladder that they you can move on the wheels it's like what do we what are you trying to tell us that you're just you're better I blame libraries for that second part but you're right I don't know why they're trying to mimic that I also like that uh the Seahawks aren't taking Richardson now because I would have thought they would have taken him and I think that would have been a good spot for him too but there's no way the Seahawks are taking will Levis right I don't think so uh if they do I I renounce my Seahawks this feels like a this feels like a jail and card or potential spot wait a second you're not you're not gonna like the Seahawks anymore if they take will Levis what did Will Levis do because he would it's one thing if you take Richardson to pair with do you know they can't just stick with Gino if it's gonna be will Levis get Jalen Carter that's what I'm saying okay uh let's check out the scoreboard by the way uh okay in the mock draft because listen Justin I don't it's getting late early um starting to see a crooked Cricket crooked numbers up there on the scoreboard it's getting late early because you might say oh there's plenty of pixel up but you gotta be in good shape coming out of the top ten because I think it start throwing it becomes chaotic after Pick 12 or 13. well and I think Mark's got to have one of the better mocks out there in the game right now the fact he had Anderson uh to the Texans yeah but I don't know if like and Richardson you you might now might be the Joshua Norris of 2023 if the draft ends right now I think there's some questions in The Wider traffic grading if you'd give me Stroud if it wasn't where it happened yeah so you would get it interesting you would get it you got Strat even if it's at the wrong spot it doesn't matter is he imported in that database I don't think they took my mock overly seriously uh it was also filed rather late but I saw something that you have to like be there for five years I don't even like 25 years you start taking me seriously now how about that I think Mark if you hit on Jalen Carter you are flying here I'm gonna drive home if it's jail and card I'm just gonna leave and go to the garage and drive home I I am already ready uh to totally jump off the Jaguars bandwagon and just like think one of these other AFC South teams like I'm not assuming the Jaguars are just running this division now that you throw in another couple good quarterbacks with Stroud and Richardson there's another team in the AFC South right who is that let's see that's the team that's going for Caleb Williams okay okay yeah let's see let's get on let's grab around the cam now because I think I see some beads of sweat because the mock draft is something he's been thinking about for a long time our numbers are going up by the way we're over 5 000. thank you for calling your mom yeah let's get on the let's Graber cam let's watch him sweat oh look at that see the moisture wicking it's hot in here this is just a result of being a human being well it was a year ago that you know you had to confront the loss of AJ brown right in the middle of the draft and a year later some would say that was the seed that blossomed into this live stream because I was Instagram live in my AJ Brown reaction some might say that give it to him wow someone's feeling themselves uh Jessica can you um grab a headset a second let's just talk to you for a second I want to say hi to you the the Seahawks pictures and I and I think NFL Network's doing a great job Jesus but but I just would like to say we're on air right now we're not a commercial we're giving you content are we taking a break at some point we're not getting any money we can take a break whenever you guys realize this uh let's get Jess can does that reach over that cord here pass it over we're gonna pass it over this is the type of experience yes is it easier for you to just stand is that okay or do you want to sit it'd probably be easier if the cord works this is come into the shot we are a renegade podcast what is this that's important yeah that's probably not accomplished I mean I can't oh wait there we go can't you salty language does that reach not really it says there we go she could come sit over here she goes over there where the actual uh thing is yeah that would make more sense so you would think this is bad streaming but this is real this is the best I want to talk about salt to the Earth like this is what would get cut out of the pond but the people get to see it today I'm gonna I'm gonna give this segment a ten ring oh yeah also we we had a pre-production meeting it's like let's make sure we don't have cords and microphones right and it was like and then we were told uh the day before this oh we shipped all those microphones to the draft you know the real content also the the comment section which I am keeping an eye on does not want us to take a break uh at all good for them so I appreciate you we'll stay on maybe one of us can you know we can like take turns taking breaks if we need Greg continues just to formulate rules out of thin air senses from anyone else what else are we getting uh yes how are you I'm here thank you you know it it's reminds me the energy in the air right now is like when we were in London and we finished the live show and it was just as it ended just you and I on the stage in an Embrace do you remember that the crowd going mad for Jessica and you became a star that night in London yeah it was great yeah and I'm back now but we're not embracing pick your mic up just a little yeah there you go oh here we go through a Seahawks pick you got the Seahawks yeah whoa wow Devin Witherspoon to the Seahawks well I know our uh our friend Mina kimes will be happy her very favorite player in the draft going to uh her favorite team and it kind of makes sense I know they don't normally take cornerbacks that high uh but he is as physical and like a dog as like any cornerback that's come out other than sauce Gardner I think people are afraid to compare him to Sauce Gardener but a smaller version of him and the Seahawks love that sort of player but uh a pick or two before people expected him to go especially with Jalen Carter on the board how about them the mock draft any matches there uh no I I don't think there's many around the country that had Devin no we both had him going to the Raiders yeah this is a surprise I mean although I you know when I think about where a cornerback can go in the NFL trust Pete Carroll and the Seahawks too to be a cornerback that's like 5 10 at Illinois and go in the top five of the draft like for real to get that much attention as a cornerback at Illinois that doesn't have like overwhelming size your tape has to be like outrageously good and uh and it is for Mr Witherspoon they're they're gonna try to be a good defense with Gino let's go what do you think what's your grade on this one oh I forgot about the greatest I'm going nine just because like the Seahawks do things a little bit differently I do wonder what it means for Jalen Carter who could go very soon but there's been a ton of Buzz over the last 24 hours about the Eagles even trading up for jail and Carter I see it's a solid pick I think I think Greggy well maybe we'll find out maybe we won't feels like peacow would have would have gotten into the Anthony Richardson business if you got a chance we'll never know I will always think that I will never know but I really I was texting with a few different people today that no more than me and and the the thought was he's not getting past five the thought was he was not getting past five so they might be disappointed but uh Witherspoon I'm just surprised I've given an eight not like a nine or a ten because I wanted Jalen Carter there it just felt like they need a Difference Maker up front uh but they certainly could use a cornerback too yeah how do you feel about this I approve that's great that's important that moment on the stage you and Dan uh I have a picture um correct commemorating that moment uh that was a moment of Victory I thought and and uh and then at our most recent live Endeavor there was the Jessica slow dance with the gravedigger uh to what was the song lady in red I believe no it was Careless Whisper yeah of course of course very romantic um one of the most audible um what was awkward about it well not for Greg is just jealous for the crowd I'm really quoting our our friend Drew Christensen on that one oh right I thought it was it was it was a lovely moment between um a caring couple so I don't know where Greg's coming from with that one the only a moment between a couple that when loneliness sets in there's always a five hour face time that's true what is the longest face time you guys have engaged in probably the five hours one yeah I think yeah what are you talking about like an hour like four hours and 28 minutes into that call what are you still discussing and debating over he was telling me about his day I was telling him about my day yeah we talked about Mark yeah it was like literally longer than this event so no scoring change in the um in the mock draft it's still 10-5 that's I would call that a major lost opportunity for my progress in this mock draft it's gonna mess up a lot of moxa because yeah I don't I did not I can't think of a single mock that I saw in the entire season that had Devin Witherspoon going that high and the thing is he was going seven and sometimes six in just about every mock draft people just copy each other and yet no one had them to five and uh we've got another trade how about that oh well uh Jeremiah by the way had Witherspoon six to the pant to the Lions who were on the clock but they're on the clock no longer wait a second the Cardinals are now on the clock so the Cardinals traded back to 12. did we ever get the the could a certain veteran-wide receiver be involved with this trade we did hear some DeAndre Hopkins uh reports going into spicy that would be uh that would be interesting if he was headed to Detroit so that's the lions that traded out of that spot and that was another Jalen Carter potential landing spot right there where are the Lions now I don't where is there well so the Cardinals moved down I never saw the final uh results of the I'm trying to avoid Twitter because I don't want to see pics that tipped but we don't we don't tip picks here everybody all right we're looking at the trade we'll find out Dan you sing and dance uh Detroit is gonna get picked number 12. that's why I'm waiting for that to update uh pick number 12 and pick number 34. so the the Lions stack another high quality pick getting the what the third pick the fourth pick of the second round and they only got to move back six spots they're gonna get a nice a nice uh pick I like it I like it and I wonder if they wanted uh because uh Jeremiah for example uh had uh had Witherspoon going to Detroit I wonder if they were like drats when Seattle took them and they pivoted now everyone really thought Jalen Carter would go to the Lions here he was on the board for them it's two spots in a row and so the whole uh off-field questions for Jalen Carter certainly uh were a factor but it wouldn't surprise me if the Cardinals took Jalen Carter right now either in fact if I had to guess that would be my guess I'm I'm if I'm Jalen Carter once Seattle passes on me and all the talk we said and all that was logical that they would grab him because of uh the way they Scout and the way they handle players I'm a little nervous there's usually one guy that ends up falling well beyond what anyone expected and Carter has to be concerned that he's that guy right now this could be an offensive lineman so Tyree Wilson is still on the board and if it's Tyree Wilson I will steal two points back from Mark for the pick I missed having the cards by the way the Lions also sent a third rounder back in this in this trade uh that the Cardinals get for like another for I think a fifth I'm just looking at the numbers so yeah I think the Cardinals did pretty well here if it's Christian Gonzalez then Mark will get two more points well I think that's I mean this is something to help Jonathan Gannon here oh look Jonathan he's pumped up right now in the war the draft room in Tempe Arizona um Jessica how much uh mock draft talk has Graver been firing off in in the apartment a lot what's the tone of what he's saying do you sense uh concern tension no he seemed worried a little edgy like does he give you more detailed information on what's going on than you are interested in he definitely does yeah that's 50 of my relationship with my wife right I definitely learned she doesn't care about a while half the things I say mock draft probably not high on the list but it's good he needs to get it out you know so that's good that's a great partner yeah here it is let's see here I mean Rog look at him he's he's not a lot of booze this year well Kansas City those people are see if he'd take good people wow ski who a lot of people thought would be the first tackle off the board interesting so the the cards who have a lot of needs uh one of them is up front um and so let's see I think part of this move is getting up there in front of the the Bears who are getting the offensive line you know what I like teams that are aggressive um they wanted to have the first lineman pick they went and got it and I thought it was a logical trade I'm gonna give him a nine you know I think tackles tend to get overdrafted this was not a great class for tackles I like that they moved back uh we we got the results of that trade maybe people watching know it but they did get a first round pick from the Texans next year uh to trade out of that pick and a third next year so that's nice I think they gave up too much to move back up for Paris Johnson I'm giving it a seven seems like a boomer bust type of pick I'll give it a nine if it works they absolutely needed this they need everything all over the map on both sides of the ball um you've got a new GM who showed that he can wheel and deal and you're not giving up I feel like this is a team in free fall and remember remember the face of the franchise the quarterback Kyler Murray is currently rehabbing a torn ACL and um you better get that uh that offensive line figured out if he's you know he could return later in the season and this is going to give Paris Johnson you assume if if he's not it's a bad sign that he's a day one starter and and he can get his feet wet and then by the time Tyler Murray's ready to return Johnson is uh has a little seasoning and away we go so what's funny that that's like the one position on the team I'm not sure he's gonna be a day one start you would think he is he's a sixth pick in the draft but they have two veteran tackles they have DJ Humphries maybe they maybe he's gone I don't know that's certainly possible and then they have Calvin Beacham uh which they brought back I just never liked what parcel said what you got to get those progress Stoppers off the roster yeah let the kids play I just never like it when there's there was very little consensus at tackle we see tackles get pushed up he was not a guy who who DJ who I trust a lot did had in his top 15 overall players um and year after year you see it's very tough at tackle to adjust to the NFL like last year there were two great tackle prospects at the top of the draft both of them struggled and they they were much better prospects than a lot of people think Paris Johnson well that Compton to Andrew Thomas who struggled out of the gate and then his own career but now yeah he's turning around I don't know I mean you're kind of guessing on these tackles I mean it's hard to find these guys if this works you've got them for the next 12 years you can't get them in free agency and I think it's a nice night for the Cardinals fans so enjoy it Cardinals fans you don't have Steve Keim uh drafting for you anymore who put him on the air uh is crazy to me he's doing the fox draft like come on Fox did I mean Fox did yeah I mean he's got he's got friends in the business and um you've also picked up a first and a third next year so it's nice they're definitely a rebuilding team they got a first and a third next year that's pretty big people are pointing out on the stream that there's a couch issue now with symmetry I have my own love seat it's because the J everything was fine but once we added Jessica now it looks like I'm kind of a man spreading yeah anyone you kind of are anyone's welcome to come over I mean this this um ideally Greg would shift down my tables here I mean this community no this was permanent we did this years ago where there was a scenario where there was a do you watch dragons we're stuck on a couch what do you want I I was here waiting for something to happen I don't know what I have to do interrupted by the the fifth pick If You're Gonna Keep it just sitting there Jessica and chatting whatever you whenever you wish Mark is winning so I'm supposed to be sitting here right yeah you're supposed to be upset oh oh look at Grave Digger he hit the his whole world's crashing in suddenly uh that was he off the suddenly second 11 over there and the thing is uh Mark and I already both missed pick seven so no points to be gained there because Witherspoon's off the board see what happens this is turning into a potentially costly night um I do want to see if this well this could be will Levis it could be something completely different Christian Gonzalez for the Raiders and then Peter steronsky's my prediction you think so well you don't get any points for that um but I I think that's a good guess I think that's a good guess Justin he feels like a patriot is by far the most interesting thing I think on the stream the what the the Justin cam whatever you gotta look at Gravedigger it's there's a sense of panic on his face what Jersey are you wearing bud this is Harold Landry there you go I played it safe didn't want to wear like a Tana Hill or Henry or some player that could be not a Titan by the end of the night so I thought Harold Landry safely will remain in Titan so uh we got some comments about Jessica's last comment uh in the comments we haven't had any questions by the way we were going to do that a little bit I could read a bunch of stuff but yeah a lot of people just saying that was Savage Gravedigger bangs in a big spot by yesterday got a lot of people really liked uh something tells me you're gonna be hearing about that Jessica no that would never happen gravedigger's whole world is crumbling right now uh I'm sorry we're uh we're using your your pain for entertainment it's all good content is content baby content is King the pick is in for the Las Vegas Raiders by the way their draft room in Henderson Nevada who is that next to will Levis I don't know but he's very pleased with himself looks like it could be his brothers no it's a former NFL player I'm trying to think who that is probably his quarterback coach and that maybe it's his brother and it just looks like [Laughter] did we turn it did we give our scores on that one I think we did right that was Paris Johnson yeah we did yeah we did okay good yeah we got 979 for a average score of 8.33 which is tied with Devin Witherspoon for our lowest score so far okay okay and our for teams that pick did you give Richardson 11 or 10. I gave him 10. okay I could put 11 in for the teams that um have okay um if you give Greg 11 I'm gonna lower my score to seven okay I did I mean you already got the scoring system so seven three and two and one mine was closer to the Huddle I don't I mean if we're gonna be going over 10 I mean we're it's just chaos well it's just like a one-time thing you get 111. everyone gets one eleven I don't know give Greg this I don't know what what is what's going on you could totally offset it by lowering your score to seven no I'm gonna give it to him thank you I'm gonna give it to me all right very excited but are we for the teams that have multiple picks are we averaging both picks oh we could do that yeah that way we could find out yeah and which pick uh yeah I don't think you could add them up yeah unfair I would say which player won the night which pick won the night this Raiders one is the most maybe unpredictable in the top ten it feels like it could be defense or offensive line maybe it's not a skill position but I don't know always a wild card that could be will Levis remember Jimmy Garoppolo is their starter Brian Hoyer is currently their backup quarterback um they do not really their depth chart is certainly not Hoyer is very clearly probably third or should be third right now he's not so whether it's this weekend or further along I think there's someone else entering The Fray here maybe it is Tom Brady it could be Matt Jones right now it could be could be Christian Gonzalez I think your Mac Jones trade is going down I mean not happening Mark we'll see get to that in a second got some reports Rock Raj it's our boss ooh okay Tyree Wilson off the board I guess it makes sense interesting Tyree Wilson look at his suit love the suit love the chain I feel like he's winning the sunglasses oh he's got the logo that's my favorite thing they're in the train station that's cool yeah when you one of the I wonder I've always been curious about the the athletes that get the logos made like Austin Eckler has a logo so many guys have logos like at what point do you make the logo there's like a sophomore in college like Wendy right now well they're making different money with yeah they're making millions of dollars now yeah now now you can start earlier before you'd be more worried before I would look at that chain and I'd think it's a good thing you got taken in the top ten because that's a top ten chain that is that's like you do not want to slip to 25 and and you already paid for that chain feel better at number seven some people thought including myself you might be the first defensive player off the board might go as high as as two yeah I don't think there's any way you could you could hate this pick uh for the Raiders who uh there's the another bear hug for Roger how many of those are gonna get handed out anyway by the way our Bingo board any any movement over on the board we're not really listening to anything yeah okay all right so the problem is no one's listening we're not okay we really need help with everybody on the stream right now Eric you're listening the whole time but you're listening to us aren't you we do have someone helping Eric is in a one of the best looking bills polos I've ever seen we'll have them on later very sure to show it off during the time Tyree will by the way Daniel Jeremiah and his last mock said that he thought he could go as early as two yeah to Houston so you know if you're the Raiders you're feeling good I'm feeling good they need to you know they're they get very scary now on that with Crosby also on that line uh they have a chance to really do some things I love that move I love you know what I love when you have a stud Edge rusher and then you go add someone else in the draft you can get excited about having a dominant um pass rush which changes your entire defense here we go I got nine on this one I give this a 10 I think uh you know this is a guy could have been long gone at this point the Raiders have been searching and seeking for guys on defense for years they've swung and missed a ton when mayak was there and I thought that might have gone Christian Gonzalez here I think you gotta love that Tyree Wilson failed you and you didn't reach for a quarterback that you don't believe in so I I'm only giving it I'm I'm changing mine I'm giving it a seven all right why prospects like Tyree Wilson who have one good year after you know and he looks beautiful on the board you know he's good looking coming off the bus but he he really didn't do a lot until that last year and I feel like you just draft off of one year he's a 23 year old Prospect he just felt like every year we see these defensive linemen get drafted so early it's a premium position and it's a high uh bust rate feels like it's a boomer bus pick that's all uh how about this live stream so far does it feel like we're a little over an hour in feels about nine hours in maybe ten roughly I'm surprised to hear we're now we're in feels like it's flown by feels like double digits and by the way the hours Falcons pick is in I want to see if this is Bijan okay yeah like uh let's have some questions actually okay we've been pulling them I got a handful ready to go yo we got someone from Germany it's 3am there shout out to uh Sam bacon what is keeping you up my friend Stuart Reese two two a.m UK time love it I'm gonna read some comments and some questions that are that we've pulled up before we're getting a lot of hashtag free yesica by the way if you wanna if you want to return you are free to do whatever you want all right Greg has granted you permission to leave Jessica Greg it's on an incredible power trip just his production um you had a sandwich prop no trades within the top seven picks yeah that's that's gone so Gravedigger the the curse of the sandwich props with the producers live on Mark sessler uh I thought you know what that had legs and it crumbled real fast once yeah yeah right away oh by the way I'm gonna lose all mine if Will Levis does not get drafted he's not gonna get drafted by the Falcons we don't think unless someone trades up to the Eagles at 10 and Levis gets taken there I'm probably uh taking another big L maybe going over in this sandwich props well you have Hopkins here traded to the bills by the end of the draft as well I got my Texan stay tuned dropped QB Titans trade either Tannehill or Henry by Saturday Jets select Roderick Jones in the first round that's in play um all right let's check in with the uh streamers Devin white and who knows Devin white coincidence or is the Bucks star linebacker watching our stream I don't know but Devin white said Mark's shirt is so fire and I love the facial hair bro is aging well nice all right I got a compliment from our friend uh Alex pergola downstairs the voice of many of us sound drops Mark's shirt was uh cat very fetching yeah we have a locker room here and I have about 12 shirts in there I just I might change into another one question which previous draft was the guy's favorite previous draft yeah I would say like the draft moment was Mark and Johnny Manziel but Wes and I actually were back in La for that draft and you guys were in New York without us that I mean what happened with that draft was disastrous but I'll never forget that night and that was a trip where you know in the old Radio City Music Hall Dan and I were squished into those seats and I believe Dan you left uh Manhattan with a major back issue a neck issue a neck issue that lasted for some time Radio City Music Hall really didn't adapt to the times they uh they played Hardball with the NFL and you know what they lost what's happening right now at Radio City well nothing as cool as the NFL draft they famous the Rockettes it's never going back there they famously said we're gonna take a year off because we have an Easter production and the NFL is like all right and uh they went and did it wherever they did now look and it was a huge hit if you're watching NFL Network that is a lot of people no it's like six years later like a million people uh are going to this event so they kind of undershot what the draft was I mean sometimes our podcast we kind of push back a little bit on the NFL always trying to go more more bigger bigger bigger but the draft is to me a celebration of um being a fan and the excitement and optimism so make it big I always I thought they did a great job of this um anyway do you have something else from the uh yes but the Falcons are about to read their pick here want to see that good job there Justin good job although we have a little announcement beforehand right that's that was the host zeuser saw that or not actually let's see all right we have a a little more time here I think I don't win a sandwich yet because these are both humans well so this is the first possible uh how do you know as far as I can tell I mean they have to be clear non-humans I think for you to want to tell you is there um you have Bijan Robinson I do have Bichon Robinson here on this spot so that would this is the first time I think we could see a running back or obviously it'd be Bijan or a wide receiver would be here at the film we both have Bijan but I have it at 11 so I would only get two points got it I wouldn't be surprised to see Christian Gonzalez I agree cornerback we'll see Let's go Falcons let's get something fun well he's nervous that's cute remember when you guys then you had feelings yeah like that now my guy Tyler Algeria is probably not loving this but that's uh that's okay it's a two two-headed I mean it's it's the best backup in the league right now Tyler alzier maybe one of them use them both Tyler he is officially uh your guy I want them to trade for Ryan Tannehill before this draft is over and suddenly this is an actual NFL team well your Titans 2.0 I've been pushing back in this Falcons Uprising that you guys have been feeding for a couple years now but if they do that even I mean Ritter if they really love Ritter then you know who knows maybe he's a player too but Tannehill makes so much sense uh Jessica I believe we need to make some operations to the scoreboard uh Robinson so much so much talk in the last couple of months uh about what he brings to an offense and how special he can be a true three down back Greggy who can uh be a superstar uh can be a Hall of Fame type guy if if fate is on his side yeah watching him he reminds me so much of LaDainian Tomlinson he hey he is just so smooth another you know Texas back I know not I think that's three points for Mark and two points for Justin that's correct okay he like his ability on passing Downs to me was undersold he is one of if not the best passing down backs in the draft too to be that size and to have hands like that to be able to block like I just love group think getting smashed down and it's stupid that a generational back wouldn't get taken very high when you're taking these other guys who are total risk Paris Johnson Tyree Wilson maybe they'll be great but you can't tell me that a a ground rule double which Bijon Robinson is going to be I think at worse isn't a better pick and he could be a home run if he is LaDainian Tom and he's getting comp there to Edgar and James as well um I I just we already saw the Falcons absolutely brutalize people a year ago on the ground without Bijan Robinson so I I think Arthur Smith this got to be loving this you know I I partly rank it on just like what it's going to do for my life and this seems fun so yeah I'm giving this a 10 too yeah I I don't love it as much obviously I love the upside of if he is LaDainian Tomlinson but most likely he won't be Danny and Allison Tomlinson and also they have a really good young running back and I just wonder you know I agree with Jeremiah what he says like be a team that's just looking for that final piece you're already like a playoff Super Bowl Contender go get a guy like Robinson as you're running back and then make it the final piece I'm not sure the Falcons are ready to contend in a meaningful way right now and I don't think it was a position of need so love the player don't love it what if they pair it with a as we've predicted a Tana Hill trade suddenly you've got sure an incredible backfield can I adjust my pick if they make that trade am I a score I think you could I mean if it's if it's 1A to 1B and that and that's but there's no real in this guy if you're watching on NFL look there's just something about him that's like that's gonna be a superstar that we're talking about for the next seven years and oh by the way he's gonna join a team that already could run the ball great I mean he might be the number one overall fantasy pick this year I don't even think that's gonna be a hot take I think there's a strong chance September 7th or whatever it is you look at the ADP Bijan Robinson is the number one overall fantasy picks that's a little fun too who else who else could they have gone with well I think I think someone asked if you don't pick Bichon Falcons who should they pick Jalen Carter still there Gonzalez uh they they could have they could have gone will Levis uh these are options that they had uh ooh the Eagles oh they're gonna get Jalen Carter they just flipped with the Bears to take Jalen Carter the Bears are at 10 now we don't know we don't know for sure it's Jalen Carter you're not reporting that are you sorry no they flipped with the Bears though which is just a one pick jump it's kind of weird it's cool uh it's almost certainly for Jalen Carter though there was a lot of talk about the Eagles trading up for Jalen Carter I mean uh yeah we don't need to jump ahead look at Arthur Blank uh I love that for the Eagles we're not looking we're not looking we're not tipping any picks so by the way I also mocked will Levis to the Titans so we will see what happens with that so that would also flip Tana Hill out of out of town if it's late early if this does wind up being Philly taking Carter they got to be pumped because they sat there and they didn't have to trade up much you know that he kept falling maybe they just got shot shut down by some teams maybe they weren't willing to give up the the price that it was gonna cost everyone said Atlanta was trying to trade down I don't think anyone wanted to go up to them and so they end up taking Robinson there but I love that you only have to move up one one pick um is there any way it's not Jalen Carter sure I I I don't know there was just so much such heavy Whispering about it but sure but sure they had the luxury to kind of pick what they want because they're strong all over the place if it's Christian Gonzalez I'll be pretty happy because that's who I mocked Gonzalez to the Eagles see this one kid so that was another guy that looked at DJ's four guys he said could go to the Eagles no but he wouldn't have expected Dale and Carter to be on the board that was not one of them no it wasn't they're also very deep at cornerback so I'm questioning the thought process there ouch the same they're they're spending more money at cornerback than maybe any team in the league between slay Bradberry and uh how many years is slay is he on a one-year deal they resigned them this year to a one year one or two yeah so all right yeah stick to your guns thank you all right the Eagles taking Lucas Van Ness but you don't trade up for Lucas Van Ness I don't think no I think he would be there in fact I think he might go to the Bears um it's not going to be an offensive lineman is it if this is like Peter skaronski I'm gonna be very annoyed even though he's probably good no tie for Rod by the way I like that move it's got to be hot there post ties Super Cash here's the pick there it is Jalen Carter Jalen Carter is now a member of The Eagles Howie Roseman uh refuses to fail that's awesome I mean if you're Jalen Carter you're joining a defensive line with Fletcher Cox and Brandon Graham and you got Milton Williams there his teammates I sweat there Jordan Davis is Jordan Davis how about nicobe Dean his other teammate I mean they basically now have three Georgia Bulldogs starters because Dean's gonna start now uh that is just outrageous to add maybe the most talented player in the draft the number one player on DJ's board before um the arrest happened and everything with Jalen Carter it was the number one overall player on DJ's board and that was you know the arrest and then the the Combine performance uh that the warrant I should say uh because in the end he nothing is no charges um involved with a drag racing situation that led to the death of some people connected to the college program and you know I I think this is a great pick I mean I gotta say like the eagles who by the way had 70 sacks last year just too short of uh tying the Chicago Bears from 1984 for the um most sacks ever in a season now you add Jalen Carter so if I had an 11 left I'd give it oh my gosh what what is it gonna take what do you mean there's there are some questions about Carter off the field uh that's that's probably played a reason why he's going down the board so they're inheriting that risk uh but the talent is so good that it's worth the gamble especially for a team like the eagles I also think like it's it really mattered what team he went to and the Eagles make a lot of sense like their coaching staff has like the Q rating on that coaching staff has gone through the roof you do have a new defensive coordinator that is it's it's a lot of similarities in the scheme though and I think that they'll find a way to use them um there are I think there have been a few questions about even on the field like his effort at times but a good coaching staff will Shore that up he along with Quinn and Williams essentially got the highest PFF grade that they've ever given to a defensive tackle so I mean what's not to like it was it was outrageous just watching his tape like the rest of this Defensive class and I know this class in general got a lot of grief it wasn't like an amazing draft class you want to see someone who pops and Jalen Carter was the one guy in this class outside of the quarterbacks in Bijan Robinson to me that you can be a dummy like me and you can look at and you're like oh of course like you put this guy in any single draft to me he was as good or better than a prospect of Leonard Williams who goes top five probably as good or better of uh Quinn and Williams that type of guy that would normally go top two or three and it's just a total menace to society and he's now joining a team he doesn't even have to play 700 snaps they'll rotate him in and out and he'll be a beast yeah love it it's the type of move that if if it doesn't work out I think the Eagles will still be okay if it hits they just took a strength and turned it into a total nightmare fuel for opposing offensives uh across the league so you know I think the Eagles have the benefit of the doubt Personnel wise at this point with what they've been building with uh Roseman over the years and there's another big hit I always wonder in these trades if like the Bears and Eagles communicated about like we're not going to take your guy because the you know oh no they don't well that's normally what they say because otherwise why would he do it well I think that bears needed to know that they like if they're going to go like skaronski or something that the Eagles weren't going to Hopscotch them and and then take the guy they're actually targeting but that's what you're paying for I think generally yeah what lie that's a great move yeah [Music] now you got Jalen Carter like the Bears want Jalen Carter you say hey we won't take them I mean they're just we're going to move out in front of you and then after that hey you can't do that well we just did I just did it yeah I just don't think they could have anticipated things going this way do we have the trade terms by the way Graver on this do we have the trade terms Justin just moving up one pick gotta think the Bears are going offensive line here I also like that the the Eagles have a thing and their thing is just drafting alignment period offensive lineman defensive lineman have like seven or eight of each always just draft them they've missed a couple times but for the most part they hit and uh so much bigger and stronger so much uh swansky trade terms connection on this thank you Bears have traded pick nine to the Eagles for pick ten and a fourth round pick in 2024. that's uh so the Bears were just desperate to get anything yeah and if the Bears take skoronsky Mark gets two points and it's kind of over I think if this happened who do you have the Bears selecting Paris Johnson who's gone well I could oh well it doesn't work this is a this is a inflection point on the mock draft off here life is not going well and by life I mean the mock draft which is my life now I mean uh oh no long way to go yeah it's fine I'm not worried about it I sent you a little something Graver yeah we're working on it thank you I uh I want to just send this out to all the Chiefs fans who are upset that Brett Veach was ranked below Howie Roseman on my GM rankings I mean it's moves like this that's why you know just because one team got like one more possession in the Super Bowl I'm not you don't have to base it on that I mean Roseman is just on a heater right now yeah it's come a long way from essentially being locked in that shed in the back of the facility when Chip Kelly was there so it was ostracized it's really one of the more uh amazing comebacks in recent NFL history good job by Jeffrey Lurie the owner uh to not uh totally kick him to the curb you got that bad job to hire Chip Kelly but actually Roseman was in this room for quite a while this is where they sent him this one here comes the bear stick whoa Darnell right is interesting so skoronsky on many mocks was the first lineman off the board but now we have another tackle coming off Darnell right out of Tennessee um interesting so skronski has fallen just a little bit here and I still have um I got my sandwich props still in play with Broderick Jones to the Jets so this is interesting uh Tennessee um comp here we're hearing is penne a Sewell so that wouldn't work well I think this is all about looking at their roster and really believing in Braxton Jones their fifth round pick from a year ago you would not have expected a fifth round draft pick to step in and become a quality left tackle and on tape Braxton Jones a fifth round pick a year ago was as good or better than the two guys that went in the top ten who had some struggles and I think this pick makes sense just because of what I've heard DJ say about him he said this guy he's the most obvious starter right away as a right tackle doesn't really have flexibility he's going to be a right tackle and I and just the more draft Nicks like DJ and Bucky were talking about and they're like why isn't this guy going higher and they they kind of loved him and he was one of those like risers during the process and Fields you know they're going to do things to try to protect Fields but also he's always going to be a running quarterback and they're going to always they're the Bears they're going to run the football you get a right tackle that you love that will work that will absolutely play so you know very interesting um and I like the move I think this is meat and potatoes oh yeah I mean if he's and you so you're thinking and by the way if they if they nailed a fifth round pick that they think is a long-term answer it left a left tackle I trust their eyes on this that's a good point all right we're gonna go eight darn all right I don't know now that seems why would I give it a minute I'm gonna give him a nine like they gonna for all the reasons I just said good job Bears I like the Bears I like the Bears what they're what they're doing what they're building I think they are a team to watch like the Jaguars last year um being the team that kind of jumped out to me is a team that could make a quick acceleration to contention I like Chicago is one of those things well yeah because I mean despite the record last year and you know their defense was an absolute disaster but they were super competitive in terms of putting up points when they shifted what they did on offense and made it all about fields and I think the key is just keeping them healthy because you know at the end of the year he was banged up and it's like the I have no problem with them building along the line it's just funny that like it felt like 80 percent of mocks had skaransky to the Bears and then in the end it's just completely someone else same position I do find it um telling they went to commercial break during the Titans pick typical Titans disrespect uh I have a question for you Graver like hey okay how you feeling right now with the Titans on the board and I want to hear who who you want them to take and then B and this is more important anything we can do about the temperature in here anything we think it's warm in this temperature let's Pop That Door yeah for literally one of us pass out and we become a meme for the rest of the time I think will Evans absolutely absolutely play I don't know now do you want that just because you mocked it or you actually want it it seems that people couldn't hear me just now while I was saying that so what I was saying was let's pop the door let's see about potentially will Levis being in play I did not mock that I'm Mark CJ Stroud okay so if anything I don't want them to draft will let us because that's more points for Mark um I think Peter skaronsky's in play for sure Jackson Smith and jigba Zay flowers people have been talking about what do you want I want CJ Stroud Wow Come on well but you can't yeah can't have them so what do you want give me okay this is telling that we have a guest on the way by the way you don't know do you have a guest on the right I don't have a heart I mean I guess I'll take somebody Buddy skaronsky he's such a good just player someone in the chat is noticing Mark you haven't touched your water so I don't know what somebody else I mean I feel like a hostage victim over here somebody else asked for an over under on how many minutes before mark would spill his water but that was an hour ago so I think we're way over there we set the over and under we never did what do you think I'll set it right now I think especially we have a guest coming he's going to be in that zone I think I'll just set it here wait where is the guess maybe maybe let maybe let uh because six and a half minutes why don't we take out this table now take this out of here yeah we got to get this out of here we have someone take because otherwise this would be kind of a time we would go to break to set this up you want to take yeah why don't we go to break we'll take two two and a half minutes and when we come back maybe we'll have a guest or maybe we'll still be setting it up we'll talk maybe we won't come back at all right here just in case Nick is in for the Titans I think we need to get the live pick reaction okay I mean especially they don't seem overly excited it seems we we see the the draft room and Nashville it's more like they're trying to convince us hey have you seen those mock-ups of our new stadium yet what was a year ago that rainbow freaked out in the draft room honestly Our Guest is incoming yes to get this set up let's take a quick break we're going to we have plenty of time to talk about everything yeah for sure all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign we just got better looking because uh sitting next to Mark sessler is former number one over fine high level analysts for NFL Network the great David Carr how are you buddy great you guys get to just chill on the couch and this is different than my set I guess I actually have my phone in my hand they don't yell at me yeah you can do whatever you want it's uh it's wide open Pals watching I don't even think you have audio right can we hear can you guys hear on the stream Dave Carr nobody calls Davis uh can we give you another Mike I mean this is part of the truth charm of this Jessica what did you do to the mic we have David Carr here want to talk ball yeah if you just scream as loud as possible David like the whole time uh then you're good we actually have been using that mic too throughout we're getting levels on it how we know we'll figure no no it's coming in all right let's just go well you guys right now by the way Peter skaronski does go to the Tennessee Titans so good job for uh for Gravedigger there uh a lot of people thought this is the best lineman in the draft some said he had the short arms that's what they said I don't like them showing left I mean I know they gotta show love it this is all part of it this is part of it this is what you sign up for okay I can hear myself now you don't have to deal with that ladies and gentlemen the man that doesn't have to wait for anything in 2002 David Carr um yeah so wait for audio I thought they changed that with Gino like Gino was the time where they were like we're gonna stop showing that was wrong people be miserable at the end of the draft that was a bad thing but uh David welcome to the show thank you thanks for I mean I feel like I need to go through the internet again I feel like I need to like kind of re-say what I came in to say is this is a very relaxed environment I love it I got my phone out I can feel like Ian you know he's kind of scrolling you don't want to be eating though well we have really good production value uh what's the score right now what's happening this is uh I am I created a mock draft okay as our producer Gravedigger did and kind of kind of going through Italian wins all right grave diggers running back off the board at 12. Jamir Gibbs that Alabama goes to the lion wow I actually love that tell us why you love it David well I wanted him to go to the Saints for personal reasons but he's incredible so he literally reminds me of Alvin Kamara like when you watch him play he does it he he likes to compare himself to Jamal Charles which I get right he can he can do anything he's great in space he can catch them all in the backfield but he's Dynamic I mean they're probably echoing the same things on the draft coverage right now but he's he's explosive he's just fun man his tape's a lot of fun to watch try not to mention that other draft guy yeah good good no people are watching the draft and they're watching us you uh you said you were hoping the Saints I want them to get every good player did you have any inside info the Saints might have been interested in them well they definitely liked him yeah so this is a I mean this is a good pick by the Lions they already had a really good offense so this is uh this is going to be even better I expected the Lions to go defense so and I trust the lions that use them well too right but if you have DeAndre Swift maybe yes right I don't know if he's I don't know plans though I don't think so David Montgomery got a lot of money so they now have three pretty high profiles I wonder if Swift gets driven I think they felt like a year ago they could use more than one running back effectively just I think Gibbs is it's gone higher than a lot of people think but this is an electrifying Runner I mean just keep scoring me last ranked scoring defense but it's just we can score more points than them it doesn't matter right and let's not uh let's not sleep on this after all the talk for years now about running back and their value we have two running backs right that's the top 12 coming off the board that's pretty impressive right there I think that's why I even had hope that he might fall to the Saints because everyone just told me that running backs aren't valued anymore but here you go with two guys that are jumping in the top 15. where's uh where does your brother watch this uh where he's he's in New Orleans right now so he's at his house by himself because his family just flew back actually to Las Vegas to put their kids back in school because that's the you know appropriate thing to do is can't be on vacation your whole life so his kids are back in school he's watching it and he's we're we're texting back and forth but you know he's probably he's probably pissed right now right I'm sure he is he liked he likes Jamir also but I think that that probably surprised a lot of people though honestly like the Lions taken for a while what do you think about how the uh the quarterback side of the strap has played out so far I love where Anthony went I mean I I know that he's rough but when I watched his film you could obviously see what all the people see is his electrifying Talent the guy's incredibly gifted he is 13 starts I think one one OC in the league told me he's like there's no way we can take a kid has 13 starts I'm like yeah but you watch the film like you watch this guy you just got to give him some time or do what Indy's gonna do and play just like they play with Jalen Inside Out run the football downhill he's obviously very physical you can create one-on-ones on the outside for these guys where they don't have to necessarily read the prototypical you know offensive system that that I had to kind of sit through these guys are much more talented he's an incredible athlete he just I think you just use that and create it's just a new era man people point out it's like well but you know that the throws are you know more simple because he's such a good runner it's like yeah yeah that's what's the point exactly that is the point that's a great point it's like oh he can't do some of the things that CJ I'm like no he doesn't have to like there's it's one guy out there guarding his receivers because you have to now take that that when I was in when I was playing it was always how do we get that extra guy out of the box because as soon as I hand the ball off I'm just a I'm a viewer I I have a seat just like everybody else but now with the the way they use the quarterback in the Run game you don't have that luxury anymore as a defense you have to you have to put that other guy down there and now you just like you said Greg you create your own one-on-ones outside and you can just play catch with your guys where do you come down on like the Bryce young the size and and what I would do it at the pro level for them well I think maybe like 15 or 20 years ago that might have been an issue but I don't think it's a problem anymore but first of all he's very um he's always generous of you like someone as a large man who's sitting next to myself who's you know much smaller than Bryce I'll say this like if he was if he was six three we wouldn't even had a conversation about who the first pick was like because if you just watch him play so I talked to Josh McCown about this uh when I was out at I was at Will's pro day and it was actually at CJ's pro day and I was just kind of talking to him about all the quarterbacks I want to get a feel for what he thought and he's like Dave he plays big like he doesn't play you know 510 he like he he throws guys off of him he plays physical like he doesn't play like he's a a smaller guy his release is even higher so I think when you factor all that stuff in there's no real difference between him and Olivia got six too like it doesn't it doesn't appear not even Drew like even Drew Brees you can see him looking out at the bottom of his face mask sometimes and trying to create space but Bryce is like almost Kyler murray-esque where he kind of takes a deeper drop and he can create space because we're never really throwing over guys like that's kind of a a common misconception people think you're throwing over these six eight tackles like that I can't even do that right right you're throwing between guys like Sean Payton I've talked to him about this too and I think I actually saw him talk about this on a podcast the other day but you're throwing like in between guys and between these trees and you're trying to find Windows and Bryce's feet are excellent so he's always able to find that space to where it won't be a problem what about uh Will Davis who a lot of mock out mocks out there that had him go in a size four did the Colts still out there is he going to make a team uh very lucky here or do you have concerns about him as well I think I have the same concerns that a lot of people probably have about him you know when I watch Will's film it's a little bit inconsistent which is okay if you know you can you can have maybe an Anthony Richardson type upside where you you're just physically more talented than everybody than you're playing will is a talented guys strong physical kid but I think people will see him and they see him you they're kind of it's it's tough to read Because is he Anthony Richardson or is he a guy that is like CJ or a Bryce that's just not polished and he gets kind of stuck in this gray area where I don't know can he be a drop back quarterback can he play in my West Coast offense does he have to be more in a run downhill and he's not as physical as Anthony so you're like it's hard to see him in the first round because of that you know and so he might be sitting there for a little bit what um what have you thought any like suit game thoughts tonight you know Dave damishek would often almost uncomfortably talk about how you know you're a handsome man and that he would feel inferior and you do you do wear nice suits I've I've noticed and I thought I want to hear it sure but we also want to hear the Packers yeah I think the suits that's more important I agree oh wow I love it I like that kid that's your guy Mark yes no I was I thought I thought that might have been an eagles Target but I think he's great for the Packers oh whoa Gravedigger celebrating do we have a hit in the mock draft we got it three-pointer baby that's a direct hit Packers at 13 Lucas three-point score if you get the pick slot the team and the player Jessica you gotta get that is gravediggers you have beautiful girlfriend Vanna White yes and she is all over this yes that's your husband is that breaking news is that real does she know oh she said yeah all right that's good what does that mean it doesn't matter it means we've talked about it and we've agreed on it I just haven't done the whole oh that's the perfect five hour FaceTime chat maybe it might have come up I don't know that might be something that was set marks in the room and you wanted to get that out there that's pre-engaged that's good look at this kind of takes the drama away from it though you know just a surprise thing you know what Michael Scott said BFD engaged ain't married it's close it's tight it's a big moment that cut the lead in half wow that was Mark how are you feeling right now as the uh mock draft um I'm not concerned at all he's got the chain he's got a cool shirt okay yeah let's get back to this yeah it had to have been his brother right yeah that was yeah that was sweet though they should have left the brother on him yeah Dad wasn't having it though we haven't had any viral moment yet no CD lamb yeah take the phone away from the girlfriend scenario yeah those are my favorite yeah were you uh you were in person in O2 right I was in person yeah I mean on my suit game was we could we could probably get you can Google that yeah it was bad it was it was weird yeah you know right thank you I didn't I had to go like I'm gonna look this up beg for that [Music] ahead of time that you were well I came I flew from Houston to the draft so but there was still a time where I'm sitting in the green room and I'm like wow they guess they could trade me that'd be really weird you were wearing did you just go ahead and Google that at home if you want it's the shot famously with Derek right next to it well it was a weird time for men's fashions in general everyone kind of looked like the talking head singer yeah it wasn't by myself like Peppers all these guys had like oh yeah shoots on so no it's fine okay you know it's not you don't have to make me feel better um interesting oh by the way over on the sandwich props game it could be coming down to this now I have Broderick Jones in the first round the Patriots they they're in the mix for a tackle here they could definitely uh take a tackle but they have apparently traded out while we weren't paying attention because the sailors are on the clock they're going to take that pick aren't they oh that's a that's I'm glad you guys chose that picture of me because there are other ones that are way worse yeah that's a good one I appreciate that okay the Steelers straight up that is not something they normally do Joey uh got a new GM now Joey Porter's son sitting in the green room I think is he not there he might not he might not be I mean how different was it uh David like 2002 I know the event's been blown up to a a level that's even hard to comprehend but it was probably back in 2002 it felt small compared to this well yeah now that you look at this there was no like we literally were ushered in like through the kitchen they put us in the Green Room there was just like less than what you guys have here I mean it was just like folding chairs for the families Mike Williams didn't even fit remember the tackle they got drafted to Buffalo great great story Mike he's sitting there and he's sweating because he doesn't know where he's gonna no one knows where they're gonna go except me and so I'm kind of like just talking to Mike and he's like he's from Texas and he's like I if I go to Buffalo I'm not playing football what does he get drafted Buffalo and I'm like Mike it's gonna be all right man nope I think he was two years maybe I don't even I was gonna say I'm trying to remember but I don't think it went that well feeling Buffalo oh yeah it was pretty bad so but I mean it was it was not the setup that it is now no it's it's a totally different you'd like to think they would have found a way to get that answer out of them earlier what if we drafted you yeah oh I'll be there for a year and a half maybe I can't do the the winner in Buffalo I'm gonna move back to Austin I just I like it better there and that's what he did uh yeah so the Steelers straight we're gonna have to get the terms on this I mean it makes too much sense to have a speed Joe reporter we talked yeah we talked about yeah Joey's from Bakersfield he could have strong armed that whole front office Into You Know Joe he's got a um he's got a way with words and by the way a little hit little ATM history David famously along with our friend Lindsay Rhodes brokered a piece between our show and Derek Carr your brother who had blocked us um unceremoniously Dan and I not Mario you hadn't said anything I had no negative I think I know what happened he's such a good team I think I know what happened I was he was at home watching the Texans okay Raiders playoff game and I was talking trash about Matt McGloin and like this is terrible yeah and I think he blocked me for that so it's just oh it was even like he was offended for sure I could ask him here comes Rog see this when they have the Patriots not major sandwich ramifications here don't take Broderick Jones oh it's project Jones I sort of nailed it I call this dealers trading up for Jones but I had them going to 12 not to 14. yeah you get points for that yeah how many points out of that Dan's we are two scoring let's see was it two you have player and team so it's two points that's two points the trade-up doesn't get any points we can we can in my own system you know I think you wouldn't I don't know I think I needed to get to the right number we're not altering the scoring system like the mid contest that feels this is tough yeah I had the Jets taking Broderick Jones at 15 and they they traded back two picks and look at this the Steelers trade up and get Jones and I love the pick we just talked about it this week on the podcast uh David that yeah Pittsburgh's offensive line issues have been documented for a couple of years now yes and uh so they make a big move here and and add some stability hopefully yeah at a big spot yeah I think for a while they were so good in the offensive line they kind of just ignored it and then all their guys got older and moved on and it's like uh it will be fine and not no not really you have to keep drafting these guys and developing them so this is good it's interesting with these Georgia guys there's a lot of Georgia guys getting picked all I heard before the draft was they practice too hard they have bad knees that's all I heard about the Georgia guys yet they still are going so well he he was a sophomore right so that is always impressive to me yeah when a a guy comes in right away I think he started as a freshman I love that I mean that's just like a freak Show if you can come into the SEC and start on Georgia as a friend and then you're getting drafted as a sophomore that's next level that's like so obviously Fresno State is very similar to the SEC so Logan uh Mankins came in as a true freshman and started there and ever since he stepped on the on the field like he's a great player and the same obviously the same thing with Broderick so that's good for the Steelers it's good for Kenny Pickett it's gonna be good slowly turn that into a strength I thought their line improved a little bit down the stretch last year I mean yeah overt disaster early on yeah I think a lot of that's the quarterback started playing a little bit better more efficient so everyone kind of plays better around you uh David we we'd love to have you here for the rest of the show but we know that you are going to be on our Flagship program an NFL Network Total Access I'm overdressed in that suit that some would say this one's better than the 2010 uh but right after the draft stay on NFL Network and watch David and Company break down everything we saw Steve Smith's going to be there MJ yeah it's gonna be fun oh beautiful Steve Smith's already fired up so you guys got to tune into that sure he is yeah send them up here actually you guys did you talk to Steve yeah all right David thank you thank you thanks David all right uh that's a good guess that's a get yes it goes like give me my mic back thanks buddy thanks thank you thanks David all right David gives a congratulations on the pre-engagement excellent all right so the Jets are on the clock and I think there's something interesting cooking here that this I don't think this fell exactly how maybe that they wanted it to because I'm trying to think is there another is there a tackle Prospect out there I think the Jets keep an eye out on them going after another receiver here wow I I it wouldn't stunned me with uh and jigba out there with flowers out there if they maybe uh surprise some people um and that's telling Aaron Rodgers right away we're gonna do what the Packers did not do for your year after year it does make some sense because Corey Davis may or may not be on this team the way that Joe Douglas talked about him at the Aaron Rodgers press conference made me think he might not be on this team right and they're a big haircut or gone all together and then Smith and jigba especially is a one-to-one upgrade in replacement for what they thought they were getting with Elijah more you know they put him in I think he fits well next to Garrett Wilson but it could be it could be anything they missed out on Odell Beckham which there was some interest and and so then you have like Nicole Hardman as your third guy right now and it's like uh I think you can this is the pick they got from the Browns for Elijah Moore I believe so this is I think it would not surprise me I'm trying to think is there another Grave Digger am I missing someone is there another tackle prospect that was predicted to go on round one there's a couple sleeper guys like Anton Harrison out of Oklahoma Matthew Bergeron is a guy that some people think could go at the end the tier the Run happened yeah like DJ had his guys yeah 15 16 17. he had skaronsky a little you know a little above that and those guys are all gone Dan how do you feel knowing that the Rogers trade flipping picks 13 and 15 essentially the Jets couldn't get Broderick Jones because of that well in well you're assuming that's who they're going to pick but yeah uh did you see that press conference yesterday I'm cool I think the Steelers were assuming that's who they were going to pick if nothing else Let's uh I think the Steelers thought we better get the last good let's check out Aaron Rodgers quickly from uh his opening press conference here yesterday I grew up watching old VHS tapes of of the Super Bowls and so obviously I know about the guarantee and and Broadway Joe been a while since then I noticed uh walking in this morning that that Super Bowl 3 trophy is looking a little lonely so there you go I think they're one piece short on offense um not that I'm totally writing off Corey Davis is someone that could be contributes now they have they have a quarterback I mean so we'll see that would not surprise you one of those tight ends maybe is there someone they did they struggled turning the ball over is there someone on the defense that they have their eye on this is kind of a wide open pick now to me after did anyone ever take Christian Gonzalez am I crazy no no he's still sitting there also you guys haven't done grades for scaronski Gibbs Lucas Vanessa or Broderick Jones no when you add a handsome guy like car to the mix it gets very uh distracted well I'll give you the Titans I'm gonna give it nine I like that pick a lot for Tennessee me too uh yeah I'm gonna go eight a little boring what I mean uh after all this talk about the Titans oh we're gonna trade up oh we're gonna fix our offense oh let's get the you know flexible offensive lineman guard tackle you know okay less exciting oh Lions um Jamir Gibbs for the Lions 12 overall pretty high I'm gonna give a seven on that one yeah because they're the Lions I'm gonna give them an eight I would have given him a seven if it was any other team but uh they are just fun and they'll figure out a way to make him fun so something really weird about the two running backs off what was your Lions I'll go eight because I I love the idea that like just lean into your offense both don't have a fall off both teams that took running backs in the top 12 had pretty good running back rooms and didn't make the playoffs last year I think that's a huge surprise it's a that's a great point they have put a ton of resources I gotta think DeAndre Swift is no longer on that team three is kind of silly and I think someone would give up like uh maybe not like a fourth for DeAndre Swift so they gave David Montgomery way too much money it was one of my least favorites that's what makes the the draft pick weird though that you added Montgomery and then right so it has to be Montgomery and Gibbs and then what's the point of Smith Christian Gonzalez and sauce garnered and DJ Reed that is I mean they are ready spicy they're deep wild but they you know that like that's not a huge to me area of need no so much as maybe defensive line or safety uh but maybe the player is too good for them to pass up if they if they're stunned the Gonzales are still there so Nolan Smith is still out yeah that's who I was hoping the Patriots would draft at 14. it's who I still hope they draft at 17. I think he'd absolutely fit as sort of the Carl Lawson yep a year from now replacement uh I I love I love me some Nolan Smith so this can go in a bunch of different directions I'd like to see this one let's see the score by the way Jackson Smith the mock draft is now 13-12 whoa whoa it is wide open baby I think I think we should get ready for Jessica to give some analysis on how this mock draft has gone if she's proud of Justin maybe after the Jets pick but you know I think we need an update because this thing was a one-way traffic now it's close yeah getting Lucas Van Ness and Broderick Jones back to back was a huge wow that's true I mean how many people did that that's pretty good I got waxed on the will Levis not going to Tennessee them going Ultra boring now Nolan Smith still being out there helps you if the Jets pass on him he's sitting there for New England right so keep an eye on that right and that would be I need that score for you I need that you know what like one thing I like is draft Twitter and like the common sense of it all in terms of like who the quarterbacks were gonna go like the NFL was right on board with draft Twitter it was like will Levis is way below those other three uh and uh that's what happened in the draft I like it what do you have against will Levis as a man nothing but why do we get you don't got to take them like celebrating that he's having the worst night of his life right now I don't I'm not celebrating I'm saying you don't need to draft uh like uh he seems like an early two pick which is nice look at this situation wow got like a young um Bruce Wayne just an uppity child here matching green tie with we don't know his backstory Mark so let's just be careful in a second that's fair he's just a child he's but a child Mark 1312 in the mock draft how's that dropping let's hear what Raj has to say about this young man we did get another Bingo hit oh what was it what was it tremendous upside okay all right tremendous upside is off the board best available player we had that one but we got another hit of that one so what were you saying Mark before about about this young man I I am withholding judgment until I understand more about him uh he's a Make-a-Wish um Jesus young man Christ um here is part of the oh I like his I like his energy down some Jet's attitude remember how we said we're only keeping this game uh we're it's now over it's now over the danger of live streaming good job oh he's got great energy bringing some Jets confidence I like it marked back bad blade oh this kid you're my boy I'm gonna pull this for the Pod later yeah please Will McDonald that's fun that's early cool man let's see where did you have him going he was my guy Mark remember on the sessler chaos I picked a guy this was my guy why is he your guy why do you like him I like him because I think he's the best pure pass rusher in the draft he doesn't have a ton of you know he's not super Stout in the Run game and maybe like a third down rotational rusher coming off but he is really technically advanced in terms of pass rush Arsenal for a guy just entering the league and he can bend the corner so well he's that Carl Austin replacement right right Pew wrong Church whatever you want to say like he doesn't like you said if you just based on like pressure per snap in college he would have been a top 10 pick he's just undersized and and so people didn't see him necessarily that way that he's not going to be like a run stopper but I'm all about you know body uh diversity here let's go Will McDonald I like this feels like it feels like to me like a pivot um and that is they wanted someone else I think they wanted alignment we don't know that but it just that made so much sense but like I was saying they they do need Carl Lawson has been in addition to being a very highly paid player has been you know somewhat disappointing he blew out his Achilles year one with the Jets and then was fine last year but not a dominant player this is a team that is still looking for uh a big time Edge pass rusher and we're continuing to see um footage of him jumping literally leaping over like parked SUVs remember we showed that on the on the Pod that day we showed him jump in the car right we did and and the only reason he's not a top 10 pick and to me I'd rather have a guy like him than Tyree Wilson or or some of the guys who've gone in front of him is is what you saw on the NFL Network crawl his numbers I mean he's shorter he weighs less than Anthony Richardson that that is a small pass rusher uh but uh and also it's pretty shocking to see him go ahead of Miles Murphy Nolan Smith that's what I mean though I like him I think I I like what I know of him better incredibly productive like you don't have to be big Hassan Redix so seven or eight Dan I I'm I'm gonna go with seven just because I don't think this was what they really needed in this spot I really it would have been nice for them to give themselves some real insurance with Makai becton and uh and uh Brown uh Dwayne Brown on tackle so they're going to be playing with fire on that line and they are for all the talk about the offensive line being banged up last year they're basically going to bring back the same line unless they make some uh picks in this draft now in the second round it feels like they're gonna they're now banking on two things that Better Health on their o-line and Aaron Rodgers will make the offensive line better which certainly can happen but uh seven because of there are maybe more established safer players out there at this position but he's your guy I'll Trust you you know more about him than me I'll go eight I I would have loved to see them maybe even be a little more aggressive when that tackle run was occurring and they needed to get up and get one of those guys um I would have liked in general supporting Aaron Rodgers with a wide receiver as a second choice there maybe Jackson Smith and jigba they didn't do that um that said this defense is ultra nasty and you've added an edge rusher which off season from now will be a big need for them I I like I like McDonald's Donald but the process they got banged I mean a little bit the Rogers trade was it they were at 13 they'd have Broderick Jones so yeah but you got here like I mean right yeah but yeah that's a fair that's fair to point out they probably they probably did and they couldn't really maybe they thought about trading back up but at this point you already gave up resources for Rogers they can't be doing that again and they have one less pick you know in this draft coming up that they could have that they could have used uh to take a tackle but I I still like their roster I I like that he fits what they do defensively and I do like Robert Stella kind of getting his guys in the building and they need more of them the one thing I want to say about watching that press conference because we all as a country dealt with immense Aaron Rodgers exhaustion but something about what happened yesterday and I saw a revived person I just think it like that it's one of the better Jets moments uh how's Greg's going I don't know getting his table back I thought it was great for the Jets I watched the thing and I thought you know what all a lot of my concerns about how this whole thing could go um are alleviated at the moment because I I just think Aaron Rodgers just the way he spoke his energy um his enthusiasm for the Jets and the history of the Jets all came through cannot believe Christian Gonzalez is still on um Pablo Torres of ESPN to your point mark uh I had a point that something I've been kind of hitting on with that as well which he said the Jets getting Rogers uh is a dream for jets fans but also people that are expecting the Jets to fail it's a dream too there's just this idea that it's either going to really pay off or really blow up and kind of everyone got what they want with it do we want to take a break why don't we take a little while we're taking a break but then no one had been doing that the entire stream so far and then he just got up I think it's fun it's fine it's really fun let's take a break and uh we'll be back and we'll break down the Washington pick and Beyond stay right there [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign let's go we're back and um since we've been gone two cornerbacks came up the board including most recently Christian Gonzalez at Oregon Greg uh so with the Patriots now in a division with Josh Allen uh with Aaron Rodgers with the Dolphins and the way they were flying High when they had um two on the field and it makes sense to me that you would go get a corner that is highly valued yeah I don't think there's a player in this draft that more analysts were confident was going high going in the top 10 potentially that it was a big cornerback tier of Witherspoon and Gonzales and then everyone else that fell further than Gonzalez so it's a very rare case of the Patriots taking like the guy that's the highest on the consensus Big Board conventional value it never it never happens that way uh they've been up and down taking cornerbacks they usually take small cornerbacks uh Christian Gonzalez is obviously big dude extremely smooth uh came from Colorado maybe not as productive there but was insanely productive with interceptions and pick sixes in in Oregon we had a really breakout season last year and I I love it for New England because it's a little bit different than the way I feel about the Jets pick where it's like this guy just fell to New England and like there they developed quarterbacks so well there and like I never thought Gonzalez would last this far this far I mean they've got to be thrilled a little bit of uh like a Stefan Gilmore mold if it all worked out I mean they do it's not like they only have small cornerbacks that was the case last year with all the million different Joneses that they have on their team that they've drafted pretty well over the last couple years that's why I haven't totally given up on this team being interesting because their last two drafts were pretty good if they stack one more good draft it's a good young you were going to mention something about Mac Jones that uh we're not able to track all this stuff as as we would normally Tom Curran our friend said before the draft there he said Mac Jones is absolutely not getting traded Mac Jones is going to be on this team and uh that they won't be doing anything tonight related to Mac Jones He said that you know an hour before the draft I I trust his reporting well that was one of my sandwich props um and I would say in general over the last hour I'm just taking L's all over the map here I give the uh the Patriots an eight there I think it's a good solid pick for where they are and they traded back to do it I don't know what did they get back what do they get in that trade let's game the system 10 after that nice trade back good process all right got a guy that everyone thought the Raiders would take similar uh front office I'll go nine right right in between you two cool good pick what was the Washington pick Washington took Emanuel Forbes over Christian Gonzalez so that was kind of shocking but I can't uh speak out of both sides of my mouth that was my guy in terms of body diversity the 165 pound cornerback what did you grade Gonzalez Mark sorry I missed it oh nine Mark graded a nine let's go back we'll do Gonzalez I mean do Emmanuel Forbes who was the guy was the 165 pound cornerback right literally no one in NFL history is his size uh in terms of height and weight I don't like that I'll go seven he does have the NCAA record for most career pick sixes with so far but that's fine who cares that was the commanders the commanders oh that was commanders commanders with uh with Forbes kind of a weird cornerback room they have Fuller they have Saint Juiced uh He he'll probably play on the outside and then you you move Fuller in the in the slot you want to go back and grade Packers drafting Lucas Van Ness sure I'll I'll give that a 10. that's my dude and like I just think I I just get a feeling about him that he's gonna come in and be like super disruptive right away and I think you know Green Bay after what's happened with Aaron Rodgers and everything it's like what direction do they go in I think this is someone that will produce immediately for them hmm I I don't I wanted an offensive player here Van Ness like very similar to uh Preston Smith type who probably isn't going to be on the roster after another season but like maybe more pressures than sacks big strong guy I do like his shirt but I'm gonna give it a seven yeah and Mark like you were talking about with the sandwich prop like that's another L I'm taking when are they gonna do this but I but I've been like I've been like thinking about Lucas Van Ness for months weeks a month but the Packers side of things like you got this you got The Pick of any playmaker on the board right outside the running back room and we just we are not we don't want to do it we don't want to add more wide receivers by the way you lost Alan Lazard too so and I know they didn't really make an effort to keep lizard but I mean he was one of their starters I know Watson really balled out last year but I would have taken a wide receiver tight end there so shout out to shout out against uh what they who they pick but for the process shout out to uh Betsy Clark long time listener who's asking other people in the chat to like the chat which I like that it helps I like that get the likes going we got to get it over a thousand uh we got over 4 400 of you still watching us now so light like it in the chat I'm gonna type a message to them in the chat room I'm gonna be watching it and I also saw the commanders fan out there and I want to address this oh it's so hot picture ready somebody get Dana Tito hey I saw that let's start the movement get Dan attitos we do have the podcast afterwards too we do have the podcast well is it air-conditioned in there it is a mess it was nice to walk out uh side you know where a lot of people work you know although no one's there now it's the NFL draft it's empty because everyone's in Kansas City or they're down in control rooms and that there's actually a the vacuum is being the the carpet's being cleaned this is a 14 billion dollar company last time I checked where's the where's the air conditioning I don't know can I I do want to address this Commander yeah we went on to break you know during the Commander's pick because I'm so out on the commanders I'm always anti-commanders I do want to announce for the live stream people especially yes that's over Dan Snyder's gone Dog Days Are Over I'm I treating them I'm gonna root for them just to make Dan Snyder look bad so that's all over we like Ron Rivera we're in on the commands it's over Dan Snyder bye oh here's the pick I I wanted to share something but we have time we have the gift of time on this live stream Here Comes Rog back to the stage 18th overall Jack Campbell a linebacker first round whoa no one saw that coming uh this is such a Dan Campbell pick it might even be just because of his last name so I love that literally the only reason they've taken us is his brother who is Jack Campbell somebody help me yeah like an extremely athletic off-ball linebacker a lot of people's like including I believe DJ's top off ball linebacker in this draft the thing was no one thought any off-ball linebackers were going first round which was a little surprising because this guy was like incredibly productive it's kind of like running back still get taken in the first round anymore off ball linebackers uh get pushed down the draft and I didn't quite get why he was pushed down so far because because he won the award for the best linebacker in the country he tested off the charts like so he was a combine winner too at PFF you can see if you're watching uh the highest linebacker grade like what's not to like in terms of I don't know so okay that's what the lion saw at least you could have gone with one of the tight ends here started that off um Joey Porter Jr still sitting out there I I don't hate it but I'm not sure this is where I would have gone at the with the 18th pick in the draft well I feel like the Lions did the only thing that could get seven all the draft Nicks are not gonna like this draft you take a running back and an off-ball linebacker sort of a strange draft they did trade back from the first pick to get that so at least they picked up some more Capital we are gonna get we're getting some uh grief that we're always like seven eight nine ten but I don't care that's a seven to me that's the lowest graded pick yet seven flat you know it's kind of like uh skating you know if you're gonna if you make the Olympics you're not gonna get a three like these guys aren't but they're saying we're not being uh critical enough brutalizing them the draft is Hope Susan like I hope there's air conditioner in this building right um that's what's gonna and there is building this decision that's right live stream have we closed the vent I know we're not sponsored or maybe the top priority but if we could just get a vent open so it almost feels like the vent was diverted to one of the other rooms where they're doing something here in the building sure we're setting this up on Tuesday and they were shooting the thermometer gun around it was 67 coming out of the vents that's confusing a lot of uh fist pounds going on around the thermometer gun is that what people can do here CVS or Rite Aids uh fans you know like the the box fans for like 14.99 anyone's near Inglewood if you go to CVS or a Rite Aid and pick up a 1599 box fan I will double you in terms of the payment to you for that and I'll handle any Uber fees well the security at the NFL is pretty tight we need someone to help us with that security yeah and an email at all costs uh not actually though you could you could pull up to the front of the building right that's true give it someone else go out and grab it yeah and I do want to update since we asked for more likes get marketing 400 more likes we're way over a thousand let's keep it going get Mark some uh Excedrin please Greg did you want to comment on this picture that we had that I actually oh yeah a long time ago hopefully uh they're still watching but we got a picture uh from our good friend Mackie wesseling wearing his tea Higgins Jersey shout out to Phil wesseling mackie's dad uh Mackie a big fantasy football player he played in the league with my kids he wiped the floor with my kids in their fantasy football league didn't like that Mackie but I'm glad he offered some analysis during the season as well here comes the Bucks will they take will Levis nope all right they announced him as a defensive end that's interesting that is uh maybe like a three-man front defense event yeah I guess okay baby Aaron Donald they gotta get younger they got to start building a new nucleus well this is white side of the ball yeah this is why Todd Bowles was freaking out because this is a Todd bullsey pick yeah people the next gen athleticism score is 98 for can't see that'll play I'm a little surprised they didn't take Levis but it I guess you just you got to be in love with him as a player if you're going to take him as a first round pick they were the team I was kind of thinking would stop his fall uh can't see just like a penetrator you know uh Bulls Bulls assigns all he wants is defense we can't use salty language or anything else a one Gap penetrator that's just one of the terms this is a whole other Bingo board one of my least favorite oh we had another one on the Bingo board oh what was it under no wait undersized yeah there you go nice how many jets how many slots Donald that's four now but is it in a row that's the question let me check the board let me I'm gonna check in on the stream myself let's see what we got here no one uh yeah people know what in Baker Mayfield's happier right now Kyle Trask is happy right now the weird thing in this class too is Levis is the last quarterback along with hooker I guess actually there's two more and then it falls off a cliff there's like no depth in this class no one has any intriguing third or fourth round pick so it's basically Levis or hooker or you didn't get a quarterback in this draft let's get the thermo gun in here see what's going on with it maybe we could just have um just people Fanning you how about that this does work this does work pretty well this does help yeah so you're in trouble too now I I literally feel like I'm in the middle of a fireplace that's very nice one of the the first things I did when I got to La I was an intern um at a production company and we got an invite to a maxim party wow and there was what year was this 2000 and I think it was two thousand that's when a maximum party mattered and at the max there was a large woman good thank you um and they she had other woman men uh scan the men were scanned to the cloud like a zap Pig a woman uh on a bed the whole time and it was these men's job to waive huge fans at her throughout the whole party for three hours straight I was like that's gonna be like 10 feet tall or like a bigger heavy set one plus size woman and what was her what was she I'm soaking okay it feels like shards of the story are not being told here but I like no because I was at 20 interact with her college student in 2000 yeah um that's not typically how Maxim operated well there was all sorts of Maxim type things you would expect all elsewhere in the party it was some sort of theme but uh this was something where she was like a Queen of Sheba or something and they were they were Fanning I was just thinking that's a tough job to be Fanning this woman for three hours did you attempt to interact with the Lord they were on a big stage they were like protected by bodyguards have you ever uh you know entered into a relationship Greg with a woman that was significantly bigger than you you know she was kind of um uh I talk about height and just bulk just like a big girl like you and you I mean walking down the street almost any human is bigger than me we have a shot of Greg from his early days when he was very active by the way that's one part of the Greg history we hear about how well he did in high school romantically and here's a shot of Greg that he posted himself on Instagram uh holding a generic Cola and there's that part right down the middle split the uprights like Justin Tucker It's funny because I don't think I had this haircut for that long but I swear I have so many pictures from this six to nine month period bring some real in a in a spicy attitude to your high school this was freshman year I believe keep the photo up for a second here because this is something I wanted to mention to Mark we have that theory that Greg was born age 32 yeah standing up yes and this is gonna seem like a compliment Greg because it is that looks like you just with like like the longer hair and the generic cola this does not change anything about our theory that you were born what are you talking about yeah that's you with a different haircut yeah I'll give you a compliment Greg from another angle that you haven't you know you're in your 40s you don't appear to have aged that much um from that from that photo right there too in this photo right that's a compliment I was the same height uh at that point I was about this height at about 13 years old but get back to the tall woman that you dated how what would hurt how tall was she what was happening there I'm I'm like five six wait is this one Delaware is this Delaware this is Peak Delaware and the fact that you posted this on your own social does that mean that maybe some Delaware there was a lot of release the tapes comments uh responding to this no it just uh I'm as you guys know I just moved and so I'm like you know popping up out of nowhere you know that your heart is still in Hawaii remember yeah is the new gray kind of like yeah of course we'll release the tapes why not why not exactly chill bro like that whole thing hang loose you guys want to grade the cancer pick not particularly uh I'm gonna give it I'm gonna give it a nine oh I can't see oh yeah that was good solid solid area of need could have gone will Levis there but they're clearly these teams are they don't like them they're not they're not in love with Will they'll force it we also never graded Broderick Jones just to keep everything clean on my sheet here same grade alrighty eight a project uh now I'm feeling pressure to give a real just because they just because they score yeah just because they uh bone the Jets I'll give it a nine they got an extra two points there Seahawks take Hendon hooker here uh let's see what are we what do you have in your Market okay the Seahawks take Levis now that'll annoy me again I want Gino Smith to uh not have to deal with kind of the distraction of it all I would have been okay because it was Richardson and he was worth it I have them taking key on white let's see what happens wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you did say you would renounce your Seahawks fandom if they took Will Levis still in play well yeah I meant more at the last pick I don't want to be stuck to that because I'm a little afraid that it's actually going to happen oh wait a second just right don't you think now it's like a luxury pick I think it's very second possibility he's stuck around this long it's a value I think it makes so much sense for them to not that I think Gino is going to be one hit wonder because it really did seem like the light turned on and he's in a really good spot but shoot he's not even that old you know no like if they really do believe in him he could be their quarterback for five more years Sam young asking wondering if the NFL plus live streaming digital project has a AC I'm telling you it's a fair question they said we only have X amount of AC closed the vents on the on the show without the sponsors if you were if you were three um NFL live production Network going on right now we would give it to you but no we've got we've got NFL plus we've got NFL fast and we've got NFL Network of course but we gotta we got a top ten Insider here was that doesn't that help us they don't seem to agree with that analysis I I think you've raised your uh I think they're trying to smoke us out here 1312 by the way you guys have been stuck on this number these numbers here for a minute it's been nice for Jessica she's had to do very little over the last 45 minutes or so he's a top 10 football Insider I could use a drink I gotta say I I will have to yeah forget the fan bring us alcohol I need well this is very nice and Jessica you're a wonderful woman we could get some cold but I'm looking for something clear but something that uh is descended from what is what is vodka descended from Russia is it uh rice the Germans yeah well potatoes potato potatoes yeah potatoes potatoes that's right gluten-free people can't drink yeah all right let's get some uh let's get some vodka in here we feel the pick is in for Seattle yeah we should pick 20 huh we should get some questions ready uh coming up the individual bringing the fan you bring you bring the second item too you could get that at like a CVS as well sure sure no problem easy to find get the handle just to be safe uh Mackie was watching or at least Phil was still watching Phil wesseling and all the wrestlings out there love them we love you all Miss Chris this really wasn't one of Chris's favorite uh uh days of the year he really he kind of wasn't an NFL draft I mean he liked the draft but it was like he kind of got sick of the whole hubbub around the draft he uh he was anti uh hype I think too much fun refreshing to do on a Saturday during the football absolutely day three of the draft it's like throw me off this is nice I might be going to the LA Kings game Saturday night how about that a little ice hockey a little ice hockey a little bit of ice hockey I'm going to New York would be cool there although I won't be going if it's an afternoon game they haven't announced the time I'm trying to get to a Knicks game next week but I heard the secondary Market it's gonna cost you a grand ticket to get in that building 20 years since it's you know hot Texas wait you're gonna be in New York next week a lot of this was framed around the possibility of the Knicks advancing to the second round and are you trying to get well what if you Fork over the the dough so focused on this I'm such a professional I haven't even checked the Celtics score this whole how are the Seas doing the Celtics oh they're down a point with seven to go oh Greg Jackson Smith and jigma to the Seahawks Jackson's okay I like it jigba thank you that is a fantastic to focus wait a second take a look at this desk instead of messing with you know you're helping them out getting this a hot ten yeah I absolutely love this 10. come on let's do it uh well because you were the thing you did with the Jets or with the line man I'm gonna I'm Gonna Keep it from being a perfect score that's too bad have we had any perfect no yes Will Anderson Junior was a perfect Town yep but the Texans don't get a perfect 10 because it averages with the CJ Stroud 9.33 I'm gonna bury somebody by the end of this draft why would it be by teams once I saw how much the Texans gave up I was like a little less excited I I promise you I'm burying a team by the end of this trip but it's gonna give someone a one absolutely all right as the 20th pick but I had the bills trading up for him yeah that doesn't you don't get it no this is a great this is a great move I love it Greg just like we were just talking about it's like you like Geno you don't think he's the flash of the pen I think he's 32 or 33. so just stand Pat then if you didn't if you didn't get Anthony Richardson or didn't go all the way in at the top of the draft why not just build out the offense and I love I mean they're they have DK Metcalf they got now Smith and jigba Tyler Lockett they have Tyler Lockett and they pay all these guys I mean how long can you keep this this group together but for one year at least probably well look at that DK Metcalf I think is going to get paid he has he got he hasn't gotten paid yet the ball would be on the Move potentially uh Tyler lockett's on a nice a nice little contract DK Metcalf did get paid that's right so they that that has almost nothing to do with Jackson Smith and jigba is nice cost control locket's probably not going to be there forever because he gets hurt a lot and he's getting up there and you're a smaller guy but if you think of for right now they complement each other right so well lock it and and Metcalf on the outside locket as that deep threat Smith and jigba over the middle he gets open man and it's not good for his fantasy stock if you were into that because I just think they're still going to run the ball a lot and a lot of mouths to feed some teams could have given all right all right all right there it is yeah this gets a 10. dude because I can't I can't justify a reason other than Smite and Greg remember everyone gets 111 and Gregory uses I don't believe in that a lot of Integrity I don't believe in that I have respect for the numbers um wow great route Runner all right I'm officially picking the Seahawks to win the the NFC West I don't need to mess around right now it's time it's like why change your takes down with the Niners sure they got to beat the Niners that's I mean I'm gonna pick what I want to root for and that's what I want to root for they got well they got the Niners have some uncertainty there's no doubt about it at the game's most important position I do wonder if they would have taken Anthony Richardson but you have to say that like there's something very genuine about their faith in Geno Smith I mean they're building around them they paid them and they bypassed anything else a quarterback uh let's see let me see this draft here Smith and jigbah just has like a skill set in terms of how he gets open that just seems like it's so obviously going to translate it was kind of like watching a laves tape last year when you watch them do those like 11 yard stop routes you're like that's going to work Smith and jig about gets so open with the way he runs his routes like and maybe the best top three receiver core in the league now it should be noted that Smith and jigba has seen by many people as the best wide receiver in this class this was not seen as an especially Great Wide Receiver group so he might not hit the ground running in a in a profound way but also I don't know who do we have on the show where we talked about that very thing and uh the idea was he could though if he's in the right setup he's a guy that could be an immediate Difference Maker and he's in a great setup as long as Gino stays healthy and continues to be the guy he was this team's going to score a lot of points I'm with Greg I think you'd have to look at this as the best wide receiver Trio out there if he clicks and I mean they talk about his route running is simply uncoachable and it's just like that's the kind of stuff that he's going to produce right away he he was someone like he's not going to break big plays but you have Metcalf and locket to do that in terms of like long speed but his vision he's such a good runner with the ball that to me like he can see what how he's going to make people Miss to get to the second level a lot of 20-yard type of games uh oh my Gino's us I wonder and I wonder if there is an alternate reality where Richardson lasted one more pick and they went Richardson Smith and jigba one two but I think it's about no they ended up going uh as we know now with us uh cornerback Devin Witherspoon so balance they had a big time potential playmaker on each side of the ball you got to be happy if you're a Seattle we've got to think the Chargers are going wide receiver here right we've got some uh yes [Music] some people are saying in your mock uh Graver and right now we're getting uh we're getting a nut cutting time here 13 to 12. uh some people are saying in the chat you should get some sort of credit for having Smith and jigba at the right spot but I I just I think the whole point is yeah and I didn't get the team player I don't know why we keep um suggesting that we alter the rules now mid-contest let's just well if the car was into changing the rules that's not so much altering the rules as it was there was a bit of a disconnect early on before uh between Greg having some rules that didn't seem to get through to the producer that's that's he got them but then he got yours and just assumed okay well also but Dan's came through on the chat client and I think I backed up and said these look really good they make a lot of sense and it wasn't good too because Dan texted me and said send Justin timberlada it's not a negative towards you Greg but you were just lost in the tide here when I I said that to you so I did spice things up and then I sent to the the chat group so you could see mine That was supposed to be us working together I just assumed you didn't send it yeah but you worked through that before the Draft starts if we're gonna we're not now suddenly mid-stream going to a different set of rules that's I'll leave the room I'll just leave okay oh the picture Johnston to the Chargers wow I didn't even have him in the first round baby okay big freak uh the Sydney rice comparison haven't heard that uh comparison or that name for a while Sydney right he had a moment had a moment for the Vikings didn't didn't last too long but like a long rangey receiver who's really good after the catch like if you can get the ball in Quentin Johnson's hands it's gonna be nice not good hands and you know a little little thin wide receiver with bad hands that's good I mean sometimes you overcome it T.O is one of the you know he's a Hall of Famer he never he never had good hands but there's only one CEO I'll give it an eight um it's definitely a position of need I mean you're right about what you're saying about his reliability but he was the draft's big bodied receiver and I kind of think they they absolutely need this well it's kind of putting a clock oh they need speed they need it I thought they were gonna go he's got speed he's got he's got the measurables like if he could catch he would be a top five pick he doesn't run uh the full route he didn't run the full route tree at TCU I kind of compared him to Cordero Patterson like a couple weeks ago which I think maybe it's the hair but in terms of his ability to make people miss with the ball in his hands but not the best at like the receiver aspects of being a receiver well that's they want more out of him than that than what Patterson gave as a receiver at least uh it kind of puts a ticking clock on Mike Williams because he's a similar type of player Williams in the last year of a two-year deal he's played I mean Mike Williams to me is he's not going to displace Mike Williams there's almost no chance he'll be better than Mike Williams this year anything that helps Justin Herbert though it's a good thing agreed is that gonna get that deal done with her Herbert I don't know I don't trust the Chargers I don't know what's going on I think they will let's see what's going on in Kansas City it looks like they got some type of Fireball atop a structure there are you happy to be here would you rather be in Kansas City oh yes I want to be anywhere where you guys are oh that's my answer you know on this day uh one year ago was uh our great friend Ricky Hollywood's last first round with us I guess you you know uh we did do the wrap-up draft with her from home but that was kind of the last hurray the last hurray with Ricky Hollywood who has gone on to success with the Los Angeles Rams football club and uh oh yeah she had a little uh bird dropping here I think we could pass it along just that she was like are you dropping you know a little uh whisper that she was like keep an eye on the Rams getting into this uh first round potential but isn't bird dropping like bird poop yeah yeah I don't think that's uh Christmas like a little tweet like a little like a chirp a chirp a little whisper they can't whisper Little Birds a little girl what are those Jeep I wonder where she uh heard that from she was at a Rams uh draft party so there could be exactly just she just uh hinted she was like that's that they could be trading back into the back end we're not quite there yet she said more like around this portion of the draft and on that there's a chance they would trade trade back in and actually uh give Rams Fans something to pay attention to in the first round for the first time all right Gravedigger this is where I had Joey Porter going to the Ravens as a big Fu to the Steelers yeah let's check in now eat a little bit on the mock draft mock draft's gone to sleep because uh I really it would be a shame if it ends 13-12 it wouldn't be the worst in here yeah why do I feel like the room is sort of slowly for a grave digger oh we wanted a competition so that the comeback uh now I just want to see somebody score one more time so uh pick 16 through 20 we're all misses for Mark they were almost for me but if the chief somehow end up with say flowers I'll still grab a couple points no what do you mean a couple well we both have uh the Chiefs taking today oh yeah uh so you can pick up one point right 50 two points for team player wrong spot oh where are the Chiefs picking right now they're at 31. now you nailed how many rights overall ten last year yeah so right now you're you're not gonna get the 10. Mark has you blocked on Zay he died okay um where else if uh do you have a do you have a path to Victory oh sure this pick right here a lot of picks I mean it's really either of us could could run away with this still if we get lucky into the 20s here Addison V Porter in Baltimore is a huge storyline here now Dan how um happy are you right now with the dolphins not only that they Hemorrhage their first round pick uh for the stupidest reason we're going after Tom Brady but now we have one less pick to cover tonight we can get into the air conditioning God bless him God bless the Miami Dolphins great job Stephen Ross God bless him I I think the the Dolphins are you know I I they'll be back in the first round next year yes unless they continue to Tamper away Wolf of Wall Street uh you know yacht Adventure I feel like they've gotten remarkably little uh grief for completely blowing their first round pick uh for trying to match up Sean Payton and Tom Brady like that couldn't I guess because they got McDonald's yeah a certain Sean Payton video yes I did yes I was gonna mention that when I didn't want to put him in a tough spot yeah I don't know what was on in the background on the TV that will tell you if there's maybe a sporting event I mean he is in Colorado everything that he was doing was fully um acceptable legal and oh I'm sure like Walmart or whatever like they're totally cool with that scenario what the Walmart family oh yeah I mean if he was in Colorado it's oh another showy draft board in Baltimore oh my God but we can't do that right in the camera we've kind of uh you know not not addressed the whole Lamar Jackson of it all but my God if they can add the top let's say I would love Jordan Addison whose pick was that that was great I'm rooting for Mark though so I'd have mixed feelings but that's who I said earlier I wanted I was real he was my favorite receiver in this draft and I think would be a nice compliment and suddenly if you add Jordan Addison right here that's a fun offense it's a new offensive coach and Todd monkin that'd be good I have some updates um Greg yeah good news um the Yankees 142 today okay uh good news for you Mark and your sports locks the Dodgers uh lose the series in Pittsburgh oh I mean I feel very confident that they're not postseason material and the Celtics look like they're about to close out the Hawks I didn't want to be obnoxious about it we're doing the draft here I would do the same thing but uh I have but I kind of I spaced until just now uh if they can close it out I don't count on anything they were up 12 with two and a half minutes to go and somehow it got to a game six that boom mic operator in Baltimore is hammered yeah have you have you been watching this no it's all I don't know what it's not a heavy boom mic necessarily as far as it being stretched across the area big spot so you're saying Justin they have a thermometer that they check what's coming out and they came in here and they said it's a-okay yes in fact they were concerned that it was too cold today oh not today the draft board is scrambled with some like strange uh this could be it right here yeah this could be the competition here we go Raj they could use a cornerback Raven select Zay flowers both miss it all right right Church uh wrong Pew I gotta stop saying that sentence yeah nice nice day for the Ravens I love this for them nice day for the Ravens who get the guy that everyone thought the Chiefs are going after on the same day that they end the Lamar Jackson Madness and then they say not only did we get you Odell Beckham and we'll see how that works out uh you you now have another young uh playmaker here in Zay flowers yes very good pick I like it I almost love it yep I'm giving this a 10 they call him the best separator in the class um I really thought that the chiefs were gonna come after him the Chiefs or the team that had him work out with Patrick Mahomes days before the draft and seemed like there was a real Target and Baltimore who's been one of the worst wide receiver drafting teams of our lifetime suddenly has a really well unless they just made another bad pick at wide receiver all right if this works out but I mean they've really flopped on that front and they haven't done a lot to support like Lamar Jackson all right that's what I'm gonna do I'm going to ding him for being too braggy with their wall riding and I'm also going to ding them for performance Bust It Out performance um on their wide receiver draft so seven just the way uh just the way he looked into that camera there I'm just like okay I've maybe ranked this yeah too low look they've done I know it's different coaches none of this really matters but I think of Anquan bold in there I think a Steve Smith Senior there Steve Smith said how much he loves Zay flowers uh guy who's gonna make plays after the catch make people Miss we try to book Steve on the show today well you know they had he's busy you have to imagine there were he was approached right I believe he was but I do have he's doing other stuff another guest right if we wanted to yeah let's let's uh first let's take a break and then no if you haven't bring him up we have him let's bring him on well we have a surprise yeah I guess I know who this is gonna be there he is the man the myth the legend I had a surprise and it is no none other speaking of men that are aging wonderfully Dave damishek what I don't know for that kind of slight I don't know anything wonderfully listen say something to you thank you thank you um listen I'm listening to you guys for the last 20 minutes oh I'm sorry Grand stuff no no no listen there's a lot to get our 20 best foremost you guys have a camera pointed at you and I love the Dan hanzu says am I gonna sit with a wide stance yeah and I don't care who's watching look at that look at how he's sitting tell a man that handles himself is this an appropriate weight before you answer I don't care that's it but men were men look at that spot he's in whatever happened to Gary Cooper one of those things yeah yeah we had on your uh when he took a wide birth either way you had on your friend David Carr here earlier and we we brought up how uncomfortable you would try to make him um with his handsomeness listen what is is I'm not gonna deny it I heard it too many times that uh from from co-workers like I can't look him straight in the eye I lose my train of thought you know all right I always get stuck sitting next to the like six foot four super handsome quarterbacks on this show big news for you sessler look to your immediate right that guy the guy to your immediate right makes a flowers look big check uh before we get into we want to talk a little Pittsburgh we'll talk a little AFC North but first I want to um reached out to you and you're kind enough to join us because it was nine years ago uh that one of the most famous I think the most famous moment in the history of around the NFL and the NFL draft occurred at Radio City Music Hall in New York uh let's uh play a little of that right now one second we're pulling it up here we go and here we go with the 22nd pick in the 2014 draft Brown select Johnny Manziel [Applause] [Music] will you be sad if Ryan Shazier kills a large one no no no nothing anyway it's a boy on Christmas Father Christmas has easily I mean Beyond debate exceeded the professional Deeds of Johnny Manziel times out over the last nine years how often do you get to see that you know that was yeah that was that was uh those are great times uh a little bit you had a little emotional our great friend uh now back in the UK dominating there Henry Hodgson handsome Hank sitting next to Mark uh Shack talking it up me celebrating uh on the camera there uh that was Mark a it didn't work out but I'll never forget uh walking back from Radio City that night after that draft and us talking about how the Browns just got so exciting and fun and at least for one night again hope season it did feel that way it was literally one night because if you remember what happened uh within 24 hours before round two started Josh Gordon had one of his 18 or 19 suspensions dropped on him and it was like wait a minute this thing's already gone slightly sideways and uh but that that I think was the height of my Brown's fandom here at NFL because there was just this magical feeling that Johnny Manziel could come in and be the most exciting thing on the planet and I always wondered if Shaq was maybe I I don't I I don't know but I thought you were maybe trolling me a little bit because there was such a potential uh for this to go so sideways and as a Steelers fan it's like the Browns might have stepped in it all over again um and with it within you know I picked up on that from within three or four calendar well I mean Casino if anyone is a true Steelers fan I've ever met in my life it's Dave and I think that the Browns were ripe territory um and ripe fodder for uh ridicule back then um it went so terribly South that's really the only night that I felt any enjoyment over that entire situation oh no you can't rewrite history because I I do think that Han Zeus just touched on it for real I mean it is of course running through my head in the moment was like it's the Cleveland Browns what are the chances that this works out to great success the last 40 years argue against its chances of working out um but it is fascinating isn't it as part of the human condition especially in the 21st century with all the vapid cynicism that exists everybody has to has to announce something pessimistic about their team about a play with but not when it comes to the draft isn't it funny I'm listening to you guys you guys are all snarky fellas in a in a good way in a funny way but you know I your you guys are all struggling to find something negative that's a great pick by Zay flowers I mean he's five foot nine and ah I don't I don't know if he's gonna look John Ross didn't work out David Austin didn't work out I guess Hollywood Brown kind of sorta did a little bit until he forced his way out how dare you Dave how dare you I'm just saying that I'm saying it's funny that that it's keeping it real there's position like that you've now you're in The Sweet Spot for the next what five months six months where you're allowed and encouraged to have nothing but pie-eyed optimism and all 32 fan bases are gonna have that now because there's no evidence to contradict it now right like you're Steelers we were given dance some grief because they traded up they take Broderick Jones and we're like oh they stuck it to him they got this you know and we're just assuming of course project Jones is going to be the next Joe Thomas like it might be a terrible move that they traded up in front of them uh do you like sticking it to the Jets a little more you know I mean I assumed when they jumped directly ahead of the Jets that that was going to be the pick up until the till till that moment though I really to me listen I I love ice the day they hired Andy weidel away from Philly to bring him back to his roots on the banks of the Three Rivers I announced and have repeatedly said that if you are getting sideways about what the intent of bringing him there is uh that clearly the Eagles for a decade if you've paid any attention at all and were reminded this past season they remain playoff relevant perennially because they load up at the line of scrimmage both sides and so you knew that that was the intent there that the Steelers had kind of lost their spiritual way um in that they were drafting fancy shiny new keys to run on the outside and it really wasn't you know I'm not an older who's Andy he's in the front office poor will lavis Jordan Addison wow another wide receiver comes off wow and of course uh they move on from Adam thielen after a great run uh he leaves they have a void there across from Justin Jefferson and here comes Jordan Addison look at this guy's suit hello uh I like that I'm gonna give it a 10. just to prove Dave's point it's it's Hope season he was my top uh receiver in the draft I think when you just look at the way he moves on the field kind of I mean he's much smaller than Stefan Diggs but he moves like a Stefon Diggs you see someone move like that you're like that's gonna work I I don't understand Greg's logic that just Dave reminding us that it's Hope season gives him a 10 so I'm gonna balance it out with a five oh well he just I just said he's about my top receiver in the draft I know the fourth one I thought you built this on on uh you know soggy Foundation your logic here that's rude so I'll go eight I mean if this works their wide receiver group is insane I had to ask Dave a question though was there a part of you that's concerned about the Steelers passing on Joey Porter I just I remind it reminds me of when the Browns didn't take the son of Clay Matthews which just made way too much sense and he goes somewhere else and destroys for a half a decade I just thought Joey Porter to Pittsburgh would have made an absolutely poetic perfect move for them well you know I agree with that and uh but uh glass half full for you um and Cleveland Browns fans you did hold on to local kid Charlie Frye so well that's right you know it kind of worked Charlie fry will go down in NFL history this is this will never happen again a week one starter at quarterback week one starter first snap right and traded before week two that'll never happen again you had pro bowl or Derek Anderson sitting behind him so you you couldn't wait it was a great move but that is that's unprecedented we have a trade cycling that okay cycling back to Minnesota before this that we kind of should have seen this coming if we didn't pick Minnesota as a wide receiver they had Justin Jefferson Jalen Naylor KJ Osborne Jalen rager they had a massive need I think at wide receiver and you know it's it's very much uh Shack with Kirk Cousins there and they made the very uh the decision not to rework his contract and it left some opening that they might might be aggressive today and go get a quarterback and yet some of these quarterbacks that we heard about for weeks and weeks uh hooker of course Lev is still out there and they instead go and get a wide receiver 2022 is the anomaly when it comes to quarterbacks in this Century which is to say that the Kenny Pickett Malik Willis and uh Dez Ritter draft was the one that wasn't rich with QB's every other draft is going to have QBs you don't have to fall all over yourself to draft the replacement for your current guy if you consider your team ripe and ready to go deep into the playoffs I agree what the boss said about specifically Seattle why would they the notion that they were going to entertain Anthony Richardson or otherwise why are isn't the NFC in play for them right now of course they shouldn't be they shouldn't be backing up Geno Smith they should be going for right now um so uh yeah so I like Jordan the thing that's surprising me so far and I'll defer to the boss of course see with the preponderance though of two tight end formations are you surprised that not a tight end is coming on come on I thought by now Michael Myers who I want let's get that let's get this yeah people don't take Dan's been on this corner that people are just afraid of taking tight ends they gotta they gotta show us something after all the uh tight and I think the fact that it's so deep that DJ keeps saying it's seven eight nine players deep that people are just thinking all right we'll get our guy in round two I would guess maybe we'll get one here Jeremiah who by the way had Addison as his number one wide receiver do you think the NFL is sticking their nose in DJ's rankings that what did he go fourth or fit that receiver down that's that's a shot at DJ she was looking for a way to look at it I like it when that Houston Texans trade it's three happened he was looking uh pretty smoothie smoothie that was pretty good are you happy though the boss with Christian Gonzalez because were I in the Steelers uh war room to me I think they really did a good job of being in a position to take best player available I just thought that I was hoping the best player available would happen to be a cornerback um so you're saying what did the Patriots get what did the Patriots get I never even found out okay well that's not too exciting Bill Belichick's excited by it he loves that stuff well what's he gonna take like another not as excited as I am about Han Zeus's wide birth look at that listen I got actually I think has covered it up with his uh suit jacket since then just uh I got a table I got the corner here between the legs I got the table here and you know what I make no apologies Dave I'm comfortable I don't want you to apologize I can't even begin to tell you Dave 14 billion dollar company how hot it is in here right now I don't understand how this happened it's quite warm uh you know what as uh the problem with uh you guys missing all your mock draft picks is we haven't had Jessica on the show and a little while have you ever met Jessica Justin's uh Paramore I don't think Dave's even knows who Justin is he's slightly suspicious Grave Digger is our producer we've got we've got her right here Jessica what it's just been too long since you've been on the show let's bring her out this is really set up I'm with it gold let's see sitting there in a car hey let me set you up on this uh it was announced today in the live stream and it was a surprise uh that uh the wonderful Jessica who's been a real asset and is a great person uh they announced that they're pre-engaged today on the show and what is that what is your theory on pre-engaged uh do you think this is something to celebrate or actually something to scoff at I don't want to get up on Mount pies might be a little bit weird to uh turn your nuptials into a podcast bit but that that's but you know you know me in the sanctity of marriage um I fear I fear though that for for gravedigger's sake you know as I just touched that like I don't want Jessica to meet Dave Dameshek not now not now this isn't the right time for for that poor kid you know gravedigger's got a bright future it would appear and everything and it could all come undone with Jessica you know like you know that's good Dave Dave Jessica hi Jessica how are you I'm good how about you well I'm I'm doing all right you know you know uh Medusa what happens when when men make eye contact with her they turn into stone you know what happens when women make eye contact with damashek right they turn in the mush what are your initial Vibes on damage [Laughter] Shaq is there anything else uh you want to share with the audience it was very kind of you to to come on with us and I think it's I just think it's great I I think uh the the young men that have been drafted it's across the board um you know they they can all be as great as they want to be I just hey better not be afraid to come in and work though because that's what that staff's gonna do but I think they're gonna if they're willing to come in and get better each and every day and grind then you know the the sky we've got to pick here but great culture fit where they I'm really happy with it this is for the Bingo board now let's see the giant select Deontay Banks cornerback ah I don't like that that's who I was kind of Holding Out for was there anyone any mock draft implications on that someone had been no no uh I had him going to the Vikings one pick before yeah oh it's getting it's getting late Grave Digger we've hit the skids here hey Dave there are a bunch of tight end picks up we'll let you go Dave thank you uh for jumping on somebody get s it's a tough situation or a Tito's with plenty of ice one or the other well we do have someone apparently bringing a fan to us and from an Inglewood citizen in theory tough situation you know what though I I hope I pulled off some decent football talk I don't know if you heard since my Pittsburgh Penguins didn't even make the playoffs I I converted into being a baseball guy's happier about Dodgers congratulations that's what I will say to you and I couldn't I I couldn't I I'm serious as a heart attack and then I go and that's the last thing I say you know I'm pretty accurate with where the Steelers finished perennially oh yeah in terms of win loss record is that still a thing no fewer I I haven't been off by more than a game okay in uh I thought there was a Miss recently but go on while the when they start getting into ties and all that jive yeah I check out I don't I don't acknowledge ties but nevertheless I've been pretty close hear me now believe me in late December early January the Pittsburgh Steelers will will win no fewer than 11 games 11. oh 11. in a loaded AFC low today you believe in Kenny Pickett that's right I mean what a debate what what a nasty division that's going to be if you assume that DeShaun Watson is even a tick better than he was last year I mean we've got a trace Jackson's gonna be enthused what do we got we got the bills I'll let you guys tell you guys one second one second everybody calm down check just want to say thank you for coming on everybody we have so many long-term long time listeners on the stream what can you hit him with a thin slice Before We Say Goodbye can you give him the sign off you know what times three it's a thin slice I haven't stacked up three times it's a it's a regular Slice of Heaven to be with you three generals Gravedigger all the best there he goes the legend Dave damishek himself uh nice enough to stop by on the Stream he's still on the stream once we do the goodbye it gets awkward when he's still there what do you mean oh he's gonna watch it oh he's off the stream we're good all right I was I have to take a bad beat there I look down yeah and he was on my screen uh there's a delay here there's a delay there's a heavy delay and can I just say now that I've um made an ass of myself there thank you to everyone uh behind uh in front of us the whole crew for what's been an incredible uh showing of technical might I just want to say that yeah they've done a great job I'm not surprised at all but we're coming in for a landing here uh kind of we're getting close and it's been very cool I'm very happy we did that I've been not happy about the air conditioning but everything else has been great I'd even say the temperature is lowered a little bit in the last uh half an hour so it's gotten a little bit more temperate um we know that you guys yeah we're not given uh all the resources of the NFL's number one two or three live streaming uh things that are on and yet look what's happening we got all these people we got the likes over 1.4k let's get it higher people if you're still in here sticking with us and you're waiting for that Deontay Banks analysis I don't know if it's gonna come all right what about a grade uh they needed a cornerback I think they got banged by all the wide receivers I think they were set to take away there was such a wide receiver run was that four uh four straight picks four out of five picks four straight I had them taking Quentin Johnson that was a non-entity agency I like uh Deontay Banks um but just because there hasn't been much diversity and Dan likes to say I'm not a real I'm a hater let's just give him a four oh that's for fun oh that's that's a tough one you're right Giants fans we have a new lowest graded player pick wait did you just give the Giants a four that was it was a bit I'm gonna help out the Giants I'll jump it up to nine that was a bit just that balance it out all right still the lowest grade all right um as far as the mock draft update goes yeah where are we here so Mark if the Cowboys select Darnell Washington and or the Jaguars select Brian Branch those are Mark's last two opportunities for points that's it what about the bills bills he had Jordan Addison off the board what do you have I had uh uh Jackson's been jig with the bills off the board wait so what are your options so my opportunities are Cowboys could take I have four actually wait no I have three Cowboys could take Osiris torrents Bengals Brian Branch Jaguars miles Murphy those are my own I'm not gonna be able to remember this story was a joke by the way Deontay banks will be great it'll be fine I I wish I could see that is is there some way I could get a look at so I can get really hyped up for these things you can show the pics yeah that you guys the bills are are shaking hands they're very under control what do we think the bills are doing to trade up like what are they uh desperate I think they're wide receiver Dalton Kincaid or Michael Meyer I think that might and maybe jump the Cowboys if I had to guess actually it'd be a pass rusher and if I had to guess it'd be their miles Murphy or I think Nolan Smith I think you're on some I think we're this is the first tight end coming off the board right so the the Jags were up and then the Giants and the Jags flipped and then the Jags slid back and flipped with Buffalo to who jumped to the Cowboys okay now the Cowboys people think we're gonna take a tight end so if you wanted a tight end you'd have to move in front of him but I just I don't know if do they see that as some Screaming need they also were like connected to trading up for offensive linemen and the Cowboys could take a alignment too so maybe they're jumping in for that the chat is begging Mark to drink some water they just keep bringing it up that you refuse to drink any water apparently oh you were so close what can we get Mark a big glass of milk how about that Mark loves milk I know what I want a glass of and it's it's coming in about Brandon well two hours from now we haven't actually shown the score in a little while so let's show that maybe do a little update there uh here's the Bill's pick I think they're taking the tight end and then go get DeAndre Hopkins and away we go there it is oh is that a Graver pick no no no he's just cheering there it is I love it good job all right nice leather couch so that that makes a lot of sense we've talked about it the bills need to kind of take that next step they they were a little stagnant I thought on offense um last year uh they needed to do something now they've added a very high level high octane tight end Prospect we know there hasn't been a lot of Titan success in the first round but with Josh Allen with Stefan Diggs yes and like I said go get DeAndre Hopkins next and all of a sudden all that talk about it's time to give Josh Allen more weapons you've done it well I mean because I think wide receiver had things happen differently would have been a big Target for them they can still trade for DeAndre I like that a lot and this is not a guy you get necessarily for his blocking ability but just for watching NFL Network I mean he is a route Runner you can Center an offense around him and it makes too much sense just to lean into this offense and everything around Josh Allen I'm going to give it a nine I'm giving this a perfect 10. I mean he was the most exciting pass catcher in this draft I totally like DJ our our uh our lead analyst had him in his top 10 over actually Eric at home is the lead draft analyst that's right I know it's actually he's a lead Jeff right I totally got it he see Kincaid is an insane tomato receiving Talent insane hands insane plays down the field great on the move I think it's just the whole like catch-only tight end thing people don't get drafted that high but to me he's like a way better Prospect than TJ Hawkinson ever was coming out and he goes this deep and they're making Josh Allen happy I love it I love it by the way a lot of uh pop of you drinking the water mark okay that's all I need to do but conspiracy theory was did you fake it and I'm looking and there's not a lot of water not much difference did I think drinking the water no I literally took an actual sip of the water okay that's what happens on the internet that's a conspiracy theory that's an odd one it's an odd one I think we might be able to get a replay of that maybe a tight shot to see if the water level did yeah uh we do not have that capability but anyone back on YouTube just like rewind 30 seconds and check it out you can do that and you guys again are doing a lot with a little I feel bad for all of you there's some weird stuff happening in this chat room I can confirm that right they were like we wanted to be on the NFL's third most important stream or second even uh but we got on this internally that's how they viewed it we are the the most important uh amongst the people we're the people's Champion stream that's why I look at it I need this watch it we've had a great uh group you guys have smash that like we've had a lot of people watching a few have ducked out no but not that many we still got a lot of people watching that's how I know you have young children and and they watch YouTube sometimes because you just said smash the like button absolutely uh yeah yeah yeah yeah all right Cowboys are on the clock all right we need this to be Darnell Washington give me a little mock stuff here Darnell Washington for Mark that was that would clinch it it's over Schultz you need a tight end Darnell Washington's been one of my favorite guys through this whole process six foot seven 270 pounds feels like it could be a spicy Dallas Cowboy are you in place I have the Cowboys taking Osiris Torrance Florida hey everybody on the stream this could be it this could be the moment that decides the mock draft Showdown I think it's gonna be Michael Meyer the rebel alive uh he he you know who's his comp and it's like the obvious one but it was the right one it was Jason Witten like that he's just a carbon copy of Jason Witten at the catch Point eventually you know maybe it'll be a decent blocker that's not necessarily his thing but no no he's he's a two-way player that's what everyone said and then I watched a little of me it's like 255 I mean he's not making a difference as a blocker but but more than Kincaid yo Will Levis man still sitting in that room anyone trading up to these last few picks to snag that fifth year option that's that's a good point that's what they did for Lamar remember as much credit as the Ravens got for Lamar they also took Hayden Hurst 23rd before trading back up but they did trade back up and they said it was because of the fifth year option and now you look at it all these years later it actually did save Teddy Bridgewater was the last pick in the first round who do you think who would actually be a candidate to go do that let's see um this is gonna be Tampa if they like Tampa wouldn't they have taken him at 19. I guess but but Baltimore did that like Nolan Smith is still there that's interesting people thought the Patriots liked will Levis I never bought it and like we said Tom Curran was thinking it's Mac or die but right I think um I think this is Meyer I think it's I think it's Meyer I think it's it's got Cowboys written all over yeah you can just see him he's on Notre Dame wholesome Notre Dame kid jarah loves that you know that yeah yeah but maybe they'll go guard you know [Laughter] definitely sounds like the most like a Wu-Tang Clan uh member sounds like that old key and peel sketch right that'd be a wild way for you to win this mock by the way all right Osiris really was one of their names the pick is in who is this they seem as always the Dallas Cowboys are extremely pleased with themselves in their draft room uh Mark you have the giant tight end his name again Darnell Washington Darnell Washington I'm not feeling good about that and that in this in my mock I had three other tight ends like off the board at this point all right let's see if it's gonna be back-to-back tight ends would be saucy uh for the uh 17th straight year Jerry Jones has received a vigorous handshake right as he made this pick boss you've done it again 35 straight years of greatness yeah they have drafted pretty well he moved up on the old GM rankings this year I had to give them something he's got help around him yeah and I did like I like jarrah's the quote uh this past week where he he he said listen drafting is never the problem here it's coaching yeah with Mike McCarthy sitting right next to him just cucked just you know just sitting there taking it by the way all done don't do that to zaddy Old Mackie Wesleyan is staying up late watching this uh draft I love it did see him and he's gonna tell all my friends at school tomorrow I think he's if I had to guess he's probably 11 or that is The Sweet Spot when you really fall in love with sports and an event like this is it's great so thanks do you have like a Jets or a Browns draft memory as a kid that was uh memorable you were excited about I'll never forget when they drafted Eric Metcalf and you know back then it was a lot harder to couldn't find clips of players ahead of time as readily and when they started showing what he what he did in college and the fact that his father had been a pro at just like I fell in love with him right away and you could tell two weeks into the NFL season that he was completely different yeah I would say the memory that stands out for me is when the Jets took tight ends two years in a row Johnny Mitchell and Kyle Brady in the mid 90s and that that kind of really did in Earnest Kickstart the the famous ESPN cut to the mezzanine level yeah absolutely Radio City to show Jets fans absolutely Furious yeah I don't have a lot of happy draft memories ourselves went on a run when he joined the Patriots the Bledsoe all right here goes Cowboys this could decide it Smith I was gonna say that was a bad value um defensive tackles [Music] I mean he's a large man all right 323 and by all accounts could be bigger his combine numbers were just stupid for like a 330 pound guy but kind of like a you know run stopper a little surprising but a huge huge huge area of need even bigger than tight end for them they have absolutely no one at defensive tackle so it's a need um Meyer's still out there the fact that I had a tape ready to play about mozzie Smith like that is surprising very impressive all right you did a good job only you would have taken it uh to go in the first round I had tapes for about 60 players wow again what an unbelievable uh Justin lead in the way with Eric and Josh and Albert uh behind the scenes Kendall too thank you Kendall secured Kendall but shout out to Kendall sorry of course as well sorry for all this and Jessica too who you say sorry for all this well just uh it's hot in here yeah for so long oh yeah apologies for that I have some draft trivia questions if you guys wanted to get into that uh sure let's do one right now why not all right that's trivia yes goes up first now go ahead Jessica I just feel like she she thought and she was promised more we haven't been using her enough that's all a lot of work out of the gate and then it's been very quiet team is bored and let's let's get some people on the on the stream to send your answers in Via chat see if you can get it right and also like the more chat algorithm all right before this year in the ATN era the last 10 years how many number one overall picks has Alabama produced how many number one overalls not first rounders zero overall well one now if Bryce young not before zero I'm gonna say before this year yes I'll say one well I guess I'll say two zero is correct yeah but Greg also said one no I didn't said Bryce young there's no Alabama that was it I'm trying to think who was even close Darius Marcel Darius was close uh uh you want another one Trent Richardson was three yeah yeah Jim Brown was like no that was the band of weed and Anthony let's get another trivia question all right in that 2014 Infamous draft with Johnny Manziel how many total quarterbacks were picked in the first round five wow um three I'm gonna go four it's three good job okay who were they they were wait wait wait Mansell went to 24 seconds all right John uh uh 14 Manziel Bortles and uh when did Teddy Bridgewater go study Bridgewater I think he went 32 right yeah they they came up to get him I think it was the best of the bunch although but clearly the best of the bunch right he's had a good he's had a good career um you know you guys always try to dog him I try to you know when I well I think Greg I think we try to like kind of simmer you down a little longer because he's strictly support him it's like you're not actually supporting it's like he doesn't know who you are well that's true of literally every uh I'm just saying we don't hate Teddy Bridgewater but you're the Jets don't know who you are who you support them I'm just saying for years like you were saying he was kind of an above average type guy and you were always kind of like well let's tap the brakes a little bit we'll just compare them to Bortles people mentioned Derek Carr was in that draft too but in the second second round yeah so is Kaepernick so is Andy Dalton so that was they were much better in the second round I don't know if that was all the same draft but it feels like it was like portals man all right here's a tough one how many in total how many running backs have been drafted in the first round in the ATN era so including that 2014 draft not counting this one that's a pointless question oh come on um I'll say you're right now 14. first round first round in the oh you said pretty close but not right so I will say 12. uh 16 12 is good give me the points man that's just a sheer guessing game Melvin Gordon Ezekiel Elliott Leonard Christian McCaffrey saquon Barkley Rashad Penny Sony Michelle Josh Jacobs Clyde Edwards Naji Harris Travis etn Clyde Edwards olaire will go down for me and many others as an all-time bad fantasy pick for those of us that took him I took him on the swing at the top of the second round of my draft when he was a rookie he was so overhyped oh my fantasy guy I remember most of those picks worked out I imagine those became one very like serious takes themselves here you know ESPN analysts like went to their camp and was like a lot of people aren't going to say this but uh number one overall in my family I know exactly all right people are like this oh you're a genius bro wait can we before we before we do another one or yeah no this pick has major mock draft let's hear it let's hear it let's hear it I need miles Murphy Mark needs Brian branch okay or Mark just needs not miles Murphy actually because if I don't get another one right how many do you have left though two this and the Bengals okay so Mark has uh his magic number is two I actually kind of think it's gonna be Brian Branch I I think he's the best player left he fits totally well that's who I picked I know I think Mark's gonna put him away and wipe dig Justin's grave right here the gravedigger's grave Doug it really makes sense helped Jessica get her steps in here she's had she's had no uh human movement yeah let's say let's just say it is Miles Murphy you would get three points there right yep I'd be largely oh no not three points I'd get two points because they move but that gives you the lead enough for the lead click adjustment say branch oh nobody wants your race [Music] oh do we have to grade this inconsistent pad level is this one that's what you wanted your first round pick um it's time baby I promised it bang take your two and take a walk take a walk over to Rite Aid and get me a box fan and some Tito's [Laughter] one because I'm annoyed at this point I feel bad that was my dream attention oh it doesn't even happen hey Jaguars right now it's yeah it's it's been a long day it's just because you we wanted something fun for our game and you know and I know your tackle just is getting I gave him a six did you guys grade mozzie Smith uh The Wizard of Oz oh I didn't give that a seven I think for the Cowboys yeah I don't mind that oh yeah then uh yeah whatever no I don't like it I want to admire let's go five five for real yeah we're just getting we're getting we're holding them up yeah even though it's an upside down nine that's fine well you can't use those donated donate it because I could just use the the other one I got the nine I got versatility baby that's what you look for in a number what the hell is there [Laughter] all right so cam Robinson they're left tackle got suspended whoopsie I shouldn't have taken those PDS bad job wow bad job wow is that a pain until proven guilty I guess not suspended he was suspended yeah we don't know did he has he appealed I mean suspension I think that was it right I think Cincinnati goes tight end here that was Mark's last chance for a pick my last chance is right now and I have Brian Branch so it's oh well Goodell does not say Brian Branch Mark is the winner correct if he says Brian Branch great and like it feels like a 1998 uh NBA playoffs game where the final score was like 68 to 64. right that's how this feels right now well how many totals have you gotten right six to seven or five I got I have five so far and Marcus six competitive [Laughter] but I knew you were all locked in on it I was yeah only the last five minutes that's good we could have a little Nick Celtics oh is there a here's the other thing at the old NFL Network Studios yeah tremendous nightlife options all around the facility right I I have not how about uh the crew um on the table is there a good like place to go afterwards we do have a drink first What's That We're Not Gonna Do the podcast we're just gonna use this what is it Cork and batter on Century okay oh it's good information I mean you're you don't you live very close by relatively not close enough okay all right what's the pick here all right so it all comes down to what again now Brian Branch or bust what is that the stupid movie The Draft Day movie it's Brian Branch or no matter what no matter what here we go it has to be the Bengals pick yes this is it Mark is on the edge of his seat he is he's a top 10 football Insider that's right good win mark what a battle though Justin was there any points in the last hour 90 minutes the last correct pick was uh Lucas oh Broderick Jones to the steel wait what about that website that tracks things who's doing the best nationally I don't know I don't know like I don't think I know New York oh they don't do it I don't think they like they do everything what are they doing they're they're taking them if you have a web if you have a website that tracks stuff like that how are you not doing it in real time clean it up hackers but they're probably in a nice air-conditioned room with a you know beverages beverages of Plenty Mark we're going to turn it over to you I would drink a little more after a gotta use the bathroom here obviously a frustrating 2022 in Vegas yeah bounce back and taken back the mock strap how does it feel uh so I thought last year Justin came in with uh you kind of caught me off guard I didn't really it wasn't even aware we were really in a competition and I kind of skated through my process so I had to do a lot of reorganizing and rethinking on how I want to approach this um I think this set the tone for what would be a huge third essentially third game in the series next year right it's like um people that know the Rocky film franchise when the beginning of that film where Rocky is in in with uh thunderlips the Hulk Hogan character yeah and he thinks it's just a fun thing and all of a sudden thunderlips is throwing them into the crowd and slamming them and then once you got your he got his bearings Balboa he took care of business and that's kind of what happened here absolutely that's an excellent parallel I'm sort of a pre-announced Hulk hoganesque figure last year was what I dealt with um come back around though I feel extremely confident uh about the process going forward and I needed this I needed this win and uh Jessica um your feelings on how things have played out now uh with Justin going home uh fourth mic here it is it is quite disappointing miles Murphy is a very uh Bengals pick by the way straight out of uh Trey Hendrickson and issues with this headset that we can explore where we are see what happens yeah sounds like it works how you doing hello hello your thoughts on uh what's obviously a dark dark moment for your pre and pre-fiance I guess it would be have you guys told anyone else are we the first people to know that this is the first time it's been labeled anything yeah yeah how are you feeling about that I'm I mean we who who broached it right but there's like thousands of people in the chat you know knowing that who wrote the pre-engagement I'd like to think he did but it was just sort of a con I mean do you want to you're there you wanna well you can talk too it was just sort of a conversation like one day we're gonna get married right yeah um well that's uh it's nice that Mark just took him down yeah let me ask a question so much time on his mock draft hours and hours Mark just did it in an hour beat it now Mark did it in 32 minutes how long was it yeah does this change anything about the pre-engagement it does not okay good well that says a lot right there unbelievable all right where are we at where's Justin at how are you like where I'm just wondering are you doing okay you took us very seriously wait the Saints are on the clock say it's moved in just not answering that question I'm doing absolutely Grand I'm excited that there's only three picks of this left and then we can leave this well he literally just found out he's still getting married eventually so he wins that's a big Boon to these senses it could have really went off the rails um all right of course this uh yeah this was uh the trade ship they picked up that I'm a space yeah the Niners the Niners yeah um Nolan Smith still on the board yeah who's who are the guys out there that people were not expecting to still be out there I mean will Levis to start Levis of course so as of I think it was about five or six eastern time will Levis was minus 400 which means it was four times as likely than not that he was going to be specifically the number four pick in the draft not just like in the top four or whatever it was minus 400 that he was the fourth pick in the draft which just goes to show these numbers don't necessarily mean something it just means all the Bettors got one thing in their minds yeah and started putting all the money on them and it went crazy and it was they were wrong it was Richardson and uh and now he's still it is ponderous because there were voices out there saying that those things are very predictive of what's gonna happen like how or why I mean the Shroud thing people who put their money on that it worked out that thing moved so fast and it was like an avalanche I don't know where that came from exactly either that ended up being right and then the opposite happened but the levison came from zero credible information yeah so we have three picks left in this round does someone come up and draft a quarterback like we were talking about to get that fifth year election would it be Levis would it be hooker those are two big story lines as we get into the final uh picks in this draft and then tight end Michael Mayer Who was yeah or Meyer who's I think seeing as maybe the number one tight end consensus board he was number one by the end so this is Sean Payton and the Saints could use the tight end too that could be Meyer it could be Keon white who's in The Green Room I think he's the last guy that was invited to the draft that unless Meyer was invited too so this pick was the one it it moved all around but it was the Bradley Chubb trade from Miami uh to Denver Denver had gotten it uh from the 49ers my brain is hurting why and then now it's in the Saints because uh because of Sean Payton they traded it for sure Joey Porter Jr is also still on the board oh I'd love to see him go so is Brian Branch for that matter it's funny because I would have guessed the Saints would have taken miles Murphy they like big physical defensive ends that annoy their uh fans so who else could that be uh Felix the nude don't even get me started on his name all right here comes Raj Keon White's a big guy yeah that's interesting being at this event for the whole time people standing there it's pretty wild cooler there oh Brian brzee for like a second I thought it was Brian Brady I know that was a great pick do you find this uh television program compelling Jessica yeah it's pretty what is going on here or no I mean this what we're watching what do you think about what's going on in this room do you think this is entertaining it's really hot I'll have to agree with it and you're you're not in a jacket so no it's like really really hot is there especially in that corner over there was pretty has there ever been a production at this with this many people done in here um so you know learning lessons here Ryan it's this is such a Saints pick Brian brzee was like the number one overall recruit in his high school class and was supposed to be this like all World Player because he looks like he should be an all-world player and just was like never productive at Clemson there's sort of a Clemson curse of guys who look like they're gonna be great don't have very good careers seems like the traits guys I'm gonna give him a five Luca I got a seven on this one I don't want to be me gone one oh what Mark's done with this no I'm not done with it I just like it's I was thinking it's Brian Brazilian next to Rosie here just yelled at somebody on the from the living room somebody got in trouble I love when people get in trouble it seems like a mom figure maybe did we grade these he's gonna be there with uh Derek David Carr Derek definitely a potential mom figure right I believe that was a mother of someone you guys want to upgrade Bengals miles Murphy um yeah I'll give that a seven I'm running out of numbers because I've thrown several uh yeah that feels like a six to me I'll give it I think the key is like if you draft higher you get higher scores at the end the players aren't as good you get a lower score we're getting uh yeah the the cracks are showing who else is available uh for the Eagles from Georgia Nolan Smith who they loved at 10. or they could take Bryan Branch from Alabama who would fill a major need to meet both of their safety spots are a little wacky I know they have advante Maddox as their slot Corner Branch some people think Branch will be kind of a slot guy but either way I feel like that uh is a nice pick oh look at we're on the little scroll on NFL network right now around the NFL Live on YouTube it's very nice there's no other letting people know yeah we submitted that yesterday um we're 100 certain there's no path for either of you to get more points just correct no he had Jamir Gibbs to the Eagles here I mean that's the only thing Dan was interested in left yeah I agree I do have more sure what you give me something I mean we got the Super Bowl champs here no we don't and oh coming up yes we got the Chiefs coming up let's take some questions how about that from that from the streamers um Jessica will get picked before Levis says pistol clear tough day for will send some questions out there although there's a delay and so Saints take a QB question mark well they have James B or a question mark they have jamus and Derek Carr right their pick was like five minutes ago uh Graver so no um yeah they wouldn't get that done yeah okay go ahead um Jessica will never let Graver live this down I don't think she's having the best time of her life right now yeah that seems yeah if any are taking us down don't know hey do you want to uh come to my office for six hours and we're gonna turn off the air conditioning and give you nothing to do for the literally the thing that is the most boring to me to watch yes I know my kids love football and especially Alice my daughter like they cannot get into the draft that granted the Rams never make a pick so that's part of her problem but uh they're just like why is that fun to watch football's fun I mean they're asking it for a child it's a it's a one-time question I think what time are we starting the round two live stream asks West oh my God Julian saliani wants to know what are the heroes favorites favorite pick of the draft so far oh Al Richardson to the Colts just because for some reason no one was thinking that was gonna happen and to me that is that's going to change that division Josh Norris had it I kind of love what the Texans did in general just that have Will Anderson followed you as well which is the whole the way they operated through that like uh they're a completely different team now I think the Ravens had a good day yeah and I liked uh I like them adding another uh player there in their wide receiver room and of course the Lamar move which really sets them up Smith and jigba uh too just because it's helping out uh Gino but truly that was a terrible position for them they drafted D Eskridge a couple years ago way too high and they really only had two receivers last year they had no uh depth that's exciting hmm four straight receivers there that was something how about you Justin my favorite pick of the draft uh non-titans related how about the Titans take like uh you know a tackle guard so I did a little like seven round mock for my Titans podcast with Justin Miller Music City Audible and there you go I had I we did it through the draft Network simulator so it wasn't like I could just pick whoever I wanted but I picked Peter scaronski in that simulation so how about that nailed it that's what you didn't pick it for the mock draft for no yes and if you had done it for the mock oh don't you would have won yeah that's true it would have been the Victor yeah it's hard to celebrate that you would have um I think Jessica would have seen your evening differently it's bittersweet that is for sure I'm sorry Justin you know you're like you're like the kid that you're a little extra hard on because they you know they can take it my body is in this room my my mind is at Cork and batter [Laughter] here odds and ends please sure play it sure I can play odds and downs oh does that mean somebody has to sing it no oh yeah yeah we'll just play it we can play it yeah we'll take any drop requests yeah the Eagles someone else has to hear the gravedigger drop all right [Music] that is a classic of the genre that was real Realty with Alexis all right I think Gravedigger is going to be at this facility super Eagles fan with the Mohawk showed up to Kansas City all for this moment he must have been on the clock for four and a half days this is by the way down here at Sofi Stadium at this facility we have Gravedigger Justin Graver and the real Gravedigger Monster Truck at the Monster Jam uh at Sofi Stadium that's odd pinch yourself synchronicity I know I'd like to go I mean that's such a a kids event but it starts at seven it's gonna be seven to ten like uh tell your daughter she's not allowed to go because she doesn't watch the draft well yeah my son's more of the Monster Jam this was another request football is completely different than basketball why are we listening oh somebody asked for this one okay I guess this is where the stream is at this point so we started at five I'm sorry everybody and we're at three we've kept peace I'm really sorry somebody said it's just Graver and Justin or Greg and Justin at this point yeah the Kelsey's Dude Perfect those guys that's Mrs Kelsey's I interviewed her for that Mother's Day piece that I told you about in the past you've mentioned that Mother's Day she was great maybe seven thousand times what's the uh what's the website for The Mother's Day piece you could look it up Mark sessler Mother's Day Mrs Kelsey right now I wanted a vanity URL yeah I don't think I got a vanity in fact it almost was you know on the website I my kids like dude perfect I they seem like very nice guys they built an Empire but kind of feel like a day two on the stage group right they won the night one I don't know I it's funny I was texting they had like a dude perfect stream on Amazon yeah I was texting with a friend and we were like we're not letting our kids watch I'm not gonna let them watch Dude Perfect because I don't it's like a drug that I don't want them to get on I mean it's not it's wholesome it's not sure bad I mean there are way worse things on YouTube than Dude Perfect what were they doing there flipping a fake mine I don't know what's going on through a Mother's Eyes by Mark sessler what makes Larger than Life NFL stars like in Dominican Sue Travis and Jason Kelsey and Brandon Marshall Marshall tick their mothers know best well there's this May 11 2007. it almost sounds like a joke but um there's this little anecdote about ndamuk and Sue like being Nolan Smith sorry wow um being obsessed with Legos as a child like he was like did they have Jalen Carter and Nolan Smith yeah they did look at this let's go we got four starters let's go tens across the board you can't have enough depth along your line I love it I love it best play available I mean they're gonna get all the A's on everyone's absolutely scores and they're getting a 10. The Perfect Ten don't give them a nine I like it a lot done with Greg on this one ten I'm trying to think what they uh if I can find it is there was there a bigger need no maybe you could restock the line but like they because they do that also when Nolan Smith Falls to you this way it's kind of like the football gods are just getting his most common comparison was Assan Redick he's gonna be on the team with us on radical in Red X free agent contract will run out in a couple years and he'll he'll help replace them man he's the other guy other than Jalen Carter I was mentioning and DJ's one word that he used to describe Nolan Smith was juice he was the one other guy in this draft to me that just if you're a dummy like me watching some tape oh Greg don't say that I'm just saying he pops out there where you're just like this guy's a star and I know he's 238 pounds much like uh much like Will McDonald there's similar sized guys that right you know they'd be like top five or ten guys if they weren't that size uh but I like that didn't he run like a 4-4 or something crazy yeah his combine numbers were just crazy people say that Jessica is bringing Princess Leia Vibes to the set based on you gotta get Mark separated no just on the headset oh God but the head sucks like like her like little hair buns so oh my God Mark do you know how many um what Marcus thought about old Princess Leia I don't know old Princess Leia 420 bro I'm just passing along what's being mean that was live everyone someone asked for it so there we go oh my god oh that was live all right we have one more pick here we go defending only four minutes left on the clock kids Chiefs the defending Super Bowl champions what do we got here and yes people should know that we will be doing our round one recap podcast going downstairs we'll reset a little bit and taping in the Chris Wesley podcast studio and you will have that when you wake up in the morning or if you don't go to sleep tonight and actually you know there are people uh in Germany for example what time is it in the UK now uh like four maybe 4 47 in the morning if you guys are still up it's all right goodness you guys are incredible um but you have issues yeah go to sleep uh well watch Ta on NFL Network you definitely you don't feel awkward though do you Jessica I think like the the little chap people are worried about that I think people are being dramatic yeah I don't think so we're all friends here I think it's comfortable I wish you wouldn't set Greg's minor D's I wish you would have said a little bit I feel very uncomfortable about right now when I go home well that's a fair request well wait you have to wait for Justin to uh oh no I have my own car I can drive my car is idling two hours from now okay good job she paid someone a hundred dollars to start the car and have the door open together um she will not be stopping at any traffic light so she leaves this facility trust me we forgot to have Eric come up uh with that Bill's shirt I think it's such a good shirt we should still have you come up even though they made their pick we forgot I'm just saying where can you buy this shirt is this at it's two-tone it really pops it's great looking let's do it oh look at that look at this if I had an NFL shirt and frankly if I was in as good shape as as Eric I would wear that shirt yeah that really pops on the pecs in a big spot okay that's nice it's got to be an NFL shop I like I like the stash it's really delayed because he's not even sat down on the screen yet see I got dinged with that earlier with damashek and I learned my lesson there I like that the red collar is really what sets it apart yep two-tone very nice very clean this is like season 11 of our of this sitcom that is this live stream we just gotta keep adding characters can we give us life because we're bringing up yes can you uh give Eric the headset can I ask about the Buffalo Bills can I get it we're getting some comments that is a cool shirt actually thank you all right uh the the bills did they added Kincaid right yes uh your thoughts on that um well I mean they they don't need a slot receiver now I mean you got Kincaid and you got Dawson Knox I mean it's going to be interesting if Dawson Knox Falls to like a 15 million dollar tight end too but um wait how much money are they paying him he's not paying I think he just got paid I I don't have his contract up but I want to say you just got a decent project Dawson knocks a little bit more of a blocker but I think the idea is like but yeah four year 52 million okay average salary 13. so yeah I mean Robert snailed it Beasley got brought back late last year because he was the security blanket in the middle so now you got Kincaid you got Das Knox I might I would still like d-hop along the outside you know some flash I'm not saying they're like worried about keeping Josh Allen happy but I do think they like wear their bread is buttered and they need to help this dude out and not ask him to do everything oh yeah I mean I have nightmares about those bloody elbows as at his end of the year for press conferences and stuff it was just it was Zumwalt says feel like maybe one more person wearing the exact same color is the background would make this thing sing baby got any glue back there no all right the pick is in the final pick of the night uh is it so nobody traded nobody traded into the spot to take a quarterback absolutely Kansas City Chiefs are not taking a quarterback here so that is a I I do really feel uh Greg I know you have your issues with them I feel bad for will lavis this is really I don't have issue it's a bad night someone my feelings hand and hooker to the Chiefs and then uh was scoring for it and they should be giers buyers buyers that is a classic of the genre this is like one of the first ever drops on this show I believe yeah it's got to be the largest crowd for a final pick of the first round in a long time right I mean I guess Tennessee was crazy Nashville but this seems like it's the biggest I mean if we're digging through the crate do we have um you want to make flowers do you have that by any chance this is our version of the truck that NFL network does is on day three the truck that was funny we don't have that that was from random over there anyway Chiefs someone asked for Ben laugh let's see if I have that oh I love Big Ben laugh the chat was typing out drops earlier in the Stream really early on like they were inserting their own drops by typing I have them all somewhere but they're on a hard drive over there I think I think it's one of the better um oh if you have Wes's lock it up that's again some of these comments are amazing yeah I've been enjoying the comments all night so uh thank you for keeping us uh absolutely people that have been on this the whole time it's unbelievable uh the shadowy league figures I hope they're paying attention to this but you know what I actually don't care we get to do our own thing in here we got a huge audience watching us commenting we got no air conditioning but otherwise everything else has been great about tonight uh as we wrap up our first ever live stream the whole Buzz was they were going to trade up for Zay flowers that didn't happen by the way we'll be back for uh day three in its entirety how about a lot oh Chris oh man that was a special day what what did he lock up do we remember I don't even remember what team it was but the only thing I remember is I said something right before I was like a 92 team on a seven game winning streak or something like that and then uh he locked it up yeah people telling me to plug the throwback pod I will not I refuse to because that would make Bob happy uh do you have uh dragging this thing out here do you have Tom Savage you have Tom Savage on the board I've heard that one that's another classic someone is pointing out I'm sitting on both couches yeah well that Dan's man spreading and and we've got five across now so you gotta you gotta adjust I don't have it we don't have it we gotta we gotta we get the um archive really short up for next year or uh excuse me Saturday what's this this one's called Baby Boy news it could be anything because we're having a baby boy maybe the best new strap ever yeah when link uh link was coming coming to us all right here we go oh that's hot that's right Mark pointed out um it's a very traditional haircut he has a very like 1988 Midwestern man haircut very it's a very disciplined part is this a new thing if you win the Super Bowl you get to announce your own pick I mean he can do whatever he wants it doesn't line up typically with us Ama but [Laughter] Mark still the router myself so oh absolutely uh all right um he's from Kansas State uh Hometown guy you know his Edge loyal to the loyal to the soil you know what keep the fans going you know that's why they're here I gotta say that's good analysis because I was like I'm a little surprised that annaduke uzama was getting so much pop from the crowd there yeah but that that kind of explains it they're like these guys need to recognize they hung out for four plus hours they need to recognize somebody right now we it's it's uh by uh Patrick uh bertelsen if they were going to roll out a hologram you would think it was going to be a night one feels like a night one thing oh no no I think that's gonna be more of like when they are like searching for anything to do that's exciting on day three I agree with Mark I think AI round seven it there's a chance yeah I think it's there's a real in fact I mean you know new ideas could happen all the time but like maybe even our suggesting it could create it make it a reason to get it out there yeah I think it's it Sparks someone's imagination and they get they get to work on it they need uh they need a pass pressure I like the picture of uh first round's over by the way Felix we can sign off now yeah people are saying some pop here Greg you said Clark hunt very quickly and made some people's heads turn yeah that's what he does I'm giving that a 10. oh yeah like it uh he's loyal to the soil baby hey I think I think we got to give it a 10. it's the last pick it's getting us out of here good job I I'll give it an 81 or an 18. all right I think I think that's a fair fair thing um all right everybody thank you so much for watching and commenting we love you thank you again to Eric Justin Josh Albert Kendall of course yes oh my God yes yes can we owe you a hamburger or something um and yes uh especially again you guys watching along amazing uh we will have the audio podcast coming up later tonight and then we'll be back Saturday with a recap of the whole thing let's say goodbye now heed the call everybody peace
Channel: Around the NFL Podcast
Views: 517,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nfl, american football, football, nfl podcast, podcasts
Id: 447aZ7b8dnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 235min 55sec (14155 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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