This Happened On Our WEDDING NIGHT!! |virginity, expectations, being scared |

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you just helped me to take off the jewelry the hair all all the stuff the which was really cute honestly cuz you really struggled with it welcome back to my channel my name is ji my name is Hamza and in today's video we're going to be talking all about the wedding night everything that went down things you should know beforehand things you should should know during things to expect expectations reality versus not reality okay get right into it so for the non-muslim viewers out there who don't know meeting one another or learning one another before the wedding night there's no touching there's no kissing there's no physical contact like none of that stuff is valid prior to actually getting married in slum and the wedding night actually happens the wife can actually take off her scarf and the fellas can actually like look at their their spouse without feeling the need of like you know having to lower their gaze or feel like oh like this is wrong like everything is like valid after that point it's now permissible MH and it's a it's a charity given to uh both sides so in doing so our wedding night happened you know I guess like around oser time but we didn't get to the hotel until after like around Isa time so when we got to the hotel we prayed Isa and then after we prayed Isa we said the there's a Dua you say as a new couple we'll insert it here well we'll insert it here translation it's like oh Allah I ask of you from the good from her and the good in which you've created her and I seek refuge in you from the evil in her and the evil that you've inclined her towards and then after that's been said you just helped me to take off all the jewelry I just helped you take off all the jewelry the hair all all the stuff all that stuff which was really cute honestly cuz you really struggled with it but it was nice and then honestly we were so exhausted we were very tired we were so exhausted like we just clocked out yeah nice to meet you good to be married and let's go to sleep together a little bit yeah that's kind of how it literally that was night thank you for watching go ahead and check out her other videos and that's a wrap then else you need to know after that so tired like literally it was it was so exhausting but honestly it's really nice cuz now you get that like alone time and you get to know your spouse better you know you can actually look at your wife like actually like stare like enjoy just you know like what has been gifted to you so I remember you were like so excited about that you're like I finished praying and I turned and like you were just like your your scarf was off and everything like you smiled and I was like wow you were more like oh like I could do this now you did like a double take you're leg cuz I was like I can actually look now cuz before I'm just like yeah lower my Gaz okay I know she's right here anyway you know and then you're like you're like oh wait since this is going to be your first time it's it's going to be really awkward if you go from Z to 100 really fast which doesn't have to happen night of just professing that that's a quick disclaimer wedding night does not equal have to go fullon you know relations have to happen at this night that's not whatever Media or whatever expectation that has been put there to think that that has to be the case it doesn't have to be talking to one another about what to expect prior to wedding night yeah I think that was good cuz obviously you guys are like solidify the date you're coming closer to the date if you have that conversation about expectation worries concerns and that way like they'll know she's in this head space or yeah so then it makes it more it's a better night to just kind of get to know each other more than anything it's like you get to actually like get to actually this is like the I guess the real date like stuff I know yeah this is like the real date like okay like you have the night together eat some food watch some Netflix or something this is like the first time you Alone Together too so you can socialize you can actually talk to this yeah that makes this s like we didn't talk before actually no but like without anyone there like usually priv like third party you get that privacy also because most weddings I don't know some are in the morning time or toward the end ours was like at night time so we got really we came home really late or to the hotel really late so we're really exhausted at that point we were just basically winding down for to sleep and knock out it was two hours hours of photos 2 hours sitting on that couch like this and like you were wearing like 60 lbs of like masal heavy velvet Redding gear like red wedding gear yeah and I was there I was like smiling for like 2 hours M was exhausted you guys could even just talk about how the wedding day went itself how you liked it like little moments you guys had throughout the day which is really cute and then after that we just knocked out yeah we clocked out we just knocked out went to sleep everything's not going to like click within a 24-hour time span cuz this is this is a new member of the family to both sides of the party like this is like a new relationship that you have so it's like don't expect everything to be 100% like to click it's a learning process for both parties involved so it's going to take time and there's no shame in that however long it takes like you're you're getting to learn about a brand new person that's entering into your life so it's like that's going to that's going to take a while I mean there might be people that are like they you might have heard stories that they got to it right away or I'm just saying like each person and each couple is different just go at your own pace and don't compare your relationship you know intimacy with anyone else because that's just going to get in your head it's not productive cuz they're completely different people you don't even got to even tell anybody about like how that stuff even is like you don't have to yeah unless oh how was your night like what did you guys do n we did us we had us time I'm sorry you weren't there did you get married is this your husband is this your wife yeah you don't have to discuss anything yeah also just in general I I think it's good to learn about the anatomy of yourself just so that you're more you could advocate for yourself yeah you could advocate for yourself there's some resources I'll uh Link in the description box of Educators that are more knowledgeable about this subject so if you have any concerns about like that aren't going well or things like that I'll just go directly there they'll give you all the info you need so yeah it's really good to have that information on that also note if you have like any consultant consult with a she or a person of knowledge to um to see like what are the dos and don'ts the explicit dos and don'ts on a wedding night or just like in an intimacy at all in general and then even outside of that like what are things that you that is allowed or not allowed in Islam uh concerning a man and woman or like a new married couple cuz like I said it kind of ties back to expectations of like oh like what one person would expect versus what the other people do or don't expect so just get the the known out of the way what you can and what you cannot do mhm through person of knowledge to help set that foundation so that there's no um there's no issues at all no bound No Boundaries being crossed stick to one Imam also because obviously there's different sex and different opinions so it's better to just stick with one and just go with that cuz sometimes you know there's overlap and things like that so it's better to just get one person seek knowledge which leads me into my next point if you are concerned about what's going on and you want more of a personal touch then you can ask somebody that's really close to you uh you could talk to your mother if you have have that relationship or a close friend of yours that's recently gotten married that could give you some pointers or help you feel more comfortable um with the whole process because obviously it is scary it is daunting it's just a humongous new chapter that you're entering it's nice to have that type of resources and that's what this video is just letting you know you guys will be okay you guys will figure it out if you guys have any concerns it's always good to reach out to like a medical professional know more about the subject in more of like a medical terms mhm so for those of you out there who uh just recently got married M Brook congratulations may Allah reward you your husband your wife and bestow upon you all of his blessings and his mercy and those of you who are seeking for a spouse may Allah May the Almighty Creator grant you that along with a righteous heart and be like the best spouse that you can be to your uh future to be am me am mean okay guys that wraps up this video if you guys have any questions please leave them in the comments below and please give this video a like because that really helps out my channel And subscribe subscribe it also it lets me know that you guys like this type of video content and so I can make you guys more and hopefully HS that could be more on my channel if you guys like having him so just give a thumbs up and comment below I guess okay asum
Channel: Juhi Saleem
Views: 20,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wedding night, virginity, the first night, muslim couple, muslim relationship, the first time, islamic marriage, marriage, wedding expectations, marriage vlog, funny, muslim wedding night
Id: ojYdAVg_OAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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