OUR STORY - Conversion to Islam, How We Got Married and How We Met

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hey guys so we are here to talk about the most anticipated video certainly the most requested video which is the story of us and how we met and our but before we get into that please make sure that you click that subscribe button do it right now so you don't forget no no no wait are you done yet did you do it so that way we know that you guys want to see more videos like this and we will for sure create more content on YouTube so you guys can get to know us a little bit better so make sure that you click subscribe and share this video with all your friends because we know it's going to be impactful for you guys boom what okay okay stop what well hey guys hello so we're finally doing the video that you guys have been asking for forever how did we meet and what is our love story and how did he convert yeah but that's not really part of it just kidding it's a big part of it so yeah we reached a hundred thousand followers on Tech Talk so we thought I think it's time to sit down and do her storytime and give you which one mm-hmm or at least a lot of you okay alright so let's go back almost exactly 11 years and I had just moved to a little town in British Columbia in Canada and I was applying for jobs because I was new there and I happened to walk past this cool-looking electronics store no longer in existence which is future shop I'm somebody happened to be working there so of course she completely ignored me but that's beyond the point so I my first time coming as an employee I happen to actually see her and she again completely ignored me or didn't even know I existed I saw her walk past I'm not gonna lie I went to like you know look at the movies and was kind of like kind of like this like just looking at the movies trying to find her but she had known whatever and I was working as a seasonal there so it was there from October to the end of December and in that entire time she never said one word to me time went by I got laid off and I got hired back a week later lo and behold I walked into the staff room and there was she eating her lunch and Russell Peters was on the TV now if you guys aren't familiar with Russell Peter Russell Peters he's a brown guy that makes a whole lot of jokes and I'm gonna be quite honest being as she's Brown's Pakistani I sat down and he was cracking Brown jokes and I wasn't sure what to do because they were really funny but I didn't want to laugh because I didn't want to offend her so she actually started to laugh I started to laugh Russell Peters you wrote the ice for us and thank you very much also from Toronto by the way or at least the GTA he basically just asked me about my life I feel like he barely talked about himself and most I would say dudes aren't like that usually they talk about themselves and he just asked lots of questions because he knew that I was different um you know he asked certain things like to party and eject she means different but she didn't wear hijab at that time and to be quite honest I thought she was Indian because I knew nothing I thought that all brown people came from India not exactly but so yeah so I didn't know she was Muslim again this is like the first conversation we ever had that continued and I asked a million questions for sure what was your did you take away from that name well he asked me questions like do you party no do you drink no have you ever done drugs no just all those questions like that like normal people normal people don't really ask and I was kind of like this is like this is weird that he's asking me these things but he was kind of shocked he was kind of like I have never met a girl who's never done any of those things and I was like and he and I think you did ask about religion at one point didn't you I feel like you did and I think at that point he had only ever heard of Muslims you know crashing planes into buildings and whatnot so it was the first time he ever truly met a Muslim and I think I left a good image for him good impression for sure yeah it's kind of funny because I don't know why but I just kind of went down like the baby mama checklist if that exists I don't know it's really because what I wanted out of a life and this isn't to be a disrespect anybody's this is what I wanted I didn't want a woman who or a wife who was all about partying and going to the bar and one of the club just wasn't for me at that time in my life again I was 22 at that time kind of in the the peak of yeah after team craziness part of life so but I knew that I kind of wanted to find a serious relationship and and settle down and I don't know if I believe in love at first sight but certainly when I met her and I spoke to her I absolutely fell in love with the person that she was and and it just clicked to me I was like that's the one that is that is the girl that I want to spend the rest of my life with and I made my mind up that night and people say oh are you crazy and that's impossible whatever but no it's not a couple weeks went by and he started to take an interest in Islam he was a firm believer that there was no God and he would would ask me questions that were very hard for me to answer like why is there suffering in the world why are there kids that are handicapped why do children die why do people kill each other religion divides people and it kind of would get me a little bit stalked but at the same time I would be confident enough that I would explain to him like this is part of faith humans have free will and there was just a lot of things that I felt like I couldn't answer so at this point in time I got him in touch with my dad to get him in touch with a group of Muslim travelers who had come basically to portray the religion preach preach the religion as well they do both and so that was kind of the first time he ever had met a group of Muslim men so tell us what happened there it's kind of awkward because her dad and her two brother-in-law's picked me up and of course the thing there wasn't any anything between us so it wasn't really that awkward but still knowing that like the three people in the car are like the future family of the girl I would like to be with and like to marry was a little bit awkward for sure so we went to actually it was a beautiful setting it was a farm back home and it was it was summertime and it was the sunset time and so they called the oven and that really had an impact on my heart and I didn't know what it meant I didn't know what it was but then I saw them stall to prayer that was the call to prayer yeah so I watched them stand and pray and I saw people of all Compal I was the white person both the token white person at the time but that really had a profound impact on my heart and it just felt like this was something and they had they answered a million of my questions that I had and it clarified a whole lot and for myself I just I believe that what this was was what was right for me and so I accepted his phone and and I don't even think he knew that would happen I think it just his heart was pulled to it it's why are we saying that I didn't choose Islam that it chose me and I believe because he went there knowing he had all these questions and he kind of I'm assuming that you probably wanted to stump those people but they were able to answer everything so confidently and I think it just cleared up everything every like question that he had about Islam well I mean the big ones but it was it was more of a leap of faith yeah well it was it was the unity that these people portrayed right that you have like people from all over and they're all praying together and they're all united and they say and their beliefs and it was a beautiful thing that I've never seen before in my life like even just amongst friends you could I mean you don't have unity really so it was one of those like the perfect storm of things that all came together at the same time and then it just drew me to it and going with like after he converted to Islam we kind of had presented the idea to my parents and that was a huge know it was a huge note at the time my dad loved him from what I know and he highly respected him but he also respected my mom and her wishes and she was like straight up now like this is not this is not happening so we had kind of decided at that point to part ways and just work on ourselves because he was obviously a new Muslim he didn't know enough obviously to like be married and you know that kind of stuff and I had just graduated from high school and I was off to college and university to complete my degree so we parted ways and he spent time learning about Islam and I spent time in university and at that time at the end of the university I actually started to wear hijab so that's when I embraced hijab and I started to actually pray five times a day before that I never prayed five times a day consistently so I feel like he brought me closer to my religion and my faith which is kind of incredible because I was born a Muslim and I feel like Muslims like speaking for myself but a lot of us take our religion for granted and seeing someone embrace Islam when they had never had it growing up really inspired me and made me really realize like this is like there's so much more to life that I'm thinking of and he opened my eyes and since that time I have like never missed any prayers like it's it's incredible like how he changed my life as much as I changed his and I hung that like it's been such a big blessing because the more closer we basically came to God the more closer we came became to each other you know I mean so went our separate ways and then at the same time I kind of had a few different jobs here and there whatever and I spent 40 days with a group of brothers that came from South Africa one of the most amazing times I've ever had and we went from Western Canada we drove all across the country to Eastern Canada again giving dialog giving you know preaching to the Muslims and we're really working on myself and working on understanding Islam working on the fundamentals as much as I could the next December myself and one of the brothers from the same area who has definitely had a profound effect on my religion we went for four months we went to Bangladesh and Pakistan and and it was all about building your iman building my faith in the faith of all of the people around us as well and he was at that point so I would say like well-versed or became so well-versed in Islam that he was giving speeches to hundreds of people and he was propagating the religion and he he went by the time he came back had learned more than I ever knew like to this day I feel like he knows more about Islam than I do he basically spent all this time all those years just learning about Islam like that was like I was in university to become a social worker and he was basically in university quote/unquote like on the job become a Muslim yeah and it's incredible like the amount of knowledge that he learned in that time frame so much so that when he came back he started actually leading prayers in our local masjid calling the Adhan leading the prayers and reciting really long Sudha's in arabic and just like it's it's incredible to see how much he grew in those years and yeah it was it was incredible and the guy that he went to Pakistan with he basically became his adoptive dad like in Islam because he basically took him under his wing and supported him absolutely did so much for you and I just point where he actually came to propose on my behalf after we came back from Pakistan to her family her dad was like yep no problem mom was like just door in the face if you haven't watched the video that we posted on tik-tok about meeting brown parents was kind of like that straight up no yeah but after and the month of ramadhan that year I spent a lot of time in the mustard the mosque and her and her family would come and her mom would listen to my Elan and she didn't know it was him yeah well she found out after the fact but and I think I think she had asked my dad and had said something like could because the men and women are separate like we can't see the men and the men can't see us in the mosque and she had I think she had asked my dad who is this who is this guy that has this amazing voice giving me a Don and then lo and behold she secretly found out between my dad and her my dad was like yeah that's that's him the boy that wants to propose or the boy that wants to marry your daughter and my mom and him developed a relationship together a secret relationship that I didn't know about so what she would do is she would I was doing I think off and the mustard for the last 10 days I'm alone so I was staying in the mosque so she would make her husband's and make her dad bring me food it so that I could eat break my fast and eat in the morning and stuff and then you know she would slip in a letter and and it was pretty amazing ie like I had never actually sat with her like her mom she met me once I don't know if I told you that but I brought flowers and she's like yeah no really yeah okay long time ago but that was the amazing part is that we never actually met but she literally I don't know why I didn't keep it or whatever but it was on a scrap piece of paper or something and she wrote a letter to me and and said that like she would be honored if I would marry her daughter and this is the one of the miracles of faith is that you know she came across the verse of the Quran I don't recall which one it was in particular but it was about like giving second chances or not judging someone right away without having like knowing and so that point she her mom actually I gave her a journal I said I don't really have anything to give you you're so kind to me you know giving me food and everything so I'd actually kept the journal of my travels in Pakistan Bangladesh and so I gave it to her to read and I think I got a back like probably four or five years later but you know so she invited me to come for their aid with her family and that was probably like like the most almost most awkward time because it's like meeting everyone right I heard her sisters or brother in law's her mom or dad and sitting together so it was it was like a job interview but like they were they were interviewing him to become my husband like flash forward that was like that was Ramadan and then Eid we met him and then the next year we were married that's how fast it happened literally so fast like both EADS between one Eve they met him my mom my mom met him we developed a relationship and we became one big happy family and literally the next Eve after just a few months we were married yeah so it was an interesting journey she is the reason I don't say the reason right she was the thing that brought me to Islam and I'm the thing that brought her to this one so that's why our faiths play such a predominant role in our lives is because that's what brought us together and that's truly what we believe is that once we decided you know what we need to work on ourselves Allah made everything easy for us it was like every prayer that I had ever made came true which he now gives speeches everywhere so eloquently and he's so well spoken about about the religion he's literally won awards like community awards for unifying people and you know interfaith projects and things like that it's just it's amazing to see how we both came closer to God by coming because like knowing one another and flash-forward all these years later where married with two kids for six years yeah married for six years and moved across the country and now this is our inshallah our new job is you know well right now we're quarantined like everybody else or house arrest or whatever yeah and share a story and hopefully influence other people's lives well there's been countless messages from you guys in similar situations and we feel so honored that you guys feel close enough to us or that you feel like safe enough to come to us and ask us about our story and talk about your struggles and have us kind of give you advice and every single time we've we've said the same thing we've said come closer to God because that's ultimately what what's going to you know help your decision and who you're going to marry a quick example make a triangle quickly okay so this is a lot of triangles down there this is Allah this is God and this is us this is you and whoever you want right the further you are from God the further you both will be apart from each other but the closer to God you come the closer you guys will come and it might take years like in our situation it literally took years of five years five years and you guys think about it that was a long time and for us to still remain like heart-to-heart like we it was hard obviously very hard but we knew our ultimate goal and we're really yeah we knew that we wanted to be together one day and we just we knew that we had to take that time it's just what we knew what we want and from basically made a promise to each other that you know what whatever we have to do that's what we'll end up that's what we'll do you know and I always kind of had this that people will say oh he just converted to marry her my sort of stuff and I said that I said that to my best friend I said man I said you know I hear this like people say oh he just converted to marry her whatever and he looked at me and he was kind of like taken aback like this guy is amazing person from a rough background born Muslim but he looked at me he said man he said even if that was right even if that was true and I look at you now I know like look at you now he's like you leave the salon and the must've you give speeches to hundreds of people thousands of people in some instances about about bringing faith about unity about bringing people together he's like even if you did he's like to forget about all that because look at you know and I thought about that how he lives he's impacted and how many people he has been able to influence to come closer to God and it's it's literally amazing definitely an amazing journey yeah obviously this is our life summarized but yeah now we're kind of looking into the future and and where we go from here and what we want to do obviously for those of you that don't know us we we have our sadly family travels on Instagram so you should go and check that out it's a little bit slow with the not allow not allowed to travel part part but we're slowly working at that one again we're on tick-tock I'm Sol a family and then the YouTube as well which is like this is our first actual family video for YouTube but we thought you know what everybody wants to hear it we can't do it in 15 seconds or an emetic talk so what better way than to do it on YouTube so for sure you know like drop us a comment below and tell us you know what you guys think of our story and how it relates to you or if you're in the same situation or whatever you know our we have like she said like over a hundred thousand followers on tik-tok YouTube we'd this is like the first video like I said Instagram is in its infancy so right now is the best time because as things grow we tend the comments tend to get lost along the way so for that engagement you know we definitely we try to reply to every comment and and give pretty sure even if it's a private message you know we definitely we try to hit you back and give at least whatever advice we can and like she said the best advice we can give is that the closer you becomes a to God so a lot of them it's like you know what I'm sure most most of the Muslims out there they know the the narration that if you come to God walking he comes to you running and it's so true 100% that's what I've notice it's unbelievable like I look back at what my life used to be like before and I feel like was like I was Muslim but I was never fulfilled fulfilled I never truly felt that peace until I really met this crazy white boy started yeah started actually looking inward you know dressing a certain way acting a certain way that type of thing and so it's truly a miracle in itself it really is it's he our relationship has changed lives like it really has it's changed you know like my parents lives it's changed obviously our children's lives has changed our lives it's it's unbelievable yeah it's really cool two peas in a pod yeah like we spend all of our time together and there's nothing more that we want to do except spend time together so being able to have Tech Talk really gives us that ability to spend time together and thank you tick-tock thank you tick-tock thank you you guys yes making it possible yeah thank you so much we really appreciate you guys and hope that we will continue doing these videos if you guys enjoy this feel free to share it with somebody don't feel free just do it comment like and don't forget to subscribe because that obviously will tell us that you guys want to see more of us yeah yeah again thank you all for for everything we love your comments we love you we love how you guys love us yeah we love this community you guys are incredible you guys are so supportive and it really
Channel: Saleh Family
Views: 1,387,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sana saleh, sana saleh beauty, sana beauty, saleh beauty, saleh family, tiktok, tiktok muslim, conversion to islam, convert to islam, new muslim, muslim love story, islam convert, muslims on tiktok, love story, our story, marriage in islam, islamic marriage, mixed race, mixed race marriage, marriage story, how we met
Id: Ufwtbm1l0Ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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