When This Girl Looked At Her Vacation Photos,She Noticed An Eerie Figure Who Was Watching Them

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when this girl looked at her vacation photos she noticed an eerie figure who was watching them a young woman is flipping through Instagram admiring her cousin snaps of an adventure in the mountains of Canada just a month previously she'd visited the spot herself recreating the daring pose over a dizzying drop however she now notices something sinister in the background an eerie figure watching her cousin from afar Dundas Peak is a popular viewpoint that overlooks the city of Hamilton in Ontario Canada reached via a 2.4 mile circular trail the area is a favorite spot with hikers bird watchers walkers and cyclists impressively it also features Hamilton's tallest waterfall the 135-foot choose Falls however these days it isn't just outdoors enthusiasts who flocked to Dundas Park with his rocky peaks and stomach-churning drops into Spencer gorge below the vantage point has become a popular spot with those seeking the perfect social media posts yet in their desire to capture an Instagram friendly shot of themselves conquering nature many visitors are putting themselves at risk indeed authorities report that the number of hikers who needed rescuing from the peak rose sharply over the course of 2016 still despite the risks Dundas peak is more popular than ever with adventures in 2016 in fact as many as 140,000 people are thought to have visited the area and in the midst of these crowds was one man whose photograph would spark one of the most bizarre chapters in the history of the peak at first glance the man's souvenir stamp doesn't look like anything particularly special indeed there seems to be little to tell it apart from the thousands of other Instagram images featuring visitors posing at Dundas peak of which there are currently some 10,000 online wearing jeans in a dark jacket the man poses on the edge of a rocky outcrop and like many of the thrill-seeking visitors to Dundas Peak he sits with one foot dangling perilously off the edge in keeping with tradition furthermore he subsequently uploaded the snap to his Instagram account soon the man's cousin noticed his post in the seemingly death-defying pose and just a few days later she and a friend made their own way to Dundas peak when they arrived the pair took in turns to step out onto the rocky ledge and recreate the original photograph after successfully taking their souvenir photos the two friends then headed home for the next month life carried on as normal with neither of them suspecting that there was anything unusual about their Trek then something truly strange happened an unnerving incident that would put Dundas Peak more firmly in the spotlight than ever before at some point in 2016 a reddit user known as sliced up beef made a fascinating post on the social news site apparently they had accompanied the unidentified woman on her quest to recreate her cousin's photograph what's more they had a fascinating story to tell according to the reddit post about a month after their visit to Dundas peak the woman was again looking at her cousin's Instagram images suddenly moreover she noticed a striking difference between his photograph and the corresponding ones that she had taken with her friend in the original photo a mysterious figure could be seen on the steep hillside beneath the trail according to the poster the terrain where the individual was standing was impossible to navigate on foot so how could a person be standing there and why was the figure so strangely thin if that weren't creepy enough the poster additionally noted that the figure was standing in a bizarrely straight posture and also appeared to have no face I know you're probably thinking this is probably just a brave hiker they admitted but trust me that spot is completely inaccessible because the posters friends photograph did not show the same anomaly it seemed unlikely to be a naturally occurring phenomenon so just what did the original image show well while the poster was prepared to admit that the figure might not be human they appealed to the Internet for suggestions soon the comments came flooding in some were quick to point out that people often went missing in and around Dundas peak could then the mysterious figure be the ghost of an unfortunate hiker who met a grisly fate in these hills although some posters seemed to find the photograph frightening the majority were sure that there must be a logical explanation in fact one claimed it was an illusion created by holes rakh another meanwhile said that melting ice was the blame disappointingly others also came forward to dispel the notion that the location was inaccessible to hikers sorry to burst all your bubbles red one comment but there's a trail that leads up to that area that goes around the escarpment just under the rocks that is most likely a person hiking around in fact reddit user architect 42 went so far as to claim that they themselves might be the source of all the confusion apparently they often went hiking at Dundas peak including on a date that tied in with the original posters timeline interestingly they also recalled wearing dark jeans and a gray top and outfit whose appearance would match the mystery figure however these explanations didn't satisfy anyone as the story grew more popular it was picked up by news outlets from around the world then in the comments section of the mail online one user brought up another hypothesis apparently one Christmas Eve there was a fatal train crash below Dundas peak in total fifteen people lost their lives on that fateful day in 1934 so could some of their tormented souls still be haunting the rugged landscape where they met their deaths although most locals seem to have taken the story with a pinch of salt the mysterious photograph continues to send chills up many people's spines [Music] you
Channel: Facts Box
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Keywords: Facts_Box, videos, viral, pictures, top10, Home, Page, youtube, trending, video, When, This Girl, Looked, At Her Vacation, Photos, She, Noticed, An Eerie, Figure, Who, Was, Watching, Them, When This Girl Looked At Her Vacation Photos, Watching Them
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 49sec (349 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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