This GOLD DIGGER Left Her 5 YEAR BOYFRIEND After Seeing Me! This got bad...

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you gotta you gotta be shot for five years five so I'm single and everything so I'm done yeah single you really yeah single pictures name it y'all be tuned out today video video because I don't think it's my place to do this but I actually got a DM from a fan basically he wanted me to do a gold-digger v you've ever read know a lot of times when I'm doing gold digger videos like I had like a bunch of energy like I am ready to go back when me as supposed to get together with those gold digger Vince it's like an automatic banger but this one I don't know how to fill by it alright let me just explain what the heck is going on so a fan actually a me he told me that he's been dating this girl for like five years like they've been in a relationship but their relationship has been like horrible like I first started good then towards the end it's just been a lot arguing a bunch of cheating being so he's actually come to my house today I actually gave him my address we're gonna talk to my house he said he wants to break up with his girlfriend but for the last time right before he breaks up with her he wants to see if she's been cheating all these years so he actually told me he had watched my youtube videos he said wants me to do a gold-digger vid on her to see if she's actually a gold digger and she's been cheating for the last couple years so like usually Yuri no I'd be super excited but semester how you how you feel like I don't like a smart place to do that you know say like a man you happen to hold me up though let me let me get this click he's safe he's already breaking up Marie he's already breaking up her but he wants to see one last time if she's really been cheating just like that so supposedly I guess we're gonna like set her up we're gonna see what the penal bill is she's really a gold digger bro like I mean I'm not really excited for this one because like I never watch these songs relationship go down the hill but I guess this is what this is what's gonna go down yeah you gonna see they got the North Face mag up of tennis chains off the stack zoom Lambretta oh sure we see the custom don't get messed up Tarragona perfectly perfect haircut I'm not gonna lie yeah yeah I'm gonna agree to it I am tripped up I'm ready to do what he wants me to do but this is the first time ever now I'm not doing your gold digger because I want to do it is because someone's accident you know what John said so it feels kind of weird so we're gonna do right now we're actually gonna wait for Ambro and we're gonna talk about like the whole situation and how we're gonna do it the best you ready commanders get is the first time we ever do something like this I know man hey honey Thomas is play some ping-pong bro let's get it okay so apparently I got the missus right now bro he's outside my house dog oh my god okay I'm getting kind of butterflies now yeah a little bit butterflies yeah weird man I don't know okay great okay well a huge amount for a corker I'm ready recording the whole thing no it's not so you gotta come inside you gotta explain to me like what this we could talk right here and like I'm ray requiring like the whole process is go ahead explain to me like what's going on and what you're trying to achieve to that but what you want to do so I'm inspecting to my girl she has in the Texan although she's okay so she had Kentucky back no not at all okay um coming home late nice you know we just got an apartment together so yeah just gotta find me you guys say you guys being we chat for five years five five five going on almost six and to them this year ago so when would you once you start acting dumb like either you sell like it's been like a lot of 20 years and everything but like when did it start being like I have enough like I can't I can't do is she's not acting out when she got a new job at the bar that makes sense yeah you're good like my heart you're saying that you're understand you're done hundred percent honestly so we're kind of over like like putting in my efforts for it okay yeah so don't percent does so now if you just want to see if she's bringing ability I just did it I just lease it for my own eyes okay oh so you want me to use like my BMW for that yeah okay alright so I don't do it I'll I'll slice the Buster that was kind of like skeptical because like using with my little bigger videos I do it because I want it isn't the first time someone's actually like asking me to do it so what room under like I just did isn't good you see I see okay so how are we gonna do is that what's the plan like I thought you wanted I'll probably leave the spot for a little bit oh so okay we're going la do you leave the spot yeah we should I don't I'm gonna take her out I'm gonna take it out today probably you know like a little restaurant but I'll leave okay and that's when you pull over the BMW oh okay then I'm talking to you if she's issues if she's a confirmed gold digger well I'm gonna do I'm going away to you and that's when you could like tell her man that's not my place I'm just here to help you with the video that after that you can say whatever the hell you want to say you could call it whatever you want I'm not the situation you know I'm saying so you understand down with that alright so we're gonna work together to LA where you probably this leaper car right here and there's unless you're going on right now this lets you go over going right now you're gonna be in LA and we gifting pop it bro like if you guys knew but you got subscribe discussed her no cases this is like a different type of video I'm locked in to help them out let's do it let's get the [ __ ] go broke alright so you said that you guys are actually gonna like eat lunch right here yeah okay this is perfect are you guys see the the P mobile is parked right there bro that's what's gonna happen oh wait ways their crystals to be okay I'm so like a car alright so what we're actually gonna do he's gonna give his girl a call right now bro and we're just gonna confirm that they're gonna be leading right here bro this is so freakin crazy we got si wrong right there you go give away give on a 360 making me yeah how you feeling bro you you look very like calm yes just over it I just want to know the truth right now you know okay scheisse clear I'm helping you out bro so you going in just give her a call do they know go ahead wasn't donkey here hey how far you so they'll see me outside we seen in the corner alrighty I was all right so she says she's like ten minutes away bro just want you to do go ahead and just have your lunch we're just gonna be like around the area you know I'm saying then once you leave once you did that's why I'm an attack and we're gonna like isolate her we're gonna see if she's really a gonna be great for that good let's wait and when she gets here is Sylvester we're gonna be camped out over there so bad right now we do us every single time are you ready let's expose her man let's go we're gonna be camped out on this side you guys see the BMW she sees us talking right now this whole video is over so just go ahead and go frustrate and don't worry we're gonna be camped out right here you good yeah how do you guys man you want to do this video brought my help you out we're gonna deliver let's do it let's do it I got to make a say we're gonna be right here don't worry about us is he ready though yeah when they're eating she's gonna be looking at the car wonderful yeah actually sees the guy walk on there that's gonna perfect Happy Holidays boys happy holidays bro so it looks like he's waiting for the table right now yeah okay yeah yeah that has that has to be here all righty entertain you got the most affable yeah that a perfect perfect oh my god the i8 is that the show this is about to get super ugly all right so ideally obviously will lunch it might take like I don't know like fate between is maybe 30 maybe 40 so what means the vests are gonna do we got to be on the lookout we can't fill him today he asked me to do this so I'm gonna do this man a favor so we're gonna be waiting right here bro they're having lunch right now he's probably be looking at my car continuously and I'm gonna be the walks in and she's about wow that's the guy that owns a car and we're gonna see if she really is a gold digger bro this is not usually how I do my gold digger videos bro but we're gonna make it happen for my boy let's do it yo some peeps again the quick little update bro we've been here for like 10-15 minutes bro like it looks like they've been talking it out so like you think like they don't have proof but all she has wine so I don't know if they're arguing right now obviously we don't know what's going on and their personal life yeah that P Mobile is gonna be used in a little bit you know I'm saying we're just gonna wait here and we're gonna go on him Dean Ambrose looks like they're about to get up they just paid the bill bro I think this is the time when I walk across you are you ready young officer yes I said do not miss an oboe [Music] I'm waiting I'm waiting poverty bro [Music] did he's gone he's gone I got money tipsy so what oh yeah you like it thank you thank you you're eating there though huh ah Philly yeah this is my baby of my BMW actually copped it when a micron summertime thank you thank you ever since going it's like a it's like a Space Gray well a little bit Matt everything you don't think although funny enough like I was looking for like I've been looking for a scar for like the longest time you know I'm saying so like I'd be wanting since I was in high school so I'm only there's a time Rosa okay let me just set it down let me go cop away 25 like it used to be a baseball player he's the only it so he customized it the ring next Niles I yell let me cut that immediately so yeah it's my babies of course may like my baby I'm thinking we're doing like a new car like party like it's like a Tesla maybe like a lamb Chuck or something like that but yeah this is my baby why you like these [Applause] yeah I was shopping around because like it's like holiday season on radio ah gift for myself you know so I'm single and everything that's all don't you yeah single you really yeah you're single this chili I'm not fill you man honestly like I've been like single like for like the longest time I feel like me like no okay I'm seeing I'm this under spoiling myself and everything below out there day like I'm still like my eyes are open you don't say oh like I'm looking for like a beautiful womans it's to take my full attention in those things so like maybe maybe I'll find her maybe in this couple days maybe see standing right here no wait what so what's your name my name is Phil nice to meet you let's meet you maybe I don't know like we might just take a spin together okay I'll show you like inside before we even drive I'll show you like the yeah it's crazy this is like the interior and I'll show you like the trunk as well like it's like my baby I love every inch of it you know do with that I'd meet that girl I saw via Blanca [Music] okay okay that's enough thank you thank you no you look very good that you look very good do 363 oh well you go ahead go inside go inside um one quick thing one quick thing before we actually do go inside I usually don't do this like the first time I meet people I want to give you you're scared why are you scared okay I saw what you do all right so you go ahead stand over here yeah this is gonna be a big surprise you got close your eyes go in close eyes I got you I got no I'm not only part now I'm car you gonna sound like right here right here right here right here this go ahead close your eyes like I think I'll be doing this so early but I'm gonna do it today it's gonna take some time please is please please please okay okay okay okay you're not hoping I swear you don't open bro okay keep like that keep like that hi dear girl can we start the car usually I'll say this for like a girl gonna be in the future like my future wife but I'm gonna give it to you right now just because you're looking good so this one once you do when I count to three I want you to open your eyes okay and turn it on three two one turn around there you go so I was right about that you can fool around with some random ass dude no six in years are you serious anyways treaty lecture I want you to get all yours from my apartment get the okay I'll get it can you relax no are you kidding me Irina relax are you serious thank you - what look bull or a six oh look I'm a [ __ ] okay yeah get in the car drive away I don't bro-bro I heard that even I heard that oh man Oh brah you get out Yugi [Applause] it's tough read a piece again what we're actually gonna do gosh you know we have really all right all right man [Music] [Music]
Channel: P2istheName
Views: 6,710,693
Rating: 4.929709 out of 5
Keywords: gold digger, p2, p2isthename, left her 5 year boyfriend, prettyboyfredo, ddg, deshae frost, smoothgio, hoomantv, david dobrik, ace family, prince family, prank, family, vlog, p2 gold, this gold digger left her 5 year boyfriend
Id: J0b_RyYo-aQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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