We Towed Her Car to Get His Money Back!!! (gold digger exposed?) | UDY

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what's up guys and welcome back to a brand new video today I am joined by my friend Jordan and Jordans here because a while back he and tyga became Fear Factor champions which meant that they each took home $25,000 now while those hard earns at $25,000 Jordan then let his friend Alejandra who goes by Alex for short borrowed $7,000 $7,000 Jordan let Alex Barros 7000 it's not at once though you know I'm saying it's not just like here here's $7000 it was divided up I mean it still adds up to seven doesn't always that something like that who actually know more more a little more than $7000 maybe eight hey what I'm getting at is the Alex hasn't hit Jordan back a dime whatever the full amount is she still owes him all of it and well since Jordan never hesitates to help a friend in need we decided to help him and get that money back yes we wanted to help Jordan get his seven thousand dollars back from Alex and the way that we decided to do so was by towing Alex's car I'm sure the viewers are asking this why in the hell would you lend someone $7000 why she told me she don't have money like I just try to help everybody you know like you're saying somebody needs it and I got it so the professional tow truck operator that would be helping us tow Alex's car was named angel and assisting him would be our non-professional friend Flores the idea was that Angel would be doing the towing and Mars would be doing the talking so we had angel teach Laura's some lingo now the parking lot where angel and Loris would be executing the tow was right next door in order to get Alex to come here we have Jordan kidnap her laptop and then convince her to come pick it up Hey I just think it talks about the laps on my bed I was being caught up I'm in the OSI right now yo I'll be here probably all night to be honest I can get it to you tomorrow afternoon or something I got work or you only just come grab it or something like if you really need it okay Jordan didn't kidnap the laptop he just extensively borrowed it until he knew the Alex would be desperate for it back the laptop was the bait that would get Alex to the parking lot you need your laptop is here I got it you know like I can give it to you tomorrow but there's no way I can get it to you tonight thank you I need to get it to tomorrow's big deal okay why did you pass tane did you put it on me okay all right I'll send you the address and I'll tell you what a park and all that it's real tricky with like the residency and the businesses and all that now Jordan didn't just instruct Alex to park in the parking lot next door he actually instructed her to look for and park next to his car supposedly this was so we could easily find her and acquit me return her laptop but of course we just wanted to control where Alex would be parking okay as long as we get the tow truck like in front of her car I think we'll be fine he's gonna hook it up I'm really scared of her like getting in the car and be like no you can't tell now contrary to what you guys might be thinking we weren't gonna use the tow truck to force Alex to pay Jordan back that would be pointless because the reason why Alex hasn't paid Jordan back is because supposedly she's broke yeah apparently a parent supposedly hypothetically word on the street but sometimes she would say like that she would give it to me like next week you know so it wasn't always I'm broke it was like yeah I'll give it to you saturday but did she give it to you know on Saturday she told me she was broke I don't understand like how can you be broke for so long people are broke for too long I what I'm getting at is this we wanted to use the tow truck to find out if alex was lying about being broke because the only way that Jordan would ever get back any of his money is if Alex even had any money to give him so if upon seeing her car getting towed Alex stuck to her story about being broke then that chances are Jordan wouldn't never see his money again however if upon seeing her car getting towed Alex busted out some money then Jordan needs to jump her on a payment plan ASAP at least of like I don't know 20 bucks a month or something I mean would you prefer 20 bucks a month or was like zero that's naming the dollar a day actually 20 bucks so all we had to do now was wait for Alex to arrive Jordan and I were hiding in my car angel and Loris were on standby in the adjacent parking lot and our friends yoke's was set up next to the dumpster you guys will see what his job is here in a little okay so in the back of this car we have our makeshift no parking signs which is pretty much the reason why alex is getting towed now when alex gets here and when she parks next to Jordans car we're gonna have Jordan Center some money and convince her to go grab food at that restaurant in this parking lot when Alex goes into the restaurant that's when I'm gonna cute angel and Loris to make their entrance I'm gonna be hopping out of the car grabbing the cones and setting them up around her car we should have plenty of time to get everything done but in the event that Alex exits the restaurants before we are done yoke's is our safety net he is our lookout and if he sees that alex is exiting the restaurant before we're done telling her car then he's gonna intercept Alex and do whatever he has to do to stall her but yeah everyone is in position the stage is set Jordan has been keeping in contact with Alex and getting a REIT EA and you guys now officially know our entire plan which means that all that's left to do now is to simply wait soon we're gonna find out if Alex really is or isn't broke so Jordan you didn't think Alex was broke why well I know I I did think she was broke I thought she was broke and then I started to kind of wonder like how are you still broke and how are you buying things because there were times where I didn't give her money but she still did what he did she was kinda do she might ask me for money to go out to eat and I'm just like I can't do it right she goes out to you still cuz I would ask her whatever out catch her in the act I'm like yo like if you got money to go to the movies can you pay me back from like whatever I gave you some gas money or something he knows and she's just like oh I'm sorry I'm broke so after waiting for a very long time for Alex to arrive at last a car matching her vehicle's description pulled into the parking lot is it Jordan confirmation is this her it is a black car Alex had a ride to pick up her laptop it was now time to execute our plan okay Jordan feel free to call her whenever you're ready remember you have to convince her to go grab food otherwise we are screwed so with that we're just gonna let you guys watch the rest of the video from here get you tuck you're gonna want to get your takis because you guys already know this shit's gonna be good hey yo are you here you here okay all right cool um you parked over in the backyard I was talking about you seen my car okay all right sure um I just need a few I just need a few minutes can you go get us some food real quick from that place uh urban as if that you should see a place called urban plates somewhere like it should be like in front of you I'll hit you on cash up or give you cash or something can you get us like I know get you something give me something real quick [Music] all right now I have it actually but uh literally like you can give me anything like it almost doesn't matter and then by the time you get that I should be I should be finished up over here bring out the computer okay that's a good idea let's actually have you pull her to make sure that she likes these in there but ask her about the men you ask her about hey what's inside and what not to like stall her you know okay so she has gone into urban plates it's tow truck time it is tow truck time you guys can go ahead and make your entrance let's start hooking their copy okay we'll see you here remember she drives a black Ford okay do not tow the wrong car hi okay here we go wish this look Jordan found the color right on there yes likes tall Horus taller but like don't make it too suspicious that dude okay just try to keep her on the phone as long as you can okay [Music] besides oh mac and cheese is coming in hot people it is coming in hot you got what else did you get mac and cheese with us you can give me like a soda like a Fanta something orange Fanta we're gonna put one right here and we're gonna put the third one over there gonna go get the third okay they got fries fries fries no sign of Alex yet we got the three signs up oh my god we got two right here look at your car oh my god I'm trying to record it keep an eye out for her as well because I do not want to get caught okay sure okay the viscous yes good let's do the biscuits dang this place is boozy oh you say you bout to head out right yeah all right yeah cool I'm about to be out in a few minutes oh my god it's so hard to record and trying to keep an eye out for her she's about come on oh my gosh okay I'm getting scared [Laughter] got my soda hi ma'am is this your car I'm gonna call you I might tell him to come over here he doesn't need to be over there anymore so you actually parked in a no-parking zone you see the cones right there and you still parked it so we put it up there's three cones this year you parked right here they're there they've been there all day yokes are you still there okay you can feel free to walk over here dude your job is done you don't gotta stand there anymore okay there tree-trimming you see the trees that's romantic yeah look at the trees the trees a good interest know all these trees that they already got trimmed is just that one tree that's left [Music] because they got trimmed the car looks like a light I don't know it's already hooked it's gonna be 150 for me to put it down if not it's gonna be double that a lot its policy I can't put it down it's already hooked it's gonna be 150 [Laughter] Oaks we can't hear a thing do you hear anything can you hear what's going on or something no I just it's gonna be 150 for me to take you down that's our policy and there's really nothing else I could do there's nothing right here wasn't even gone for 10 minutes for you to take you down well I mean you're gonna have to pay double a lot she's gone oh okay I'm yoke stay on standby I'm taking you off speaker you'll find right there she's calling Jordan she is calling is calling Jordan yeah yeah you can see right there you can hey you couldn't park where was you [ __ ] it why are you towing your car don't make no sense turn minute $150 oh why they tone your car though did you park on a red curb or something like you parked by a fire hydrant don't make no sense handicaps $150 or a hundred but I didn't force you to park somewhere you couldn't park what's you talking about ma'am three minutes three minutes five minutes okay well I'm like 10 minutes away whoa why you mad at me yo why are you mad at me calm down okay but you mad at me for something that I didn't cause okay we'll just pay them I didn't tell you to park in no-parking zone I'm always telling issues that I've got another partner no I mean I don't know what to tell you you're like this don't got nothin to do with me there's been many times I've bailed you out of situations I'm not a part of right just hey I'm like you really don't you absolutely you asked you rigged you absolutely don't have the money Oh cuz I ain't got it either yo I'll miss you so much so I don't really have much just don't like I just paid rent I can get you home there's not the end of the world I mean I don't know what you want me to do like I told you I don't have you like how am I hope you found have you how am I help if I don't have it though yo I'm sorry can you I can't I'll see you in a few I got you that was stupid you bein broke it's too because I can't help you by how 2 million times that'll make no sense how's okay you did last time you really really really need last time too you always really really really need my own okay well we get it later than maybe you I get paid I can give you half or something I'm saying yes half which is more than I should do okay you didn't nevermind forget I keep my house I've seen a few yo but yeah see she upset about half I don't make no sense they should just go are they waiting so long they should just drive off honestly I'm frustrated this bar food though okay so were you able to get the money I can't it's our policy I can't drop it it's already on the hook I know but it's our policy it's already on the hook there's nothing else I can do what do you mean oh so you can make some money because these coals were not you guys are trying to make your money I get it all right man look those cones have been there all day we've been driving around here every 30 minutes for the past five hours and those cones have been there those are already trimmed okay so per the phone call Alex has no money let's see if she calls someone else right now i'ma text her and let her know that I'll ask my mom yo and like she doesn't have it so there's nothing I can do I'm not gonna like her dude I am like 50/50 now at first I thought she had to have money but now I'm like crap dude she's arguing like a lot like does she have money oh oh we have another development here people it looks like angel is coming around the tow truck okay what is happening here is he coming around to talk to my god just telling her he's fari telling her like yo you got okay a Jew is walking back I think he's gonna leave oh jesus oh Jesus Alex is walking to the church to angel and Lori's are walking Alex back to her car she's pain so you tell if you had the money this whole time or you were making me wait oh man they could just be playing this off however it does look like alex is going through her car she's looking through her purse it looks like okay what is going on yeah he's in it okay oh I know she's it's so hard to see from here guys do you have 150 or not okay okay okay okay was that cash so you made me wait and you had $200 this whole time snakes just give me my change I put my car down now you know what I'm raising the price of $200 since you wanted to make me away since you're doing this the whole time look I'm riding $200 on this receipt okay you know what we call it limit let me call Aaron Johnson let's see if they were able to see what she gave him it's gonna be $200 now since he was playing with me and if not it's gonna be double at the lot I can't do that I'm the one who writes the price I am do what you got to do know my name is on the receipt my name is Alison what happened we have a horrible angle here dude we saw that she gave war is something did you guys happen to see what that was did she even give him something or we just dripping he's dropping the car she's paid are you positive are you absolutely positive are you sure that they're not just unhook and they just one hug please step back so we could lower it and you could get her to something we went back and forth for 10 minutes Doug she says she doesn't have the money she swears up and down oh my god she paid has a paper in her hand it appears okay so that white paper in her hand is the receipt yeah all right guys I'm hanging up on you guys I'm asking what he wants to do okay stay on standby all right Jordan they're dropping our car very quickly here what do you want to do you want to get out you want to confront it she's literally right there I'm a color look oh wait what why why are you calling her what's happening I'm at sorry I got the money if she answers your voice no I still got her laptop oh dude she's ignoring you she is ignoring you see is grabbing the food right now you're calling we might just have to go out there if you want to go out there dude honestly like I wouldn't be surprised if she just like leaves without her laptop hey I got I got the money I was able to get it you gave them the money how did you get what you get what do you mean you gave them money $200 I thought you said 150 they raised it to 200 does somebody lend you money I run a little bit of money $20 a little bit of money to you it's not a little bit of money to me and what should be reimbursed reimbursed for what Wow if anybody needs to reimburse anybody you need to reimburse me for all the things I pay for you yeah I can't oh you money when you owe me thousands of dollars yeah that's how I feel you always say you're gonna pay me back every day like yeah yeah I sent you gas money that's all I committed she was gasps okay look me give me your laptop don't got nothing to do with me paying for your car getting towed nothing I that wasn't part of my plan today okay but maybe if you could read and knew how to park and where to park you wouldn't get your car towed man I'll be over there one second I'll be at in a second back porch Jesus Oh God okay we're going what I'll Jordan at least let me let Josh and Eric now what's going on hey you okay didn't even know what the heck has happened Rita she she had money all along she's asking Jordan for money and stuff she had she paid for it okay whenever you're ready Jordan go ahead I don't want to hold you up so you you didn't need the money away that's a lie be loaning you money all the time I'll give you money all the time you hit me up back of course I hit my bottom up for the money that was gonna give it to you without you can say any consent you know I'm saying you owe me money yo the only thousands of dollars are you talking about reimburse knowing got your laptop I'll give any laptop when you give me all the money that you know I mean I have no I don't care about your school yo I got bills what's more important to school or bills that's why you only pay bills you forgot something else pay your bills you pulled out your dog okay then go I'll get you your laptop what have you seen the money so you can't read you can't party yeah you can't read obviously wait so so so so what's happening is she levy it so she's really leaving are you I mean now it's not the time obviously you know so she's driving off Oh watch out though Jesus Christ I'm gonna do oh my god they just like that yeah I mean dude she didn't ask for her money back so I mean we'll keep Etsy I mean I didn't I gotta give her a laptop you know really choice here she is what okay did I tell you to drive away I mean I still got your laptop right here okay come reimburse me I'll give you know i'ma come to you right now send me pay yo imma bring it over to you no cameras I'll give you a lap side the other bye have you talked to her like since and stuff I know you giving heard laptop bag but have you tried like I mean I talked to her a little bit you know I apologize for you know like putting her through that so she was just being consistent she said that she was actually broke the whole time and apparently the two dollars came from you know her grandma that gave her money to like get groceries or something it even makes sense I was like that don't make sense [Laughter] [Music] if y'all think me lending out $7,000 is like this guy right here okay the video is over Jesus Christ this is crazy [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: undefined
Views: 5,523,590
Rating: 4.9263854 out of 5
Keywords: udy, gold, digger, gold digger, golddigger, new, 2020, we towed her car, $7000, boyfriend, girlfriend, bf, gf, she owes him, money, wealth, tow, truck, funny, epic, intense, expose, exposed, exposing, exposes, debt, repay, hilarious, lol, comedy, top 10, laugh, cheating, top 5, best, cheat, jokes, cheating girlfriend, funny videos, udy gold digger, joke, public, brutal, cheaters, gold diggers, rich, supercars, sergio, loyalty, suspense, test, loyalty test, investigation, confrontation, mystery, be amazed, 10, insane
Id: TMpC-QvPx-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 12sec (1752 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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