This Girl Crashed Her Brand New Honda CBR / @PrimalVillains Motorcycle Crash Compilation Review

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in this video we're going to be doing a 99 lives video review now this is going to have a woman crashing a brand new bike and a few other things so let's go and discuss what happened how it happened and what we can do better using the after action review process warning this video contains some that's whatever all right so we're riding right here with a bunch of friends fully pinned look at that guy way up there it's going a little crazy watch out now and we panic break so we need to practice our break we need to practice our braking skills it looks like he panic broke right here right smashed it dumped the bike thankfully had some gear on he's got some new balance shoes so hopefully nothing damaged there practice your braking guys something like that happens you need to know how to progressively brake so you don't dump the traction off that front tire and pretty much dumped the bike go back a little bit i had to layer it exactly grim beard this is where you hear the whole i had to layer down all right so real quick take a look okay we're we're having like a little race with friends and whatnot and then we had some dum-dum go across the uh the path so we had a little path of travel violation right there uh it's a little dumb dumb so this guy's doing a wheelie he got a brake light he got a brake light we got a car this guy all these people what is going on here do you think ego might been a an issue here probably let's take a look at this part right here so this is when he perceived and reacted look at that you don't want to be doing that that is called a panic breaking so he went into brown stage everybody brown stays right there action time but panicked he got a little poo poo in the pantaloons hey little squirrel way over there a little poo poo in his pentalone so he dumps the bike so what happens when you grab too much front brake too quickly not enough weight on that front tire it's not going to get that mechanical traction that you need to really grip and what happens is that tire just slips and falls and then you have momentum because you're turning or you're doing something with the handlebars and then you fall down that's what happens that's a panic brake so in order to prevent this in order to prevent this you need to practice your progressive break pressure in a parking lot you know you can get up to 20 miles an hour in a parking lot pretty easily but then practice that smooth squeeze okay practice that smooth squeeze stop quiet really soon but this is the biggest thing is that you squeeze and as soon as you feel that weight transfer to that front tire you squeeze more and more and more and before you know it you're going to have 100 traction for deceleration and you can stop all right so we're moving forward here we're going really fast obviously blurred out the speedo we're not paying attention to oh whoa whoa whoa whoa hit a bump uh yeah yeah hit a bump and there's our shoe oh i'm glad his foot wasn't still in it i've actually seen uh people's feet still inside shoes after accidents like this not good what do you think happened there what do you think happened there oh that gas tank is crushed so is it worth it to ride around really fast inside you know town and this is what's gonna happen oh that could have been his body easily all right so right here what we're doing is we're going we're hauling ass okay we have our speedo blurred i don't know why it doesn't really matter at this point this was filmed in mexico it's not like they're gonna get you anyways but we're hauling ass through town and we're hitting bumps we're hitting bumps now if we're not situated right here boom there's that bump what's happening here is when you hit that bumper not situated right your handlebar is going to get like this in midair and then you land it and guess what it's going to do this to your hands and you're not going to have full control you're hauling ass inside of town and then what do you think is going to happen you're going to dump the bike and you can barely see it but this right here is a car imagine running into the back of the car um nope no bueno all right let's just move on let's just move on let's get out of here these are good videos 99 lives thank you so much for making some good videos make sure you guys hit that join button [Music] so so far what we've learned today is panic breaking and hauling ass all right so we're gonna be lane filtering what are some of the common issues with lane filtering that right there uh so we're gonna have a lot of path to travel a lot of merging issues no real escape routes we can only decelerate and accelerate out of areas this is a good view right here so what do you think happened why did he crash before even impacting of the vehicle what do you think happened there what do you think caused that portion a little too much of that front brake maybe all right so right here remember guys we don't have a lot of areas to go so right here if if one of these people pulled out like it's gonna happen later we can't swerve left we'll hit the white car we can't swerve right we're gonna hit the prius which happens all the time you know priuses are always causing problems so we can only go you know forward or backwards we can't swerve left or right so that removes some of our red stage maneuvers of swerving so we really have to be good at breaking and then also be good at situational awareness to see where a possible pattern's coming up so if we have an open area on one side obviously somebody doesn't want to come out that way so right here this is what i'm talking about big open area big open area you're going to have somebody that doesn't want to be in the lane over here where there's a lot of traffic they're going to want to come over here so that is one of the patterns you look for when you're lane filtering if you see this big open area assume that somebody will come out because you have a terrible line of sight because of all these other vehicles are blocking that so if you see this remember you can only break or swerve now onto the shoulder those are the two options you have so when you get into an area like this where there's this open lane going to orange stage definitely you should already be in orange stage but go into right now because you need to get ready for something that could happen hopefully nothing happens but take a look at this [Music] why were we already falling down didn't even hit the didn't even hit the vehicle yet keep going look at the bike it's already falling down what happened there is that we didn't do good progressive brake pressure okay remember we also have the secondary out we could have swerved off into the shoulder you don't always have to break but what you can do is break enough to slow down to buy you time to so you can swerve you'd be very careful with these things that's the whole i had to layer down thing [Laughter] all right so we're going to be going fast a big hazard out here is that corner if we're going too fast oh hit something in the road so road surface hazards so when you're riding in the mountains like this you know typically if it's an area where there's a lot of snow a lot of rain you're going to have some damage to the road so you always have to watch out for road surface hazards any divots any potholes you know anything like that another thing that i'm worried about since there's no centerline stripe is that other vehicles coming down towards me head on especially around a corner so i'm not hauling ass right here and i think he slowed down even before this crest of a hill which was very good so this is a blind turn be very careful with that so he's going he's going and there's that divot okay so you're not always looking out at the the exit you're going like this you're looking at the exit coming back looking at the exit coming back looking at the exit coming back and what you're doing is you're looking at where you need to go but then you're looking at road surface hazards where you need to go with surface hazards you just constantly keep doing that around the corners it just sucks that you had to crash though that's the point of an after-action review is that we're going to learn from it all right so same thing you know you watch out for road surface hazards okay good view good vision maintain your line oh his buddy crashed what are you gonna do are you gonna rescue another rider [Music] okay so she crashed so do you have a trauma kit do you have medical training do you have a trauma kit guys do you know what to do just in case she has an open wound and she's bleeding out you know you could easily have a ripped patella you could definitely have an injury to your femoral artery or breaker artery or anything like that what can you do she doesn't have full gear so i'll be checking the body the extremities i don't care about the bike i don't care about the bike double check she's okay yeah so i'm not too concerned about you know why she crashed right now i'm concerned about what happened okay so let's go back a little bit more let's talk about that so right here we're going through the mountains now that's like a low side so what do you think typically happens with beginners and corners going a little too fast for their skill and then went a little wide and then like oh crap oh crap maybe panic break low sided or leaned it further and further and further lost traction and low sided so typically that's what happens [Music] and then you have that feeling so that's the oh [ __ ] feeling the of feeling everybody gets that and here's the thing say it to yourself go ahead and do it but don't get stuck in it okay so we're going into now assessment mode we need to figure out what's happening with our rider with our friend right so that right there that is that is a good response getting pissed getting pissed because that means she's all there or at least mostly there so that means the head wasn't you know damaged there's not a real big brain injury going on conscious and aware so this is good this is good you know it sucks that we crash but it's good to see that damn so low side oh hit the hit the barrier so too wide too wide yeah so there's the impact right there there's the impact too wide so what do you think too fast for that person's ability hey guys remember we gotta zone in yellow stage go with what you can do don't haul ass if you can't handle it okay and don't pressure your friends to do it either as soon as i parked and soon as i see her walking like you can actually kind of see it looks like a little tear on the knee right there so the fact that she's walking is a good sign so what i would do is i'd park my bike out of the way of hazards and i pull up my kit you know i'd get myself some gloves some ppe let's go ahead and get this open right here get some gloves some ppe put them on so you know that way i don't contaminate any of her you know wound or anything like that i'm not too concerned about you know bloodborne pathogens for my sp myself especially if i know her make sure i don't get things infected you know if she's definitely bleeding out you know you got a tourniquet got some four by fours to apply some pressure and hold it down and then you got some roll cling to keep it there so you can have your hands moving okay so it's really important to have a kit just in case even if it's just a band-aid like that put a 4x4 on wrap it up see how the bike is take her home you know what i mean i want to say thank you to revzilla for being a sponsor this channel click the link in the description no extra cost to you it's an affiliate link it helps support the channel so if you're going to buy gear anyways on revzilla and you want to get some gear click that link and help out like i said no cost to you i'll see you guys around moving on this one look at the road surface oh water water water water this moment jackson panic break what do you think panic oh there's ice that's ice never mind probably didn't panic you just straight up lost traction oh look at those ankles [Music] that looks painful all right let's go back just a little bit we're going to just discuss the traction loss issue here so remember what i said about having you know ice and snow and rain can de really mess up the roadway surface this is something you got to watch out in the summertime but in the winter time you should see this discoloration going on right here as soon as you hit that oh man what are you gonna do so there's not much you can do right now but if we go back so we're coming up to the area this is where your situational awareness needs to scan you know at least eight seconds ahead i think in uh in the uk guys am i right in europe and uk it's a 12 second lead you have to do let me know class you know i know we're doing this virtually the best online motorcycle class in the world i get it but here's the thing let me know let me know i always recommend 12. okay you gotta see far ahead super far ahead because you see the discoloration in the road it's like and you know it's cold out i know there's water here so what we gotta do is make sure that you know that's not ice typically it is so what we do here is slow it down before we get to the area okay so slow down that's where the situation awareness comes in because you know you could be having the best fundamental skills in the world it's not going to matter when you lose all traction you can't ride a bike if there's no traction so we're gonna get up to here you should have already been slowing down okay already been slowing down and go over this as straight as possible like i'm serious like you're creeping along because this isn't a turn this isn't a turn right here eight to 12 seconds in the uk yeah yeah so right here i don't think he applied i mean he was applying a little break i don't think it was a panic break i think it was just so much of a traction removal from the ice and the turning just a little bit probably 20 brake pressure caused him to dump it typically you see with a panic brake it's like that and it's like 100 brick pressure and then you dump it with ice already remove traction let's say you had 50 max traction no matter what on ice and our turning takes 40 percent and we only gave 20 percent i know there's numbers here i wasn't good at math stop stop making fun of me stop it we need to pay attention here and right here the ice is gonna mess you up so go over as smooth as possible straight as possible slow as possible especially if there's nobody behind you there's no rush and then once you get on the other side which you can kind of see just go ahead and accelerate after that slowly though you might still have some ice or maybe some snow on your tires let it kick off a little bit it was at this moment yeah i know yeah this is also why you wear gear guys come on look look at this what's this what does it say on the bottom what does it say on the bottom smart rider okay the a acquire and utilize personal protective equipment seek out and recognize hazard situations as maintain fundamental skills acquire and utilize personal protective equipment rescue another rider with trauma training and then teach and mentor other writers here guys make sure you get your gear his knee hit real quick guys if you like what you're watching make sure you sign in click that like button if you really like what you're watching subscribe and if you want to be a crew member click that join button or you can donate like like regina nozzle nozzles all right so we're gonna be going with a group ride we're a little close sun in the eyes don't pass people like that it's kind of mean you know it's not good good etiquette abs was kicking in that's a high side could have been a lot worse that's a high side so that's the impact on the hands very dangerous low side you kind of get abrasion and slight impact on the hip this one you can break your upper body like hit your face edo rider motovlogs i didn't know who this yeah you guys know what channel this is i couldn't tell until now [Music] oh we got a little angry all right so this is what i was trying to get out here guys don't pass people in the corners especially if you don't there is no especially if you know them or not don't pass them up it's kind of mean it kind of resets what they're having to do with their line of sight just don't do it so we're going to get up to here and this is the one issue though you have for you as the rider if you pass somebody up like this or you haul ass around a corner you're not really prepped and ready for the next corner okay so the easiest way to really demonstrate that is when you do a straight line weave in a parking lot go ahead and take that first cone a little bit fast you might be able to go around that first cone what about the second cone what about the third cone what about the fourth cone what about the fifth cone probably not so you have to set yourself up for success on the first turn the first cone so when we go right here we're not set up for the first or we're not set up for the second cone we made the first one right we went around the corner the first time yeah we're good are we set up here are we outside inside outside if you want to do the fast thing no are we middle middle middle no we're like inside we're gonna go outside and go inside we're doing the opposite it's not good hear that that's his abs that's his abs kicking in he is slamming that front brake he is slamming that rear brake if it wasn't for abs right here he would have literally dumped the bike that's a panic [Music] that's all abs kicking in abs rider aids traction control all that stuff it doesn't stop people from doing dumb things and it can't solve all your problems so right here don't haul ass around a corner please don't okay and don't slam the brakes set yourself up for success so right here what we have is a corner with a line of sight problem i can't see up and over so what i'm doing is ratcheting so i'm looking at these cars way over there looking here looking here looking here looking here looking here and now it's opened up i don't see any roadway hazards for at least 10 seconds but i noticed that those cars are disappearing so so how do i prep for this because we have also oncoming traffic do i go outside inside outside that's not what i like to do what i like to do is i like to do middle middle middle for these because i don't know of a danger coming out this way and i don't know of any dangers on my right so i'm going to stay middle middle middle and before i get to the top i'm just going to go ahead and maintain my throttle and i'm going to go and sit up a little bit like what's over here what's over here nothing nothing nothing doesn't look like any roadway debris and now it's opening up opening up opening up i'm going to stay away from these big vehicles i don't want to get that wind blast or any debris and i'm just staying middle middle middle there's no reason to go crazy on this part and now that i'm through this wide sweeping turn i can now position myself however i want for safety i like this spot right here gives me an out to my right gives me a good out to my left and i can see everything remember to always plan your ride all right so lots of traffic lots oh he kind of like kept her in that position kind of mean a little mean not wearing gear but you know probably can't afford the gear or can't wear it you know oh so i would check with the head possibly hit arm definitely hit oh here we go here we go everybody what do you think's gonna happen corner corner corner corner low side oh his arm his arm his arm his arms arm road rash there it is there it is that is looks like level two road rash there's his knee right knee wear gear it would have prevented that he's gonna be dealing with that in the shower for a while that's gonna be very painful all right so everybody so what we're doing is we're going up to a corner it's pretty simple and easy to understand here is that we low sided push the bike down a little too far not enough traction on the tires so that's what's going to happen there but one thing i want you guys to see we have a hoodie on a hoodie and regular jeans not going to offer the protection you need so there's that impact with the arm okay so we're going to put our arms down to protect our core that's a natural human body response we're going to put our arms down but if we don't have any protection here that's gonna get the brunt of it so that's why we have motorcycle gear motorcycle jackets the elbow has elmo protection right here so he's gonna be rolling rolling rolling so this obviously stayed on so pick up the bike adrenaline's kicking in that right there is level two that white that's your dermis okay so you have that or uh get your dermis epidermis is on top so what you have is your normal skin color and then that is partially fatty tissue you remove that top layer off your skin so all your nerve endings right there and that white area is exposed very painful nerve endings are exposed okay so that's going to be very painful the rest of the areas can be kind of painful and then you also have the impact so hopefully there's no soft tissue damage right there and it doesn't look like you hit his elbow so you're not having bone on ground hitting it's going to be that soft tissue either way it's not a fun situation so we're going to get a little bit further quick check quick check there's the knee let's go back just a little bit more so we don't have to have his hand there there's tear in the pant guess what that's where your gear is okay we have motorcycle gear beginner gear list in the description ddf crew dot com slash beginner gear okay go ahead and go there revzilla has a great resource and you can get yourself some gear okay but simple crash now you got second degree road uh road rage second degree road rash and you have a tear in the pants we don't know what kind of injury that is we don't know what soft tissue we don't know if it's you know full thickness or anything like that either way i wouldn't want to have that for a simple low side i want to have full gear that's why i practice like i play and i play with full gear he's like i'm going to go home now bye now remember this is all clips from the live stream that we have every tuesday and thursday at 3 p.m mountain standard time on this channel make sure you hit that like button at the same time click this video or this video and uh keep watching
Channel: DanDanTheFireman
Views: 533,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motorcycle rider training, motorcycle rider training course, motorcycle rider training program, new motorcycle rider tips, new motorcycle rider mistakes, new motorcycle rider practice, new motorcycle rider course, new motorcycle rider classes, new motorcycle rider anxiety, new motorcycle rider crash, mistakes new motorcycle riders make, DanDanTheFireman, Motorcycle Training Concepts, motorcycle tips for new riders, motorcycle training videos youtube, online motorcycle class
Id: Wsuf59Os_P4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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