This Gentleman Has Come To Do A Review About The MIRIDER ONE Electric Bike 🚲πŸŽ₯βœ…

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this gentleman's an uh an owner of a my rider and he's but he's come in he does youtubing and he's coming to do some like reviewing i've come to do a review about my bike outside the place that makes them so here we are in wigan where is this place mate around that corner around the corner yeah the bottom end on your right you'll see my rider right okay so it's just like the back entrance to it this is the company's related but it's not my right all right okay you just use it for testing dear yeah okay why does that want to say fully charged on it because it went to a bike company all right got a bike dealership what code fully charged all right is that one the same as this then it's the same frame um well that was nice right they use the back entrance so they share the building with festive lights festive lights for business so this is the place we've got ferrari outside so welcome back to the channel guys today we're here in wigan at myrider oh yes a lot of people have been asking for me to tell them all about this bike so today is the day and look at that what's on the forecourt a ferrari now that is nice look how big the disc brakes are on that yes very nice indeed and no there is no illegal number plates here but it does look like they've got a bit of a showroom so should we have a look inside first and then we'll get to get my take on what this bike is all about up to 35 miles of assistance two to three hour charge 15.5 miles per hour max assistant two year warranty and it's made for uk roads lot legal for uk roads and we're in and that's how small it folds down to it's nothing is it it's so lightweight fits in the boot you can fit about three of them in my boot and how nice is this for a showroom open to the public got all the my rider merchandise all the accessories locks fancy seats with lights on the back locks helmet phone holders helmets again and even free drinks look and a nice comfy sofa oh you can even see into like a test track sort of thing and where they're actually building the bikes at the back and this looks like some sort of luggage holder with wheels on the bottom and that one's got the off-road tyres like the mad mic tyres they call them and these are the normal row tires there i might it's okay to just do a bit of filming around here isn't it what's it for youtube for just for my youtube channel sorry what's your youtube i've got a my rider outside all right so i've come from leicester to do a review about my bike outside your outside your company okay just for like a backdrop but because i saw the door open it's amazing what you've got in here in it it's a little bit edge in a minute because we've done a couple of shows recently and things and obviously we would normally have one on here all right they'd all be full but all right so they're actually empty on these stands yeah we did we did a show last last weekend in london right um so they just haven't restocked the showroom at the minute right okay um [Music] yeah this is the one that i've got just just a normal um solar orange thing outside i've only been using it for about a month but everybody's asking me what what it is where i got it from and is it any good and always like so i thought right i'm going to answer all your questions outside the place where where it makes them you make them all late don't you yes we do yeah so when you say mate you sort of this gentleman's an uh an owner of a my rider and he's but he's come in he does youtubing and he's coming to do some like reviewing i've come to do a review about my bike outside the place that makes them because i saw an open door i thought i'd come in have a look leicester i took the sticker off yeah yeah sure yeah yeah so um things i love about it is just how easy it is you can actually fake pedal and just press to press the button can't you so you ain't even got to put any effort in at all essentially yeah yeah yeah i very rarely put any effort in yeah you're gonna get some exercise well i don't need it do i i've never needed to use the light because i always do it in the daytime it folds down into my boot i love it so people are asking me questions about it and where i get it where i get it from and stuff like that well i got it from my local bike shop so there is no um like it's not on amazon or anything like that it's not really no it's when we started it was only ever going to be either direct sales or through the dealer network yeah so there's about 150 dealers now yeah so wherever you are in the country but does your website show you where the dealer is yeah so i'm going to top of the page just click find a retailer all right bang your postcode in click search and it'll give you like within a certain radius which stores of you know uh stopped them alright right okay and do you know how um you say it's made in the uk is actually everything made in the uk or so we you know assembled yeah essentially assembled but a little bit more than that so some businesses bring bikes in directly from the far east and and not much changes um but essentially we buy the frame from a supplier in the far east and then every single component is sourced individually so like i say a brick breaks are from europe we've got some lot of cnc parts that are made in the uk we've got things made in taiwan china all over the place really but to bring together a bike that is exactly what we want yeah rather than yeah you're specifically chosen all those bits for a reason and you're constantly monitoring them as well we're just improving all the time like recently the latest one is the bell so the bell's been improved we've got an improved um magnet disc here right so it looks quite a simple quite simple thing but actually there's a lot of design um a lot of thought going into it that's made in the uk yeah so yeah it's just constantly developing you know it's um yeah i like how it folds in a magnet just pulls it into place people have says oh it's not as strong as it should be but it's strong enough for me mate yeah it does well the original one when the magnet connected here it had the ability to slide off and the wheels to move right but now with this magnet cup we call it right the magnet cannot slide out can't slide out of this cup so any even if you put the wheel because people don't put the wheels together exactly like that right if you put it together like that because this moves it catches the magnet on the front right so it allows the magnet still to slide in here right okay well it's always been okay for me what's the correct procedure do you put the handlebars down first yeah you got then let's have a look inside outside yeah whatever whatever you want i'm either right so the correct fold and you can do it a number of ways but this is the way i do it yeah okay so always of the pedal horizontal like that facing backwards yeah i always stand on the side opposite to the red opposite the catch right i always go with the handlebar first so you lift the lift the clip up that folds down press the button that comes out and just use your knee to flick it around and it connects to the lining as easy as that yeah but then a lot of people have been carrying it we'll use that to wheel it all right okay instead all right it won't wheel backwards because of because of the the crank will lock um yeah yeah that's how you do it it'll rest down like so yeah i noticed that yeah and then to to uh open it up again all you need to do is press this magnet cup here all right another reason why you have to press that don't don't force it open i have been yeah yeah so this is a little neat right this is why this this cup here is so important okay you press press the cup apart it puts it on an angle don't it to release it i've got yeah so that goes in there and away and you're ready to rock and roll a lot of people don't fold these pedals either you can form a pedal like so yeah but it only gives you a little bit more and if you're not if you're not desperately needing that space then it's just another step right over here yeah i found when i put it in my car boot they just fold automatically because of the pressure that's being put down on on the pedal so yeah they'll fold if they need to in my boot but did you know like um this you got like a reflector sort of making a bit of a wedge to that's like the natural stop of the seat post then yeah and even with that you see a little dent that's there a lot yeah so the suspension is making a tiny little but it's nothing to me but yeah so maybe the depth on that reflector thing just needs to be a bit thicker yeah so if that is that reflector the factory factory standard would have been set a bit lower all right and it's just rode up as it yeah so that's yes it's just rolled up so some people use it can you see that he's not he's not clamped properly it's not clamped to the frame so that'll allow the seat post to slide down so maybe i need to put that reflector down a bit then to make a bit more of a gap yeah so that's like that reflector will go down and then that needs to be tight if that's not tight the seat post will slide down yeah touch here well maybe the seat post is just a little bit too long but yeah because that my my silly mistake someone else might be silly like that as well yeah it's just to get that maximum ride height yeah yeah yeah because you quote certain heights of yes three six boys is really max yeah um yeah and is it true that this um this tire's got some green stuff in for punctures it's not green it's white but yes it's a puncture protection fluid so if you let's say if you if you've got a thorn in the tire more than likely it would seal that far it would seal that hole and the other thing it doesn't really seal against is anything like uh little cuts from glass or anything bigger anything bigger you really struggle to seal that yeah so will it seal without you pumping it up or you have to pump it up it should cut it should seal it with the pressure that's there so depending on the size of the thorn if the phone comes out summer might come out until it seals um but yeah what you would want to do anyway that's really only to get you home so what i would do then is if it has gone down a little bit you need to investigate why yeah and if it hasn't you just do a normal repair on the inner tube or replacing the chain so there is an inner tube inside right okay and that's the inside the inner tube is your white stuff so you could you could buy another in a tube from yourselves which has more white stuff in it ready for next time i've got you okay do you know this battery it doesn't really say it on it does it is it 36 volt yeah right okay so it takes that 42 volt 2 amp charger yeah yeah i got it i got it and i it's just great how you can plug it into the frame or take it out yeah one of the one of the times when i um put my bike back into this shape from being folded it snapped that little clip that pull-out thing yeah because it it flipped out by a mistake so yeah but that's is that something that can happen how do you avoid that if yeah it can't happen obviously this this is it doesn't attach it's sort of just the handle clips on yeah so if that was maybe spring-loaded so it rested back home naturally yes maybe but that it should it naturally is quite a tight fit yeah yeah i'm just an idiot that's also but what i'll do is we'll get about we'll get a new handle we'll just clip it on no you don't know but i'll show you how you know how it's meant well i've found that as soon as you do open open this anyway it just pulls out when it's in my car so the handle is not yeah yeah that handle should be quite tight so it should fit snugly yeah no it was my fault mate i don't want you to replace it i don't i don't want you to have any but yeah so i i actually leave the my rider in my boot all the time i just take the battery in take my bag in charge all my cameras up overnight and then i go because we go to various industrial estates have you ever seen the the dj audits youtube channel you have seen it yeah yeah yeah so i'm not here to give you guys a good uh hard time i'm just here to make because people are asking me so much well if you do recognize if you do recognize me everybody that does recognize the voice gets a key ring so there you go yeah yeah i joined it on the day i ordered the bike and i wanted to see what people thought of it i watched one youtube video myself of um john and somebody john and mandy reviewing it i think they're up to about 40 000 views on that video now so it's going to be great for you guys i love the bike i'm actually proud to recommend it because i think it's amazing and on the way yeah you're okay it's just a natural video it's not not scripted all right and on the way in uh somebody was testing one in your uh in your backyard yeah so each one before it goes gets uh that's tested yeah so they're checking for everything like creaks in the handlebar stand you know anything breaks catching slightly uh positions of these there's probably a 50 like a 50 point check yeah and i've witnessed it myself that's not from the builder that's from the qc at the end of the line right so somebody that's actually checking the builder's work everything checking tension of the latches uh mudguard positions anything really yeah anything that um it's amazing how much you catch yeah yeah yeah because it's an individual builder yeah they are they are all slightly different yeah so our job at the end of the line is to it's the qc and make sure if a couple got a bike right so you know one person but they're riding together yeah then bikes feel very similar yeah yeah yeah and i noticed that you've got a sticker that tells you who built it didn't you is this one anthony anthony yeah it's a head technician all right you've got the best guy he's head technician yeah so so yeah i mean yeah thanks for your time these um these sort of notches here is if you're sharing the bike is it and you want to remember your height we are going to do one of the seat posts as well so that's a little development so we're going to do one on the seat post because if you do that ideally you want to do one of the seat posts as well yeah but with this the beauty of that quick release one is you know some people tend to leave that clamp as it is and just use that quick release one yeah just makes it easier yeah i get it i fully get it where did you get it from it's called jewelers cycles in leicester yeah and they had it in stock as well and i did check down here and they've got a 22 um yeah zero one ob 22 and you have got a 21 haven't you and i wanted to make sure i've got the very latest one so that any changes you are doing then you've changed it to be honest any changes that we do make the philosophy is that really it's got to fit you know any someone could do the upgrade right okay the only thing we can't do is the upgrade on uh to the new gearbox one gb3 one yeah yeah because it's not just visually it looks very similar and it's just a belt and gearbox but all the alignment's different yeah so the rear wheel is different right because the alignment of this belt running through it's completely different so you have the new rear wheel new crank arm new gearbox so it's not just the same but everything else we always make you know interchangeable really yeah i did read about you've got a new model that's got gears and is it belt driven rather than um chain yeah is there not not one there is there only if it's not putting you out okay i'll wait here oh wow so these are all the bikes that you've got ready at the minute inside the my rider factory assembling down there in the far far end and this is how it looks when it comes in the box a tiny little box like that cannonise that one looks all flowery for the ladies yeah so this is um oh wow this is the gb3 model that's amazing so yeah so the belt the belt's different so this instead of a chain you've obviously got an oil-free belt the actual gearbox is this is like completely unique this is the only design of this in the world right so it's a polish company originally designed it and then we've uh customized customized it for the marital one so gears are in here you've got upgraded lightweight pedals oh wow that's cool in it yes how does that let's pull that out that's awesome and it flicks back in so they're away a third of the weight of the standard pedal you've got a wider handlebar which is actually a radio if you see like a riser handlebar yeah it allows for better adjustment and also a slightly higher riding position you've got hydraulic brakes oh yeah so uh a lot smoother oh yeah you can tell kind of straight yeah and i bet it releases the pad down it instantly yeah you've got the cooler display which is different to the full color display it's a little bit more accurate gives you temperature and things a few things up there the standard display doesn't give usb charging all right usb charger there wow you charge your phone up from this battery here that's the gear shift so you can shift from a standstill it's not like a traditional trailer so it's still got level assist so this is still controlled by that but in addition you've got you've still got the the assistance levels yeah but you've got additional gears so really you've got 15 assistances haven't you you can ride on level one with no power it's just so silky smooth right i've got yeah so you can't ride so for those that don't want the assist they actually want the exercise yeah level one is so level one is a lot lower than the standard bike level uh gear two is the same gear ratio as you've got at your back yeah and then three is for when you want to go above that would be rapid yeah still cuts off at about 16 miles an hour yeah i still still can't stop at the legal limit yeah but this is just allows you either to have a nice leisurely pedal or if you want to push on yeah it's like you can do 70 80 miles an hour wow which is you know it's appealing to a lot more people in it yes yeah yeah i guess this just takes everything that's good about so this is actually for sale on your website now and what's it called 1gb gb free uh the waiting list is quite quite some time so about a month is it or more um you know we've got probably five colours now as well so you have to let the orders come in just the colours going right yeah yeah you've got your hands full that's for sure you've created a monster haven't yeah yeah yeah no credit to you mate the demand's there for a reason because you you're worth it yeah that's the standard saddle yeah yeah it comes with a um an upgraded saddle and you've got the different codes down here now have you is it still 22 yeah oh is it the mr is that the mr1s that's changed product yeah the qualcomm slightly changed right what would what's the product code on these ones mr1b so b is a blue frame right this this wrap which is the floor app which is based on a blue frame got yeah it's a blue frame with that with that and that's mr1g for grey yeah it's mine mr10o is it orange there you go that's good i should have cracked yeah thank you yeah let's do it i'll put this camera away we're gonna get uh a test ride i won't say test drive is that your ferrari it's not mine it's someone in the buildings is it right okay that says it all um yeah you just see it however you want it really yeah that's fine all right exactly we're turned on yeah just try with no assistance first yeah yeah let's see how it is uh oh wow yeah the steepest of hill would be no problem would it for that that gear you could even do wheelers on it now not advisable to do wheelers because of the yeah any hill any hill at all and then with no assistance and if you add assistance on to that oh so the boost don't work unless you've got a a level yeah i got it but regardless of the the assist level boost goes to five still and then if we take it to oh that you can't even feel it changing gear can you yeah so we're on free now we've got the boost and it gives you that bit more of a a gear ratio just to get some speed up don't it so if you did want to put some effort in put some real well in yeah and those brakes are so smooth now and there's no middle sort of friction is there it's either doing something or you've released straight away yeah oh yeah yeah very nice mate very nice thank you so much for showing me around what was your name martin nice to meet you martin i'll let you get back to it i'll just be out here for another 10 minutes just talking about what i think about mine now really it's good to see you i didn't recognize it first but i i recognized the voice well you know even though you didn't recognize me professional welcoming you know our customer service should be really yeah it was dave david perfectly fine no complaints they're gonna love you thank you so much yeah thank you so there we have it david and every single person that i've met met here today from my rider here at wigan have been absolutely amazing so yeah as you saw you saw david show a demonstration there of how to unfold and assemble the bike what we didn't talk about was the shock absorber dampener ship as standard in the middle does it yeah we ship it with a certain amount of number of threads seven or eight threads exposed yeah so it's a middle ground so you can tighten it up yeah so the heavier person would just need to turn it downwards would they well if it's heavier person and they want a firmer ride you would because if you're a heavier person you'd need a bit more support yeah so you would you would have more threads showing oh more fresh showing so upwards okay so it's the tights of the spring yeah anthony's just gonna put your new uh oh thank you aunty yeah yeah got the key i can just put that on can you get it yeah it just clicks in that's an added bonus which i didn't expect so thank you so much you come out all right i did it no it was it was still in the um open position yeah i wasn't complaining i was just saying like we're just talking about improvements and stuff yeah it served me well i've never cleaned it and it's never run out of batter and i go around all day filming from one place to the next i leave my car where it is yeah but yeah if i'm showing people how good the bike is i had to come here today you know it's a couple of hours travel but it's worth it where did you come from leicester yeah but i recently did a heinz video near me yeah and i know she's got a few heinz factories here so it'll make my day useful you know yeah that fact that behind the factory is something else that's where they filmed the was it when they filmed the christmas special about how to make how to make certain things heinz was on that program where it was it looks like chart for us yeah i'll do a little bit of a a video of it take the drone over and stuff tomorrow yeah the sauce any problems you have let's say you've got the dealer or you've got you've got us directly yeah yeah thank you so much i better let you get back and i'll move on we'll build some bikes eh yeah you make me feel guilty when i take two people away from such an important operation yeah get that get back yeah thank you so much and it's a pleasure to meet anthony and martin marketing head technician and marketing director yeah thank you very much guys pleasure to meet you thank you so there we go hopefully now you know everything there is to know about this bike that i use every day it's never ran out of battery for me it's amazing it gets me from place to place so quickly i can get so many more videos done and it just fits in the in the boot and as i said earlier you could easily fit two of these in a boot of well let's just say this car here for example this this size vehicle with this hatchback you could easily fit two of those in so yeah that's it review of my rider 1 done outside unit 3 here in wigan so if you have enjoyed that video give it a thumbs up for me and i'll see you on the next one guys bye bye for now [Music] [Music] you
Channel: DJ AUDITS
Views: 174,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auditing britain, pj audits, marti blagborough, uk audit, pinac, citizen journalist, 1st amendment audit, cyclingmikey, photography is not a crime, english auditor, citizen journalism, Audit the Audit, uk audits, british audits, filming in public, auditing, Photography Audit, MiRiDER One Folding eBike, gear belt 3 speed mirider, THE BEST RATED FOLDING EBIKE ON BIKERADAR, best electric folding bike, mirider wigan, dj audits mirider, mirider audit, mirider one review, mirider
Id: v08O_1aMpNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 34sec (1894 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2022
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