Excuse Me Could You Leave The Site Please And Not Be Filming! You Are Not Allowed! ๐Ÿค”๐ŸŽฅ๐Ÿ›ธโŒ

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excuse me did you leave the safely did you not be filming you're not allowed I'm not on your site I'm on the public back to the channel guys today we're here at the NHS supply chain I've never seen one of these before a big massive Warehouse with lots and lots of NHS branded vehicles in seven half tunnel over there and another one or a few more over in the corner there a few Mercedes sprinters and they've even got cameras on them look this vehicle is fitted with image Recording Technology outside the sign just says this Goods inwards sites health and safety rules policies and procedures must be observed at all times businesses must take due regard for their own safety that of others and the safeguarding of their possessions access to operational areas is restricted to authorized personnel and vehicles all speed limits must be strictly observed pedestrians must keep to the designated walkways vehicles and persons may be searched wow smoking is not permitted except in designated areas but as you'll notice both barriers are permanently open so they're not too bothered about security here are they but we'll remain outside can you off the site thank you I'm not on your site mate I'm on the crossing yeah you're not allowed on site unless you're a schedule that's all right I'm on the crossing I'm just having a look around um do you know these um Vehicles how they've got a supply chain so does Goods that the nhsus come here in bulk and then you split it all down and ship it to individual trusts oh it's been called back I think that's what it's uh doing in it rather than the supplier send it directly to the hospital or to the site they all come here in bulk and then drip feed it to the individual sites that actually need it [Music] one of the NHS supply chain vehicles and leaving site there got a nice tail lift to make it easy for them to unload at the other end one of the things I've always wanted to do is zoom in on the CCTV camera screen when it can be seen from the public footpath as you know up until now I've not been able to do that but this is the first example look did you leave the site did you know you knock it and leave immediately I can bring the security and have you removed there's no need to do anything like that I'm standing on a public footpath I've told you what I've been told to if you don't leave now I can ring the security and I still have you remove I don't need to leave a public footpath mate okay just to let you know but we will be ringing security if you don't leave you're not allowed to film it yes I am no you're not why not we know what you're here for you're not allowed to film could you please move on we have asked you nicely you can only ask people to leave if they are on your property okay so I don't expect to see you any further than that then please yeah and I won't be and also you can move because you're getting in the way of our drivers leave them okay it's health and safety risk could you please move on right I'm going to ask you a question and I want you to answer it honestly I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm not going to ask okay am I standing on the road or a footpath you're standing on the foot path right where Laurie's coming okay am I standing and you keep standing there am I standing behind a curb on a footpath currently thank you standing there a minute okay well I agree which we can check through your camera I will now now we've spoke about safety thank you for your concern I'm gonna stay on the footpath behind the curb you happy yeah that's fine okay stay there no coming anything yeah no problem so there we go a nice Gentleman's Agreement he just wants me to stay on the footpath behind the cab and we shouldn't have any more issues [Music] but yeah on this particular screen let us keeping their eye on cars look just keep in their eye on the car park vehicles moving around they've obviously got enough entrance up there but it just shows what a vital tool this zoom camera has become let's carry on so with there being a bushes all the way around the outside perimeter this is the only advantage point that we have whilst the pallet ways vehicle gets booked in and the security guard well Gatehouse security personnel has now chilled out we will remain on the public footpath out the way let's see what this place looks like from above [Music] so as always we've checked on drone assist there are no flight restrictions in this area at all let's go another look at the NHS supply chain Bridgewater oh wow look at that vehicle there a double [Music] as we always do let's check the skip and in there we have lots and lots of metal some old shelving and underneath it looks like some metal trolleys as you would expect lots of pallets some cardboard Bale in get the normal Warehouse box but they are actually storing stuff outside down there so should we have a little look it's as far as we can go just to make sure we keep line of sight oh it's just trolleys so that they can move the stuff around nice and easy on-site [Music] so let's have a look down at this direction you've got the palletways vehicle which is now entered site there an area for I presume cleaning and maintaining the vehicles with some oil there [Music] gentlemen down there spotted the Drone and he's laughing good man and then on this side we just have a large car park for the staff which is fenced off so they don't drive into the yard I've got another sign there NHS supply chain so maybe they have lots of these over the country moving Goods nearer to the hospitals but still keeping control of this stock room the guy down there on his phone that's about it so we can see a guy now coming out here so we don't know if he's coming to us or not but we're finished with the Drone let's get our 360 degree shot for Google Maps and carry on no no you okay thanks you do find the Drone so I'm just sort of been asking questions so what are you after the only question that I asked was um is this sort of where Goods get delivered in bulk and then you drip feed it to each individual site who are you that's the only question I had I'm not don't quite understand what you'll be asking that okay that's fine anyway that's understandable you might not understand but everybody's entitled to ask questions about any anything they're interested in really yeah that's what I came over to help yeah you're interested in what I'm doing aren't you yeah it's natural don't you understand why you find a drone over there because in public spaces you shouldn't be flying one of those over a public space just totally so you've got a license for it let's touch that nonsense you've got a license for it have I got a license for it it's not really called a license uh in the UK for drones it's called an operator's ID you see that sticker on top [Music] is that what you're referring to the sticker just wondering if you've got one that was awesome you've seen it now okay Andrew Chris pleasure talking to you no problem yeah oh good yeah okay oh yeah um I was going to report this matter to security but I presume you're Superior to security and from a public footpath when this is when the CCTV camera can be seen that's a breach of gdpr it's not protecting data do you want me to show you what I mean just so that you that you can know and maybe act upon it if you wish yeah I'll show you watch this [Music] I'll just record it again just for evidence so you see [Music] you see that CCTV screen there you see how I can see cars shoot us there you can see that the CCTV screen is facing a public footpath and can be viewed with digital enhancement so I'm just letting you know and obviously you've got a broken barrier as well so that's your security protocol is in breach I don't know if he if he could lower it I'm sure he would so I'm presuming it's broke and I'm also assuming you've got a repair date for it that's great if you have here but if you haven't then if somebody comes back in a week's time because these industrial estate audits are getting a bit more popular because the viewers want to watch it for some reason so we're just going out there creating the content but if somebody comes here again and the barrier is still up then people are going to form an opinion that you're not bothered about security if they see that the Securities if they see that the CCTV screen is still facing the public footpath they may also form an opinion so that's all apart from that everything who is we health and safety wise it's great everything that I've seen is great you've just got a security weakness and you've got a gdpr breach who is waiting I'm going to leave it there guys it's for YouTube you're right mate yeah yeah off you go all right all right [Music] foreign I've actually got a copy of his cameras to do whatever I want to do with just against you so that's about it from the NHS supply chain here at Bridgewater in Somerset I was just genuinely interested in what they do but we never did find out we got told to stop filming we got told to move away from the entrance despite her standing on that public footpath and then the guys came out asking about the Drone license and uh I don't know just walked away once they realized they sound ridiculous I think so anyway before we leave this one the DJ audits Q ring is just hidden in there on the bush yeah just to the left of the entrance there so if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and I'll see you on the next one guys bye bye for now [Music]
Channel: DJ AUDITS
Views: 70,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live free, auditing britain, pj audits, uk audit, pinac, citizen journalist, 1st amendment audit, cyclingmikey, photography is not a crime, english auditor, citizen journalism, Audit the Audit, uk audits, british audits, filming in public, auditing, Photography Audit, dji mini 3, drone audit, industrial estate auditor, industrial estate youtuber, djimini3pro, djaudits, nhs supply chain, cctv screen breach, broken barrier
Id: 3unDREl_ft0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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