This Generation And The Trojan horse || Pastor Glen O. Samuels

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two weeks ago we listened to the song by dave we need to get back to the basics of life and i specifically and purposefully asked for the same song because i watched and so many of you ask that pastor please do a part two and a part three well i can't promise you parts two and part three i thought i gave you parts one two and three in the same sermon having preached for more than an hour but since you've been pleading and you've been calling and uh friends this morning spoke about prayer and he mentioned the important widow so so lest you be like the widow who keeps constantly knocking i am going to do the final part today i never said part two or part three unless you ask for part four so i i want to protect myself camara and say i'm going to do the final part today so our text i will come to it in a while but there's a song that the spencers sang i think it was written by one johnson i can't recall his first name the song says i went to church again today looked at all the fine array but not many little faces that i see they must be taught from the start they must have jesus in their hearts and the refrain that becomes the repetitive line throughout the song is what arrested my heart oh where are the children where are the children the second verse in the song is satan stealing them away are we too blind to see today oh where are the children remember jesus said it best when i return a life of faith i think that ought to be when i return will i find faith oh where are the children where are the children the next stanza said when at last we've run our race when you and i as pastor and president as church elder and parent when you and i as king and governor when you and i as church officer when at last we've run our race who'll be there to take our place will the house of worship fade away amazing grace that it won't be long when we're going when we're gone who'll sing those songs oh where are the children and then the last line says cry for the children not so many years have passed but the changes they've been bad this world grows more wicked every day when we get to heaven and we look around will our children there be found i want to read the covering lines of the last answer not so many years have passed but the change is they've been bad this world grows more wicked every day when we get to heaven and we look around will our children there be found that's the troubling question we ended the last time i was in your preaching space looking at the text from judges chapter 2 8 to 10. we looked at the challenges we looked at the faithful leadership provided by joshua caleb those who led with him and in that pericappy we we pull together god's amazing deliverance and protective care and provision and leadership as you let israel from egyptian bondage into freedom space if you are familiar with god's conversation with with abraham in genesis god did predict that he would give to abraham siege a place on which he would visit judgment because of their outward ungodliness if you are familiar with the conversation between joseph and his brothers you would hear joseph and that was before egyptian slavery got in that joseph said to his brothers that god is going to visit you in this place joseph said you're going to have some hard times after my death but god will visit you and god will deliver you and when god will have done that joseph said carry my bones up with you ah jesus believe that god's word will be fulfilled i want to tell you that when joseph spoke the pharaoh who knew joseph and the pharaoh who was showing favor to israel was still alive ah but joseph had such a relationship with god that he knew long after his death that the arch enemy the arch rival of god the enemy of the things of god and the people of god would visit vengeance on the children of god but joseph knew that though deliverance may be a long delay god's promises can never be denied joseph knew that your blessing may be delayed but it can't be denied and so joseph in prophetic tone said to his brothers when god visits you when when he brings deliverance out of egypt carry my bones with you i don't want even my bones to be left in slavery the story is fascinating i told you last time and i thought i covered all of it but since you asked me to continue i'm going to do that so by the time we get to the death of joshua now some scholars believe that the book of samuel well the book of the book of joshua covered some 30 to 40 years and uh in the book of judges you find a repetitive phrase that that each man did that which was right in his own eyes and that the period covered some 300 years 300 years of up and down 300 years of a seesaw encounter where each man felt that he was god to himself that he didn't need god and therefore he would decide oh holy ghost help the preacher he would decide for himself that which constitutes right that which constitutes righteousness but i want to let you understand that true righteousness can't be designed by a sinful heart because a heart that is sinful can't understand what true holiness is all about it has to come from a god who is perfect and pure and righteous all i'm just laying a foundation don't you know that and so when you put together the years of joshua's leadership and you'd add that to the seesaw encounter i want to take you into the 300 years that the book of judges covered now when you add up the period by the judges you'll get to i think 276 but there's a judge there by the name of shamgar whose period was never accounted for and so some scholars believe that they're based on jephthah in the same book just to make reference to the fact that 300 years constituted the period of the churches but here the preacher i'm going to take you now to our preaching portion the rest of it was just a little history to pull it together so we go to judges too and we read from verse 10 to 12. it says and also now i did read to you to this 10 last time and i don't know if you can recall the subject i gave or the title for the last time we were together i'm going to leave to figure that out so just when you find it just call it this is the final part and also all that generation were gathered to their fathers and there arose another generation after them which knew not the lord nor yet the works which he had done for israel the last part of verse 10 i want to read for you again because that is the troubling portion in the passage there arose a generation after joshua after caleb after president joshua and vice president caleb elder joshua or pastor joshua or whoever you want to call him he was the leader of the church hear the preacher everything stands or falls based on the quality of leadership that is given to it or the lack thereof the bible said there arose a generation after them which knew not the lord nor yet the works which he had done for israel hold it right there hold it right there last time somebody texted me pastor i tried my best but my child still go astray so let me fix that lest you thought i was placing the blame all on the shoulders or at the feet of parents i wanted to understand that you can only do so much and no more for when the child comes to the place where she he or she understands right from wrong and now becomes an adult he or she is responsible for the ultimate destiny but you have to understand until the day they die your work as parent is never finished until the day they die maybe all you can do is go on your knees and cry to god let them hear you call their name in prayer they may not want to worship god they may not want to pray but go in their room even when they're sleeping kneel down beside their bedside say god you gave me this boy you gave me this curl and i'm not gonna give up devil we gotta fight let them hallelujah let them hear you call their name to the lord god in prayer if that's all you can do then pray without ceasing the text raised the question how could it be that the children of faithful pastors and faithful elders and faithful officers how could it be that their children notice what the last two lines in the text says they didn't know god and they had no information about god now the first part you have to lay squarely at the feet of the generation that succeed them but it is the last part of the text that's bothering my mind how could they not have information about god and it's not hard for me to understand the struggle because i belong to a generation let me tell you when i was just baptized it was my church elder my pastor had 13 churches my church elder would teach bible class and my pastor would teach it sometimes but he's got 13 so we could only see him for one bible class each quarter it was the elder and the elders who would pick up the bible set us down and teach us the word of god but i now grow up and carry a burden on my heart because i belong to a generation where even some of those who lead the church are too busy to teach the church the word of god oh i'm are gonna be playing today sometimes in the midst of challenge some of us as pastors too busy minding our own business we don't know any teaching of bible class we don't even teach savage school hear me you can stone me if you want but i go raise my voice like a trumpet it's in jamaica it's in the caribbean it's in north america it's in south america and we dear wonder why our children and this generation is godless we don't teach bible class we don't teach cyber school and we wonder why offshoot groups are leading away the children of the living god when the shepherd is absent the wolves will take over [Applause] and wolves always come in sheep clothing they come coating ellen white they come quoting the bible there are some parts of the bible they will not quote there are some parts of ellen white they will not quote and the thing that bothered me is this they will not go out there in the highways and byways to seek the laws they will not go out on the mountains wild and high they will not go down in the gutter to find the lost sheep but as soon as the holy ghost prince the sheep inside they come on in like wolves and sheep closing but the lord god shall fight for those who belong to him are you listening to me [Applause] there's a problem in the text i haven't forgotten the subject i gave it last time there is a problem in the text and today i would call it the challenges of the next generation and their trojan horse there's a challenge in the text notice if you will that god said to moses that as long as israel would follow faithfully they would never be a nation that could stand against them but you see even before they get into canaan i gonna be bold today if it takes me until nightfall i will not stop until i'm done listen to me even before they got inside canaan god knew there was need encouragement so god said to moses select ten spies send them down to the land i want them to see what i have already seen i want them to hear what i already knew so he took out the ten spies they were leaders give me carefully he chose 12 leaders from the 12 tribes he sent them down there but just to see what god said they should see they came back they said yes we saw the land we saw the land flowing with milk and honey we saw everything that god said we should see but there's a problem they said the people are too strong for us the people are giants in the land and we were in our own eyes watch this as grasshoppers in their sight hear me carefully the people in the land didn't see them because they were spies they went in secretly but they said we were in our own eyes as grasshoppers in their sight and so were we i'm quoting from numbers chapters 12 and 13. listen to me if you see yourself as a grasshopper you can't fight like a giant if you see yourself as a grasshopper all your mountains will be insurmountable sometimes god will place a goliath in your path so he can bring out the david that he plays inside of you sometimes god will place a mountain in your path so he can help you understand he has already made you a mountain climber and no weapon that falls against you shall prosper because they who are defended by god the enemy even the enemy will call them blessed hear the preacher i have a problem i have a problem i have a problem with the last line in the text it's bad enough that they had no relationship with god for themselves but the text says they did not have any information about what god had done for israel you see there's something there's something that [Music] we call the oral tradition hebrews call it the shaman it's found in deuteronomy chapter six beginning at verse five it is called the transmission of the oral tradition because they never master writing in all of their generations and so god said hear o israel the lord our god is one and the words which i command you must be in your heart have you ever wondered why that this generation is so sinful they are parented by parents who don't have any knowledge of god and you cannot teach what you do not know if you don't know what righteousness is you can't lead where you are not going you cannot give what you do not have so god said to to moses the words which i command you must be in your heart take it send me tell you say you must know god for yourself i'm sorry i'm sorry let me now give you the revised version take it as i tell you you need to know god for yourself you don't have to believe in god for him to be god he is god almighty whether you believe in him yes or no he is god plus nothing minus nothing he is just chopped capital g o d he does not need the vote of congress nor parliament nor the white house nor the hear me carefully he's just god [Music] and sometimes i think that god just sits by himself and smile when puny man seeks to flex his fist in the face of god god just sit and smile and said can you imagine can you imagine it's like it's like an ant saying i'm going to turn over this bulldozer it's like an i'm saying i'm going to stop this bulldozer and god just said if only you know and in his mercy in his mercy he holds back his power and extends his grace now if i don't get out of verse 10 you won't get home before nightfall so let me leave verse 10. there's still so much in verse 10. but here's verse 11. and the children of israel did evil in the sight of the lord and served baal now hang on right there i have to tell you what i told you last time so i don't leave you far behind this time last time i told you that when moses was handing over to joshua moses said to israel if you obey the lord god deuteronomy 28 blessed shalt thou be in thy going out blessed shalt thou be in thy coming in if you keep the commandments of god he'll bless your children he'll bless your body he'll bless your fruit basket he said you will not lack anything but if you fail to obey i'll curse what you have when joshua was about to die he said to israel in the 24th chapter choose you whom you will serve whether the gods which are on the other side are the gods on this side but as for me and my house we shall serve the lord now joshua died and this text and the next one opens to you some stuff for serious contemplation there are words in the title of the last sermon that i use a review to the church and a challenge to the ungodly and the children of israel did evil in the sight of the lord and served barely verse 12 verse 12. come on son and they if you don't remember any other verse i read today don't forget this one and they children of israel they the descendants of joshua and caleb they the children of the pastors and the elders and the church officers and the church members and they forsook the lord god of their fathers which brought them out of the land of egypt they followed other gods the gods watch this watch this the gods of the people that were round about them bowed themselves onto the gods of the people that were round about them and provoked the lord to anger pause right here pause right here i'm going to make two statements and i'll tell you a greek mythological story statement number one as long as israel remained faithful to the commandments of god sustained by the power of god there was not a single nation that was powerful enough to overthrow them walk with that statement down through the dark ages persecution couldn't kill the church walk in the days of the apostles they beat them up they locked them up they even crucified some of them upside down go down to the middle ages and discover they fed them to wild animals but the church still cruel the devil knows the only way he can stop the church is to join the church the devil knows the only way he can destroy our homes is to join our homes to join our families the devil knows the only way he can destroy the church if we ever live like jesus if we ever pray like jesus if we ever sacrifice like jesus there would never be anything that the church can't do there let me take you now to an old greek mythological mythology have you ever heard about the wooden horse of troy so for 10 years for 10 years the the greeks laid siege against the city of troy but the city of troy had all the food they needed they they all they were self-reliant they had a huge wall they were they were so well fortified well-defended and so for ten years for ten long years the greeks sailed in to greet to the shores of troy and they laid siege against troy but they couldn't win and odyssey odyssey decided to say to his military general allow me to build a huge wooden horse you place some soldiers in the belly of the horse and then the army of greece must retreat sail as if you're gone leave it there and odyssey said i'll bet you after you would have sailed away the folk of troy would open their iron gates they'll pull the horse in and so the greek army built this huge now some scholars felt that it was a ship they left because they said that the ship was known as the seahorse but but most most historians believe that it was really a huge wooden horse built in such a manner it could hold persons inside of it and so whether it was a boat or a horse here's the mall in the story they retreated and one day passed the folk watched the horse they saw no greek soldiers and sure enough the next day they opened the gates the city that was well fortified the city that the greeks couldn't touch troy opened the gate and they pulled this huge wooden horse inside closed back their huge iron gates and under the cover of dark the greek ships returned to shore while the people inside their fortified city went to sleep odyssey and the soldiers inside the belly of the wooden horse climbed down and opened up the iron gates and that was how the city of troy was destroyed have you ever wondered why this this malware known as trojan horse google said google said that that that a trojan horse can't implant itself on your computer or your phone you have to download something that you think is legitimate you have to download on your computer or on your phone something that you think is legitimate and when you do that then the trojan horse virus takes over your system and attack your system based on the orders of the ones who created it now i want to pull the trojan horse greek mythology into the destruction of israel as long as the children and their parents and their pastor and their leaders were abiding by the teachings of god and abiding by a faithful allegiance to god in returning their tithes and offering in having a prayer life in obeying god's commandments in being kind to each other as long as they were faithful in living the way god wanted them he said i'll bless your children your children will be like the sands of the seashore but israel pulled in the canaanite trojan horse inside their worship they went out to look on the worship style of canaan they looked on the behavior of canaan they looked on the live style of canaan can i talk to you a little bit how do you think how do you think dinah got raped the text says she went out to see the people of the land she went out to to form friendship with the daughter of the land one of her girlfriend has a brother who never had godly principles and he felt that if he sees it and he likes it and he wants it he should get it are you listening to me but if dinah i remain inside and follow what god said maybe just maybe she would never be raped hear the preacher not only not only did they go out to coat but the bible said they brought in they bought into and they brought inside of israel the customs and the worship stuff and the dress pattern and the lifestyle and the behavior of the canaanites can i bring it home can i bring it home jen's ears gen x's jen's ears in this internet generation based their lifestyle and their practices from that which they pull down from the internet they download stuff inside their psychic and in downloading stuff from hollywood in down hear me carefully that which is fashionable does that mean it comes from god i'm gonna share something with you i'm going to share something with you i left my glasses and sometimes i fooled myself and believing i can see without it but but in adventist home page 430 helen white says the mind of man or woman does not come down in a moment from purity and holiness to depravity and corruption and crime i'm going to read it again i'm going to read it again advent is home page 430 god's servant says the mind of a man or a woman does not come down in a moment from purity and holiness to depravity and corruption and crime it takes time to transform the human into patterning the divine and also it takes time to degrade him from the image of the divine hear god's servant it takes time to degrade those formed in the image of god to the brutal and the satanic because by beholding we become change hear me fellow pastor when we don't teach our bible class when we don't teach or sub school hear me elders hear me superintendent he and me church officers when we don't teach our children when we don't teach them from their young years when we don't kneel down with them and spend time with them in prayer to the lord god we wonder why they look worldly we wonder why they behave like we're liam the text said that israel after joshua died after caleb died after the death of all the faithful leaders there came up a generation who felt uncomfortable with straight truth a generation who didn't think the commandments should read as straight as they were written a generation who feel that they ought to alter what god says a generation who will curse leadership and curse the church you know it's funny that even though the scribes and pharisees try to kill jesus he stayed in the church it's funny that that that those who are claiming to be god's messengers of higher light are the ones cutting down what god established i'm going i'm going to pray today whether you like it yes or no hear me carefully there's something i want to i want to bring to you so google says that the concept of the trojan horse is a metaphorical turn a strategy that causes a target to invite a foe into a securely protected place holy ghost help the preacher in fighting a foe into a purely protective place how protected is your heart how protected is your mind what are you inviting what am i inviting in my mind when i court vindictiveness and the spirit of hate burns and grows in my heart when i open the doors of my mind [Music] to stuff that destroys christian faith google said that that the trojan horse malware or spyware is a metaphorical term for a virus they said any trick or strategy that causes the target to invite a foe into a secure place the strategy to deceive by appearance hiding malevolent intent in an outwardly benign exterior to subvert from within ellen white says that the church has nothing to fear for the future unless it should forget god's leading in the past so how do we get read i'm going back to my text of of of of the trojan horse virus google said number one you've got to identify your trojan horse you have to identify what is it that is derailing your spiritual life what is it that is destroying the effectiveness of your weakness for god what is it that is robbing you of time spent in prayer what is it that is robbing you of time to witness google said you must identify your trojan horse google said after you have identified your trojan horse you must disable the function of system restore now i'm no computer wiz they said when you identify the virus you have to disable the function system on your computer that restores stuff because they said when you think you delete it if you do not disable the system any time you restart it it will restore the virus somebody said if you want to get rid of the cobweb kill the spider but we love the spider we love the spider of of vindictiveness we love the spider of pornography we love the spider of of sensual movies we love the spider of we love the spider i i can hardly no i can be myself i gonna be myself i used to be able to go to new york city or florida walk into a men's store and i could find my suit and come out drones in a matter of 15 minutes now it takes me more than an hour to find one suit because the modern suit makers feel that your suit must suck on to your skin now i'm skinny for morning i need a suit to make me look flat are you listening to me the the the leg section is too tight the the foot section too tight because the modern makers are canaanites descendants i said the modern makers the designers but the thing that bothered my mind is that the children of israel [Music] have no problem with the design of canaanite suits and canaanite dresses i can preach whether you like it or not i said the problem is the children of israel have gone out in canaan brought in the spyware on the inside i said they brought in the spyware the spy w e [Music] google said google said google said after you identify the virus after you disable the system's functionality restart your computer and the only place to restart your spiritual computer you've got to get back to the basics of life a faith that is firmly grounded in christ you've got to get back to a religion that is rooted in the bible i know there are teachers around you teaching you don't have to obey god's ten commandments i know there are those who teach that the sabbath is finished with i know there are those who teach you that you are legalistic but i still believe thou shalt not kill i still believe thou shalt not steal i still believe remember the sabbath day are you listening to me [Music] [Applause] google said remove the extensions google said remove the extensions what are the extensions google said that that if you are connected to other systems that have direct connection with your system cut them off lord have mercy there are some friends that may be good friends down here but this is not your home there are some friends who may be good friends here but if your mind is in heaven you have to choose some heavenly minded friends are you listening to me you've got to choose some friends who know what neology is all about you've got to choose some friends who don't who not ashamed to spend time reading the word of god you've got to choose some friends who still believe it is still fashionable to pray still fashionable to weakness still fashionable to spread the good news still fashionable to preach the everlasting gospel you've got to surround yourself i never said with church members i said find somebody who knows the lord god [Applause] google said remove the extensions to protect your system and then google said be extra careful time not to be infected with the same virus again i love google sauna was like a preacher google said be extra careful next time so here's what happened now they wanted to look like the heathens and after a while not only were they looking like the heathens they were behaving like the heathen 300 years in the book of judges and god had to allow them to be captured and harassed by their enemies just to get them to pray 300 years in the book of judges and there has to be one judge after another and each time they have a good judge each time the church has a good leader a good pastor a good elder a good ay leader a good each time the church has a faithful officer when that one dies the church sings the word here you and i can build our relationship with god by depending on other people we've got to know him for ourselves we've got to have our own relationship with god 300 years and even samson whose parents were told how to treat him from before he was born ended up dying among his enemies because he made a fool of himself 12 yea 16 prophets between isaiah and malachi 16 prophets you know what the first major prophet said to rebellious israel in isaiah 43 and verse 10 you are my weakness said the lord god that the world may know that there is no other god apart from me but israel chose to become like the nations its sons and daughters behave like the canaanites why was it so fashionable because the gods of canaan had eyes that couldn't see ears that couldn't hear hands that couldn't touch feet that couldn't walk that was a convenient god this generation we don't need a god to tell us how to live we don't need a god to tell us how to worship we want a god to get us a boyfriend get us a girlfriend god get me a job god heal me when i'm sick we want a god to be our servant we don't want a god who can be our master we want to bail out god to come when we call and do what we say we want a god to heal us from cancer and heal us from covered we want a god to to heal us from this and heal us from that and and provide us some money and provide us a job and provide us a car we don't want a god to say honor thy father and thy mother we don't want the god to say thou shalt not commit adultery we don't want a god to say thou shalt not steal we don't want the god to tell us remember the sabbath day to keep it holy we don't want a god to say you shall have no other god before me we don't want a god to say you must not take my name in vain we don't want a god to say you must not covet your neighbor's goods we want a god who we can boss around and the gods of the canaanites became fashionable to israel because they could do their own thing and live anyhow and still worship they could do their own thing they could live anyhow they could behave anyhow and still go before their idols to worship and feel like they've had church and feel like they've done their service to god when their hearts remain dry and parched and empty hear me 21st century nation hear me a miracle hear me jamaica and the caribbean islands hear me africa hear me europe hear me asha hear me continents and islands you may flex your fist in the face of almighty god you may slam the door shut in the face of god you may worship at the shrine of pleasure you may climb the ladder of material ascendancy but get all you can have all the plenty you can do all the stuff you can but you will come down to kiss a dying pillow when you get down to life's common denominator your night dancing friends can't help you when you come down to kiss a dying pillow when kovid sets in with his final moment and you're struggling to breathe when cancer cervical cancer and prostate cancer and breast cancer is doing its final work when you come down to that moment where depression and distress and despair because friends can't help and money can't help and your earned phd can help and the god the only god who can help is the one you have blasted to the circumference of your life here the preacher joshua died and the generation that came after them knew not god they went out and they looked at the people of canaan they borrowed canaanite worship they borrowed canaanite lifestyle they borrowed canaan's god and when they got in trouble the only one who could help them is the almighty god whom they were resisting and rejecting hear the preacher hear me young man hear me young lady you may be computer literate but if you are biblically ignorant your computer literacy can't help you hear me hear me i have nothing against learning because god is the source of all wisdom but if your wisdom make you believe that you are independent of god what you have is knowledge but not wisdom hear the preacher 300 years a seesaw encounter their blood flowed then came samuel then came saul then came david then came solomon then came the wreckage of the ten and tribes on one side and two on the other side then came figula piles of iii then hear me carefully read the history of israel and hear again the words of moses if you forsake the lord god he will forsake you and israel became like the heathen and ellen white speaking of this generation said that the line of demarcation is almost indistinguishable we come to church and we can't afford to stay inside because worship is too boring we've got to go and find excitement we are the generation of excitement and sometimes god does not work in excitement we need a moment so god can speak in the still small voice when winston churchill watch as hitler bomb london all the freedom nations were falling one by one seem as if england would never survive then came churchill never had the kind of wisdom the world thought he should have churchill failed his cave which exam 19 times can i speak to a youngster failure is not final if you can believe again and again and again and again and again god is still able let me read to you church's words let me read to you churchill's words hitler thought he had the world in his hands german war boats were multiplied by the hundreds soldiers were fearful here's churchill's statement [Music] if you ask me what is our aim i shall answer in one word v-i-c-t-o-r-y victory and he said it in the face of apparent defeat i don't care how the devil thinks he's defeating this church i'm not leaving it because i know the gates of hell shall not be able to prevail let the storms blow let offshoots rise let the tractors rise let them come up there is an everlasting gospel that shall shake the very foundations of the world and god almighty shall bring them from the east he'll bring them from the west he'll bring them from the north he'll bring them from the salt because the earth shall be filled with the glory of god as waters cover the rolling seas and all the redeemed shall be saved so churchill said i take up my task with buoyancy and hope i feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men churchill said to hitler we will have no truth nor partly with you we will make no deal with you we will have no party or truth with the grisly gang and you that work your wicked will you do your worst you do your worst and we will still pledge to do our best churchill said churchill said let me go to the last part of it your seal for the cause as he looked at his soldiers your seal for the cause must be raised to their highest intensity i say to every pastor to every elder to every officer of the remnant church your zeal for the cause must be raised to their highest intensity let's come back to the basics of the bible let's come back to the plain thus said the lord god let's put on the whole armor of god let's arm ourselves a battle let's have our feet shared with the preparation of the gospel of peace hear me carefully you may have to cry sometimes but dry your eyes and get up and fight again the devil may knock you down sometimes but get up get up get up and fight again he said prepare yourselves prepare yourselves we shall not turn from our purpose however somber the road however grievous the task for surely we know that out of this time of trial out of this time of tribulation will be born a new freedom and glory for all mankind hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah tell the devil the remnant church shall not be destroyed tell the devil he may join the church he may get some pastors to cut down others he may get some elders to cut down others but the hotter the bottle the sweeter the sweeter the sweeter the victory [Music] i'm done i'm done devil joined the church [Music] got israel to behave like canaanites but god will always have a remnant and i challenge you let's come back to the basics of life a faith that is firmly grounded in christ let's come back to being a bible believing people let's come back to being a praying people let's come back to being a forgiving people a loving people let's come back to creating a culture of care let's come tell the devil you will not let him in into your heart you will not pull in the trojan horse tell the devil you have barred the gates against evil tell the devil you are armed against the trojan horse you will not pull him in for your own destruction i'm done i'm done but i will tell you grace is sufficient for every trial you face i love the song because every day i need his grace are you listening to me because i aim to make it into that father's kingdom and i want you to make it into god's kingdom so i say to you cry if you must but don't let go if he knocks you down get up wounded and we re but get up and fight again because his grace is sufficient for every trial you face
Channel: Twinity Plus Ministries
Views: 19,460
Rating: 4.7122302 out of 5
Id: mgKmgaC7GYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 17sec (3497 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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