Nimrod & Easter || Pastor Glen O. Samuels

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adam lived for 930 years nawa lived for 500 years then he begat shem ham and japheth genesis chapter 5 lists the descendants of adam straight down to now on so from adam's descendants from seth straight down to noah and if you begin with how old adam was when he died you'll discover he lived for 930 years and so when you trace that down to the flood you discover the flood came approximately 2 000 years after god made adam 2000 years and all through this period we have the unfolding of evil the unfolding of the great controversy as the devil tries to mess up god's creation and so by the time you get down to the flood you get down to genesis chapter five it tells you how old now i was and don't forget this text he begat sham ham and japheth i'll come back to this for one critical reason connecting to a sacred tradition that we hold there at this time of the year it might shock you to know that easter can be traced all the way back to an early generation keep your seat call up your neighbor send them the link and tell them something is about to happen and you can't miss it and so we get to genesis chapter 6 and so by the time the flood came approximately 2 000 years since god made adam the bible said in genesis 6 verse 5 and god saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually the great controversy is in high gear the devil is trying to obliterate god from the mind of man the struggle between good and evil had reached an alarming proportion and the bible said in genesis 6 and verse 6 it repented the lord that he had made man on the earth and it grieved him at his heart all of them decided to listen to the devil and they became more wicked as the days go by the bible said in verse 7 and the lord said i will destroy man whom i have created from the face of the earth both man and beast the creeping thing the fowls of the air for it repenteth me that i have made them first eight is an awesome verse but but now i found grace in the eyes of the lord the bible described now as a just and an upright man and i stopped by to tell you in the midst of the great controversy in the midst of the struggle between good and evil god will have a people who will stand on the side of right in the midst of ungodliness hear the preacher the great struggle is on but god will never leave himself without a weakness the bible said every imagination of the thoughts of the heart was only evil continually but by the grace of god now lived an upright life so it is in this time in this day while we are moving to the end of time as we are racing towards destiny as we are racing towards the end of the great controversy the same way that our phone grace in god's eyes the same way that never got help to live right in the midst of outright ungodliness you and i by the grace of god can find help are you listening to me and i love that song that says grace is still sufficient for every trial you face for every mountain you must climb forever red sea you must cross over for every sorrow you must encounter for every pain you must deal with for every life that has ever been told against you and you can't defend yourself his grace is sufficient for every trial you face now i found grace the bible said in verse 12 and god looked upon the earth and behold it was corrupt for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth god looked down the great controversy was raging the devil had the majority on his side and the lord god said to noah the end of all flesh is come for the earth is filled with violence through them behold i will destroy them with the earth what a sad picture what an awesome commentary in all of the mess as god looked out they went from one degree of sin to another sin became a science and vice became a virtue and those who dared to do right was coughed at but now will found grace in the eye of the lord and so we we move from adam straight down to noah and i told you when you calculate the years from adam through seth down to now it's approximately 1900 years let's go now to post flood you would have thought that the flood would have taught them a lesson you would have thought that after the flood nobody would dare take side with the evil one but the devil in the midst of the struggle that we call the great controversy the struggle between good and evil the devil's scheme is deception and disconnection and destruction he seeks to deceive justice how he deceived one-third of the angels just as how he deceived and disconnected adam by leading him into disobedience his ultimate aim in the great controversy is deception and destruction he does not want us to live in obedience to god's commandments he does not want us to have a relationship with jesus christ he does not want us to live in a life-changing relationship with a living god and so my friend the flood came and went now i'm in genesis 10. verse one said now these are the generations of the sons of noah shem ham and japheth and unto them were born sons after the flood these are the generations shem ham and japheth we go to verse 5. verse 5 says by these were the isles of the gentiles watch this now by these were the isles of the gentiles divided in their lands everyone after this tongue after their families in their nations now we come to verse eight remember nawaz three sons were shem ham and japheth one of them had a son named cush genesis 10 verse 8 said and cush begat nimrod look at this verse don't rush past it nimrod began to be a mighty one in the earth hear me carefully god does not waste words nimrod began to be a mighty one in the earth i want to go to a little history after a while but i've got to read genesis 11 and verse 4. nimrod is responsible for the building of babel the root of babylon the fiercest opponent to god's truth the beginning of the root that we have even down in revelation called babylon the great the mother of harlot the root of babylon begins right here god had said he would never again destroy the earth by flood god had said that the seed of the woman would crush the head of the serpent now nimrod came out of the flood and he said well i can't trust god let us build a tower whose let's build a city whose tower may reach unto heaven watch this carefully god had just said i will never again destroy the earth by flood here comes nimrod nimrod said let's build us a name let's build us our own defense let's protect ourselves let's build a city let's build it so the tower can reach up to heaven and god himself had to come down and scare them now now hush you first i should tell you when nimrod said he can build a tower he told them we don't want to be scattered we can build a name for ourselves we're going to establish ourselves we can set up our own system distrust of god deception by the evil one to think that they could defy the living god and win and the lord god came down and confounded the language that's genesis 11 let me jump to verse 8 verse 8 of genesis chapter 11 and so the lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth and they left off to build the city nimrod began building here that name you will come to understand later nimrod built nineveh nimrod built pavilion nimrod built the most wicked cities of the then known world is in these cities that defiance of god became right can you understand therefore when god sent jonah down to nineveh he said jonah tell them 40 days time and unless they repent i'll wipe them out jonah was so afraid because he knew of the wickedness of nimrod cities now it's time for some shocking stuff name rod is responsible for the birth of sun worship this is the beginning of sun worship this is the root of a godless system that we have brought inside the christian church and baptized it and we call the season the season of easter i'll show you where it comes from so god woke up the prophet ezekiel the hand of the lord came on him and said son of man i want to show you something in the north look in the north and tell me what you see and i'm sorry to just rush down the text but when you have time read through ezekiel chapter 8 and by the time you get down to somewhere in verse 14 if you'll run with me you'll discover that sun worship began with with with the north built by nimrod's generation and he brought me to the door of the gates of the lord's house which was toward the north and beheld their sat women weeping for chambers mark that name mark that name weeping for thomas then said he unto me hast thou seen this o son of man turn thee yet again and thou shalt see even greater abominations and when he turned as you read the chapter he saw twenty men with their back toward the altar their face toward the sun worshiping the sun as god nimrod taught them that the sun was their garden now now let me go into some history stuff for you now i go put on my other eyes fasten your seatbelt so one of the first shocking thing i'd like to tell you is that on the death of his father nimrod married his own mother remember i told you when god saw the wickedness he said he would destroy the earth the flood came remember i told you that the devil's scheme is deception disconnection and destruction the devil brings in all of these deceptive schemes while helping men to think that they are worshiping all he was doing is providing a false system of security but his ultimate aim is cutting them off from god i haven't forgotten my theme i'm dealing with the great controversy part two so i'm going into a little history and the first point i'm telling you is this nimrod on the death of his father married his own mother nimrod by reason of his i don't want to rush too fast you know beloved when you have time go read up the history of nineveh and the roots of babylon when you have time read up this false system of the sun god so let me let me run down some history nimrod based in genesis he married a woman by the name of semiramis nimrod's wife was nimrod's mother are you listening to me wickedness is moving into second gear when nimrod died his wife became pregnant and in order to pull a wool over the persons in her kingdom she told them that nimrod who now became baal the sun god made her pregnant by the rays of the sun that child that was born to this union his name is taboos remember i told you in ezekiel that he saw them weeping over him hang with me this false system when god scattered them from the plains of china the bible said they were scattered to different parts they carried their evil practices they carried their false worship with them now walk with me so let me not rush this i don't want to miss something here so have you ever wondered where did the church get this picture of a woman holding a baby in her arm and the sun rays around her head you thought that that was born in the christian church uh-uh it was a pagan practice it has nothing to do with mary and jesus are you listening to me so when nimra died you see nimrod became a a god man among his followers then his wife exalted him to be the sun god and they worship him the sun god bell was was seen to be nimrod and so she claimed that she came out of a giant egg that fell from the moon and so the moon also became a goddess in the realm of babylonian false worship follow me carefully so nimrod the sun god semaramis the moon god and tammuz is supposed to be the child fathered by the son and the moon god now tamus became a hunter like his daddy tamils was killed by a wild animal and his mother ordered 40 days of mourning during which time they shouldn't eat any meat that became sacred in the church called the 40 days of length are you listening to me hear me carefully let me read a little bit from the history book for you it says here that ishtar which is pronounced easter was a day that commemorated the resurrection of one of their gods that they called tamus who was believed to be the only begotten son of the moon goddess and the sun god are you listening to me so nimrod was the grandson of now a son whose name is ham i told you earlier ham had a son whose name was kush kush married a woman named seba ramos semiramis had a son named nimrod nimrod on the death of his mother his father married his mother so it is nimrod the sun god samaramis the moon goddess joined together as a part of babylonian false worship so this practice lasted so long that it began infiltrating even among the people of judah so that god showed ezekiel people in the temple with their back toward the altar and their face toward the sun worshiping the sun god hang with the preacher hang with the preacher let me run quickly so semiramis became known as ishtar which is pronounced easter and her moon egg became known as ishtar's egg that we call easter egg are you listening to me have you ever wondered why is it that we have hot cross bun at easter time cemetery said in order to commemorate the death of her son tammuz they should put the cross the tea on the stuff they bake and they should make the sign of the tea in their worship have you ever wondered where do we get this from it's nowhere in the bible follow me carefully i'm talking about the great controversy so hang with me ishtar became pregnant and she said it was the rays of the sun god dale that caused her to be conceived you know what she called it she called it immaculate conception have you ever heard that phrase anywhere else yes inside the church the sun that she brought forth was named thomas tamus was noted to be to be especially fond of rabbits and they became sacred in the ancient religion because thomas was believed to be the son of the sun god baal tamils like his father became a hunter thomas was killed by a wild animal queen ishtar told the people that tamus was now ascended to his father and that the two of them would be worshippers in the sacred candle of the flame ishtar who was now worshipped as the mother of have you ever heard the phrase holy mary mother of god pray for do you know where they got that from listen to me carefully as the great controversy rages ishtar who was now worshipped as the mother of god and the queen of heaven continued to build this mystery religion the queen told the worshipers that when thomas was killed by the wild animal some of his blood fell on the stump of what they call an evergreen tree are you listening to me this made the evergreen tree sacred by the blood of tunnels so also a 40-day period of time of sorrow each year prior to the anniversary of the death of tamus was celebrated that's where we get the 40 days of length from my time is running it was hanging there worshipers were to meditate upon the sacred mysteries of baal and tamils and to make the sign of the tea in front of their hearts as they worship they also etch sacred cakes with the marking of a tea baked on top of it every year no no no have you ever wondered why sometimes easter sunday comes in march middle march late march or early april have you ever wondered why is it that that good friday and easter sunday is always moving easter sunday hear me carefully easter sunday will always come without failing easter sunday will always come on the first sunday after the first full moon after the vernal or spring equinox remember i told you that she said she came down in an egg from the moon i told you that remember so that the easter egg was a part of this pagan culture when you read in the book of acts about easter don't you fool yourself in thinking it was a christian as you know herod was a pagan king herod believed in the pagan culture of easter and it was herod who intended to crucify the person after easter that's the place you find the turks and the term easter hear me carefully easter sunday will always come on the first sunday after the first full moon of the spring or vernal equinox sometimes it comes close to passover and is celebrated with the passover but it was a take on practice and the church the roman church brought all of this and baptized it and gave it a christian flavor i'm not done so every year on the first sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox a celebration was made it was easter's sunday and was celebrated with rabbits and eggs now you know where we get the stuff of bunny rabbits and eggs at easter time the truth is easter has nothing to do with the death of jesus easter has nothing to do with the resurrection of jesus it's a pagan practice nimrod in his defiance and distrust of god nimrod when the text says he became a mighty one in the earth he was not just a mighty hunter he was a mighty one in defiance against god a mighty one and setting the roots of idolatry a mighty one in setting up this kind of obstruction against obedience to the living god and so god scattered them and the root of babylon is called babel found right there after the flood i'm done this part two of the great controversy i want to help you understand my friend we have one redeemer and easter is not his celebration we have one savior and easter sunday has nothing to do with his resurrection do you know what the bible gives us to celebrate the death the burial and resurrection of jesus paul said as he wrote to the corinthian church he said for i have received of the lord jesus christ the same night in which he was betrayed he took bread when he had given thanks he break it and said this is my body which is broken for you as often as you eat it after the same manner he took the cup so let me shortly by telling you when you take communion you're celebrating the death the burial and resurrection of jesus christ easter in this great controversy sacred tradition made sacred not by god but by the traditions of mankind and isn't it sad that we have made easter more sacred than god's sacred sabbath isn't it sad we have given more prominence to the doctrines of men than the commandments of god in the midst of the great controversy i'd have to tell you all around the world they're joining forces to provide legal protection not only for easter sunday but for all sundays the lord god almighty said remember the sabbath year to keep it holy six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work but i shall tell you that sabbath day is not sunday god bless the seventh day god bless the sabbath day it's mankind who brought in this pagan practice who brought in this pagan holiday baptized it and make it sacred to the christian church but jesus christ said in vain do they worship me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men i'm done may god help you to study the facts for yourself may god help you to read the bible and to follow its teachings if you know the genuine you'll spot the counterfeit whenever it raises its head trust in the lord your god lean not to your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your steps let's pray our father and our god give us a mind to seek for truth give us a burning desire to study the word of god to look in the facts of history give us a god a willing mind with an open bible a clear conscience and an honest heart to trust and obey bring us back for our next study i know lord it may be disturbing to some who holds good friday so sacred but i've got to tell the truth it's clear from the facts of history and the same way you brought the flood to destroy a wicked generation you will not tolerate wickedness forever but until then before you bring the last destruction save us we pray let the holy ghost find a sinner tonight a young sinner a wretch lost in sin the holy ghost knock even now on somebody's heart door may your will be done and your kingdom come these are asking in jesus name and together we say amen may god bless you we'll see you next time around
Channel: Twinity Plus Ministries
Views: 22,315
Rating: 4.7014923 out of 5
Id: r3GSp_xqcQc
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Length: 32min 18sec (1938 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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