This gaming setup is INCREDIBLE!

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That Field Of View. Ooof.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/djfil007 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

Nice, editing out the turns.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/mebungle83 📅︎︎ Aug 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

I like how Samsung's website doesn't even list the price to buy that monitor. Instead, you have to "Inquire to Buy" 😂

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/CryptoForAll1337 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

I watched that I would love to have that setup

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/chasebanfield13 📅︎︎ Aug 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

Lol they spend all that money without a care in the world on motion rigs, PC and display, then skimps on the wheel and plays grid. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Edit > On the other hand it’s probably a decent introduction to a “controller racer”. They aren’t going to know about direct drive and fanatec but will definitely have heard of thrustmaster and the motion rig has the “wow cool!” factor to interest people (though I’ve heard it’s a bit gimmicky?). So overall it obviously looks a bit silly to us but hopefully captures the interest of people who haven’t considered sim racing before.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Major-Front 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

Linus will probably only use this once and it’s still 100x better than mine

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TrasedRX 📅︎︎ Aug 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Maybe brakes. - More brakes, more brakes. - We could use brakes. No, no, no, we don't need that much brakes Jake, it's fine. - [Jake] You're gonna need more brakes, you're gonna need more brakes. - We're just gonna, we're gonna rip around like this. Woo! Those of you who are regulars on the channel are probably gonna know this already, but for the rest of you, I got a confession to make. I like ultra wide monitors and I cannot lie and there's no limit to the cringiness of these videos, so if you can't handle this, then you might as well tune out now. Samsung sent us over another one of their Odyssey G9 240Hz, 32 by 9 1000R curved, look how curved this thing is, Ultrawide gaming monitor for a sponsored project and we're gonna take this puppy, we're gonna build the sickest gaming rig you have ever seen and we're gonna mount it right here, oh that's heavy, for the ultimate immersive racing. (grunts) Oh yeah, and this thing like moves and stuff. - [Cameraman] Oh, it's not mounted. (upbeat music) - We've got a few things we need to do. First you've gotta build that PC. I don't wanna deal with cable management. You can do that yourself. I am gonna do the fun stuff and put together the rest of that sim, I kinda started building it. - I see that. - But we do need to put the racing seat actually in the cockpit, get the monitor mounted and then we put it together and try some games. - Tell me about that thing. - (grunts) This is the Next Level Racing Motion Platform V3. It's a two degrees of freedom motion simulator platform. Something like what you might have seen at a trade show, where you get to sit on it, it moves around and it's super cool. Now what's special about this one is it's size. This thing is fricking tiny. This is all you need and it drops right into something like that, which is their GT Track Cockpit setup. You plop the chair right on top, sit on it, plug the USB in and the power, load up their software and it works seamlessly. At least that's what they tell me. And while it is smaller than something you might have seen at a trade show, it doesn't necessarily mean that the price is gonna reflect that. One of these bad boys will run you 3000 US Dollars. - [Linus] What! - Which sounds like a lot-- - Yeah, 'cause it is. - Unless you look at, it is a lot until you look at something from other companies where you might be spending 10 to 15 to $50,000 on maybe something with more degrees of freedom. It's definitely the entry way into this sort of thing. Fortunately for you guys, I already assembled the GT Track, so we don't have to watch that and adding the motion platform to it is pretty easy. - On the computer side of things, we basically went zero compromises, starting with the CPU. We've got a Ryzen 9 3900X 12 core. So whether we're talking highly detailed racing sims or, at some point in the future, we'd really love to fire up the latest version of Microsoft Flight sim on this machine. We're not expecting any kinds of stutters or any chugging, even when we're streaming in large amounts of data from our PCI Express SSD. We're using an X570-Pro Prime Asus motherboard just 'cause it like had all the slots that we needed and loading this puppy up with 32GBs of 3600MHz RGB memory. The RGB makes it go faster. - So now I've got the seat that usually comes with the GT Track and once we've installed the motion platform in there, you just put the seat right on top and bolt it to it. - For our case, we went with the P600s from Phanteks in a black and white configuration that is gonna go really well with the rest of our internal components and the monitor itself, which as you guys might have noticed has this sick, like futuristic looking black and white color scheme. Yeah, hey, hey, just like this water bottle from, woo! This is one good looking system. Power supply, nice choice. I actually, no offense Asus, wouldn't have thought to use an ROG power supply. But this is their Strix 850 watt in white and it even comes with sleeved white cables. These are not the whitest cables I've ever seen. In fact you can see they got kind of like a cream-ish hue, compared to the case, but they're close. You ruined it, didn't you? (gasps) - Yeah it peeled and-- - [Linus] It's horrible. - Now I have to do the, (laughs), we can't leave it like that (groans). - One of my favorite things about this case is just how easy it is to cable manage everything into it. Real nice styles. - It's time to talk peripherals. Now we're not going with something that's like the crazy $1000 wheel setup that just direct drive and you know, you gotta spend a mortgage payment to get, but we wanted to go with something that was still very, very good. And we knew just who to call. So the guys over at Thrustmaster sent over their new T-LCM Pedal set. These are a lot like, you know, the average pedals you might see at your Best Buy, but rather than just being a potentiometer inside and having sort of a linear travel, these are load cell pedals, which means you get a lot more accurate feel. And look at how fricking nice they are. That's all aluminum baby. The rest of our Thrustmaster stuff includes their TH8A Shifter, which is a pretty nice gated shifter, as well as (grunts) the T300 RS Wheel, which we have combined with the Add-On Open Wheel. So that's kind of a GT4 style, pretty dope looking wheel that we used to swap out the stock one. Wow, its even like kinda Alcantara-y and this uses the same modular system as that wheel, so we should be able to just plop it right on, twist the lock on and we're good to go. - Now it's finally time for the cherry on top of this gorgeous gaming sundae. The Asus ROG Strix gaming, for gamers, 2080Ti, white edition. - Unlike a lot of the home gamer stuff where you might have a clamp on the bottom of your wheel, fortunately the GT Track has holes pre-drilled, so we can mount our wheel directly on there. Unfortunately for our shifter, it doesn't look like there's a pre-defined hole, so I'm just gonna screw it on there. Fortunately for us, our pedals can actually be mounted directly to the GT Track just like the wheels so they won't be moving around. - [Linus] That's the biggest one. - What? - [Linus] Pedals, like if your pedals are moving around. - Oh yeah. - It's the fricking worst. - Yeah, especially when you got short legs, right? (laughs) - And that's it, system's done. - [Jake] What, you're already done? - Yeah. - I'm not even close. - This isn't gonna stay on here because we're gonna mount it to the racing setup, but for me to just setup Windows and get games installed and stuff, this is a little bit easier. I get such a kick out of sitting in front of one of these and like hearing the way your voice echos back at you. Like, oh hi, that's a lot of monitor there. Built in RGB is very, very RGB. - All right, I can get behind that. - [Linus] In front of it? - Like get behind. - Oh. 5120 x 1440. Ugh, that is so much resolution at this refresh rate. Look at that smoothness. - Wow. - 240Hz! Latest drivers are on here, so are we ready to mount this? - Yeah. - Where does it even mount to? - Oh it's-- - Where'd it go? - It's separate. - Oh. - So it's got wheels so you can slide it-- - Oh weird. - In and out of the way. - Samsung includes an adapter because as you can see, the back of this monitor is not exactly conducive to mounting on a VESA compatible arm, but with this adapter we can make up some of that depth there and then mount to these screws right here. I didn't think it was possible for this thing to look any cooler but now, oh damn it, I did it upside down. - [Jake] What, are you kidding me? - No. - Jesus. - I put it down thinking it was like I had done this, but I brought all the way round, it doesn't matter. (beep) Sweet, you know I questioned the wheels before, but this is actually kinda nice just to be able to like-- - Yeah. - Get it out if the way or you know, just... - Well if this part is gonna be movable, you might as well have that, right? - Yeah. All right, cool. - Show off that-- - Oh, I wanna see the window though. I wanna see the window while I'm driving. - Oh, oh, I see, okay. - Yeah, there you go. - Oh my, Jesus. - [Linus] Whoops, okay, yeah that's fine. - Amateur hour over here. - It's all good, it's all good. (beep) Oh. - Wait, what? - Oh, wait, we're not plugged, the monitor-- - [Jake] Oh yeah, we forgot about that! - The centerpiece, Jake! - Sorry. - The centerpiece! - Sorry Samsung, don't hate me. - Right, got my clutch, whoa, here we go! - [Jake] Do you have the, oh man. - That's fine, no, no, see that's a good system. It's a good system we got up in here, definitely. - [Jake] We don't have audio. - Holds in place pretty well. - We need to get some speakers, how did we bungle that up? - We? - Oh, how did I bungle that up? (engine revving) - Oops. - Oh, money shifted it. - Wrong gear, wrong gear. Wrong gear. - Engine's gone. - To the credit of this setup, I'm finding this a lot easier than I normally do. Like it pulls me forward a little bit. Oh, and I can tell when I lose traction. - [Jake] Yeah. - Like visually I couldn't tell. - [Jake] Oh, and engine gone again. You're in third gear again. - Oh my! - Go to fifth! - Hold on. (Jake laughs) I love going over bumps like on the, just the curb on the edge of the road, it's great. 'Cause you can really like, oh yeah, I'm going over a bump here boys. Man, this is running crazy smooth too. Like we're over a 100fps. Obviously this is a high refresh rate Gsync monitor-- - There you go, how's that? - It's like freaking sweet. - Just a little tachometer. - It's not really a map. - [Jake] Well I'm working on the map. - Oh I was okay with the tach the way it was, now that I found it. Did I stall, I can't even tell when I stall. Oh boy that's-- - Oh God. - Very unhelpful. - Whoops. - Trés unhelpful, almost all of these are worse. Oh, you know what, this actually is quite a bit better in terms of like the tilt of the camera, feeling like the tilt of the chair I'm in. Man, you've really got to give her, forced feedback might actually be a little strong even. 200km an hour, here we go, here we go, 200km an hour! Woo! 206, what's the top speed of this thing? Thinking we're probably getting there. - Maybe brakes. - More brakes, more brakes. - We could use brakes. No, no, no, we don't need that much brakes Jake, it's fine. - [Jake] You're gonna need more brakes, you're gonna need more brakes. - We're just gonna, we're gonna rip around like this. Woo! - [Jake] Too fast, too furious Linus. - Now your lap time-- - We're third. - 13:29. - Yeah, woo, that pretty good? - [Linus] No? - If there's no fit I'm thinking, yes, I want it so bad. - [Jake] This is not a good car for the road but... - This is how I would probably actually drive this road. It's a blind corner, slow down David. - [Jake] There's no cars coming, drive away. Wasn't clear. It is such a hybrid 'cause it's a 100 horsepower motor. Oh, what, wou didn't crash? - Yo, I know the Honda Fit bro. - [Jake] (laughs) I don't know (beep) about Honda Fit. - Why do you think my Honda Fit's so banged up? What do you think I do on the weekends? - You know a real car, especially GTRS. This type of car won't have that much of a bodyroll. - Oh (beep), okay, okay. - Oh I turned, I turned. - Yay. - The thing is if you're using a wheel, you can really save the car, but I could not do that with controllers. It's super hard to save it. Yeah! - Oh no. - Ooh (beep). - This does not feel like the clutch in this car. Not even a little bit, whoa. (engine revving) Oh no, I didn't realize there was a corner there. Don't mind me, I know what I'm doing. This is literally the car I have sitting outside so I should be able to drive this. Feels just a sketch at speed. (laughs) Oh man. Come on baby. (laughs) (beep) - Big thank you to Samsung for sponsoring this video. We've been looking for an excuse to put together something like this for quite some time and their Odyssey G9 is a freaking awesome fit for it with that ultra, super, extra wide aspect ratio, high refresh rate, high resolution. On these monitors in the past, you'd see a lot of aliasing or stair-stepping on the graphics. Not freaking noticeable here at all at a comfortable viewing distance. So, hey guys if you're looking for a setup like this or just a balls to the wall gaming setup and you love that immersive wide aspect ratio and tight curve then check it out. We're gonna have it linked in the video description. Also wanna shout out Next Level Racing and all the folks who provided hardware for our rig here. This is one screamer of a gaming setup. If you guys enjoyed this video maybe check out the one where I try kinda this concept but in VR and got super sick. We're gonna have that linked below. Hey, if you're in a bathroom in Denmark, what are you? - I don't know. - European. (Jake laughs)
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 2,062,900
Rating: 4.9241281 out of 5
Keywords: Samsung, Odyssey, Monitor, Racing, Gaming, PC, DIY, Simulator, Race, Steering Wheel, Thrustmaster, Peripherals, Motion, Feedback, Ultrawide, G9, G7, Grind, AMD, Ryzen, Nvidia, Next Level Racing
Id: lJkPtX4rXug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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